Year 1 The Pirates Autumn Newsletter 2011 Introducing me! And The Pirates Week
1 w/b: 05/09
Our first week in Year One will be all about getting to know each other. We’ll be writing a postcard of what we have been up to during the summer holidays, talking about our class rules and expectations and discussing what we want to learn and find out about pirates!
2 w/b: 12/09
This week and next week we will be completing all our SMART activities. These are 9 different areas which we will complete activities in to discover which ones we are best at, showing that everyone has a skill and something they are particularly good at. This week will be music, 2D/3D, people, self, number and word SMART.
3 w/b: 19/09
Continuing on with our SMART theme, we will be completing word SMART, practical, body and nature SMART as well as continuing to make our classroom as piratey as we can!
4 w/b: 26/09
This week we will be making maps and writing a list of questions we would like to ask a pirate, seeing if we can find out the answers ourselves. We will also be writing captions to pirate pictures, starting a pirate dictionary and writing our own pirate stories.
5 w/b: 03/10
Miss Smith is heading off for an adventure this weekend so we will be writing her a list of things she will need for her voyage with Captain Blackbeard! We also need to write a letter to her cat explaining where she has gone for the weekend and draw a wanted poster in case she doesn't come back!
6 w/b: 10/10
I’m hoping Miss Smith is back by now but if not, this week we will be learning about Harvest ready for our Harvest festival which is a celebration of giving and being thankful. We will find out how this relates to other celebrations in different cultures and religions. Also this week, we’ll be making individually designed patchwork squares for a large school patchwork quilt and playing a very piratey reading game!
7 w/b: 17/10
Our last week of this half term already and we’ll all be very excited about Halloween so this week is Halloween week! We’ll play a quiz, make spooky soup, measure wiggly worms, draw spooky pictures in the ICT suite, make a 3D witch for a table decoration as well as writing our own party invites and talking lots about what we will be doing for Halloween including our likes and dislikes, phew!!