ctln 13-03-28

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$2 • PH: 1300 4895 00 • EDITORIAL: editor@cooktownlocalnews.com.au • Issue 608 • Thursday, March 28, 2013

Five new members of the Uncle Fester Club

John Dessmann (front) and (from left) Carol McKinna, Russell Bowman, Steve Wilton and Keith Bradford joined the ‘Uncle Fester’ club as part of Saturday’s World’s Greatest Shave at the Sovereign Resort Hotel to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation. Photo: GARY HUTCHISON.

Confusion, concern over water policy By GARY HUTCHISON ACCORDING to Lakeland property owner Joy Marriott, a recent meeting between the area’s irrigators and the Department of Natural Resources and Mines has left land holders concerned the Lakeland Groundwater Management Area policy will be the precursor to being charged for water. Ms Marriott said the meeting, on Wednesday, March 13, at the Lakeland Hall was attended by most of the landholders affected. She said the policy would apply to groundwater supplied by the bores and springs in the aquifer, for which licences had already been paid. She said, in fact, there had been more licences allocated than the groundwater can supply during peak demand. “I’ve spoken with most of my fellow landholders who were at that meeting.” Ms Marriott said. “We’re all very confused and

concerned about the information received. There are already more licences than what can be recharged (with rain), and no more licences are to be issued.” Ms Marriott said it was her belief that property owners could strike more bores, but only for domestic and stock use, not irrigation purposes. She said it was also her belief that, if a property owner did not use all of their yearly allocation, the balance could be used by another landholder, but at whose cost? “We’ve already paid for licences, but now they’re talking about water meters and inspectors. Who will have to pay for that?” she asked. A Department of Natural Resources and Mines spokesman confirmed the water management policy for the proposed Lakeland Groundwater Management Area does not introduce water charges for the use of bore water on personal property.

The spokesman said that water licence fees have been in effect since 2009. “The only charges that would be incurred would be associated with metering as part of seasonal water assignment agreements between licence holders if agreements of this type were entered into,” the spokesman said. “The option of seasonal water assignments to allow a licence holder’s unused entitlements to be used by another water user was outlined at a recent meeting between Department of Natural Resources and Mines staff and Lakeland water users. “This means that another water user can use the spare portion of an entitlement if the original licence holder does not expect to use all of their entitlement in a water year. “For this to occur both parties will require water meters to ensure the water taken by the two parties under the same entitlement can be fully accounted for.”

Lakeland property owner Joy Marriott is concerned the newly-introduced Lakeland Groundwater Management Area policy could be the precursor to being charged for water. Photo: GARY HUTCHISON.

What’s On


 letters to the editor Traill calls for Entsch to stand up against health cuts

EDITOR’S NOTE: If you have an upcoming event, please let us know by email to editor@cooktownlocalnews.com.au or phone Gary Hutchison on (07) 4069 5773.

IN response to Warren Entsch’s letter to the editor, I point out that Warren is the Federal Member for Leichhardt, paid to represent the people, answer questions, respond to constituent concerns, allow himself to be accessible to his electorate and ultimately represent his electorate instead of his masters in Canberra. Warren has consistently dodged questions or debates over industrial relations, this arrogance lead to the 2007 “Wheres Warren” campaign, which saw the Liberals turfed out of Leichhardt.


Thu 28. Swim for Your Life at the Cooktown Pool from

9.30am to 10.30am. Sat 30. Cooktown Pool - Aqua Aerobics - from noon to 1pm. Sun 31. Cooktown Alcoholics Anonymous meeting from 1.30pm in the CWA Hall in Charlotte Street. Call 4069 5626 for details.


Tue 2. Swim for Your Life at the Cooktown Pool from 9.30am to 10.30am.

Tue 2. Cooktown Alcoholics Anonymous meeting from

8pm in the CWA Hall in Charlotte Street. Call 4069 5626 for details. Wed 3. Cooktown Pool - Aqua Aerobics - from noon to 1pm. Thu 4. Swim for Your Life at the Cooktown Pool from 9.30am to 10.30am. Sat 6. Kids Art Society Art session from 10am to noon at the Elizabeth Guzsely Gallery. Sat 6. Cooktown Pool - Aqua Aerobics - from noon to 1pm. Sun 7. Cooktown Alcoholics Anonymous meeting from 1.30pm in the CWA Hall in Charlotte Street. Call 4069 5626 for details. Mon 8. Piano concert at Nature's PowerHouse from 6pm. Bookings appreciated on 4069 5442. Tue 9. Swim for Your Life at the Cooktown Pool from 9.30am to 10.30am. Tue 9. Endeavour Lions Club meeting at the Lions Hall in Amos Street from 7pm. Tue 9. Cooktown Alcoholics Anonymous meeting from 8pm in the CWA Hall in Charlotte Street. Call 4069 5626 for details. Wed 10. Cooktown Pool - Aqua Aerobics - from noon to 1pm. Thu 11. Swim for Your Life at the Cooktown Pool from 9.30am to 10.30am. Sat 13. Cooktown Pool - Aqua Aerobics - from noon to 1pm. Sun 14. Cooktown Alcoholics Anonymous meeting from 1.30pm in the CWA Hall in Charlotte Street. Call 4069 5626 for details. Tue 16. Swim for Your Life at the Cooktown Pool from 9.30am to 10.30am. Tue 16. Cooktown Alcoholics Anonymous meeting from 8pm in the CWA Hall in Charlotte Street. Call 4069 5626 for details.

Once again, Tony Abbott and Liberal MPs are proposing changes to industrial relations legislation similar to Workchoices, and Warren again dodges the issue. As an Electrical Trades Union organiser, I have regularly visited Thursday Island and other towns where we have members. I have another visit to Thursday Is scheduled for May 24 to celebrate May Day, a day which Entsch’s mate Campbell Newman has tried to steal by shifting the Unions’ day to October.

I encourage all union members to make a stand and attend on May 24. Regarding Warren’s comments that I am Senator McLucas’s foot soldier, that can’t be further from the truth. I have been critical about all cuts and will continue to do so regardless of which party is in power. I have a proven track record for that. It’s a shame that Warren is still playing the blame game instead of standing up for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who are get-

Sympathy for Entsch on NBN Hands off Cape health services I HAVE some sympathy with Warren Entsch’s comments on connecting Cooktown to the National Broadband Network. He has been tasked with promoting his party’s policy of giving the link between the network and the consumers over to private middlemen, and this is a very hard sell in country Australia. After all, we already have a fibre link coming into town and a middleman (Telstra) distributing the link to individual properties, and we all know how well that works. We have a poor service at costs that are far above what is paid in other developed countries. Under the policies Mr Entsch has to support, life will probably not change a great deal. I would like to expand on one comment he made on exactly who will be connected.

RECENTLY announced cuts by the Health Department will have a devastating effect on local health services and the broader Cape York and Cooktown communities, the Queensland Nurses’ Union says. The union says Cape York Hospital and Health Service (HHS) would be cut by 47 full-time equivalent jobs. The positions were vital to local health needs: renal and diabetes, alcohol prevention, mental health, Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATODs), nutrition and dentistry. The cuts also included Directors of Nursing at health facilities in Lockhart, Pormpuraaw, Wujal, Hope Vale and Kowanyama. Cape York HHS initially told media that only 27.5 posi-

The current plan is for ALL Australians to be able to connect to the NBN either by cable (for Cooktown itself), wireless (for the surrounding areas) or by direct satellite (for everyone else). This policy is good for country Australia and it would be a shame if our future representative, from whatever party, advocates forcing us back into the pattern of poor, expensive services that we have now. Eric George (pictured), Cooktown.

Shawn’s Archer Point

CHURCH SERVICES Baptist: Hogg Street, near IGA, 9.30am Sun. Phone 4069 5155. Cooktown Community Church (AOG/ACC): Gungarde Hall, 9.30am Sun; Home Group 7.30am Wed. Phone 4069 5070, 0427 756 793. Catholic: 6pm Sat and 8.30am Sun, St Mary's, Cooktown. Phone 4069 5730. Anglican: Christ Church Chapel, Sun 8.30am. Phone 4069 6778, 0428 696 493. Lutheran: Hope Vale at 9am on Sunday, Cooktown. Phone either 4060 9197 or 0419 023 114.

Contacts & Deadlines

Where we go: Approx 1400 copies distributed every Thursday throughout Cooktown, Hope Vale, Rossville, Wujal Wujal, Bloomfield, Ayton, Marton, Port Douglas, Mossman, Cairns, Lakeland Downs/Laura, Mt Carbine/Mt Molloy, Mareeba and Coen, and subscribers across Australia and overseas.

EDITOR: Gary Hutchison editor@cooktownlocalnews.com.au AD DESIGN: Sharon Gallery & Becca Cottam ads@cooktownlocalnews.com.au

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by NOON MONDAYS (pics, stories, letters, etc) Regular columns: by 5pm FRIDAYS Sports columns: by 5pm MONDAYS

2 – Cooktown Local News 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2013

 Letters to the editor

Publisher’s Details Publishers of the Cooktown Local News

tions would be cut, and tried to downplay the losses by stating vacant positions were “surplus to the health service’s needs”. In fact, these vacant positions were supposed to be filled by Cape York HHS to deliver health services to the local community. Cape York HHS then made the appalling decision to outline every position to be cut in a presentation to all staff. Employees were visibly shocked and upset to discover via powerpoint presentation they no longer had jobs. It is vital that we stand together during this time and send the strongest possible message that cuts to public health services are not on. Beth Mohle, Secretary, Queensland Nurses’ Union.

AN untitled image taken at Archer Point by Shawn Hawkins is the winner of this week’s $25 meat voucher in the Cornett’s IGA Cooktown and Cooktown Local News photo competition. Such are the colours and tones captured in Shawn’s image, you could be forgiven for thinking it is in fact a painting. Shawn also goes into the draw again for the end of year grand prize. Along with our other winners, he can continue entering each week for as long as he pleases. You now have until 5pm on Thursday, April 4, to submit your entry for this week’s stage of the competition, and they need to be forwarded as an email attachment to editor@cooktownlocalnews. com.au . Shawn’s winning entry will be printed and displayed in a gallery the IGA has prepared in their store.

Can club secretaries please send in a list of their events planned for the year to editor@cooktownlocalnews.com. au so they can be included in the What's On section.

Editor: (07) 4069 5773 Editor’s mobile: 0411 722 807 People wishing to meet in person with the editor can do so by calling him, and he will arrange a time to meet with you at a mutually convenient location. All advertising / accounts enquiries, please call: 1300 4895 00 or (07) 4099 4633 Fax: 1300 7872 48 Phones attended 8.30am to 5pm - Monday to Friday

ting sacked because of Campbell Newman and David Kempton’s cuts to the health budgets - $3 billion slashed from health forward estimates by the LNP. Entsch sits by, saying nothing about that. Warren, it is about people as you say. How about you start standing up for them instead of playing political football with their lives? Stuart Traill, Organiser, Electrical Trades Union, Queensland.

regional & remote N E W S P A P E R S

Real news for real Australia

CHAIRMAN: Mark Bousen editor@regionalandremote.com.au PUBLISHER: Corey Bousen publisher@regionalandremote.com.au MANAGING EDITOR: Mark Bousen editor@regionalandremote.com.au ACCOUNTS: Meg Bousen accounts@cooktownlocalnews.com.au

Letters to the Editor are published as a free community service and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Cooktown Local News nor its management. Letters must be legible, preferably less than 250 words, carry a name and address, and be signed. A telephone number or similar identification must also be provided. Unsigned and anonymous letters, or use of a nom de plume, eg Concerned Citizen, etc will not be accepted. Names withheld on discretion of the publisher. Letters may be edited for space or content or omitted altogether at the discretion of the editor. Mail to: PO Box 36, Cooktown, Qld, 4895 Fax: 1300 787 248 or Email: editor@cooktownlocalnews.com.au.


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SHIPTONS Flat resident Paul Gavin Jr is “gobsmacked” by the Department of Transport and Main Road engineers’ findings last week that the Wallaby Creek Bridge is structurally sound, A TMR spokesman said the inspection had been completed by two senior departmental engineers. “The inspection confirmed the bridge is structurally sound, with no need for any urgent work,” the spokesman said. “TMR will continue to monitor its condition through our regular inspection program, with the next inspection planned for mid-2013.” Mr Gavin said: “What?” when told of the findings. “Did they do the inspections blindfolded? “The main pillars on the north-eastern end of the bridge are cracked below the water line, and then there’s still the issues of cracked beams, bolts with no nuts on them, beams cut-and-shunted and plated together and rocks stuck between boards to keep them apart.” Mr Gavin supplied photos and brought the matter to the attention of the Cooktown Local News in time for the March 14 edition. He said that, since then, members of the public had

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Ph: 4069 5780 • Fax: 4069 6080 Email: cooktown.rsl@bigpond.com In an inspection by Department of Transport and Main Roads Engineers last week, work like this under the Wallaby Creek Bridge was declared safe and not requiring immediate attention. Photo: PAUL GAVIN JR. also commented to him about Mr Gavin complimented the the back.” their concerns on the state of tradesmen who had completed He said the bridge could the bridge. recent works on the bridge. possibly be in a worse state “Men and women who have “Those ‘bridgies’ did a except for the fact there has seen my photos in the paper fabulous job considering the been no real wet season so far. have just shook their heads in constraints they were working “She hasn’t been under disbelief,” he said. under with materials and time (flooded) this season,” he said. “They’re wondering what’s and that,” he said. “I wonder what she’d be going on too.” “They deserve a big pat on like after that?”

Guarded assurances on new Bloomfield bridge

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‘We may all have to be vigilant to ensure that commitments are kept.’

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We have moved...

Will the promised new bridge over the Bloomfield River be finished by the next wet season? Seen here is the river in flood across the causeway at Wujal Wujal. Photo: GARY HUTCHISON.

THE Department of Transport and Main Roads has fallen short in fully guaranteeing the promised new bridge over the Bloomfield River at Wujal Wujal will be completed by the start of the next wet season. It is believed that stakeholders met with the department recently to discuss community concerns that while construction will start in the middle of

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this year, the timelines for the bridge’s completion might be delayed until 2014. Cooktown Local News 4WD columnist Mike D’Arcy said he believed tenders for the project had been called, with a three-month completion date as part of the conditions. “So far, so good, but we may all have to be vigilant to ensure that

commitments are kept,” he said. In a response to an inquiry from the Cooktown Local News, a Transport and Main Roads spokesman said the Bloomfield River Bridge project will go to tender by the end of this week. “We want to see the new bridge completed before the start of the next wet season too, and we’ve specified this in the tender documents,” he said.

Due to the end of lease at our old editorial office and residence at 65 Hope St, Cooktown Local News’ has now moved to a new location in Cooktown. Unfortunately, as the new editor’s residence is not zoned for business use, people wishing to meet in person with the editor Gary Hutchison can do so by calling him on 4069 5773 or 0411 722 807, and he will arrange a time to meet with you at a mutually convenient location. Gary can also be contacted at his email address, editor@cooktownlocalnews.com.au The editor’s landline number of 4069 5773 has not changed. All contact details for the newspaper remain the same. The Cooktown Local News apologises for any inconvenience this change may cause, but the reasons for the move are beyond our control.

