The Regent World SUmmer 2011

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The Regent

Summer 2011, Volume 23, Number 2


Maxine Hancock


n Robert Browning’s poem “Rabbi Ben Ezra,” the Rabbi may sound just a little too cheerful when he opens his monologue with the exclamation, “Grow old along with me! / The best is yet to be …” But surely he is at least on the right track when he argues that old age is a part of the Creator’s design for a life. He pictures God as a Master Potter, carefully shaping a chalice worthy to bear a life that is, finally, to be offered as a libation to God. In today’s culture, where a person’s worth is too often measured by economic or aesthetic criteria, we need desperately to recover at least a glimpse of such confidence. With a rapidly-growing aging population, we need to enunciate a truly biblical, deeply Christian response to the last years of life. Having walked with my in-laws and my own parents through their long years of decline—they all died at close to ninety years of age—I am under no illusions about old age being “golden years” or death being “the final stage of growth.” But I also have had the privilege of watching people whose long habits of spiritual discipline and personal devotion taught them to accept infirmity with patience and care with gratitude. Even those who

experienced dementia retained a core identity grounded in Christ; they met death at peace and unafraid. So fortified, I face the challenge of being both truthful and hopeful as I now near the invisible dividing line of “three-score years and ten.” Let us re-title these last chapters of life as “A Time for Blessing.” We who follow Jesus as Lord have been drawn by the Spirit of God into Christ’s risen, unending life, with resources for both our “mortal bodies” and, ultimately, our resurrection (Romans 8). We have also become heirs of the patriarchs, who offer us models of late-life blessing. We see, for example, Abraham blessing his sons, and Jacob—after a lifetime of wrestling for the blessing—passing that blessing on to his. Blessing, like charity, begins at home, as we grow in love for those closest to us, a love that goes that distance, stretching around loss and change. We extend that blessing to our children or godchildren or spiritual children, and to their children. We seek ways to transmit the legacy of the knowledge of the Scriptures to another generation. My memories are full of daily reading of the Scriptures around the table after evening meals; of Sunday dinners with lively conversations about the themes of the morning’s sermon (and yes—analysis of exegesis and performance, too). It is, however, a huge challenge to find ways to keep such knowledge alive in an age in which the lives of even very young children are dominated by electronic games and

digital technology. Creative thought has to be given and occasions deliberately created if the Great Story is to be shared with another generation. Martha Zimmerman’s book, Celebrating Biblical Feasts (Bethany House, 2004) provides a set of templates that can be turned into events at home or church. Acting on the suggestion of a Regent spouse, I have shared the beautifully illustrated Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally LloydJones (Zondervan, 2007) with all of our grand-families. There is a blessing, too, for us to give by simply becoming “alongsiders” to the generations that follow us: affirming seekers or beginners in the faith; encouraging new parents; mentoring people starting out in careers we have completed. While advice—especially if unsought— is most likely to be rejected, and recounting our stories is probably best saved for our journals, we can offer loving listening, faithful praying, and constant encouragement. Older friends who accept and affirm young people in non-judgmental, supportive relationships, are few and dearly loved. I remember such friends from the early days of marriage and parenthood; people who treated us, across a generation or two, with loving respect, and shared their lives with us. I love them still. T here are huge hurdles, of course: children immersed in a virtual world and teens more interested in exchanges on social media than face-to-face conversations; two-career couples with barely enough time to talk with each other, continued on p.3

Home and Hospitality:

from the president

Honouring Rita Houston

Under the theme of “aging well,” it is appropriate to honour Rita Houston, an individual who has had a huge impact on Regent College since it was birthed. Born in Glasgow, Scotland on January 28, 1924, Rita came to Canada with her four children and husband, Jim, for the commencement of Regent College in 1969. Over the past forty-one years, she has exemplified the true nature of home and hospitality.

