Cooktown local news 2013 06 27

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News for Cooktown • Hope Vale • Rossville • Wujal Wujal • Bloomfield • Ayton • Marton • Lakeland • Laura • Coen

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News Cooktown Local

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$2 • PH: 1300 4895 00 • EDITORIAL: • Issue 621 • Thursday, June 27, 2013

Coast Guard has that sinking feeling By GARY HUTCHISON

WILL Cooktown’s Volunteer Coast Guard remain afloat? The answer to that question lies in the hands of local boaties, with current Commander Helen Greaves deciding to step down after nine years at the helm. “I feel I have done my share, and, with changing work circumstances, I no longer have the available time to do the job properly,” she said. “I also feel a bit of new blood in the organisation would go a long way.” Ms Greaves said Cooktown’s nautical community needed to find two people prepared to stand for election as Commander and Deputy Commander of the local group, after no one stood for either position at the

Coast Guard’s recent flotilla election meeting this month. She said she was prepared to continue as Commander in a caretaker role until the next Squadron Board meeting in August by which time she hoped there would be nominations for the vacant positions. If no nominations are received for Commander and Deputy Commander by then, a public meeting will be held to discuss options and the possibility of winding up the Cooktown Flotilla. “If that happens, there is a real threat that the Cooktown Coast Guard could fold,” she said. Helen said the flotilla cannot run without an executive, which consists of Commander and Deputy Commander, which are elected

positions, and a Training Officer, Administration Officer and Purser, which are all appointed positions. “While one member has put up her hand for the position of Administration Officer, that is not enough executive positions filled to continue the running of the flotilla. “In particular, there must be a Commander.” She said the work commitments of the Cooktown group’s members was affecting the situation. “We are in an unusual position that almost all of our members work full time. “Other flotillas generally have a larger percentage of retired and semi-retired members who have the time to ensure the administrative side of things are dealt with.

“I know everyone in town who enjoys boating activities appreciates the Coast Guard, but it’s up to us locals to ensure its viability. “Coast Guard is a great service, and an important one.” Statistics cited by Helen for the last 12 months highlighted the Coast Guard’s contribution to the safety of the boating public. “In the past year we have had 11 rescue activations, 41 training activations, taken around 100 VHF radio calls including one Mayday, 5 pan pans and had 39 vessels log on,” she said. And, although she intends stepping down as Commander, Helen said she intended to remain an active member and promised her full support to her successor.

“I will, of course. give full support wherever and whenever it is needed,” she said. “Rest assured, those willing to take on any of the executive positions will be given every assistance.” She said her time as Commander had been particularly rewarding for her. “I’ve been privileged to meet some fabulous people both locally and from other flotillas,” she said. Membership application and nomination forms are available at the Lure Shop or call Helen (4069 5655) for further information. The next general meeting of the Cooktown Volunteer Coast Guard will be held on Monday, July 8, at the Cooktown RSL Memorial Club from 7pm.

SAVING LIVES: Cooktown’s Volunteer Coast Guard towing a boat into calmer waters during heavy weather. Photo submitted. RIGHT: STANDING ASIDE: After nine years as Cooktown Volunteer Coast Guard’s Commander, Helen Greaves will not stand for the position again. Photo: GARY HUTCHISON.

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From 6pm to 9pm on the Café Bar Verandah with

Col Fitz

What’s On

EDITOR’S NOTE: If you have an upcoming event, please let us know by email to or phone Gary Hutchison on (07) 4069 5773.


Thu 27. Swim for Your Life at the Cooktown Pool from 11.30am to 12.30pm.

Fri 28. Laura Horse Sports. Sat 29. Laura Races. Sat 29. Cooktown Pool - Aqua Aerobics - 9am to 10am. Sun 30. Laura Rodeo. Sun 30. Cooktown SSAA Practical Shot from 9am. Sun 30. Cooktown Alcoholics Anonymous meeting from

1.30pm in the CWA Hall in Charlotte Street. Call 4069 5626 for details.


Tue 2. Cooktown Writers' Group meeting in the Lions Hall, Amos Street from 6.30pm.

Tue 2. Cooktown Alcoholics Anonymous meeting from

8pm in the CWA Hall in Charlotte Street. Call 4069 5626 for details. Tue 2. Swim for Your Life at the Cooktown Pool from 11.30am to 12.30am. Wed 3. Cooktown Pool - Aqua Aerobics - from 5.30pm to 6.30pm. Thu 4. Swim for Your Life at the Cooktown Pool from 11.30am to 12.30am. Sat 6. Kidz Art Society at the Elizabeth Guzsely Gallery from 10am to noon. Sat 6. Cooktown Pool - Aqua Aerobics - 9am to 10am. Sat 6. Kids Art Society from 10am to noon at the Elizabeth Guzsely Gallery. Sun 7. Cooktown Alcoholics Anonymous meeting from 1.30pm in the CWA Hall in Charlotte Street. Call 4069 5626 for details. Tue 9. Swim for Your Life at the Cooktown Pool from 11.30am to 12.30am. Tue 9. Endeavour Lions Club meeting at the Lions Hall in Amos Street from 7pm. Tue 9. Cooktown Alcoholics Anonymous meeting from 8pm in the CWA Hall in Charlotte Street. Call 4069 5626 for details. Wed 10. Cooktown Pool - Aqua Aerobics - from 5.30pm to 6.30pm. Thu 11. Swim for Your Life at the Cooktown Pool from 11.30am to 12.30am. Sat 13. Cooktown Pool - Aqua Aerobics - 9am to 10am. Sat 13. Rossville State School P & C markets from 9am at the Rossville Market Place. Sat 13. Pastel Portrait Workshop with Maxine Thompson at the Elizabeth Guzsely Gallery. Can club secretaries please send in a list of their events planned for the year to au so they can be included in the What's On section.

CHURCH SERVICES Baptist: Hogg Street, near IGA, 9.30am Sun. Phone 4069 5155. Cooktown Community Church (AOG/ACC): Gungarde Hall, 9.30am Sun; Home Group 7.30am Wed. Phone 4069 5070, 0427 756 793. Catholic: 6pm Sat and 8.30am Sun, St Mary's, Cooktown. Phone 4069 5730. Anglican: Christ Church Chapel, Sun 8.30am. Phone 4069 6778, 0428 696 493. Lutheran: Hope Vale at 9am on Sunday, Cooktown. Phone either 4060 9197 or 0419 023 114.

 letters to the editor Flouride debate needs balance: Share your opinions AS a mother of four small children and plans to stay in Cooktown long term, the fluoride debate is one I watch with great interest as like most parents I want the best for my children, with short and long-term safety considerations in mind. I also like to be informed and will research independently before accepting and following advice which I encourage others to do also, before supporting one side or the other. From what I understand, fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral found in soil and therefore also in water world wide in varying levels. This is actually what led to its “discovery” in Colorado Springs, Colorado, which had higher-than -usual fluoride levels in its water, and fluoride’s connection with dental health in the early 1900s in the United States (US). A great deal of research was conducted into finding the right amount of fluoride to add to water - enough to reduce dental decay and improve the health of teeth, while not causing mild to severe symptoms of fluorosis or fluoride “poisoning”, which is seen when excessive amounts of fluoride are ingested, usually because of naturally occurring high levels in local water supplies. The first town having fluoride artificially added to its water was Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA in 1945. Now most people in the US, Australia and New Zealand have access to fluoridated water. The dental benefits are huge, and the initiative has been supported worldwide with multiple organisations endorsing water fluoridation. This includes the World Health Organisation (WHO), which states that fluoridation of water is, “the most effective public health measure for the prevention of dental decay” and Centre for Disease Control and Prevention l listing water fluoridation as ‘1 of the 10 greatest Public Health Achievements of the 20th century’. I find it hard to believe that

organisations such as the WHO would make strongly supportive statements if there was legitimate cause for concern. Fluoride is now naturally and artificially in water sources world wide. Those with water fluoridation in safe levels, (not causing symptoms of fluorosis) have seen the expected decrease in tooth decay, without a rise in other health issues including no evidence of cancer. It would seem after 40 years of use by millions of people, it has been well tested and should be considered safe. Even within Queensland, the benefits can be seen with children in Townsville - which was one of the first towns to have water fluoridation (since 1964), having 45 per cent less dental decay than children in Brisbane (which only started fluoridating in 2008). How fluoride works includes helping to harden the protective enamel on developing teeth, and helping maintain enamel on adult teeth. Tooth decay is the destruction of the enamel. Those who are considered at higher risk of tooth decay include those: who have little or no access to a dentist; who snack a lot; who do not brush/floss regularly; have a high sugar/carbohydrate diet; have bridges/crowns; or have previous tooth decay. Given we have limited dental services, all people in Cooktown would identify with the first of those risks alone, and therefore our entire community would benefit from the fluoridation of water. I have no problem with thiamine being added (as it has since 1991) to bread to prevent rare diseases such as WernickeKorsakoffs syndrome, nor with iodine being added to salt to prevent cretinism. Both additives have benefits to the wider community. Fluoridation in my mind is similar, but with the advantage that it is for a much more common problem. For those who do want to avoid water fluoridation, there are alternatives such as rain water or

Where we go: Approx 1400 copies distributed every Thursday throughout Cooktown, Hope Vale, Rossville, Wujal Wujal, Bloomfield, Ayton, Marton, Port Douglas, Mossman, Cairns, Lakeland Downs/Laura, Mt Carbine/Mt Molloy, Mareeba and Coen, and subscribers across Australia and overseas.

writing to the paper or local council to give some balance. For such an important issue, the entire community should look into the issues, and become part of the discussion and decision so that the actions of the council reflect the majority of the communities desire, and not just an outspoken minority. A few sites worth checking out: fluoride/document/fluoride_fact_ sheet.pdf h t t p : / / w w w. c a n c e r. g o v / cancertopics/factsheet/Risk/ fluoridated-water Tash Coventry, Cooktown.

Support for flouridation

MY family lived in the Newcastle area before and after fluoridation of water in that area. Prior to fluoridation I and my young friends were continually having cavities and dental problems with our teeth no matter how well we maintained our oral hygiene. When fluoride was to be introduced in the water, the local newspaper was also full of illinformed, ignorant and negative articles. After fluoridation and with the birth of my children, my personal observations were: my kids had no oral decay and had strong and trouble free teeth. Also, in the 40-odd years after fluoridation we lived in the area, not one person was reported with fluoride poisoning from a population of over 300,000 people. So people of Cooktown, do not listen to these accusations and innuendoes and false science. Do yourself, your children and grandchildren a favour and accept fluoridation. From one who has been through this before and knows the truth. Peter Whipper, Cooktown.

Take a bow Cooktown

WITH the June long weekend behind us . . . and having had the time to take a deep breath . . . I would like to take the time to pass on some feedback from the Festival. Time and time again, people came up to talk to me . . . wearing a big poofie dress encouraged that. They wanted to tell me how wonderful our town was.

Contacts & Deadlines Editor: (07) 4069 5773 Editor’s mobile: 0411 722 807 People wishing to meet in person with the editor can do so by calling him, and he will arrange a time to meet with you at a mutually convenient location. All advertising / accounts enquiries, please call: 1300 4895 00 or (07) 4099 4633 Fax: 1300 7872 48 Phones attended 8.30am to 5pm - Monday to Friday

bottled water. But for those of us who would want our children to have the benefits of fluoride when the town does not have fluoridated water, the options are not as easy or cheap. There are a few compound pharmacists that sell concentrated sodium-fluoride in different forms. A bottle of sodium fluoride solution (0.5mg/50mls) costs about $12.50 and would last a six-yearold child about one month. For my four kids, that would be $50/month or $600/year. Hardly an affordable solution. Alternatively, you can get larger amounts (cheaper) and add it to your own water tank, but given a lethal dose for an adult is 5g, it does not seem safe to have it in bulk in the house with the risk of accidental ingestion by a child. To me, Council fluoridation of water is the safest (and cheapest) way to ensure the right amount is available with greatest benefit to the whole community. The lifetime cost for those who can’t afford to buy fluoride alternatives if water isn’t fluoridated is also great. From an independent study cited on the Australian Dental Association website it states that “for every dollar invested in fluoride, $30 is saved on dental treatment” and that if every town with a population > 5000 was fluoridated in Queensland, over $1 billion would be saved in 30 years (see link below). That is a significant amount of money that will be worn by individuals as well as our government over a lifetime. Fluoride, like many things, in the right amount is incredibly beneficial, but in excess it can cause harm. That is not a reason not to exclude its use in safe amounts, and to deprive those at greatest risk the safest, easiest and cheapest means to improved dental health. For those who have similar feelings and concerns for their own families, and want to see town water remain fluoridated - please make your opinions known by

EDITOR: Gary Hutchison AD DESIGN: Sharon Gallery & Becca Cottam

ADVERTISING – Box ad bookings: Box ad material: Line Classifieds: EDITORIAL – General copy:


by NOON MONDAYS (pics, stories, letters, etc) Regular columns: by 5pm FRIDAYS Sports columns: by 5pm MONDAYS

2 – Cooktown Local News 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2013

How wonderful and helpful our locals are. How special the bond between everyone is. One guy came up and said that although he was from a small country town down south, he had never seen support and involvement from a community like he was seeing in Cooktown. It just went on and on.