Advertising enquiries can make contact by calling 1300 4895 00 or by emailing ads@cooktownlocalnews.com.au while the accounts department can by contacted by calling the same phone number or by emailing accounts@cooktownlocalnews.com.au

Cooktown Local News 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2013 – 3


Hope Vale’s Rosendale takes on an advisory role By ALF WILSON A PROUD North Queenslander with family in Hope Vale and Wujal Wujal has been appointed to the position of Strategic Adviser on Indigenous Cultural Affairs with the Australian Navy. Chief Petty Officer Ray Rosendale is based in Cairns and said a career in the Navy would be attractive. CPO Rosendale took up his appointment on January 19, a new role which will see him advise how to attract, recruit and retain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander officers and sailors. He will provide advice on how to build on the Navy’s solid track record of respecting and engaging with Indigenous culture. The Cooktown Local News saw CPO Rosendale at an enlistment ceremony in Townsville on March 11, when five young Indigenous recruits joined the Navy. On March 16, CPO Rosendale was at an assessment day in Cairns where 28 young people were tested for fitness, teamwork and problem solving in the gymnasium aboard HMAS Cairns. “I am really excited about the role and I am from one of the biggest families at Hope Vale,” CPO Rosendale said. Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral (VADM) Ray Griggs introduced the new role within the Navy, specifically designed to advise him on how to attract, recruit and retain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander officers and sailors. VADM Griggs said CPO Rosendale always brought a range of terrific ideas to the table. “This role is critical to the Navy better understanding Indigenous issues, and to attracting and retaining Indigenous

members to the Navy,” he told the Navy News paper. Director Recruiting Management Navy Commander (CMDR) Chris Curtis said there were four key components to the Navy’s Indigenous strategy. “First, we fully support the Defence Reconciliation Plan and we work closely with Army, Air Force and Defence People Group to achieve whole-of-Defence outcomes for Indigenous people. “Secondly, we recognise the Navy has a special part to play in recognising our sea people and their heritage. It is important that we understand that our maritime heritage goes back many thousands of years with the Indigenous peoples who have hunted, lived and travelled in our maritime environment long before there were ships exploring from Europe. “Thirdly, the Navy acknowledges the contribution, past and present, of Indigenous serving and supporting personnel and we encourage their formal self-identification on PMKeyS, because it shows pride in their service and their heritage. “The last part of the strategy is to strengthen our relationship and engagement with Indigenous communities to showcase that we are a good neighbour and a great career choice,” CMDR Curtis said. Director Indigenous Affairs Lisa Phelps said she was encouraged by the creation of the new position. “CPO Rosendale is a welcome addition to our new diversity round table and I am confident his experience, commitment and extensive networks will hold him in good stead as he establishes himself in his new role,” she said

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ABOVE: CPO Ray Rosendale (centre) in Townsville at an enlistment program with recruits Roszaly Aitken (left) and Gerald Lampton. RIGHT: CPO Ray Rosendale has been appointed to a role in which he will advise the Navy how to attract, recruit and retain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander officers and sailors. Photos

Don’t be a fool, change your smoke alarm battery AFTER a summer of extreme fire conditions across the state, the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service and Duracell are urging residents to change their smoke alarms on April Fool’s Day, as part of the annual Don’t be a Fool campaign. In 2012, the QFRS attended 57 residential fires where smoke alarms failed to operate and alert residents of the impending danger - this equates to more than one fire every week. QFRS Inspector David Sutch said a number of factors contributed to this trend including batteries being removed, alarms being disconnected and incorrectly installed. “Last year, 11 lives were tragically lost in Queensland as a result of house fires and a further 51 the year before,” Inspector Sutch said. “These figures are concerning and imply that residents are not taking the risks of a faulty smoke alarm seriously.”

“It takes less than five minutes to change a smoke alarm battery, which is time well spent when it could result in a potential life being saved.” QFRS recommends the use of photoelectric smoke alarms and warns that not changing smoke alarm batteries and failing to maintain smoke alarms can be just as deadly as not having one at all. The QFRS recommend residents: • Test their photoelectric smoke alarm monthly to ensure the battery and the alarm sounder are operating and clean their alarm with a vacuum annually to remove particles that could affect smoke alarm performance; • Replace the battery annually - QFRS and Duracell recommend replacing with a long-lasting 9v alkaline battery; • If residing in a rental property, call the rental property manager and ensure the building has correctly

QFRS Cooktown Brigade Lieutenant Jason Carroll is urging all residents to test their fire alarms and change their batteries on April 1. Photo: GARY HUTCHISON. installed, maintained and working installed inside bedrooms where smoke alarms; and doors are closed at night and along • Install photoelectric smoke evacuation routes if bedrooms are alarms in positions that will wake located upstairs. all occupants in the home and Visit www.changeyourbattery. give them time to evacuate, for com.au or www.fire.qld.gov.au for example, outside each sleeping more information on where to place area with additional smoke alarms smoke alarms in your home.

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4 – Cooktown Local News 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2013


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Tourist who loved the Cape so much he bought a business Story and photo By ERIC GEORGE ONE of Cooktown’s cherished institutions, one we all visit and take any visitors to enjoy, is the Lions Den in Helenvale. Set a little way off the main road, it is nonetheless a tourist Mecca, one of the sights they must see. Four years ago, a new owner took over, Max Nulley. I asked him why he decided to come north: “I’m originally from a very small town in country Victoria, Lavers Hill, in the centre of the Otway Ranges. It is smaller even than Cooktown. A boy from the bush. I studied engineering, and then worked for the Ford motor company as a manufacturing engineer. “I went back to university for an MBA, and started to work up into more senior and executive style jobs. “After a 15-year journey from Lavers Hill through university to corporate life, getting up at five in the morning and putting on a fresh pressed pair of slacks and shirt, Faith and I had got to the point where we needed to have some time off and doing something different. We decided we would take a year off. “We had a four-wheel drive, a camper trailer and two young children. After about five months of travelling, we realised that we were rural people and that we enjoyed the country. We just enjoyed being away. “Our travels led us to far north Queensland. We fell in love with the environment. We had a magnificent time travelling on Cape York. Everything about the area just sang to us as being a great place to live and raise children.” So why did Max and his wife decide to take the plunge, leave their old lives and buy the Lions Den? “We were actually sitting on a beach in Weipa, and I was reading the Weekend Australian. I saw the small ad for the Lions Den. We had loved being up here and, since we were so close, we had to go down and take a look. “We thought we could make a go of it. We sold everything that we owned. “Our family home, an investment property and a small town house I used in Melbourne. We sold our car. We sold our camper trailer and a couple of motor bikes. “I had a beautiful XB Falcon Hardtop, I sold that. We borrowed everything we could from the bank, and that was only just enough to get us over the line. “The business is a fantastic business. We are very proud to say we have improved it dramatically. “We have continued to invest. We are here because we wanted a change in lifestyle, but also we wanted to be in business for ourselves. We have put everything into the pub, for it to be successful

Max Nulley outside his Lions Den Hotel. and for the long term.” I was interested to know what running a pub like the Lions Den involves. What does Max actually do? “I wake up at about 6.30. First get the kids to school in Rossville. I spend at least the first couple of hours of my day on my books. My accounts, purchases, invoices, marketing, advertising. “Beyond that - just about anything. I could be doing anything from whipper-snippering to consolidating rubbish into wheelie bins, to plumbing work, to shopping, to preparing food for dinner and lunch. “We employ a full-time chef in the season. Outside of that time my wife and I do the cooking. “We employ mainly backpackers for bar staff, but our back-line staff are more local. “Since we are the only business in Helenvale, we are clearly the biggest. We have invested heavily in our infrastructure and we employ locals just about exclusively. “Our food all comes from the Iceworks and that puts many hundreds of thousands of dollars into Cooktown.” We often hear that Queensland’s tourism industry has been suffering from the high Australian dollar and from a general lack of confidence. How has that affected Max? “We bought the hotel in tough years. Last year was a pretty good season, and hopefully that trend will continue. “There is a strong tourism industry in Australia. We have a fantastic product - Cape York, Cooktown, the Lions Den. It is about running your business effectively, and promoting yourself well, and providing the product that people are prepared to spend their hard-earned money on. “From a business perspective, we have grown every year that we have been here.” What sort of tourist visits the Lions Den? “I would say three-quarters are Australian. There’s a definite opportunity for the international part

to grow. The best market to attract is road-based Australians. We are in traveller-based magazines but over the last couple of years we have pushed our direct marketing hard at outdoor, fishing and camping shows and four wheel drive shows.” Max is President of the Cooktown Chamber of Commerce and Tourism. What does that organisation do? “Our concern over the last months has been to develop the Tourism Cape York organisation. It is important for us to have an organisation to help Cooktown and the Cape to be right at the fore of tourism promotion. “The Chamber has improved dramatically the level of cooperation and communication with the Shire. Little issues like road signage, through to development concerns. “The hot topic at the moment is the council-provided and maintained RV park. These things need to be discussed openly, and the Chamber provides information and feedback. “We don’t make decisions. We had a very robust debate about whether the Chamber supported the RV park. We absolutely support reaching out to the RV market, and there was a mix of opinion. “We need to work on how attractive we are to the tourist market. Cooktown has a little way to go with individual businesses to make it attractive. “Having towns and businesses closed is the first thing that upsets tourists. When a cruise ship comes in on a Sunday and they cannot get a coffee on the main street because most of the businesses are not open . . . “Another thing we try to change is the misconception that the only time to travel to Cape York is between June and September. We have to have a good road network. “The Bloomfield Track should be largely accessible 12 months of the year. I support anything that increases the ability of road-based tourists to get to our region.”


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Student of the Month

RIGHT: Rossville State School’s Student of the Month for March is Indigo Wright. Indigo’s teacher has been impressed with her work especially in History and English. She sets high standards when playing with others in the playground.

RIGHT: Shaquoiah Dingo is the Student of the Month at Hope Vale Campus. Shaquoiah enjoys coming to Club and Culture lessons everyday and loves doing art.

Marlin Coast Veterinary Surgery Will be visiting Cooktown WedneSday, april 10 from 2pm and ThurSday, april 11 until 12 noon Clinic is at the CWA rooms FOR APPOINTMENTS PLEASE PHONE

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Neneh McIvor is Endeavour Christian College’s Student of the Month for March. Neneh is a considerate Year-four student who is kind and courteous to others. She exhibits great listening and speaking skills. She tries her best in all things, gets on with her work without being told to, and is always willing to help fellow students when help is required. Neneh loves colouring in and being creative. She also rates maths and writing stories as some of her favourite activities in class. Her eyes sparkle though when she tells of how much she loves playing outside with her friends.

Cooktown State School’s Student of the Month is Joe Pope. Joe is a year 9 student who has dedicated himself to his study this term. He hands his assessments in on time and exemplifies being a safe and respectful learner in class. He interacts positively in lunch time activities and encourages his peers to stay on task. Joe has received two ‘Success from Endeavour’ awards this term and has impressed his teacher with his commitment to learning.

LEFT: Ja’koby Assan is the Bloomfield River Student of the Month. Ja’koby is an incredibly hard worker, great problem solver, has fantastic attendance and is a great friend to all his class mates. Keep up the great work Ja’koby!

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Bus Services DEPARTS CAIRNS Inland Mon, Tues, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun at 7am Coastal Mon, Wed and Fri at 7am DEPARTS COOKTOWN Inland Mon, Tues, Thu, Sat at 12.30pm Wed, Fri, Sun at 1.30pm Coastal Tues, Thurs and Sat at 7.30am INLAND SERVICE – Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat & Sun Departs Cairns 7am. Arrives CTN 11.45am. Departs Cooktown Mon, Tue, Thu, Sat 12.30pm, arrives CNS 5pm. Departs Cooktown Wed, Fri, Sun 1.30pm, arrives CNS 6pm. AGENTS COOKTOWN (Photo Shop) 4069 5446 BLOOMFIELD (Ayton Store) 4060 8125 LAKELAND (Mobil Roadhouse) 4060 2188

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• The schedule is subject to change or to cancel without notice • Child fares • Student fares • Pensioner rates (not available on Saturdays)

6 – Cooktown Local News 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2013

RIGHT: The Laura State School Student of the Month for March is Alerah Ross. Alerah is in Grade 2 and loves reading, writing and physical education. She takes great pride in her bookwork, her handwriting is excellent, with precise letter shapes and a beautiful style. Alerah really enjoys Spelling Mastery and loves learning new or challenging words. She has read many books this year and likes listening to stories after lunch. Alerah is one of the fastest runners in the school and is hard to catch when playing longball. She has been a supportive friend and helpful classmate for all of Term 1. Keep up the great work Alerah!

ABOVE: Desmond Kerlin is Lakeland State School’s Student of the Month. He has shown a keen interest in gardening and is continually thinking up new projects to involve other students. He is a keen learner who finds science very interesting, often asking questions related to his work in order to broaden his knowledge of the subject.


Scarth-Johnson’s works have national significance

IT’S official! The extraordinary life and work of a remarkable woman has local, regional and national significance. Cooktown’s collection of original botanical illustrations by Vera Scarth-Johnson as well as her papers, photographs and mementoes, have been officially recognised in a ‘Statement of Significance’ made possible with a grant from the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF). The Vera Scarth-Johnson Gallery Association has received a comprehensive report completed by Dr Judith McKay (Art Historian and Curator) and Dr Gordon Guymer (Director of the Queensland Herbarium). The report explains that “. . . the Collection has historical significance for its association with a remarkable woman who is clearly of national as well as state and regional significance. Vera Scarth-Johnson (1912-1999) is widely recognised as a botanical collector, artist, and conservationist . . .” “The paintings are not only scientific records in themselves, but are accompanied by substantial documentation, adding to their value for research. For most works, Scarth-Johnson has provided botanical identifications and notes, including her own observations which offer insights into her life. . . .” Always meticulous in her research, she worked with local Aboriginal friends who helped her collect specimens - “Scarth-Johnson made many trips into the bush and collaborated with local Guugu-Yimithirr people to add an Indigenous perspective.” It was in 1994 that Vera gave her work to the Cooktown community. With the support of the State and Federal Governments, and Cook Shire Council, Nature’s PowerHouse was built as a home to preserve and exhibit Vera’s priceless legacy and to encourage us to care for and conserve our environment.

Bach among friends here THE wait is over and the news is good - on two counts! According to his Kirill Monorosi will give doctors, our impresario his Cooktown audience Herman Soenario is maka preview of the works of ing a textbook recovery J.S.Bach he will perform from his multiple heart in Germany. Photo by-pass and is already submitted. planning his next concert for Cooktown. On Monday, April 8, he is bringing concert pianist/ lecturer Kirill Monorosi back to town to share his latest discovery regarding the works of Cesar Cui. Those who attended his concert last year will remember that he discovered long lost compositions by one of Russia’s ‘famous five’ late 19th Century composers, which had been hidden in vaults during the Russian Revolution and the Communist era. His extensive knowledge of Cui has led to invitations to lecture at the Moscow Conservatory, the Weimar Conservatory and Sydney University. Another favourite in his repertoire includes book 1 of J.S. Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier - a collection of solo keyboard works first published in 1722. International recognition of Kirill’s outstanding knowledge and skill in this arena has led to his being invited to make the first ever recording of these compositions for the Bach Society in Germany. On Monday that Monday night, the Cooktown audience will be treated to an introduction to some of the works he will play for that recording in Wurzburg in May this year. We usually don’t have concerts on a Monday evening, but we hope that without many other distractions lots of you will be able to come along to listen to Kirill at 6pm on Monday, April 8 at Nature’s PowerHouse. The cost is $25, cash at the door and, as always, it includes some bubbles and nibbles. Bookings appreciated on 4069 5442.

