Regent Farm First School | Busy Bees Autumn Newsletter

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Year 1 Busy Bees Autumn Newsletter 2011

Fairytales; castles, dragons, princesses and princes. Week 1 (Back to school 6th September)

The children will become familiar with the new routine in year one and we will spend the week getting to know each other. Each day we will be carrying out specific activities related to different skills for example ‘body smart’ where children take part in different physical activities etc. The children will decide at the end of the week which smart best fits them and their strengths.

Week 2 (Beginning 12th September)

We will introduce our new topic ‘Fairy tales’, the children will explore familiar traditional tales like Rapunzel and enjoy acting these out and making story maps in class. We will be designing a fairytale setting fit for a princess and prince! The children will be taking part in PE Thursday and Friday afternoon. They will also have the opportunity to take a library book home every Friday so please bring in your book bags!

Week 3 (Beginning 19th September)

This week the children will use their imagination to tell their own fairytales and they will also have the fabulous opportunity to take part in a story telling workshop with Chris Bostock who is visiting the school on Tuesday 20th. So why not have a go at making up a fairytale together instead of a bedtime story this week...

Week 4 (Beginning 26th September)

During the week we will be looking at Fairytale dragons and reading the book ‘Georges Dragon’ by Claire Freedman and ‘Dragon Stew’ by Steve Smallman. The children will design their ideal dragon to look after them and then they will bring their dragon to life by creating a clay version...

Week 5 (Beginning 3rd October)

We will continue to look at where fairytales are set. We’ll be looking at Kings and Queens who live in castles and learn what they are used for. The children will be going on a school trip to Alnwick Castle to see what a castle is like up close and they will have the opportunity to explore the towers and rooms to get a good feel for what they are like.

Week 6 (Beginning 10th October )

Throughout the week the children will design a plan of a castle with a friend and then they’ll make it using junk materials (we would be very grateful if you could bring in any small and medium sized boxes if you have them at the start of this week).

Week 7 (Beginning 17th October)

This week we will be finishing our fairytales topic and writing our own fairytale book. We will also be celebrating Harvest Festival and having a whole school Harvest Assembly (dates to follow).

I would appreciate it if you could name all your child’s uniform as it can cause a lot of confusion when a child looses an item of clothing. If you have any questions about the curriculum or year one please come and speak to me. Thanks Miss Horn

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