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$2 • PH: 1300 4895 00 • EDITORIAL: • Issue 605 • Thursday, March 7, 2013
News NRL Tipping Competition Cooktown Local
Let the Show begin:
Cooktown Amateur Turf Club President Peter Staig reckons if all goes to plan, more than 150 RVs and the entire Cooktown and District Country Show will occupy some of the vast expanse of the club’s grounds. Photo: GARY HUTCHISON.
At the Showgrounds A JOINT initiative between the Cooktown Amateur Turf Club and the Cooktown and District Country Show could see the whole of this year’s Show being held at the racecourse, but those plans are dependent on the availability of circus tents to house the event. Depending on the availability of the tents, Show organisers are hoping to hold the whole Show at the racecourse, rather than at the PCYC Events Centre. “We’re still waiting to hear whether or not we can get the number of tents we want,” a Show Committee member said. “Once we know that, we’ll be able
to confirm the final arrangements.” Intensifying what could be a grand carnival atmosphere will be the arrival of about 150 RVs and 14 vintage Massey Ferguson tractors - all staying at the racecourse. The RVs will be making their way north from the Mareeba “Christmas in July” festival and are expected to arrive at the racecourse before the Show starts on Friday, August 1, with some staying for a week, while others could stay as long as two weeks. Two of the tractors are coming from Western Australia, while the other 12 are from Victoria - all being shipped to Cooktown on trucks, after which they will journey to the tip of
Cape York. “The tractors will actually be featured in the Show,” the committee member said. “They’ve all been lovingly restored by their owners and will be available for inspection by the Show patrons.” Although the exact number of RVs to visit Cooktown is not known, their presence is expected to provide a real boon for the local economy. “I’m very excited by what this will do for our economy while they’re here,” Cook Shire Council Chief Executive Officer Steve Wilton said. And Mayor Peter Scott said congratulations had to be extended to the
Turf Club for its willingness to host the events. “The new Turf Club Committee’s willingness to involve itself in community activities has been a real breath of fresh air,” he said. Turf Club President Peter Staig said his organisation had only just received approval from Queensland Racing, but were delighted with the news the Club could be involved, with its members promising to be the perfect hosts to the visitors. “We’ll have a bar and the club’s facilities open to them while they’re here,” he said. “And we’ve got some other ideas to make their stay more comfortable
and enjoyable, but they’re still in the pipeline.” But not only should the presence of the RVs be a financial boost to the town, some of the occupants might stay to do some volunteer work. “The people in the RVs have been known to do volunteer work in the towns they stay at,” he said. “The information I have been getting is that some will be doing that here, so a volunteer register is being set up to record their willingness and what they can do.” The Cooktown and District Country Show is scheduled to be held on Friday, August 1 and Saturday, August 2.
What’s On
EDITOR’S NOTE: If you have an upcoming event, please let us know by email to or phone Gary Hutchison on (07) 4069 5773.
letters to the editor
Anger at waste collection decision still rising IN A move more in line with a communist regime than a democratically elected council, the Cook Shire has decided to enforce curbside collection to the Poison Creek, Oakey Creek and Endeavour Valley districts, despite the overwhelming objection to the scheme. At the public meeting organised by the constituents (not council), attended by the Mayor and several of the councillors, the message was unanimous and clear. We do not want this service! In fact, it is an imposition, not a service. The Mayor gave an undertaking to review the decision with several of the councillors indicating that they would put forward a motion to rescind the decision. In a letter to the people in the collection area, dated February 15 (before council met), the Mayor states that the disservice will go ahead and people in the
Thu 7. Swim for Your Life at the Cooktown Pool from 9.30am to 10.30am.
Sat 9. Cooktown SSAA Target Shoot from 9.30am. Sat 9. Cooktown Pool - Aqua Aerobics - from noon to 1pm. Sat 9. Cape York SSAA Pistol Shoot from 1pm. Sat 9. International Women's Day celebration at the Lions Den from 2pm.
Sat 9. International Women's Day celebration at the
Cooktown Bowls Club from 5pm. Sun 10. Cape York SSAA Rifle Shoot from 9am. Sun 10. Cooktown Alcoholics Anonymous meeting from 1.30pm in the CWA Hall in Charlotte Street. Call 4069 5626 for details. Sun 10. Morris Dancers - barbecue for anyone interested in joining the group. Kellehaven Road from 4pm. Everyone welcome. Tue 12. Swim for Your Life at the Cooktown Pool from 9.30am to 10.30am. Tue 12. Endeavour Lions Club meeting at the Lions Hall in Amos Street from 7pm. Tue 12. Cape York SSAA meeting at Fishermans Wharf from 7pm. Tue 12. Cooktown Alcoholics Anonymous meeting from 8pm in the CWA Hall in Charlotte Street. Call 4069 5626 for details. Wed 13. Cooktown Pool - Aqua Aerobics - from noon to 1pm. Wed 13. Cooktown SSAA Sunset Shoot from 5.30pm. Thu 14. Swim for Your Life at the Cooktown Pool from 9.30am to 10.30am. Sat 16. Cooktown SSAA Safety Course from 8.30am. Sat 16. Cape York SSAA working bee. Sat 16. Cooktown Pool - Aqua Aerobics - from noon to 1pm. Sun 17. Cape York SSAA Black Powder Shoot from 9am. Sun17. Cooktown Amateur Turf Club meeting at the race clubrooms from 9.30am. Sun 17. Cooktown Alcoholics Anonymous meeting from 1.30pm in the CWA Hall in Charlotte Street. Call 4069 5626 for details. Tue 19. Swim for Your Life at the Cooktown Pool from 9.30am to 10.30am. Tue 19. Cooktown Alcoholics Anonymous meeting from 8pm in the CWA Hall in Charlotte Street. Call 4069 5626 for details. Wed 20. Swim for Your Life at the Cooktown Pool from 9.30am to 10.30am. Can club secretaries please send in a list of their events planned for the year to au so they can be included in the What's On section.
collection area will be charged for it whether they use it or not. The date of the letter indicates that the review has been undertaken by the bureaucracy, propagating the same misinformation without further discussion with the councillors. For example, council stated the roads were the equivalent of the Peninsular Development Road. The PDR now has a fivetonne load limit, yet in the letter, the council claims the road is of sufficient standard for operation of the disservice year round. If they want to collect rubbish, they can start with their own statements. At the meeting, the council stated that they could not recover costs for this disservice and were asked why then, were they going ahead with the collection? They now claim cost effectiveness through economies of scale.
I READ with interest the article in last week’s Cooktown Local News stating that the police would be placing “prime focus” on the wearing of seat belts in the upcoming Easter holiday period. I was particularly interested to read that the QPS statistics show that “failure to wear a seat belt or wearing a seat belt incorrectly is one of the top five causal factors in the on-going “Fatal Five” road safety messages . . . OK, no problem . . . understood. Can someone then please explain to me the logic behind
being able to put my primary school children every weekday onto a school bus . . . three to a “double” seat . . . travelling on our highways and dirt roads without seat belts on? Can someone please explain why there is no legislated requirement to fit a steel canister with wheels (school bus) travelling up to 100km/h . . . sharing small country roads with road trains and wildlife, containing 27 children under the age of 12, with what is heralded as the biggest life-saving initiative to be introduced to modern automotive transport . . . seat
belts? A nine-year-old boy was killed in New South Wales last year when his school bus collided with a truck; the boy was ejected from the bus through the window on impact and died at the scene. Road accidents are part of life and driving. There’s absolutely no reason this type of incident couldn’t happen any day, to any of us sharing public roads. So, again, please explain to me why it’s not important enough for legislators to mandate life-saving devices be fitted to school buses to protect our
children? Max Nulley (pictured), Lions Den Hotel, Shiptons Flat.
on great Expo Thank you Councillor Martin Congratulations IN regards to the Cooktown I would particularly like to I WOULD like to acknowledge the role Charlie Martin has played in community life in the Cape and thank him for his committment and dedication to all the people who he has helped over the years either in his role as Councillor or on a more personal level with his voluntary work with people in need. Charlie is a people person and he doesn’t hold back. He will help in any way he can. Charlie’s departure will impact on a lot of people for he was someone who would go beyond the call of duty to achieve the best outcome possible. I would like to wish Charlie
Baptist: Hogg Street, near IGA, 9.30am Sun. Phone 4069 5155. Cooktown Community Church (AOG/ACC): Gungarde Hall, 9.30am Sun; Home Group 7.30am Wed. Phone 4069 5070, 0427 756 793. Catholic: 6pm Sat and 8.30am Sun, St Mary's, Cooktown. Phone 4069 5730. Anglican: Christ Church Chapel, Sun 8.30am. Phone 4069 6778, 0428 696 493. Lutheran: Hope Vale at 9am on Sunday, Cooktown. Phone either 4060 9197 or 0419 023 114.
and his family all the best for their future and remind him there are homes whose door will always remain open for him and his family. Take care and travel safely. Joy Marriott (pictured), Lakeland.
Contacts & Deadlines
Where we go: Approx 1400 copies distributed every Thursday throughout Cooktown, Hope Vale, Rossville, Wujal Wujal, Bloomfield, Ayton, Marton, Port Douglas, Mossman, Cairns, Lakeland Downs/Laura, Mt Carbine/Mt Molloy, Mareeba and Coen, and subscribers across Australia and overseas.
The bureaucracy seems intent on destroying our rural lifestyle. In fact, I wonder how long it will be before the stress of poor council decisions causes mental illness, perhaps even violence? I ask a simple question of the councillors. Who do you represent - the constituents or the bureaucracy? The appearance at the moment is the latter. Steve Weise (pictured), Wilton Access Road.
Why aren’t seat belts compulsory in school buses?
Editor: (07) 4069 5773 Editor’s mobile: 0411 722 807 People wishing to meet in person with the editor can do so by calling him, and he will arrange a time to meet with you at a mutually convenient location. All advertising / accounts enquiries, please call: 1300 4895 00 or (07) 4099 4633 Fax: 1300 7872 48 Phones attended 8.30am to 5pm - Monday to Friday
In other words, they now expect people who have for years legally and effectively disposed of their rubbish to subsidise council’s ineffective recycling system. A select few are being forced to pay more for what is a wholeof-town problem. What happened at the council meeting is of a far more serious nature. Council intends to conduct a selective inspection program of only properties in the curbside collection area to ensure conformation to council by-laws. This can only be described as a selective witch-hunt designed to intimidate the people in the collection area. How dare we disagree with the inept bureaucracy? This council’s standing in the Poison Creek-Endeavour Valley district is at an all time low and plummeting.
EDITOR: Gary Hutchison AD DESIGN: Sharon Gallery & Becca Cottam
ADVERTISING – Box ad bookings: Box ad material: Line Classifieds: EDITORIAL – General copy:
by NOON MONDAYS (pics, stories, letters, etc) Regular columns: by 5pm FRIDAYS Sports columns: by 5pm MONDAYS
2 – Cooktown Local News 7 - 13 March 2013
Health Expo Day held on February 16, 2013 at the Events Centre, I have been involved with the Cooktown Integrated Health Group since its inception in early 2012 and would like to thank all the group members for their commitment to the group’s vision and working together to bring this worthwhile project to a successful conclusion on that day. From the beginning of the planning day sessions, the group decided it was important to include all groups who offer traditional, natural and alternative approaches to health care and healing.
Letters to the editor
Publisher’s Details Publishers of the Cooktown Local News
thank Mr Joseph McIvor for the “Welcome to Country” opening ceremony and the local combined Christian Healing groups for having their stall at the Health Expo and for holding their special prayer day while the Health Expo was on that day. I would also like to thank all the people who attended the Health Expo Day and hope that you all took away with you some health and healing ideas from the day. Health, peace and love to you all Rhonda-Joy Holland, Cooktown.
regional & remote N E W S P A P E R S
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CHAIRMAN: Mark Bousen PUBLISHER: Corey Bousen MANAGING EDITOR: Mark Bousen ACCOUNTS: Meg Bousen
Letters to the Editor are published as a free community service and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Cooktown Local News nor its management. Letters must be legible, preferably less than 250 words, carry a name and address, and be signed. A telephone number or similar identification must also be provided. Unsigned and anonymous letters, or use of a nom de plume, eg Concerned Citizen, etc will not be accepted. Names withheld on discretion of the publisher. Letters may be edited for space or content or omitted altogether at the discretion of the editor. Mail to: PO Box 36, Cooktown, Qld, 4895 Fax: 1300 787 248 or Email:
letters to the editor
We need universally affordable broadband: Entsch THANKS to Eric George for his letter regarding the National Broadband Network (‘Make the internet a vital election issue’, page 2, Cooktown Local News, 14-20 February, 2013). This is an important issue as we need to have universally affordable broadband for all Australians. Unfortunately, under Labor’s $2.4 billion NBN plan, many rural and remote communities won’t even get access to the high-speed broadband. The Coalition’s alternative broadband policy will be more financially responsible. It will also provide all Australians with fast, affordable broadband as soon as possible.
That means in the next term of Parliament, not a decade from now. The most sensible and efficient way to achieve this is by taking advantage of the lessons learnt from broadband policies around the world. The most important lesson is that while fibre needs to be extended closer to homes and businesses, it does not need to go to every doorstep to deliver super-fast broadband. I will work to ensure that a Coalition government will deliver badly needed upgrades sooner - and more affordably - to both consumers and taxpayers. Warren Entsch (pictured), Federal Member for Leichhardt.
Solicitors and Notary
4092 2522
Level 1, 85 Byrnes Street, Mareeba 4880 Fax 4092 2138 Email
Time for State Gov’t ‘to deliver better health services’ I WOULD like to respond to recent comments made about the Queensland Government’s savage cuts to health jobs and services. Cape York Hospital and Health Service cited ‘a sudden cut in funds from the Commonwealth Government’ as a reason for this. Having slashed $3 billion from their health budget, it is incredulous that the Queensland Government is continuing to spread misinformation about their cuts. Their own budget papers state this, yet they continue to blame everyone but themselves. In the North, we’ve been hit
particularly hard. More than 230 jobs will be axed from the Cairns region, around 35 in the Torres Strait region and more than 200 in the Townsville region. Our thoughts are with the
workers and their families who have been impacted by these cuts. It is a difficult time for them. It is time for the Queensland LNP Government to focus on delivering better health services to Queensland families. It’s time they start treating our health workers with respect and stop the offensive debates about the value of frontline versus non-frontline health workers. They all play a critical part in delivering health services to our community. Sacking thousands of health workers across Queensland and cutting funding for services such as breast screening is going have a serious impact on the health of
our community. These decisions are dangerous and short sighted. Premier Newman must stop treating regional Queenslanders in this way. While the Federal Government is delivering record investments in health, the Newman Government is undermining this progress. We deserve first class health facilities and we deserve to be treated here in our region when we’re sick and not have to go to Brisbane or another centre. We deserve properly staffed and properly funded local hospitals. Jan McLucas (pictured), Senator for Queensland.
Thanks to Lions for the bus shelter I WOULD like to thank the volunteers from the Endeavour Lions Club who have given up their weekends to build a bus shelter at the corner of Cedar Road, Rossville. The school kids who wait there for the bus will appreciate being protected from
the weather. Also, I would like to thank Cook Shire Council for their part in preparing the site for the bus shelter, and for other projects they have done in Rossville over the past few years, such as sealing a bit more of the road
each year and widening the road. Every little bit helps Our Motto: We Serve to make our kids safer. Paul Gavin Jr, Lions Roar Vice-President, Rossville Bus Committee.
Cooktown RSL Memorial Club
127 Charlotte St, Cooktown
Ph: 4069 5780 • Fax: 4069 6080 Email:
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Kelly’s ethereal Dick’s Wreck
Elvis is in town – He is lucky too!
We have moved...
Kelly Barnett’s image, titled “Dick’s Wreck is the winner of this week’s $25 meat voucher in the Cornett’s IGA Cooktown and Cooktown Local News Photo Competition. KELLY Barnett’s ethereal, almost ghostly image titled, “Dick’s Wreck” is this week’s winner of the $25 meat voucher in the Cornett’s IGA Cooktown and Cooktown Local News photo competition. Kelly has captured the photo of the wreck on Emily Reef in a light which almost has you thinking the spectres of lost sailors will rise from the stricken vessel.
As well as winning this week’s voucher, Kelly also goes into the draw for the end of year grand prize. And along with our other winners, she can continue entering each week for as long as she pleases. You now have until 5pm on Thursday, March 14 to submit your entry for this week’s stage of the competition, and remember, entries
need to be full resolution - between 1mb and 10mb in size and they need to be forwarded as an email attachment to editor@cooktownlocalnews. . And please include your contact numbers. Kelly’s winning entry will be printed and displayed in a gallery the IGA has prepared in their store.