The report is a fascinating read and beautifully illustrated. You can receive an email copy by contacting jowynter@bigpond.com - or view it on the Nature’s PowerHouse website - or at the Cooktown Library. The Report includes a number of recommendations for the future of the collection, which will provide the Cooktown community with opportunities to participate in caring for these precious illustrations. With so many issues and activities coming up, VS-J members welcome interested locals - as well as our regulars - to our next meeting at Nature’s PowerHouse on Wednesday, April 10 at 2.30 pm. The Report wraps up in the following words: “It is the only known botanical art collection of its type in regional Australia - that is, as a comprehensive record of the flora of a particular region, as the work of a local artist and conservationist, and finally as a public collection.” The Cooktown community can be justly proud - this unique collection belongs to all of us to preserve, protect and enjoy!

Vera Scarth-Johnson Association Secretary/Treasurer Jacqui Sykes and President Jean Stephan are delighted the gallery has been officially recognised in a ‘Statement of Significance’. Photo: GARY HUTCHISON.

What’s on at the Sov!

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Cooktown Local News 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2013 – 7


l l e W g n i v i L WITH

Endeavour’s leaders elected


SIMPLE THINGS HAVING just been given wonderful, fresh backyard eggs by friends, I thought I’d share one of my favourite breakfast feasts. This is a great meal to do on holidays or a weekend as a brunch, as it will keep you going for a long time. The recipe is for one serve, so just multiply by however many people you’re feeding. If you don’t have a proper 20ml tablespoon measure, an ordinary teaspoon, heaped up will be about the same amount. You can substitute normal spinach or silverbeet for the Brazilian spinach - about ½ a bunch of fresh spinach or one large silverbeet leaf will be the rough equivalent. 2 tablespoons sour cream 2 large/3 small eggs small pinch salt 3 medium sized mushrooms, sliced 6 stalks Brazilian spinach, rinsed well and leaves removed cherry tomatoes butter Put 1 tablespoon of sour cream into a bowl and mix in one of the eggs until well combined. Add the next tablespoon of sour cream and combine well, then add the final egg and a small pinch of salt and mix until smooth. Put a full kettle of water on to boil. Heat a non-stick frypan over a medium-high heat, add a thin slice of butter to coat the pan then the sliced mushrooms. Once sizzling, add a splash of water and put a lid over the pan. When you hear the water has stopped bubbling, lift the lid and when dry, add another

splash of water and the cover the pan again. Once the water has cooked off again, check the mushrooms and if reduced in size, dark and glossy, they are ready. Otherwise repeat the splash of water and lid on until dry once more. Remove to a serving plate and rinse the frypan. Place the rinsed, picked Brazilian spinach leaves into a saucepan, pour boiling water over and put on a high heat to simmer for 3-4 minutes or until the leaves are wilted. Remove from heat, but leave water in until ready to serve. Place frypan back onto a medium-high heat and have a flat ended spoon or spatula ready. Add a thin slice of butter to the pan and as soon as it is melting, pour in the eggs. Stir immediately, and keep stirring for a few seconds then turn off the heat and continue stirring the eggs. When the eggs are firming, but still quite moist, remove them to your serving plate. It is important to remove the eggs when they still look ‘half cooked’ as they continue cooking once off the heat and will end up too firm or dry. Thoroughly drain the Brazilian spinach and add, tumble a handful of cherry tomatoes onto the plate, add a few grinds of black pepper and enjoy!

Register for BEAT IT in Cooktown Now! The benefits start the day you do! BEAT IT is a tailored 12 week physical activity and lifestyle program designed by Australian Diabetes Council specifically for people living with or at risk of diabetes and other chronic lifestyle related diseases. BEAT IT is a group based program which creates a supportive environment of people of a similar health to you. The twice weekly classes include a combination of aerobic and resistance training exercise and start slowly and build up as you become more confident and your health and fitness improve. To find out more and register to start, contact Sandy Jones, QLD Health Diabetes Educator Cooktown on 4043 0170, mobile 0428 184 096 8 – Cooktown Local News 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2013

Endeavour Christian College’s newly-elected Student Council: (From front left) Lyeisha Walker, Jeneen Clark (School Captain), Taran Buhmann and Beau Johnson with (from back left) Cook Shire Mayor Peter Scott, Kyle Crowther, Harison Stroppe (Sports Captain), Ethan Wilkin, Madison McGowan, Chelsea Cantarella (Sports Captain); Deputy Mayor Penny Johnson and Mr Jannie Basson (Principal). Photo: LOUISE BASSON. ENDEAVOUR Christian College’s newly-elected Student Council members were presented with their badges on Monday morning, in a ceremony attended by Cook Shire Council Mayor Peter Scott, Deputy Mayor Penny Johnson, students, teaching staff, parents and friends. Mayor Scott presented Jeneen Clark with the School Captain’s badge and Harison Stroppe and Chelsea Cantarella with Sports Captain badges, while Deputy Mayor Johnson presented Student Council members Lyeisha Walker, Taran Buhmann, Beau Johnson, Kyle Crowther, Ethan Wilkin and Madison McGowan with their

badges. In his address to the assembly, Principal Jannie Basson told those gathered, what qualities good leaders had to exhibit in performing their duties. Mr Basson said these qualities are: showing care, courtesy and empathy when dealing with other students, acting with grace and keeping other students’ dignity in tact, treating students fairly and honestly, being positive, enthusiastic and reliable, using good manners when dealing with other students, staff and members of the public, treating others the way they would like to get treated and thinking of

their roles as opportunities to be of service rather than being in a position of authority. He said School Captain Jeneen Clark and the Student Council would enjoy the support of each other, teachers and students in performing their duties. Mayor Scott reiterated that good leaders had to exhibit respect towards the people who elected them and the students they represent, leading by example. In conclusion, Mr Basson congratulated the elected Student Council and School Leaders and expressed his vote of confidence in their ability to perform their duties.

Deeper aspects of life It is hard to believe THE recent loss of one of our Writers’ well-known locals has led us, wisely, to consider the deeper Corner aspects of life and, of course, the advent of Easter, the season that highlights the world’s most thought-provoking death (and later resurrection ) encourages our serious contemplation. Email your thoughtful writings for our column to either: editor@cooktownlocalnews.com.au or thekellers@bigpond.com or post them to: P O Box 645, Cooktown, 4895. Dianne Keller Cooktown Writers’ Group. “This Day” This day was spent in “A Celebration of Life”, Although, in the morning, with Ole Sol shining down, In green, twinkling shade we said adieux to a friend, This day ended with a smile of joy, not a frown. This day, eyes sparkled as hearts rejoiced and recalled Fun events, laughing times, sweet songs and deeds well done In the fine company of the Dear One farewelled. This day, we honoured Life and Love in the sun. By DIANNE KELLER “Easter For Me” My Saviour King has died for me; Crowned, on a cross, mere thirty-three. I weep; I weep. Through bitter tears, a humbler me. My Lord has lain entombed for me; His friends bereft; their world at sea. I mourn; I mourn. Who’s left on earth to comfort me? My Christ has risen now for me! An empty grave is all I see. I smile! I smile! Heav’n’s bright joys now welcome me!

it’s been only a year IT is hard to believe, but the Oberführer has been ruling Queensland for a whole year. View It does not seem that long ago when the amicable Captain Bligh was guiding from the ship of state. Plodding along in her the Hill friendly, vaguely incompetent way, and the worst we had to worry about was her hints that some privatisation might be a good thing. How things have changed! No more incompetence - that is simply not allowed under the Oberführer’s iron rule. He picks his own senior officials, presents them with a copy of his best-selling memoir My Struggle, and then stands over them as they implement its no-nonsense provisions. We no longer feel that privatisation is the worst that can happen. We have just found out that it is going to happen, like it or not, and there are many more things to worry about. We also found out that the promise of stimulating the Queensland economy by slashing jobs was not just political window-dressing. The Oberführer means what he says, and the jobs continue to go. Queenslanders spend far too much money being sick, and are being put on a strict healthcare diet as services shrink or disappear. True, there have been a few of the Oberführer’s supporters letting the side down, but that’s politicians for you. Some Aussies know in their blood that reaching a position of authority means you are free to find easy jobs for your wife, mistress, children, cousins, dog etc, even if things like that upset the Boss. Never mind, he has plenty of surplus supporters in parliament, so losing a few along the way does not amount to much. Here on Cape York, the Oberführer continues to be popular especially amongst our cranky pensioners who have no jobs to worry about. Go to any pub on the Cape and there will be a couple of them chortling over the latest cuts. Up here we love the smack of firm government, at least, we love it when some-one else’s bum is the getting the punishment. Why should we worry about them down there? They don’t worry about us, after all.

COMMUNITY G00D morning people who live in the love of God. I John 4:16 (NKJV) And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. God Almighty has literally taken up residence in all those who put their faith and trust in Him. But what is it like having Almighty God living in you?God is love. God doesn’t just have love, nor does He just sometimes love. God IS love - literally. We cannot fully comprehend this but I pray that God will bring revelation today as we meditate on this. God does not exist outside of love because He is love. Everything He does is loving because God is love. His nature is love and He is love. Therefore all He does finds its origin in love.…and this Love lives in us! This Love does not visit Christians - it resides in Christians! Some people fear taking the step of faith to follow Christ, but that can only be because they see God as something other than perfect love. My prayer is that every person knows the love of God. Today if you have God living in you, you have perfect love living in you. I pray you walk in the revelation of this Love today. John 3:16 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus went to Calvery’s cross so we would no longer need to be a slave to sin, but through confession and repentance from sin, we could live a life of liberty and freedom in Him. Have an awesome week! Pastor Wayne Brennan Cooktown Community Church

A SMALL story in The Northern Miner, on Wednesday, March 5, 1913, sparked my interest when it was disclosed that: “On the present southern trip of the Wyandra, Captain W. C. Thomson is taking with him to Brisbane, an old fashioned rusty cannon, which is believed to have been one of the guns of Captain Cook’s ship Endeavour. The gun was fished up on the reef off Cooktown some years ago, and Captain Thomson has had possession of it for some time, but is only now taking it south. The cannon, which is about five feet long, is thickly entrusted with rust. Captain Thomson was somewhat reticent concerning it, but intends to make further investigations. Quartermaster Saddler, an old navy man, and one of the crew of the Wyandra, has no doubt as to the great age of the gun, which he states resembles the cannon on Nelson’s old battleship Victory, and other old-time guns, which are to be seen at, Portsmouth.” Later, on May 2, The Brisbane Courier reported the same news only this time it was on the Wyreema and there was a little

more information: “There is on board the steamer Wyreema, a small iron cannon, which is said to be one of those thrown overboard from Captain Cook’s vessel the Endeavour when she struck on a coral reef near Cooktown. The cannon was found by some fishermen in 10ft of water near the spot where the Endeavour is said to have struck. Captain W. C. Thompson of the Wyreema, is of the opinion that the cannon is from the Endeavour, as the ship Naval Brigade, which also struck the same reef, had only brass cannons on board, while the one on the Wyreema is of iron, similar to those carried by the Endeavour.” A letter by Alex Brown to the editor of The Brisbane Courier, Wednesday, May 21, 1913, adds to the intrigue of this story. In part it reads: “Sir. … W. C. Thompson of the Wyreema, is of opinion that the “cannon” now on the Wyreema is Cook’s. According to Cook’s own log, and also the diary of Sir Joseph Banks and others on board the Endeavour at the time of the mishap, they all agree that Cook threw overboard his large guns, iron staves, and

HAVE you ever got into trouble for something you didn’t do? Have there been any times when you willingly “got into trouble”? I did once as a kid. We were milk monitors at school (remember those days - warm milk before little lunch?). My friend broke several bottles of milk and he was too scared to face the stern Grade 7 teacher to whom we had to confess. I remember tentatively knocking on the door of “the big kids” classroom (we were only about Grade 4 at the time). Well, I got “bawled out” in front of all the kids! My friend cowered at the door. It was difficult not saying. “Hey it wasn’t my fault, but I remained silent (too scared anyway) and listened to this tirade. It’s funny how these things scar you for life! I think of another instance where a man called Jesus got into trouble for something He didn’t do. To meet the demands of God’s holy standards, the penalty for man’s sinfulness had to be paid and Jesus “got into trouble” instead of us. (2 Cor 5:21 says,

stone ballast. “Cook’s guns were not small, as four pounders in those days were guns of a fair size, weighing about 7cwt. For the furtherance of proof in these matters, I will quote you the letter I received from the British Admiralty on this matter, on March 5, 1912.” The letter from the British Admiralty, states that: “I am commanded by my Lord’s Commissioners of the Admiralty to inform you that after full inquiry, the following particulars have been ascertained: The armament of the Endeavour … that she carried in all, ten carriage guns and twelve swivels. An examination of Cook’s journal, in conjunction with the gunner’s log, places it beyond doubt that the six guns thrown overboard after the ship struck on the reef on June 11, 1770, were carriage guns. …” This letter goes on to describe the caliber etc of the guns and size which would help in identification, but of no use to this story. “This, my Lord’s regret, is the only information available which would appear

“For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.”) Christ still carries the scars. He also remained silent as he got into trouble (Is 53:7 says - “He was treated harshly, yet he never said a word.”) In a story of two friends, one was fined for speeding and ended up in court before his friend the local magistrate who pronounced sentence - a substantial fine. Then the judge stepped down from his position, reached for his cheque book and wrote a cheque for the exact amount to pay the fine knowing that his out-of-work friend could never pay. Imagine a friend doing that? God did something more. Romans 5:8 says, “But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners”. Imagine that? “What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear.” (old hymn) Blessings! Pastor Peter Cooktown Baptist Church

Where is that gun?

The Wyreema. Photo submitted. to help towards identification in this instance. It may be mentioned, however that the “G.R.” with which the gun is marked would correspond to the period (Georges I., II., III,. 1714-1820).” Further searching has found no more reference to this gun. Where was it taken

to? Where is it now? What ship was it originally from? Did the letter from Mr Brown put an end to more speculation, or prove identification? Questions, questions, questions! Would be interesting to find out more, wouldn’t it?

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Established more than 30 years Cooktown Local News 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2013 – 9


Alex Poberay (seated) celebrated her birthday at the Cooktown RSL Memorial Club on Friday night. She’s seen Port Douglas is home for Tina and David Pugh, but they decided here with A J Scharf (in Alex’s lap) and (standing from to spend 10 days in Cooktown, with the RSL Memorial Club left)Luba Drebog (from Heath’s kitchen) and Paul Renfrey. their choice for dinner and drinks on Friday night.

Cooktown RSL Memorial Club Manager Suzie Mac enjoying Friday night drinks with Gaye and Brian Combey.


Enjoying drinks at Alex Poberay’s birthday celebration were Graham Burton and David Mead.

Tyler Scharf was getting plenty of attention from (from left) Shirley ‘Ozzi’ Osborne had Cooktown RSL Memorial Club girls Suzie Mac, Renfrey, Janet Mead and Kate Scharf (mum). Jess Nelson and Rachel Stokes lining up to serve him.


Bo Skipworth (second from left) celebrated her 15th birthday at the Italian Restaurant with (from left) Simone Riley-Wason, Saeng Mouykeng (Bo’s mum) and Peter Skipworth (her dad).

Ricky Rappini and Azzaiah Helm at the Italian with the Skipworth party.


Roslyn and Ross Logan were part of the crew enjoying Bo Skipworth’s dinner celebration.

Robby issues a challenge for charity

Craig, Linda and Alan Wason at the Italian to share Bo Skipworth’s big night.

10 – Cooktown Local News 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2013

Robby Grace’s luxuriant lip growth will be sacrificed at another World’s Greatest Shave event to be held at the Cooktown Bowls Club from 6pm on Friday, April 5, 2012. Photo: GARY HUTCHISON.