When people talk about the ultimate vocational destination of Regent College graduates, three terms are usually employed—church, marketplace, and academy. While these three categories are helpful, they inadvertently ignore the centrality of home and hospitality

The Regent World Spring 2011, Volume 23, Number 2

Senior Editor Dal Schindell Editor Veronika Klaptocz Designer Rosi Petkova 2

and the fact that these arenas often form the fundamental foundation for all work. Yet in the contemporary culture, home is often associated with specific political ideologies, or with a debate as to the appropriate place for women to work, or with a haven to protect oneself from the vicissitudes of outside life. In contrast, the biblical message on home and hospitality is rooted in an honour and shame culture where the welcoming of the stranger as a guest is a powerful symbol of acceptance. First of all, biblical hospitality demonstrates an intimate connection with God. In Exodus 24, at the confirmation of the covenant, Moses, Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, along with seventy elders, meet with God. The simplicity of verse 11 captures the nature of God’s hospitality and provides us with a prefiguring of the Eucharistic meal: “But God did not raise his hand against these leaders of the Israelites; they saw God, and they ate and drank.” Second, biblical hospitality reflects our acceptance of Jesus. The words of John 1:11—“He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him”—need to be understood through New Testament ears. For Jesus not to be welcomed and not to experience hospitality is a stinging indictment, a truth that is expanded even further when Jesus teaches: “I tell you the truth, whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me; and whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me” (John 13:20). Third, biblical hospitality turns the stranger into a guest. In Matthew 9:10–13, the Pharisees are upset with Jesus as he welcomes tax collectors and sinners as guests in Matthew’s house. When Jesus is a guest at Simon’s house (Luke 7:36–50), he receives the worship of a woman with a jar of perfume. When Simon is critical of what

she is doing, Jesus rebukes him by indicating that he did not wipe his feet, nor kiss him, nor anoint him. In other words, the host did not honour the guest. Fourth, biblical hospitality is a primary expression of love. It is noteworthy that when the ethics of love are listed in both the book of Romans and 1 Peter, Paul encourages us to “share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality (Romans 12:13),” while Peter argues that we should “offer hospitality to one another without grumbling” (1 Peter 4:9). Through the preparation and serving of food, the clear teaching of Scripture in the context of small groups, and her curious mind and probing questions, Rita Houston has demonstrated and embodied hospitality that reflects an intimate connection with God, an acceptance of Jesus, the transformation of strangers into guests, and a primary expression of love.

In Chapel on Tuesday, April 12, 2011, we honoured this choice servant of God in two ways. The Regent College Kitchen will now be known as the The Rita Houston Kitchen in honour of the commitment to home and hospitality that has characterized Rita’s faithful ministry at Regent since the late 1960s. The new name will be a call to all those who prepare or receive food and drink from this kitchen to carry Rita’s commitment to hospitality into the church, the academy, and the marketplace. A number of Rita’s friends have provided funds to initiate the Rita Houston Scholarship, which will allow future generations of students to be helped financially while they are able to remember a woman who had a deep love for Regent students. Thanks be to God for Rita Houston!

Rod J. K. Wilson Regent College President

Writers Ahna Phillips, Veronika Klaptocz Photographers Roland Carelse-Borzel, Martin Dee, Darin Dueck, Bruce Jeffrey, Ken McAllister, Celia Olson Printer Western Printers 5800 University Blvd, Vancouver, BC V9T 2E4 Canada

Interview with Jim Houston

Jim Houston was the founding Principal of Regent College, Chancellor, then Professor of Spiritual Theology. He is teaching a course entitled “Living Elders in a Dying Church” during the Spring Session. Jim shares his thoughts on our aging Western society, on the lack of a distinction between elders and seniors in our culture, and with it the loss of our true identity as people of God. RW: What particular experiences and concerns inspired you to design a course on elders in the church? JH: The course stems from a book that I’m co-authoring with Michael Parker, Associate Professor in gerontology at the University of Alabama. The book looks at the aging of the entire population in the Western world, arguing that this will create a demographic tsunami. Dr. Parker is writing from the perspective of his medical profession, and he invited me to write from the theological perspective. On one hand, medical advances are allowing more people to live longer. The result is that we simply won’t be able to afford the huge costs of pension funds and medicare. Second, the effect of abortions and birth control, and of women postponing having children in favour of professional development, means that the reproductive rates in Western societies are not being sustained. This is all happening because our society is not a caring one but a narcissistic and individualistic one. The cause for