Due to the end of lease at our old editorial office and residence at 65 Hope St, Cooktown Local News’ has now moved to a new location in Cooktown. Unfortunately, as the new editor’s residence is not zoned for business use, people wishing to meet in person with the editor Gary Hutchison can do so by calling him on 4069 5773 or 0411 722 807, and he will arrange a time to meet with you at a mutually convenient location. Gary can also be contacted at his email address, The editor’s landline number of 4069 5773 has not changed. All contact details for the newspaper remain the same. The Cooktown Local News apologises for any inconvenience this change may cause, but the reasons for the move are beyond our control.
Advertising enquiries can make contact by calling 1300 4895 00 or by emailing while the accounts department can by contacted by calling the same phone number or by emailing
Cooktown Local News 7 - 13 March 2013 – 3
Local program strikes back at chronic disease COOKTOWN residents have a new team to help them manage and prevent chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. The Cook Shire’s Healthy Communities Project, PCYC Cooktown, Cooktown Multi-Purpose Health Service and private fitness instructors have joined forces to restart the BEAT IT physical activity and lifestyle program this month. BEAT IT is a 12-week program designed and administered by the Australian Diabetes Council under the Federal Government’s Healthy Communities Initiative. The program aims to help people have fun and get active while learning practical things that will help them get back to being healthy. Developed for people at all levels of health, weight and fitness, BEAT IT provides fun, safe and supportive exercise classes for people with, or at risk of developing diabetes and other chronic lifestyle diseases. It is available for anyone wanting to be more active and improve their health. In December 2012, following the successful completion of Cooktown’s first BEAT IT program, the Cook Shire’s Healthy Communities Initiative sponsored nine local health and fitness professionals to be trained by Australian Diabetes Council experts in the
evidence-based program, accrediting them to deliver BEAT IT to their local communities. “Starting with an individual assessment, the program is tailored to meet each person’s individual needs, to being active, and working towards their personal health and fitness goals in a supportive environment,” Cooktown Multi-Purpose Health Service Diabetes Educator, fitness instructor and Beat It program facilitator, Sandy Jones said. Small groups of up to 15 people can participate in professionally structured and supervised physical activity sessions twice a week, with fortnightly education sessions to help participants learn how to make healthy lifestyle changes. “If you’re struggling with your weight, or have health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, arthritis or osteoporosis, you may find it difficult to know where to start,’’ Ms Jones said. “The good news is that these diseases and the debilitating impact they can have on your life are preventable. “That is why local organisations and individuals have teamed up with the Australian Diabetes Council to help you get your health and fitness back on track.” BEAT IT sessions will be held in Cooktown at local venues, starting with the free information sessions
Meet the BEAT IT team The new BEAT IT team: Roz Smith, Grace Campbell, Sandy Jones, Lynn Browne, Bryce Kirk, Clare Richards, Chanelle Oldaker and Anna Davidson. Photo submitted. on Monday, March 11 at the PCYC only $5 per session - once again visit www.australiandiabetescouncil. Cooktown from 10am - 11am and due to the generous subsidy by the com/Beat-It/Home.aspx then at the Lion’s Club Hall from local Healthy Communities Initiative People concerned about diabetes 5.30pm - 6.30 pm. Project. or seeking further information about Come along to find out more. Exercise sessions will be available Australia’s fastest growing chronic Free initial assessments will be from 10am-11am and 5.30pm - 6.30pm. disease can visit www.australiandiaconducted during the following week, For more information, or to register, or call 1300 342 with the rest of the program costing call Sandy Jones on (07) 4043 0170 or 238.
Celebrate International Women’s Day LOCAL ladies will have two opportunities to celebrate International Women’s Day on Saturday, with functions planned for the Cooktown Bowls Club and the Lions Den. For $30 per head, ladies attending the Cooktown Bowls Club from 5pm can have a game of bowls, play trivia and indulge in a free glass of champagne, hors d’oeuvres and a meal. At the same time, $5 of their admission price will go towards the flood victims’ charity and they will be able to purchase tickets in raffles, the proceeds of which will also go the the flood victims. Keynote speakers during the evening will be Cook Shire Deputy Mayor Penny Johnson, Cook
Shire’s Australia Day Citizen of the Year Jill Williams and Fran Madden. But can men go along too? “Only if they’re game,” chuckled organiser Karen Olsen. To reserve a seat at the function, contact the Cooktown Bowls Club (4069 5819). And for those looking for a different, more relaxed International Women’s Day get together, ladies can go along to the Lions Den, where from 2pm they can be involved in a more health conscious function, with Zumba and yoga displays. Those attending are being asked to take a plate for afternoon tea.
Capsicum spray deployed in arrest in Hope Vale incident
POLICE have arrested two men in Hope Vale following an incident in the township on Tuesday. Officers attended a disturbance in Flierl Street at around 5.30pm involving a number of male residents. A 46-year-old man has been charged with one count each of affray, assaulting police and obstructing police, while one 17-year-old man has been charged with affray. A police officer allegedly sustained facial scratches as a result of the incident.
Police Beat
Grave fears held for missing Kowanyama woman THE investigation into the disappearance of 23-year-old Kowanyama woman Allison Bernard (pictured right), missing since February 10, continues with detectives renewing their appeal for public assistance. Ms Bernard was last seen at Archer River on the 10th, when it is believed she planned on travelling from Archer River to Kowanyama, although her travel
movements have not been able to be confirmed. Police have since co-ordinated an extensive land and air search which encompassed 800 square kilometres of bushland, in addition to roads and tracks leading away from the search area. Police, SES, defence service personnel and locals using helicopters, fixed wing aircraft,
vehicles and quad bikes failed to locate Ms Bernard. Officers from the Police Dive Squad also searched several local dams. Police continue to appeal to anyone who may have seen Ms Bernard from February 10 onwards, to contact them. Grave fears are held for the safety and well-being of Ms Bernard, as she is not from Archer River and would have
limited knowledge of the local area. Ms Bernard is an Aboriginal woman, approximately 155cms tall, with a slim build and brown hair. Anyone with information which could assist with this matter should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or crimestoppers. 24hrs a day.
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4 – Cooktown Local News 7 - 13 March 2013
Running 10/1 to 28/3/13 inclusive (authorised Olivia)
Your connection between Cairns, Cooktown and Coen Hinterland Aviation provides a reliable, regular transport service each week between Cairns and the Cooktown and Coen communities. That’s 26 scheduled flights between Cairns and Cooktown from Monday through to Saturday. As well as direct flights to Coen now every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For a reliable service, you can count on Hinterland Aviation to get you to where you need to be.
Police have confirmed that while a spear was produced during the affray, it was surrendered to them without incident. H o w e v e r, p o l i c e have also confirmed that capsicum spray was later deployed to assist the with arrest of the 46-year-old, who appeared in the Cooktown Magistrate’s Court yesterday. The other man is due to appear on April 4. Investigations into the incident are continuing.
Top Pub steps up to save the Hog Hunt COOKTOWN’S annual Hog Hunt has been thrown a life line, with the Top Pub stepping in to take over the running of the event. The Hunt’s organisers had earlier decided to step down this year, which put its immediate future in serious doubt unless replacements could be found. However, Eddie and Brenda Krop, proprietors of the Top Pub, which has been the home of the Hunt for the past four years decided to take up the reins of what has become one of Cooktown’s iconic events. “When we heard Kellie and her gang weren’t running the Hunt again this year, it really wasn’t in any danger,” Brenda said. “There’s no way we could sit back and see it disappear from the Cooktown social calendar. “Not only has the Toppy been its home for four years now and it’s important to us, it brings a lot of people from outside the district for that weekend, which means
added income for some of Cooktown’s other businesses.” Kellie Sadleir, one of the Hunt’s organisers since its inception, said she was glad the Toppy had stepped in. “Our first Hunt was held at the fishing lease, but for the last four years, the Toppy has become its home,” she said. “I’m sure they will have a lot of fun with it, just like we did. “We wish them well.” To be now known as the Cooktown Hotel Hog Hunt, this year’s event will be held on the weekend of September 13 - 15. For further information on this year’s Hunt, email: PHOTO: Cooktown’s annual Hog Hunt has been thrown a life line with the announcement the Cooktown Hotel will take up the running of the event, so images like this one of Mareeba hunter Lachlan Dunkerton taken in 2011, will still be part of the social calendar. Photo: GARY HUTCHISON.
More locals building gardens LOCALS E H T E R E H “W EAT!” MEET AND
COURTESY BUS operates 7 DAYS A WEEK Ph 4069 5308 for pick-up
Keno at the Top Pub
– Come and try your luck!
SUNDAY, MARCH 17 1PM TO 5PM Some of the happy tenants: (from left) Cooktown Community Housing Association tenants Hannah Gibson, Helena Loncaric, Scott Hincksman holding Oceana Elliott-Hincksman, Meghan Elliott and facilitators David Cass, Desiree Smith and Clare Richards. Photo submitted. LAST Thursday, despite threaten- manure, rock dust, lime and other nothing better than the tastiness of ing skies, a group of tenants from optional inputs got everyone fired home grown produce. the Cooktown Community Housing up and keen to lay down their own “For all these reasons and more, Association gathered at one tenant’s vegetable beds. Helena Loncaric, people are getting back into gardenhouse to learn how to build their the host of the event said: “It was ing. soil. great to get help from the experts. “At the Seasonal Food Exchange In December 2012, the As- We all had a fun day mixing mud stall, a lovely thing happens - cursociation approached Cook Shire’s and manure. rent gardeners donate seeds and Healthy Communities Co-ordinator, Many shovels made light work cuttings, and others come along and Clare Richards to see if the project for a single mum who had no pick them up to build on their own would be able to assist tenants who gardening expertise.” food garden. are keen to develop their home food Property Manager at the “With Club Veg and the monthly garden. Cooktown Community Housing Seasonal Food Exchange there are As supporting the development Association, Desiree Smith said: “It great supports here for local food of home food gardening is a part is great to see how the tenants have gardeners - both are free, and all of the project, Clare was happy to come away from this workshop are welcome.” assist. enthused to get their vegetable If you would like some advice David Cass of Cooktown and gardens started. It’s been a wonder- and assistance to establish your own District Community Centre also ful experience having three local home food garden, come along to came on board by facilitating the organisations working together in Club Veg, and to the Seasonal Food soil building workshop, while this way.” Exchange stall, which are both on the Healthy Communities project “I know from running the the first Saturday of each month. arranged for a tool library for the Seasonal Food Exchange stall Details are on the Healthy Cooktown Community Housing every first Saturday of the month Communities Newsletter in your Association Group and arranged at the Cooktown Markets that more mail box, or can be obtained from the materials needed to build the and more people are getting food Clare Richards, either by email: new garden beds. gardens started at home,” said Clare or by A great afternoon was had by all Richards. calling 0407 481 356; or David attending, and David’s enthusiastic “Food supplies in the shops Cass by email: 60sandbetter@ demonstration of how to build your can fail us when the roads are cut, or by calling soil by adding mixed layers of hay, life can be expensive, and there’s 4069 6098.
COOKTOWN HOTEL - THE TOP PUB CHARLOTTE STREET, COOKTOWN • PHONE 4069 5308 Cooktown Local News 7 - 13 March 2013 – 5
Nothing to be worried about The IN the wake of recent uninformed speculation in the press and on the television, the Minister has asked me to write to you and explain the process of Structural Domainal Reassignment of Prevalent Statutory Assets. In fact, this is a normal government procedure used to rebalance the values of those assets (above) in the light of an on-going need for a regular input of short term funding, and the requirement to establish a secure political foundation prior to the next electoral process. The Minister would like to stress that these procedures have absolutely nothing in common with the so-called privatisation plans of the previous Labor government. They were nothing more than daylight robbery of everything Queenslanders hold dear. Selling the family farm to fund the normal Socialist addiction to crazy
Eye f the
o Cyclone
An irreverent, satirical (and totally fictional) comment upon the issues of life, by our faceless correspondent. left-wing policies. Current plans are nothing like that. Under the leadership of Premier Newman, there will be a reassignment of responsibilities vis à vis management structures of some government operated enterprises, but Queensland citizens will probably not notice any difference on a day to day basis. There are some parts of the government’s estate portfolio that are badly in need of new and modern management ideas. As an example, our schools continue to generate very little revenue. In fact, most of them run at a substantial loss. New ideas can make
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a difference, such as selling off playing fields as housing estates, or using spare student time to stack shelves in the local supermarket. Another exciting project will be the reassignment of the Lotus Glen correctional facility near Mareeba as a tourist resort. The existing grim buildings will make wonderful holiday accommodation. The surrounding countryside is simply splendid, and the chance for tourists to mix with the inmates will provide an experience they will never forget. We realise that some people are worried that restructuring companies like Ergon will result in higher prices for consumers. There is absolutely nothing to worry about. The Minister held a meeting last Thursday, at Casino Brisbane, with the consortium who will win the upcoming tender process for Ergon and Energex. They assured the Minister that they definitely will not increase prices more than absolutely necessary, and Queensland’s power companies will be safe in their hands. Bruce O’Krat, Advisor to the Minister
Rangers with their tilapia identification and tide table kits. Photo submitted.
OceanWatch help rangers to identify the spread of tilapia OCEANWATCH Australia, in partnership with South Cape York Catchments, has developed 12 Tilapia Identification Kits, to be distributed to Cape York Ranger stations. Each kit consists of a fiberglass mould attached to an informational backing board.
The boards contain pictures of both species as a juvenile, male adult and female adult. Instructions in the event of a sighting are listed, as well as information on why the species is so harmful for their country. Tilapia (pictured) is a species of fish introduced into Queensland
MOSQUITOES It is that time of the year again. As the wet season arrives so do the mosquitoes. Residents are advised to check once a week (why not when you take your rubbish out?) for potential mosquito breeding sites. Tip out, flush out, discard or dry store any containers capable of holding water, such as: pot plant bases and self watering pot-plants; vases; buckets; tarpaulins and black plastic; toys; old tyres; boats and trailers; tin cans and plastic containers; roof guttering; rainwater tanks and septic tanks with damaged or missing screens; birdbaths; drain sumps; fallen palm fronds; coconut shells; etc. It is also a good idea to use plug-in mosquito zappers, coils, and use surface spray under tables, chairs and beds for the prevention of diseases carried by mosquitoes in the home. For further enquiries please contact Council’s Environmental Health Officer on 4069 5444. Stephen Wilton Chief Executive Officer 24 January 2013
6 – Cooktown Local News 7 - 13 March 2013
Keen Toyota North Queensland Cowboys fans, the Giese boys, Lucas (standing) and Archer (being held) were thrilled to meet their hero, super star Johnathan Thurston at the Cowboys game against the Dragons in a pre-season trial. Photo: KIM GIESE.
catchments in the 1970s. They are listed as a noxious pest in Queensland, and are spreading rapidly into previously untouched and relatively pristine river systems such as the Endeavour River and Eureka Creek, a tributary to the Walsh, which runs into the Mitchell. Last Wednesday saw the first lot of deliveries to the rangers of the Laura, Yuku Baju Muliku, Melsonby and Bana Yarralji. The remaining models will be delivered to ranger groups futher up Cape York. Identification models will help rangers raise awarness of Tilapia in their communities and may slow the spread of these pests on the Cape. “Wiping out the species is hard, so whatever we can do to help control the spread through on ground awareness and education, we increase our ability of keeping them from destroying the Cape,” said David Schubert from OceanWatch Australia. “Tide to Table - Queensland is a program that is currently conducting on-ground works around coastal Queensland concerning challenges to our fisheries and aquaculture habitat and water quality. “The program is supported by OceanWatch Australia, through funding from the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country.” To report a sighting call the Fishwatch Hotline: 1800 017 116. For further information on the project contact: David Schubert - OceanWatch Australia - dave@oceanwatch. or Mob: 0409347495. Alternatively contact Jason Carroll - South Cape York Catchments - or Ph 07 4069 6890.
