The Regional Development Plan 2012-15

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THE GOOD LIFE as an engine of growth Regional Development Plan 2012-15 pment plan

lo Regional Deve





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Chapter 1

Shared challenges Southern Denmark is facing a number of serious challenges in the future. Growth is low, productivity is low, and there are fewer workers to support more people.

shared efforts shared challenges

Shared efforts There is a need for shared and comprehensive efforts, if the trend is to be reversed. The efforts must secure the foundation for growth. The foundation is comprised of the human resources and framework conditions that both residents and businesses have to act within. The efforts will supplement the work of the strategy for commerce intended to create increased growth in the business community. 4 Regional initiatives Knowledge Southern Denmark's condition must be followed and forecast. Shared knowledge is the basis for co-operation and prioritisation of all the efforts for regional development. Education The efforts must raise the general level of education in Southern Denmark, so the workforce of the future will be able to fulfil the business community's rising demand for qualified labour. Infrastructure & Mobility The shared efforts must secure an overall infrastructure that can make Southern Denmark more attractive for people to move to and invest in. At the same time, work must be done with knowledge about transportation and new solutions that can increase the mobility. Climate Southern Denmark must develop new knowledge that can form the basis for effective efforts in the areas of climate change prevention and adaptation.

Regional Development / Strategy & Analysis

Publication: Region of Southern Denmark Regional Development / Strategy & Analysis Responsible Editor: Rune Stig Mortensen Photo: Hyldager Fotografi Design: Mediegruppen as ISBN: 978-87-92217-18-9 December 2011

4 Area initiatives Southwestern Jutland The initiative is focused on the different roles of the towns as well as tourism development. Southern Jutland The initiative is focused on the transport possibilities at the Danish-German border. Triangle Area The initiative is focused on the towns and infrastructure as well as the area's perspectives as a part of the East Jutland Metropolitan Area. Funen The initiative is focused on developing the knowledge foundation for the new Funen co-operation, the Funen Project and Development Funen.


In addition to the Regional Development Plan, there are reports on the cross-border co-operation and infrastructure as well as an environmental assessment.

Intro Page 3

The Good Life as an engine of growth

The Good Life is the vision for the Regional Development Plan in Southern Denmark, and The Good Life as an engine of growth is the central theme for the plan. The Good Life is created both by individual people as well as by our surroundings. The Regional Development Plan will contribute to creating the interrelationships and development possibilities in the surroundings. The framework for a good and healthy life with access to jobs, housing, service offerings, education, culture and leisure time offerings in both the urban as well as the rural districts will attract new residents and inspire and create possibilities for the people who live in Southern Denmark, and who will create the growth in Southern Denmark, now and in the future. The vision is thus an expression of the strongly held conviction in Southern Denmark that the financial crisis that Denmark and Southern Denmark are in the middle of must be met with a fully comprehensive approach and long-term efforts. In addition to creating growth in the business community, a part of the solution must consist of community solidarity in making joint efforts to create frameworks that can engage, inspire and thus also enable The Good Life for all residents of Southern Denmark. The vision of The Good Life is being extended from the first Regional Development Plan from 2008. The path to the Regional Development Plan has involved many participants and is a result of close co-operation with the Danish municipalities, but businesses, educational institutions and trade and volunteer organisations have also contributed ideas that have made it possible to discern where the most significant needs are, and thus where there is a need for joint efforts. With that insight, the Regional Development Plan will in the next period be giving priority to 4 regional initiatives, which will contribute to creating the foundation for growth in Southern Denmark. In addition, the plan also contains 4 area initiatives. The area initiatives are an expression of the fact that Southern Denmark is itself composed of areas featuring different strengths and facing different challenges. This means that there are differences in the intensity of the impact of the common challenges, and differences in how the many challenges may best be managed. The Region of Southern Denmark and its municipalities are in agreement on the joint regional efforts in the Regional Development Plan and in conjunction with the business community, educational institutions, cultural institutions and leisure time institutions, as well as trade and volunteer organisations, possess a shared responsibility for bringing the initiatives to life.

Lasse Krull Chairman, Committee for Regional Development Plan

Egon FrĂŚhr Chairman, Municipal Contact Council of Southern Denmark

The Regional Development Plan is: ... Comprehensive Challenges and solutions are as a rule considered within delineated sectors both in private as well as public sector enterprises. It is often difficult to see and use possibilities transverse to these boxes. The Regional Development Plan collects all the pieces that will form the framework for The Good Life. ... Shared vision and strategy The Regional Development Plan aims at a shared vision of The Good Life with a strategy that builds on shared prioritisations and agreements. In other words, the development plan is a shared trajectory for the co-operation that will sustain regional development in Southern Denmark for the next four years. The development plan will be supplemented by municipal planning strategies and the regional strategies for business, education, culture, climate and crossborder co-operation. ... Without end The Regional Development Plan is not a traditional plan with goals having specific dates. The development plan works through continuous development of knowledge, dialogue and project development on the shared, strategic trajectory. In the short run, the efforts can be described in tangible terms, however the efforts must be adapted to developments, results and new knowledge on an on-going basis.

Shared challenges

The business community is not doing well, economic growth is elusive and the opportunities for realising The Good Life are under pressure. Innovative thinking concerning the potential of the population and the towns, as well as better utilisation of resources, can promote both growth and The Good Life. In the future, the Regional Development Plan must be one of the tools for meeting the shared challenges that Southern Denmark is facing.

Shared challenges

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Low growth

Too little is being earned Growth in the region is under serious pressure. Economic growth during 1999-2009 was the lowest among the regions of Denmark. The challenges do not appear to have been diminished by the cold winds of crisis that first in 2008-2009 and then again in 2011 have swept across the Western world.





Capital city


Southern Denmark

Central Jutland

Northern Jutland

The figure shows annual growth for 1999-2009.

Low productivity

DKK 300

We are not efficient enough If growth is to return – or even just be maintained – and new jobs created, and lost jobs regained, then the focus on productivity is absolutely crucial. Otherwise the region will lose its ability to compete.

DKK 275

High productivity does not only involve running faster, but also thinking in new, smarter manners as well as tools to produce goods and services with. The productivity is not equally high in all industries or in all links of the products' chain of value. The relatively low growth in Southern Denmark is to a large degree due to the region being overrepresented in industries where productivity and growth are lower than the average.

DKK 250

Capital city Northern Jutland

Denmark Southern Denmark

9 20 0

20 07

5 20 0

20 03

1 20 0



DKK 225

Central Jutland Zealand

The figure shows the gross value growth per hour of labour.