 Letters to the editor

Publisher’s Details Publishers of the Cooktown Local News

So guys . . . be incredibly proud of yourselves. So many people left this town after the long weekend with a smile on their faces and that was entirely because of you. Thank you to you all. Bronwyn Sieverding, Co-ordinator. Cooktown Discovery Festival.

regional & remote N E W S P A P E R S

Real news for real Australia

CHAIRMAN: Mark Bousen PUBLISHER: Corey Bousen MANAGING EDITOR: Mark Bousen ACCOUNTS: Meg Bousen

Letters to the Editor are published as a free community service and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Cooktown Local News nor its management. Letters must be legible, preferably less than 250 words, carry a name and address, and be signed. A telephone number or similar identification must also be provided. Unsigned and anonymous letters, or use of a nom de plume, eg Concerned Citizen, etc will not be accepted. Names withheld on discretion of the publisher. Letters may be edited for space or content or omitted altogether at the discretion of the editor. Mail to: PO Box 36, Cooktown, Qld, 4895 Fax: 1300 787 248 or Email:


New facility adds to Laura race-goer comfort By JON ORTLIEB THERE will be no racing around to find a toilet or somewhere to have a shower this year at the Laura thoroughbred meeting. The Laura Amateur Turf Club has just put the finishing touches on a new ablution block. The $60,000 project, fully funded by the club, has delivered seven new toilets and four showers including an ensuite-style handicap-friendly cubicle. The besser-brick ablution block, fired by a gas water heater and wired into the course’s electric grid, is a significant addition to the facilities offered to racegoers planning to attend the June 28 horse sports and the June 29 races. The club prides itself on its bush camping grounds with the new facility adding to the charm of its other ensuite, donga-style facilities and the traditional “donkey-fired” wood-heated showers. The new block is situated roughly halfway between the racing facilities and the rodeo grounds to allow campers more room to spread out and still have facilities nearby. “We’ve also refurbished some of the other toilets and showers, so this new block just adds to the facilities

Laura Amateur Turf Club’s new $60,000 ablution block under construction, will be ready in time for Saturday’s meeting, adding to the comfort of its patrons. Photo: JON ORTLIEB. we, as a club, feel are so important as many portable toilets and showers. includes the addition of another race for those coming up for the sports “It’s all part of the club’s plan and for Saturday’s program. and races,” LATC president Greg it’s been one of biggest desires to keep A Benchmark 75 1000m sprint has Williams said. improving the facilities for racegoers, been added to bring the meeting up to “This sets us up for another ten trainers and jockeys.” six races including the feature races, years, we don’t have to go out and hire The club’s continued growth the $9000 Laura Cup, $10,000 Laura

Lowest tide reveals level of silt

10,000 and $13,000 QTIS Added Stakes Maiden Plate. All this from a club which faced closure less than 10 years ago when Queensland Racing withdrew prizemoney funding from regional clubs. Laura went it alone, funding its own races, until its efforts were recognised by the state’s racing authorities and prizemoney was reinstated in recent years. “There have been a lot of people, putting in a lot of time and effort to keep the race meeting and keep it moving forward,” Williams said. “It is so vital to the district to have this once-a-year event retained with the horse sports on Friday, the races on Saturday and the rodeo on Sunday. “We only charge a nominal camping fee for our family-friendly grounds and the chance to be involved in some traditional horse sports and racing. “We expect even more trainers will nominate horses for this meeting this year to make it an even bigger event and a significant event on the thoroughbred calendar. “Laura is an important component of the Far North racing circuit and we are proud to be continually improving our facilities for racegoers, trainers, horses and jockeys to keep it as a signature event every year.”

LEFT: The Endeavour River, as seen from Grassy Hill on Sunday, when the year’s lowest tide of .22m showed how silted up the river is. Photos: GARY HUTCHISON. BELOW: The Endeavour River at ground level during the year’s lowest tide of .22m on Sunday.

Funding a boost for local shires LOCAL shires are set to receive a funding boost of almost $816,000 from Regional Development Australia Round 5. The announcement was made at a forum held in Canberra over the weekend, which was held in conjunction with the Australian Local Government Association’s Regional Cooperation and Development Forum, where participants discussed the challenges and opportunities of regional development. Cook Shire is set to receive $655,537, with Hope Vale and Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Councils to receive $98,262 and $62,192 respectively. As part of the agenda, RDA Chairs, Deputy Chairs and Chief Executive Officers shared information and case studies from across the national network and heard from experts in the field of regional development. The Forum focused on human capital, sustainable communities and population change, access to international, national and regional markets, comparative advantage

and business competitiveness. Key outcomes for RDA FNQ &TS include: • Announcement that RDA Fund Round 5 will provide over $5million to to the FNQ &TS region; • The ongoing focus and support for collaborative approaches like the Northern Queensland Strategy, which is a joint effort between RDA FNQ & TS, RDA Townsville and North-West, RDA Mackay Isaac Whitsunday and RDA Fitzroy and Central West; • Enabling RDA FNQ & TS to promote the region’s competitive advantage in the building and exporting of tropical knowledge within sustainable development, agriculture, education, health, natural resource management and municipal management fields; and • Increased collaboration with the RDAs across Northern Australia to strengthen the RDA network.

Cooktown Bowls Club Social Bowls

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Cooktown Local News 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2013 – 3


Yimbaala youth dancers represent at the 20th Laura Festival Cape York Hospital and Health Board Expression of Interest

Cape York Hospital and Health Board Membership The Cape York Hospital and Health Board is a statutory body established under the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011. There is a vacancy for one person to be appointed as a Board member on the seven person board. Board members are appointed by the Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Minister for Health.

Hope Vale’s Yimbaala Youth Dancers. Story and photos by TARA ZAICZ

The documentation required to be completed, together with an Information Pack that includes an overview of the Cape York HHS, the board, the role of board member, the process of expression of interest and the consequent selection process can be downloaded from the website at or requested by emailing the board secretary (kenneth_leigh@health. or phoning 07 4226 5666.


Persons wishing to express an interest in appointment to the Cape York Hospital and Health Board must complete the required documentation and return by post or email to the Board Secretary no later than 5pm on Monday 8th July 2013.

Great state. Great opportunity.

Cooktown RSL Memorial Club


127 Charlotte St, Cooktown

Ph: 4069 5780 • Fax: 4069 6080 Email:

FOR the past six months the children of Hope Vale have been busy practising their dance routines in the lead up to last weekend’s 20th Laura Dance Festival. The Hope Vale Arts and Cultural Centre’s Cultural Youth Program gave community youth the opportunity to learn traditional dance and songs four afternoons a week. Working with community Elders, the children also contributed to creating their traditional dance costumes including traditionally made grass skirts. It was the first time in decades that grass skirts had been made in the traditional method out at Hope Vale. The children stripped bark from the beach hibiscus trees to create their traditional costumes. As a result of new festival rules, only 20 children from the community could be chosen to form the Yimbaala Youth Dance group who travelled to the Festival. These children were chosen by Hope Vale Arts and Cultural Centre staff as well as Hope Vale State School staff, with the children’s attendance at dance practice and their behaviour at school included in the criteria for selection.

Last Thursday after school, the children travelled to the Laura Dance Festival and camped out under the starts for three nights. Yimbaala Youth and Elders performed three times over the course of the Festival and did their community proud. A special thanks is much needed to Hope Vale Arts and Cultural Centre staff Lawerance Deemal and Melanie Gibson who co-ordinated the event, as well as Heather Alexander from the Royal Flying Doctors who catered for the event and CYAAA (Hope Vale State School) Principal Finn Buckley and teachers Ms Brownie, Mr White and Miss White who provided endless support over the preparation and duration of the event.

We would also like to thank the Elders who dedicated their time and efforts to teaching the children dance and song - Coleridge Bowen, Trevor Bambi, Fred Deeral, Malcolm Bally and Mervin Yoren. Thanks must also go to Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Councillor Carmen Pearson for her continued support of the Centre, and also to Council for its contribution to catering. Also congratulations to Harold Bowen, from Hope Vale Arts Centre, who won the overall Laura Dance Festival Art Award for 2013. A fantastic example of young people representing their Guugu Yimithirr culture and Hope Vale community.

Yimbaala Youth Dancers performing.

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Yimbaala Youth Dancers - boys.

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• Cooktown Amateur Turf Club Raffles here on Friday night! Great prizes.

Prep dancer Phoenix Nuggins.

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Your connection between Cairns, Cooktown and Coen Hinterland Aviation provides a reliable, regular transport service each week between Cairns and the Cooktown and Coen communities. That’s 26 scheduled flights between Cairns and Cooktown from Monday through to Saturday. As well as direct flights to Coen now every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For a reliable service, you can count on Hinterland Aviation to get you to where you need to be.


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4 – Cooktown Local News 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2013


One scheme. One focus on individuals. One commitment to lifelong support. From 1 July, Australia’s current support system for people living with disability is being progressively replaced with DisabilityCare Australia. This new scheme will help provide a better quality of life for Australians with a significant and permanent disability, and for their families and carers too.

What’s new about DisabilityCare Australia? DisabilityCare Australia is a new way of funding personalised support for people with disability. As well as looking at a person’s immediate needs, it will take a lifelong approach and enable people with disability to have choice and control over their supports. It will focus on early intervention, recognising that timely support can minimise the impact of a disability on individuals, families and carers. Assistance will be provided at the right time, rather than only once people reach crisis.

Who is eligible? DisabilityCare Australia will help people who have a significant and permanent disability and who need assistance with everyday activities. This includes people whose disabilities are attributed to intellectual, cognitive, neurological, sensory, or physical impairment, or a psychiatric condition.

Will I lose my current support? No. Your current arrangements will stay in place until you have met DisabilityCare Australia to discuss your needs.

Will it affect my Disability Support Pension? No. Your Disability Support Pension will not be affected.

When does it all begin? DisabilityCare Australia is being rolled out in stages because it is a big change to the current system. Locations that start from July 2013 Barwon region of Victoria ...................................People aged 0-64 Hunter region of NSW ............................................People aged 0-64 South Australia ......................................................... Children aged 0-14 Tasmania .......................................................Young people aged 15-24 Locations that start from July 2014 ACT .............................................................................................People aged 0-64 Barkly region of NT ....................................................People aged 0-64 From July 2016, DisabilityCare Australia will continue to extend to more locations and age groups around Australia, including Queensland.

For more information, visit or call 1800 800 110 For people with hearing or speech loss TTY: 1800 555 677 Speak and Listen: 1800 555 727

One big difference to lots of lives. Authorised by the Australian Government, Capital Hill, Canberra.


Cooktown Local News 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2013 – 5


News Cooktown Local

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THIS week’s winner of a $25 meat voucher in the Cornett’s IGA Cooktown and Cooktown Local News weekly photo competition is Faye Pini’s image titled, “Top Pub�. Faye’s capture is a burst of different light and colour that almost gives it the appearance of being an oil painting.

Marlin Coast Veterinary Surgery Will be visiting Cooktown WedneSday, JULy 10 from 2pm and ThUrSday, JULy 11 until 12 noon Clinic is at the CWA rooms

Also a prodigious weekly entrant in our competition, this is Faye’s first success, so it is obvious she hasn’t allowed disappointment to pervade her enthusiasm for photography or our little competition. Congratulations Faye, your persistence has brought a good result. Her winning image now goes into the end of year draw. Photographers are reminded they now have until 5pm on Thursday, July 4, to submit their entries for this week’s stage of the competition. Faye’s winning entry will be printed and displayed in a gallery the IGA has prepared in their store.


Sylvia Geraghty 4069 5337 or Clinic 4057 6033 Appointments are essential

Apels Solicitors and Notary


4092 2522

Level 1, 85 Byrnes Street, Mareeba 4880 Fax 4092 2138 Email


Faye’s Top Pub

Grassy Hill’s ‘significant difference’



b BirD , Jr


FIRE BRIGADES busi ’ rs RIN e G TR IPLE ZERO 00 s i t 0 r e v d a CLearWater CeNtre for HeaLtH aND WeLLBeiNg


CraFt materials & suPPlies

Cooktown Creative Arts Associa

tion Charlot

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For fire permits, info rmation about me mbership, training reduction burning or hazard contacts for each rural fire brigade are listed below RESTA URANT S


Artists Waratah Nicholls and Gary McClelland were two locals who contributed to the artwork on Grassy Hill. They are seen here with one of Gary’s pieces at last week’s official opening of Grassy Hill. Photo: GARY HUTCHISON.

nt 1770 Gill’d N G

Dining on the Water Front Cooktow n, Qld


Seafood & Takeaw ay CRANE HIRE Local Se Keith and afood Fish & C Vi hipsivi46 ck i HO tw ............ ll’d ninsula s 4069 5421 8222 ........ illanme ....11 EG ............ inte . oktown, 06 eyMa 19 Gi y one of ng er rk m Cape Yomp Rdres ow ........ rven ....sar Fr 23 ........ St,etiCo wynWe ngok ........ Su ate 4069 52 18 sh es icden RY Develop .045815 Mo SCl La .........40 pla nort an 53 por ho the RiOffialo the bu 68bile .... rg tied ........h s........ 524 Qld Ty Cktwn .... :kCa ceng Cor ce n, t rk en ....s Phon ea plie irnSup rs tow 37 SLGar s e: me) 40 anite........40ing Bai Phthe 28 ........ anQ Wharf) s 69 5101 siest po Yo h Qld pe ntre Em 19 .... e fl one/F Gi.... .....4069ive d fis BUL nta Rd 060 Cookto ing Ce art rw ater ....................(07 LHE POI 48hin den ild 69 6454Erp. 13 ........ s & Gr Shveedr of ...041de the sto lahr n Sa fo SON 95g rb rts in ncil ail ........AD 46 ho 30 Maxw Ca SoGar fe Wax .... ....le &eIce fÊ oats Wh Cou FaxLi.... ...........4 l 69 t Ca 9 CeCRE 41525440 60Op wn al ble Bu igiR rs l Co ST37 ........ ri Ma he & eel Dr 6190 riesds Bairs la EmU ourite spot for Quee ntFax EK rta 19 .... rksalth Ho alkwa fav.... Go.... ail: ........ ell Cre behin fl Ho en g .... 54A wo aman see advert on 772 456 Mick Eri the or na .......0 visitors nsland nspo .... ca llin Capeen ....Co ...4 oaAll satraI 095 lar .... y....which.... R res Tolga. Ab 1st Officer rtandtel re : (07) 4006 Su1st 11 s ins 35 Trape SoGas tau A 52 anlers so ite 1313 Phon pe St, 7 69 da In ys (ta page Th thec’sMMobildethe Coda to06 ran N Offi du 7 173 47 icis Re an yo PO Box sc ants.nse unity40 5, Tre Bak cer 65 .... mean....ok histo.... wn9 tra oktow wel Athnterton tEle t@17 ot,erie CaPe 19 GrCou rks ctrle 15 gn S mmhe ing Ted 53dit n y 4T 6837 er - in........ Fise........rm Lees wa Fitt Robe n, Q 48 ke Phone 40ion d locals alikering the Go 11an ds@tels 3 Mick Hagen ....ric sights........ verei (PO coo Yo 99 eInG rieresCo 35 rk Cou only)26to e QAftueerenHoinurs rt Str 70lb , Ath kto ks ving 40thr ........ Ch . Th 95 Em ld 4069 he ngard GanfieldIndustria .... memo ........ wn 9552 69 tras 4060 2161 37 SoGas Box se .... yo Ban . 2nd Supplie ....

COOK Shire Councillors and invited guests attended an official launch celebration atop Grassy Hill on Tuesday, June 18. “What a significant difference this WELC OME redevelopment Chas T to one of our OOmade KTOWO N Peter Scott most-iconic landmarks,� Mayor told those in attendance. “All those involved in this project are to be congratulated on creating such wonderful enhancements to this well-used and well-known local attraction.� The Grassy Hill redevelopment project commenced in 2010, with upgrade works and sealing of Hope Street up to the lookout. Solar lighting was installed into the road surface as an energy-efficient safety feature. Landscaping of areas leading up to and including the middle and upper lookouts included the installation of tables and bench seats, community pavers, a water bubbler, new parking areas and completely revamping the upper lookout area, with disabled access. The lighthouse was refurbished and an artwork concept was developed by local artists through the Regional Arts Development Fund. Interpretive signage depicting our local history and heritage was the final element installed which completed the project. The Grassy Hill redevelopment project was funded through Cook Shire Council and the Queensland Government (Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme and Regional Arts Development Fund). Council would also like to acknowledge




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May St

Garde n St




Power St

son St






May St


Garde n St


May St

e St

Hannan D ri


Ann St










ide St






C ai











The 2013 Cooktown State School Parents & Citizens Association directory is available at the Cooktown Newsagency.