Plants resilient to weather extremes
THIS week, I’d like to highlight a few good “Cooktown plants”: plants that are resilient to the harsher extremes of heat, wind and dry spells we experience. Whilst I encourage the planting of natives, I am an unabashed fan of exotic ornamentals. Some of the most-spectacular plants that are suited to our conditions come from other tropical regions on the globe. In some circles there is an intolerance to any introduced plant species almost bordering on a sort of botanical xenophobia. I reckon a good balance between natives and exotics makes for a well balanced garden. Here is just a snippet of plants that I find ideal for our Cooktown micro climate. See Jenny at The Top End Nursery in ABOVE: Bromeliad. Cooktown, who will endeavour to order in any plants BELOW: Yucca. Photos: MARTY PATTIE. you desire that she hasn’t got in stock. Alternatively scour the markets or enquire locally and if possible have a go at growing your own. I find locally propagated plants have a greater chance of survival. Dwarf Pandanus: Pandanus pygmaeus. Native to Madagascar, it’s an attractive little variegated clumping plant with catchy splashes of yellows and lime greens. Cops the full sun well and requires very little maintenance. Its only downside is the prickly edges to the foliage. Can be propagated from clump division. Plumbago: Plumbago auriculata. Has gorgeous baby blue flowers and once established can tolerate dry conditions. A very adaptable plant that can be trained to climb, it can be hedged or grown as a stand alone plant. Propagate from cuttings. ABOVE: Green Tree Fig. Yucca: Yucca elephantitus. One of the toughest BELOW: Dwarf pandanus. plants I know, with surprisingly few seen around Cooktown. Incredibly hardy, it looks good all year round handling flood, drought, heat and wind. Once mature it throws an impressive (but short-lived) flower each year. Also has variegated strains with stripy whites and yellows intermingling with the greens. Practically impossible not to grow from a cutting of any size. Green Island Fig: Ficus rotundifolia. Don’t let the title “fig” scare you off. It is a Ficus, but a cascading ground cover without the invasive roots. A native to Green Island off Singapore, it requires little water, is tolerant of salt spray and always has shiny orbicular green foliage. ABOVE: Spider Lily. BELOW: Plumbago. It is also great for bonsai. Grow from cutting, take stem with aerial root. Dwarf Mussaenda: Mussaenda aurorae. A compact eye-catching shrub that blooms all year around with a curious combination of small yellow flowers and larger pale leaf bracts. Very hardy once established, and rarely suffers pests. Propagate from cutting. Spider Lily: Hymenocallis spp. The foliage on these clumping lilies is strap-like, lush and deep green. They thrive on neglect, with a gorgeous deliciouslyscented summer flower. Dwarf Mussaenda. It’s an ideal border plant that can be driven over. Propagate by clump division. Bromeliad: All broms are tough plants that can grow in rock, bark, even air. My favourite is this beauty - Aechmea blanchetiana - a large showy accent plant for full sun. Propagate by removing ‘pups’ (at least a third in size) of parent plant.
Going once, going twice, going three times . . . SOLD! THE vendors of this property have moved and would like a quick sale, so here is the opportunity for you to purchase a very rare and unique property. The property is located only a short distance from Cooktown and is currently used for grazing and has approval of subdivision for four blocks. The property would suit a buyer who can complete the subdivision and sell off three blocks and retain the house for very little cost. There are 311 acres of flat land, with open forest timber, creeks and large water holes. There is also a lime tree orchard and trellises set up for passion fruit. The property also includes a
2-story home with four bedrooms and a study. The ground floor is tiled throughout. Upstairs has two bedrooms with timber flooring, while three of the bedrooms have built in robes, fans throughout and views of the property from all rooms. There is an en suite in the main bedroom. This is a unique opportunity to invest or relocate and start a new beginning. The property will be up for auction on March 16 at the Mareeba RSL Club at 11.00am. For more information, contact Kevin Ramke on 0438 315 312 at LJ Hooker Atherton.
Cooktown – 132 Percy road aUcTIoN NeXT SaTUrday 16/03/13 MareeBa rSL 11.00aM • 115Ha Property with open forest country • Subdivision approval for four blocks • Flat land with creeks and waterholes • Lime orchard and passion fruit trellis • Three-year-old, two-storey home • Four bedrooms, study and ensuite (Offers before Auction will be considered) Contact – kevin Ramke 0438 315 312 LJ Hooker atherton
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This Percy Road, Oakey Creek property will go under the auctioneer’s hammer on March 16 at the Mareeba RSL Club at 11.00am. Photo submitted.
95 Charlotte Street (opp Top Pub)
Ph 4069 6338
Cooktown Local News 7 - 13 March 2013 – 7
Union brings back ‘Where’s Warren’ campaign THE Electrical Trades Union (ETU) has relaunched its “Where’s Warren” Campaign in the lead-up to the 2013 federal election. ETU organiser Stuart Traill said last week the campaign had been brought back due to the Federal MP for Leichhardt cancelling already confirmed registra-
tions for the Tony Abbott Community Breakfast at the Cairns Brass Band Hall on Mulgrave Road. “Many Far Northerners have either registered or attempted to register to meet and ask questions of the Opposition leader in a Federal election year only to have the door slammed in their face by Warren Entsch,”
Mr Traill said. “Warren Entsch’s refusal to debate or discuss Federal issues between 2004 and 2007 saw the “Where’s Warren” campaign draw national notoriety, as a result of his latest actions, the 2013 Campaign begins,” Mr Traill said.
Calm restored Tropical infection studied in new book by world team after riot in Aurukun POLICE, working in partnership with elders and members of the local community, continue to monitor the situation in Aurukun following a large disturbance on Tuesday. Tensions between a number of local groups escalated at around 2pm resulting in a street disturbance involving around 200 people, most of whom appeared to be spectators. There were no reports of any injuries, and no arrests. It is alleged that a man produced a firearm and discharged a number of shots into the air during the incident. No one was injured and police investigations into this incident continue. Extra uniformed and plain-clothed officers were deployed from Cairns and Weipa to support local police. They remained in Aurukun on Wednesday. Community elders have met with senior police and the situation has remained calm overnight on Tuesday.
Youth Economic Advisory Committee nominations close 18 Beat It exercise class commences 18 – 20 Ordinary Meeting of Cook Shire Council, 9:00am in Council Chambers 21 Harmony Day 21 National Close the Gap Day 21 Community Heritage Grant closes 26 Rates 10% discount period closes 27 Water Treatment Plant Operator applications close 29 Easter Good Friday all council facilities closed 30-31 Easter Saturday and Sunday Cooktown community pool closed APRIL 1 Easter Monday all council facilities closed For information about more activities in our shire check out the 12 month Festivals and Events calendar on
Stay in touch with Council P | 07 4069 5444 F | 07 4069 5423 A | 10 Furneaux St (PO Box 3), Cooktown, 4895 E | W | Shire libraries Community notice boards Cook Shire Connect, Cooktown Tropical North Queensland, Natures Powerhouse
A JAMES Cook University researcher has led an international team of scientists to publish the world’s first specialist work on the tropical bacterial infection, melioidosis. Melioidosis is endemic to areas of northern Australia and South-East Asia, and is common in the wet season as monsoonal rains expose the microbes in the soil. The disease can be inhaled in aerosols, or may contaminate cuts and abrasions on the
skin, resulting in a wide range of complications from pneumonia and brain abscesses to chronic skin ulcers. Melioidosis: A Century of Observation and Research has been edited by Professor Natkunam Ketheesan, from JCU’s School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences. The book has been published by Elsevier, one of the world’s leading publishers of medical and scientific literature based in Amsterdam.
Professor Ketheesan said the book provided a comprehensive description of the clinical aspects of the disease process and an insight into the scientific discoveries related to melioidosis in the past 100 years. It is the first publication to collate the research activities undertaken on melioidosis since the disease was first described in Burma in 1912, and later in Australia in 1949.
Aust. second-best place to be born in the world IF you’re contemplating bringing another life into the world next year, Australia will be the second best place to do it, according to The Economist’s 2013 where-to-be-born index, British-based tntmagazine. com reports. Australia came in on the study with 8.12 out of 10 points, only 0.1 behind the Switzerland. New Zealand is the seventh best place to born next year, behind more Scandinavian countries, including Norway, Sweden and Denmark. New Zealand was ranked seventh with a score of 7.95. Great Britain comes in only at 27th.
This is the first time the magazine has compiled the list since 1998, based on a collection of surveys about various determinants for quality of life, including geography, demography, social and cultural characteristics, government policies and the economy.. The main factor is wealth, admits The Economist’s Intelligence Unit spokesperson Laza Kekic. “Being rich helps more than anything else, but it is not all that counts; things like crime, trust in public institutions and the health of family life matter too,” Kekic said. Larger European economies such as Great Britain, France (26th) and Germany (16th) were listed
Rate Notices for the period 1st January 2013 to the 30th June 2013 were issued on the 25th February 2013. Any ratepayers who have not received their Rate Notice, are urged to contact Council’s Rates Officer by phoning 07 4069 5444.
Ratepayers are reminded that Rates are payable by Tuesday 26th March 2013. A 10% discount on the differential general rates amount will be given where the full amount of all rates and charges (including any applicable arrears and interest) is received by the due date.
Works have commenced on the replacement of the Cooktown Boat Ramp which is expected to take approximately six (6) weeks (depending on weather conditions). An upgraded ramp is to be built at the current location. Boat owners are encouraged to use the Annan River Boat Ramp or Marton Boat Ramp as alternatives. A temporary access on Webber Esplanade, approximately 100 metres past the Fishing Lease, has been established however this will have limited access. Council would like to apologise for any inconvenience these upgrade works may cause. For further information please contact Council’s Engineering Services Division on (07) 4069 5444 or email
8 – Cooktown Local News 7 - 13 March 2013
well lower than smaller economies. The US topped the 1998 list but came in 16th this time around. Australia was 18th in 1998. These surveys are nothing if not consistent, for Australia anyway - ranked second behind Norway in the annual United Nations Human Development Index last year for the second year in a row. Where to be born 1 Switzerland 2 Australia 3 Norway 4 Sweden
Cook Shire Council is seeking nominations for a Youth Economic Advisory Committee. Applicants are to be residents of Cook Shire aged 25 years or under and will be required to meet monthly. This group will provide valuable input into future aspirations and development of the region. Committee members will also have the opportunity to undertake various forms of training and personal development. Nominations will close on Monday 11th March 2013. Successful applicants will be formally announced during the Cooktown PCYC Youth Week celebrations in April 2013. For further information or to discuss nominating for this committee, please contact Council’s Economic Development and Community Services Director, Katrina Houghton on 4069 5444 or email
Do you enjoy a few relaxing laps of the pool early in the morning? Are you in training for fitness or competition? Council is happy to announce an increase in hours. The pool will now be open from 6:00am to 9:00am Monday to Friday. These times will continue until winter when opening hours will be reassessed. Afternoon hours remain unchanged from 1:00pm to 6:00pm Monday to Sunday. A reminder that the pool closes at 5:30pm on Wednesdays for classes.
5 Denmark 6 Singapore 7 New Zealand 8 Netherlands 9 Canada 10 Hong Kong 16 United States 27 Britain 34 Greece 66 India 80 Nigeria
This Australian government grant program to promote the importance of heritage to the community is now open. For information go to ch/ . Applications close 21 March 2013.
Sealing Battle Camp Road from Endeavour Valley Road to start of seal at Isabella Falls is in progress. Road works are in progress on John Street. Sealing Bradbury Street will take place in conjunction with the re-sealing of John Street.
Cook Shire Council notifications of local road closures will be posted on the website as they occur and ROAD CLOSED signs will be erected as required. TMR provides up-to-date information about road conditions on the PDR via: • • 13 19 40 telephone hotline
5 tonne load limits are in place for: • Bamaga Road • Musgrave / Strathgordon Road to Pormpuraaw Road closures are in place for: • Aurukun Road • Battlecamp Road • Lakefield Road • Portland Roads Rd • Mt.Webb-Wakooka Road
100 Years On...
100 years since Canberra began its history THIS story is not about Cooktown, but is of interest as part of our Australian story. As March is 100 years since the naming of Canberra, here is the history of Canberra which you may find interesting. The word “Canberra” is popularly claimed to derive from the word Kambera or Canberry and mean “meeting place” in the old Ngunnawal language of the local Ngabri people. European exploration and settlement started in the Canberra area as early as the 1820s. There were four expeditions between 1820 and 1824. White settlement of the area probably dates from 1823, when a homestead or station was built on what is now the Acton peninsula by stockmen employed by Joshua John Moore. He formally applied to purchase the site on December 16, 1826, naming the property “Canberry”. On April 30 1827, Moore was told by letter that he could retain possession of 1000 acres (405 ha) at Canberry. The European population in the Canberra area continued to grow slowly throughout the 19th century. Among them was the Campbell family of “Duntroon”. Their imposing stone house is now the officers’ mess of
From the Pulpit
All or nothing
the Royal Military College, Duntroon. The Campbells sponsored settlement by other farmer families to work their land, such as the Southwells of “Weetangera”. Other notable early settlers included the inter-related Murray and Gibbes families, who owned the Yarralumla estate - now the site of the official residence of the Governor-General of Australia - from the 1830s through to 1881. The oldest surviving public building in the inner-city is the Anglican Church of St John the Baptist, in the suburb of Reid, which was consecrated in 1845. St John’s churchyard contains the earliest graves in the district. The district’s change from a New South Wales rural area to the national capital started during debates over Federation in the late 19th century. Following a long dispute over whether Sydney or Melbourne should be the national capital, a compromise was reached: the new capital was to be built in New South Wales, so long as it was at least 100 miles (160 km) from Sydney, with Melbourne to be the temporary seat of government (but not referred to as the “capital”), while the new capital was built.
GOD asks us to live completely for Him - 100 per cent - with no discounts. Mark 12:30: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” The language here is “all”, not “most” or “some”. God wants us to love Him with everything; “no discounts”. Isaiah 42:8: “I am the Lord (Su-
From the heart HAVE you known those miserable moments when all seems so desolate? Our poet for this week, Nicole Darvell, has written from the heart to share her experience. The bleakness of the room and the sparsity of its furnishings, the reference to lack of sleep and the emptiness of the days, all very effectively set the scene to tell of her sadness. It can be cathartic to put pen to paper and share one’s bad times. Email your writings for our column to either: or or post them to: P O Box 645, Cooktown, 4895. Dianne Keller, Cooktown Writers’ Group. “A Bed. a Table With Two Chairs” A bed, a table with two chairs; Four walls to catch my lonely stares; The T.V. plays the same old thing; Writers’ Waiting for my phone to ring. It’s not a prison or not a home Corner Though I am not free to roam. The stairs stop me at either end And my body with its bend. Another day, a drawn out night; Just me, a bed and the outside light; More days, more weeks, no sleep, no rest. By now I must have passed the test. Of time, of love, of loneliness, Of tears, of hurt and deep regrets; A bed, a table with two chairs, Four walls to catch my empty stares. By NICOLE DARVELL
Duntroon homestead. Photo submitted. Any reader who has any knowledge of Australian history, would have heard about Walter Burley Griffin designing the new Federal Capital, and in 1913 Griffin was appointed Federal Capital Director of Design and Construction and construction began. On March 12, 1913, the city was officially given its name by Lady Denman, the wife of Governor-General Lord Denman, at a ceremony at Kurrajong
preme in authority); that is My name! I will not give My glory to another or My praise to idols.” Exodus 34:14: “Do not worship any other god, for The Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.” The “jealousy” spoken of here is “not” ‘God wants what we ‘have’ in regards to natural possessions, but rather ‘God wants what we ‘have’ in relation to our love and affection. In
Hill, which has since become Capital Hill and the site of the present Parliament House. Of note, is that Joseph Cook was Australia’s sixth Prime Minister, taking office in 1913 with a Liberal Party majority of only one seat in the House of Representatives. A man of great determination, he was quick to make the most of two major re-alignments of political parties in the
fact, it means ‘God won’t share “who” He is with anything or anyone else’. Imagine two people getting married: one person commits to loving the other to the exclusion of all others - the other person commits to loving the first, but they say they may have times where other things are more important, including some other relationships. They commit to being faithful with
parliament’s first two decades. In 1909 he became Defence Minister, after taking a key role in the fusion of non-Labor parties that year. In 1917, he led the Liberal Party in a merger to form the Nationalist Party and served as Navy Minister and as Treasurer in W. M. Hughes’ government. On leaving politics, Cook served as Australia’s third High Commissioner in London from 1921 to 1927.
their spouse most of the time, but they might have an occasional affair or two, but they’ll still love their spouse. Surely that’s ok? NO IT’S NOT! It’s all or nothing! God is an “all or nothing” God. He is a “no discount” God. Have an awesome week! Pastor Wayne Brennan, Cooktown Community Church.