YET another local in Robby Grace has taken up the razor to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation’s World Greatest Shave, with the luxurious growth on his top lip set to be sacrificed for the charity. But Robby is also challenging his good mates Mick Murphy and Russell Wells, along with the town’s other moustache wearers, to do their bit for the cause. Robby will lose his “mo” at the Cooktown Bowls Club on Friday, April 19 after the members’ draws that start at about 6pm. “I’ve had this (moustache) for a while now, and I reckon if I can do it, so can the rest,” Robby said at the Sovereign Resort Hotel on Saturday, when he got an idea of what to expect at that event.

HAIR COMES OFF FOR A GOOD CAUSE SCREAMS of pain followed by loud cheering were more reminiscent of ancient Rome and the Christians being put to the lions, rather than a sedate Saturday afternoon at the Sovvy. But that is what passers-by would have heard during 90 minutes of charitable “madness” that saw more than $3660 raised for the Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave. And more than $5000 has been raised overall, when other fund raising efforts are included in the tally. However, it was not the shaving of

hair, moustaches, beards and eyebrows that was generating the mayhem, but the yelping and moaning of a cajoling John Dessmann who convinced patrons to part with their hard-earned cash to see his back and chest waxed. And then he went even further, by having a standing version of a Brazilian waxing (below the belt), which made the watchers go weak at the knees, let alone Cooktown’s Italian Restaurant proprietor who was on the receiving end of the hot wax and calico strips treatment. It was all done in good taste though, with John’s

jeans staying on until he was taken to a more discrete place for the job to be finished. Yelling: “Pain! Give me pain! I love pain!”, John’s challenges were more than happily met by a laughing Wot Eva Go’z Hair Studio proprietor Alana Czarnecki, who took great delight in tearing strips of the generosly-follicled Wog. So keen were the punters to see him denuded of hair, they even pledged $1010 for him to see him bald. But it was not only John who was sacrificing his hair, with Cooktown

PHOTOS: GARY HUTCHISON Newsagent Carol McKinna, Sovereign Resort Hotel manager Keith Bradford, Lure Shop proprietor and Cook Shire Councillor Russell Bowman and Cook Shire Council Chief Executive Officer Steve Wilton joining him as early members of the “Uncle Fester” club. West Coast Hotel manager Mick Scott joined the club later in the afternoon, but he went a couple of tiers better, losing not only his beard, but also his eyebrows. Others to join in the frivolity were Carol’s husband Ian, who said goodbye to his beloved goatee and had a more

sedate shaving of his hair, while local chef Kaz Went opted for a Mohawk and plenty of colours in her finished product and Keith Bradford also subjected himself to the hot wax in losing the hair off his back. Anyone who pledged money to Saturday’s activities and who has not yet honoured their pledge, can deliver the cash to the Cooktown Newsagency, where their in-shop efforts continue. Money can also be pledged online at the Leukaemia Foundation’s website: www.worldsgreatestshave.com/

Russell Bowman shows John Dessmann the $1010 the Sovereign faithful were prepared to donate to see him bald, while Alana Czarnecki makes sure they get their money’s worth. INSET: While Italian Restauran proprietor John Dessmann was over a barrell having his back hair ripped out with hot wax, Russell Bowman was counting the $$$ raised, while Alana Czarnecki was just having fun.

ABOVE: Sovereign Resort Hotel Manager Keith Bradford was the first to go under Wot Eva Go’z Hair Studio proprietor Alana Czarnecki in Saturday’s World’s Greatest Shave. BELOW: With Keith Bradford smiling and wondering just what he’s doing, about to have the hair on his back ripped out with hot wax, Alana Czarnecki gets on with enjoying the preparation.

ABOVE: Cook Shire Council Chief Executive Officer Steve Wilton was another to sacrifice his locks to Alana Czarnecki for the cause. BELOW: The two sides of Lure Shop proprietor and Cook Shire Councillor Russell Bowman’s hairstyle before Alana Czarnecki had finished with him.

ABOVE LEFT: Cooktown Newsagent Carol McKinna with Alana Czarnecki (before) ABOVE CENTRE: Carol McKinna (after). ABOVE RIGHT: Chef Kaz Went had plenty of ingredients in this Mohawk recipe. RIGHT: Losing his beloved goatee was as much a sacrifice for Cooktown Newsagent Ian McKinna as were his locks, which he lost soon after to Alana Czarnecki.

Cooktown Local News 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2013 – 11


6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Planet Science 11:00 Foreign Correspondent 11:30 One Plus One 12:00 The Making Of Stations Of The Cross 12:30 Poirot 1:25 Last Of The Summer Wine 2:00 Waterloo Road 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:30 ABC News: Early Edition 6:00 Grand Designs: The Cambridgeshire Eco Home: Cambridgeshire 7:00 ABC News 7:30 TBA 8:00 Who’s Been Sleeping In My House?: Paddington 8:30 The Doctor Blake Mysteries: All That Glitters - A prospector announces to a crowded pub that he has struck gold and is later found dead at the bottom of his mine shaft. The location of the murder triggers distressing war memories for Dr Blake. 9:30 Silk: Martha Costello QC is defending an army captain in a court martial and must cautiously navigate the perils of the military legal system. 10:30 TBA 11:15 Lowdown: Bonk Bonk! Who’s There - Alex interviews actor, sex-symbol and family man Oliver Barry. 11:45 Rage

6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 National News Now 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Imparja’s Friday Night Football: Brisbane Broncos Vs Melbourne Storm 9:00 TBA 9:30 The Middle: The Play 10:00 TBA 12:00 Movie: “Anacondas: The Hunt For The Blood Orchid” (M v,h) An expedition of scientists discover the “blood orchid” said to hold the secret to immortality. 2:00 The Avengers: Superlative Seven 3:00 Skippy - The Bush Kangaroo 3:30 Extra 4:00 Home Shopping / 4:30 Good Morning America

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 The Midday Movie: “Buffalo Dreams” (G) 2:30 Dr Oz 3:00 Special: Forgiven People 3:30 Minute To Win It 4:30 Seven News 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Better Homes And Gardens 8:30 TBA 10:45 Dual Suspects: Ties That Bind - On a lonely stretch of Illinois highway just outside Decatur, an abandoned car ignites the search for a vivacious and popular young mother. Two days later, local fishermen find the dismembered body of the 23-year-old found floating in a lake. Police have two suspects in their sights, her boyfriend and her ex-husband. 11:45 The Suspects - True Australian Thrillers 12:00 Movie: “Fascination” (MA s) - Only a few weeks after her husband’s mysterious death, Maureen prepares to marry another man. Does their union hide a dark secret? 3:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today

5:00 Weatherwatch and Music 5:05 World News 1:00 The Food Lovers’ Guide to Australia 1:30 Don Matteo: Election Campaign 2:30 Living Black 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: Fiji: Island Flavours 6:00 Wainwright Walks: Pillar 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 The Great Brittish Countryside: Yorkshire 8:35 Building The Great Cathedrals 9:35 As It Happened: Bomber Boys 11:15 Movie: “Just Sex and Nothing Else” (M a,l,n,s) - In Hungarian. A sexy film about a woman disillusioned by the state of affairs in the dating scene. Thirty-something Dora is desperate to have a baby and decides that all she really needs is sex - so she sets up an internet site looking for sperm donors. 1:05 Movie: “Kurt Wallander: The Witness” (M l,v) In Swedish and English. A young girl goes missing somewhere in Ystad. It is obvious that she has seen something terrible and that someone wants her silenced. At the same time, a trial of human traffickers begins, and both Wallander and prosecutor Katarina Ahlsell receive death threats, forcing them to reassess their jobs as well as their own relationship. 2:45 Weatherwatch Overnight


6:00 Rage 10:30 Rage: Guest Programmer 11:30 Asia Pacific Focus 12:00 Australian Story 12:30 The Checkout 1:00 At The Movies 1:30 Eggheads: Royal Flush 2:00 The Navigators: Baudin Vs Flinders 3:00 Movie: “Jason And The Argonauts” (PG) 4:55 Midsomer Murders: Hidden Depths 6:30 Gardening Australia 7:00 ABC News 7:30 Last Tango In Halifax: Childhood sweethearts Alan and Celia, both widowed and in their 70s, fall for each other all over again when they are reunited on the internet after nearly 60 years. 8:30 Inspector George Gently: Goodbye China 10:00 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL - Shaun Micallef is back and he’s MADDER than HELL! We really should have changed the name but it’d cost us a fortune in letterheads and show graphics. Anyway, he’s back and this time he knows what he’s doing (slightly). 10:30 Laid: In an effort to end Roo’s serial dying situation, Charlie seeks advice. But will it be enough to save Zach from his dangerous ‘bucket list’ antics and allow Charlie and Roo to finally be together? 11:00 Rage: Guest Programmer 5:00 Rage

6:00 Bubble Guppies 6:30 Dora The Explorer 7:00 Weekend Today 10:00 Mornings Saturday 12:00 The Bottom Line Icon Series 12:30 Danoz Direct 1:30 Who Do You Think You Are? 2:30 Movie: “With Honors” (PG l,s) 4:30 Garden Gurus 5:00 4WD TV 5:30 Getaway 6:00 National News Saturday 6:30 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos 7:30 TBA 9:40 TBA 11:40 Movie: “Cake” (M l,s,d) - As her magazine publisher father lies in the hospital after a heart attack, free-spirited travel writer Pippa agrees to help him run the family business. 1:30 Movie: “The Square” (AV l,v) - Escaping the monotony of a loveless marriage, Raymond Yale becomes entangled in an affair with the beautiful and troubled Carla. Ray’s moral limits are tested when Carla presents him with the proceeds of her controlling husband’s latest crime. 3:30 Skippy - The Bush Kangaroo 4:00 Home Shopping 5:00 Life Today With James Robinson 5:30 Wesley Impact

6:00 Saturday Disney 7:00 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 The Morning Show 12:00 Special: Rolex Spirit Of Yachting - Sydney To Hobart Yacht Race 2012 12:30 Movie: “Leroy & Stitch” (G) 2:00 Movie: “Pixel Perfect” (G) 4:00 Special: Way-Out, Weird & Wonderful: Unique Queensland Events 5:00 Creek To Coast 5:30 2013 AFL Premiership Season Rnd 1: Gold Coast Vs St Kilda 10:00 World’s Wildest Police Videos 11:00 Movie: “No.2” (M l) - Nanna Maria, the matriarch of a Fijian family, worries about who she should name as her successor. 1:00 Dinner Date Australia 2:00 Harry’s Practice 2:30 Auction Squad 3:30 It Is Written Oceania 4:00 Home Shopping 5:00 That ‘70s Show: Everybody Loves Casey - Kelso dumps Jackie, Rhonda dumps Fez and Eric threatens to take on Casey if he ever hurts Donna; Love Wisconsin Style - Donna and Casey split and Jackie and Kelso get back together.

5:00 Weatherwatch and Music 5:05 World News 1:00 The Cunning Little Vixen 2:45 Robert Lepage 2:55 Roberto Saviano: In The Shadow Of Death 3:55 The Chopin Preludes 4:00 New York: 20,000 Trees Under The Skyline 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Who Do You Think You Are?: Kate Humble 6:30 World News Australia 7:35 Salvage Hunters 8:35 Lilyhammer: Reality Check - After Frank ‘The Fixer’ Tagliano testifies against his mafia boss in New York, he is forced to enter the witness protection program. 9:30 Movie: “Babel” (MAV v,s,d) - In English, Spanish, Japanese and Arabic. Armed with a rifle, two Moroccan boys set out to look after their family’s herd of goats. In the silence of the desert, they decide to test the rifle but the bullet goes farther than they thought it would. In an instant, the lives of four separate groups of strangers on three different continents collide. 12:05 Movie: “Amores Perros” (MA a,v,l) In Spanish. A horrific car accident in Mexico City connects three stories, each involving characters dealing with loss, regret, and life’s harsh realities. 2:45 Weatherwatch Overnight


6:00 Rage 6:30 Children’s Programs 9:00 The Schools Spectacular 2012 11:30 Songs Of Praise: The First Easter 12:00 Challenge, Change, Faith: Catholic Australia And The Second Vatican Council 1:00 Travel Oz 1:30 Cheese Slices 1:55 How The Earth Was Made: Iceland 2:40 My Favourite Album 4:10 The Private Life Of An Easter Masterpiece: The Descent From The Cross 5:00 Chris Humfrey’s Wild Life 5:30 Deadly 60: On A Mission: Mexico, Panama 6:00 Antiques Master 6:30 Compass: The Bells Of St Leonard’s 7:00 ABC News 7:30 TBA 8:30 Call The Midwife 9:30 Miranda: It Was Planning 10:00 Rev. 10:30 Shakespeare Uncovered: David Tennant On Hamlet 11:25 In Search Of Beethoven 12:15 Angels In The Dust 1:50 Movie: “Appointment In London” (G) 3:25 Rage 4:05 The New Inventors 4:30 Catalyst 5:00 Gardening Australia 5:30 Antiques Master

6:00 Easter Sunrise Service 7:00 Weekend Today 10:00 Wide World Of Sports 11:00 The Sunday Footy Show 1:00 TBA 2:00 2013 Intrust Super Cup 4:00 Imparja’s Sunday Football: Penrith Panthers Vs Gold Coast Titans 6:00 National News Sunday 6:30 TBA 7:30 60 Minutes 8:30 The Mentalist 9:30 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 10:30 CSI: Miami 11:30 Flashpoint: Fortress - Escaping the monotony of a loveless marriage, Raymond Yale becomes entangled in an affair with the beautiful and troubled Carla. Ray’s moral limits are tested when Carla presents him with the proceeds of her controlling husband’s latest crime. 12:30 What Would You Do? 1:30 Spyforce 2:30 Danoz Direct 3:00 Home Shopping 4:00 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News 5:30 Today

6:00 Stitch 6:30 Handy Manny 7:00 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 The Morning Show - Weekend 11:00 Iron Chef Australia 12:00 2013 AFL Premiership Season Rnd 1: Melbourne Vs Port Adelaide 3:00 TBA 5:00 Destination Ski 5:30 Great South East 6:00 Seven News 6:30 TBA 7:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line 8:00 The Force - Behind The Line 8:30 Castle: Death Gone Crazy / The Limey - When the founder of an adult video franchise ‘College Girls Gone Crazy,’ is murdered, Castle and Beckett are confronted with a long list of husbands, fathers and ex-college girls who all have a motive. 10:30 Law & Order: LA: Hayden Tract 11:30 That ‘70s Show 12:00 Special: Mountains Of Adventure 1:00 Auction Squad 2:00 Home Shopping 3:00 NBC Today 4:00 NBC Meet The Press 5:00 Sunrise Extra / 5:30 Seven Early News

5:00 Weatherwatch and Music 5:30 World News 8:30 PopAsia 10:30 Death Of The Megabeasts 11:30 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations: Colombia 12:30 Al Jazeera News 1:30 Living Black 2:00 Speedweek 4:00 UEFA Champions League Magazine 4:30 Cycling Central 5:00 TBA 5:35 Inspector Rex: Poison Gas 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Lost Worlds: Treasures Decoded: The Gospel Of Jesus’ Wife 8:30 Solar Storms: The Threat To Planet Earth 9:30 The Bigamist Bride: At the age of 30, Emily Horne has been married five times - but she never bothered to get divorced. In her wake she’s left a string of confused husbands and lovers. She’s worked in the porn industry and as an escort, she’s served one jail sentence for bigamy and was recently on trial again for the same offence. This giddy mix of sex, deceit and betrayal is a tabloid editor’s dream. 10:30 Tour Of Flanders 2013: The 2013 Tour of Flanders will be the 97th edition of this European classic. As usual, the riders face a tough race with 17 cobbled sections featured in the event. The 259 kilometre course begins in Bruges and finishes in Oudenaarde, Belgium. 1:35 Weatherwatch Overnight