20 0

The number of elderly is rising significantly, whereas there are fewer people in the commercially active age groups. The picture is made worse by the fact that the many who are in the commercially active age groups are not connected to the labour market. This means that both the public and private sectors are finding it increasingly more difficult to find sufficient labour to create well-being and growth.

20 29



In the summer of 2011, for the first time ever, there were more people outside the labour market in Denmark than were in it, and this trend will continue. Fewer people will be supporting more people, and the challenge is particularly great in some parts of the region.


Too few are earning money


20 1

Fewer hands

Average of the five best positioned municipalities in Southern Denmark. Average of the five worst positioned municipalities in Southern Denmark. Southern Denmark Denmark The figure shows how many people one person in the commercially active age group must support in addition to themselves. The figure shows that the support ratio is increasing, and that in the future there will be fewer people to support more people.

Shared efforts - How should the forces be applied?

The challenges that Southern Denmark is facing cannot be solved by isolated efforts in different areas. The regional initiatives and area initiatives must, through shared and integrated efforts, develop the framework for The Good Life and thus growth in Southern Denmark.

Shared efforts

The Regional Development Plan and Southern Denmark's business development strategy supplement each other in the work to create growth in Southern Denmark. The focus of the business development strategy is the business community in the form of three selected business areas that build on the commercial potentials and strengths that exist in Southern Denmark. The Regional Development Plan's focus is to a large degree on gathering together the region, municipalities and other key participants to make shared efforts to develop the surrounding society and the human resources that are necessary for sustained knowledge-based growth. Regional initiatives During the next several years, the Regional Development Plan will be placing an emphasis on four regional initiatives in Southern Denmark: 1. Knowledge 2. Education 3. Infrastructure & Mobility 4. Climate Knowledge is a prerequisite for being able to make targeted efforts. The knowledge for growth initiative will ensure that the work with all the plan's initiatives will build on a basis of shared knowledge about the framework conditions for the lives of the population and growth of the companies. Education and expansion of the labour force are crucial to the recruitment base for the business community and thus also for growth in Southern Denmark. Infrastructure & Mobility are crucial to The Good Life for both the residents and the businesses. In order to attract new residents, the labour force can be expanded, and to retain the residents who already live in Southern Denmark, the availability of jobs, leisure time offerings and service offerings must be adequate. Climate is a new and pressing theme, because the climate changes give rise to many private and public costs. Shared efforts across the four regional initiatives are the key to creating a basis for

long-term growth. Examples of development topics that ought to be contemplated in a broader context include: • D evelopment of towns and the division of labour in towns • Attractiveness of towns and residential areas • Analysis and solutions that connect transportation needs, infrastructure and mobility The shared efforts can also be based on the possibility for cross-border co-operation, which is unique to the region, and which can contribute to creating growth. Read more about the cross-border cooperation in the reports supplement. Area initiatives The different parts of the region have very different challenges and development potentials. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to have geographically targeted area initiatives. These can set in motion more specific efforts to engage and develop projects in the different parts of the region. The vision for the area initiatives is to strengthen the development work between the municipalities, municipal development forums and the region. An emphasis will be placed on the efforts in the four areas creating a synergistic effect, so the area initiatives do not just benefit the individual area, but also contribute to the development of a solid foundation for regional development in Southern Denmark. The 4 area initiatives are: 1. Southwestern Jutland 2. Southern Jutland 3. Triangle Area 4. Funen Tangible efforts have been agreed upon for the four areas, which will be gradually followed up on as experiences are accumulated.

Southern Denmark's business development strategy The 2012-20 business development strategy will be prepared in parallel with the Regional Development Plan. The business development strategy will focus on three selected business areas where a growing market is anticipated that Southern Denmark will be able to assert itself in. The selected business areas are: • H ealth and well-being innovation • Sustainable energy • Experience acquisition Within the business areas are also a number of transverse efforts in relation to the outlying areas, the cross-border co-operation and internationalisation. The Southern Denmark Growth Forum recommends projects for receipt of regional development funds and support from the EU Structural Funds. Approx. DKK 200 million are awarded annually for development of the business development strategy's business areas. The Regional Development Plan's initiatives will contribute to a good and integrated foundation for the business development strategy's business areas in Southern Denmark. Read more:

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Regional initiatives

Regional initiatives • • • •

Knowledge Education Infrastructure & Mobility Climate

Within these initiatives, it is particularly relevant and important to develop knowledge and co-operation in the entire region. The regional initiatives are supplemented with four area initiatives that build upon each area's special possibilities.

Regional initiatives

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Knowledge for growth The foundation for growth is shared knowledge about development, potentials and challenges in the region. Knowledge is crucial when national investments are prioritised, and when decisions are made around the region. At the same time, all participants have a need to see that what we are doing in Southern Denmark is leading us in the right direction.


Regional initiatives

initiatives Accumulation & sharing of knowledge The regional initiative on the accumulation and strengthening of the shared level of knowledge will be implemented through a number of analysis activities. The goal for the activities that are initiated is to communicate new knowledge in a form that is accessible to governmental authorities, businesses and residents, and which is suitable for inclusion in the decision-making basis on all levels around the region.

initiative 1 is the portal where analysis, figures and maps are made available to companies, residents, decision-makers and others who need updated knowledge. Outline communicates municipal and regional key figures and is the solid foundation for discussions concerning development and challenges in the municipalities and the region. Town analysis of large as well as small towns increases familiarity with the strengths and weaknesses of one's own and those of others and clarifies roles, as well as identifying needs for efforts. The Good Life will be highlighted with the development of an index that can draw a picture on an on-going basis of the state of The Good Life.

The Good Life Index

Growth reports and an annual monitoring memorandum will monitor local and regional growth conditions. Southern Denmark NOW will place the spotlight on development and provide articles with good examples of successes by businesses in Southern Denmark, entrepreneurs and at the educational institutions. Regional analysis of educational figures, industries, entrepreneurs, infrastructure, commuting, etc. are performed on an on-going basis in order to strengthen the basis for making decisions for all the participants in the region. Health profiles will contribute unique knowledge about public health and is a tool for prioritising and planning preventive and promotional initiatives for healthcare.

Communication The results will be communicated through national, regional and local media, on the Web, and in magazines and will on the overall be brought into the on-going dialogue between politicians, business operators, residents and civil servants. Hence the results can contribute to setting the agenda for Southern Denmark.

A special Southern Denmark data foundation The Growth Barometer puts a finger on the pulse of the business community through data obtained from a business panel for Southern Denmark consisting of more than 900 senior managers from small and medium-sized enterprises. The Citizen's Panel, where more than 1,000 residents of the region tell us what the true state of The Good Life really is in the Region of Southern Denmark. Important key figures that measure the actual condition of Southern Denmark.

