Economic Development Regina Inc.
2020 Strategic Plan Growing the Regina region through tourism and industry development
THE BUSINESS GROWTH AND TOURISM POTENTIAL FOR REGINA AND REGION IS UNLIMITED. Economic Development Regina’s (EDR) role to advance a bold, collaborative vision and to build a foundation to ensure economic prosperity for the Regina region in the years ahead has never been more important. The City of Regina anticipates a population of 300,000 by 2040 along with 50,000 new jobs. Under the guidance of an engaged and committed board and our shareholder, the City of Regina, we have conducted significant research and analysis with specific outreach to community and business leaders, all levels of government, and other stakeholders. This has formed the basis of our strategic shift and subsequent strategic plan; as well as provided insight and direction into our 2020 vision that supports the City’s Official Community Plan: Design Regina. This is an exciting time for the City, the region and EDR is committed to providing the leadership necessary to ensure successful development outcomes.
xx Regina Regional Opportunities Commission Regina skyline
“Regional growth is essential to the long-term success of Regina and the surrounding area. By working together with EDR, we can create a regional plan that will encourage private investment, support business development, and enhance growth. As one of the fastest growing regions in the country, good decisions now will make for sustainable communities of the future.�
- Mayor Michael Fougere City of Regina
xx 2015 Business Plan - Growing the Regina region through tourism and industry development
Board Direction In October of 2013, the EDR Board of Directors identified the following challenges and opportunities that they directed management to address:
Create value that builds an even stronger base of support for the future impact EDR can have in our community. Seek out gaps that EDR can fill to support the growth of our City and region, create a compelling value-proposition and garner support to proceed. Engage the tourism sector to activate and re-energize support for value-adding collaborative action. Position EDR as a leader in advancing collaborative regional economic development that creates outcomes to benefit all stakeholders.
“Our strategic alliance with EDR is generating measurable returns on our investment and we are excited about our new and continuing initiatives. These include Tourism Regina, Events Regina and the enhanced marketing activities that work to promote Regina and generate economic impact.�
- Cari Lemieux President RHA Board of Directors
Hotel Saskatchewan
“The Regina & District Chamber of Commerce membership continues to view the availability of skilled labour as key business risk and a substantial constraint to sustainable regional prosperity. In collaboration with EDR we will develop, gather and analyze key strategic and competitive intelligence that will contribute to identifying and solving emerging labour issues and opportunities for Regina region employers and work force.�
- John Hopkins CEO Regina & District Chamber of Commerce
Aerial of Regina
Cities, towns, and regions need to develop new and improved partnerships. The top recommendation is that Saskatchewan needs to diversify through value added industries. — Think BIG! Saskatchewan study conducted by: Institute of Certified Management Consultants of Saskatchewan, in cooperation with the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy
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Regina at dusk
Lead Practice Analysis The results from our consultations with community and business leaders, and analysis of the best practices of some from Canada’s leading regional economic development organizations, led Economic Development Regina (EDR) to conclude the following: We need to redefine our relationships with our stakeholders within the economic development system. We need to get back into the industry development business where ‘business/industry’ is our customer. We need to become the change we want to see in the marketplace – strategic versus ‘stick-fetching’. We need to bring clarity and confidence to our structure. The primary (and strategically important) economic development gap in the Regina region is in the area of strategic sector ‘smart growth’ that encompasses strategic/competitive intelligence, business retention, and growth. Event, convention and tradeshow attraction and growth is considered a key sector. The need for EDR to take a leadership role and act as a tourism industry catalyst. The main areas of tourism focus are identified as: local activation and visitor services, and regional marketing strategies. Our internal effectiveness review has shown that our current capacity (financial & human resources) necessitates strategically prioritizing the focus of EDR to bring the greatest possible value and impact to and for stakeholders. This will include determining where gaps exist and not duplicating the efforts of other industry organizations. These discussions, consultations and extensive internal and external reviews, have resulted in the identification of EDR’s strategic intent for both long-term and short-term success. The role and contributions of EDR to other current initiatives will also be further evaluated for effectiveness and value.
Our Mandate Create and implement an economic development strategy to grow and sustain prosperity in the Regina region. Encourage the retention, development, attraction, and growth of business and tourism products and services for those who live, work, visit, and invest in the Regina region. Market and promote the Regina region for business and tourism.
Our Mission Identify, develop and promote opportunities that advance economic prosperity for the Regina region.