Classroom with a view
FIVE participants (four are pictured above) from Wujal Wujal are enjoying an inspired approach to the Certificate II in Reading, Writing and Spelling English with Soundway Facilitator Daniel Howard. Funded by both Jobfind and JSA, the course is conducted over six to eight weeks, with a focus on developing the skills and knowledge to distinguish sounds and syllables and apply rules to reading, writing and spelling English. To boost engagement and participation Daniel has created a balance between classroom-based and outdoor training, which he first introduced in a previous course in Aurukun at the end of 2012. Wanting to employ learning activities that the participants would enjoy and relate to, he has introduced a hands-on element to his teaching. For one class he baked cookies in the shape of letters and the students had to pronounce the letter before they ate them. Another class was held at the beach whilst fishing for prawns, where words and letters were written in the sand and then pronounced. While the course is not yet complete, Daniel is already seeing results. “One participant began the course not knowing the alphabet at all and now she understands it and can pronounce letters,” he says. “The course shows the important role of English skills - from creating more opportunities to gain sustainable employment, through to everyday tasks such as banking.”
Register for BEAT IT in Cooktown Now! The benefits start the day you do! BEAT IT is a tailored 12 week physical activity and lifestyle program designed by Australian Diabetes Council specifically for people living with or at risk of diabetes and other chronic lifestyle related diseases. BEAT IT is a group based program which creates a supportive environment of people of a similar health to you. The twice weekly classes include a combination of aerobic and resistance training exercise and start slowly and build up as you become more confident and your health and fitness improve. To find out more and register to start, contact Sandy Jones, QLD Health Diabetes Educator Cooktown on 4043 0170, mobile 0428 184 096
Or come along to one of the Information Sessions PCYC Cooktown 10am – 11am OR Lions’ Club Hall 5.30pm – 6.30pm Monday, March 11, 2013 Cooktown Local News 7 - 13 March 2013 – 9
LEFT: Alicia Yougie and Chanthia Assan. RIGHT: Shakaya Hooker and Cinique Gibson. BELOW LEFT: Lyndon Creek, Jukai Greenwood, Cleon Doughboy, Dominic YougieHenderson and Storm Bloomfield. BELOW RIGH: Alinda Olbar and Ronan Bassani. Story and photos By ROBYN FARRANDS THE school year has started with a bang at Bloomfield River State School. Students and staff were very happy to see so many parents and family members at the very successful Big Breakfast. Working parents came in at 7am to have bacon and eggs and talk with their children’s teachers. Students love the new on-line literacy and numeracy programs that they access from the school laptops. Each child is able to work at their own level in reading and some are ready to start playing Maths games with other students in Canada. A social skill is the focus of each school week as part of our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support process. Last week’s social skill was “Working It Out : Coming to an agreement.” We are very proud of the students’ fantastic attendance, fantastic behaviour and continual improvement in their school work. Bloomfield kids are great kids.
RIGHT: Cleon Doughboy and Quincy Gibson.
ABOVE: Isiah Harrigan-Creek and Kia Tayley. LEFT ABOVE: Carol Howard, with Doreen and Alma Ball and Adrian Nandy at breakfast. LEFT: Alister Gibson and Anthea McGreen. RIGHT: Bloomfield River State School’s Years 1-2. BELOW: Norman Tayley, Shannon Duffin and Kristy Turner cooking the barbecue.
Clive and Betty Sykes with Vanessa Tayley.
10 – Cooktown Local News 7 - 13 March 2013
Kanisha Nandy, Altricia Yougie and Lyndon Creek.
NETBALL: Jarden leaves Hope Vale in good shape By KRISTIE QUEENIE COOKTOWN returned to the winning dias on Monday night, with a rousing, hard-fought 28-25 victory over a determined Hope Vale side. Despite the defeat, Hope Vale player-coach Fiona Jarden said her side has come along in leaps and bounds since entering the competition last year. “After some encouragement, the girls are now prepared to make the long trip into Cooktown on a regular basis,” she said. “We’re also now a
fully-uniformed team.” Jarden was supported by her players who confirmed their commitment to the competition. “We love coming in,” said fiery centre Joanne Bowen. “It’s not just about the footy now,” said Karen Gordon. And Jarden’s hard work will not be lost with her four-month absence overseas on a United Nations internship. “We’ll still be coming in,” said Chrissy Cobus. “Fiona can now take off on her
Hope Vale centre Joanne Bowen waits for this pass from goal defence Tom Thiele.
travels knowing the team she started will continue to flourish. “Good luck and happy travels Fi Fi, thanks for all your hard work.” And in her final match before leaving, Jarden was one of Hope Vale’s stars, with her match-up against Alice Taylor one of the features of the night. Jarden in goal attack and Taylor in goal defence battled for every rebound, every tip and every pass in a classic display of one-on-marking. Cooktown had started the match on fire, with great athleticism shown from
centre Antony Owen and wing attack Kristy Madden firing perfect passes down to their shooting stars in Lesley Gibson and Lela Jacobs. Despite the frantic efforts of Hope Vale’s goal keeper Leanne Liddy, the home team shot to a commanding 7 goal first quarter lead. But the second quarter saw a revitalised Hope Vale outfit smash in an unanswered 5 goals in about three minutes on the back of rocket-like, pinpoint passing from Audrey Deemal and Jacaan Hart.
Cooktown goal defence Lea Stevens weighs up her passing options.
The scene was set for a cracking second half, but Cooktown were able to hold off the fast-finishing visitors to secure the victory. Atmosphere in the PCYC Events Centre stadium was again enhanced by the attendance of husbands, family and team supporters. Only a few more new players are needed to allow the competition to expand to two games every Monday night. Just turn up at 6.45pm each Monday night.
Hope Vale wing attack Chrissy Cobus weighs up her passing options from centre court.
ABOVE: Hope Vale wing attack Jules Bridellet evades the attention of Cooktown centre Antony Owen and looks for support. ABOVE RIGHT: Cooktown goal defence Alice Taylor (with ball) enjoying the challenge of “threading the needle” between Hope Vale’s Joanne Bowen (left) and Jules Bridellet (right). ABOVE: Cooktown wing attack Courtney Robson is all concentration RIGHT: Umpire Fiona Jarden enjoying the action as as she looks to fire a pass into centre Cooktown centre Antony Owen moves in to defent against his Hope Vale rival Joanne Bowen looking for court. supports to pass to. BELOW: Cooktown centre Antony Owen lobs a high pass down court. BELOW: Good sportsmanship has been a feature of the Cooktown netball competition and here it is epitomized by Hope Vale goal defender Tom Thiele stopping play to help Cooktown wing defence Kristy Madden up after she took a tumble.
Hope Vale wing defence Kynomii Saunders fires a two-handed pass, which Cooktown’s Courtney Robson is trying to intercept.
Hope Vale centre Kirsty Bowen looks over her shoulder before pivotting to pass.
Cooktown Local News 7 - 13 March 2013 – 11
6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Double Trouble 10:20 What I Wrote 10:30 Arrows Of Desire 11:00 Foreign Correspondent 11:30 One Plus One 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Poirot 1:20 Last Of The Summer Wine 2:00 Waterloo Road 3:00 Children’s Programs 6:00 Grand Designs: Kent 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 QLD 8:00 QI: Constellations 8:30 The Doctor Blake Mysteries: If The Shoe Fits - The death of a migrant factory foreman looks like an industrial accident. Dr Blake digs deeper revealing a string of crimes and the ugly side of post war Australia. Meanwhile, Jean receives a proposal. 9:25 Silk: Martha is given a high-profile prosecution case against a teacher up for attempted murder of a pupil. She is reluctant to take it on, but is advised it would be good for her interview for silk. 10:30 Lateline 11:05 My Family: A Decent Proposal - While the Harper family are attending Susan’s mother Grace’s funeral, Susan has a visitor from beyond the grave with an offer she can hardly refuse. 11:35 Rage 5:00 Rage
6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 National News Now 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 Imparja’s Live Friday Night Football: Brisbane Broncos Vs Manly Sea Eagles 7:00 The Block: All Stars 8:00 The Big Bang Theory: The Justice League Recombination 8:00 TBA 12:00 Movie: “Hooper” (M s,l) - Top Hollywood stuntman, Sonny Hooper, a veteran of many films, meets his potential rival, Ski. On the day of a dazzling flying car stunt the two must do for a film, Ski attempts to chicken out but learns that Hooper has other ideas. 2:00 The Avengers: The Hidden Tiger 3:00 Skippy - The Bush Kangaroo 4:00 Danoz Direct / 4:30 Good Morning America
6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 The Midday Movie: “Romance: Out Of The Shadows” (M v) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 The Zoo 3:50 Minute To Win It 4:30 Seven News 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home And Away - Casey survives the stabbing and is transferred out of jail to the hospital. Brax warns Jamie to stay away from Casey. 7:30 Better Homes And Gardens 9:00 TBA 11:25 Law & Order: LA: Benedict Canyon 12:25 Movie: “Somewhere” (M s,l,n) - A bad boy actor living the high life at the historic Chateau Marmont Hotel in Hollywood has his world turned upside-down after a visit from his 11year-old daughter forces him to confront his problems. 2:30 Harry’s Practice 3:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today
5:00 Weatherwatch and Music 5:05 World News 1:00 The Food Lovers’ Guide to Australia 1:30 One Born Every Minute 2:30 Everyone Loves A Wedding 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: The Philippines: Unexplored Archipelago 6:00 Grand Tours of Scotland: Scotland in Miniature: The Isle of Arran 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Monty Halls’ Great Irish Escape 8:30 Dust Bowl: Dust To Eat 9:35 As It Happened: Dig World War II 10:30 World News Australia 11:05 Movie: “Lol” (M s,d,l) - In French. Lola is a typical 15-year-old Parisian girl living with her single mum. When her boyfriend returns from his summer holiday with news of his unfaithfulness, Lola kicks him to the curb, claiming her own summer romance. 12:55 Movie: “Kurt Wallander: The Ghost” (M d,l,s) In Swedish and Danish. Arson is suspected when a cottage by the sea burns to the ground following a gas explosion, and a man and a woman are found dead. 2:40 Weatherwatch Overnight
6:00 Rage 10:30 Rage: Guest Programmer 11:30 7.30 QLD 12:00 Australian Story 12:30 Catalyst 1:00 At The Movies 1:30 Movie: “The 7th Voyage Of Sinbad” (PG) 3:00 Movie: “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner” (PG) 5:00 Midsomer Murders 6:30 Gardening Australia 7:00 ABC News 7:30 The Paradise: Denise cannot hold onto her secret any longer but will it spell the end of her career? Moray commits to a life-changing decision, and Jonas resorts to blackmail. 8:30 Grand Designs: Cornwall - Kevin McCloud meets a couple who have 12 months to convert a silver-mine engine-house in Cornwall into a unique and beautiful home. 9:20 Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries: Murder In The Dark - Murder strikes close to home when a young girl is found drowned in Aunt Prudence’s water fountain on the eve of a lavish fancy dress party. Phryne and her aunt work together to investigate. 10:15 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL - Shaun Micallef is back and he’s MADDER than HELL! We really should have changed the name but it’d cost us a fortune in letterheads and show graphics. Anyway, he’s back and this time he knows what he’s doing (slightly). 10:45 TBA 11:35 Rage: Mardi Gras Special 5:00 Rage
6:00 Bubble Guppies 6:30 Dora The Explorer 7:00 Weekend Today 10:00 Danoz Direct 11:00 Getaway 11:30 Alive & Cooking 12:00 The Bottom Line 12:30 Status Quo 1:30 The New Adventures Of Old Christine 2:00 Who Do You Think You Are? 3:00 Movie: “Grumy Old Men” (PG l,s) - With John and Max, wifeless and retired, hating each other has become their greatest pleasure in life... 5:00 National News 5:30 4WD TV 6:00 National News Saturday 6:30 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos 7:30 TBA 9:30 TBA 11:30 Movie: “10” (M s,l) A Hollywood songwriter goes through a mid-life crisis and becomes infatuated with a sexy blond newlywed. 1:50 Movie: “Memoirs Of A Survivor” (M v,s,a) Set in a bleak future where roving gangs of children terrorize city streets, and reality is often an illusion. 4:00 Danoz 5:30 Wesley Impact
6:00 Saturday Disney 7:00 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 The Morning Show 11:00 Seven’s Horse Racing 2013 4:00 TBA 5:00 Creek To Coast 5:30 Queensland Weekender - Dean Miller and his team cover the length and breadth of Queensland with great suggestions for weekends, short breaks and holidays. 6:00 Seven News 6:30 TBA 9:10 TBA 11:25 Family Guy: Petergeist / Untited Griffin Family History 12:25 Movie: “Operator” (M s,v) - An aggressive criminal attorney meets his match when a mysterious woman wreaks her revenge, slowly unravelling his life. 2:30 Special: Sunrise Over South Africa - Discover the whole spectrum of South Africa’s diverse attractions, its treasures and its truths. 3:30 It Is Written Oceania 4:00 Home Shopping 5:00 That ‘70s Show
5:00 Weatherwatch and Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Gerhard Richter: Painting 2:45 Quadrophenia: Can You See The Real Me? 3:55 The Beauty Of Books 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Who Do You Think You Are?: Jodie Kidd 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Salvage Hunters 8:30 Prisoners of War: Family Portrait 9:30 Movie: “Harry Brown” (MAV s,d,l,v) Harry Brown is an elderly ex-marine living in a dingy English housing estate apartment. The escalating crime and violence has made him so frightened that he won’t even use the underpass near his home. 11:30 Movie: “99 Francs” (MAV v,s,a,d) In French. A first-person diatribe against modern consumerist society, as seen through the eyes of a cynical advertising executive whose efforts to get fired from his job backfire as he keeps getting promoted. 1:15 South Park: Imaginationland: Episode 3 - Inside Imaginationland, Stan and Butters engage in the battle of their lives as they fight the army of evil imaginary forces. 1:45 South Park: Guitar Queer-O 2:15 South Park: The List 2:45 Weatherwatch Overnight
6:00 Rage (MA) 6:30 Children’s Programs 9:00 Insiders 10:00 Inside Business 10:30 Offsiders 11:00 Asia Pacific Focus 11:30 Songs Of Praise 12:00 Landline 1:00 Travel Oz 1:30 World Cafe Asia: Malacca 2:00 How The Earth Was Made: The Driest Place On Earth 3:00 The Pre-Raphaelites: Victorian Revolutionaries 3:30 Artscape 4:00 Basketball: WNBL: Preliminary Final 2 6:00 Dig 1940 6:30 Compass 7:00 ABC News 7:30 David Attenborough: Galapagos 8:30 Midsomer Murders 10:00 Rev. - A heatwave hits London and vicar Adam can’t sleep. And elderly parishioner Joan has just moved into a nursing home and is convinced her new room is haunted, causing Adam all sorts of grief. 10:30 Shakespeare Uncovered: Richard II Presented By Derek Jacobi 11:25 Art Of Russia: Smashing The Mould 11:55 Movie: “The Front Page” (M) 2:00 Movie: “The Bachelor And The Bobby Soxer” (G) 3:35 Rage 4:00 The New Inventors 4:30 Art Nation 5:00 Gardening Australia 5:30 Catalyst
6:00 Bubble Guppies 6:30 Dora The Explorer 7:00 Weekend Today 10:00 Wide World Of Sports 11:00 The Sunday Footy Show 1:00 Australian Athletics Tour 2013 2:00 Ensign Pulver 4:00 Imparja’s Sunday Football: Melbourne Storm Vs St George Illawarra Dragons 6:00 National News Sunday 6:30 The Block: All Stars 7:30 60 Minutes 8:30 The Mentalist: Red Lacquer Nail Polish - The remains of an elderly heiress are uncovered in her eerie mansion, and the CBI have a long list of suspects for her homicide. 9:30 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Dead Air 10:30 CSI: Miami: Last Stand - Miami is ablaze with crime and chaos when Memmo Fiero, Horatio’s wife’s killer, returns to take control of the city. 11:30 The Block: All Stars 12:30 What Would You Do? 1:30 Spyforce 2:30 Danoz Direct 3:30 Global Shop Direct 4:00 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News 5:30 Today
6:00 Stitch 6:30 Handy Manny 7:00 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 The Morning Show - Weekend 11:00 Iron Chef Australia 12:00 Movie: “Big Fat Liar” (G) 2:00 Movie: “Leatherheads” (PG v,l) 4:30 Live Healthy, Be Happy 5:00 Drive Thru Australia 5:30 Great Southeast 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Sunday Night 7:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line 8:00 The Force - Behind The Line 8:30 Downton Abbey - The new maid is managing to get quite a bit of attention from the servants and Daisy appears to be somewhat jealous at the direction it’s coming from. 9:40 Castle 11:40 Law & Order: LA: East Pasadena 12:35 Harry’s Practice 1:00 House Calls To The Rescue 2:00 Home Shopping 3:00 NBC Today 4:00 NBC Meet The Press 5:00 Sunrise Extra 5:30 Seven Early News