Self-realisation Relations

Individual Indicators


Socio-economic Indicators

International view

Health Surroundings

The Good Life Index measures five areas that are regarded as being crucial for The Good Life in Southern Denmark: Health, security, relations, self-realisation and surroundings. Health and security are the foundation of The Good Life, whereas relations and self-realisation build further on the foundation. The surroundings surround the pyramid. The areas will be measured with data at both the societal and individual levels, however self-realisation can only be measured with individual indicators.

International knowledge, data and experiences will be drawn in as a supplement to our own knowledge.

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Chapter 1

Education is our fuel

In order to secure a solid basis for growth, it is a prerequisite that the future labour force have the desired competencies. The regional initiatives aim to raise the level of education as well as to improve the recruitment and retention of a qualified labour force.


Regional initiatives

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challenges 24%

Too few people are being educated



People in Southern Denmark are not educated well enough. To few young people complete an upper secondary education, and too few complete a vocational or higher education. In particular, boys are lagging behind.





The groups that cannot receive a competency-providing education will in the longer run have difficulty finding their footing in the labour market.

The figure shows how the young people who graduated from the ninth form in 2009 presumably will go through the educational system up to the year 2034. Data source: Ministry of Education's profile model 2009

Still in the Returned region back

Brain drain and stagnation in the home area There is a significant difference in the level of education between the young people who leave Southern Denmark and those who remain in the region. The longest educations are received by those who travel away from the region, whereas those who remain are not educated to the same degree. The so-called brain drain is a reality that can have consequences for the competitiveness of the businesses and the growth potential for the region.

Need for raising qualifications

Unskilled, etc. Vocational education Higher education



Without vocational competency-providing education

24 %

19 %

22 %

17 %

Vocational education + shorter higher education

55 %

41 %

36 %

27 %

Medium-long higher education + long higher education

21 %

39 %

42 %

56 %





Total number

The table shows the level of education in Southern Denmark for the classes graduating from basic schooling in 1991, 1992, 1993 and 1994. The table shows that young people who leave the region to be educated end up with longer educations than those who remain. Data source: Statistics Denmark



Unskilled jobs are disappearing, and new jobs require higher or other qualifications. Projections show that unemployment for unskilled workers is rising, and that there will be a large surplus of unskilled labour in Denmark in the future. On the other hand, in the future businesses will have vacant positions for skilled labour that they will be unable to fill, since there will be a large deficit of highly skilled labour. With the growing demographic problem (fewer to support more) there will be a need for as many people as possible with the right competencies to be available to the labour market.



-35,400 Deficit



Higher education

The figure shows the anticipated surplus/deficit of labour in Southern Denmark in 2019. A significant imbalance must also be expected in the Region of Southern Denmark, with too many having no education and too few having a higher education. Data source: Employment Region Southern Denmark

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Regional initiatives


initiatives An overview Southern Denmark is working on several parallel trajectories to raise the level of competence The Southern Denmark Educational Agreement is a broad co-operative effort transverse to municipalities and types of schools involving shared co-ordinated educational efforts at the regional level. The education strategy focuses on having more people complete a basic education and a higher education, as well as adapting the competencies of young people to the labour market of the future. The growth forum focuses on ensuring that businesses have a qualified labour force through the recruitment and retention of a highly educated labour force as well as by augmenting the qualifications of the existing labour force. The cross-border co-operation focuses on strategic partnerships, research and knowledge-sharing with institutions and businesses in Northern Germany, including under the auspices of the EU’s Interreg Programme and the partnership programme with Schleswig-Holstein, including: • P roject Knowledge Region • Mutual recognition of educations and internship positions • Tangible education cooperation As a neighbour to Germany, Southern Denmark seeks to utilise the special potential in the cross-border labour force hinterland transverse to all trajectories and areas of effort.

Southern Denmark Education Agreement AND OTHER MEASURES initiative 2 he Region of Southern Denmark is T creating a platform for co-operation through the Southern Denmark Education Agreement that is intended to ensure an on-going dialogue and close co-operation in the field of education. The region provides central office services for the shared efforts and will in addition provide a broad knowledge base for decisions and prioritisations in the field of education. The co-operation agreement named the Southern Denmark Education Agreement and the action plan initiate on-going tangible initiatives that will raise the general level of education in Southern Denmark, so the labour force of the future will match the needs of the business community for competencies. The cross-border cooperation forums supplement the platform and provide the possibility to exploit the special educational perspectives through co-operation with Germany.

The region's initiatives are intended to raise the level of education through a special emphasis on young people and on a highly qualified labour force. In addition, it is necessary to think new thoughts, so the existing resources are utilised better, for example through augmenting the qualifications of the labour force. Raising the level of education cannot be solved in isolation from the broader perspective. The Region of Southern Denmark participate in developing the framework conditions so that Southern Denmark's towns and regions are attractive and able to retain the people who live and work in the area as well as attracting a qualified labour force from outside the region. A broad and innovative approach in the shared efforts is thus a prerequisite for a general increase in the level of education to occur. The Region of Southern Denmark desires to contribute a broad knowledge base that can inspire the further development of efforts in the field of education.


The technical schools

The municipalities in Southern Denmark

The business academies

Youth Educational Guidance (UU)

The professional colleges

The production schools

The University of Southern Denmark

The agricultural schools

Study Selector Portals

The free boarding schools

Confederation of Danish Industry (DI)

The Social and Healthcare (SOSU) schools

The Danish Chamber of Commerce

The business colleges

The Danish Construction Association

The upper secondary schools

DS Trade & Industry

The adult education centres (VUCs)


THE YOUNG – A POTENTIAL initiative 3 The Region of Southern Denmark will through the education strategy and via the educational funds get more young people to complete an education. Young people are new entrants to the labour market. They must be ensured a vocational or higher education so they can enter into the labour market and so businesses can receive the competent labour force that is necessary. The education strategy is working for Southern Denmark to have well-educated young people who are equipped to handle the challenges of the future. Versatile and unique educational offerings must create a solid foundation, but more is needed. To a large degree it also involves developing the framework conditions and the environments that the young exist within, such as the environments of the towns and campus and study environments. The educational funds support innovative projects and activities aimed at getting more young people to complete an education, can support the objectives of the education strategy. Read more about the efforts for young people in the education strategy and in the action plan of the education agreement.

THE BEST BRAINS – A DRIVING FORCE initiative 4 The Region of Southern Denmark support new measures that can contribute to attracting and retaining a highly qualified labour force in Southern Denmark from 2012 and into the future.

