Deborah Ashcroft Headteacher
Regent Farm First School Wansbeck Road, Gosforth Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 3PE Telephone (0191) 2852294 Fax (0191) 2852294
Friday 19th November 2010 Dear Parents and Carers,
Disco was a Great Success! Thank you to everyone who came along to support our Friends of Regent Farm Halloween Disco. I am delighted to say that we made a profit of £437 – which is fabulous. Many thanks to all the committee for their hard work. On behalf of the school I would like to say a special thank you to Mrs. Aspin and Mr. Conway who organised the event so successfully. The next FRF event will be our Christmas Fayre on Friday 10th December at 3.30pm. Helping to Get Children to School on Time You may have heard from your children about our new attendance/punctuality initiative. We all know that children who attend school every day make great progress therefore we wish to encourage regular attendance with our new scheme. Each day children who arrive in their classrooms on time will receive a raffle ticket. These tickets will go into a weekly draw which will be held during our merit assemblies. One child in each key stage will receive a small prize. The first draws will be held on: Wednesday 24th November (Key Stage One and Two – Years 1-4) Friday 26th November (EYFS – Nursery and Reception) At the end of term we plan to have a bigger draw for children who have recorded very good attendance this term (98% or above). Christmas Performances I do hope that you received a letter explaining when our performances are this year. Please note that parents will not be able to attend dress rehearsals this year. This should give our children a little more time to practise!
Kind Regards
Deborah Ashcroft