How I Fixed My Xbox 360's Red Ring of Death But first, a word from our sponsor: My console almost cost me another $300 but I found a repair guide that saved my wallet and my Xbox and now it is yours to use also! I am going to tell you how my Xbox 360 broke and was fixed in a few days in this article. Day One I was just playing some Halo 3 and talking to friends on Xbox Live when my system starting making strange noises that I had never heard before. I continued to play but soon after my Xbox crashed and turned off. I was able to just turn it back on but this puzzled me. Day Two While watching some videos I downloaded at the Xbox Live Martketplace my Xbox 360 froze. I turned it back on and resumed watching but it happened again. I figured it was just overheated so I let it cool off and tried again after about an hour or so and everything was fine. Day Three My console started to make the weird noises from before but it was also crashing very frequently. I had no idea what to do so I just turned it off and hope that it would work tomorrow. Day Four I turned my Xbox 360 on and the infamous Red Ring of Death stared back at me. I tried restarting, power cycling and yelling but nothing worked, my Xbox was gone. I spent hours online searching for ways to fix it. I couldn't send it back because my warranty is expired and I don't want to wait 4 weeks to get it back. I found videos about wrapping a towel around it but that did nothing, I also found a few guides that were dead ends. I decided to got to bed and search more tomorrow. Day Five After searching through guide after guide and forum after forum I found an Xbox 360 Repair guide that caught my eye, it promised to fix your Xbox 360 PERMANENTLY and claimed that if it the guide doesn't have your console working again then you get your money back. The guide is cheap so I decided why not, it beats paying $300 for a new Xbox so I purchased it. Inside the guide were very easy to follow video tutorials on fixing your Xbox 360 and maintenance and literally after a half hour I had my system working again as good as new and it has not had a single error or froze once since. I recommend this guide to anyone with any kind of Xbox 360 console trouble so that they never have to worry about there system freezing or getting any kind of error especially the Red Ring of Death or the E74 Error. This guide is the solution to your system errors. I am so glad I found this guide. I saved myself the trouble of having to wait weeks to play again and you can too. Here is the Ultimate Xbox 360 Repair Guide
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