The competitiveness of the businesses depends on their access to a well-qualified labour force. The ”Talent programme” project is thus aimed at attracting and retaining highly educated, elite students and management competencies from inside the country and abroad. The project will also include an emphasis on recruitment across the border region as well as augmenting the qualifications of schoolleavers and employees. The project will assist businesses in securing a well-qualified labour force by supporting relevant measures and activities at the University of Southern Denmark and in the businesses of Southern Denmark. Read more about the project at The work with retaining and attracting the best brains is a question of offering many colours on the palette. It is important that new measures have a positive effect on the recruitment of a qualified labour force and elite students, but it is just as important that Southern Denmark is able to offer a framework that is attractive for the workforce and its families. The project is being managed by the Southern Denmark Growth Forum.

In the publication entitled ”On the edge of the future” and in the associated blog, you can read more about the dreams for the future of 16 young people from Southern Denmark. Read more at and at

Regional initiatives

Did you ? know ... that 18 years after lower secondary school, 90 % of the young people with an upper secondary education are employed, whereas only 70 % of the young people without an upper secondary education are? ... that educated people, regardless of their education, spend approx. 10 more years in the labour market than those who are unskilled? ... that employees with long educations are approx. 55 % more expensive in terms of their wages than employees who has a lower secondary school education, but in contrast the lightly educated have a level of productivity of approx. twice that of an unskilled person?

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Chapter 1

Strong infrastructure and high mobility ensures growth If the daily exchanges of goods, service, knowledge and labour do not occur efficiently and without friction, then companies, jobs and educational institutions will move elsewhere, and the residents will do the same. The regional initiatives are focused on securing a strong infrastructure and high mobility.

Infrastructure & Mobility

Regional initiatives Chapter 1

challenges OUR POSITION IS being threatened

Lack of mobility Mobility describes the transportation possibilities that are are available. In Southern Denmark, mobility is under pressure both due to permeability problems and due to limited possibilities. Permeability problems have arisen in step with the centralisation of society and rising quantities of traffic. Permeability problems involve time costs that are a problem for both the residents and the business community, and which can act as a brake on growth. A lack of real alternatives to the automobile can also lead to reduced mobility. In thinly populated areas there is no customer base for particularly comprehensive mass transit, and in these areas one is to a large extent dependent upon automobiles. Here, the challenge is not roads filled beyond capacity, but rather to find alternatives to the automobile.

100 km/h

80 km/h

20 30

60 km/h

20 20

Transportation of passengers and goods does not stop at the border. The challenge of ensuring the region's accessibility and growth must thus also be viewed in a larger international perspective, where good international connections must also be secured. Good road and rail connections to the south to Flensburg are important to Southern Denmark's conditions for growth, but existing rail connections are slow and infrequent.

120 km/h


However, our position is being threatened. Rising quantities of traffic mean that some stretches such as the motorways in the Triangle Area, to the south of Odense and in Western Funen have serious congestion problems, particularly during rush hours. The low permeability combined with a new traffic context in consequence of the Femern Belt connection or other facilities outside Southern Denmark can mean that the transport of passengers and goods will find new routes.

The Danish Road Directorate's calculations for the E45 show that the average speed during the workday peak hour will drop from 99 km/h in 2020 to 71 km/h in 2030.

20 0

Southern Denmark has a strong position as an infrastructural node both internally within Denmark and internationally. A strong infrastructure is crucial to the residents' quality of life, competitiveness, economic growth and job creation.

The figure below shows the computed average speed for the stretch between the motorway crossing at Kliplev to exit 39 at Randers N. The calculations are predicated upon no expansions of the E45 other than those that have already been approved. Source: The Danish Road Directorate's report on the Eastern Jutland motorway corridor

In large towns, some 55 % of the people name the automobile as a primary form of transport, whereas in rural areas this is true for 90 % of the population. I byen

St or byen

byen PåI landet

100 % 90% 80 %

74% 63%

60 %

55% 46%

40 % 22%

20 %


12% 5%

0% Car


Mass transport (buses and trains)

The figure shows the specific forms of transport that people primarily use during the weekdays. Large towns(Storbyen): > 100,000 inhabitants. Towns (I byen): 2,000-100,000 inhabitants. Rural areas (På landet): < 2000 inhabitants. Source: Citizen's Panel

Page 17

Regional initiatives

Infrastructure & Mobility

initiatives An overview Southern Denmark is working to improve its infrastructure and mobility along a number of parallel trajectories The Southern Denmark Mobility Council is working to create the best conditions for mobility in the Region of Southern Denmark The Southern Denmark Mobility Council consists of: • R epresentatives for the Regional Council, including the Chairman of the Regional Council • Representatives of the municipalities of Southern Denmark • The mass transit companies – bus and rail • The transportation and logistics industry • The harbours • Billund Airport • The Danish Road Directorate • The construction industry • The University of Southern Denmark • The Green Network • Interest group organisations The cross-border co-operation is an important dimension in the Council's work. Examples of such co-operation are the Nordic Transport Policy Network, the North Sea Commission, agreements with Schleswig-Holstein and the Danish-German Transport Commission. The Danish-German Transport Commission aims to identify and analyse the challenges to cross-border transport and infrastructure. Infrastructure report Read more about infrastructure in the Regional Development Plan's supplement.

Shared agenda – a platform initiative 5

The priorities of Southern Denmark

The Region of Southern Denmark will work for a shared agenda for Southern Denmark, contribute to a strong knowledge foundation and place the priorities of Southern Denmark on the national agenda.

• A parallel connection to the Little Belt, which in terms of the traffic is more efficient and financially advantageous than the alternatives • A motorway in Central Jutland to the border, which can relieve the E45 and create better connections to Billund Airport as well as connect Southern Jutland, Central Jutland and Northern Jutland together better

If Southern Denmark acts as a unit, Southern Denmark will stand stronger in the national discussion on the prioritisation of infrastructure projects. The Region of Southern Denmark wishes to support the on-going dialogue in the Contact Committee of the Municipalities and the Southern Denmark Mobility Council and to ensure continued reconciliation of the interests and priorities of Southern Denmark.

• Strengthening of the Hour Model with one stop in the Triangle Area and continuation to Esbjerg and the border. The Hour Model intends to connect the four largest Danish towns so that each stretch can be travelled in an hour. Corresponding connections are desired from Odense and Aarhus to Esbjerg and Flensburg, and further to the south to Hamburg and the European high-speed rail network. The Region of North Denmark, the Region of Central Jutland and the Region of Southern Denmark are in agreement that the Jutland route of Aalborg-Hamburg will play an increasingly important role in the development of Western Denmark and Northern Germany. Follow it at:

Southern Denmark must market the prioritisations of Southern Denmark and influence the national decisionsThis requires that the prioritisations of Southern Denmark be based upon a foundation of strong technical and occupational knowledge. The Region will thus continue to produce knowledge in the infrastructure area as well as to support tangible analysis and activities, for example by the analysis of a bridge between Funen and Als. In Southern Denmark there is agreement on placing a special emphasis on three larger infrastructure projects in the future.


