How to
In This Hybrid Work Culture
The best strategy that emerged during the pandemic is the hybrid work culture adopted by many companies.
To adjust to the pandemic & to avoid making high losses, the hybrid work culture worked like a boon for all.
However, a common challenge faced by many employees is this work culture is related to fatigue & mental stress.
Here are the strategies to boost employee morale & motivation in this hybrid work culture.
Nurture a sense of belonging
While working in a hybrid setup a person has to take care of both his personal life & office.
Everything seems to be normal until the demand of both the family members and the organization increases.
Building an online community of your employees holds the key to their mental wellbeing.
By nurturing a sense of belonging where they get an opportunity to meet & have conversations with their colleagues.
Build an effective communication network
One of the biggest challenges that everyone is facing when working remotely is how to communicate?
People are not face-to-face and there are many things that are lost in transition.
If there is a lack of clarity in your communication, then this can cause problems for your employees.
There are many online platforms available that allow quick and informal communication between employees.
Give recognition
The employees always want to be seen and valued for the work they are doing and this thing works as an inspiration.
In an office setting getting praised for the work you do is a constant phenomenon.
However, while remote working the recognition can be missing in the day-to-day working.
You can adopt modern recognition & rewards philosophy & tools to keep your employees engaged and motivated.
The above-discussed factors are some of the things you can try to motivate your employees in this new setting.
Moreover, you can organize a virtual get-together for your employees to help them relax & de-stress. /app/?sk=app_190322544333196 Regina