6:00 ABC News Breakfast 10:00 Planet Science 10:50 Seed Hunter 11:45 At The Movies: Short Cuts 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Broadside: Emerging Empires Collide 1:30 Meerkat Manor 2:00 Waterloo Road 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:00 Eggheads 5:30 ABC News: Early Edition 6:00 Grand Designs: The Glass & Timber House: Dulwich, London 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Australian Story 8:30 Four Corners 9:20 Media Watch 9:35 Q&A 10:35 Lateline 11:10 The Silence 12:10 The Gathering Storm 1:40 Grand Designs: The Glass & Timber House: Dulwich, London 2:30 Rage 3:45 Movie: “High, Wide and Handsome” (PG) - Pennsylvania prospectors battle a greedy railroad head by building a pipeline to get their oil to the refineries. 5:30 Eggheads

6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 National News Now 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Big Bang Theory: The Excelsior Acquisition 7:30 The Big Bang Theory: The Precious Fragmentation 8:00 Two And A Half Men: Not In My Mouth 8:30 TBA 10:30 Person On Interest 11:30 Worst Case Senario: Drowned Power Line / Dog Attack - Bear helps an injured driver whose car has slammed into a power pole, but before they can escape a 10,000 volt electrical wire falls on top of the vehicle, trapping them both inside. 12:00 Extra 12:30 The Avengers 1:30 Skippy - The Bush Kangaroo 2:00 Danoz Direct 2:30 Home Shopping 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News / 5:30 Today

6:00 Sunrise 10:00 The Morning Show 12:30 Seven News 1:00 Medical Emergency 1:30 2013 AFL Premiership Season Rnd 1: Hawthorn Vs Geelong 5:00 Queensland Weekender 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home And Away 7:30 TBA 8:30 Revenge: Revelations - Nolan is confronted with a skeleton from his past, and Daniel’s leading role is challenged as Emily and Aiden weave their way through the company. Meanwhile, the christening of baby Carl brings new concerns to light for Jack and Declan. 9:35 How I Met Your Mother 10:10 The Mindy Project 10:45 Private Practice 11:45 Happy Endings 12:15 Harry’s Practice 1:00 Home Shopping 3:30 Room For Improvement 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra 5:30 Seven Early News

5:00 World News 1:00 Nana Mouskouri: Live At The Royal Albert Hall 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 FIFA Futbol Mundial 5:00 Massive Moves: Impossible Ice 5:30 Global Village: The Eton Of Africa 6:00 Wainwright Walks: The Peak Express 6:30 World News Australia 7:35 Mythbusters: Bikes and Bazookas 8:30 One Lucky Elephant 10:00 RocKwiz 11:00 The World Game 12:00 SOS: Man And Boy - A father takes justice into his own hands when he thinks his son has been sexually assaulted. A suspected paedophile lies dead outside a block of high-rise council flats. Did he jump or was he pushed? (MA); The Hounds - In French.Three friends, Franck, Hugo and Philippe go to a house-warming party in a Parisian apartment. At the door, two teenagers try to negotiate their entrance. The tension rises; Two Out - Jack and Tom share a cramped prison cell; their long days are filled with colourful banter. (MA) 1:05 My Family UK: Risk It For A Biscuit 2:05 Weatherwatch Overnight



6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Behind The News 10:25 Real Chinese 10:40 Postcards From Bangladesh 10:50 Australian Prime Ministers 10:55 Australia’s Heritage: National Treasures 11:00 Big Ideas 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Q&A 1:30 Compass 2:00 Waterloo Road 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:30 ABC News: Early Edition 6:00 Grand Designs: The Underground House: Cheltenham 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Foreign Correspondent 8:30 New Tricks: Wicca Work 9:30 At The Movies 10:00 The Book Club: April 10:30 Lateline 11:05 The Business 11:30 Four Corners 12:20 Media Watch 12:35 Desperate Romantics 1:30 Grand Designs: The Underground House: Cheltenham 2:30 Football: VFL: Round 1: Port Melbourne Vs Werribee 5:30 Eggheads

6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 National News Now 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Big Bang Theory: The Pants Alternative 7:30 The Big Bang Theory: The Wheaton Recurrence 8:00 2 Broke Girls: And The Strokes Of Goodwill 8:30 TBA 10:30 TBA 11:30 Survivors: Armed thugs lay claim to all the shops in the area, leaving the rest of the survivors without food or water. Meanwhile, Greg is presented with an attractive offer, but it would mean turning his back on the others. 12:30 Extra 1:00 Skippy - The Bush Kangaroo 1:30 Danoz Direct 2:00 Home Shopping 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News / 5:30 Today

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Mitch Albom’s For One More Day” (PG a,l) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Mercurio’s Menu 3:30 Minute To Win It 4:30 Seven News 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home And Away 7:30 TBA 11:30 Against The Wall: Boys Are Back - Abby and Lina are sent to investigate when a young girl is trampled during a brawl that broke out among cops at a wedding being held at a nearby hotel during the annual and debaucherous Midwestern Homicide Convention. After arriving at the hotel, Abby and Lina are dragged into another unusual investigation as they witness a detective falling from a balcony. 12:30 Harry’s Practice 1:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra 5:30 Seven Early News

5:00 World News 1:00 Movie: “Little Indian Big City” (PG) 2:45 Carpet: A Composition 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: New Caledonia 6:00 Wainwright Walks: Discovering Snowdonia 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Who Do You Think You Are? Adam Hills 8:30 Insight 9:30 Dateline 10:30 World News Australia 11:00 Movie: “Medal Of Honour” (M s,l) In Romanian. One day Ion, a 75-year-old Romanian man, accidentally receives a Medal of Honour for some ‘heroic’ actions back in World War Two, times he barely remembers. The medal forces Ion to reconsider his whole life, and ultimately his worth as a human being. 12:45 Anna Pihl - Although still relatively new to the police force, Anna is given an opportunity to train as a negotiator - but she fails miserably. 1:50 Weatherwatch Overnight



6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 For The Juniors 10:15 Ace Day Jobs 10:20 My Great Big Adventure 10:40 Behind The News Specials 11:00 Big Ideas 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 National Press Club Address 1:30 At The Movies 2:00 Waterloo Road 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:30 ABC News: Early Edition 6:00 Grand Designs: The Decagon House: Oxford 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL 8:30 Tractor Monkeys: Kate Langbroek, Dave Thornton,Toby Truslove & Denise Scott 9:00 The Elegant Gentleman’s Guide To Knife Fighting 9:30 Adam Hills: The Last Leg 10:00 The Thick Of It 10:30 Lateline 11:00 The Business 11:30 Identity 12:20 Agatha Christie’s Partners In Crime: The House Of Lurking Death 1:15 Grand Designs: The Decagon House: Oxford 2:00 Rage 2:30 Football: SANFL: Round 1: Sturt Vs Eagles 5:30 Eggheads

6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 National News Now 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Big Bang Theory: The Spaghetti Catalysis 7:30 Hot Property 8:30 The Mentalist 9:30 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 10:30 CSI: Miami 11:30 Weeds - After acquiring an RV, Nancy lets Andy navigate the road and he leads them to Pioneer Town, a former western movie set now turned off-the-grid scab city. 12:00 20/20 1:00 Extra 1:30 Danoz Direct 2:00 Home Shopping 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News / 5:30 Today

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Flirting With Forty” (PG s,l) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Mercurio’s Menu 3:30 Minute To Win It 4:30 Seven News 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home And Away 7:30 TBA 8:45 Last Resort: Damn The Torpedoes - Sam is mourning the perceived loss of his wife, Christine, causing him to take his anger out on Sophie. Meanwhile, Sam stumbles into a meeting where a number of Colorado crew members are plotting a mutiny and the U.S. government sends a destroyer to intercept the supply ship China is sending to island. 9:35 Highway Patrol 10:10 Special: WWII Lost Films: The Air War 12:15 Harry’s Practice 1:00 Home Shopping 3:30 Room For Improvement 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra 5:30 Seven Early News

4:30 UEFA Champions League Australia 7:00 World News 1:00 Insight 2:00 Dateline 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: Batmania 6:00 Wainwright Walks: The Birth Of Steam 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Wildest Arctic: Iceland: Land Of Fire and Ice 8:30 World’s Most Dangerous Roads: Ho Chi Minh Trail 9:35 Immigration Nation: The Secret History Of Us 10:35 World News Australia 11:05 Movie: “Children Of Glory” (MAV v) In Hungarian. In 1956, while Soviet tanks were destroying Hungary, the Hungarian water polo team faced off against the Russians at the Olympic Games in Melbourne. Taking place in Budapest and Melbourne, this film follows the events surrounding what was to become known as one of the bloodiest water polo matches in the sport’s history. 1:15 Movie: “Love And Other Crimes” (M v,l,a,n) In Serbian. A black comedy set in a grimy and depressed part of New Belgrade. 3:10 Weatherwatch Overnight



6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Children’s Programs 10:35 Behind The News 11:00 World’s Greenest Homes 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Family Footsteps 1:30 Cheese Slices 2:00 Waterloo Road 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:30 ABC News: Early Edition 6:00 Grand Designs: The Modernist Sugar Cube: Sneyd Park, Bristol 6:55 Clarke And Dawe 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 The Checkout 8:30 TBA 9:30 Scott And Bailey 10:20 Lateline 10:55 The Business 11:20 Seven Ages Of Britain: Age Of Ambition - FINAL 12:20 The Clinic 1:15 Grand Designs: The Modernist Sugar Cube: Sneyd Park, Bristol 2:05 Karlu Karlu: Devils Marbles 2:30 Football: WAFL: Round 3: Swan Districts Vs Claremount 5:30 Eggheads

6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 National News Now 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Big Bang Theory: The Plimpton Stimulation 7:30 TBA 8:30 The NRL Footy Show - Join Fatty Vautin, Darryl Brohman, and Michael Slater for a wrap of all things footy and come inside the game with some of Rugby Leagues favourites. 10:30 Two And A Half Men: Chocolate Diddlers Or My Puppy’s Dead 11:30 The AFL Footy Show 1:00 Wesley Impact 1:30 Extra - The show takes viewers on a coast-to-coast trip in every episode, from Hollywood to hotspots at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas as well as Planet Hollywood and Times Square in New York City. 2:00 Danoz Direct 2:30 Home Shopping 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News / 5:30 Today

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Going Home” (PG a) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Mercurio’s Menu 3:30 Minute To Win It 4:30 Seven News 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home And Away 8:00 TBA 8:30 TBA 10:50 Castle: Headhunters - With tensions rising between Castle and Beckett, Castle finds himself a new partner - Detective Ethan Slaughter, a tough and colourful cop from the city’s gang unit. But Castle gets more than he bargained for when Slaughter shows him a grittier side of police work that puts Castle in the line of fire like never before. 11:50 The Suspects - True Australian Thrillers: Tonight, an affluent mother is found brutally murdered under mysterious circumstances. 1:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra / 5:30 Seven Early News

4:30 UEFA Champions League Australia 7:00 World News 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: Tetsuya: A Culinary Pioneer 6:00 Wainwright Walks: The Whisky Train 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Food Safari: Afghan 8:00 Gourmet Farmer: Smoker - Inspired by his recent trip to France, Matthew Evans decides to add a couple of geese to his menagerie. 8:35 Marco Pierre White’s Kitchen Wars 9:30 24 Hours in Emergency: Cause Unknown 10:30 World News Australia 11:05 UEFA Champions League Hour 12:05 Movie: “Storm” (MAV l,s,v,d) In Swedish. DD, a freelance journalist, is content with not taking responsibility for anyone but himself. Then the mysterious Lova entices him into a dark conspiracy that shatters his reality, revealing a secret war that threatens to destroy Stockholm and forcing him into a series of horrific events. 2:10 Weatherwatch Overnight

12 – Cooktown Local News 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2013


SUDOKU No. 141

Your  Lucky 


Stars  

ARIES (March 21st - April 20th) A friend has more serious things to worry about than you. This week you must give them all the support you can. Romance. The Moon/Venus Midpoint will give your love-life the major boost it needs at this moment. You may not have noticed that things have become routine.

TAURUS (April 21st - May 21st) Don’t be angry with yourself for what happened recently. You were much less to blame than you realise. Forgive and move on! Romance. A kind comment will cheer up the person concerned and will not go unrewarded. Make sure you really mean what you say!

GEMINI (May 22nd - June 21st)


Don’t let people talk for hours and waste your time. You have some important things to do early this week. Get on with it! Romance. The movement of the Moon/ Vesta Midpoint through your sign should make you a little more sympathetic to your partner’s recent concerns.

CANCER (June 22nd - July 23rd) A certain member of your family is being a little difficult at the moment. You may be unsure what to do. A clear answer will not come until next week. Romance. Somebody who is concerned for your well-being will help to cheer you up. Cry on their shoulder if you need.

LEO (July 24th - August 23rd) An evening spent enjoying yourself will be well-spent. You need the chance to unwind, and should not feel guilty about taking things easy. Romance. Be careful not to go overboard this week. You may overreact to events, but more than anything you are probably exhausted.

VIRGO (August 24th - September 23rd) A recent increase in your workload may be easier to cope with than you expect. You will soon find a way to reduce it! Don’t take on any more projects. Romance. A new person in your life could be having a much stronger effect on you than you realise. Be open to this change!


LIBRA (September 24th - October 23rd) A very close friendship will give you muchneeded support. You need an extra boost of confidence at the moment and this person knows exactly how to reassure you. Romance. Someone you don’t know very well could be a little nosy. Try not to give away too many secrets.

SCORPIO (October 24th - November 22nd)

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Your emotions will be a little wilder than normal. Don’t do anything rash - you may not feel the same way later in the week. Romance. You may be approached by a very unusual person. Don’t make any premature judgements about them or their intentions. Just listen!

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st) An exciting dream may come true sooner than you think. Don’t expect things to happen in exactly the same way in real life, however. Romance. Good communications will be essential for your relationship this week. Provide a quiet environment where you can talk.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 20th) You would be surprised if you knew how much your friends respect your views. They will take what you say quite seriously. Be sure to listen to them as well. Romance. A small misunderstanding could turn into a major issue if you are not careful. Be clear when you speak.

AQUARIUS (January 21st - February 19th)


Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely.



Your small group of friends may be separating a little at the moment. Don’t worry, you will remain in contact with one another. Romance. You will be very popular at the moment, especially with members of the opposite sex. Be careful of unforeseen jealousies, however.

PISCES (February 20th - March 20th) Be careful not to be lead astray by a situation which is not what it seems. You may need to “read between the lines”. Romance. You can expect a very pleasant surprise this week. Be prepared for anything! Don’t let the weather hold you back from enjoying it!

Cooktown Local News 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2013 – 13

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• All aspects of concreting and civil work • Houses, sheds and driveways • Decorative and exposed concrete • Spraycrete and concrete grinding Nick Prendergast Phone: 0429 923 400

14 – Cooktown Local News 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2013

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GREEN CORNER AD 4: BIOSOLIDS / Organic farming Running ...../......./13 to .................... THE GREEN CORNER Next run: …………………………………

• All Maintenance and New Work • Remote Work a Specialty

PH: 4069 5378 ROOFING

If you’re happy and you Organic farming know it . . . hit the garden green corner top tip Are you interested in organic farming? We have a solution for you!

