Formal Representation of Space Regina Cárdenas Leal A01177860
Knowing sketching drawing
Intructions: Learn how to draw a cube In this activity I learned what vertices and edges are. I learned how to draw a 3D cube on paper and how many edges and vertices are in a cube. It was a fun activit to start the period with.
Modeling a cube Intructions: With clay make a cube with 3 or 4 corner sections In this activity I learned how to use clay and make cornser sections. This helped me have a visual represenaion of a 3D cube with corner sections and see the vertices and edges. We also made an orthograpjic projection manually and digitally with the cube. I liked a lot this activity since with the videos Mr. Ed put it made it easier to understand and create the cube.
A theory of light and shade
Instructions: Draw drop shadows with natural light In this activity I grabbed a tennis ball and place it on a paper with direct sunlight and also with artificial light and took photos of both. Then I draw what I saw in the pictures. I liked this activity because I developed more my sketching skills.
Arquitectural drawings
Intructions: Draw the plan of your bedroom In this activity we did a nearpod and learned how to repersent windows, doors and more in an architectural plan. I draw my room in nearpod. I liked that I learned how to make a plan.
Form and design Instructions: Think of an everyday object you have at home that you use on a daily basis, now find a dierent version of that same object, reflect on the dierent shapes, materials, size, function, durability, etc. Write a brief essay with your thoughts. I learned how to deeply describe an object and analyze its size, shapes and more.
Form and transformation Link to the presentation: hps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1CB-bTjjr6wf HnQuhVzlJ9y1tcAsvNPhTsRmi0lLpZaI/edit?usp=sharing
Instructions: You'll practice identifying the dierent operations of the shape directly from a famous building. In this activity we got the building Maison Stein and we analyzed its operations, shapes, volume and forms. This activity was a lile diicult but we tried our best to analyze the building.
My slotted sculpture Instructions: Use cardboard slammers with difefrent shapes to create a sculpture. I drawed my slammers and with cardboard cued them and place it all together to create a sculpture.
My clay cube in a scale model Instrcutions: Make a cardboard model of the exact same cube that you made with clay and 3 cut o the corners. In this activity I created a cube with three cornersections with cardobard.
Cube sketchup modeling
Instructions: Use sketchup to make a 3D cube with three cornersections. In this activity I learned how to use sketchup and I liked it a lot. It was fun using this platform.
Live Home 3D Instructions: Use live home 3D to design your bedroom. In this activity I learned how to use live home 3D and make the plans of my bedroom. I enjoyed using this app.
Final Challenge Instructions: Make a modular shelter In this activity I did it a classmate, we made a modular shelter with eggshell carboard. We did 3 slammers and created a shelter for a park.