5:00 Weatherwatch and Music 5:30 World News 8:30 PopAsia 10:30 FIFA World Cup 2014 Magazine 11:00 UEFA Champions League Magazine 11:30 Speedweek 1:30 Al Jazeera News 2:30 Sailing: Vendee Globe 2013 3:30 My Family Feast: Argentinean 4:05 Anthony Bourdian: No Reservations: Laos 5:00 Cycling Central 5:35 Rex In Rome: Rex’s Revenge 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Lost Worlds: History Cold Case: The Bodies In The Well 8:30 Wonders Of The Solar System: Alians 9:35 Terry Pratchett: Choosing To Die 10:45 Movie: “Offset” (M l,v) In Romanian and German. Brindusa, a Romanian woman, is in love with Stefan, a German contractor in Bucharest. They plan to get married in three days. Nicu is their boss and Brindusa’s former lover, and he’s determined to get her back. 12:45 Classic Albums: Paranoid - The second album by Black Sabbath, released in 1970, has long attained classic status. Paranoid not only changed the face of rock music, but also defined the sound and style of heavy metal more than any other record in rock history. 1:50 Weatherwatch Overnight
6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Backyard Science 10:25 Science Clips 10:35 Inside Science 10:50 I Maths 11:00 Landline 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 TBA 1:30 Meerkat Manor 2:00 Waterloo Road 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:00 Eggheads 5:30 ABC News 6:00 Grand Designs 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Australian Story 8:30 Four Corners 9:20 Media Watch 9:35 Q&A 10:35 Lateline 11:10 The Business 11:35 Five Daughters 1:05 Movie: “Sudden Fear” (PG) - A successful and wealthy playwright falls in love and marries a mediocre actor whom, she discovers, only married her for her money and plans to murder her. 2:20 Rage 3:10 Grand Designs 4:00 Movie: “The Mark Of Zorro” (PG) 5:30 Eggheads
6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 10:00 National Morning News 11:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 National News Now 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Block: All Stars 8:00 TBA 8:30 The Big Bang Theory: The Contractual Obligation Implementation 9:00 The Big Bang Theory: The Toast Derivation 9:30 Person Of Interest: Booked Solid - Reese and Finch try to save a hotel maid’s life, but the number of suspects proves to be overwhelming. Meanwhile, Carter gets an offer to join the FBI. 10:30 Person Of Interest 11:30 The Block: All Stars 12:30 Extra 1:00 The Avengers 2:00 Danoz Direct 3:00 Global Shop Direct 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News 5:30 Today
6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “John Sandford’s Mind Prey” (M v,a,s) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Wild Vets 3:30 Minute To Win It 4:30 Seven News 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home And Away - Casey won’t give a statement, even if it means he will go back to gaol. Tamara gives Casey an ultimatum - if he doesn’t give the statement, they are over. 7:30 My Kitchen Rules 8:45 Revenge: Illusion - The ties that bind Victoria and Conrad are tested as they reaffirm their loyalties and commitment to each other. 9:45 How I Met Your Mother 10:45 TBA 11:45 Happy Endings 12:15 Last Chance Learners 1:00 Home Shopping 3:30 Harry’s Practice 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra / 5:30 Seven Early News
5:00 Weatherwatch and Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Movie: “Orchestra Seats” (M l) 2:50 Allons-y Alonzo! 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 FIFA Futbol Mundial 5:00 PopAsia 5:30 Global Village: Palau 6:00 Grand Tours of Scotland: The Feminine Touch 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Mythbusters: Paper Armour 8:35 Man vs Wild: Fan Vs. Wild 9:35 RocKwiz: Amaya Laucirica & James Reyne 10:30 World News Australia 11:00 The World Game 12:00 SOS: Chocolate Cake - (M) Isabella, a thirty-year-old Latina woman, suffers an insatiable desire for chocolate cake, matched only by her thirst for love affairs with good-looking 21-year-olds. Wasp Waist (PG) Animation: A film about women of the late nineteenth century who practiced tight lacing by wearing corsets to attain an unnaturally small waist. This small waist was likened to that of a wasps segmented body. 1:05 My Family UK: You’re the One 2:05 Weatherwatch Overnight
6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Behind The News 10:25 Real Chinese 10:40 Pyramid 10:55 Australia’s Heritage: National Treasures 11:00 Big Ideas 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Q&A 1:30 Compass 2:00 Parliament Question Time 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:00 Eggheads 5:30 ABC News 6:00 Grand Designs 6:50 Minuscule 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Foreign Correspondent 8:30 New Tricks - UCOS reinvestigates the death of Joe Walsh, General Secretary of the Crane Drivers’ Union whose body was found in the Thames in 1975. 9:30 At The Movies 10:00 Artscape: Anatomy 10:35 Lateline 11:10 The Business 11:35 Four Corners 12:20 Media Watch 12:35 Desperate Romantics 1:30 Parliament Question Time: The Senate 2:30 Basketball: WNBL Grand Final 4:55 Rage 5:30 Eggheads
6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 National News Now 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Block: All Stars 8:00 The Big Bang Theory: The Prestidigitation Approximation Leonard must choose between new girlfriend Priya and his friendship with Penny. Meanwhile, Howard drives Sheldon crazy with a magic trick. 8:30 TBA 9:00 Two Broke Girls: And The Broken Hip 9:30 Two And A Half Men: Advantage: Fat, Flying Baby 10:00 Anger Management: Charlie & Deception Therapy 10:30 Embarrassing Bodies 11:30 The Block: All Stars 12:30 20/20 1:30 Danoz Direct 3:00 Global Shop Direct 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News / 5:30 Today
6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Midwives” (M a) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Wild Vets 3:30 Minute To Win It 4:30 Seven News 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home And Away - Casey gives the statement, Romeo rejects Heath for a job at the gym, leading Heath to become frustrated because no one will give him a chance. 7:30 My Kitchen Rules 8:40 Packed To The Rafters: That Heady Rush - Frankie is caught up in that heady rush a new relationship brings. She seems to be coping pretty well. But can she contain the tsunami that is Coby? Dave is riding a heady rush of his own when Duncan offers the Rafter Electrical team a big contract. 9:40 Parenthood 11:40 Against The Wall 1:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra 5:30 Seven Early News
5:00 Weatherwatch & Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Movie: “Family Hero” (M l,n) 2:50 I Do Air 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: The Bush Judge 6:00 Grand Tours of Scotland: A Walk On The Wild Side 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Who Do You Think You Are?: Michael O’Loughlin 8:35 Insight 9:30 Dateline 10:30 World News Australia 11:00 Movie: “Heaven On Earth” (M l,v,a) In Punjabi and Hindi. Chand, a young Punjabi woman, travels to Canada for an arranged marriage. Living with her new husband and in-laws, Chand soon discovers that married life will be a life of subservience and abuse, largely ignored by her new family. As a defence mechanism, she retreats into a fantasy world. 12:55 Anna Pihl - Mads is losing it after his hit-and-run accident, and while he spends his time crashed out on Anna’s sofa, she is terrified what will happen to her for covering up for him. 1:50 Weatherwatch Overnight
6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 For The Juniors 10:15 Ace Day Jobs 10:20 My Great Big Adventure 10:40 Behind The News Specials 11:00 Big Ideas 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 National Press Club Address 1:30 At The Movies 2:00 Parliament Question Time 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:00 Eggheads 5:30 ABC News 6:00 Grand Designs 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL 8:30 QI: Joints 9:00 The Agony Of Life 9:35 Adam Hills: The Last Leg 9:55 Would I Lie To You? 10:30 Lateline 11:00 The Business 11:30 Bored To Death 11:55 Durham County 12:45 Parliament Question Time: The Senate 1:45 Compass: Woman Of The Book: Geraldine Brooks 2:15 Rage 3:00 Grand Designs 3:50 Movie: “Underwater (G) 5:30 Eggheads
6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 National News Now 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Block: All Stars 8:00 Hot Property 8:30 Parade’s End 10:50 The Block: All Stars 11:50 Weeds: A Shoe For A Shoe - After Shane’s kidnapping, Nancy attempts to get her son back by going head-to-head with Cesar in a Skee-ball “Hall of Fame” museum. 12:20 Extra 12:50 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo 1:20 Nine Presents 1:30 Danoz Direct 3:00 Global Shop Direct 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News / 5:30 Today
6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Mystery Woman: Vision Of A Murder” (M) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Wild Vets 3:30 Minute To Win It 4:30 Seven News 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home And Away - April realises that she’s lost without Dex. Romeo hires Heath at the Gym. Romeo goes to the city to see a specialist. Meanwhile, Liam tells Brax he’s been stealing from him, Brax fires him. 7:30 My Kitchen Rules 8:40 Last Resort: Voluntold - Even as Marcus and Sam learn that they have been charged with treason against the United States, a greater threat within their own crew is brewing. 9:40 Highway Patrol 10:10 World’s Wildest Police Videos 11:10 Air Crash Investigations 12:10 Harry’s Practice 1:00 Home Shopping 3:30 Room For Improvement 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra / 5:30 Seven Early News
5:00 Weatherwatch And Music 5:05 Korean News 5:30 UEFA Champions League 8:05 World News 1:00 Insight 2:00 Dateline 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: Grandpas Fight Back 6:00 Grand Tours of Scotland: A Bed For The Night 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Wildest Arctic: Arctic Ocean: The Frozen Sea 8:30 Hostile Environment 9:30 Inside Japanese Nuclear Meltdown 10:30 World News Australia 11:05 Movie: “The Architect” (M a,n,s) In German. When a successful architect’s long-hidden family secrets are revealed at his estranged mother’s funeral, his wife and children begin to experience a rapid emotional decline. 12:45 Movie: “The Bubble” (MA s) In Arabic, Hebrew and English. This film tells of an impossible gay relationship between a young Israeli and a young Palestinian viewed through the lives of three young Israelis - two gay men and a young straight woman - who share an apartment in a trendy suburb of Tel Aviv. 2:50 Weatherwatch Overnight
6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Jung In Europa 10:10 La Mappa Misteriosa 10:30 Behind The News 11:00 Life At 3 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Movie: “The Paleface” (G) 2:00 Parliament Question Time 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:00 Eggheads 5:30 ABC News 6:00 Grand Designs 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Catalyst: On The Road 8:30 Canberra Confidential - As Canberra celebrates its centenary, there’s no better time to bare its secrets. ABC presenter Annabel Crabb dishes the dirt on a series of almost forgotten scandals and political skulduggery that rocked the nation. 9:30 The Midwives 10:30 Lateline 11:05 The Business 11:30 Seven Ages Of Britain: Age Of Revolution - In the 17th century the British people learnt to question everything. The result was the Civil War which spawned a re-invented monarchy, a scientific revolution and the great Cathedral of St Paul’s. 12:30 The Clinic 1:25 Parliament Question Time: The House Of Representatives 2:30 NTFL: Semi Final 5:30 Eggheads
6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 National News Now 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Block: All Stars 8:00 Imparja’s Thursday Night Football: Parramatta Eels Vs Canterbury Bulldogs 9:45 The NRL Footy Show 11:15 The AFL Footy Show - The Logie award-winning AFL Footy Show celebrates its 20th season, starring Garry Lyon, James Brayshaw, Sam Newman, Billy Brownless and Shane Crawford. The boys will bring viewers all the latest in the world of AFL including, breaking news, team line-ups and entertainment. 1:15 Extra 1:45 Nine Presents 2:00 Danoz Direct 3:00 Global Shop Direct 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News / 5:30 Today
6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “919 Fifth Avenue” (M v,s,a) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Wild Vets 3:30 Minute To Win It 4:30 Seven News 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home And Away - April and Dex are both struggling at Uni. Sasha thinks April and Dex should stop kidding themselves and get back together. 7:30 My Kitchen Rules - It’s elimination night at Kitchen Headquarters and the pressure is mounting as two teams battle for survival. 8:45 Bones: The Twist In The Plot / The Change In The Game Brennan and Booth start discussing their individual choices for after-death arrangements. 10:45 Nazi Hunters: Franz Stangl & Gustav Wagner 11:45 Up All Night: The Proposals 12:15 Last Chance Learners 1:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra 5:30 Seven Early News
5:00 Weatherwatch And Music 5:05 Korean News 5:30 UEFA Champions League 8:05 World News 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village 6:00 Grand Tours of Scotland: From Burns To Butlins 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Food Safari: South Africa 8:00 Gourmet Farmer: New Farm 8:30 Yotam Ottolenghi’s Mediterranean Feasts: Tunisia - In one of North Africa’s most popular holiday destinations, Yotam dines on the freshest fish, discovers the national obsession with fiery harissa paste, and samples spicy merguez sausages.. 9:30 24 Hours in Emergency: We Are Family 10:30 World News Australia 11:05 UEFA Champions League Hour 12:05 Movie: “The Kaifeck Murders” (M v,h) In German. A photographer and his son uncover a gruesome murder story in a Bavarian village. Based loosely on the story of an unsolved multiple murder on a farmstead in 1922. 1:40 Weatherwatch Overnight
12 – Cooktown Local News 7 - 13 March 2013
SUDOKU No. 138
Your Lucky
PISCES (February 20th - March 20th) A friend of yours will be able to shed light on a personal dilemma. It would be a good idea to trust this person’s judgement. They aren’t intentionally trying to hurt you. Romance. This week has a lot in store for you! Events may move faster than you expect. Involve your partner.
ARIES (March 21st - April 20th) You will receive a message in a dream. You are not sure what to do, but the dream will give you some direction. Romance. Your powers of intuition will soon be put to the test! You will need to work out a chance remark which seems to have hidden implications. Decode it delicately.
TAURUS (April 21st - May 21st)
You get annoyed when other people create a mess and expect you to clean up after them. This week you may have to be a little more assertive. Romance. It may be better if you plough ahead by yourself this week. Your partner wants to help you. Kindly refuse their offer.
GEMINI (May 22nd - June 21st)
An argument may be difficult to get out of and you could waste time trying to persuade someone who doesn’t want to be persuaded! The best approach might be to not start in the first place. Romance. Time spent challenging your partner to do better will be well spent. Be patient!
CANCER (June 22nd - July 23rd) A friend from work will seemingly betray you. Be sure to have all of the details before making any snap judgements. They may be trying to help. Romance. You have a great deal to do at the moment and without enough help from your partner, you won’t be able to get everything done.
LEO (July 24th - August 23rd) An amusing incident at work will help to cheer you up. The person concerned might not have found it quite so funny, however. Apologize for your giggles. Romance. You may need to find a new outlet for your excess energy. Your talents are not being appreciated properly by your partner.
VIRGO (August 24th - September 23rd) Your positive mood will be picked up by a person who has not noticed you in the past. Spend more time with this admiring person and you may become good friends. Romance. You will have a lot of initiative this week. This will be a better time for working alone than for joint ventures.
LIBRA (September 24th - October 23rd)
For all your printing needs –
An interesting turn of events will put you at the centre of the action for a while. You will need to think fast and delegate responsibility where necessary. You can do this! Romance. This would not be a good time to mention areas which you know need fixing. Concentrate good things!
SCORPIO (October 24th - November 22nd) You will be getting a little fed up with constantly helping those around you. To recover, you may have to spend more time by yourself. Romance. Try not to over-react to upcoming events. Calm down before getting into a discussion about something that you feel strongly about.
SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st)
You find yourself with an itch of spring fever. Get outside a few times this week to combat these feelings. Romance. Your partner might be slightly more argumentative than usual. This may not be the best time for a sensitive discussion. Wait until their mood has changed to bring it up.
CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 20th)
It is difficult, but
Some words of advice from family members may not be welcome. You should listen to what they have to say because they have a better perspective. Romance. Your partner may be in a strange mood this week. Don’t be too concerned. They simply need to let off some steam.
not impossible, to
AQUARIUS (January 21st - February 19th)
conduct strictly
honest business.
– Mahatma Gandhi
Don’t let your mind wander too far. Your consistent daydreaming has left you without many accomplishments at work. Be careful! Romance. A person who promises you a lot may be full of hot air. Be wary of these pledges. Find out more about them to prove or disprove their character.
Cooktown Local News 7 - 13 March 2013 – 13
Telephone: 1300 4895 00 Fax: 1300 7872 48 Editor’s email: editor@ cooktown localnews. Advertising email: ads@ cooktown localnews. Office Hours: 8.30am – Midday. OPEN all day WEDNESDAY.