6 – Cooktown Local News 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2013

n St


St Mason






Helen St



R U O Y T GE ! W O N Y COP Br ianSLe PA Tm Aon on 041895695 784 O 2 t 1IPOF Charlotte PIZ Street (ot ' BY ppos ZA ite Th e To p Pub) SEAF PHONE OOD : 4069 6338




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Banks St

ane D Fir

& Beyon d

d ers St


Further Information regarding Voluntee r Rural Fire Brigade s can be provided by:

• 25 tonne SleQL w Cr

Webber Espla nade


Baird St

Crane Hire

F li n

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Ing Greg Whitta ars. e iver re ShpeVle.... 69 Byrnes 60 B & D 92 Del town n .40 Lu irn try otte St CooktoCharter 69 50Kelly s Rental Carruthe 6095 an R T 19 ecer Denis ail wh.... fro emor ...041 ry Jun 84ond MBE ker 18.... .4069 1033Jam Ca plolym futuron@ Hoies twn .... DieCsel 0400 Th62 81.... rpen DHolroy e Rd Cktwn.. ....d........ pePu EmFue s s M 12Gro 55 28 Co 695 177Cobu38 Rsvle .........0447 779 85 50 , an Pty Ltd rs M P Ck49 ttown Bake 6964 ates Co8 695 e durin Cavice bCk(Cook........on 5977 es Co -.... erco Secre COOK ok4069 ....s.40 ....ITE Boa e Lt. tary BarnCa TOWN oktow bigpond ............Inje p nStses given........ Fire0Th noSer 1 .... tow6292 ok d River 743 tw 784 g the marks the 1 22 Warde Lin 60 9149 ....0427 ncisc ToRd Cobu22 Hou ewman ........ ok ctio Jam n_cra ekst the be rgain Grassy ....cti Fra okers to pr.... n bake Jaylen see ad laleuca Die airs Ba nsntru s M 12 Gue .... landin .40ok .... Max sely .... srtaar J & P Ck Me22 sit Qu Rd CoCo 55 17 ..4e06Elliot Ho .40 623 39 t Rep Boat Ram 3 2 ne_hire St Cktw 69's 57 wn ter rne Hill otec st regio Museum es Co EdwardsCo vert on .net.aEn Boa u Co 69 51 sFire arCa s81Br 4069 5412 Cobu 39 ok onpe Je en TEL 0 Linkom CH St rem r of Ch3153 9an rsCo Vle ........ .....40 22 t Co 69 66 ok urvice p vice Ch .... tw 84 g on 17 Juneen's Birthd e of the Re 51ce Cktwlity vallaWarde 8 E E 13 4060 - origi ok be n ........ s n .... Ser Ser 62 ache@a Co Ins nna page 19 deavour, tow Rdassse ngrra arlotte rY ctiv8 s44 Cre 29........ Dis roSer n ing n ...4 l mu Th rdre Q 55 Ba E ..043cia S 39 MaHai ay week epi60 town d HM abi 9 4 nallysea e ad Jo Hope A 4vice 48 atise 27 Vella PS rs tes 07 e 1770 kke .neok 069res wn tion eGreg 95 11 Co veum Charl bava Ev an 39 de 7 .... Ca Boo an to Vle t.a Jo fro 71 32 Art Whitta an erg C Ba Co d L P........ hn St Cktw ................40 .... 22 51 so en Clu va Co d y Tra ok ve u Exc 39 .... Ho 8 ott m 02 s ker . rk s bu St s .... ex 72 & lla d. ree are As Cle rt loy ok INFO PHONE 20 Co gg Stree 4069 e ce inAsAu wl a Ru s S 31 ....nt Endeavo Cktwn & ..041 dw C reA Lo Phon Hill St AlSto ling Stlle ers sostr n 69 603 153 To ..4 Har Rd Dgrra suro Coto DrilBo cou ciaalitionnvent on ich.... CknttwCh aft Deput ion 5527 060 39 schpa e0429 okwn Dis ctition5612 ing Walke 9 500 97 4 ov.... Cr yrlga ............ t 4 Blo n42 Fire vis t, Cook was or towRa e ........ .................... ...............406 6007 Ca& D Enterprise town Bor ooge Coleman39 37 ur in 17 ssian invasi n .... Warde K..... lin.... l Pra &CaPr vaes RMA a, tra e 22 ine ok ilw l .... n n 22 64 Sa no dica .... bu s Car ets wi om Re Cru St se .04 Co .... .... Fa ug tow Me ............ Max ay ny igi 6 .... ............ lth / rp ilt on th den 70 9 5079 s Cktw ............ brall M 32ld Rv Docnn 38ys111 To Cktwn ....rist 0488 55 Nutley x .... 6 H PoisoHea 12 n, Ca in . Gar W JVAL fie tors HOP ed the an lly the iseSt TION s ation and....Ind ....ige 27 554060 ............3911 Mrs. W1AnaWe ani .... p 80 hE Colemen 39 .... ot 2 Pe n ........ r Ke nels ............ tocwn Banks St J Botok 27 3 470 Cktwn rdin 8 7 n Cre bberticEs d Flo tres............ E chor 1889, and no Re C 22 Ken 1sort 41 t .40 .... g Grou31 Em En Cen oa En at ke il no ninsula ...................0 .4069 6715 ........Co Pe .... p ek s Cooktow 69 13 Co lth ail .... de so t s ..4 K 33 an stguar w ry .... p To .40 co Civ off ok da 0 82 Rd Nu ice avour ....98 Boa Hea .....4069 The O town's w d cann .......4 Ckice ing .... the Co Cede rs 69mp lle 5794 55 rse ............ Cktw Dog wn ............ tles twn.. 48 De Mon Se 1 Coen 39 nnTou Cherry T 5 for.... Bot Kuran 06der Valley 23 r Hrv 06hop d Tow Ca 6678 d ld Ho n Cu on fro home to on Offi ing1st 72 56 9 53 oktown ctions. 14 12 the cer EN DEA &06 8ffKa stoum cooktow.................... En C e 0 cal ............ velopment 8 011 533 CaIrns n Developme ....Co Cookto Tree Bay an ...4 p Po Rd m us 5 tori 09 .... Th en 36 O Gra ... s an b To sp Cle st Bo oo m Sh His e Ce .... ho R Ck er V .40 t Co nts e gu E Clu lie ok O ... Albert ita Rd td Age 9 5620 Cook 5551 of UR RIV Creativ ............ ht Storch nt ....wn nbakery the HM Old Baunda RA nt les L G 4038Office St 69 52 to pp .......... ..4-La er Stu Lig Mecte - a ma ee-tere PO ryl St ......4 d Ou relInk Cmmn Co23 twnDoz 15 30 ting 06ur oklstown town Ba 0488 tald .... 163 An monumen Rd CktwnBow ing En ...........4 e Arts 9 a5712 int Su @bigp yenLet 71 Charl Hol Co Fax ....nk - bu mput pCo 06Pr Cktw 903 1883 Bark int gnific Fire ida L Pa954 ar g 37 en Na 4069 56 To 9 Warde Co .... e Co .... y e Bloom ers de .... inin 54 we $ pti All C Ra .... 48 on n n 04 aG As ta tu 55 se .... 40 tiv en 06 anc in 20 rso wn rk .... .... tsa 58 klay Dra st ll otte St ly Wo ook S ....04 S ilt in 18 d.c vis Core's Po ........ 3 Hogg 17mo e adve sociatio 69 t tim 0 3436 l me ces sult ...0 .... Lo37 83 Church Bric n St, Ma eCentr een’40 63ry4 35 ilway. PO Box ........ 43s7 62 retCon elink bu enCY23 ber.... Gibso CkApp Cooktos58- 83 55 rt on pa om itors oktowerH .... Auntomo0488 St55Ck ncss 91 .... ........ e hire C s69 n, this twn lian 34 Shane re056 376 EZ 12 Green nunda, of a2tra bu.... Hope St field Rd Cktw Total 6 12 ba Coine Gard Bus for.... Se 85 Co 3 Hom irn PO nt ling ild tw wi 90 .... sin 91 rvi 1, ree .40 wn re Ca ge 3 w Ce 21 Dril the ker ou th Bo ing ok n .... 1 bu Ed es ce St to re .... nt 40 69 n Ma n ouncil Ca Peninsu Bronwgeneral dIse Bro 20 Phone an x 34, 75 eneCa ilding s includ 14 gehill, fro51 ............ ntal CeHire 2336 ivery....40 spre ........ e Hi s, Meun ing Ph ion m 18 Co, ok eens sC- oV Del 4479 gic death ne ity Cook ....Qu 69s 6385 s 82 town91ba .................... dic .... Limited Cktwn .....................4060 30 TuitDe Qld, 48 irns, Qld ....lan ok n,Total ba ing HuDriving ent are informa Camp d Se .40d 69 Permyn one........ Co rswn CrananISA ipm tow Seive Service 48 ar , Au mm gali 23 flowerin la. Charlott55 Equ ldeto rGaI ........40 Fax .... .................... BEL 70 lftor Na52 4169towHom ma Manree ng Co Yn's Bui yinstr eens Se Q 48 T $ rdingtion aber wer & LA tional , now the Ki Lizard Isla y .Fir nse fe Visst icttrac rvice .... Docto .... 4069 54 Cook70 n Solution 6 Helen Forsters Dv ........4069 66 82 .... nit e a Tax 95 .... itoIV gPOplaBo str 69 5155 e Loa x an PhCon ............Hom Qu 64 ati Earthm exhibitio ovi 63ent Co ba Mo tors WindscrMobil . l arr Dian 11 r Infor 44 nd. Bank. dym on ou Pryde ngdom souven Ph g &era Han Lk wn nsport Carriers Phone........ 58St68(PO Box 11 barn Email ..a .................... .................... Builder r (s ge ............ 44 ....Tri , an0, Ma matio Gen St -.... Offiree ns inc t the area al ........ pin onnts Civil Hall. s Tra dia 2359 on irs, art mo d theoktow 1st ats Poison St Cktwn ........ lnd .4060 20 35 P tors e:.... 16 ce ovi ........ 112 tors 41 .... Offi Cookto ConEa Ra& Offi 7), Cook Em Flo n an ....90 cer rth .... Fa ods trac ....f ........ lude Ve senc ndsca as ........Hor 32 ........&.40 Bota Em ail .... ce Con Charln, Q 48 Cre Wo ............ urgery) 40 g wn trac thm Web.... ndybrench@c .................... .40Bui 55 ............ hoan reebang ngava .... rks.... & La ....Tro ........ ting Ear town, Q Judy ............ plies torcycles x ................5899-.... urss Wh nic Gaailwo D 10 rks to ..4 ra Scart well as the d Interpret Ma 41 th . .... Irwin es Tann95 0 are....ava Sup 69 Hire 06 ok03 e are or 23 .... Wo .... Exc rm ............ : 12 wi Rp H220 ek Rd Cktwn ...4069 6376 .... . / airnsmo .4032Coldin Clo ent 58 9 inf ltur 4069 .... .... Mo .... .... ive he xw ng 48 .... 5954 Shady Ice Mo36 rd o@ Walke ipm sed Pu tary 5478 ........ ticu ...042 ...cga h-Johns ovi bil Tu 95 na Fis n Mo 14, 40Ear Centr Secre 0am – Equ s &8.3 55 Hor le, g wn .....4069 thm nu 2 r St rvice 41 73 07to ....Ga Cath CSC pathw ens - orcookilab 7 ard Emerge .... 4069 52 rde bliice ldin & 5 ................ .........4069 17 69 e provid 766 49 TINGSEm e ............58 tow ...0llery, Ma on's bo tural histo Colleod mer St Chanod Leon c Ho 4.30p24 port nc@w ok 68rto Furnea Serv irnsmon mental.cBui The Ce ....4.... 5117 Isobel 5373 Calla ion ynlees 95ork tt LSe lidays iscloc s ns4069 ry m28 a 8sh73 ail ........ Tra ecto ........ Skocz Cookays throu iginally esnd Ck om pita 11 tanica food a467 05 es le Fo L LIS8 ux St Fo n ek ovalery 43 Howa Mon Ear ............ Shire Coun tne Hos trre saCo ghan B ow1cas g Insp thw umen rto wnnt tablish gh the to Ma l illustr of Cape Yo seWa en ........58 festivspal. ldin ETICA 11 Reid twn ................ cil Fire bletInns e ad Fri ...........0 .4069 18 Bui llie GunpCemeterto ecco rd42 oktoCe e Warde Whole5732 Hospi ncy .......... 00 6682 O Pa .auORY INDEX L orta r CntW ialim. St14 Calla Co veAB me PH rdwa n dI rk ations . pe117 re nsp ty au GS....113CktwHos rt on pa plie 62 see ad tels eed in Bap al ck’s Ha all w 24Peter ntr rey &wCh - Tra at the of Peninsu au rs PtY B na ensse tric stGa ta gswn x Sto n AL ve18 rk Coge of Irwin RE Elec ur Valle St Cktwn .... ...4069 5706 Ca ghan C Fairli lmerville Stn Ma LISTIN 58 ternijskens@ 447 6951911Gras owde vert pa Bui rIrdCt ldin rt 78 ge CT leadad llier Sde 7 Ann St 42 Us Sup ..../....Res sttors heel on, the ok okto 4069 S DI 51 Co ed Calid ay Palt ort 246 &dr ION Ck 72 ....el agazin inese Sh ds trac pa se 75 Verandah Ca la wildlife. local 5478 to Fin .... Plm townION 8 & ge Co 71 Ma ....ES y lm AT Hogg S 11llChM gh bigpond at 7 sy Hi Police l..... 4043 01 0 ConPe rine Co r Div 40 66k Meto al um SIN m ch Bay. ge are 69 50IN rboursi 7 Ann St Ck 42twn ....Hot at Ho e - bu tric Co amon se mun Books, xim BU.... St IV FORMPO Bo RM isi inus St Rd Cktwn .... ..4069 5530 Ca er M 52 Hope t Station Lra er .....4060 Bul &arl Glas AT 58 Elec eMa &on Lies ........ 40 00 Walke ilt in 18 - a micro twn .... ok wnPhonine gst the fe. Strou msunrisePh 30.... ........ – Tolga ghth irns Ha llier S 14 Ho 24 ITY 72 ....40 x 832, barra9 Ch e advert on pa20.coTh 2264Co ...4069 Lra ........ eese ltex Cads ...........4 cosm ItY St Hope INFO UN r St Goo anon t, PO els MM s Jo e....ry al re 74 and 69 Co d e old pe Rd ing .... CIL .... Hot Co rter .... tric Q su nus St 39 p rcu 61 s llin Ph ar 61 of wn Co Bo 69 ge , 59 Ova .... int .... St es e ok .... .... ns Ath Cha UN ue 06 Elec 8 CO 15 Vle to ws 07 one.... Co s J Me Me t in Au ....tion ...0 ter9 Hea 21 Hi Fax l ters tow 11 Ck44 t Pum et. .... .... the sux 763, believed okto 0 22Bus ok Fax ....ce erton s CO 56 ..........0 enslan ............ 68 Hope Lra ........ .0458 10 l Neoca 24 hy Pa caRel rpplie lal Co towto be oktown's co ry............ Alt.... ............ Wa43 hough........ perb vie stralia. Sup tors the aw sto 978IRE ........ Coirn w Lo.... euca St twn78 ss trac 16 Offi .... P ........ n, Q, 4895 437 69 03 CoineBy &wn Mobile ....MA llin tric .....0488 0 782 67 ElecMi ............ 39 ss rne ckalMu d Parks 88 OK SH ntre Con ste .... .... wok re ................24 ...0 lourfu Caal ard wi Ce ....-.... n 4895 Finch Bay LA the old CO42 21 44 n Hot T 1 66Bus Ck OY PO Box Street (Cnr. n from Gr ........ Wildlif 17 ouptric LL.... 7 S32s3 76 6 .... 40 Kerr l histor ail 493 86 cu.... ntl....ep, it.... nning 4 Cookto s St, Ma The Bo Em / Elec al Cent............ Slab est ........ ............PA Ho ining an 4x4 tw49 Station se GE acc.... EmMO 30 es ian 723, Co dicree cosGr & St interp tricto e 3 ess.... ail ..... co .................... 11.... rsPhwn C/ & ........ rre.... Place............ce 305754Elec 00 Mo 6 TO MT 69 ass ba y ho at ChTra ible.40 9 .............4069 ....4069 WN Phone Ck 60y Hill shou brick building y since 1874 47 87 Hou oktown, pe & Howard Butche Iroenm s Contiv arl- ott eMe ........ to onts Pam’s 25 ........ ing the Cooktow ive his epto 91 70 P &oktownb T ok/ail Servi 40 .... ecamp twn............ ild/erInce ............ Service TO ent llins Sotive tioric 5346 Co House - ho retrec .40by692WD,98 Sts) .... 740 3061 CoEm ....& n@ Uni ........os 'Coo C Bu but too ld not be mi in Cape Yo . n Bo arracha COOK 6616 Health 40 Fax .... .................... 4895 Rd 54 Kotzu St Cktwn .... 18 Cemetery Emplo Autom MTym REET MA al co 12 ...0 wn ktown6934 8 ....Mo Cabins disok 15 T to.... 10-rte Co 25 rk. .... lti.... rp ....e............ .... ckyer EL7EPQu oktown uses the Re-ense sse narrow Howa platow .... camp Rd Cktwn 0428 69 5194 airs Pu.... r St rdens ..........040 OKTOWN ST 1A Webb at Renta m Weok rs@big 036T88 ys annd and Di Co n Lo Rep RACQ .... 4069 57 rd St b........n Mu.... 76 EngNa inetha eart Email .... .................... .................... for co d, especiall Sl HOar olsPutertan d cc. acteme l Wjl.... 20 .sacy er Es adntve strict pondCo a fam 7 189 45ATIOCo N ok ic GaWj Po GE CO ........4092 .......... ag Cabling rY 6 N rt y PA p ach tow ktwn .... Cktwn 0427 225 545 ok hm st en 26 .... ... 72 .co .40 .... ily .... Ck In Hi on N E 18 ok Lo Bo .... as es. uf So ... .... Ch m .... storic dc@b tw research oVIn G PtY IOw 69 53 00 Co to ........ tguardConta INFO 0428IN74 ..... 13 77 .... arl&otte AT Web.... .... 74 FORM9 FO News ouse 34 SES ... G & cietypa Natural n bo n.................. es wige rhon rth f Cookto analt ltd St, facility. al Society' Caf th ex 61 - 40ct ............ . caltex.cookto .........4069 54 Ch 2 911E IN ChRM Cook Re Cktwn ...............406695 608 osyawdc town r Eric or RM wePh NoCo 1 arl arl ok w Po ts ise AT ’S 11 ott hib 69 .... ok ie e ls w or Co an ... Ma e’s .... JP ............ ON ..4 51 e tow rad ............ Jg its Boun Shire cmilla 5655 Barne ION en d & St, ok ADE Club 24 EliGea 069D57 n, Q, 2 n CYCL pin Natur dary McIvor Rd y RdPa ..0429 9 5608 Ca Faes & Sp............ NO ......... wwwn@hotmail 56 ChCam Co 7 onS. Visitor ........ 132 50 1 tomwn cesee adve YPh arlton townem Hope oc12 St e.... ....ECo BRIG Offi.... Co tor (suOfficeunciln- St, 776 73 .com ern Bik x ................ .................... 4895 Cook meron rt on st Vle (towail: JW w.calte FIR .... ERGENC EmailRAL.... 4069 oktown, Q ard theital Info To Airport 0 North 5 ........ Em ....ats n St) Ck GEN ........67 rger y)Phone/F n 68 75 wn Po Emer 80 Endeok .... .... ciapa tauran tioge 3 ianres se H forw 5444 48 .....4069EM Sh R RU ................ .................... s the wh ax PO Box ER twn .... ........ ed Que ail .... Co avto ares ............ ality Me .... & Boo rmation .4060 & Hope Vale okt x- .... 40 Car Par 37.... ............ 95 Asso ard e advert on pa .au Ch4 ........ arf), Q 4895gencytco 69hot 6010 ... info@ 91, Cook B - Ba AL IN LUNTEE ION ....4069 North rwn n@ 9224 21 Va Qu - 000Faow ester okou k 4WD Sp ... scompute ................ 5211 VO ki tment ............ ospit Eri ge 82 mail.c FORM Mobile y -en c’s Mo ........ cooktow .....4069H58 Rd actw 5070 CoAT rstuff@w 84.4069 51 ash & CoD 34toSa lleRe ialist oktow ...4069$ - Ba kery 33 ............ town, Q 4895 ChoI R FORM bile .... ............ ........... ngs 19 al - 40 NQ Cr Conta ATIO nb IN77 vage St Ck .... estne d oSpCec town . lsn ..........406 CeCo ............ . b oarin er Ho 40 nks 01urs & B 38 Cooktow n Car Hire Ch 61 see ad owls.coPo CH 53 -RnV e - 40 Aft43 N fIok see ad Co b Inc Ckva 00 .... .................... ............4069 1800 17 m.lic y Hu nanC - Co Off 21 twn....rial Clu ............ Savage St 9 6162s au Remo .au ve erg Bra Ph arl 69 NQ ve n rt eY .... wn on En ur .... Q ott 56 Ca db rt .... on e e GEN 5688 ............ e............ .......0 .... th on pa 81 rav e St Ck D -D mo ...406 okto - Th anCe sh ury St Ck Ida St rvice enslaCo 4895 geue22 13 EC larAp ............ .0438 69 twn ..4 pa 29 octo ouse ........ RSL Me Phone Co So40 E ndokPa twn .40 ge 33 Co14-16 Hope an Park s & Se9 5690 see ad 427 783 19 e St 5 Informa lin Stree oP lie R H wn Savag 89 40 NQ .... rs tow 06 .... to , ........ pp 1 Eve A .... ' St 69 rk th 9 at 0 vert on 69 5353 .....4069 Hospit Surger tion ns Ele nts 500757 Cktw L ok t, Cairn Phf one e ....ok ....Su an ctrica INFO ral Commu ............ Ru.... se Web.... Co 80 .... .... Bay Centre page 29 undrom y .... s nity - Lib 91 ra al RACQ 77 Charlotte d W ildl life Clea town Ca n.................. Contrac e advert on L 58 Charle ........Co ......... 04ree.... ze La.40 Nulea RMA oktown Email .... .................... .................... 51 5999 TC s St Centre St Cktw .. ww rPet ry nInG Servtor P ge pa ab 37 51 - Co 81 Burk 13oktow - Ph ...4 .... ices s and .......4069SE55 36 n TION wn oicSe Phone Di5rec 99t9 – s itt St efiafo Phone ............. toby@ ..... 0412 51 051 5999 PS - Po armacy - 132 3011 11n Endeavou ....................od nanc Pres S 36 .... Cookto St B B Adams Neil State .... 5 ecaire Shed t 50 40 .... r Fa lice St su Mobile .................... Visito wn Se School aS PO re akery Web.... .................... conveyance 999 (Toby) seelfad Cook0towEndeavour Va lls Tourist Pa .....4069 r Infor ............ .... Cookto 55Po aleuc ............ .... 0448 SP 17 st Offication matio n Ende lley Rd Mel rk T - Pu ............ .................... $ B Henr wn Se vert on page m. .... ww n & Bo avou Cktw79 y St 168 Ch ............ blic To e .4069 63 w.conv 515 999 (Rh au Cook Cookto an n r ok S Vie .... Conway 6799 Co arl ing .......0 ..4069 - Supe ilets eyance onda) to 1800w oktown otte Sts Ck CH C ks SP 54 31 rmarke see ad 427 943 17 17 48 - Sw twn .... PO Box wn CIVIl see ad Cook S B H 29 Sava Fa 100 t ve 9 mi im 95.... ou ........ rt on pa ly ge vert Grou 15 C 11 Ch ......406TC - Tennis ming Pool Mobile 964 Cooktow ge 29 Co Charles St Day Care P arles St St Cktwn ........ on page 63 D D rthouse EZ 9 -56 n, .... Cktwn okto Cktwn 76mpECourts Du oc Fax .... .......... 0417 Q, 4895 .... ............ ..4069 5589 .... zy Webber wn fIsher .................... ...4069 H H tors’ Surgery Email .... .................... 002 143 – Ste ..4069 5886 Visitor Inform 200 .... ve os ....... co Cooktow Esplanade, Co mans w ation, Book harf 6032 in Cookt oktownc .................... & Nadine oktown. own's herita ing & Interpretive L Li pital .40 Phone n, Q 4895. ivilgrou Centre ge-listed PO Box ............ Botanic Phone: br p@big 69 5909 30 Garde ar 07 406 8, ns ............ y Fax .... po see ad 9 6004 P P .... .... - Freecall vert on SIGH Email .... .................... .................... ha : 1800 300 page 42 .... 17 489 ........... .4069 5 PS P rmacy 1 Fis TS AN SCALE 51 fisherm .................... DA herm .4069 73 answha olice S A detaile 6215 250m rf@ the Go an’s Wharf TTRAC tation PO P Scenic d Heritage and Walking ld Rush TION see ad – Once Rim Wa Trac ost Offi 400 locals vert on Track Mar k lk availab S alike. , now a popu one of the kers le from map is page 64 ce T P ‘Doing Powerh Nature's busiest tradition lar me ous a ub eti po accommo e and Mt Cook meande . This is als Wharfie’ (dr ng place an rts in Quee 101 dation S S lic Toilets o ivi providers 431m historic rs through pa the starting ng along the d fishing sp nsland durin up 11 . Cookto ot for point of sights Wharf) rklands 2 Mi SP S ermarket visitors g wn Ra you the is ck to this and ilw wim 3 Th the Miner pass along the Post Of River Of Lif a favourite 12 Mr building wa ay Station Co e Qu – In Me fice, tel the wa e TC Te ming Poo s origin – Now s Wa y. ling the Walkway wh oktown mo Cook een’s Step l nnis C stories ich s – Ma ry of the Pa Lizard tson’s Monu ally the tic the Cooktow 4 Mi town in 19 ke lm ourts behind Islan de for ment 13 Th 70 to lbi Wa HM Qu er River Go – Erec t office for the n Creative Ar the 118 e Old d. ld Rush een Eli ted history ll – Made open the Ja ts Asso Hospita Cook 1883 in by loc Hall. from an l – A ma memo town – Laura ciation, al Abori mes Cook Mu zabeth II for . River 14 Ab ry of a gnificen origin her vis to the The Ol ginal seum. Railway 5 Ja tragic it to t timbe d Bank . ckey Ja present da al perspectiv artists, the de the r ath building – se co y. 6 Ja e, from near ckey St 15 Na Cooktown Hi Built in 1891 mes from 18 the cre lourful tile ore ture’s storic for the 79, no s tel ation of sight of Cook Statu – Built in 18 w the Queens the En l local Centre Powerhou al Society e – Th 86 and Kingd land with deavou is sc durin the Re-en se – Co provid om a the na es vis r oktow fascinating National Ba 7 Ja g the Quee actment of ulpture by St general store ito tur Co me n’s an Vera Sc al history of rs with gene n’s Visitor Inf exhibitions nk, now ho 8 Ca s Cook Mo Birthday we ok’s Landing ley Hamm for 100 years . me to ormati ral inform Cape arth–Jo on nnon nu . , ek d wh Ch on me Yo MB hnson’s ich tak – Datin arles rk Pe and ation nt – Co end. invas es pla E marks the g from mmem artwo Tanner Galle botanica ninsula. 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the Cooktown Kindergarten for its fundraising initiative of commemorative community pavers, which were installed at the middle and upper lookouts by Cook Shire Council. Lakeland Airstrip At its June Ordinary Meeting, Cook Shire Council resolved to advise the residents of Lakeland that Council confirms the previous operational decision to cease maintenance of the unregistered Lakeland Airstrip. Council stated that the airstrip remains available for aircraft operations, however, users will be responsible for maintenance. The use of the Lakeland Airstrip will be continue to be reviewed by Council as required. 1.5km of road works Local residents and commuters of Rossville and the Bloomfield Valley will soon see Council work crews in the area conducting 1.5km of sealing works on Bloomfield Road. Work will take place from Rossville to the Shiptons Flat turn-off and will commence late June to early July. Travellers are urged to take care during these upgrade and sealing works and drive according to conditions. “During consultations for the Cook Shire Community Plan, local residents and ratepayers told us that roads infrastructure was their number one priority, said Mayor Peter Scott. “I am proud to say that Council is continually seeking opportunities to improve road access across all areas our Shire.�


Cooktown State School prize winners in the Cook Shire Council Recycling Competition were: (front from left) Lana Beaufils, Jarrah Dignan, Lacey Smith and Tanya Muggelton with (back from left) Cooktown State School Principal Leanne Rayner, Hudson Dagge, Caroline Saunders and Cook Shire Mayor Peter Scott. Photo: GARY HUTCHISON.

Prize winner, Endeavour Christian College student Trinity McCudden is happy with her Kindle E-book. Photo submitted.

Cooktown State School Prep/Year 1C teacher Kelly Callcott with her winning team. Photo: GARY HUTCHISON.

Schools competition spurs recycling efforts COOK Shire Council promoted recycling in a very different way with the introduction of a competition between the local schools on March 1. Endeavour Christian College, Cooktown, Rossville, Laura and Lakeland State Schools accepted the challenge, enrolling 15 teams comprising a total of 293 students. Their task - to collect PET (type1) and HDPE (type2) plastic containers as they are the most-common types of plastic. But it was not just a case of collecting the containers, a rule of the competition specified that all containers had to be rinsed off, with the lids removed. The competition lasted for three

months with the purpose of creating a recycling habit and finished on May 31. Council Waste Management Coordinator Kristina Kossinskaja said that in the short three months of the competition, the students had done wonders. “Within three months the kids collected 26,819 containers,” Ms Kossinskaja said. “That is equal to 94.5 cubic metres of plastic diverted from landfill.” Ms Kossinskaja said the top five students alone collected 8825 containers between them, which was one-third of the total. The “Best Recyclers” were: • Tanya - Cooktown State School -

Prep /Year1C - 2830 containers; • Trinity - Endeavour Christian College - Year 4/5 - 1660 containers; • Lacey - Cooktown State School Year ½ - 1613 containers; • Kerlin - Lakeland State School - Prep - Year 6 - 1595 containers; and • Jennifer - Cooktown State School - Year 5 - 1127 containers. Each of the winning students received a Kindle E-book for their efforts. On May 19, as part of their normal classroom activities, the students participated in the annual Cooktown Beach Clean-Up, which saw the students busy collecting plastic bottles for their competitions. “It was an educational day for them

to see how much rubbish ends up on our beaches, and that unfortunately, most of it is made of plastic,” Ms Kossinskaja said. “The kids were allowed to take eligible containers home, which diverted at least 2 cubic metres of plastic from the landfill.” Cash prizes, donated by Cook Shire Council were also given in the “Best Team” category, with all winners coming from Cooktown State School. The winners were: First - REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE - Prep/ Year1C - 42 bags (15.75 cubic metres); Second - 5T’s Recycling Machines Year 5 - 41 bags (15.375 cubic metres):

and Third - Rockin Recyclers - Year ½ - 29 bags (10.875 cubic metres). Ms Kossinskaja said she would like to thank all the teachers for their patience and hard work, with special thanks to the winning team leaders: Kelly Callcott, Alice Taylor and Kiah Johnstone. “Plastic containers are easily recyclable and have a value,” Ms Kossinskaja said. “I hope that this is the lesson all of those 293 kids learned. “Hopefully our streets and beaches will remain free of plastic because kids are everywhere and they now know better.”

Mixed response to High Court decision on AMP restrictions THE High Court decision on Wednesday, June 19, to dismiss an appeal from a Palm Island woman against her conviction for breaching Alcohol Management Plan (AMP) restrictions on the island has been met with mixed reactions. Queensland Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Multicultural Affairs Glen Elmes said the decision “confirmed the lawfulness of Queensland’s AMPs”. “The Queensland Government believed it had a strong case which the Queensland Court of Appeal had upheld twice

previously.” A spokesperson for the Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Legal Service, which ran the appeal, said the decision was disappointing and that nearly 600 appeals against sly-grogging charges, put on hold while the challenge was heard in the High Court, would now need to be withdrawn. Yarrabah Mayor Errol Neal says the High Court’s decision is a setback for democracy and that alcohol issues should be managed locally. “There’s alcohol issues all around the world and the only

remedy I see is to get our people and create more opportunities for our people and employment - it’s common sense really,” he said. Following the High Court ruling Member for Cook David Kempton said the Queensland Government would now get on with the process of working with communities to continue the review of AMPs in the Indigenous communities where they are in place.. “I would like to see more restrictions on the movement of alcohol into Indigenous communities. Allowing communities

to control alcohol supply through local taverns would be a better way to deal with sly-grogging,” Mr Kempton said. “There seems to be no control about the flow, the volume, the quantity of alcohol, that’s going in to the region from whatever distribution point,” he said. “That’s where we need to get tough on the sly-groggers but we also make sure there’s some responsibility around the sale of alcohol from outlets into the region. “I would much rather see it sold and consumed in the community where it’s controlled.”

Jobs well done by the Shire SOMETIMES I think people have no idea at all how hard it is working up here in the Shire. There is so much going on, and we are under pressure all the time. There are so many things people want us to do for them, we hardly have any time to get any real work done. From first thing in the morning, the phone is ringing off the hook with people wanting us to repair holes in the road, holes in their water pipes, holes in the footpaths, even the hole in the Endeavour River bed (they want that one made bigger, not repaired). I think we need a department just for fixing holes. And another for mowing grass. We would need fleets of mowers to stay ahead of all the grassy verges, and now we have to go out to Lakeland

and mow the airfield. Really - the whole airfield! Do they have any idea how big that is? Honestly, it would be cheaper to lay concrete everywhere. All the time we are running around fixing things for noisy ratepayers, our real work is being neglected. Money doesn’t just flow in from Brisbane, you know. We have to apply for it and that is very, very difficult. You would think installing little walkways to get from the street over our heritage curbing would be cheap and easy. Just get one of the tradies around town to do it for $500 each, but if we did that, Brisbane would not pay for them. They want to see design studies, environmental studies, heritage assessments, safety audits and we have to

get all those things ready for them. View Just hiring the from exterior decoratthe Hill ing engineer to select the paint colour costs thousands, let alone the other complicated experts. It is all worth the effort in the end. We work hard, and are rewarded by lots of money from Brisbane to pay for modern, safe. colourful walkways. All our guys have to do is nail them to the floor (or however they are fixed in place), and everyone should be happy. Well, we in the Shire are, because it is a job well done and money well spent. I just wish more people appreciated the effort that goes into a project like that.

Turtle Rescue


Yuku-Baja-Muliku Rangers are offering their services to assist with any sick or injured Marine Turtles found. We encourage contact with us at any time to implement a speedy recovery for these beautiful creatures to enable a better chance of rehabilitation.

Please contact our office on (07) 4069 6957 or Larissa - 0432 283 357 / Mick - 0408 577 193. Yuku Baja Muliku Landowner & Reserves Ltd • Archer Point Land Trust • Ph: (07) 4069 6957 ~ Fax: (07) 4069 6501 • PO Box 1011 Cooktown QLD 4895 Turtle Rescue is supported by

News Cooktown Local

Cooktown Local News 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2013 – 7


Compost: Gardening gold COMPOSTING is beneficial in so many ways - whether you’re growing a few greens or tomatoes in a tub on your verandah, or you have acres of tropical gardens. And it’s so easy to do. Simply put, it’s recycling waste matter from our kitchen and garden, which breaks down into highly desirable organic matter to be added to our soil. It supports a biomass of life and provides a plethora of nutrients for our plants. Successful composting relies on a suitable balance between “green” and “brown” ingredients. The browns are carbon-rich materials such as dead leaves, shredded paper, bark chips, straw and aged grass clippings, while the greens are nitrogenrich ingredients like veggie scraps, fresh grass clippings, coffee grounds and horse (or cow) manure. This mixture needs to be kept well-aired, with oxygen flow, and an optimum moisture level. It can be a bit like baking a cake getting the mixture of wet and dry ingredients right. A moist, well-aired compost is the ideal environment for compost critters that go to work for you. Microbes need a moisture film in which to work effectively.

ABOVE: A common backyard compost bin. Photos: MARTY PATTIE. BELOW: Green waste.

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8 – Cooktown Local News 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2013


An efficiently constructed compost pile, maintained correctly will heat up fast, killing most weed seeds, and break down uniformly. While most mixtures of green and brown will break down eventually, for the fastest and most efficient compost it helps to strike the optimum balance between nitrogen-rich and carbon-rich ingredients. It can, and will, be a bit of trial and error, but you will notice any imbalance and can rectify as you go. If your compost is too dry that may involve watering in measured doses. What not to put in the compost: * meat, fish or bones or dairy products;

Rich, home-made (if not slightly dry) compost. * dog, cat or human poo (or Thoroughly decomposed compost contains lots of humus any carnivore); * diseased or insect-infected - the beneficial soil-improving material your plants need. It plants or flowers; or * fats or oils. helps build up a friable soil Weeds with seed will stay that will maintain health and viable if your compost does not resilience. We must remember that reach at least 60 deg C. Also, I’m not a fan of too soil is life, and a healthy soil much citrus peel or onion skin provides a strong, healthy - they break down slowly, but subterranean environment with a diverse array of bacteria, need to be cut up smaller. Egg shells, for the same worms, invertebrates and other microscopic organisms. reason need to be crushed. All brown and green inIn turn that provides healthy gredients ideally should be plants, which results in equally cut, shredded or chopped into healthy animals (which includes smaller pieces to break down us!). All this comes from utilising more efficiently. There are many different non-useful waste products from home made or commercial bins our garden and kitchen. or tumblers available. Instead of them finishing The bog standard bin pic- up in the wheelie bin, they are tured is available through Cook converted into an extremely Shire Council at a reasonable valuable and highly-prized organic boost to our soil. price.


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d e 100 Years On... Royal Australian Navy forms in 1913 and sails past Cooktown DOUBLE HELIX science quiz

Quiz questions 1. Will rays of light that pass through a convex lens converge (focus on a point) or diverge (spread out)? 2. In humans, the pinna is used by which sense? 3. Radioactivity was first observed in salts of which element? 4. What type of technology uses temperature differences in the ocean to generate electricity? 5. What is the common name for Felis catus?

HMAS Melbourne

1. Rays of light passing through a convex lens will converge. 2. The pinna is used for hearing – it’s the outside of the ear. 3. Radioactivity was first observed in uranium salts. 4. Ocean thermal energy conversion uses temperature differences in the ocean to generate electricity. 5. Felis catus is the common name for the domestic cat.

Quiz answers

AFTER the Federation of Australia in 1901, the Commonwealth Naval Forces was formed on March 1, 1901, by amalgamating the six separate colonial navies. The first Australian warship, the destroyer HMAS Parramatta, was launched in Scotland on February 9, 1910, and her sister ship HMAS Yarra was also launched in Scotland on April 9, 1910. Both ships were commissioned into the Royal Navy on September 19, 1910, and sailed for Australia, arriving at Port Phillip on December 10, 1910. A year later, July 10, 1911 King George V fixed his signature to the approval for the Commonwealth Naval Forces to be renamed the Royal Australian Navy, and for RAN ships to carry the prefix, “His Majesty’s Australian Ship” (HMAS). The manpower of the fleet stood at four hundred officers and men. On Saturday, October 4, 1913 the first Fleet Review of the RAN took place, when the battlecruiser Australia, the cruisers HMAS Melbourne and HMAS Sydney, the protected cruiser Encounter, and the torpedo-boat destroy-

ers Parramatta, Yarra and Warrego entered Sydney Harbour. On the same day, responsibility for the protection of Australia and surrounding waters was transferred from the Australia Squadron of the Royal Navy to the RAN. The Cairns Post on Monday, June 23 1913 reported that, “At the present time Thursday Island is unusually gay, the result of the visit of the Australian fleet, consisting of the armored cruiser Melbourne and the destroyers Parramatta, Warrego, and Yarra. The Melbourne remains at an-

Super moon

chor, while the destroyers cruise around the various islands, and one or two of them have visited New Guinea.” Apart from sailing past, it seems Cooktown was not included in the festivities, (A little like being missed today really), however in Cairns it was a different story. The Cairns Post, Monday June 30 1913, “The Australian fleet will arrive in Cairns this afternoon about 4 pm, and the suggestion has been made that owners of motor boats and small craft go out into the inlet and meet them. The citizens of Cairns

on show

Sunday’s “Super Moon” had to keep fighting its way through thick black clouds for the Grassy Hill watchers who braved biting, cold winds to view the event. Photo: GARY HUTCHISON.

will certainly not be lacking in the warmth of entertainment and fervour of welcome. The Citizens Committee appointed last week has been working hard completing arrangements. Tuesday (10.30am) Civic reception to officers of the fleet at the Council Chambers. Palms and evergreens for decoration purposes, both for the Drill Hall and the Hibernian Hall on the occasion of the Citizens Ball, which takes place on Wednesday night, will be obtained. On Tuesday afternoon there will be various honor of the occasion, in order that back-country people may be afforded the opportunity of seeing the warships, and taking part in the festivities. Mr Ormsby, of the Palace Theatre, having offered a free night to the officers and men of the fleet tonight, at that popular theatre, the news will be conveyed on the arrival of the vessels. One of the big events was a ‘smoke concert’ on the Thursday night. For

aquatic events, consisting of rowing and sailing races, etc., the arrangements for the latter being carried out by the Aquatic and Rowing Clubs. Wednesday, a Free Excursion to Barron Falls. Thursday afternoon, two football matches arranged, and the Rugby Union will select teams to meet teams from the warships. Cutlass drill and other events should form a pleasing feature of the afternoon’s entertainment. On the same day there will be hundreds of visitors from the hinterland in Cairns, special trains having been arranged in those, (like me) “Smoking concerts were live performances, usually of music, before an audience of men only; popular during the Victorian era. These social occasions were instrumental in introducing new musical forms to the public. At these functions men would smoke and speak of politics while listening to live music.” The ships may have looked forward to sailing again, just to have a break!

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Bus Services DEPARTS CAIRNS Inland Mon, Tues, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun at 7am Coastal Mon, Wed and Fri at 7am DEPARTS COOKTOWN Inland Mon, Tues, Thu, Sat at 12.30pm Wed, Fri, Sun at 1.30pm Coastal Tues, Thurs and Sat at 7.30am INLAND SERVICE – Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat & Sun Departs Cairns 7am. Arrives CTN 11.45am. Departs Cooktown Mon, Tue, Thu, Sat 12.30pm, arrives CNS 5pm. Departs Cooktown Wed, Fri, Sun 1.30pm, arrives CNS 6pm. AGENTS COOKTOWN (Photo Shop) 4069 5446 BLOOMFIELD (Ayton Store) 4060 8125 LAKELAND (Mobil Roadhouse) 4060 2188

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Kellie Hyland (second from left) being farewelled at the Bowls Club by friends Krys and Sarah Waugh, Di Spyker, Kaz Price and Kate Thomson.

Wade Krueger, Kerry Lui and Niki Ley.

Pia Miller, Jamie Whitlock and Emily Martin.

Margaret and Don Pryor.

Ross and Tahlia Murdoch.

Tahnee and Roy Roberts with Barbara Watkins and Tahlia Roberts.

Rosa and Patrick Davis from San Diego in the US are on a two-year around-the-world tour.

Nicholas and Tim Kerlin.

Beaudeane Bird, Shauna Fox and Nigel Bressow.

10 – Cooktown Local News 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2013

Phylis Malcolm and Elizabeth Paton.

Harrison and Samantha Kerlin.

John Wilson and Margaret Chapman.

Wayne Fellows with his daughter Brittny.

Paul Collis and Frances Cunningham.

Murray and Yasko Pile.