Biosolids are rich in nutrients and organic matter so they are a good natural fertiliser and soil improver. Biosolids also assist with the water-holding capacity of the soil, and reduce the need for chemical fertilisers and therefore save money. Available for purchase from Cook Shire Council at $22/m3 after further soil testing For more information contact Sheils Barra Environmental Health Officer P  4069 5444 E  info@cook.qld.gov.au



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ARTHUR Smith once affecting our immune GARDENING said: “If you want to be with MARTY PATTIE systems. happy for a short time Especially kids - in urban environments too - get drunk, if you want many have a kind of to be happy for a long time then fall in love . “nature deficit disor. . but if you want to be der”. We are lucky here happy forever - take up our kids are surrounded by nature, so don’t be gardening.” Although getting afraid to let them get drunk and falling in dirty. love in the garden does Now anyone feeling sound like a recipe for depressed who is about disaster, but, then again, to rush out and snort a you could do sillier few lines of potting mix things? . . . don’t! Commercial There’s long been potting mixtures can contain harmful bactea train of thought that those who spend time in the garden ria like legionella. The Mycobacterium vaccae is are happiest. Now there’s been research to basically everywhere in nature, not only present in the earth, it is prove that notion. Recent studies have made an breathed in when walking in the interesting discovery linking our bush or rolling around on the grass in the park. gardens and our happiness. It can also be ingested when eating It seems there is what they call a “friendly” bacteria present in soil fresh produce from the garden. Now how good does it feel to that affects our brain much the same grow and eat your own food? Sure way that antidepressants do. Mycobacterium vaccae is com- . . . there are failures and obstacles monly found in soil and it stimulates as there are in all facets of life, but the immune system and activates a that warm feeling of satisfaction that group of neurons in the brain which is felt upon harvesting your own produces the mood enhancing chemi- produce is also a natural chemical release in the brain. cal serotonin. A flush of dopamine is being Low levels of serotonin are linked with not only depression, but released in the reward centre of the other disorders including aggression, brain which triggers a state of bliss anxiety, bipolar disorder, obsessive or mild euphoria. This can be triggered by sight or compulsive disorder and irritable smell or by touch, the physical action bowel syndrome. Perhaps this finding goes some of picking the produce. Our most primitive origins are way to explaining why the modern urban Western lifestyle has seen entwined with the earth upon which such a proliferation in allergies and we reap our lifesource. Improve your state of mind and asthmas. So much of society is bubble- quality and appreciation of life and wrapped and hyper-hygiene obsessed get out into the garden. For any gardening inquiries, email these days that our lack of exposure to various micro-organisms could be me at: info@martinpattie.com.au

Moses conjures a break in the rain for Hashers THIS week’s run was at Yo-Yo and Moses’ place and, as befits his status as Religious Advisor to the Hash, Moses had arranged a quiet, rain-free break in the weather. He sent the pack off, following his favourite shredded paper, with the promise of a run that was mostly grassy. The paper followed the road into town, until it got to the crest of The Gap. Here the paper and the real Hashers took off into the bush. The faint hearts amongst us stuck to the road. It is amazing just how much real jungle there is within spitting distance of town, and the pack was right in the middle of it. It was tough and tangled going up, but when the trail started down, things got worse. The lawyer canes were something terrible, even though Yo-Yo said she had cut most of them back with her secateurs. The pack regained the road half an hour later, only 200m from where they had left it. There was no sign of the short-cutters. The paper led onto the old Annan Road, and this must have been the grass Moses was talking about.

It was rich, tangled and towered over the heads of the Hashers. Now it was on home, for most of us. Nostrildumass allowed himself to be conned by F*&t into a “short-cut” through the bush, which took him half way to Keatings Lagoon, and the pair of them were last in and very late. Nostrildumass presided as GM for the evening, and was spoilt for choice of sins to address. There was Moses, for laying a run that challenged the GM, and Yo-Yo for having to be hauled up the steep bits We welcomed Twisted Sista and Rubber Dick, visiting from Hashes down south, and punished Oyster for serving ‘roo meat in last week’s bolognaise. Yo-Yo served Polish salt beef and spicy vegetable casserole for dinner, followed by a strawberry dessert (with custard for F*&t). Next week’s run is at Granddad and Fingerling’s in town. Just turn up at 5.30pm on Monday, April 1 to join the fun. Contact Moses on either 4069 5854 or 0409 686 032 for details. On-on! Lye Bak

Cooktown Local News 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2013 – 15


Cooktown Earthmoving & Quarrying Pty Ltd PO BOX 67 COOKTOWN Q 4895 OFFICE PHONE/FAX: 07 40695340 WORKSHOP PHONE/FAX: 07 40695681 MOBILE 0438 695 891 (ERIC) A/H 07 4069 5891 (ERIC) We wish to advise our clients that we have sold our interest in the concrete plant as of March 25, 2013, to Steve and Nadine Schultz who will continue to trade under the name of Cooktown Concrete, phone 0417 002 143. We have not changed our business name, phone, fax, email or PO box address and will continue to supply all materials, plant hire and attend to civil works. We wish to thank those of you who have supported us over the years by buying concrete off us and hope to still see your continued support for any materials, plant hire and civil works you may require. Thank you from Barney, Eric, Sue and Marilyn Clark

green corner top tip


Spare parts from following vehicles are available at the Cooktown Waste Transfer Facility until 14.04.2013: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Cooktown District Community Centre 11 Charles Street, PO Box 763, Cooktown 4895 T: 4069 6098 • F: 4069 6934 E: reception@cooktowndcc.org.au




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Optometrist visiting Servicing Cooktown since 1997

Visiting regularly     

Don’t miss out, come and negotiate your price!



The Victims Domestic Violence Counsellor will provide specialised counselling to victims of domestic and family violence. The provision of counselling is a significant early intervention and prevention strategy aimed at stopping the cycle of violence. This counselling service for victims of domestic and family violence will be based in Cooktown, with outreach services to Hopevale, Wujal Wujal and Laura. This service will provide community members with an opportunity to deal with the significant trauma that is associated with being a victim of domestic and family violence.

Abandoned Vehicles – Public Notice Notice is hereby given under section 100 of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 that the vehicle indicated below has been considered by Cook Shire Council as being abandoned.

White Holden Commodore Sedan – QLD registration 771-FEJ – March 28, 2013

This position is managed by the Cooktown District Community Centre (CDCC) and funded by the Department of Communities until January 2015.

If this vehicle remains unclaimed after one (1) month from the date indicated above, Council proposes to dispose of it in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned Act. For further information, call Cook Shire’s Animal Control Officer on 4069 5444.

This position is permanent full time QLD Community Services & Crisis Assistance Award Division 2B - State 2008 - Level 6. Applications close Friday, April 5, 2013. To apply, request a copy in person at Cooktown District Community Centre, phone (07) 4069 6098 or by email: reception@cooktowndcc.org.au

Ph: 07 4035 6588

Ocular health Eyesight testing Glaucoma assessment Diabetic sight analysis Contact Lens Consultations

Eyedentity Optical phone: (07) 4033 7575


COOKTOWN Skip Bins. Commercial and domestic rubbish removal and disposal. Ph 4069 5545 or 0408 772 361.

MOTELS AAA CBD CBD CBD – Inn Cairns Boutique Apartments, 71 Lake Street, Cairns. Self catering, secure car parking, pool/gazebo, opp PO and Woolworths. Ph 07 4041 2350.

MOTELS CAIRNS Rainbow Inn. 3½ star, all facilities including cable TV. Close to the city, from $65 per night. Ph 4051 1022.

FOR SALE CONTAINERS for sale or hire. Ph Cooktown Towing, Tyres & Mechanical 4069 5545.

PUBLIC NOTICE STANDBY Response Service. Support and information for people bereaved by suicide. Ph 0439 722 266. 24 hours – 7 days per week.

Penrite Oil Agent

Steel and Aluminium supplies • Welding Fabrication: steel, alloy, stainless, site work • Guillotine, Bender, Roller: pipe threading and bending • Machining: lathe, milling • Hydraulics: hose repairs • Bolts, welding equipment • Metroll products, perlins, iron by order • Marine: boat, trailer, outboard repairs, parts and oils MacMillan St, Cooktown

Ph Phil 4069 5224 or Mob 0417 776 524

PUBLIC NOTICE CIVIL celebrant Kathleen Roberts. Naming Ceremonies, Marriages, Funeral Co-ordination. 4069 5004 or 0427 695 004

Cooktown Skip Bins Rubbish removal and disposal Ph: 4069 5545 or 0408 772 361



 

          





Dentist (C/H)



Dentist (C/H)






Dentist (C/H) Dr Gynther (M/H)

Dentist (C/H) Dr Ruben (C/H) Dr McDonald (Hosp)



Dentist (C/H)

Women’s Health NP (C/H)



Baby Clinic & Immunisation (C/H)



24 Baby Clinic & Immunisation (C/H)



Dentist (C/H) Dr Gynther (M/H) ENT (Hosp)

Dentist (C/H) ENT (Hosp)



Dr. Bart: Dentist

Dr McDonald:

Dr. Ruben: Paediatrician

General Physician Dr Thomas: Surgeon

MENTAL HEALTH Dr Gynther: Psychiatrist

ENT: Ear Nose & Throat

16 – Cooktown Local News 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2013


Women’s Health NP (C/H)


 


          

Women’s Health NP (C/H)

                                            


Hope Vale

Women's Health NP Apr 2, 3, 10, 16, 17, 24, 30 Dentist Apr 3, 10 Psychiatrist Apr 2, 30

Wujal Wujal

Women’s Health NP Apr 8, 9, 15, 22, 23, 29 Dentist Apr 8 Psychiatrist Apr 3


Land clearing flagged for Cape York growth By MARK ROY

INDIGENOUS communities on Cape York will be financially supported by clearing native vegetation ond developing agriculture, according to Member for Cook David Kempton. However, the Greens party is arguing the changes to land-clearing laws are part of the myth of the ‘Asian food bowl bonanza’. The Greens have called for an immediate halt to changes to landclearing laws that the Newman Government has flagged for Cape York and the Gulf region. Greens candidate for Kennedy Jenny Stirling said the “retrograde steps� from the LNP Government ignored the reality of the region, with its poor soils and extreme weather. “Land clearing laws have evolved over decades, but, true to form, Newman and the LNP care little for good management of environmental values,� Ms Stirling said. “The Cape is due for listing as a World Heritage site, which will attract more tourism and provide more jobs for the region than wild ideas that would damage these pristine areas. “The region has poor access to reliable transport services and no ports. “Moreover, it’s so far from mar-

kets that transporting produce will end up expensive to turn a profit.� Mr Kempton said that, while the LNP recognised the need for appropriate environmental safeguards, community growth and economic development were of equal importance. “Our amendments to the unworkable vegetation management laws and Wild Rivers Act will underpin the future financial security of the Cape,� Mr Kempton said. “We will provide opportunity for all indigenous communities and in fact all people of Cape York to have a secure future. “We will do this by allowing the clearing of native vegetation for agriculture depending on land suitability, water availability and economic viability.� He said Federal Minister Tony Burke had concentrated on the environment while ignoring the community and economic future of the people of Cape York. “If there are areas in Cape York worthy of World Heritage listing then the easiest way to get those listings across the line is to ensure he has engaged all the people and not just a select few,� Mr Kempton said. “I challenge the federal minister to stop concentrating on his political future and to come to Cape York and talk to us about its sustainable future

at all levels.� Ms Stirling said efforts should be focused on making existing farms more sustainable and productive. “The LNP are stuck in the 1960s time-warp mentality that has wrecked the Murray River system through over development as well as destroying sustainable agriculture in those regions,� she said. WWF-Australia CEO Dermot O’Gorman saysthe landmark tree clearing laws were alarming and a potential risk to the most pristine section of the Great Barrier Reef. “The Newman Government’s reported plans to open up Far North Queensland to tree-clearing and intensive agriculture could put the most pristine areas of the Reef at risk. “Increased agricultural production can be achieved much more economically and with less environmental impact if we use existing agricultural areas more effectively. “Recent coral surveys show plummeting coral cover in the central and southern parts of the Reef adjacent to the places where extensive tree clearing and agriculture have occurred. “The Far North has the most pristine section of the Reef for the very reason that it has not been subjected to large scale agriculture over the years.�

CLASSIFIEDS FOR RENT two bedroom unit for rent. Recently renovated high set unit with lots of undercover space. Quiet cul-de-sac at the bottom of Grassy Hill. Lovely garden and bush surroundings. Two minutes walk to Post Office. Reasonable rental. Phone 0415 369 874.

