Year 3 Celebrate Topic Week One (Week beginning 31/10/11) To begin our first week we will be looking at Bonfire Night, finding out the history behind it, thinking about some firework safety and making firework poems. Film Club will begin again on the Friday, as will this term’s spellings and homework project, this time on celebrations. Week Two (Week beginning 7/11/11) In our second week we will be thinking about Remembrance Day, finding out how it began and why it is important. Parent’s Evening will be taking place on the Monday and Wednesday after school. On the Friday it will be the final day to hand in your Bags for School. Week Three (Week beginning 14/11/11) For the third week birthday celebrations will be our focus. On the Monday we will also be visited by a theatre group. Friday will be a day supporting Children in Need. Week Four (Week beginning 21/11/11) Divali will be our focus celebration this week. It will also be the final Film Club session of this term on the Friday. Week Five (Week beginning 28/11/11) When December begins, then Christmas will become our final celebration focus. Various Christmas activities will be taking place, such as looking at the story behind it and making our own decorations such as stockings. Week Six (Week beginning 5/12/11) Our Christmas focus will continue, making our own Christmas stories this week. We will also have a Walk Smart Road Safety visit. Week Seven (Week beginning 12/12/11) This will be the final week of the term. On the Wednesday we will be having our Christmas trip to the Northern Stage. No doubt we will also be having our own Christmas celebrations in class! Homework projects will also be due this week. We plan to make a celebrations display, so if you have any photos of your child during a celebration (such as their birthday) that you would be happy for them to bring to school and be displayed using blu tac, then that would be appreciated. The photos would later be returned. Again reading books are to be returned on a Monday, with a comment for how their reading went. If your child finishes their book before this day though, then they are encouraged to swap their book for a new one. Finally, make sure to check our school website – we will be adding photos, letters and hopefully some videos of what we get up to in school.