narcissism in our culture is our focus on our professional identity, which produces a depleted self. If what you do determines who you are, you are not being fully human. We were designed for a relational life with God and with our neighbour. We have never had such a situation when identity has been so distorted, so skewed in favour of “the professional self.” And this is true in both secular society and in the church. If the identity of a pastor is to be primarily a pastor, or of a teacher to be primarily a teacher, then both will tend towards narcissism, affected by being “a depleted self.” They illustrate the incomplete understanding of what it means to be fully human.

RW: You mention in your course description that even as our population of older adults is growing, our focus on youth culture has left little room for training older adults to take on roles of eldership. How do you think our society views seniors, especially once they retire and are no longer perceived to be “useful”? JH: A senior is someone who’s retired from their profession and therefore seen as having no longer a functional identity, and therefore little purpose for society. An elder is someone who, all his or her life, has been committed to relational values such as friendship and family. As elders grow old, they continue to foster communal values and strong relationships. From the Old Testament, the elder is the one who facilitates the maturing of personal relationships within the com-

munity. In John’s Book of Revelation, we see the Heavenly Host, the Lamb Who Was Slain, led in worship by twenty-four elders. Many traditions, like the Baptists, have no concept of the elder. They ordain deacons but not elders. This is a serious problem for the programmatic nature of most Evangelical churches.

RW: What can we, as a society of both young and old, do to reverse some of these trends? JH : It is important to recognize that our identity is not intrinsically professional. Who you relate to is more important than what you do. As Christians, we need all the resources of the Triune God to make us truly relational. “The person” is not an anthropological category but a theological one. Without Christ, we will never understand personhood adequately. It doesn’t matter who the person is—president, professor, etc. If their identity is exclusively based on their profession, then they’re not a whole person. A Christian should be dedicated primarily to “the pursuit of the personal,” and not just the professional.

Archie Wudel of Calgary, a dear and longtime friend to Regent College, passed away on April 29 at the age of 85. We thank God for the faithful and exemplary life that Archie lived and for his generosity in creating the James Houston Leadership Scholarship in 1992. The scholarship is awarded annually to a student from Hong Kong or Mainland China who demonstrates giftedness in evangelism.

continued from the cover

let alone time to spend with older friends; churches divided by age, with those past retirement more often entertained than offered meaningful opportunities to bless. But cultural structures can be challenged and changed. Ours

founding faculty profile

Living Elders in a Dying Church:

Archie Wudel 1926–2011

A TIME FOR BLESSING can be the generation that promotes the blessing of intergenerational fellowship at table and at the Lord’s Table. One day, at the end of life, we will be in need of the blessing of others in shelter and sustaining care. Meanwhile, let

us ask the Spirit to stir us to win—and pass on—the blessings of age. Maxine Hancock Professor Emerita of Interdisciplinary Studies and Spiritual Theology 3

In a Society that Promises Eternal Youth, What Does It The phrase “aging well” invokes many connotations. On the surface, it may suggest preserving a youthful physical appearance, being in good health, and enjoying a retirement devoted to the pursuit of travel, leisure, and hobbies. At a deeper level, “aging well” may mean reaping the fruits of close relationships that have been nourished over the decades, and volunteering time and expertise to the community and the church. But it may, and often does, also mean responding to intense suffering brought about by deaths of life partners and dear friends, by an illness, or by a general slowing down and stripping away of various faculties. We asked four current students and recent graduates of Regent College to reflect on what “aging well” means to them, and on how they have responded to the circumstances in their lives—both welcome and unwelcome—brought about by the process of aging.