By JANNIE BASSON THE Endeavour Christian College recently hosted the annual Small Schools’ Sports Carnival at the John Street Oval. Great weather encouraged students form Endeavour Christian College, Rossville State School, Bloomfield River State School, Lakeland State School and Laura State School to do their best and have an enjoyable day. The day was jam-packed with events that included straight races, long jump, shot put and high jump. Younger students competed in sack races, egg and spoon races and block and bucket races. To complete the events for the day, team games were played, including captain ball, tunnel ball, leader ball and in-and-out file. Organiser Louise Basson said the students displayed very good sportsmanship during events and it was great to see everyone cheering each other on and congratulating each other for their achievements. She would also like to thank Jana Whittaker from the Cooktown Bakery for donating all the bread for the food stall on the day and also the parents from all the schools who volunteered their time. Without the support of helpers, a day like this would be impossible to run. Congratulations to Bloomfield River State School who won the 2013 Shield for the best results per student ratio.

Age Champions for the carnival were: (Back row from left) Ethan Wilkin (Endeavour) 2000 Boys, Karoleen Lowdown (Laura) 2002 Girls,Trent Duncan (Rossville) 2002 Boys, Jade Snell (Rossville) 2001 Girls and Serg Allan (Rossville) 2001 Boys. (Front row from left) Alinda Olbar(Bloomfield River) 2005 Girls, Elliot Haslop (Rossville) 2004 Boys, Keshiah Sykes (Bloomfield River) 2003 Girls, Damien Walker (Endeavour Christian College) 2003 Boys, Meg Pattie (Rossville) 2005 Girls and Cleon Doughboy (Bloomfield River) 2005 Boys.

Jukuwuan Henderson-Yougie (Bloomfield River), Shane Dyer (Endeavour Christian College), Brock McMillan (Endeavour Christian College), Rushon George(Rossville) and Killian Finall (Rossville) were the youngest boys racing in the carnival.

Samuel Ryder from Endeavour Christian College in the Sack Race.

Ja’koby Assan (Bloomfield River), Keenan Yougie (Bloomfield river), Nigel Gibson (Bloomfield River), Cameron Dyer (Endeavour Christian College), Jack Whitling (Endeavour Christian College), Leland Michael (Endeavour Christian College) and Clint Wegrzyniak, (Rossville) running in the 80m race for 2006 boys. ABOVE: Harison Stroppe from Endeavour Christian College doing Long Jump. BELOW: Palmer Le Chou from Laura State School at the Long Jump pit.

Arthur Dear from Rossville at the Shot Put.

Quincy Gibson (Bloomfield River), Phoenyx Seagren (Endeavour Christian College), Desmond Kerland (Lakeland), Clyde McBride (Rossville) and Alerah Ross (Laura) were the recipients for their Best Effort awards from each school. LEFT: Jayde Petersen and Aleeah Michael from Endeavour Christian College in the Sack Race. RIGHT: Shakaya Hooker (Bloomfield River), Amy Hang ( Endeavour Christian College), Karoleen Lowdown (Laura), Eliza Sail (Rossville) racing.

Cooktown Local News 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2013 – 11


6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Children’s Programs 11:30 One Plus One 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Last Of The Summer Wine 1:00 Poirot 2:00 Bed Of Roses 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:00 Eggheads 5:30 ABC News: Early Edition 6:00 Mont Orgueil 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 QLD 8:00 Wild Life At The Zoo: Meerkats, Snow Leopard - Jealousy, betrayal and rebellion – it’s sister versus sister as the females decide who is going to be the boss meerkat. 8:30 Doc Martin: Martin struggles with Louisa’s surprise news, but Louisa has her own struggle when her return to school is made difficult by the increasingly strange behaviour of the headmaster. 9:20 The Bletchley Circle: Part Two: Four seemingly ordinary women become the unlikely investigators of a string of grisly murders in this original thriller, set against the backdrop of post-war London. 10:35 Lateline 11:10 Getting On / 11:45 Rage

6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz 2:00 The Block Sky High 3:00 National News Now 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Block Sky High Unlocked 7:00 Friday Night Football: South Sydney Rabbitohs Vs Canberra Raiders 10:00 TBA 12:30 Movie: “Deliverance” (AV v,l) - A weekend camping trip through the mountain wilderness turns into a terrifying nightmare for four men. Based on the novel by James Dickey. 2:30 The Baron: There’s Someone Close Behind You - Exciting, danger-laden, unusual exploits...the human dramas of those who buy, sell or steal precious treasures. 3:30 Extra 4:00 Brand Developers 4:30 Good Morning America

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Enid” (PG a) 2:30 Winners And Losers 3:00 TBA 3:30 TBA 4:30 Seven News At 4.30 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight: The latest news and current social issues presented by a team of reporters. Hosted by Sharyn Ghidella. 7:00 Better Homes And Gardens 7:30 2013 AFL Premiership Season: Rnd 14: Sydney Vs Carlton - The Blues took the chocolates against against the Swans in their last encounter at the SCG, but the reigning premier is really winding up their 2013 campaign, so it promises to be a huge clash. Bruce McAvaney and Dennis Cometti lead the call with expert commentary from Leigh Matthews, Tim Watson and Tom Harley. 11:00 2013 Wimbledon: Live coverage of the oldest and most prestigious tennis tournament in the world, Wimbledon. Hosted by Todd Woodbridge, with expert commentary from John Newcombe, Rennae Stubbs, Sam Smith and Geoff Masters. 4:00 NBC Today

4:00 FIFA Confederations Cup 2013: Semi Final 2 6:30 World News 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: French Coastlines: Noirmoutier To Talmont-Sur-Gironde 6:00 Tracks and Trails: Pheonix Park 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Coast: Sweden And The Baltic 8:35 Tour De France: The Story 10:35 World News Australia 11:10 Movie: “Dark Blue Almost Black” (MA l,s) - In Spanish. Jorge, a young Spanish man, has his plans for the future put on hold when his father has a stroke. His relationship with his girlfriend Natalia is further strained when his infertile brother asks him to impregnate Paula, his imprisoned girlfriend. 1:00 Hot Cities: Counting The Cost / Surviving Climate Change - China has the biggest population and the fastest growing economy in the world. It has an economic policy based on growth - which is why, as a country, it is the worst polluter on the planet. 2:50 Weatherwatch Overnight


6:00 Rage 10:30 Rage: Guest Programmer: Steve Albini 11:30 7.30 QLD 12:00 Australian Story 12:30 Catalyst: Athletes Cheat, Do You? 1:00 Three Men Go To Ireland 2:00 Travel Oz 2:30 At The Movies: Short Cuts 3:00 Movie: “McLintock!” (PG) - Cattle baron, George Washington McLintock, has his hands full when his estranged wife returns to get a divorce in order to move out east for good with their daughter Becky. 5:00 Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple: The Body In The Library 6:30 Gardening Australia 7:00 ABC News 7:30 Death In Paradise: When a shot is fired at a charity fundraiser, host Malcolm Powell is found dead in his study. Malcolm’s PA, Vicky, is certain she knows who the culprit is. 8:30 Midsomer Murders: The Noble Art: The 150th annniversary of the world’s first heavyweight boxing championship that took place illegally in a Midsomer field leads to a country house murder mystery. 10:00 Adam Hills Tonight: Fresh from hosting his hit UK talk show, The Last Leg, comedian Adam Hills returns for the new season of Adam Hills Tonight 11:00 Rage Guest Programmer: Steve Albini

6:00 Bubble Guppies 6:30 Dora The Explorer 7:00 Weekend Today - Saturday 10:00 Mornings - Saturday 12:00 Danoz 1:00 Movie: “Ocean’s Eleven” (PG v) 3:30 Anthony Bourdian: No Reservations 4:30 Discover Downunder 5:00 4WD TV - 4WD TV covers all of the up to date news, products and events within the diverse Australian and NZ 4WD scene. 5:30 Getaway 6:00 National News Saturday 6:30 TBA 11:00 Movie: “Blindness” (AV v,l,a) - When a city is ravaged by an epidemic of instant blindness a doctor’s wife becomes the only person with the ability to see. Keeping this a secret, she helps her husband and a group of others, as they avoid streets now ravaged with criminals. 1:30 Movie: “Westworld” (M v) - Written by acclaimed writer Michael Crichton, Westworld is a classic western/romance. A robot malfunctions creating havoc and terror for unsuspecting vacationers at a futuristic, adult-themed amusement park. 3:30 Skippy - The Bush Kangaroo 4:00 Brand Developers 5:00 Life Today With James Robinson / 5:30 Wesley Impact

6:00 Saturday Disney 7:00 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 The Morning Show - Weekend 12:00 Beauty And The Geek Australia - Tonight, the beauties’ aversion to numbers is tested in a car wash maths challenge. With three mathematical questions hidden underneath a thick covering of mud, the girls will face two fears in the one challenge: the chance of breaking a nail, and maths. Who will stay focused through the grime to add a win for their team? 1:00 Parking Wars - Tonight, a ticket writer teaches Philly drivers tough lessons on the rules of parking. Officers scramble to find the missing keys to an impounded car as the owner loses her cool. 1:30 2013 AFL Premiership Season Rnd 14: Gold Coast Vs Adelaide 4:30 Highway Patrol 5:00 AFL Premiership Season Rnd 14: Adelaide Vs Collingwood 8:00 Family Movie Special: TBA 11:00 2013 Wimbledon 4:00 Home Shopping 5:00 That ‘70s Show: Young Man Blues - It’s Kelso’s first day as a police cadet and he gets to drive around in a police cruiser with a real cop. 5:00 That ‘70s Show: A Legal Matter

5:00 World News 1:00 Peter Grimes 3:40 Piano Notes: Joseph Haydn 3:55 Tim Marlow’s Virtual Galery: Michelangelo: David 4:00 Photo: New Vision: Experimental Photography of the 1920s 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Who Do You Think You Are? Bruce Forsyth 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 James May’s Man Lab 8:30 RocKwiz: Adalita/J Mascis/Sarah Lee Guthrie/Johnny Irion Rock music’s most famous faces continue to mix it with the best local trivia buffs. Host Julia Zemiro asks the questions and Brian Nankervis adjudicates over the mayhem. 9:30 Tour De France Review: As the Tour de France gets ready to celebrate its 100th edition in 2013, this program looks back at the highlights of the 2012 Tour de France, which was won by British rider Bradley Wiggins ahead of teammate Chris Froome. Italian Vincenzo Nibali was third place overall and the only rider to consistently keep pace with Wiggins and Froome in the mountains. 10:00 Tour De France 2013 Live: Stage 1 2:00 Weatherwatch Overnight


6:00 Rage 6:30 Children’s Programs 9:00 Insiders 10:00 Inside Business 10:30 Offsiders 11:00 Asia Pacific Focus 11:30 Songs Of Praise: Dunblane 12:00 Landline 1:00 Gardening Australia 1:30 Annabel Langbein: The Free Range Cook 2:00 Shamwari: A Wild Life 2:30 Meerkat Manor: The Next Generation: All Manor Of Love 3:00 La Boheme 4:55 Wallace And Gromit’s World Of Invention: Home Sweet Home 5:25 Deadly 60: Australia 2 6:00 Australia’s Remote Islands: Norfolk Island 6:30 Compass: Fashion And Faith: Muslim Style 7:00 ABC News 7:30 Grand Designs: River Thames 8:30 Dream Build: Wheatsheaf House 8:30 The Time Of Our Lives 9:25 The Years That Made Us: Survival 10:25 Chopin Saved My Life 11:20 Set The Piano Stool On Fire 12:20 Shine 2:00 Order In The House 3:05 The Last Confession Of Alexander Pearce 4:05 The New Inventors 4:35 Catalyst 5:00 Gardening Australia / 5:30 Painting Australia: Bendigo

6:00 Children’s Programs 7:00 Weekend Today 10:00 Financial Review Sunday 10:30 Wide World Of Sports 11:30 Sunday Footy Show 1:30 Making Of The Great Gatsby 2:00 2013 Intrust Super Cup 4:00 Imparja’s Sunday Football: Warriors Vs Brisbane Broncos 6:00 National News Sunday 6:30 The Block Sky High 7:30 60 Minutes 8:30 House Husbands: Justin’s life starts to unravel as he struggles with new crises at home and work. Lucy risks her own future to save Justin from self-destruction. Poker night turns dangerous when Dimitiy’s husband learns of her affair with Justin. 9:30 The Mentalist: Devil’s Cherry 10:30 CSI: Miami: By The Book 11:30 The Block Sky High 12:30 What Would You Do? 1:30 Spyforce 2:30 Danoz 3:00 Brand Developers 4:00 Good Morning America - Sunday 5:00 National Early Morning News / 5:30 Today

6:00 Fish Hooks 6:30 Jake And The Never Land Pirates 7:00 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 AFL Game Day 11:30 TBA 12:30 Wild Boys 1:30 Footy Flashbacks 3:00 AFL Premiership Season Rnd 14: North Melbourne Vs GWS 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Sunday Night 7:30 TBA 8:45 A Place To Call Home: Lest We Forget - On the eve of Remembrance Day, George is asked to host a Japanese trade delegation. 9:45 TBA 11:45 Fairly Legal: What They Seem 12:45 I Just Want My Pants Back: A Piece Of Cake 1:15 Harry’s Practice 2:00 Home Shopping 3:00 NBC Today 4:00 NBC Meet The Press 5:00 Sunrise Extra 5:30 Seven Early News

5:00 World News 1:00 Speedweek 4:00 Cycling: National Road Series 2013: North West Tour 4:30 FIFA Futbol Mundial 5:00 Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger: Mailbox 5:30 Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger: Toaster 6:00 Tour De France 2013 Daily Highlights 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Lost Worlds: A History Of Celtic Britain: Age Of Warriors - An epic exploration of the Celtic and Roman ages with Neil Oliver. In this episode, the fast growing tribes of Britain turn violent. But out of the fighting something remarkable appears - glorious art and design, as well as magnificent swords of a lavish beauty never seen before. 8:30 The Observer Effect 9:30 Grand Tours Of Scotland: The Romantic Ideal - For centuries, Scotland was regarded as a wild and dangerous place to visit. To find out what changed to make Scotland a popular tourist destination, presenter Paul Murton recreates six Scottish grand tours suggested by a 19th-century copy of Black’s Picturesque Guide to Scotland. 10:00 Tour De France 2013 Live: Stage 2 2:00 Weatherwatch Overnight



6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Children’s Programs 11:00 Landline 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Midsomer Murders 2:00 Chopin Saved My Life 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:00 Eggheads 5:30 ABC News: Early Edition 6:00 Time Team: Les Gellettes 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Australian Story 8:30 Four Corners 9:20 Media Watch 9:35 Q&A 10:35 Lateline 11:10 The Business 11:35 Dalziel And Pascoe: An Autumn Shroud 1:10 Movie: “The Private Affairs Of Bel Ami” (PG) - From the Guy de Maupassant story about a soldier returning from the war without prospects and being persuaded to capitalise on his good looks to get ahead. 2:55 Rage 3:30 Rugby Union: Shute Shield: Round 12: Teams TBA 5:30 Eggheads

6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 The Block Sky High 3:00 National News Now 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Block Sky High 8:00 TBA 10:30 Person Of Interest: In Extremis - A medical luminary is poisoned, and Finch and Reese must work quickly to determine the toxin’s origin and find the attacker. Elsewhere, an informant gives the Internal Affairs Bureau pertinent information on Det. Fusco. 11:30 The Block Sky High 12:30 Extra 1:00 The Avengers 2:00 Danoz Direct 2:30 Brand Developers 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News 5:30 Today

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Geek Charming” (G) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 The Daily Edition 4:30 Seven News At 4.30 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home And Away - Tamara wants to be with Kyle. Kyle’s racked with guilt for betraying his brother. Casey’s friends are concerne d by his behaviour. Meanwhile, Marilyn tries to avoid John and dispel the feelings she has for him. 7:30 TBA 12:00 2013 Wimbledon 4:00 NBC Today: International news and weather including interviews with newsmakers in the world of politics, business, media, entertainment and sport. 5:00 Sunrise Extra: Bringing you the best moments of your mornings with the Sunrise team. 5:30 Seven Early News: Natalie Barr and Mark Beretta present the latest news, sport and weather from around Australia and overseas.