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EARTHMOVING • Building Pads – Subdivisions – Driveways – Trenches – Post Holes – Clearing – Drainage – Demolition • Plumbing & Pool Preparation – Landscaping – Raw Materials & Cartage – Rock & Tree Removal • Small & Large Excavators & Attachments – Bobcats – Tip Trucks – Water Carts – Rollers – Tag & Dog Trailers Local multi-skilled operators providing you a competant, reliable & hassle-free service in Earthmoving & Civil Works
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All aspects of earthmoving – Experienced and professional operators Specialising in roadworks, subdivisions, clearing, driveways, dams and rockwalls. • 8, 12, 21, 23 and 26 Tonne Excavators • Grader, Backhoes, Rollers, Dozer • Float, Roadtrain Sidetippers and Water Trucks
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Cooktown Local News 7 - 13 March 2013 – 15
NEWS Southern eagle ray.
VOLU ER – RURAL eNsTEs n COunsellinG
FIRE BRIGADES busi ’ s r RIN e G T R IP s LE i ZERO 000 t r e v ad CLearWater CeNtre for HeaLtH aND WeLLBe
CraFt materia
ls & suPPlies
Cooktown Creative 47 Arts Association Charlo b BirD tte St Cktwn .......... 47 Suite 5, 154 Robe - Electronic iNg , Jr .. 4069 5794 rt St (PO Boxaire rs Engineers 1510 Bird J 47 4883 ) Atherton, Crane hire Phone26 R - Motor Rep n ru 4091 6300 ineers Bird L 50 Helen St ra Eng ctio 47 l Br stru bu ian Camp S Ck ildinGs CooKtoWN Fax 26 Hire ent - Con 4091 ipm Bird S 38 Walker St twn ............ TO Mini Bus 6300 Cra be Equ or TA Ne ll 47 Car Hir Bu Ge 11 Walke LS e .... Ck e ild ne Web 27 www ent Hir PAn CAiR PO Box 291, Cook Blackw r St Ck twn ............ ...4069 6064 Brod ral Hire 32 er / Co13 oktownCaravan Parks Equipm .clea nS 48 ell town, Q 4895 .... twn.... 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Jackeyow ivey, fro ail ....en min on page 6 mJa ey o lotte St 20 .... iat ............ 91 630048 iginal w.cook nvAlu & Ser m 2 D J Lot lleen’s oats@ cil ww Pa tw 47 Parli d St HopeVle ......0428 37 9302 ling Av & cts Co he .40 big .... Co fĂŠ Co un n ss m Susa e Cab du Ir w. 18 m n nd r .... ar re .... wn ok & 69 op n Ca 52 po Gla Co 52 esPOCBo StoreCranthe crea ........tis Mars Pro towna visit to s et, 57 Bloo Bease wen R1 kto .... HiDa town, Q 52 e arwater .4091 63 79 ment St 5233 2 950 Butler S, ........04 uty ad Cleme Th r Sh 4060 2161 40 Hircle ntta 38 / hCoo RO Care town th ooxk 29 ler - bu e hI tion ....ts, SSV ndca 20 .... ca ....he rns verter okRol 00 osool Cook mfi pe enac sh ok Sheire 4895 Cooktown. PO R ILL .40 Ph Ki Sch centre. - Cai 06ese colo ar 19 Co yo a ePder es Coeld peyork 69 of th..4 leesBu rk ries town ingon Aft wen R 60 Thuppi St HopeVle.... 47 828 397 atCook ilt in 18 Gra pageIn 123/Ra Vatyr enton .... St1, live Foo op s /E see kho Co 2055 En & H 54 urful co Bac n ESK &re Box 22 7 Ja tmPh 48 Fa one................ . e En 9 5526 Depe Rs&nd y Mtwe ore sCa 86re Shzer iation5274 38ates PTh @ Avpo in 1970 55od .com vle ...4 rtin BefRd 0439 47 Polan Ho ’s La an ilw T Chac LEY daGo 20 Ho .... ue - tow this n,scQ 48 nc mesMo ofeCo 7, nt advert on pa ay Av 47 s /eDo & eCOffi .... x Fe nstbig 1st se ndy .co der wen V 95 d a genera deavour Rive tiles tell loca am06an9 g6726 Carpen VAL e20Cl d Spo ulpture d St Ho peVle ............ 540 417 Button R deavour Valle Cookycles C bil ok's....La.... nd 34cer / Al Gra Co staueraCk aden nd.... 8 C peelitio ge 35 54 Ra ats J PTh 58Em .................... .................... vertinon 47 ing.... l store Pt demo 38 n Re r to th l histo Bic ersLt m annoFa ooke .... Mon town & Ston gion T , wh....ich........ pa by Sta y Co course twn ....Gary liace ts irs 1st10 ter R J & B 20CktwInnDe Mere Rd .... .... ok .... 29 Mc ail Re .... .40 dith rs ill pa Ita ran ctit .... .... .... fo .... n ry Ck e .... man R Poland St Ho peVle ............ 4060 9147 .... e to zie Ivo e 4060 ge tau Pra Dr 69 20 nle x Co r .... .... l .... pr tak .... Rd 21 l) twnwn ....3112 B .4069 9 The .... scer Gra tary from Th R Lighthous r Rd Ho Au Res da.... 6 St bu .... esent Race ise ............ am .........40ent ry 93 Cktw 23 op tin .... ent es place.....40y69Hamm 100 year De s Secre 75 54 9 .40 pe CruOffi ar ghnta 38 Bis ..4069/ryRental /Ca an to / .... n Hote69 58 day. e 20 In re Shpe 33 CEm Greg ...........0 every 5784ond m live m em oktro 69aker ........ fu .................40 59 s. ai ail- g....fro 60 B & DGro Vleoo man R Charlotte St Vle.........04 60 9285 Byrnes course Rd m....18.... Whitt Lu try l De d 28 Co 6095 19 rruther ke St Ck49 ecer Denis ke 6964 ....kt....ow n .40 ploy ers Hoies MB 0400 .... artBa 81.... rpen orates 418 69June du sel turon@ wherco 69 591077James rn Ck CoBoattoCh DHolroy ....d....m.... pePu EmFue T s M 12Th62 55 47 695 177Cobu38 Rsvle .... 50 es , an Pty Lt50Kelly Die Cavic s M P 1 tw 4069 Secre COO StbCk okt EC.... ns.40 s(Ctwn e Lt KTOW ok. tow Cook .... 22n ........IT bigpo Cook 5 784ring th E marks th .... penuse Fire0ThWard 1 ....ok wn rgain BarnCa cisncoSer d River twn..Co N th Newm ow6292 Lineest 60 9149 ....0427 779 743 Cobu22 Ho ctio rtaar tary James ers an ....yInje n_cr given.... kToRd Grassy ........ Max Fr..4 e to.... e Jayle Mus laleuca Die airs Ba .... nstru s M 12 Gu an St Ck .... .4069's landing sel J & P Ck Me22 Rd best pr.... Rep e Brok .40 623 39 Boat Ram 3 2 CH wn ters rner of n bakerY see advert e Co Hill otec 06Elliot EdwardsCo5517 nc oke_hire@ 4069 5412 Cobu 39 69 51 ares on Je TEL 5784 on 17 Queen's Birthsite of the Re 0 Linkomres St remtw ne es81 sCo Ca er E E regionna eum - or Coan ra 9 51 Vle........ .....40 22 twn .... tow 69 66 asHo p vic Ch vic twn .... serpe vallaWard 8 su 4060 arlot on page Endeav ok Cook Fire Ser 62 InSer activt8.n 13 vices ing s44 Crl ea 29........ DisCk igina sebeache n ...4 day we .... ThirdRd Ho Q 55 lla June 17 Barra E ..043cia S 39 MaHa town abi 9 4 .4060 A 4en mtiv s ou 482795 Ch3153 n Ser Velity PS tes 07 te and useu 06y9res peerVle okk tioro 11 19 e Ar Ca Book town ekend. ub adnvvedrtHM Ba r L P.... John St Cktw ................40 ad ava from 32 Whitt 70. C Co Cobus 39 Cookt Chr,aranlot ....eGreg 22 ....Jo 5172 4069 so 7 71 mstsinAs lly a eCo Cl valla d te y Strdw Tr eaEvnierng Exc 39 .... gr Ho aker 8 02 s rk .... a ex & are As Cl lo INFO PHONE ee 20 .... g Sto gg wl lg a 0429 .... En Ck & ce ro on re Ph ............ Hill Al nt n en 4 llin St ers 42 so n ........ ..0 Ru S 69 6007 C & D En 5612 St To Street, Au cia deavou twn .... Ha Rd DisCr su A on Co own Ra lleCknttwCh 31 Dri Bo t pa 41 50 aft..4060 39 al Depu ionctition 5527 g wn e.... 603 153 tyr Fire Walke rinto visPra le ........ ............ .......406 Book Colem 39 n.... K. cou Ward lineov....ich r in 17 ssian invas Cooktow was origioktow vaesnoug Lot 4 Bloomfi22 Dgrra RMA a,nwith schoolgebu37 tra22 0 97 ine.... stralitio en ilway ........04 9Max n Cr Sa Car ets &CaPr Redic St Ck .04 Co Cabrall terprises Ck Fax 5527 .................... .... an 64 ny ion. 6 .... / Me rpns rde Nutle 32 hWJ and.... rs38ys Toalth eld RvrDo....cto 6 H PoisoHe 12 n, Statio se .... GaCa es HO ed twFlo the an ilt in 1889 70 lly the uis TION 111 27 ............3911 ............ twn .... Mrs. W1AnaWe 4060 MJ Lot 2 Pe .................... .............40 9 5079 tantoicwn p 80 PE Colem 39 ....ris.... dig.... VAL sort s t .... 88 553 470 y Em .... nels Banks St Book Ke Cknn 8 7 n CrpeeEnCen ou31 bberticEs n - no In.... d ntre E , and chor Re en.... C 22 Ken 1 41 .... t .40 tw .... Gr 69 oa ou en .... En at ke ing .... Co nin .... n Pe .... s .... Co 69 13 Co vil ail .... s 67 no de k so t ard y alth ..4 K .... a 33 an .... stguar w the psCi To co 57 oktown Rd Nu ice avour ....98 Bo 0 82 .....4069 15 The O oktown'ns M p of w ...0488 d cann .......4 Ckfictwe n.. Cede rs.4069m66ping sho 55 ............ sula Deve rsner ............ ................ Cktw Do wn ttle Se 1 Coen 3972 He Cherry T 5 for.... Cook llectio94 Bo Kugrand 06der Valley 23 r Hrv 06 Develop dl Tow 0 Ca 78 nTou 011 53 ng1st ld Hos Cuon on fro home to on Offi ns. okto Ca lop 56 .... 9 .... .... 14 12 th cer E um & 8 sto co En ni C e 53 .... N Co ica Tre .... me to e Ka ...4 .... p Ir rs ok Po ea D Rd m us 5 tor 09 .... Th e Co en 36 .... wn OR EAV OU R RI V E R Gra ............ d ............ To ns townbak nt 3 oo 06s ment m the Bay Sh t -ter R e .... CktwnDo .40 uff angu Cm Co e Old Bounpi ClubCl Cete lieLs 40st OfficHis okto Alber httho ....wn nt pples Storc data r St ..4-L069 Creative Lig Me - a mag ee ............ Rd hg 0488Pa954 ecte e StpCo PO ryl St ....zer Su d Ou re 15 30 A tintdg Agrent 9 5620 Cooktown5551 mn Co23 HM Ba of ery@big 69 52 oklstown mpuFire t Ba 38 G tal 163 An monumen Rd CktwnBow ..4 Let En ... in tin lI d y 71 Co Fa au nk 06 57 Ar Ck .... 903 18 in .4069 nk L g lida en 37 .....4060 en nif Ba x ale Bloo N ra Ra12ilw CharlotHoTo ea Warden ....04 ts Asso rs Co All Ce sul Coll 83 rk ....40 de ature' ........-.... ....or inin cyaGen ptist Ch Cook a Pr9 5458 motive .... Dra built in twnice see ad in me 20 $ wn ....nt ts s S ckl 3 Hogg 5548 17mo to58 te St Cklly ...043 ....tim Lo37 Bri nce mfi 04 een’40 W ntretan 3436 ay. te ciatio 5655 63ry4 35 Co s Pow .... PO Box rson St, Ma tal Shan ok69aye 2334 .... to .... m Con ur visitors 69 ve plia 12 re CY 18 .... e be S 83 ch .... Gibso lin ess Co Ap rt Au 7 o St nc ta 91 83 .... hi 1 Hope eld Rd Ck s r n, s n sin k .... 62 on tw kt me re EZ Gree nu of a2tra bu.... To 6 123 erHou ........ g ba 0488 businesntre this bu 851, Ed Cookt 55Ck 3 nan - BuCo Service irn nt 056 PO Box 40GarHo page 20 s wn ild.40 with ge ow 90tw ........ n St 21 14 tw kerto aree ing 69 St de eQ n sC- Mllin Peninsu Br Phone ry....4069s 911 ilding s includ gehill, nda, Cairns, QlBro fro51 ............ re Council ok 34, Co75 CeHire 2336 Dri ntaCa ....ue....en.... liveCa n al Ce mping376 own n .................... e Hire s, Meun lsp onwyne m 18 Co Dere tiont 4479 gic death ne a Limite Cktwn ........ n.........4060 ity ral infdIse dic .... TuiDe me Ql la. Pe ok n,To Phone oVe g ba ok rY sla.40 ing HuDrivin d, ilde arent n Se d Se m ee rswn CrananISA ipm e,ry nd 69 Service 6385 ............ 48 to 55 91barGaI or ar 30 & Ca , now m .... gali 23 Equ wnfe Auinstr Fax .... .................... d, 4870 BE ............ Nat52 4169towHo ma Mar Colftor tions 82 Charlotte Bu eens LLA 's Vist Se Q in T $ rdmation ab to ttrac nse n ovi ent ive 48ity io44 the Ki Lizard Islan rv&ice 4069 51 floweringPOplaBormx an 56 Helend Forsters Dv ........4069 82 ric Docto ....4069 54 Cook70 n sitor Mower WindscrMo .... Loa na a Ta 95 Fir .... t Solu PhCon ............HoTr Qu 64xatioEarthm exhibing me . ar Ph Dianst 11 dym one........ Pryde ngdom d. 66 0, Co al souven Ph nts, 63 eebang g ner al Lk 55 58St68(PO Box barn ormatio l Bank. Email ..a .................... .................... Builder r (surge itions out the ar IVInf ge 44 ............cs. Tr anspor nM town Ge rriers one............ inbil oktow atorils ov St -in Ofar one:....and th okHan Civ Hall. di .... rs 23 irs Ca m ap fic 11 1st ats Poison St Cktwn ........ lnd .4060 20 35 & P 16 inc .... Offi cto ea .... Co sc , Ra cto e .40 Of 7), Em Flo n ds nd .... ng cer rth .... ar rf on n, .... tra Fa .... tra .... lud fic 59 an e nd rse ........&.40 as we ybre Tr ba 32ildi Cooktow oo Bota Em tworks............ Char Q 4895 ha ..........4ks ry) ........ ConEa e hoan 112........ d Int e Ve Cr W69 ............ 40 thm g Con ail ............ 41 ....0....Ho Web.... 55 ng & La areeovi tin Ear Judy pliesotorcycles x ................5899-.... ursseW ni ail: . D 10 gava town MIrwin th Sup are av ........les BuCo in 1 Rp H2 eek Rd Cktw .......4069 63 ok03 are&8.3 .... Wor 06923 rm Hir ............ nch@cairnsm .........4032 ........ 12... ........ Tann . ra Scarth ll as the na erpretive / Exc Clo 5836 inf 4069 ............ .................... n, Q 4895 Mobil ....orure he xw ult ngow 5954 Shady c Garde ailable, ........ 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AL LIS8 Ins rough HoseW trre saCo to ow1case tanical illu ry of Cape ides au 4069 emo umental Bum.ildi ICco wnnt ar C 11 Re Cktwn ............ to M enetI toCe ETet. ncil sp etkt Fire t Howard42 -117...................0 .4069 18 e ad Frthw llieren Y INDEX ............58 the Ga tabli abl Gunpo shed yfesti ec okng Ward Whole5732 AB eryo&wn H 14 113 66 i va 24 str Yo wa ... .... 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St IV Meto .4060 Bu66 Ba Ele ba lk ok eM ... r S 14 00 Walke Y 72FO POINBo s, Phonin Calt 52 Hope St ation Lra .... gst th .... Stou m nrisePh &arLiles St 30.... ........ Ity.Y ghth s s Ha llie 24 ery &ion – Tolga ....M40 reet,built in 1874 a microcoun x RM 2264Co odirn 832, Co rra9 Ch advert on pa20 Th e.... UN r St GoCa Hope twn .... e olde ex .......4 L FO minus Lra ............ ...4069 6115 69IT61Pum Hope Co d su ers Jo e.... Rd, Athe .... Hotels cul re ting Queen ..... 4069 56 39 EleM p CIPh ctrerica ge 21e HistFaanon 59 118 arte Oval oktow ns .... PO - theBosux 76an d belie sm of Cook st in Au town one.... s Ch ....tio ...0M43 St Lra Fax ....ce atE 07 s in llins J Melal rs St Ck44 COUN okart y Pa 78 ....CO ....ns rto24 68 Hope Cooktow Vle..........0 060 22Bu He l Neoca Althou........ plie to ........ orxy....C.... et. .... ved n 67 ter9 SH 88 caRel sland ............ .0458 100 78 stralia. urph the aw 978IR39 ............ n, Q, 4895 rs WaOK l Sup Collin Lo.... ss tractoeuca St twn........Ho 16 Offi rb3,vieCooktow .... 437 69 03 Co icaM &wn Mobile .... gh Bytorn ....t...0 en.... be the wn's colourfu ess 2 re ................24 .0488 l Con Electr ardEm 6 w from to tr.... n 48 Finch Bay sin Y MAP Mick LA P ............ CO42 21 icairn es St, Ma ....l .... nt.... 44 p Ca T 1 66Bu Ck .... ep, it.... PO Box Street (Cnr. n e -.... ok .... ar 49 W .... LO ctr wi 17 Ce tw ou 95 old .... bs 7 .... 40 Ke l Co Ele ail 49 .... cu ks g nn 4 Th OL ild / his n 4 Sla .... 32 Gr .... is .... rr 30 es .... .... Gr 3 rre .... 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N PApGE E YInG 45AT uf kt storic dc resear www.en IOw 9 Cookto .... 27 VInGt Socieontypa 04 FO9RM ATo Web.... ............. calte .................... .4069 5354 News .... ard -ntact INFOPt al Socie s. chRe 34 SES ... ........ 131 11 Y ch Natu wige rhouse lotte rth f Cookt61o 28IN74 analostyaw @bigpond.co74 & t Cktw ...................4 695 608 St, Co ChRM Cafares th ex ............ Ch 2 911E INFO x.c townar .4069 4069Eric or RMAltd arlotteJP’Sn bowls ..................4 Cook Sh Ma ty' and lie ok hibits facility. ok m n ........ ’s PowePhon&eSp dc w orts No Co ........... ON 51 radise ............ ooktown@ J gEliGe 1 Boun 069D57 E Club7 ire Ccmillan5655 BarneyTION S. & St, CookIG mwn pin ......042 069 5608 Nature dary McIvor Rd s.... .................... town, Q, 4895 PhNO see ad hotmail 56 ChCam ADem RdPa Fa 2 n CYCL .........w ke on V to ce 12 Y ar x ou tow Bi St Ho oc St is e ail: lto Camer ok .... n BR 9 776 , .... 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Mobile , Cooktown, d kery Rdna 82 Ch ter RCoDok CoAT s 0Mobil .... 69 58os19pital - Eric’ ash &ar stuff@ 84.4069 5177 oktownb Ckcttwn ialist 34 Sawn m ...4069$ 53- Ba 33 MAT ............ Re-e ........... ngs 40 NQ Cr Contoa e ........ ................ westnet. INFORM oktown Car vage inoSpCec oICe ok ..........4 Inc. Polic ow 43 Ho d Af s to nk IO .... ............ Q 4895. ter al b ls. 40 01 St .... & s Co .... 61 se CH Hi -R ov co e N fInanC RemCktwn Co B 38 Hu .... oktown .... e 069 61 re 00s.... 1800 17 m. - 4069 ur - Cou 21 ............ Savage St Club Bradbu see advert on Phone Co NQ Off nVeYean 62s ............ .................04 4069 Energy 5681 Carava Charlotte St advert on paQueau .......4 orial rtho GEN .......0 ............ ry St Ck oktowne L Mem.... Ida St pa 4895 Ce ge en nd 5688 13 EC ............ 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The 2013 Cooktown State School Parents & Citizens Association directory is available at the Cooktown Newsagency or the Cooktown Local News office in Hope St.