student profiles

Janet Russell 52, Bellingham A few months ago, I would have thought of “aging well” in terms of good health, vital ministry, and deep relationships. After going through a season of serious illness—a severe bout with asthmalike symptoms requiring hospitalization and many months of recovery— my perspective has somewhat changed. Right now, I am thankful for the gift of life, for every breath, for simple pleasures of walks in the woods and being able to be with friends. Ministry for me, right now, is not preaching, teaching, or other up-front activities, but mentoring, facilitating small groups, and nurturing spiritual friendships. I think aging well means adapting to the life the Lord gives with grace and patience. It is being constantly aware of his unfailing love and trusting

in his goodness, regardless of health situation or ministry opportunities. It is living each day, with thanksgiving and joy. I can’t say I have always done that. I tried to see this season as a gift to be embraced, as time to rest and pray, but often, I struggled against the wrappings of the gift. The folks at Regent have been wonderful. Through their graciousness, much prayer, and the help of several friends, I was able to complete two courses this semester. It is a miracle. I do expect to fully recover and continue studies in the fall. But, more importantly, I pray that I will honour Christ with an attitude of thanksgiving and a growing love for him and the people he gave his life for—these are things that are unaffected by health and diminishing energy. Janet Russell is enrolled in the Master of Divinity program. She is a pastoral intern at Bellingham Covenant Church, where she mentors, leads small groups, and facilitates prayer and adult ministries. She is married to Marc and has three adult children. She loves reading, enjoys spending time outdoors, volunteers with various local organizations, and participates in international mission trips, most recently to Belize.

Donald Gallaher 75, A major reason for my deciding to attend Regent and work towards an MCS degree was because my beloved wife of forty-eight years, Yolande, died of metastatic breast cancer near the end of 2007, and I desperately needed some sort of “t h e r a p y.” I thought this action would be best (and I was right!). I think C.S. Lewis probably had the same reason for writing his book A Grief Observed after losing his wife Joy to cancer. In addition to the “therapy” I experience through going to Regent, another form of therapy for me has been visiting our friends and members of Lande’s fam4

S. Surrey

ily. Lande has relatives on her German mother’s side in Winnipeg and western Ontario. We still have friends in London, Ontario, where we lived from 1969 to 1976. In the summer of 2009, I visited friends and family on her English father’s side in the south of England near Salisbury. And this summer, I’m going to see our son Brandon receive his DPhil in Theology from Oxford. I’ll be traveling with my old high school friend Erwin, with whom I have reconnected since Lande’s passing. From there, we will go to Germany to see yet other friends who live around Stuttgart. And next summer, I’m hoping to go to the Far East, where Lande and I have never visited, to see yet more friends. This is all “therapy” as I tell them how much I love Lande and share time with them, and it helps, as well as my attendance at Regent has done. Donald Gallaher is pursuing a Master of Christian Studies degree, which he hopes to complete this fall. Although born in Vancouver, he and his wife Lande lived all over the world: in Wolfville (Nova Scotia), Toronto, London (Ontario), Seattle, and Belfast. Donald’s working background is in the sciences, specifically in theoretical physics. He has two children and five grandchildren.

Mean to “Age Well”? Linda Seale 58, Abbotsford The challenges of “aging well” are mature forms of challenges faced by a young person: do you age toward refinement of character, deeper devotion, greater wisdom? Seeds of that are planted in our youth. Aging well is a process that begins by doing any stage of life well. Part of aging well is also being a good leader. There has been resistance in my cohort to turning things over to young leaders, and I’ve been reminding people that if they don’t get out of the way, God will find a way to get them out! If there’s anything my cohort is called to do, it is to stand there with encouragement, to provide that fertile soil in which new leaders can develop. Mentoring becomes one of your chief tasks as you hit your fifties and sixties. And mentoring involves wisdom. In a world overwhelmed with information, we are sadly lacking in wisdom. Wisdom develops over a lifetime of pondering and integrating the experiences given by our Lord. We need to pass this on to the next generations to help them mature. This comes from Jesus’ call to baptize: the call is to bring to maturity in Christ, and not just to bring people to an acquaintance with him. The issues we face as older adults are aging parents, friends becoming limited in physical and mental situations, people our age dying, and these are shocking to our system. Unless faith has opened up a concept that this life is a precursor to the kingdom of God, the experience of

