The Appeal of the Nintendo DS Lite For Baby Boomers

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The Appeal of the Nintendo DS Lite For Baby Boomers But first, a word from our copying game sponsor:

When we think of a game system such as the Wii or the Nintendo gaming systems, we generally think of children in their early years being captivated by their madness of jumping, shooting, driving and throwing. While this is primarily true for most gaming systems, there are many of the baby boomers who loved the original gaming systems but were left behind by the technology of the newer systems that thrust all the fighting and madness of violence into the hands of kids. The Nintendo DS Lite is a different type of gaming system that allows baby boomers to return to the good ol' days and play some of the original games as well as others that teach and help keep their minds sharp. The DS Lite is a small gaming system that has two screens. One is a touch screen that allows you to pull down menus and choose options with just the touch of your finger or a plastic stylus. There are no big secrets to playing games on this handheld console, you have only to purchase your favorite game and insert the cartridge into the slot. Nintendo brought back some of the original games with new twists to them in order to accommodate baby boomers who grew up on these games. They also allow for other types of games such as action games, mystery games, role playing games, cooking cartridges and games that will help the baby boomers keep their minds clear and strong. It is proven that crossword puzzles and other styles of puzzle games are great mind strengthening games for those whose memory may be failing. Some of the best features of the DS Lite is the fact that it only has one slot for cartridges but can be used to play various styles of games from other gaming systems. It can even detect a Wi Fi signal and depending on the game you are playing will allow you to go online to connect with others who are playing the game for those who are of the competitive nature. Many of the gaming system controls are awkward to handle and the baby boomers simply can't grasp the multiple buttons associated with game play. With the DS Lite, the touch screen allows you to play in a comfortable position without the cramping in the hands and confusion of which button makes your character perform what action. The Nintendo DS Lite game system has a variety of games for baby boomers as well as for all ages. They offer accessories for carrying your system with you as well as storage for travelling. Additional stylus pens can be purchased, extra batteries and even car chargers. Your DS Lite battery will work up to eighteen hours on a single full charge depending on the brightness of the LED screens. No matter what your age, you will surly find a multitude of activities as well as games to keep your mind working sharply and pass the time in the doctor's office. L. Hill is a keen Internet Marketer, author and general geek who loves to have a go at most things. Thanks for reading, please visit: and check it out for yourself!

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