Year 3 homework project - Design a planet This half term we are trialling a ‘topic’ based homework. We want this work to be child led and offer an element of freedom to showcase their individual talents, so this may take various forms such as a scrapbook, model, drawing, powerpoint, dance, drama and so on. To tie in with our alien topic, for your child’s homework project we would like them to design their own planet! Each week we will send home a key question to provide a simple structure and to help them think about what their planet might need; but this is not a conclusive list and your child is free to expand on any element of detail of their planet that they want to. We would like the homework to be as creative and as interesting to your child as possible, so it is up to them how they wish to present the topic. For example, it could be a scrapbook, a leaflet advertising the planet, a presentation, drama (perhaps as a news report that the new planet has been found), a model or drawings of the planet and its features – there are no right or wrong things to do! Projects do not need to be returned to school each week but please feel free to annotate within your child’s homework book how they are getting on and whether or not they are enjoying the project as this will help us decide whether to continue with this format. Homework books should be returned weekly on a Friday in order to receive the latest spellings and topic question. We encourage you to help your child with their project as much or as little as they want you to, and again it is up to them, and you, how much time is spent on the task. Your child’s completed project should be returned to school from Monday 17 th October and be in school no later that the morning of Wednesday 19 th October, in order to have mini presentations and celebrations of each child’s project. We can’t wait to see what you get up to!! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask us. Week 1’s Key Question What will your planet be called?
Year 3 spelling homework We will have spellings to practise each week with a spelling test on a Friday. Books must be returned on a Friday for the latest spellings.