Hannan D riv e
Helen St
FROM identifying what’s on the end of your fishing line, to finding out which fishes occur in your local waters, FishMap has the answers. FishMap is a free, online mapping tool that allows anyone interested in fish to discover which fish species occur at any location or depth throughout the marine waters of Australia’s continental shelf and slope. FishMap also lets people create regional illustrated species lists for almost all of Australia’s marine fishes, detailed with photographs and illustrations, distribution maps and current scientific and common names. FishMap was developed by CSIRO’s Wealth from Oceans Flagship and the Atlas of Living Australia. “Australia’s marine biodiversity is among the richest in world, but until FishMap we lacked an Australia-wide capability to rapidly produce regional, illustrated species lists,� says ichthyologist Mr Daniel Gledhill of CSIRO’s Wealth from Oceans Flagship. FishMap provides a fundamental tool to assist management and sustainability of our marine biodiversity and puts this major capability in the hands of managers, fishers, scientists and the broader public for the first time,� he says. “FishMap is the only resource of its kind in the world that covers virtually all species IC S N EN TA RD BOGA
Banks St
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So many fish, one great map
Further Information regarding Voluntee r Rural Fire Brigade s can be provided by:
• 25 tonne Slew QL Cr
Webber Espla nade
of marine fish found in the marine waters of an entire continent.� FishMap has a myriad of uses, from creating a personalised pictorial guide or identifying fish spotted during a dive, to plotting the range of a threatened species, to improving quality of data collected by citizen scientists, field workers and scientists, or determining the possible species composition for catches of any fishery in the waters of Australia’s continental shelf and slope. The tool provides the scientifically known geographical and depth ranges of over 4500 Australian marine fishes, including 320 sharks and rays, of which over 95 per cent have an associated image or illustration. Searches reveal illustrated lists of fishes by area, depth, family or ecosystem. Lists can be printed to create simple guides or data can be downloaded into a spreadsheet to create templates for data collection. The Atlas of Living Australia has received a total of $41.03 million in support from the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy, the Super Science Initiative and the Collaborative Research Infrastructure Scheme. FishMap was launched on February 26 and is available on the Atlas of Living Australia website:
CLASSIFIEDS Returned and Services League of Australia Cooktown Sub Branch
MONTHLY MEETING The next meeting will be held at 9am
this Sunday, March 10 at the Sub Branch Office, 132 Charlotte Street Office: 4069 6353 Mobile: 0413 322 625
Jimmy Fay, Secretary
MOTELS AAA CBD CBD CBD – Inn Cairns Boutique Apartments, 71 Lake Street, Cairns. Self catering, secure car parking, pool/gazebo, opp PO and Woolworths. Ph 07 4041 2350. CAIRNS Rainbow Inn. 3½ star, all facilities including cable TV. Close to the city, from $65 per night. Ph 4051 1022.
COOKTOWN Skip Bins. Commercial and domestic rubbish removal and disposal. Ph 4069 5545 or 0408 772 361.
two bedroom unit for rent. Recently renovated high set unit with lots of undercover space. Quiet cul-de-sac at the bottom of Grassy Hill. Lovely garden and bush surroundings. Two minutes walk to Post Office. Reasonable rental. Phone 0415 369 874.
1996 jeep Cherokee 4x4 automatic station wagon, dark blue, registered untill 1/5/2013, 365,100 kms, mech sound, good tyres, new paint, rust free, some spares. $5100 ono. Phone 0457 454 458.
EVERYTHING MUST GO Queen and single beds, dining table and chairs, bookcase, cupboards, fridges, kitchen appliances, books, dvds, clothes, tools, machinery and much more! 417 Percy Road, Cooktown from 10am to 3pm on Sunday, March 10.
House for rent/lease For rent or lease. Modern 3 bedroom low set house, close to school and clinic. Air conditioned. $320 pw. References and bond required. Call 0428 198 332.
Ph Phil 4069 5224 or Mob 0417 776 524 16 – Cooktown Local News 7 - 13 March 2013
M a z da P optop LW B Campervan 1992. Excellent condition $10,000. Ph: 4098 9057 or 0458 112 236.
Optometrist visiting
Steel and Aluminium supplies
MacMillan St, Cooktown
CONTAINERS for sale or hire. Ph Cooktown Towing, Tyres & Mechanical 4069 5545.
Penrite Oil Agent
• Welding Fabrication: steel, alloy, stainless, site work • Guillotine, Bender, Roller: pipe threading and bending • Machining: lathe, milling • Hydraulics: hose repairs • Bolts, welding equipment • Metroll products, perlins, iron by order • Marine: boat, trailer, outboard repairs, parts and oils
Servicing Cooktown since 1997
The Cooktown Re-Enactment Association
Annual General Meeting 2013 at The Boathouse, 7pm, Thursday, March 21
• All members are invited to attend • Prospective members please make contact Phone 07 4069 6861 or 07 4069 5139
Visiting regularly ď † ď † ď † ď † ď †
Ocular health Eyesight testing Glaucoma assessment Diabetic sight analysis Contact Lens Consultations
Eyedentity Optical phone: (07) 4033 7575
PUBLIC NOTICE STANDBY Response Service. Support and information for people bereaved by suicide. Ph 0439 722 266. 24 hours – 7 days per week.
PUBLIC NOTICE CIVIL celebrant Kathleen Roberts. Naming Ceremonies, Marriages, Funeral Co-ordination. 4069 5004 or 0427 695 004
Cooktown Skip Bins Rubbish removal and disposal Ph: 4069 5545 or 0408 772 361
Rick battles the heat to take stableford WELCOME to our newest members Dean Hyland and Michael Giordano. Thanks for joining and supporting our local club. No doubt you will enjoy our little piece In the of paradise! Unfortunately the hot and humid Bunker conditions seem to be keeping a lot of golfers away in the comfort of their “air-cons”, but a few battled with it and enjoyed a round for The Italian Restaurant Weekly Stableford competition. Rick Cowe was the winner of last week’s competition with 38 Stableford points, while Ron Beacroft was the runner-up with 35. Last Saturday was the Golf Club’s “Come-Try-It Day” and it was good to see a handful of non-members come out and play a round a 9 holes, which they all agreed was fun, although bloody hot! Thanks to the members who also turned up to play with any other non-members that needed playing partners. Hopefully, a few more locals will join and the word gets around that golf is a good way to enjoy exercise - if you walk and don’t sit in a buggy. The Golf Club would like to thank the following businesses who have provided sponsorship for the 2013 season - All About Scales (Cairns), Cooktown Bowls Club, Cooktown Joinery & Glass, Cooktown Hotel (Top Pub) and Inn Cairns Boutique Apartments. No one played in the Cape York Tyres Sunday 9-Hole Stroke competition and similarly, no one has, as yet, started playing in this week’s Italian Restaurant Weekly Stroke competition, which is being played off the white tees. Phil has been doing a tremendous job of trying to keep the course in tip top condition during the dry season. Hopefully the powers above will hear his call for some rain - fingers crossed. Just a reminder to everyone that the Club expects everyone to have pride in the course and not abuse it. To that end, remember to fill in divots and pitch marks on the greens - whether they are yours or not. Happy golfing everyone, Kelly Barnett, Manager, Cooktown Golf Club.
Fred Haines Jnr, Gary Pearson, Obe Geia Jnr, Clinton Pearson and Gary Pearson at the Algon Walsh Memorial Community Challenge carnival at Palm Island
Hope Vale connection in All Blacks title win Story and photo by ALF WILSON
BROTHERS Darryl, Clinton and Gary Pearson with family in Hope Vale played major roles in the big win by Palm Island Barracudas Green over Yarrabah’s Bukki Buna in the grand final of the first north Queensland All Blacks carnival of 2013. Six sides contested the Algon Walsh Memorial Community Challenge carnival at Palm Island during the weekend of February 16-17, where Barracudas Green defeated Bukki Buna 16-14 in a top quality decider. The other sides to compete were Barracudas White, Barracuda’s Gold, Bindal Sharks from Townsville and Yarrabah Guyala. Hope Vale and Mossman were other nominated sides, but carnival co-ordinator Norman Bounghi said
Ross wins Service Match WEDNESDAY, February 27 saw a 3-Positional Service Match hotly contested. Out of a possible 360, Ross emerged as the winner with 344, Mal in second with 336 and Keith in third with 334. Good close shooting! Please note, that although we have filled all places for the Firearms Safety Course starting on Saturday, we have received a lot of interest in another one, which could be held soon. Please advise if you are interested. ssaacooktown@gmail. com Dates for your diary for February: Saturday, March 9 - Target Shoot from 9.30am; Wednesday, March 13 - Sunset
Shoot from 5.30pm; Saturday, March 16 - Firearms Safety Course from 8.30am; Wednesday, March 20 - Sunset Shoot from 5.30pm; Sunday, March 24 - Practical Shoot from 9.30am; and Wednesday, March 27 - General Meeting and Sunset Shoot from 4.30pm. If anyone would like to come out and see what pistol shooting is all about, call in any Wednesday at 5.30pm. Just bring photo ID and wear closed-in shoes. Janne Stewart Secretary/Treasurer
they withdrew two days before due to transport difficulties. Darryl Pearson was named player of the entire carnival starring in the backs. The previous year he had lined up with Hope Vale which finished third. The winning side included Clinton Pearson, Gary Pearson, Obe Geia jnr, Daryl Pearson, Fred Bulsey, Jason Bulsey, Vernon Baira, Frank Baira, John Baira, Stephen Lowatta, Adrian Poynter, Raoul Miller, Jeremy Pullen (teacher), Esrom Geia, Pita Bourne, Billo Wotton, Kevin Morgan, Frederick Haines jnr, Gresham Ross jnr, William Blackman jnr, Mickeal Sibley, Terrence Sibley, James Sibley, Jason Poynter and Christian Walsh. Obe Geia Jnr is a former North Queensland Cowboys NRL back, while Frederick Haines Jnr an ex-North Queensland Marlins representative.
Visiting shooter surprises LAST weekend, it was decided at the last minute to hold the trap shoot on Sunday morning instead of Saturday afternoon with the hope of getting some cooler weather. Sunday turned out to be overcast with a light, but cooler westerly breeze which made shooting very comfortable and some good scores were posted. A first-time visiting shooter tried his hand and surprised himself by shooting at nine targets and only missing the last two. Very impressive. This weekend we will be holding a Pistol Shoot on Saturday from 1pm. Contact Darren Maudsley for details. This shoot could be followed by rifle practice.
Then on Sunday, a Rifle Shoot is scheduled from 9am, which normally includes service rifle as well as other events. Contact Toby Graves for more information on that event. Remember, anyone can have a go and participate at the scheduled shoots, whether it is pistol, rifle, black powder or shotgun. Contact the Secretary, Anne Williams on 4069 5173 for further details. Anne Williams Secretary.