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Jaylen Museu tow see ad laleuca Die es Co craok ns .............40 s M 12 Gue an St Ck .net.authe Co .4069's landing sely .... s Br 4069 Queen's the site of J & P Ck Me22 Rd CoCo Co bake beok Bowyer 55 Rep 17 ..4e06Elliot Ho .40Ba Co tto Boat Ram 3 2 Max ne wn ce ter rne ot st rem 39 Edwa pe 3 _h ve Boa 69 s ar s ec on an Je en 57 0 CH St m r Ca 39 re rds 9 rs Vle 22 rt 5412 ire tw on of the t rY tow Lin 69 ok as ur p vice Ch 51 beache@acti Cook 84 Cobus44 tw 5181 gio Cktwlity vallaWarde 8 Birthd 4060Ch3153 on page Endeavo - origi Fire ..........0 s n .... Ser Service 62 Co.............40 66 17 Jun Ins nna rdre Rd sse ngrra arlotte Cre 29........ Dis roSer n ing n ...4 l mu Thkom Q 55 Bowyer E E 13 John n ................ Ba S 39 MaHai ay week Reepi60 town d HMv8.net.a abi 9 4 nallysea e ad Hope A 4vice 48 atise 27 Vella PS rs tes 07 ur,arl 43cia e 1770 kke 069res wn tion eGreg 95 11 19 veum Ch bava Ev an 39 de 7 .... 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Bredillet 7 S32s3 76 cu.... ntl.... , it is .... nning 4 Cook The Bo Em / Elec n ........ se42 Slab ........ Ho ining an 4x4 tw49 tor acc.... EmMO ian ce........ 24 723, Co 863 dicreeba cosGr interp ....us........ tricto 5754Elec ess.... ail ..... co .................... 11.... rsPhwn C/ & ........ rre.... Pla.... 00 Mo ....PA 69 ass y ho es at ChTra ible.40 9 .............4069 ....GE Phone ....ce 60y Hill shou brick building y since 1874 47 87 Hou oktown, pe & Howard Butche Iroenm Bredillet C 20 Battle tion Cktwn.... s Contiv arl- ott 4069TOWN6 TOCoMT eMe 40 ........ to onts Pam’s 25 ........ ........tel ing the ive his epto 91 70 P &oktownb ok/ail Servi .... ild/erInce oktow ent llins Sotive tioric 5346 Co House - ho retrec ca .40by692WD,98 Sts) .... 740 3061 .... CoEm ....& MA n@ Uni ........os 'Coo C Bu but too ld not be mi in Cape Yo . n Bo arracha COOK 6616 STREET Health Fax .... .................... 4895 54 Kotzu St Cktwn .... 18 Cemetery Emplo Autom MTym Bredillet C 20 Battle mp Rd Cktw ....4069 51 al co 12 ...0 wn ktown6934 8 ....Mo Cabins disok to.... 10-rte Co 25 .... lti.... rp ....e............ .... ckyer EL7EPQu oktown uses the Re-ense ssed, esp rk. narrow Howa platow .... ca s ..........0 airs 94 n WN 1A Webb at Rental Pu.... m Weok rs@big 036T88 ys annd and Di Co n Lo Rep rd St b........n Mu.... rdlen 76 org.au inetha Email .... .................... .................... for S HOar olsPute sticr St Brejna J Kerr St Ck mp Rd Cktw 0428 225 54 d cc. OKTO IOCo GaWj acteme ecially .sacy er Es adntve Wjl........ strict pondCo a fam 7 18 N ok les.aw ........4092 .... .. ag Cabling rYInG earthmoV 20.... 40CO 6 NE rt on 261800 EngNa ral Look Po 9 45AT k .... 72 Charl& Bortan .coas n tw Cktw Historic coaches. N PApGE uf mtgua Conta dc@b resea www.en IOw 9 IN Cooktow .... to cie pa ily34 0428IN74 AT Web.... ............. calte .................... .4069 5354 Brennan K 18 Kerr St n ................ 0427 695 60 5 74 InG So FORM News ouse otte St, ch Y ltd rd - 40ct Eri FOPt Natu n bo n.................. es rhon rth f Cookto analt & ty wige RM ChRM Caf th exhib rch facility. al Society' 61 ............ Ch 2 911E INFO Cook Re Cktwn x.cookto osyawdc igpond.com town r .......406 .4069 wePh 8 NoCo W&S arl arl ok c w Po ts ise AT ’S ott 69 .... ok ie or e ls w or Co an Ma e’s .... JP .... ON ..4 51 e tow rad ............ Jg its Boun Shire cmilla 5655 Barne ION en d & St, ok ADE Club 24 9 15 Hogg EliGea ..........0 069D57 n, Q, 48 2 n CYCL & Sp................ pin Natur dary McIvor Rd y RdPa Faes NO ......... wwwn@hotmail 56 ChCam Coun n St, Co 7 onS. tomwn cesee adve tre.com.au IG YPh arlton x .... 429 77 5608 Cam townem Bik Hope oc12 St St (cnr e............ECo 95 ail: ok .... n BR NC Offi Offi .... to .co er .... the Co cil ort rt Vle st (tow GE J .... ok r 6 ce .... ital w. m 75 FIR on W er rth John St) (surg Po 735 ............ ER ........ats 4069 town, Q ards the 3 ianres L calte .... EmRU To Airpe Vale pa n 68 No on fo GEN taugeran er y)Phone/F town ............ .................... H 5444 wharf), Emer 4895 eEmail ............ Cktwn .....4069EM s ............ ........67 Shed R ailRA ax ty Me ........As ciatioge PO Box ....so ERA deok Hop rwar see advert x.com.au Ch480 EnCo tco Qu EE are ali .... .40 & av okt 40 .... Q 21 37 Fa nc NT .... Sp .... rth .... ........40 Qu ou ... 60 ow t .... 48 x 69 D 60 LU L ... info@ ............ yEri 91, Cook ........ 84 B No on page compute .... d 9224 Valley - 000 ....n@ es 4W 5211 hot torwn os95 69 5070 mail.c Mobile actmen ...........4 $ - Bakery INFORM .4069 VO10 RM ATION c’s Mo ........ cooktow .....4069H58 pit Rd Ck 82 Ch ter R ists rstuff@w .... ash & CoDok 34 Sawn 33 ............ town, Q 4895 Re-en 51 FO Cooktown Ca bile .... ............ 19 al - 40 069 53- Bank ....om NQ Cr Conta ATIO nb IN77 rin Special oICe ok .... estne Aft43 to vage St Ckvatw . lsn ..........406 ............ . er 01urs r Hire Ch s Cooktow 61 t.com see ad owls.coPo CH - 40 -Road o C & B 38 N fIna se Co 00 .... .................... ............4069 m.lic y Hub 21 ............ Savage St 9 6162s Club Inc aue - 4069 56 Ho Cour vert Phone Co nC Remo twn....ria arl NQ Off nVTh n eYean ............ Energ Bradbury e advert on pa .au .... 5681 ....l...4 .......0 th ueen ............ ice oktowne L Memo 88 Ce 14-16 Caravan Park otte St Cktw on paQ 13 St Cktw EC ............ .....0438 69D - D ge 33 40 Se9rv lar 22 slaCo 29 octo ouse &06 ........ 5690 Phone Co ndokPa n ..406 40ge see ad 427 783 19 Hope St Informa ........ n .4069 H 5 -89 Savage St NQ So Aplin Stree shoP, th ....RS tow town .... Co pplies Events ........ rkns Ele 9 5069 at 0 vert on tion H1os rs' Surger Ck t, Phf one 5353 Cookto ....ok ....Su 0757 an ctrica ral Com ........wn see ad .....4069 Web.... .... 80 ............ Bay Centre page 29 L 58 undrom y ............ Cairns ........ e wn Ca twn.............. ........Ru - Lib La.40 91 rapital lea RACQ 77 Charlotte d W ildl life Cl Co Charle ve ........Co to ze Nu ntr rt ea .... .... ok .... .... Em on 51 ree ac s St C St Ck .. www. . 0437 rPet ........ ry nInG .... Servtor P ge pa ail ........ 5999 ab - Co 81 Burk 13ok - Ph ices 51 s and .......4069SE55 36arm ch 11tow wn ......... tob............. 0412 ...4051 5999 oicSe Phone n Ende twn ............ Di5rec 99t9 – s itt S 36 11 St efiafo Ph PS od ac s na on 13 Pr .... .... Cookto St av Adam y 515 State ncecaire ShedNeil e.... 3040 y@ Polic ........ 2 50 our Fa essu Mobile .................... Visito wn Se School e Stat PO re Web.... .................... conveyance 999 (Toby) ragns.com.au seelfad Cook0towEndeavour Va lls Tourist Pa .....4069 r Infor Po .... Sto .... io Cookto 55 .... sh .... .... st n .... ve 17 Offic op ............ ............ .... rt on pa matio n Ende lley Rd 04 rk T - Pu Henr wn Se n & Bo avou ............ .............4069 www.co 48 515 999 .com.au Co Cktw79 ge 63 y St 168 Ch blic To e Cookto n r ok S .... Vie .... (Rhonda nveyan Conway 6799 Co arl ing okto .......042 ..4069 - Supe ilets 1800w ce ) oktown otte Sts Ck 7 943 SP 54 31 rmarke see 17 48 - Sw twn .... PO Box wn CIVIl see ad shop.com.au Cook S B H 29 Sava Family t im 95.... ........ ge vert Grou advert on pa 179 15 C 11 Ch ......406TC - Tennis ming Pool Mobile 964 Cooktow ge 29 Co Charles St Day Care P arles St St Cktwn ........ on page 63 EZ 9 -56 n, .... Cktwn okto Cktwn 76mpECourts Du Fax .... .......... 0417 Q, 4895 .... ............ ..4069 5589 .... zy Webber wn fIsher .................... ...4069 Email .... .................... 002 143 – Ste ..4069 5886 Visitor Inform .... ve ....... co Cooktow Esplanade, Co mans w 6032 ation, Book ha in Cookt oktownc .................... & Nadine oktown. rf own's herita ing & Interpretive .4069 Phone n, Q 4895. ivilgrou Centre ge-listed PO Box 5909 .... Botanic Phone: p@ 308, Gardens 07 406 Fax .... .................... see ad bigpond.com 9 6004 .... .... - Freecall vert on SIGH Email .... .................... .................... : 1800 page 42 .... 17 489 ........... .4069 5 1 Fis TS AN 5173 fisherm .................... D herman .40 answha ’s Wha ATTRA rf@big 69 6215 the Go C rf – po ld Rush T see ad locals vert on nd.com , now Once one of IONS ali a popu page 64 the bu tradition ke. ‘Doing siest po a Wha lar meeting . Th rts in Qu is is als rfie’ (dr pla meande 101 ee o iving alo ce and fis hing sp nsland durin histor rs through the startin ng ot for 2 Mi ic sights yo parklands g point of the the Wharf) visitors g is ck to u and 3 Th the Miner pass along the Post Of River Of Lif a favourite Co e Quee – In Me fice, tel the wa e y. n’s St ling the Walkway wh oktown mory of Cook eps – stories ich the Pa Made 4 Mi town in 19 behind 1 70 to for HM lmer Rive lbi Wa the 118 r Gold Queen history ll – Made open the Ja Rush Eli by loc from an al Abori mes Cook Mu zabeth II for . River 14 Ab ori her vis to the ginal art seum. 5 Ja prese ginal persp it to ck ective, ists, these 6 Ja ey Jackey nt day. colourfu from the 15 mes Co Store l tile cre – s ok Statu ation of Bu tel sight of the En l local C e – Th ilt in 1886 an deavou is sc durin the Re-en da th r 7 Ja g the Quee actment of ulpture by St general store Co me n’s an Ve 8 Ca s Cook Mo Birthday we ok’s Landing ley Hamm for 100 years ond nnon . , which Ch – Datin nument – Co ekend. takes MBE marks invas g from mmem pla the art ce w 9 Th ion. 1881, every 16 Bo e and giv orates Cook June 10 Ja Cairn – W ta ’s lan en to pro here Lt. mes tect Co ding on 17 oldes James oktow June 17 home Cook Muse 17 Th Co n from to um – eC Origina ok beached a Russ 70. cannon one of the HM Ba be lly a Co ian histor rk collecti from the HM st regional nv 18 Gu y museum ent school Endeavou ons. Bark En npow r in 17 built in s in Au deavou 70. build 1889 str r, and 19 Gr ing excelle alia, with the , and now assy nt Chine an se and chor and missed H Indige , es nous 2W 20 Ol D, but to d Coun Historic ci al So

Phones attended 8.30am to 5pm - Monday to Friday



ADVERTISE YOUR GARAGE SALE HERE! Email your line classified through to ads@ cooktownlocalnews.com.au or call 1300 4895 00.


Seafood & Takeaw ay CRANE HIRE Local Se Keith and afood Fish & C Vi hipsivi46 ck i HO tw ............ ll’d ninsula s 4069 5421 8222 ........ illanme ....11 EG ............ inte . oktown, 06 eyMa 19 Gi y one of ng er rk m Cape Yomp Rdres ow ........ rven ....sar Fr 23 ........ St,etiCo wynWe ngok ........ Su ate 4069 52 18 sh es icden RY Develop .045815 Mo SCl La .........40 pla nort an 53 por ho the RiOffialo the bu 68bile .... rg tied ........h s........ 524 Qld Ty Cktwn .... :kCa ceng Cor ce n, t rk en ....s Phon ea plie irnSup rs tow G....ar 37 SLGar s e: me) 40 anite........40ing Bai Phthe 28 ........ anQ Wharf) s 69 5101 siest po Yo h Qld pe ntre Em 19 .... e fl one/F Gi.... .....4069ive d fis BUL nta Rd 060 Cookto ing Ce art rw ater ....................(07 LHE POI 48hin den ild 69 6454Erp. 13 ........ s & Gr Shveedr of ...041de the sto lahr n Sa fo SON 95g rb rts in ncil ail ........AD 46 ho 30 Maxw Ca SoGar fe Wax ....is....a .... ....le &eIce fÊ oats Wh Cou FaxLi.... ...........4 l 69 t Ca 9 CeCRE 41525440 60Op wn al ble Bu igiR rs l Co ST37 ........ ri Ma he & eel Dr 6190 riesds Bairs la EmU ourite spot for Quee ntFax EK rta 19 .... rksalth Ho alkwa fav.... Go.... ail: ........ ell Cre behin fl Ho en g .... 54A wo aman see advert on 772 456 Mick Eri the or na .......0 visitors nsland nspo .... ca llin Capeen ....Co ...4 oaAll satraI 095 lar .... y....which.... R res Tolga. Ab 1st Officer rtandtel re : (07) 4006 Su1st 11 s ins 35 Trape SoGas tau A 52 anlers so ite 1313 Phon pe St, 7 69 da In ys (ta page Th thec’sMMobildethe Coda to06 ran N Offi du 7 173 47 icis Re an yo PO Box sc ants.nse unity40 5, Tre Bak cer 65 .... mean....ok histo.... wn9 tra oktow wel Athnterton tEle t@17 ot,erie CaPe 19 GrCou rks ctrle 15 gn S mmhe ing Ted 53dit n y 4T 6837 er - in........ Fise........rm Lees wa Fitt Robe n, Q 48 ke Phone 40ion d locals alikering the Go 11an ds@tels 3 Mick Hagen ....de ....ric sights........ verei (PO coo Yo 99 eInG rieresCo 35 rk Cou ....rs ........an only)26to e QAftueerenHoinurs rt Str 70lb , Ath kto ks ving 40thr ........ Ch . Th 95 Em ld 4069 he ngard GanfieldIndustria .... memo ........ wn 9552 69 tras 4060 2161 37 SoGas Box se .... yo Ban . 2nd Supplie ....




nt 1770 Gill’d N G

Dining on the Water Front Cooktow n, Qld


$2 5





Telephone: 1300 4895 00 Fax: 1300 7872 48

For fire permits, info rmation about me mbership, training reduction burning or hazard contacts for each rural fire brigade are listed below RESTA URANT S

St Mason


FARRIER. Ron Searle will be in Cooktown and Lakeland on APRIL 13, 14 & 15. Trims $30, shoes $70. Ph 0427 846 336.

tion Charlot





CraFt materials & suPPlies

Cooktown Creative Arts Associa


ELECTRONIC Drum kit, lots of accessories, computer learning disk, hardly used, Cost $1800, selling for $500. Holden Rodeo tyres, rims and hubs x4 v.g.c, $400. Phone 0458 759 950


FIRE BRIGADES busi ’ rs RIN e G TR IPLE ZERO 00 s i t 0 r e v d a 47

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Photo: Michael Amendolia

STEEL All sizes, must be sold. $750 ono. Ring after Easter. Peter Shields on 4069 6181


CLearWater CeNtre for HeaLtH aND WeLLBeiNg



VOLU eNTsEEsR in– RURAL n COunsellinG

b BirD , Jr



Chance meeting a lesson in culture “OUR chance meeting with Alberta Hornsby at the top of Grassy Hill, and getting an Indigenous perspective of Cook’s visit was the highlight of our visit”. Gregg Stoneham and Lindsay Simpson from Arizona were two very fascinated visitors to Wujal Wujal and Cooktown this week. “We heard Alberta chatting to a friend Amanda Hayman from the Queensland State Library and she generously shared her stories with us. Understanding how Cook’s crew and the Endeavour were fortunate enough to land

on a special neutral territory for the local tribes and clan groups, then unwittingly spill blood and upset many cultural protocols was really awesome.” Gregg explained that after Arizona’s amazing beaches, they were surprised to find that Archer Point and Cowie Beach totally met their expectations. In the next breath, he explained, “Arizonians are known to be the most truthful of Americans.” Right, Gregg. When I checked Arizona on Google, I realised that it is a totally landlocked state,

ABOVE: Lindsay Simpson and Gregg Stoneham among the strangler fig roots at Emmagen. Photos submitted. BELOW: Gregg Stoneham, Lindsay Simpson with Amanda Haymand and Alberta Hornsby at Grassy Hill.

with part of the Grand Canyon to the north and desert and cactus to the south. Its famous “Meteor Crater” is one of the world’s best known images.4 Charlie, a Wujal Council worker from Rossville, told us to be on the look-out for brilliantly coloured rainbow bee-eaters, which had arrived in the area just the week before. And yes, they are everywhere, especially at the top of Cowie Range and the flats before Cedar Bay. They’ve flown in from the south on their migration to this area and New Guinea. You usually find small flocks of these beautiful green and orange birds darting around, picking off insects (especially bees), and even dancing into shallow water, for surface insects. They should be around for a few months. Other very prominent birds with their flowing white and black streamers, are buff-breasted paradise kingfishers, which are in big numbers across the top of Cowie Range. The young are now grown and they’ll all soon head off to New Guinea. Andrea and Barbara Salato loved the swimming hole at Woobadda Creek, which will be preserved intact when the crossing gets built soon. The azure kingfishers and reflections on the still waters at early morning or late afternoon are impressive. With the name Salato (Salt in Italian) and being a merchant seaman in Italy, Andrea also enjoyed the untold numbers of soldier crabs at Cowie Beach, and licking the salty back of the grey mangrove leaves on the same beach. Salt for an old salt. The water is running strongly along the Bloomfield Track creeks and the Wujal Falls. The flow should continue for at least several weeks. Luckily the rains haven’t been too much for crossing Emmagen and Woobadda Creeks, but the Bloomfield River has been closed

again.Yet again. Just after rain, the Track especially at the top of Cowie Range has been slippery, so be careful. Potholes from Cape Trib to Wujal Wujal have been good, but the overhanging trees are potentially very dangerous, so let’s hope the Cairns Council gets onto them soon. Much of the road from Ayton to the Lion’s Den Hotel is good, but there are some shocking potholes at the bottom of the Cedar Bay section, so be very, very careful - be kind to your car and slow down to 8kmh or less, until they get patched up. Brian Mulley from the Coen Exchange Hotel tells me that roadwork on the Peninsula Road is going really well and is far more advanced than previous years, and gives credit to advocacy from David Kempton the State MP for the region. He believes that it should be in good shape in another couple of weeks. Happy travelling Mike and Trish D’Arcy D’Arcy of Daintree 4WD Tours http://www.darcyofdaintree. com.au/ Ph: +61 7 4098 9180

ABOVE: Andrea Salato reflecting at Woobadda. BELOW: Barbara and Andrea Salato at Cowie Beach.