Central Jutlandic motorway to the border

Page 18

Lit tle

Be lt

Co n






Infrastructure & Mobility

NEW PATHS FOR MOBILITY initiative 6 The Region of Southern Denmark wishes to develop new knowledge on everyday transport that can contribute to increasing the mobility. Hence a mobility mangament project will research the conditions and the transportation behaviour in the urban networks, urban regions and rural villages.

All experience shows that one cannot build one's way out of all problems with new bridges, more motorways, faster trains, etc. Instead, affecting the use of the traffic system by travellers will become a primary challenge in the future. The Mobility Management Project is being carried out in connection with the Triangle Area in Denmark. The project is a part of the Formula M national project, which is a multiinstitutional effort in the Capital Region and the Triangle area for anchoring Mobility Management in Danish transport planning.


The Southern Denmark project will provide better insight into: • The transportation needs of the residents • The transportation behaviour of the residents • The possibility to affect the choice of the means of transport before the trip begins, through affecting attitudes, information and technical measures. The new knowledge must provide inspiration for the development of more effective forms of mobility and practices that can contribute to reducing the negative effects of transportation such as congestion problems and the burdens on the environment. The project's results will comprise the basis for pilot projects concerning transportation needs and behaviour as well as providing the Southern Denmark Mobility Council with new knowledge and inspiration for developing mobility in Southern Denmark.


NEW FACILITIES New facilities and large expansions, which encompass large investments other solutions are not possible.


Regional initiatives Chapter 1

Did you ? know ... that 32 % of the companies in the region specify good transportation and logistics conditions as the greatest advantage of their current location?

... that 55 % of the residents of Southern Denmark say that access to a mass transport system has been of substantial or decisive significance to their choice of a residence?


IMPROVEMENT OF THE EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE Measures that improve the existing infrastructure with minor redesigns and adjustments, creating a more flexible traffic flow and better traffic safety



EFFECTIVE UTILISATION OF THE EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE Measures that ensure efficient utilisation of the existing infrastructure, and which involve traffic regulation, Intelligent Transport Systems and traveller information concerning,



INFLUENCING THE CHOICE OF MEANS OF TRANSPORT Measures that affect the demand for transport and choice of means of transport, and which involve planning land use so that the need for transportation is minimised, and arranging urban areas so it becomes easy to use mass transit, bicycles and footpaths. The hierarchy works in four steps that begin with arranging the town so that the need for transport becomes smaller, and ends with large construction projects when other and less intrusive solutions are not possible.

… that 165,000 persons (or 27 %) of people employed in Southern Denmark commuted across the boundary of a municipality to get to work in 2007?

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Chapter 1

New climate new knowledge, new solutions

The global climate changes have substantial economic and societal consequences, and they do not recognise the boundaries of municipalities, regions or nations. The climate challenge is so large that no participant can solve the task alone. The challenge hence calls for innovation and co-operation involving shared solutions.


Regional initiatives Chapter 1

Page 21


In the work to achieve this goal, it is necessary that people also address the CO2 challenge at regional, municipal and local levels and contribute to reducing the emissions.

25 million 20 million 15 million 10 million 5 million



2 0

0 2 0





0 million

19 8

It is a huge challenge, which is being addressed both globally as well as nationally. The government's goal is for Denmark's emissions of greenhouse gases in 2020 to be reduced by 40 % in relation to the level in 1990. This goal places Denmark among the most ambitious countries in the climate area.

30 million

19 70

Thefore, it is necessary to stabilise the atmospheric content of CO2 in order to limit the consequences that the temperature rises will otherwise have globally.

ton 35 million


A principal part of the global warming that is causing climate change such as rising temperatures and more extreme weather is due to the increasing emissions of CO2.

Global CO2 emissions have risen from just under 10 million tons in 1960 to approx. 30 million tons in 2008.

19 6

CO2 emissions lead to extreme weather

The figure shows the trend in the total global CO2 emissions and encompasses emissions from combustion of fossil fuels and the production of cement. Source: World Bank


750 mm

650 mm

550 mm

0 20 1

0 20 0

19 90

19 80

19 70

19 60

19 50

450 mm

19 40

An increased quantity of precipitation will also lead to rises on groundwater levels, which at a number of places can undermine the road network and cause roads, viaducts and the like to collapse and crumble.

850 mm

19 30

The sea level increases will challenge dikes, harbours, roads and other structures in coastal areas. However, the amount of rain that falls on roads, roofs and the surface of the earth will also increase, as there will be more precipitation and stronger downpours. If the drainage of this surface water is not markedly improved, the sewers of the towns and their treatment plants will not be able to handle the load, which could lead to the flooding of basements and low-lying areas. At the same time, the increased quantity of precipitation means that the risk of pollution to our drinking water is increasing.

On the average, there is 100 ml. more precipitation per year today than in 1920.

19 20

One of the extremely large challenges in the future will be water management. The towns as well as the open land and the coastal areas have experienced the challenge first-hand in the form of rising water levels in the oceans, flooding that overloads streams, sewers, etc. and rising groundwater levels. The rising water levels involve a number of serious challenges not just globally, but also locally in Southern Denmark.

The figure shows Denmark's annual precipitation during the period 1920-2010. The values are the calculated national averages based upon a large number of precipitation stations distributed across the country. Source: DMI

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Regional initiatives


initiatives An overview Southern Denmark is working on preventing climate changes and on climate adaptations along several parallel trajectories The climate strategy proposes efforts both for the prevention of as well as adaptation to climate changes. The climate strategy involves the Region of Southern Denmark's own efforts, but it must in addition contribute to providing context and a shared direction. The climate strategy places an emphasis on: • C O2 surveying (emissions of CO2 must be reduced by 40 % in 2020 in relation to 2005) • Energy-correct buildings • Growth in cleantech businesses • The Low Carbon Economy Regions Project • Transverse initiatives The cross-border co-operation An attempt is being made to expand the Southern Denmark energy cluster in Baltic Sea and North Sea contexts. Climate protection is an important element in the Baltic Sea strategy, which the Region of Southern Denmark is encompassed by. Moreover, prevention of climate changes is a transverse element in the coming structural fund period, which will be able to support many types of activities.

Inspiration forum – a platform initiative 7 The Region of Southern Denmark will take the initiative to create an inspiration forum. The new forum will collect the relevant participants together and ensure there is an on-going dialogue involving climate change prevention and climate change adaptation. The new forum will especially work to build up knowledge and share knowledge that can form a basis for effective efforts by Southern Denmark in the climate area.

of municipal climate plans and in strategic energy planning. Joint co-ordination of the efforts by Southern Denmark will increase Southern Denmark's possibilities for asserting itself in the national and international debates concerning the climate. The co-operation can also create a starting point for dialogue with the national government concerning the development of the climate efforts.