5:35 World News 7:00 Tour De France 2013 Daily Update 7:30 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup Final 10:30 World News 1:50 Sunday 2:00 Did Cooking Make Us Human? 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 FIFA Futbol Mundial 5:00 Cycling: National Road Series 2013: North West Tour 5:30 Global Village: The Women’s Bank 6:00 Tour De France 2013 Daily Highlights 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Mythbusters: Battle Of The Sexes - Tackling four more classic gender-based clichés, the Mythbusters once again battle for the supremacy of the sexes! First up, Adam and Jamie test the old schoolyard put-down, ‘to throw like a girl’. Then they take on the contentious cliché that lost boys won’t ‘ask for directions’. 8:30 Make Me: Smart 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 Tour De France 2013 Live: Stage 3 1:05 Movie: “Changing Sides” (M l) - In French. 2:45 Weatherwatch Overnight



6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Children’s Programs 11:00 Big Ideas 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Compass 1:00 Q&A 2:00 The Matilda Candidate 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:00 Eggheads 5:30 ABC News: Early Edition 6:00 Time Team: Castor 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Kitchen Cabinet 8:30 New Tricks: Spare Parts - Jack Halford confronts his nemesis in court when Ricky Hanson stands trial for his attempted murder, and Gerry Standing faces the consequences of lying to his ‘daughter’ Emily. 9:30 At The Movies 10:00 The Book Club: July 10:30 Lateline 11:05 The Business 11:30 Four Corners 12:20 Media Watch 12:35 Movie: “Underworld USA” (PG) 2:30 Football: VFL: Round 12: Casey Vs Northern Blues 5:30 Eggheads

6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 The Block Sky High 3:00 National News Now 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Block Sky High 8:00 The Big Bang Theory: The 43 Peculiarity - Howard and Raj try to get to the bottom of why Sheldon disappears every afternoon at 2:45. Meanwhile, Leonard and Penny wrestle with jealousy in their relationship. 8:30 TBA 11:30 The Block Sky High 12:30 Extra 1:00 Skippy - The Bush Kangaroo 1:30 Danoz Direct 2:00 Brand Developers 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News 5:30 Today

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Hannah Montana: The Movie” (G) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 The Daily Edition 4:30 Seven News 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home And Away: Brax isn’t impressed when he hears about Kyle and Tamara. Tamara allows Casey to help her remember their relationship. Marilyn tries to hide her feelings for John, telling him that she has a virus. Meanwhile, Holly finds her perfect revenge in the form of Sasha and Spencer’s secret. 7:30 TBA 8:45 Packed To The Rafters: Centre Of The Universe / Packing Up The Rafters - The return of Ben rattles Emma as she worries that seeing Ben will stir up old feelings. When it becomes apparent that Ben still holds a candle for Emma, could the old flames of romance be rekindled? 10:45 Border Security: International 11:15 2013 Wimbledon 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra 5:30 Seven Early News

5:00 World News 1:00 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup Final 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: Fiji: Island Flavours 6:00 Tour De France 2013 Daily Highlights 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Who Do You Think You Are? J.K. Rowling - Best-selling author J.K. (Jo) Rowling sets out to investigate her French roots. Jo has always been intrigued by her late mother’s French ancestry, but knows very little about it. Beginning her journey in Edinburgh, Jo’s search takes her from The Savoy in London, to once-bloody battlefields and the back streets of urban Paris. Jo is especially keen to find out more about her great grandfather, Louis Volant, who was awarded one of France’s most prestigious medals during World War One. 8:30 Insight 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 Tour De France 2013 Review 11:00 Tour De France 2013 Live: Stage 4 2:00 Weatherwatch Overnight



6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Children’s Programs 11:00 Big Ideas 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 National Press Club Address 1:30 At The Movies 2:00 The Jonathon Ross Show 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:00 Eggheads 5:30 ABC News: Early Edition 6:00 Time Team: Llancaiach Fawr 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 QI: Jobs 8:30 Adam Hills Tonight - Fresh from hosting his hit UK talk show, The Last Leg, comedian Adam Hills returns for the new season of Adam Hills Tonight - a one hour chat show filled with celebrity guests, clever comedy and live music. 9:30 Wednesday Night Fever 10:00 The Hollowmen: Shared Interests 10:30 Lateline 11:05 The Business 11:30 Spooks 12:35 Movie: “The Ugly American” (M v) 2:30 Football: SANFL: Round 13: Central District Vs Norwood 5:30 Eggheads

6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 The Block Sky High 3:00 National News Now 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Block Sky High 8:00 The Big Bang Theory: Reality Hump Day 8:30 Arrow: Vendetta - Oliver trains the Huntress to be his ally, but Diggle disapproves and believes she can’t be trusted. Later, Helena’s thirst for revenge leads her to kill the head of the Triad. 9:30 What’s Your Emergency 10:30 Embarrassing Bodies 11:30 The Block Sky High 12:30 20/20 1:30 Danoz Direct 2:00 Brand Developers 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News 5:30 Today

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Wizards Of Waverly Place” (G) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 The Daily Edition 4:30 Seven News 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home And Away: Casey is outraged to find Ricky has returned to the Bay. Maddy pretends she’s fine with Sasha and Spencer’s relationship. Meanwhile, Jett tries to convince VJ and Nina to forgive each other. 7:30 TBA 8:45 Criminal Minds: Magnum Opus / All That Remains 10:45 Hannibal: Releves - Seeking his own therapist’s advice about his complex relationship with Will, Hannibal wonders how he should handle Will’s deteriorating mental health. Following another death, Will develops a theory that the Copy Cat killer’s actions extend far beyond the murder of Cassie Boyle. 11:45 2013 Wimbledon 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra 5:30 Seven Early News

5:00 World News 1:00 Insight 2:00 Neil Morrissey’s Risky Business 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: Generation Gogohoun 6:00 Tour De France 2013 Daily Highlights 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Bears Of The Last Frontier: City Of Bears - This three-part series follows ecologist Chris Morgan on an epic 5,000-kilometre motorcycle journey across the Alaskan wilderness to encounter three species of bear. Chris aims to explore the amazing resiliency and adaptability of these majestic animals as they struggle to make a living in five dramatically diverse Alaskan ecosystems. In the first episode, Chris sets up camp at a remote spot in the heart of the wilderness, alongside the largest concentration of grizzlies in the world. 8:30 Toughest Place To Be A... Binman - Three ordinary people with ordinary jobs take on an extraordinary challenge: clocking on with their local counterparts in some of the toughest destinations on the planet. 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 Tour De France 2013 Live: Stage 5 2:00 Weatherwatch Overnight



6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Children’s Programs 11:00 World’s Greenest Homes 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 My Family 1:00 Museum Of Life 2:00 SKIPPY - Australia’s First Superstar 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:00 Eggheads 5:30 ABC News: Early Edition 6:00 Time Team: Derwentcote 6:55 Clarke And Dawe 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Catalyst 8:30 Wonders Of Life: Expanding The Universe 9:30 The Grumpy Guide To School Days 10:15 Lateline 11:05 The Business 11:30 Australia: The Time Traveller’s Guide: The Early Days 12:30 Wonders Of Life: Expanding Universe 1:30 Movie: “Guns Of Hate” (PG) - Two drifters are falsely accused of murder when a gold mine is discovered. 2:30 Football: WAFL: Round 15: Swan Districts Vs West Perth 5:30 Eggheads

6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 The Block Sky High 3:00 National News Now 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Block Sky High 8:00 The Block Sky High Unlocked 8:30 The NRL Footy Show 10:30 Arrow 11:30 The AFL Footy Show - The Logie award-winning AFL Footy Show celebrates its 20th season, starring Garry Lyon, James Brayshaw, Sam Newman, Billy Brownless and Shane Crawford. 1:30 Extra 2:00 Danoz Direct 2:30 Brand Developers 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News / 5:30 Today

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Beverley Hills Chihuahua 2” (G) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 The Daily Edition 4:30 Seven News At 4.30 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home And Away 8:00 TBA 9:15 Once Upon A Time: Selfless, Brave and True / Once Upon A Time: The Price - While Mary Margaret goes off on her own in an attempt to come to grips with what she did to Cora and how her deed has affected her, she stumbles upon August, who has hidden himself away from the others because he’s made from wood. Emma is shocked when Neal invites his fiancee Tamara, to come to Storybrooke. Meanwhile, before the curse was cast, August is introduced to a man of magic who may be able to prevent him from turning back into wood - but at a steep price. 11:15 2013 Wimbledon 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra / 5:30 Seven Early News

5:00 World News 1:00 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia 1:30 Luke Gamble’s Vet Adventures: India 2:30 Food Investigations 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: French Coastlines: Saint-Christoly-Medoc To Hendaye 6:00 Tour De France 2013 Daily Highlights 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Shane Delia’s Spice Journey 8:00 Luke Nguyen’s Greater Mekong 8:30 Heston’s Feasts: Fairytale Feast - Top chef Heston Blumenthal sets out to reinvent famous past or imagined feasts for celebrity diners. Tonight, Heston makes a fairytale meal featuring a Cinderella pumpkin, a stuffed boar’s head inspired by Snow White, and an edible Hansel and Gretel house for pudding. His guests include actress Fay Ripley and broadcaster Hardeep Singh Kohli. 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 Tour De France 2013 Live: Stage 6 2:00 Weatherwatch Overnight

12 – Cooktown Local News 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2013


SUDOKU No. 154

Your  Lucky 



Stars  

CANCER (June 22nd - July 23rd) This would be a very good time to start a diet. You will have to convince yourself that it is worth doing, however, or else you will lapse within the week. Romance. Do not give up on your relationship, just because you have had a small set-back. Your luck is about to turn. Hang in there!

LEO (July 24th - August 23rd) Don’t allow anyone lead you away from your dreams. They won’t understand your needs as well as you do. Stay on course! Romance. You will have to make progress by yourself. The partner you have been depending on has much less energy than you. You need to take the lead.

VIRGO (August 24th - September 23rd)


You may have to compromise your beliefs in order to fit in with other people. Try to see things from their point of view and you will feel enlightened. Romance. Your partner will need to be treated fairly gently at the moment. They have more things on their mind than you realise.

LIBRA (September 24th - October 23rd) You may be thinking about going overseas for a while. This is not the best time for anything rash. Make sure you know what you really want to do first. Romance. Your ability to sense what is happening to your partner will enable you to keep one step ahead of them during the week.

SCORPIO (October 24th - November 22nd) Other members of your family may need to be called in to help. There is too much for you to do by yourself. Don’t be afraid to state your needs. Romance. You may be a little too strongly influenced by fantasy at the moment. Try to keep your feet firmly on the ground and be happy with reality.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st)


An unexpected chance to get away should not be missed. You may not have a similar opportunity for some time. Pack light! Romance. You may be interested in getting a long-term friendship onto a slightly less platonic footing. Try to figure out what your friend feels before moving ahead.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 20th)

Your confidence will receive a muchneeded boost this week. Be sure to have confidence in yourself and not rely on others for your self-worth. Romance. Your partner will be in a strange mood. Encourage them to spend time with friends. They may simply need an outlet for their feelings.

AQUARIUS (January 21st - February 19th)

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Make sure you don’t miss an opportunity to get together with some friends. You have been working hard recently and deserve a break. Romance. Your love-life will shortly be on rocky ground. Heighten your awareness and you may be able to prevent any upcoming disparities.

PISCES (February 20th - March 20th) Be careful not to lose your temper over an issue that is not really very important. It’s best to pick your battles wisely and save your energy for more important things. Romance. You must be careful to consider your partner’s needs because they may not be expressing them directly to you.

ARIES (March 21st - April 20th) A new friend will shortly be coming into your life. This person is quite different from most of the people you have known. It’s a good change of pace for you. Romance. Your energy levels will be very high this week. This will be an excellent time to put more effort into your current relationship.

TAURUS (April 21st - May 21st)


New discoveries in

science will continue to create a thousand new

frontiers for those who still would adventure.

– Herbert Hoover


An offer to get together with some people that you do not know very well may seem daunting. You will be glad that you went along, however. Romance. Make sure that you have your partner on your side before you make any important decisions. They will have to deal with the results.

GEMINI (May 22nd - June 21st) Something that you feel is right may seem quite illogical on the surface. Trust to your intuition and things will come together smoothly. Romance. A chance to make new acquaintances should not be missed, however busy you may be. You need someone to spend your free time with.

Cooktown Local News 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2013 – 13




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• All aspects of concreting and civil work • Houses, sheds and driveways • Decorative and exposed concrete • Spraycrete and concrete grinding Nick Prendergast Phone: 0429 923 400

SNAKES Removed/Identified JIM SYMES

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14 – Cooktown Local News 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2013

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Trades and Services ROOFING



green corner top tip

Are your plants dying? And the water bills are too high? Add a layer of mulch to your garden see what a difference it makes! • Pick-up (1m³) – $15.40 • Delivered (12m³) – $223.30 • Delivered (20m³) – $346.50 Mulch is available for purchase from all Waste Transfer Stations or delivered to your doorstep in Cooktown, Ayton, Lakeland & Helenvale/ Rossville area. P  4069 5444 E 



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Soil Testing Contact Eric George, your local technician 4069 5854 • 0409 686 032 Cairns 4047 8600

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THIS COLOUR SPACE COSTS ONLY $45 PER WEEK* Email or call 1300 4895 00

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*CONDITIONS APPLY – GST inclusive – Minimum 6 month booking. $30 per week Mono.