Reflections at Woobadda Creek crossing.

News NRL Tipping Competition Cooktown Local


Anytime, Anywhere

Boutique Apartments


ROUND 3 RESULTS (home team first) 22





W Tigers





Sea Eagles






















Name Total Score wombat_101 21 Prickly 18 TheFantasticMrsFox 18 Nikki 17 EYE of the TIGER 17 Superstar 17 Maggie_P 16 Kintaine 16 Wazza 16 FNQ_Chris 15

TERMS & CONDITIONS: The Cooktown Local News NRL footy tipping competition is free – there is no joining fee and no charges whatsoever are associated with it. The Cooktown Local News footy competition is computer generated,

18 – Cooktown Local News 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2013

Total Margin 28 20 36 16 23 27 25 30 33 20



(Mar 28 – Apr 1, home team first)

1 Storm



2 Rabbitohs

10 Panthers

3 Sea Eagles

11 Broncos

4 Titans

12 Bulldogs

5 Knights

13 Cowboys

6 Sharks

14 Raiders

7 Roosters

15 Dragons

8 W Tigers

16 Warriors

with all selections being lodged to an independent, national footy tipping website. Neither the Cooktown Local News nor sponsors can access the website, and all results are generated by the website operators. The results will be provided in the Cooktown Local News, the Cooktown Local News website and the

TONIGHT, Thu, March 28 Sea Eagles W Tigers Friday, March 29





Saturday, March 30



Sunday, March 21









Monday, April 1

competition operator’s website after each round. Staff from the Cooktown Local News and sponsors are ineligible to enter. In the event of a tie, the prize value will be divided among the joint winners. No substitution of prizes for cash. Residents with local postcode and subscribers only eligible to enter and win prizes.


Rivers flowing with coffee colour WITH the latest dose of rain, the mud crabs will be the target for Easter anglers. The Annan has a strong brown colour, and with the East and West Normanby also having a fair flow last Sunday, they too will provide a couple of more options for the break. Grunter should also be around with the last flush of fresh water and live baits were also around in fair numbers. It’s been great seeing a bit of water flowing about the area, and this will make the fishing that much better when Rinyiruu, Lakefield National Park opens - whenever that may be. Watch the Cook Shire web site for updates on roads http://www.cook.qld.gov.au/current-roadstatus. Locally, the barra fishing should be good over the Easter holidays. The Endeavour River had good reports last week, with most fish being taken on live baits from areas around the Wharf, fishing club lease, wrecks and and deep hole. This weekend’s forecast is for winds of between 10 -15 knots, so we might be limited to the rivers. I guess a lot of extra people will be in the area to camp and fish, so a bit of patience around the boats ramps may be needed. My guess also is the crab pots will be thick in the Annan, so best of luck.Have a great long weekend. Tight lines. Russell Bowman The Lure Shop. Ken from KP Autos is pretty happy with this barra.

Richard with a handy barra. Photos submitted.

Local fighters going to ‘war’ in Mareeba on Saturday night TWO local fighters will make their debuts in Mareeba on Saturday night, when they step into the ring on the Boxers at War program. Zane Stallan and Storm Damschke will sweat out their first fistic endeavour in promoter Wayne McBryde’s first show, which will be held at the Masonic Hall. They will be joined on the card by stablemate Joe Pope, who has three Western boxing bouts under his belt. Although the trio train out of Cooktown’s Full Boar Muay Thai Boxing gym, their mentor and trainer Vince Parkes expects them all to perform creditably. Only 12-years-old, Stallan is the youngest, weighing in at 38kg and facing a huge challenge in taking on a much more experienced fighter in Zac Mulholland. Training out of Mareeba’s Sydchrome Boxing gym, Mulholland has 16 boxing

fights on his record. However, Parkes believes Stallan, who is renowned for his competitiveness, will acquit himself admirably. “Zane’s just one of those good all-round sportsman, it doesn’t matter what he tries, he’s good at,” Parkes said. “One of the reasons for that is that he is a fiercely intense competitor and doesn’t know the meaning of surrender. “Zac will know he’s in a fight, that’s for sure.” Damschke, at 15-yearsold weighs 50kg, but the details of his opponent have still to be finalised. “Storm’s been training hard and is as keen as mustard for Saturday night,” Parkes said. “He’ll go well for sure, no matter who they put him up against.” And with three boxing fights under his belt, the 54kg, 13-year-old Pope will

be pitched against a senior fighter for the first time in his career, but like Damschke, has to wait to be advised as to who is opponent will be. “Joe’s got three boxing fights to his name and is a champion Muay Thai boxer, so he’s no stranger to the ring,” Parkes said. “Despite his age, he’s very mature in his fighting ability and has proven himself against older opponents before. “He’ll handle himself very well too.” The program starts at 7pm at the Masonic Hall in Mareeba. Adult tickets cost $20 with kids and ringside entry still available. A bar and hot food available will also be available along with a full undercard of local and visiting fighters. Contact Wayne McBryde on 0400 303 809 for further information or to book tickets.

Joe Pope, Zane Stallan and Storm Damschke in good spirits before they head to Mareeba on Saturday night where they will be part of the Boxers at War boxing program. Photo: SARAH MARTIN.

Keller finds his swing to take weekly comp. IAN Keller found his swing last week to return a nett score of 62 to take out the Italian Restaurant Weekly Stroke competition, with Peter Shields hot on his heels as runner-up with 63. While Peter may have missed out on that first prize, he didn’t miss out in the Cooktown Café Stroke competition held last Saturday. Peter had a below par round with a nett 63. Mick Mason also had a great round to be the day’s runner-up 65. All the nearest-the-pins were landed, with Wal Welsh dominating by taking out 2/11 and 14 and Mick Mason claiming 9/18. Only two members competed in the Cape York Tyres Sunday 9-Hole Stableford competition,

with Steve Wilton the winner, claiming the $25 fuel voucher with his winning score of 16 Stableford points. Rick Cowe and Steve Wilton are the only members so far to compete in The Italian Restaurant Weekly Stableford competition, with Steve Wilton the leader so far on 31 Stableford points. We won’t mention Rick’s score! This week’s competition is being played off the white tees. Members and visitors are reminded that this year’s Cooktown Open will be played on the weekend of May 25 and 26. Nomination forms have already been sent by email and for those members without email, forms have been posted. The closing date

for nominations is May 5. There are only 88 spots available. Specific tee time and playing partner requests are not guaranteed. If you are not going to be playing in this year’s Open, please remember that volunteers are greatly needed for that weekend Friday afternoon included. The gold sponsor for this year’s Cooktown Open is the Cooktown Hotel (Top Pub), for which we are very grateful to Ed and Brenda for their generous sponsorship. This year’s silver sponsor is the Cooktown RSL Memorial Club, while the bronze sponsor is Drummond Golf Cairns. Daniel from Drummond Golf Cairns will be coming to Cook-

town again to conduct some In the golf lessons. The lessons Bunker will be held on Friday afternoon, April 19, Saturday afternoon, April 20 and Sunday morning, April 21. Only a handful of members have registered their interest so far. All other members please let me know if you want a lesson - $50 for individual half hour or $80 for 2-person hour lesson, and for which day you would like it so I can pencil you in the schedule. Happy golfing everyone Kelly Barnett, Manager, Cooktown Golf Club.

Come back Terese! LAST Wednesday night we contested a Service Core Match, which was won by Mal with a score of 344 from a possible 360. And to our delight, a firsttime ever shooter in Terese came in second with 330. Well done Terese! We look forward to your return. Clint was third with 329. This match is generally shot wih a revolver, but we also use pistols as well. Tonight, March 27, we will contest a Sports Pistol/Centrefire Match, so you can shoot with either a .22 or Centrefire pistol. Then on Sunday, a Practical Shoot was contested by six shooters.

I n Rimfire, Ian finished first with a score of 78.16, while Tim finished second with 85.81. The Centrefire shooters were only able to complete one round of the course, with the event cancelled because of rain. As well as tonight’s shoot, we will also be holding a general meeting from 5.30pm. If anyone would like to come out and see what pistol shooting is all about, call in any Wednesday at 5.30pm. Just bring photo ID and wear closed-in shoes. Janne Stewart Secretary/Treasurer.

Cooktown Local News 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2013 – 19

Sport Cooktown Local


Phone: 1300 4895 00 • Fax: 1300 787 248 • Email: editor@cooktownlocalnews.com.au

Sports reports deadline is 5pm, Monday prior to publication



No Chat with Matt this week UNFORTUNATELY we cannot bring you our usual Chat with Matt this week. With an early print deadline forced on us by the Easter holidays, and the North Queensland

Toyota Cowboys’ game against the Knights being played on Monday night, we were just not able to chat with the legendary fullback before going to print. Hopefully, it will be the

only time to happen during this season as we continue to enjoy the thoughts of the little master on his role in the Cowboys quest for NRL glory in season 2013.

Maximum fun despite a Wombat_101 now drop in netball numbers leads tipping by 3 WOMBAT_101 has increased his/her lead to three after the third round of the Cooktown Local News/Hinterland Aviation/Inn Cairns NRL tipping competition from the weekend. Wombat_101 heads the table with 21 from Prickly and TheFantasticMrsFox, both on 18, with Nikki, Eye of the Tiger and Superstar bunched together on 17. Maggie_P, Kintaine and Wazza sit on 16. FNQ_Chris was the only tipster to select all eight winners, in an outstanding display of skill, and now sits on 15. Only three correctly nominated seven winners - TheFantasticMrsFox, Nikki and WhiteyFunk. Most missed out on the Cowboys’ loss to the Knights on Monday night, while the Raiders’ win over the Dragons also hit many. The winner will receive a return flight to Cairns for one, courtesy of Hinterland Aviation and three nights’ accommodation in the heart of Cairns at Inn Cairns – a prize worth more than $1000.

JUST enough players for two separate teams turned up to play netball at the PCYC Cooktown Events Centre on Monday night. Rather than having distinct teams representing both Cooktown and Hope Vale, players were divided into the Blues and the Greens for a night of good spirited fun that also featured some intense competition. Until the players settled in with their new team mates, play around the court in the first quarter was jaded, lacked enthusiasm, scratchy and marred by errors, intercepts and many missed attempts at goal. At the quarter-time break, the Blues held a slender 5-3 lead over the Greens. However, the start of the second quarter saw the inclusion of some

The runner-up will receive $250 from the Cooktown Local News. The Hinterland Aviaton/Inn Cairns/ Cooktown Local News NRL footy tipping competition is free - there is no joining fee and no charges whatsoever are associated with it. The competition is computer generated, with all selections being lodged to an independent, national footy tipping website. Neither the Cooktown Local News nor sponsors can access the website, and all results are generated by the website operators. The results will be provided in the Cooktown Local News, the Cooktown Local News facebook page and the competition operator’s website after each round. Staff from the Cooktown Local News and sponsors are ineligible to enter. In the event of a tie, the prize value will be divided among the joint winners. Only residents with local post codes and subscribers to the Cooktown Local News are eligible to enter.

late arrivals into the game, and it was almost as if the rest of the players had taken some vitamin pills. The tempo of the game picked up markedly, passing became crisper, there were less intercepts and opposing players contested the ball with a renewed enthusiasm. Play flowed from end to end, but there was little change in the score when the players went to the half time break with the Blues enjoying a 9-6 lead. Play tightened up in the third quarter, with the Greens taking the honours in the scoring department to reduce the Blues’ lead at three quarter time to only two points, with the scoreboard showing 13-11. The fourth quarter was a different

affair, with the Blues embarking on a scoring spree, which saw them emerge as clear winners. Such was the camaraderie amongst the players though, that some “creative scoring” that gave the victory to the Greens went uncontested. The girls and boys played the game for the fun of it and there were no sheep stations on the line in the result. Play will now be suspended for two weeks for the Easter school holidays and will resume at the PCYC Cooktown Events Centre at 6.45pm on Monday, April 15. The players still involved in the competition are hoping their former team mates and some new players will join the fun so a more formal competition can be started again.

FAR RIGHT: Greens centre Sha-laine Gibson showing fingertip control. RIGHT: Blues centre Jules Bredillet ready to push a pass down the centre of the court.

Cooktown Bowls Club AIRCONDITIONED

Members’ Draw & Raffles: THURSDAY, MARCH 28: Draw jackpots to $550 in the early draw between 6.30 and 7pm.





Social Bowls:

Wednesday register 1pm, play 1.30pm. Sunday register 8.30am, for 9am start. Jackpot $28.

Barefoot Bowls:

Cancelled until further notice.

Pokies Lucky Seat:

EVERY FRIDAY: Drawn between 8pm and 8.30pm. 4 x $25 raffles for food or fuel. Cannot be exchanged for cash.

Bush Bingo:

Don’t miss out…

$550 BE HERE TO WIN • Orchid Raffles and • Pokie Lucky Seat Prizes

Every Thursday morning, 9am prompt start. Jackpot $180 in 58 calls. Lucky door prize.

The new kitchen is re-opening on Monday, April 1...

Greens’ wing-attack Lenore Casey props before deciding to pass.

Exciting new menu in the Barra N Bull


Wednesdays and Fridays – Courtesy Bus – out to Marton & Keatings Lagoon –

Ph 4069 5819

Tide times – Cooktown


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Fri 29 Time    

Sat 30 Ht    

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Sun 31

Mon 01

Tue 02

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NEW MOON     

Ht   

FIRST QUARTER     

Ht    

FULL MOON     

20 – Cooktown Local News 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2013

Ht    

LAST QUARTER     

Wed 03

Thu 04

Fri 05

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Weather Watch

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Open 7 Days ● ● ● ● ● ●

           

PO Box 571 142 Charlotte Street Cooktown Qld 4895 Ph/Fax: 07 4069 5396 Mob: 0427 623 398 russelltbowman@bigpond.com ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

          

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