encountering mortality is devastating—it either makes faith stronger or shatters it. And so it’s not just about aging well but about dying well; about how we do that in a way that enriches, encourages, and embraces the cycle of life that God has given us. And as you get closer to the end, you realize you’re running out of chances to do things right. I want my life to honour God in how I behave and in what I do. I want to bring glory to God and be an encouragement to the ones he loves, which is everyone. Linda Seale graduated with a Master of Christian Studies degree in Applied Theology from Regent College in April 2010. She has two adult sons, a daughter-in-law, and one grandchild. In addition to running a blueberry farm with her husband Kerry, Linda is heavily involved in St. Matthew’s Anglican Church, where she mentors new leaders, holds leadership roles in parish council and administration, and helps prepare candidates for baptism.

In this youth culture, “aging well” can mean not aging, denying—there is the temptation to deny who you really are. And in a society that stratifies people by age, we lack a sense of a village where old and young relate on a regular basis. Being at Regent has been a wonderful opportunity to bridge the gap between the younger and the older generations. I came to Regent to finish something I wasn’t able to forty years ago: a master’s degree. I am finishing a life-long pursuit of learning, reading, and thinking about what it means to be human. And because of my life experiences, I can be a mentor to a lot of young people here, and that’s a role that I’ve taken on intentionally. Coming to Regent was also part of a process of grieving after losing my wife of thirty-five years. The loss shook me out of a sense of security and defensiveness, and there are fewer things in life that I’m certain about. But the few things that I am certain of have become anchors. My faith is also less certain and more open—the basics of what I find necessary to carry on in my pilgrimage are more cut back to the essentials. It’s like carrying just one backpack and one solid stick, instead of pulling a whole wagon of beliefs behind me. The main provisions in my backpack are a vision that I received from the Holy Spirit in the last weeks of my wife’s life, and Gregory Boyd’s book Repenting of Religion: Turning from Judgment to the Love of God. Both are about the gaze of love, about learning to see people and the world without

criticism or condemnation. The first step in redeeming the world is not finding ways to fix the things that are wrong but looking at the world how God looks at it: with a gaze of love. Taking seriously “God so loved the world.” Even from troubling and difficult experiences, goodness, grace, and generosity are able to flow for those who choose to look at the world with love. Rudiger (Rudi) Krause is enrolled in the Master of Christian Studies program at Regent College. He has five adult children and is awaiting his seventh grandchild. Rudi is involved in an urban farming project with several other Regent students; loves the outdoors; is a lifelong student of philosophy, history, and theology; enjoys photography and writing; and regularly travels to northern New Mexico to Richard Rohr’s Center for Action and Contemplation. 5

student profiles

Rudi Krause 64, Vancouver

New Faculty Announcement Dr. Iwan Russell-Jones, an award-winning filmmaker, theologian, and writer, will join Regent College on August 1, 2011, as Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies and Head of the Christianity and the Arts Program. Dr. Russell-Jones has over twentyfive years of experience as a producer and director for the BBC, in both television and radio. His documentaries include The Crucified King (BBC1 2003) and American Prophet (BBC2 2008), which explore the religious dimensions of Martin Luther King Jr.’s lea-dership of the civil rights movement. Dr. Russell-Jones has had the privilege of working with South African activist and Christian cleric, Dr. Desmond Tutu; Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury; and leading Christian apologists and authors, Malcolm and Kitty Muggeridge. For the full media release, please see Hans Boersma recently published Heavenly Participation: The Weaving of a Sacramental Tapestry (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2011). He is organizing the upcoming conference, “Heaven on Earth: The Future of Spiritual Interpretation” (September 16-17, 2011), through a $16,000 Lilly Collaborative Research Grant that he received with Dr. Matthew Levering (University of Dayton), co-organizer of the conference.