Climate and environmental problems know no borders. The challenges in the climate area thus make clear the need for shared efforts, innovative thinking and more knowledge.

A forum for inspiration can also participate in indicating the procedures and solutions that could open new possibilities for growth. This is also the thought process behind the business development strategy's efforts in the business area of energy, where the objective is to promote the development of alternative sources of energy and at the same time to use the climate challenges as a driving force for business development and growth.

The region will hence create a forum for inspiration, which will be able to promote co-operation and exchange of ideas between the municipalities and the central participants in the area. A forum for inspiration could, for example, participate in ensuring that there is a shared focus and financial rationality in the exchange

However, effective shared efforts and innovative thinking require knowledge about how we best can prevent as well as adapt ourselves to the climate challenges. The Region thus has given priority to two tangible initiatives to build up knowledge concerning both climate prevention as well as climate adaptation.


Surveying of CO2 emissions

groundwater MODEL

initiative 8

initiative 9

One special initiative in the climate strategy and for climate change prevention initiatives is a CO2 survey. The survey will provide a picture of how CO2 is being emitted by various industries in Southern Denmark and thus provide us with the knowledge and tools to limit the burden on the climate.

The Region of Southern Denmark will initiate a project to develop a forecast for the future groundwater level in two municipalities in Southern Denmark. One of the project's goals is to develop a climate adaptation model, which can be a tool for municipalities and utility supply companies in their planning and securing of drinking water supplies.

A primary goal of the climate strategy is to develop and initiate actions that can contribute to reducing emissions of CO2. This requires first and foremost knowledge about the CO2 emissions in Southern Denmark. Thus the first step on the efforts is to survey the CO2 emissions. The survey can later be supplemented with ”thematic surveying” that in specific areas of effort, for example construction, is able to provide a more precise picture of the trend. The surveying is being performed in 2011-2012 and will be made available at no charge to the municipalities and other parties that have an interest in following the trend.

The climate changesthreaten existing and planned land use. Hence there is a need to look more closely at how we can protect towns, rural districts, infrastructure and nature against the consequences of the climate changes, as well as ensuring that growth will be sustainable in a reliable physical environment. Southern Denmark desires, through a knowledge project, to develop new knowledge and new tools that, among other things, can be used in the planning work by the municipalities in Southern Denmark. The knowledge development project will be initiated in close co-operation with GEUS (The National Geological Survey for Denmark and Greenland). The pilot project will be anchored in the Region of Southern Denmark and the first results are expected to be ready in the autumn of 2012. Project areas have been selected in the municipalities of Kolding and Billund that reflect the region's variations in geology and hydrogeology. The areas have different soil conditions and thus are affected differently by the rising level of the groundwater. Based upon the project results, the possibilities and need for further development of the tools will be assessed in a broad dialogue with the relevant parties, including the national government.

Regional initiatives Chapter 1

Did you ? know ... that 80 % of Danes are of the opinion that it is important that their municipality takes active coresponsibility for the climate developments?

... that for the public sector the total energy savings potential is estimated to be over 40 %?

...that 28 % of Denmark's production of renewable energy is produced in Southern Denmark?

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Chapter 1




Area initiatives Chapter 1

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Area initiatives Even though there are shared challenges for all parts of Southern Denmark, they nevertheless are not equally serious in all locations. In the Regional Development Plan, area initiatives are included for Southwestern Jutland, Southern Jutland, the Triangle Area and Funen. The focus of the initiatives is the special challenges and opportunities that exist in different areas of Southern Denmark.

Shared efforts The vision for the area initiatives is to strengthen the development work between the municipalities, the municipal development forums and the region. Establishing stringer co-operation will create an integrated and co-ordinated shared development effort not only to the benefit of each of the four areas individually, but also for the individual municipalities, the region and the entire country. It thus is also the intention of the area initiatives to create clear integration between national-level planning, the municipal planning strategies and the Regional Development Plan. Because only through integrated development strategies can a growth agenda be efficiently set, where via shared efforts tangible local and regional challenges can be addressed, and where development potentials are sought to be exploited.

Forward-looking dialogue and initiatives The area initiatives are a platform for dialogue and development co-operation transverse to the boundaries of the municipalities. The tangible area initiatives was created in a dialogue concerning the specific development topics that should be pursued jointly in the individual areas. The four area initiatives as they are described on the next pages will be commenced with this development plan. However, with the area initiatives as a platform, the broad dialogue is also being retained, so, in step with other needs arising, other shared initiatives can also be launched.

Culture, nature and experiences as a lever Culture, nature and experiences affect the possibilities of the population to live The Good Life, and thus is significant to how attractive an area is for residents. The Region of Southern Denmark's cultural monuments will in the future be available for developing strategic projects in dialogue with the area's municipalities, etc. The projects must strengthen the visibility and attractiveness of the four areas, but may certainly involve multiple areas or the entire region. The regional cultural strategy will be revised in accordance with this.

Health as a lever The Region of Southern Denmark wishes in co-operation with municipalities and research institutions to examine the extent to which offers within health and lifestyle as well as the physical spaces of the local areas contribute to the attractiveness of an area.

| Esbjerg | Fanø | Tønder | Varde |


SOUTHWESTERN JUTLAND Southwestern Jutland with the municipalities of Tønder, Esbjerg, Varde and Fanø are geographically located by the always variable Wadden Sea. Southwestern Jutland is an example of how a geographical and cultural community provides advantages in some areas, whereas it provides challenges in other areas. Esbjerg is the 'port to the west' and for a large part of the area a natural centre for growth, education and activity. The co-operation in Southwestern Jutland will with this point of departure elucidate the roles and potentials of the towns and rural areas to strengthen the development of Southwestern Jutland. In terms of businesses, the area is marked by comprehensive activities involving energy and offshore, where Esbjerg is showcasing itself as a metropolitan area based on energy.

One striking shared feature of the municipalities is the unique nature with access to the North Sea Coast and the Wadden Sea National Park. The nature is a starting point for a significant part of the tourism that in Southwestern Jutland generates up to a quarter of the total tourism activity in the region. The significance of tourism is already substantial in the area, but with the special possibilities for experiences that the area offers there is a potential for more both in terms of the economics as well as in the form of more jobs.

initiatives Town roles and Town functions initiative 10 Analysis of the functional interrelationships between the towns The initiative is anchored in a working group with the Municipality of Esbjerg as the project manager. The analysis is the focus of the initiative, but with leadership by the municipality the task is open to the initiative being raised to a broader strategic level. On this basis initiatives can be implemented that are designed to support planning and development in Southwestern Jutland. Strategic and analytical support for formulating urban development strategies. In extension of the Town analysis, and the experiences from the work with development strategies in the towns that previously were administrative centres, the region is offering to assist several towns with the formulation of urban development strategies.