“Strategic leadership is imperative for the growth and success of the tourism sector in Regina. The work of the Tourism Leadership Council will be instrumental to ensuring the success of cultural institutions like the Saskatchewan Science Centre, community attractions, and businesses that rely on tourism. EDR’s role in the creation and support of this council is critical to the economic success of this sector in the years ahead.�
- Sandra Baumgartner Executive Director Saskatchewan Science Centre
Gyro machine at Saskatchewan Science Centre
“The continuing collaboration between the University of Regina and EDR will ensure our mutual commitment to advancing social, economic and educational development in the Regina region. We look forward to working together to develop shared strategies that will help attract and retain talented people from around the world, align business and educational needs with those of the community, promote entrepreneurship, and help make the Regina region a destination for people from around the world.�
- Dr. Vianne Timmons President and Vice-Chancellor University of Regina
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Aerial of University of Regina campus
Our Vision
The greater Regina region prospers as a vibrant and diversified economy for investors, a strong destination experience for visitors, and a place of choice with a high standard and quality of life for residents.
“Saskatchewan manufacturers have a reputation as world-class exporters, both domestically and around the globe. But with more than $200 billion in major capital projects slated across Canada over the next decade, the largest business opportunity for the Regina region — and indeed all manufacturers in the province — isn’t beyond our own borders; it’s in the supply chain. Capitalizing on that potential, however, is no easy task. And there’s where our relationship with EDR comes in.”
- Derek Lothian Vice President Canadian Manufacturing and Exporters
Co-op Refinery Complex - Reactor Heavy Lift
Regina Region 2020 + As part of its 2020 strategic plan, EDR articulated the Regina reigon’s future vision with five descriptive statements that envisioned what we aspire to become, to achieve and to create. Eight key sectors have emerged with sector teams who drive activity, awareness, intelligence and excellence. • Strategic hubs or sectors are widely known in Canada and the world for leading edge thinking, entrepreneurship, and innovation – prompting individuals and businesses to relocate to the greater Regina region resulting in GDP, workforce, tax revenue, and population growth. Events, tradeshows and conventions drive over $50 million annually to the local economy. • The Regina region has the infrastructure, facilities, people and processes to attract and support world class events, tradeshows and conventions. • The new stadium, new neighborhoods, the redeveloped CP Land, and revitalized downtown have all contributed to attracting people and events to visit, live and work in Regina. • Regina engages visitors with exceptional hosting by people who are passionate about sharing our city with world. Regina, and surrounding region, is perceived to be the most desirable place to live and work in Canada. • The Regina brand is known worldwide for innovation and excellence in key sectors, and attracts people from around the world for professional opportunities and a safe family lifestyle. • Regina is the model city that other Canadian cities aspire to. Citizens of Regina are bursting with confidence and pride for their city. • Residents of Regina have a positive attitude about where they live, the things they’ve accomplished and the future opportunity to lead the country as the most desirable city to live in Canada. • The Regina region embraces family values balanced with business opportunities that attracts people of all nationalities. EDR is a catalyst for driving economic growth and advancement in the Regina region. • EDR is regarded as the top of mind agency in the community to lead economic development initiatives and champion Regina’s place brand. • EDR is the ‘hub’ of information, intelligence and analysis of regional economics and key sectors. • Our work is about the people who have jointly embraced the region and all of its potential to make it the most desirable place to live and work in Canada. 10
Sector Strategy While community leaders everywhere look for ways to enhance the prosperity of their cities, the most effective ones in the economic development arena are those that pursue a strategic approach – identify the very best and sustainable growth opportunities and then cultivate them. Smart growth is achieved by the manner in which communities pursue that objective. To understand where you want to go, you must first know where you are. In economic development parlance this entails understanding your community’s current circumstances, including where its key competitive advantages lie. Upon examining numerous economic development strategies and consulting with various practitioners, EDR concluded that the most effective communities do the necessary work to understand which sectors or industries will best support smart growth.
Growth is typically much more sustainable when a hub or a cluster of companies from a specific sector or industry develop - as their geographic proximity will contribute to: • lowering supply costs • improving research collaboration
Global Transportation Hub aerial footprint
• enhancing the development of a skilled work force Once these industry hubs are clearly identified, forward thinking economic development leaders focus on developing their entire supply/value chains.
There has been $485 million of private investment at the Global Transportation Hub, and it currently has a import/export capacity of 4,600 trucks weekly.
The central goal of this value chain approach to private sector development is to accelerate sustainable economic growth. Toward this end, EDR will undertake a participatory, stakeholder-driven approach to exploit opportunities for investment and growth in industries where the Regina region has identifiable strategic and competitive strengths. This approach to economic development analyzes the firms in an industry – from input suppliers to final buyers – and the relationships between them. It also analyzes the factors influencing performance, including access to - and the requirements of - export markets.
This identification of the Regina region’s key competitive hubs and then mapping and analysing their value chains will be the first steps in developing a comprehensive economic development strategy for the Regina region, and will form the core of EDR’s business expansion/retention and investment attraction plans. Tourism, as well as Events, Conventions and Tradeshows (ECT) are key industries that will form two of the up to five strategic hubs or sectors that EDR will seek to further contribute to the development and growth in the immediate term. Through the integration of its tourism, ECT, and industry development resources, strategies and efforts will support EDR’s economic development objective of further contributing towards building and sustaining prosperity in the Regina region.