Donald Lewis, our senior church historian, has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in the United Kingdom. He recently lectured at Vanguard College and King’s University College in Edmonton.

Heaven on Earth?

This past term, John Stackhouse spoke on several campuses: Hope College and Western Seminary, Mich.; Wheaton College, Ill.; Taylor University, Ind.; Trinity Western University, BC; Harvard University, Mass.; and UBC. His articles appeared in Books & Culture, Faith Today, and Christianity Today.

kudos / NEWS

Rod Wilson delivered the Simpson Lectures at Acadia Divinity School in February. Rikk Watts’s chapter “Mark” in Commentary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament (eds G.K. Beale and D.A. Carson) has been published in Korean and is being translated into Chinese.

Chelle Stearns (MCS ’98) is a contributing writer to the recently published Routes and Radishes and Other Things to Talk about at the Evangelical Crossroads. Chelle will be teaching a course entitled “Beauty, Brokenness, and the Cross: Exploring Atonement Theology through the Arts”during Regent’s Summer Programs this July.

Iain Provan and Phil Long both contributed to the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary: Old Testament (John H. Walton, General Editor), which won the top prize in the Bible Reference Category at the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association’s 2011 Christian Book Awards. Iain Provan received two prestigious awards related to his current book project, enabling him to spend the winter of 2012 on sabbatical in Erfurt, Germany: an Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung grant and a Lilly Theological Research Grant. Randal Rauser’s (MCS ’99) latest book, You’re Not as Crazy as I Think, was published in January 2011 by Biblica Publishing.

Jason Goode’s (MCS ’04) film, Pop Switch (2009), about a couple considering adoption, will screen at ReelHeART International Film Festival in Toronto on Friday, June 24.

Convocation 2011 On April 29, 2011, we celebrated our forty-first Convocation ceremony at Broadway Church in Vancouver. A total of 165 students graduated from Regent College’s various programs, some with multiple degrees: 7 earned the Master of Theology; 36 the Master of Divinity; 82 the Master of Christian Studies; and 48 the Diploma in Christian Studies. Nathan McLellan addressed the graduates as the student speaker, and Associate Professor of Church History Sarah C. Williams delivered the charge to graduates, entitled “Loving Knowledge.” The Convocation DVD can be ordered through the Regent College Bookstore, by phone at 1.800.334.3279 or via email at The cost is $15 plus tax and shipping. 6

donor profile

Resounding Generosity: George and Manya Egerton


ew know that the 110-year-old Steinway D concert grand piano in Regent College’s chapel was rebuilt and is maintained by a longtime friend of the College. This is one of many ways that Dr. George Egerton and his wife Manya have helped Regent become not just an academic community but also a community of worship. Quoting John Stott, Manya says that she and George want “to help people develop not only a Christian mind, but also a Christian heart… in fact to become whole Christian persons, thoroughly integrated under the lordship of Christ.” In 1972, Manya and George moved from St. John’s, Newfoundland, for George to teach history at UBC. Soon, a friendship developed between the Egertons and Ward and Laurel Gasque and other early Regent faculty. In the midseventies, George served on Regent’s Senate, guest-lectured for Ian Rennie’s church history classes, and was involved with Regent’s Anglican Studies program. Active in the Anglican Church both locally and nationally for forty years, George says, “Jim Houston and the other founders never imagined Regent would be so important to Anglicanism,” but with its several key Anglican faculty and the Anglican Studies program, it has become “a major spiritual and intellectual resource for Anglicans.” As someone committed to pastoral care and prayer ministry, Manya values the writings of Regent instructors such as Maxine Hancock, Susan Phillips, and Marva Dawn, who she thinks are helping to shape a theology of suffering, mental health, and relational wholeness. This, she feels, is critical in a culture that encourages the fracturing of the self. She says, “It is both our desires that our money be used to

