Pirates Overview Spring

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Year 1 The Pirates Spring Newsletter 2012 ‘Links’- The Money Tree Week


1 w/b: 20/02

As you already know, our challenge for this half term is to link money to the environment and we have begun the week by reading the first chapter of the book ‘Megan and the Money Tree’ which aims to introduce basic financial concepts to children. We have written ideas about what we think is going to happen in the story based on the characters and events so far. We also discussed how different groups of people get their money and how this relates to people in our lives. We went into the yard to looking for things that were living and not living as well as describing our environment compared to the rainforest environment.

2 w/b: 27/02

This week is a busy week as it is World Book Day and we have a special workshop called ‘Explore Learning’ based on maths concepts, all on Thursday! Also during the week we will be reading the next chapter of ‘Megan and the Money Tree’ and writing instructions of how to make an apple cake as well as doing a whole host of activities on Friday about the story Burglar Bill. Continuing with our maths work, we will be adding amounts of money together and for our environment work we will be doing an investigation with plants.

3 w/b: 05/03

This week is Eco– week and we have our trip to St. Nicholas Park on Monday morning. If you would like to come on the trip as a parent helper, please let Miss Smith know. As part of Eco– week, we will be reading a book called ‘Hip hip hurray we found teddy’ which teaches children what they can do to keep the environment clean and healthy so we’ll do lots of activities around that theme! Continuing with the money side of our topic, we have a visitor coming into school from Santander bank to speak to us about savings.

4 w/b: 12/03

A few weeks ago we began designing a money box as part of our topic related to money and the aim is to have begun making it by now...from wood! This will take some time to do because of the safety aspects of this project but we aim for everyone to make their own money box for all the busy jobs I’m sure your children do at home!

5 w/b: 19/03

As Easter is coming up, we will be reading bible stories about the resurrection of Jesus and new life. Linking to the environment side of our topic, we will be naming different parts of plants, what they need to grow and hopefully doing some planting of our own. We will read chapter 5 of ’Megan and the Money Tree’ called ’Decisions’ all about spending priorities and getting the best value when making a purchase.

6 w/b: 26/03

An exciting half term ends with lots of Easter activities, the final chapter of ‘Megan and the Money Tree’ called ‘Growing’, recapping on all the money work we have been doing, ensuring that we are confident with all the concepts when working with money and Enterprise Day (more details will follow about this very special day). Our money boxes that we have been busy making should be completed, decorated and ready to come home!

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