Tourism initiative 11 Relevant updated statistics With a starting point in the area's overall specialisation in tourism and an emphasis on the continued development of this business, it is important to have access to relevant updated statistical material – for the individual municipalities, the area as a whole and for purposes of comparison with others. The initiative aims to prepare new statistics for tourism. The initiative will be integrated into the work with a co-ordinated tourism strategy for Southwestern Jutland. The work must be supplemented and reconciled with other statistical activities in the area. The Southwestern Jutland Development Forum (SVUF) is the main coordinator for the overall project. The Region is carrying out the part that specifically involves new statistics.

Area initiatives Chapter 1

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Vision for shared efforts With a point of departure in the area's unique nature and functional interrelationships, the vision is to highlight the shared strengths and development potentials, so that all the positive forces characterised by growth and initiative will be mobilised for the benefit of the overall development of Southwestern Jutland. The vision for shared efforts is anchored in both the Regional Development Plan and the planning strategies for the municipalities of Tønder, Esbjerg, Varde and Fanø.

| Haderslev | Sønderborg | Tønder | Aabenraa |

Southern Jutland

Area initiatives Chapter 1

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Southern Jutland Haderslev, Sønderborg, Tønder and Aabenraa are the gateways to Europe for Jutland and Funen – and in some cases for still larger areas. Hence it is these municipalities in Southern Denmark that can especially benefit from crossborder co-operation. In Southern Jutland forecasts indicate growth in the areas along the motorway, whereas other locations are marked by a loss of population. The financial crisis has caused businesses to be closed and traditional production jobs to be lost. The nearby urban areas of Flensburg, Esbjerg and the Triangle Area are anticipating growth, which also provides possibilities for Southern Jutland, Western Denmark and Germany have comparable business structures, marked by industrial production for the global market, and there is close interaction involving deliveries to each other across the border, yet the border remains a bar-

rier. The Danish-German organisation, the Centre for Growth, will market the border region and strengthen the co-operation. Region Southern Jutland-Schleswig performs advising for cross-border commuters, and promotes cultural activities transverse to the border. The Jutland corridor from Aalborg to Hamburg is the backbone of the infrastructure that ensures that persons and goods can come in and out of Western Denmark. The Danish-German Transport Commission can become a pivotal point for national commitments to develop infrastructure and transport conditions in the Jutland corridor.

initiatives The visibility of Supporting the border region transport and accessibility e 12 initiativ

Awareness of the border region's conditions must be increased by developing and testing a border barometer consisting of two parts: A survey of the residents on both sides of the border and tallies of the passenger cars and lorries crossing the border. The expectation is that the results will be able to create visibility for the border area and a recognition of the national-level interests in the area. The Region of Southern Denmark is the main co-ordinator for the development of and execution of the border barometer during an experimental period.

initiative 13 A joint Western Danish-Northern German rail strategy for the Jutland corridor will contribute to faster trains and a better context for the operation of regional trains crossing the border. A border railway station, that contributes to bringing more people and more goods over the rails, will be elucidated in the rail strategy. The town of Flensburg is the main coordinator for a Danish-German effort, which among other things is seeking to bring up the topic as a task for the Danish-German Transport Commission.

Vision for shared efforts In conjunction with a number of Danish-German participants, the Regional Development Plan is intended to strengthen Southern Jutland's possibilities in co-ordinated interaction with the large geographical area. The co-operation is focused on profiling and developing the border region in line with the Øresund Region and the future Femern Belt corridor. The rest of Denmark must take note that the potentials in the border region are also of national-level interest. The vision for the shared efforts is anchored both in the Regional Development Plan and in the planning strategies of the municipalities of Haderslev, Sønderborg, Tønder and Aabenraa.


Triangle Area

Area initiatives Chapter 1

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The Triangle Area The Triangle Area is a growth area in the region, and with its many inhabitants and jobs as well as its status as a node for traffic, the Triangle Area forms the southern centre of Eastern Jutland, Denmark's second-largest growth region. Eastern Jutland – from Randers to Haderslev, is being perceived to an increasing degree as a contiguous metropolitan area with substantial growth possibilities. Whether the Triangle Area can exploit its location in or along the East Jutland Metropolitan Area can be crucial to the development of the area. The Triangle Area's position as a growth area is based upon its industrial strength. This position is being challenged by globalisation and technological development, which will cause the ability to reconfigure and the speed of such to be continually more crucial in relation to national and global development. This means that the Triangle Area is facing an adjustment in the structure of its commerce, where the addition of knowledge and quality to goods and services will, regardless of the industry, be completely crucial. The Triangle Area's central location in Denmark will make the area attractive as a place to live, because there are

many jobs here – and because the area is located so centrally that a person could live here and for example work in either Aarhus, Odense, Esbjerg or Sønderborg. But increasing requirements for living conditions, including more numerous and varied possibilities for cultural and leisure time experiences as well as easy access to education and unique urban environments, are posing a challenge to the area's attractiveness. In addition, the larger towns in the Triangle Area are under pressure from a rising demand for big city values, including from highly educated young people, who are most often attracted to the larger towns.

initiatives more shared knowledge initiative 14 In recent decades pressure on the Denmark's ability to compete has been significantly intensified due to the increasing globalisation of the economy. What specific consequences does this have for the Triangle Area and what opportunities does it hold? It is not possible to find all the answers to these questions, however there is a need to have the role of the Triangle Area as an engine of growth in Western Denmark developed and put into perspective. The analysis can create a point of departure for further initiatives that can create growth in the Triangle Area.