encourage sexual and relational wholeness as understood in traditional Christian and biblical teaching.” George agrees, “When seminaries are becoming wastelands, we want to see training that is for the ‘one holy catholic and apostolic Church,’…and [we trust] Regent will become a training centre for leaders that will replace our generation. We want to see that sustained.” To that end, George and Manya have chosen to name Regent College in their will. Their legacy gift will help ensure that Regent continues to cultivate intelligent, vigorous, and joyful commitment to Jesus Christ, His church, and His world. Ahna Phillips Completing MCS in the Arts

featured courses

Understanding summer programs 2011 and Reclaiming the World july–august Dr. Albert Borgmann Charles Ringma Themes in a Missional Spirituality Miriam Adeney Women in the World Christian Movement Phil Long Haggai and Zechariah Chelle Stearns Beauty, Brokenness, and the Cross Grant Wacker Billy Graham and the Evangelical Tradition Michael Pucci Owning Poverty Chris Hall Spirituality of the Church Fathers Larry Hurtado Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity Dominic Erdozain Christianity and Sport

Laing Lectures Dr. Albert Borgmann October 19–20, 2011 • “Grace and Cyberspace” • “Pointless Perfection and Blessed Burdens” • “Matter and Spirit in an Age of Science and Technology” Dr. Albert Borgmann is a leading philosopher on issues of society and culture, with particular emphasis on technology. He is the Regents Professor of Philosophy at the University of Montana, where he has taught since 1970. 7

read, listen, listen again Heavenly Participation: The Weaving of a Sacramental Tapestry

Hans Boersma Drawing on the wisdom of ancient and modern evangelical and Catholic thinkers, Hans Boersma argues that Western Christians have moved too far away from a sacramental mindset, focusing too much on earthly enjoyment instead of being concerned with the eternal mysteries.

The Pastor: A Memoir


Eugene H. Peterson

Gordon D. Fee Gordon Fee’s commentary on Revelation brings clarity and insight to one of the more difficult New Testament books. His practical yet precise exegesis captures the imaginative and motivational thrust of John’s vision of Jesus Christ.

In this memoir, Eugene H. Peterson reflects on the joys, challenges, and essential purpose of the pastor’s vocation. Peterson uses personal anecdotes to illuminate what it means to be a pastor in contemporary North American society. mp3-downloads

The Meaning of Sacraments

Gordon T. Smith

2010 Evening Public Lecture: Special Collection This course is a theological examination of the sacraments and their place in the life, worship, and witness of the church. Listeners will be urged to appreciate the sacraments more fully within their own tradition and in others. $49.60

Psalms and Spirituality

This is a special collection of all 2010 Evening Public Lectures given at Regent College, including lectures by: Rikk Watts, Denis Alexander, Charles Ringma, Susan Phillips, James K.A. Smith, Mark Buchanan, and Maxine Hancock. $39.60

Eugene Peterson

In this series Eugene Peterson uses the Psalms to provide basic structure for the task of recovering the centrality of prayer in the life of ministry. He challenges listeners to acquire a discipline that is appropriate to the particular perso-nality and vocational circumstances of individual. $49.60

featured speakers

Regent Radio allows you to listen to individual lectures and complete series by Regent College Faculty Members, Emeritus Professors, and Visiting Lecturers over the Internet. This is a great way to participate in the “Regent World,” regardless of where in the world you live. Broadcast schedules are posted daily.

Margaret Visser


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Sarah Williams To order any book or audio set please visit the websites listed, or call the bookstore toll free at 1.800.334.3279. If you live in the Vancouver area, our local number is 604.228.1820.

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