Activity Kits Improve Family Engagement AUTHOR: LIZ HAYWOOD
Region 10 ESC Family Engagement Consultant
EGION 10 Education Service Center, in partnership with local independent school districts, has served children and their families through Head Start/Early Head Start (HS/EHS) for more than 25 years. The program is federally funded to provide services to HS/EHS children and families living in districts located within the Region 10 service area. Classrooms are located in school districts and are staffed by certified teachers and trained instructional aides. Staff members and children represent a variety of cultures and backgrounds so children receive an added benefit of becoming familiar with a range of holidays, customs, and family activities. Families and staff work together to support the high-quality educational and developmental programs that help prepare children to succeed in school. Parents provide their support through Parent Committees, Advisory Committees, and Policy Council, and are valued as participants and volunteers. Research indicates that children do better in school when parents are engaged in their education. Staff facilitates a variety of activities throughout the year to encourage father and family engagement. Over the past year, many of our district partners restricted parents from entering schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic and new safety procedures. Despite the restrictions, HS/EHS continues to provide quality services to children and families. Family Resource Specialists consistently communicate with families through phone calls, email messages, and virtual visits to
provide services and to convey empathy, caring, and interest in their well-being. Love and Logic parenting classes continue at centers but are now virtual, which provides an opportunity for parents to continue learning effective parenting skills. Parents learn how to build a trusting and safe home environment where children are cared for and loved. Last fall, the staff received outstanding training from Dr. Charles Fay, Chief Executive Officer of Love and Logic Institute. The purpose was to strengthen staff skills in applying Love and Logic principles with the children we serve. Involved fathers and other positive male role models make a significant impact on children building a long-lasting foundation for children’s success. Research has shown that children do better in school when there is a positive male influence who is actively engaged in a child’s life. In addition to this influence, children have fewer behavioral issues, and better grades, social skills and health. Involved and affectionate fathers contribute to children’s sense of self-confidence and well-being.