Marlin Coast Veterinary Surgery Will be visiting Cooktown WedneSday, MaRCH 13 from 2pm and THuRSday, MaRCH 14 until 12 noon Clinic is at the CWA rooms FOR APPOINTMENTS PLEASE PHONE
Sylvia Geraghty 4069 5337 or Clinic 4057 6033 Appointments are essential
Country Road Coachlines CAIRNS TO COOKTOWN ~ Passenger and freight ~
Bus Services DEPARTS CAIRNS Inland Mon, Tues, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun at 7am Coastal Mon, Wed and Fri at 7am DEPARTS COOKTOWN Inland Mon, Tues, Thu, Sat at 12.30pm Wed, Fri, Sun at 1.30pm Coastal Tues, Thurs and Sat at 7.30am INLAND SERVICE – Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat & Sun Departs Cairns 7am. Arrives CTN 11.45am. Departs Cooktown Mon, Tue, Thu, Sat 12.30pm, arrives CNS 5pm. Departs Cooktown Wed, Fri, Sun 1.30pm, arrives CNS 6pm. AGENTS COOKTOWN (Photo Shop) 4069 5446 BLOOMFIELD (Ayton Store) 4060 8125 LAKELAND (Mobil Roadhouse) 4060 2188
Bus Service and Airport Shuttle Bus Bookings essential: 7 days 4069 5446 ‘Travel with the Local Boy’ Owned and operated by Allan Harlow
• The schedule is subject to change or to cancel without notice • Child fares • Student fares • Pensioner rates (not available on Saturdays)
LEAVE CAIRNS MONDAY TO FRIDAY Deliveries 5 days – AND DELIVER THE NEXT MORNING Meeting all freight needs from Cairns to the Cape • Port Douglas • Mossman • Cooktown • Laura • Archer River • Coen • Musgrave • Kowanyama • Weipa • Croydon • Normanton • Karumba • Pormpuraaw – from 20 grams to 20 tonnes –
Fleet includes: Body trucks, Semi trailers, Refrigerated vans, Side lifter and Fork lift hire
Down driveway at Peter Russell Windscreen Repairs Ph: 4069 5459 • Fax: 4035 4021 • Mob: 0419 759 892
25 Redden Street Ph: 4035 4022 • Fax: 4035 4021
Tuxworth & Woods Carriers
Established more than 30 years Cooktown Local News 7 - 13 March 2013 – 17
Food and sex in the jungle with lepidopteras
DO fruit-sucking moths get drunk? When you go for a night stroll on a friendly rainforest path, especially in the fruiting season, the chances are that your spotlight will pick up the eye-flash of a moth sucking on fallen fruit. Named with unerring accuracy and good common sense, it’s one of many species of fruitsucking moth. Usually, the fruit is soft and fermenting, so can we assume that the moths get drunk? I have no idea of the answer, except that some birds such as rainbow lorikeets are observed to get progressively drunk and boisterous as they chew their way through fermented fruit. When you think about it, why do moths and butterflies bother eating at all? As caterpillars, they spend most of their time eating, and chew through a considerable amount of the forest’s biomass, forming an important link in the web of life. By the time they’ve gone through to adulthood as a moth or butterfly, their main purpose is to mate and pass on their genes. They use up their accumulated fat reserves and snack only occasionally. In fact some of them, such as the world’s largest moth, the giant Hercules moth (a Wet Tropics local by the way), do not even have mouth parts. Nor, of
course, bums, which makes maintenance very simple. No obesity problems there! Others, like our fruit-sucking moth and butterflies, have a very long proboscis (or tongue), coiled up tightly when not in action, then lengthened out to suck nectar from flowers; water from the wet sandy creeks or fruit pulp. This food choice has evolved such, that adult butterflies can’t digest fats or proteins. Adult butterflies and moths spend all their time and energy finding a mate in order to produce eggs. Generally it is the males that do the searching. They have slightly larger eyes than the females to look for the right colour, shape and size of their potential mate. The Cairns (and other) birdwings stay around the larval food plants waiting for females to appear. They even pounce on females which have just emerged from the pupae and mate with them before their wings have completely dried. A good way of telling males from females is by their behaviour. Males are often seen perching or patrolling in search of females, while females spend a lot of time searching out host plants to lay their eggs on. Males in almost all species have a very strong drive to ensure that only their
Four O’clock moths entwined and loving nature. Photo: MIKE D’ARCY.
genes are passed on to future generations. Vanity can have disastrous results! Our history is full of stories of emperors, kings and clan leaders who have slain their offspring. This is shared by moths and butterflies, some of whom can go to unusual measures to ensure paternity of
l l e W g n i v i L
the offspring. After mating, the males of big greasy butterfly deposits a special substance which prevents further mating. The drive to survive shows in other ways also. In the case of the Cairns birdwing, the caterpillar may ringbark the trunk of its food tree, the native
Dutchman’s pipe, to take away the food supply of other caterpillars. From Brazil - happy travelling! Mike and Trish D’Arcy D’Arcy of Daintree 4WD Tours Ph: +61 7 4098 9180
Home-made yoghurt is very easy to make MAKING yoghurt at home is very easy, whether or not you have a dedicated yoghurt maker. The yoghurt makers readily available in supermarkets are essentially a special thermal flask that keeps your yoghurt mix at the right temperature to set, and cost about $24. However, it is possible to do it in a glass jar. The following recipe can be used in either the method I describe here, or in the yoghurt maker. This recipe is for creamy Greek style yoghurt. For a thinner yoghurt suitable for smoothies and other drinks just omit the milk powder. Most yoghurt cultures (the micro-organisms that kick start the fermentation process) grow best in 35-40 degree milk, so the aim is to keep the mix at that temperature range for 8-12 hours. If the temperature
drops, it will just take longer, but if it gets too high, the bacteria will be killed and your yoghurt won’t set properly. That is where a dedicated yoghurt maker is handy as they’re designed to take away the guess work, but it is still pretty easy in our warm climate to make yoghurt without one. Ingredients: 1 litre milk (skim or full cream) 1 cup skim milk powder ½ cup unflavoured Greek yoghurt Make sure all your spoons, measuring cups and the jar are sterile by washing in hot water and rinsing in boiling water. Take the jar you’ll set your yoghurt in and add 1/3 of the milk (it will need to be over 1 litre capacity).
Pour the milk powder in and mix thoroughly until all dissolved. Add the Greek yoghurt and mix well until all combined and firmly twist on the lid. If using a yoghurt maker, start following their directions from here. Otherwise, place the jar in a saucepan of 80 degree water to ¾ up the side of the jar and drape a clean tea towel over the top and leave to warm for a few hours. Check the water temperature every ½ hour or so, and when it has dropped to body temperature, take the jar out and wrap in a hand towel folded in half length ways and secure. Sit in a warm spot, but not in direct sunlight for 8-12 hours. After 8-12 hours your yoghurt should be set, but might still be wobbly because it is warm. Once set, transfer the yoghurt to the fridge. If you enjoy making yoghurt, you can keep back
Yoghurt makers. Photo: CLARE RICHARDS. some of each batch to make the next lot, but it is good to ‘refresh’ your starter every 3-6 times by using a bought Greek yoghurt again. Making yoghurt this way is far more economical than purchased yoghurt, and a fun activity for kids to get involved with as well. Next week I’ll discuss some different recipes for using your home made yoghurt.
News NRL Tipping Competition Cooktown Local
Anytime, Anywhere
You must be registered before the first game of the first round. Sign up NOW and enter at… Competition password is: NewsNorthCLN
Boutique Apartments
1st Place – Return flight for one to Cairns from Hinterland Aviation, plus 3 nights accommodation for two at Inn Cairns Boutique Apartments (total value more than $1000!) 2nd Place – $250 donated by the Cooktown Local News
TERMS & CONDITIONS: The Cooktown Local News NRL footy tipping competition is free – there is no joining fee and no charges whatsoever are associated with it. The Cooktown Local News footy competition is computer generated,
18 – Cooktown Local News 7 - 13 March 2013
with all selections being lodged to an independent, national footy tipping website. Neither the Cooktown Local News nor sponsors can access the website, and all results are generated by the website operators. The results will be provided in the Cooktown Local News, the Cooktown Local News website and the
DRAW ROUND 1 (March 7 – 11, home team first) TONIGHT, Thu, March 7
Friday, March 8
Sea Eagles
Saturday, March 9
W Tigers
Sunday, March 10
Monday, March 11
competition operator’s website after each round. Staff from the Cooktown Local News and sponsors are ineligible to enter. In the event of a tie, the prize value will be divided among the joint winners. No substitution of prizes for cash. Residents with local postcode and subscribers only eligible to enter and win prizes.
Boat ramp construction underway IT’S great to see construction under way for the new boat ramps at Webber Esplanade, with construction expected to take between four and six weeks. The new ramps will give improved launch and retrieve capabilities. The final addition of the floating boarding pontoon will be installed after July. A temporary link slab ramp for small “tinnies” has been provided seaward, approximately 200m past the fishing club lease. If this is unsuitable for your vessel, the ramp at Marton will get you on the water. With the great run of weather last week, people have enjoyed some time on the water - either for some cruising, diving, snorkelling, reef fishing or working the estuaries. Most reports from anglers included some great captures and some stand-out captures such as Roger Townsend’s 95 cm large mouth nannygai and Janet Barnes’ solid Spanish. Jen Scott;s first “keeper” red emperor fishing with the ladies day on the Hurricane was another. The girls reported: “We all had a great time running amok with Andy on the
reef!” Some good catches were made by all. Other reports included some great sport fishing captures of a large queenfish inshore on lures and a cracker of a giant herring caught by Elaine Giblin on Sunday morning near Knob point. Good numbers of squid have been captured at night from inshore reefs, while good numbers of spangled emperor and nannygai with coral trout have been landed by day. Around the estuaries, barra have been caught by land-based anglers on lures from around the Wharf. I spotted the Mayor, Peter returning from the boat ramp with a mixed bag including golden trevally. With a blast of southeasters forecast earlier this week, the next few days will see us limited to the estuaries, and maybe there will be a hint of colour in the water from all the rain - another disappointing result and not a lot of wet season left to change our rain fall total. Tight lines, Russell Bowman, The Lure Shop.
ABOVE: Ladies’ day aboard the Hurricane. RIGHT: Paul Renfree with a nannygai landed last Saturday.
Cooktown Bowls Club
BUILDING EXTENSION Attention members and visitors: Extension works at the Cooktown Bowls Club are on schedule with Thomason Constructions on target to open up our new section for use within the next month. ABOVE: Elaine Giblin with a giant herring. Photos submitted. LEFT: Roger Townsend with a solid nannygai.
Thermo dons crown and turns up the heat THIS week’s run was going to be at Fakawe’s place, but she had to rush off to Cairns at the last minute, so Titus and Wetcheck stepped into the breach. Now I don’t like to whinge after they have been so generous with their time and efforts, but really! They could have picked a better day! The weather was terrible! Even Moses was wearing a hat against the rain, and he is Religious Advisor to the Hash. He is meant to use his connections to prevent rain in Cooktown on Monday evening, but apparently no-one was listening. The Hash was deluged with continuous rain throughout the run. We were soaked from head to toe as we wandered across country to the Cairns highway and beyond. Here Titus was waiting with a refreshing drink stop to revitalise us for the return
trip via Keatings Lagoon. Back at the bash, things were back to normal now the Hashers who had been in New Zealand have returned. GM Thermo put her crown on, called the circle to order and immediately punished Moses for the wet weather. Then she punished him again for destroying one of Titus’s chairs by sitting on it, along with Titus for having such dangerous furniture. Then there was F*&t, who had turned up in some lurid new shoes and had to christen them, and he was punished again for getting separated from his carer on the train in New Zealand. He can be quite embarrassing when he is let out in public. Then Granddad added a sur-
real touch to the evening by producing a picture of a tree lopper that he had taken in parts south. He had stopped the man and taken the picture because he is the spitting image of F*&t. If it wasn’t for the fact that the man was doing a job of work, you could have sworn it was F*&t himself. The evening finished with fish specially smoked by Titus, followed by blueberry pie. Next week’s run is at Barran and Archive’s. Just turn up at 5.30pm on Monday, March 11 to get exercise, good food and good company. For details, contact Moses on 4069 5854 or 0409 686 032. On-on! Lye Bak
Prior to that happening, the following important stages must occur: 1. On Monday, March 11, a partition will be erected in the club to allow the rear wall between the new and old section of building to be removed. Unfortunately we will temporarily lose some seating during this time. 2. On Monday, March 18, a partition will be erected in front of the existing bar area and kitchen to allow construction of new amenities, cold rooms and bar area. As such, the club will be closed on the morning of Monday, March 18, but will open at 2pm. From Monday, March 18 we will be operating a small, temporary bar out of the bowls office with limited drinks and snacks for sale. This will allow trading to continue for bowlers and club members. The kitchen will be closed for at least a week during relocation to the new section of the club. There will be no meals available during this time. The management committee is excited that Cooktown Bowls Club will soon reaffirm its position as the premier club in town with a new dining area, new kitchen, new lounge area and extended bar area, while continuing to offer great meals and excellent service. We appologise for any short term disruption our extension works may cause. President Bob Sullivan Cooktown Local News 7 - 13 March 2013 – 19
Sport Cooktown Local
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Sports reports deadline is 5pm, Monday prior to publication
So you know your footy
Chat with Matt G’day. It’s good to be back on deck with the Cooktown Local News for the 2013 NRLseason. Everyone at the Cowboys is as keen as mustard to start this year with a good win after the way we bowed out in the finals last year. You can’t dwell on those things and have to go forward, but it’s still in the back of your mind. But we’re going into our first game against the Bulldogs at Gosford’s Blue Tongue stadium on Saturday night with pretty much the same squad as we had last year. Tariq Sims has been training the house down and can’t wait to get back onto the paddock, with Englishman Scott Moore and Rory Kostjasyn the only new boys in the 19-man squad. Two have to be omitted, but that decision will be made later this week. We’re going into the game supremely confident, but aware that Ben Barba’s absence from the Bulldogs squad will have an influence on their performance. Ben’s been a huge part of their recent success, but, in saying that, his replacement could come out and have an absolute blinder, trying to cement his place in the squad, so we can’t allow him, or any other Doggies player any lattitude. Ben’s absence from the Doggies is not a good thing, and, from all of us at the Cowboys, we wish him all the best and hope he gets back on the park real soon. For me, I’ve fully recovered from my shoulder reconstruction and was satisfied with the 65 minutes I played in last week’s trial against the Titans. I pulled up a bit sore all over, as you do after your first game, and a little bit sorer in my shoulder, but you expect that after surgery. We had an extremely tough off-season, with training easily being the hardest I’ve ever been involved in. Our coaches and conditioners have got us fully ready and fired up for the season, and I can’t wait to get back onto the paddock to play my part in what will hopefully be a premiership season for us. But the NRL is a week-by week proposition, and that’s how we’ll be approaching it. Don’t forget to tune into Fox at 7.30pm on Saturday, we’ll be looking forward to your support from up there in Hope Vale, Wujal and Cooktown. The Cowboys team for Saturday night is: 1 Matthew Bowen, 2 Ashley Graham, 3 Brent Tate, 4 Kane Linnett, 5 Antonio Winterstein, 6 Johnathan Thurston (c), 7 Ray Thompson, 8 Matt Scott (c), 9 Scott Moore, 10 James Tamou, 11 Gavin Cooper, 12 Glenn Hall, 13 Dallas Johnson. Interchange: 14 Rory Kostjasyn, 15 Ashton Sims, 16 Tariq Sims, 17 Jason Taumalolo, 18 Scott Bolton, 19 Robert Lui (two to be omitted).
Then join our footy tipping comp.
THE NRL season starts tonight (Thursday), so have you entered the Cooktown Local News’ popular footy tipping competition for 2013? You can enter more than once remember it’s free - so that you can enter different tips for each weekend. Tips are not transferrable between entries. It’s great fun, and show just how much of a footy tipster you are. This year’s tipping competition is sponsored by Hinterland Aviation, Inn Cairns and the Cooktown Local News. The winner will receive a return flight to Cairns for one, courtesy of Hinterland Aviation and three nights’ accommodation in the heart of Cairns at Inn Cairns - a prize worth more than $1000. The runner-up will receive $250 from the Cooktown Local News. Two major changes have been introduced this year. 1. Anyone who fails to enter their selections for a week will receive no points. This ensures fairness to those who do enter their tips. 2. Anyone entering the competition after the start of the season, also will start from zero with no points awarded for missed games.
Cooktown Bowls Club Members Draw $950 - Members not present – R. Eastment and D. Pearson. FRIDAY, MARCH 8: Draw Jackpots to $1000 in the early draw between 6.30 and 7pm.
Social Bowls:
Wednesday register 1pm, play 1.30pm. Sunday register 8.30am, for 9am start. Jackpot $19.
Barefoot Bowls:
Don’t miss out…
Let the footy season begin . . .
Pokies Lucky Seat:
EVERY FRIDAY: Drawn between 8pm and 8.30pm. 4 x $25 raffles for food or fuel. Cannot be exchanged for cash.
Bush Bingo:
• Orchid Raffles and • Pokie Lucky Seat Prizes
Every Thursday morning, 9am prompt start. Jackpot $160 in 56 calls.
Members lunch $10 THURSDAY Seniors lunch $10 SPECIALS Available every night!
Wednesdays and Fridays – Courtesy Bus – out to Marton & Keatings Lagoon –
Cooktown Local News rugby league columnist Matt Bowen at training with the North Queensland Cowboys in Townsville.
Ph 4069 5819
Tide times – Cooktown
Sat 10 Ht
Sun 11 Ht
<< Full details on how to enter are available on the selection form on Page 18.
Cancelled until further notice.
The Hinterland Aviaton/Inn Cairns/ Cooktown Local News NRL footy tipping competition is free - there is no joining fee and no charges whatsoever are associated with it. The competition is computer generated, with all selections being lodged to an independent, national footy tipping website. Neither the Cooktown Local News nor sponsors can access the website, and all results are generated by the website operators. The results will be provided in the Cooktown Local News, the Cooktown Local News website and the competition operator’s website after each round. Staff from the Cooktown Local News and sponsors are ineligible to enter. In the event of a tie, the prize value will be divided among the joint winners. Only residents with local post codes and subscribers to the Cooktown Local News are eligible to enter. So enter the Hinterland Aviation/ Inn Cairns/Cooktown Local News footy tipping comp. before tonight’s season opener.
Members’ Draw & Raffles:
Fri 09
Mon 12
Tue 13
20 – Cooktown Local News 7 - 13 March 2013
Wed 14
Thu 15
Fri 16
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