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It Only Takes a Spark
Quinlan ISD is fortunate to have teachers and staff who continually go above and beyond their call of duty to ignite “sparks” with students in their care. Teachers who make an impact and spark little flames that grow into massive fires are the epitome of what an outstanding educator looks like. Their influence reaches beyond traditional instruction and classroom walls. Ashley King, a vocational teacher and coach at Ford High School, has sparked a flame in senior Panther football player Brandon James. We want to share that story in hopes that a #BeTheSpark trend will grow across our school district and beyond.
This story begins with Quinlan ISD class of 2021 graduate, Jose Ortega. After graduating from Ford High School (FHS), Jose came back to school to gain additional employment skills available to him through the FHS vocational program.
“Jose is a student who makes your heart melt. He has the biggest heart and always comes to school with the biggest smile on his face,” King shared. “Jose also loves sports - especially football. Earlier this year, Jose attended Meet the Panther night with his family, and I could tell he wanted to be a part of the football team so badly.”
This is where Brandon James comes into the picture. King recognized what a great student and role model Brandon is, so she introduced Brandon to Jose.
“It was remarkable how they instantly became friends. They took pictures together, and Brandon introduced Jose to the rest of the team,” King said. “Brandon has gone above and beyond to connect with Jose, to be his friend, and to make sure that Jose has been included in all things football.”
As the school year has progressed, so has the friendship between Brandon and Jose. So much so, that Brandon now considers Jose one of his closest and dearest friends.
“Jose is a nice guy, and he is always just so happy. I stop to say 'Hi' to him every chance I get, and do my best to connect with him every day at school,” Brandon explained.
When King told Brandon that Jose loves football and has always wanted to play football, Brandon jumped into action.
“I didn’t even have to really think about it. My teammates were onboard immediately, and we made Jose a part of the team. The guys take to Jose well. One day, Jose asked if he could get a jersey and a helmet like the rest of us. I told him I could try. After talking with Coach Wallace, I was able to get him his official Panther jersey and helmet, and everyone on the team signed his jersey,” Brandon shared.
Brandon and the team decided to make the experience extra special for Jose. Before the first home football game, the Quinlan Panther football team presented Jose with his signed jersey and helmet. Then, Jose joined the team as they gathered in the tunnel and ran onto the field.
“We are one big family, and everyone has embraced Jose. His contagious inspiration has impacted us as a football team, and we hope we have impacted him. We see him as a teammate as well as a brother on the field,” Brandon said.
The “spark” in this story is felt on many different levels. A teacher’s spark affecting two young men is profound and beautiful. Two young men becoming friends and impacting a football team is remarkable. Quinlan ISD hopes the compassion and grace awarded to a young man who just wanted to be a part of something he loves sparks an entire school and community. After all, it only takes a spark to start a fire.