“We value our close working relationship with EDR, in developing a sector growth strategy that showcases the GTH and highlights our strategic location in the Regina region. The challenge is to ensure the economic development opportunities associated with this key strategic asset are maximized to the benefit of Saskatchewan and its citizens.”
- Bryan Richards CEO Global Transportation Hub
Business Model
Tourism and ECT* Stakeholders
Industry Stakeholders
Community Stakeholders and Partners
Shared Vision and Outcomes
City of Regina Administration
* Events, Conventions and Tradeshows
Panoramic view of Regina
Value Proposition • EDR is a leader and catalyst for economic development • Facilitates the rapid advancement of strategic industry sectors • Coordinates sharing and exchange of ideas, pooling resources, and leveraging of community investments • Successful project implementation • Insights and idea generation which identifies promising and emerging opportunities / needs
Tourism, ECT*
The greater Regina region prospers as a vibrant and diversified economy for investors, a strong destination experience for visitors and a place of choice with a high standard and quality of life for residents.
• Industry intelligence to assist in informing and guiding industry and entire sectors on growth and expansion strategies
Strategic Intent EDR is responsible for providing leadership for economic growth to the City of Regina and the community with specific accountability for the following core functions: • Support industry growth and diversification through retention, development and attraction of business and tourism. • Find innovative ways to support the community in sustaining growth while effectively addressing the challenges of growth. • Market and promote the Regina region for business, tourism and events, conventions and tradeshows. • Ensure the Regina region prospers as a vibrant and diversified economy for investors, is a strong destination experience for visitors, and a place of choice with a high quality of life for residents.
ENTERPRISE The entrepreneurial spirit will power the Regina region to consistently achieve superior economic performance. 1. Engage business, community leaders, and partners to enhance alignment and leverage efforts. 2. Develop a business retention/growth strategy based on strategic sectors/hubs where the Regina Region has a distinct advantage. 3. Develop an investment attraction strategy that complements the needs of the existing Regina region business community – with focus on sectors/hubs of strategic priority. 4. As the aggregator, lead the development of strategic/competitive business intelligence capacity that will guide EDR and business in exploiting existing, new and emerging opportunities. 5. Facilitate the development and promotion of entrepreneurship.
TOURISM AND EVENTS, CONVENTIONS AND TRADESHOWS (ECT) Make the Regina region into a top performing regional tourism and ECT ecosystem. 1. Establish the regional market as the primary tourism customer base. 2. Provide tourism products that drive activity from our target audiences. 3. Attract, retain, grow and create robust events, festivals, conventions, and tradeshows. 4. Engage leaders, stakeholders, and partners in the tourism industry to increase alignment and enhance leverage on effort. 5. Design and implement measurements and a reporting process that creates frequent and open communications with the industry.
CORPORATE To be recognized as a ‘best in class’ organization that embraces service, excellence, and operating principles. 1. Build and grow a ‘EDR Culture’ focusing on the customer experience, creating energy, and performance. 2. Create a high performance, scalable organizational structure and build leadership capacity. 3. Commence the development of a long-term strategic plan (2020) that supports the Official Community Plan: Design Regina for completion in 2015. 4. Develop and implement a ‘Strategic Place Branding’ strategy with the City of Regina and other stakeholders. 5. Design and implement a performance based, balanced scorecard that measures return on investment. 6. Enhance stakeholder engagement and communication.
Board of Directors Murad Al-Katib, EDR Board Chair President and CEO AGT Food & Ingredients Inc.
Mark Lang Partner KPMG, LLP
Frank Hart, EDR Vice-Chair President and Managing Director Greystone Managed Investments Inc.
Cari Lemieux General Manager & SK Operations Manager Days Inn (East)
Tony Coppola Chief Operating Officer MacPherson, Leslie, Tyerman
Marla Preston Hospitality Consultant
Jason Drummond Managing Partner York Plains Investment Corp. Michael Fougere Mayor City of Regina Dale Griesser President Avison Young Commercial, Real Estate
Dr. Vianne Timmons President and Vice-Chancellor University of Regina David Brundige, Q.C. Willows, Wellsch, Orr & Brundige, LLP Marty Klyne Chief Operating Officer Queen City Sports & Entertainment Group
President and CEO John D. Lee
Commemorative statue of Walter Scott in front of the Saskatchewan Legislature Building
18 xx 2015 Business Plan - Growing the Regina region through tourism and industry development Regina Farmers’ Market at City Square Plaza
Contact Us Economic Development Regina Inc. 1925 Rose Street Regina, SK S4P 3P1 P: 306-789-5099 TF: 1-800-661-5099 F: 306-352-1630 E: I
Economic Development Regina Inc. (EDR) is the agency responsible for advancing economic development and tourism in the Regina region.