Tangible initiatives are: • An overall analysis of the Triangle Area in the East Jutland Metropolitan Area, including an emphasis on different future scenarios that combine general trends and tangible barriers to growth in the area • P reparation of an Kontur for the Triangle Area in 2012 • P reparation of analysis in conjunction with the Triangle Area's planning strategy and follow-ups to it • A nalysis of general commuting patterns in relation to the Triangle Area

Vision for shared efforts Development in the Triangle Area is of crucial significance to growth and well-being in Southern Denmark. Hence we must be on the leading edge both regionally and locally in equipping the Triangle Area for the challenges that intensified competition will bring in the short run and the long run. Work is thus being initiated that will produce knowledge that will elucidate what the Triangle Area will live off in the future, and how the visibility and international capacity of the Triangle Area can be developed. The work will take a point of departure in the area's location in the East Jutland Metropolitan Area. The vision of the shared efforts is anchored both in the Regional Development Plan and in the planning strategy for the Triangle Area.

| Assens | Faaborg-Midtfyn | Kerteminde | Langeland | Middelfart | | Nordfyn | Nyborg | Odense | Svendborg | Ærø |


Funen Funen and the islands are a well-defined area. It gives the ten municipalities a strong identity as being Funen municipalities. With that said, the municipalities range across very different characteristics, from the large town of Odense to the beautiful natural surroundings of the municipalities along Funen's coast and to the islands to the south. Odense is the large city of both the Region and Funen – and the plans for the future are ambitious. In the part of the city with the University of Southern Denmark, the research park and the motorway, the new superhospital is being established. The plan also includes light rail that will connect the new knowledge area with the city centre and the railway centre. Odense is the natural driving force on Funen, and enhanced co-operation on Funen together with a shared strategy for Funen

contains opportunities to create the dynamic reciprocity and interaction between the big city and the rest of Funen and the islands that can create future growth. Funen's location in the middle of Denmark can be fertile soil for growth and development, and for infrastructural possibilities involving both rail and roadways. The municipalities with their far-flung geography have different needs, but wil still find advantages in building up a combined political leadership to meet the challenges.

initiatives New knowledge about funen


initiative 15

initiative 16

Analysis and survey of the acquisition of knowledge on Funen. The purpose of the initiative is to elucidate the acquisition of knowledge on Funen and thereby to to create the knowledge base that is necessary to attract desirable companies. The analysis consists of several parts: A description of the financial and employment-related significance of the knowledge acquirers on Funen plus a series of interviews with knowledge enterprises concerning the advantages and drawbacks of locating their companies on Funen.

A standardised and composite picture of Funen's condition is crucial to being able to design and undertake the initiatives that create an increase in population, investments and business development on Funen. With a point of departure in the Region of Southern Denmark's OUTLINE publications for the municipalities, an overall OUTLINE report for Funen will be prepared. The report benchmarks Funen against the rest of Denmark on central parameters such as population, business development, education and the climate.

The analysis will be anchored in the working group behind the Funen Project and will be performed under the auspices of the Regional Development Plan. The analysis will form the point of departure for initiatives that can create growth on Funen.

The working group behind the Funen Project is carrying the load for the initiative, which is being performed under the auspices of the Regional Development Plan.

Area initiatives Chapter 1

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Vision for shared efforts Funen wishes to intensify the co-operation on creating development. The vision is to establish Funen as a growth area that binds the growth areas in Eastern Jutland together with the growth area in the Ă˜resund Region. Realisation of the vision will be of benefit to Funen, the Region of Southern Denmark and Denmark as a whole.

Funen's development The Regional Development Plan is, with the Funen area initiative, supporting Funen with the co-operation between the municipalities.

The development co-operation on Funen is following two trajectories: The unity organisation named Development Funen will, through a shared strategy for Funen and efforts in the business and tourism area, create increased growth on Funen and make Funen an attractive place for tourists, companies and investments. The Funen Project will set up shared overall directional indicators for the strategic planning work in general. This will support the growth agenda and provide a more clear and prioritised picture of what Funen collectively wants to do. The Funen Project is being carried out in co-operation with the municipalities of Funen, the Region of Southern Denmark and the Danish Ministry of the Environment. The project is integrating the land use planning with the regional and municipal planning.

Shared efforts

With the right tool... The Regional Development Plan contains a broad range of tools that will be used to develop the framework for The Good Life in Southern Denmark. The tools must now be put into play via a shared effort transverse to industries and organisations. Radical innovative thinking is necessary Only by focusing on the whole instead of isolated elements will we be able to meet the challenges and find effective solutions to the problems. The Regional Development Plan reflects this need for radical new innovative thinking. The vision of The Good Life will ensure, together with the regional initiatives and the area initiatives, an integrated and long-term effort. Success requires co-operation and commitment by Southern Denmark The dialogue with the municipalities of Southern Denmark has played an important role in creating the Regional Development Plan, however they will also be central participants in the implementation of the plan's initiatives. Many others in Southern Denmark have directly or indirectly contributed to the Regional Development Plan, but still more with be participating in the realisation of the plan, since the success of the plan depends on broad commitment to it in Southern Denmark and on good ideas in all initiative areas. The Regional Development Plan's initiative areas comprise a shared basis for implementation of the planning and development strategies for the municipalities as well as for the various regional strategies. And the many parties who are involved can provide input to the common trajectory for further work under the auspices of the Regional Development Plan.

In the process, there will be a need to size up new knowledge and to discuss the next steps. Hence the organisation of the co-operation that existed while the Regional Development Plan was being drafted is being retained. For example, it has been agreed that the policy co-ordination group will meet several times annually in order to co-ordinate the course and the progress. The key is new knowledge on time – also in the future Is progress occurring as intended in the regional initiatives? In the area initiatives? And on the overall? A lack of progress can be due to us using our energies incorrectly, or due to developments in the world making the path more difficult than anticipated. The Regional Development Plan is a dynamic instrument, which on an on-going basis will deliver new knowledge and new products so that we can choose the best path and take impediments that have arisen into account. This means that shared knowledge must be easily accessible so that all residents of Southern Denmark will be able to participate in the further development of the initiatives and be inspired to make new ideas and commitments. The Regional Development Plan thus has its own Web site, where in addition to the plan one can gain access to the shared knowledge that is the basis for the plan as well as the knowledge that will be developed in the future.

How will the course be stayed? The Regional Development Plan will assist Southern Denmark on an on-going basis in navigating its way in relation to the shared challenges and the shared efforts.

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shared efforts shared challenges Regional Development Plan 2012-15 promotes growth with The Good Life in Southern Denmark. Commitment, new knowledge, activity and progress are important ingredients in a good life, and they must also be the driving forces for growth in Southern Denmark. By mixing these ingredients together with the special qualities, commercial strengths and traditions of the towns and areas of Southern Denmark, we are setting a course with our own solutions for growth and a even better life. Thus the Regional Development Plan 2012-15 involves providing a solid knowledge foundation and new and reinforced efforts in the areas of education, infrastructure & mobility. However, a climate agenda is also being set. The climate challenges are massive, and we must be better at acting in a timely and efficient manner. The area initiatives are also setting more specific efforts in motion in order to develop projects in different parts of the region that may be of benefit for the entire region.

See more at:

pment plan

lo Regional Deve

Regional Development / Strategy & Analysis

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18179 Mediegruppen

The development plan sets the course and specifies the activities that we will set in motion. But the plan is only the starting signal. The development plan is a permanent development process, where the next steps will be agreed upon by the region, municipalities and other participants with a starting point in new knowledge and the results achieved.

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