Trades & Services Advertisers To ensure that consumers locating contractors through advertisements published are protected, and that licensed contractors are not being disadvantaged, the Building Services Authority requires that all advertisers • state their name and BSA licence number on their advertisement or • state words to the effect “cannot perform building work valued at more than $3,300”. Non-compliance with these requirements may result in the advertiser receiving a warning or a fine from the BSA. If you do not meet the above requirements in your present advertisement, please contact us as soon as possible with your details.

Telephone: 1300 4895 00 Fax: 1300 7872 48 Email:


Living Well with


Choose lower fat versions Week 3 Challenge Goal - Choose lower fat versions of three foods you regularly eat. Some fat in our diet is essential to provide us with fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids. A diet low in saturated fat that includes moderate amounts of polyunsaturated and mono-saturated fat meets these needs easily. Tips for reducing fat in your diet: Labels • Look at the nutrition labels of similar products and choose the one with the lowest fat content. • Serve sizes vary so compare product by looking at the column (per 100 g). • Check other ingredients of recipe/ meal and swap for low-fat alternatives • Avoid adding extra fat in food preparation. • Choose lean cuts of meat and lowerfat products • Cut visible fat off meat during preparation. Try these healthier cooking methods such as: • dry frying, grilling, roasting on a rack or stir frying; • drain and discard fat from the pan before making gravy/sauce with remaining juices; • skim fat from casseroles and stews before serving; and • dab any grilled or fried food before serving with a paper towel. Which Fat is which? Saturated fats: Eating greater amounts of saturated fats is associated with an increase in heart disease risk. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature and include animal fats such as: Fat on meat Fat in chicken skin; Butter; and Cream Some plant-derived fats are high in saturated fat such as: Cooking margarine; Palm oil; and Coconut. These fats are often used in commercial, processed and packaged foods. Foods that may contain significant amounts of saturated fat include:

Sausages; Hard cheese; Cakes and biscuits; Snack foods; and Takeaway foods Trans fats are found in some: Margarines; Oils; and Processed foods. Eating more trans fats is associated with an increase in heart disease risk. Poly-unsaturated fats Omega-6 and omega-3 fats are types of polyunsaturated fats. Omega-6 poly-unsaturated fats are found in the following oils: Sunflower; Safflower; Soybean; Grape seed; and Many nuts and seeds These fats have been found to reduce heart disease risk when they replace saturated fats in the diet. Omega-3 poly-unsaturated fats are also known as “fish oils” as they are found in oily, deep-sea fish. These fats have been found to reduce the risk of heart disease. Try to include two fish meals each week. Mono-unsaturated fats found in the following oils: Canola; and Olive Margarines made from these as well as some nuts and seeds, olives and avocado. These fats have been found to lower levels of bad cholesterol when they replace saturated fats in the diet. Fat is higher in energy (kilojoules) than any other nutrient. Eating less fat can assist with weight loss and eating less saturated and trans fats can help lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. The information provided is based on the recommendations given by the National Heart Foundation and the Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council, kindly provided by our previous registered senior community nutritionist/dieticians Richard Ball and Grace Campbell. Wishing you all a healthy and wholesome week.

Psalm 25:15-18 AS believers, we have a Father who loves us and desires the best for us. We are part of a large spiritual family with many brothers and sisters. But if that’s the case, why do we sometimes still feel lonely, even when there’s no major crisis in our lives? The greatest loneliness man can experience is due to separation from the Father. This is a spiritual problem whose source is sin. We experience a break in our close fellowship with the Lord when we disobey Him and go our own way. The remedy is confession (1 John 1:9), which leads to restored fellowship with God. If we refuse to admit our sin, the separation grows worse. Busyness and preoccupation with earthly affairs also cause this isolation. Sometimes we push aside time with God in order to fulfill our obligations. Or we might focus so heavily on daily living that we ignore Him. To overcome

loneliness, spend time reconnecting with God through His Word take in the knowledge From the Pulpit of His deep, abiding love, and meditate on His great promises (Eph. 3:16-18). Being in harmony with the Lord renews our purpose and energy for life. Then that sense of isolation lessens, hope replaces discouragement and our focus shifts from “self” to others. It’s important to reconnect with people, so look for opportunities to practise the “one anothers” - encouraging, serving, loving, and supporting those around you. When David felt isolated and lonely, he turned to the Lord and sought His help. Intimacy with God is both the antidote to loneliness and protection from it. Have a great week Pastor Wayne Brennan Cooktown Community Church

When we feel lonely

Cooktown Local News 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2013 – 15






60HP with 6ft slasher. Helenvale, Cooktown, Endeavour Valley & all places in between. No travel time charged if in the area. $75/ hr. Please phone Allan Morris on 0457 958 807.

CONTAINERS for sale or hire. Ph Cooktown Towing, Tyres & Mechanical 4069 5545.

1999 Hyundai Lantra station wagon. Registered. Great economical car. $1750 ONO. Call Kim on 0418 692 442.

slashing Business. $10K of work booked to do already when up next month. Great Business! Offer to continue running bookings, advertising & paperwork til the end of the year for you. A great opportunity if you get in now, & hassle free. Enquiries please phone 0457 958 807.

garage sale garage sale from Saturday, June 29 to Sunday, June 30. Starting at 8am, various household items, Hill St, Cooktown.

Cooktown RSL Memorial Club


ADVERTISE your classified here! Call 1300 4895 00.


buy now

Expressions of Interest Expressions of Interest are now being taken for Community Donations for the next six (6) months, July to December, 2013. Closing date: Sunday, June 30, 2013. Please forward your request to: PO Box 233, Cooktown, Q 4895 or email:

POSITION VACANT Barperson Required. Must have experience and RSA & RGS. Email: cooktown.rsl@ .

Proposed Development From: Residential Dwelling To:

Tourist Accommodation


9 Weary Bay Road, Bloomfield


Lot 34 on RP734468


Mr John Corbett

C/- RPS Australia East Pty Ltd


07 4031 1336


Servicing Cooktown since 1997

Visiting regularly     

Approval sought: Development Permit for Material Change of Use for Tourist Accommodation

HEH is a civil contracting company based on the Atherton Tablelands who currently has civil projects based locally and in remote locations throughout Far North Queensland. HEH is looking for the following positions: 1) Traffic Controllers 2) Plant Operators 3) HR Truck Operators 4) Construction Labourers Must have: • Blue/ White Card (General Construction) • Operator tickets or Certificate of Competency • Traffic control • Queensland Drivers Licence Successful applicants will need to pass a medical and drug test. Please fax or email only: or (07) 4092 3217. Applications close Monday, July 1, 2013.

Application No.: LM:DA/3131:AD2013/0002387

Comment period: Friday 28th June 2013 to Thursday 19th July 2013 Written comments to: The Assessment Manager: Cook Shire Council Post: PO Box 3, Cooktown QLD 4895 :

(07) 4069 5444

email: web:

COOKTOWN Skip Bins. Commercial and domestic rubbish removal and disposal. Ph 4069 5545 or 0408 772 361.

Optometrist visiting

Have your say

REDUCED for quick sale. 3 BR house in quiet nothrough street. A/C. Recently painted interior. Colourbond exterior. Good condition. Town water & sewerage. Room for 2nd dwelling STCA. Tenanted. $229,000. Cooktown Property Agents 0417 848 966


Ocular health Eyesight testing Glaucoma assessment Diabetic sight analysis Contact Lens Consultations

Eyedentity Optical phone: (07) 4033 7575


HARDWOOD TIMBERS (formerly millers sawmill)

With all your local Australian northern hardwood timber  Cooktown Ironwood  Darwin Stringybark  Ironbark  Melville Island Bloodwood

Copies of the full application can be viewed or obtained from the Assessment Manager

SAWMILLING AND SUPPLYING  Structural Hardwood  Flooring and Decking  Poles  Sleepers  Rough and DAR Timber  Fencing Timber

Public Notification Requirement per Queensland Government Sustainable Planning Act 2009 Form 5 v 1

PETER & RENEE DAVIS Ph: 07 4093 1234 PO Box 1508, Mareeba, Q 4880 Mob: 0428 154 372








Dentist (C/H)

Baby Clinic & Immunisation (C/H)

Dentist (C/H)

Women’s Health NP (C/H)






Dentist (C/H)

Dentist (C/H)

Baby Clinic & Immunisation (C/H)

Dentist (C/H)

Dentist (C/H) Dr Ruben (C/H)






Dr Thomas (Hosp)

Dentist (C/H)

Baby Clinic & Immunisation (C/H)

Dentist (C/H)

Women’s Health NP (C/H)






Dentist (C/H) Dr de los Santos (M/H)

Dentist (C/H)

Baby Clinic & Immunisation (C/H)

Dentist (C/H) Dr de los Santos (M/H)

Dentist (C/H)



Dentist (C/H)

Baby Clinic & Immunisation (C/H)






Dr. Ruben: Paediatrician Dr. Bart: Dentist

Dr Thomas: Surgeon

MENTAL HEALTH Dr de los Santos: Psychiatrist 16 – Cooktown Local News 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2013

                                            


Hope Vale

Women's Health NP July 3, 9, 10, 17, 23, 24, 31 Dentist July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Psychiatrist July 23

Wujal Wujal

Women’s Health NP July 1, 2, 8, 15, 16, 22, 29, 30 Dentist July 1, 15, 29 Psychiatrist July 24


Along the BLOOMFIELD TRACK Travel writers give thumbs up to the region

Margaret McGuire and Alissa Jenkins at Archer Point. Photos: MIKE D’ARCY. SOME of us get a bit uncomfortable with having a lot of tourists around. The reality is that tourism is the mainstay of our communities from Cow Bay to Cooktown and beyond. Tourism is our bread and butter. And maybe our beer as well, during the peak season. So, when the regional tourism authorities get together to host visits by travel writers and photographers, it’s important to be involved, to show them the highlights of the area and why it’s so special. This last week

Lauren and Alissa - journos re-enacting flower people at Archer Point.

we hosted three travel journos on a whirlwind visit. Lauren Bath is a brilliant photographer. She has 240,000 followers on Instagramer. Now, I hadn’t even heard of Instagramer (it’s a bit like Facebook, except with photographs), but I know a big number when I see one. She has expensive cameras, a great eye and takes great shots. Follow her. She’s the most-followed Instagramer in Australia. Alissa Jenkins is from Australia

Drink drivers to face court A COOKTOWN man allegedly found driving with a blood alcohol concentration almost four times in excess of the legal limit will front court next month. The 31-year-old was intercepted on June 19, when he was found to have a BAC of .186% Another Cooktown man was arrested and charged on the same date after being intercepted driving with an alleged BAC almost three times in excess of the legal limit. In this case, the32-year-old’s reading was .144%. And on June 21, a 27-year-old was charged with allegedly possessing dangerous drugs, possession of an article for use in the consumption of a dangerous drug and unlawful possession of a knife after allegedly being found in possession of a number of morphine tablets, a number of syringes and a knife. The next sitting of the Cooktown Magistrates Court is July 4.

Police Beat

Traveller magazine and will write a story about the drive and tour possibilities from Cairns to Cooktown. It’s her first trip to the area and she was enthralled at the remoteness, the majestic scenery and the total contrast with her home base in Sydney. Margaret McGuire writes for Holidays for Couples, and knows the Top End well, but has never been to this part of the world. It was a pleasure listening to their views and excitement about the area, and being able to share its history and

Michael and Pinky from the Philippines and Kelly from Scotland.

scenery. They totally understand that most tourists are not top end, $1000 a night tourists ( who are of course, crucial in the big mix), but that most are average everyday Australians and international visitors enjoying a rare experience. They’ll be back for more, and that will be good for the area. Plenty of crocs are being sighted on the Bloomfield River, and it’s just wonderful to hear the Annan River croc has shown its Houdini-streak and escaped its tethers and torturers .

And found love as well! What a happy ending? With the school holidays and better weather, there have been huge numbers of (generally quite sensible and courteous) 4WDers along the Track. So, the peak season is here. Enjoy it while we can ! Happy travelling Mike and Trish D’Arcy D’Arcy of Daintree 4WD Tours Phone:+61 7 4098 9180

Sometimes it’s best to enjoy your good fortune oysters served to his table, so maybe 645, Cooktown, 4895. I HAVE returned recently from the Gold Coast, visiting my sister and Writers’ our benefactor was celebrating and Dianne Keller Corner had decided to include us “girls” in his Cooktown Writers’ Group revisiting scenes of our childhood. We indulged in lunch out at a largesse? “Cannon Rock” By then, feeling Currumbin eatery that is perched frivolously feminine, On Big Burleigh Headland there resides an edifice; partly on the beach and partly on a rocky outcrop with the waves instead of squirrelling Nature’s boulders piled like a giant’s war gun of old. breaking literally only a few metres away. away our savings, we trotted It juts proudly over ocean its fortress to guard. (Some cynical locals refer to it as “Tsunami to the nearby boutique cafe Called, by the old locals, “Cannon Rock”, or so I am told. and ordered coffee and sinful I was only eleven, long spindly legs to match, Cafe”) When I slithered, on belly, to the tip of The Rock. The scenery is a delight, combining nature’s cake. creamy sands, green jutting headlands, Sometimes it is best to just I hung, clinging, suspended ‘twixt blue wave and white cloud. sparkling blue waters and the tiers of man’s enjoy one’s good fortune to Only a trapeze artist would snidely dare to mock. Said our friend, the Park Ranger, a gnarled man of the bush, stylish, verandah-clad abodes. the max. Have you scribbled any “Sisters, sharp at seven, we’ll leave to roam the old hill We chose fish, chips and salad and no stories or poems suitable for Where the ancient volcano has spewed out its grey stones; dessert. As my sister went to pay, a gentleman our column about kind deeds As hexagons they lie; rumbled, tumbled, jumbled still. Up, down, we explored secret tracks overlain with green, stepped forward and said that he would take that you have encountered? care of the bill. Email them to either: Careful of crevices which might hold a nasty shock. He paid, with our thanks ringing in his ears, editor@cooktownlocalnews. I scaled the basalt pile, then slid along the muzzle. and moved away. or thekellers@big- Just eleven, and trembling, I conquered Cannon Rock! By DIANNE KELLER Across the room we saw champagne and or post to: P O Box






STANDBY Response Service. Support and information for people bereaved by suicide. Ph 0439 722 266. 24 hours – 7 days per week.

CIVIL celebrant Kathleen Roberts. Naming Ceremonies, Marriages, Funeral Co-ordination. 4069 5004 or 0427 695 004

COLLEENS GARDEN CARE Colleen will be away from June 24 to July 7. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Attention-seeking space seeks like-minded advertiser. Email au or call 1300 4895 00.


AAA CBD CBD CBD – Inn Cairns Boutique Apartments, 71 Lake Street, Cairns. Self catering, secure car parking, pool/gazebo, opp PO and Woolworths. Ph 07 4041 2350.

CAIRNS Rainbow Inn. 3½ star, all facilities including cable TV. Close to the city, from $65 per night. Ph 4051 1022. ADVERTISE your classified here! Call 1300 4895 00.

ADVERTISE your classified here! Email ads@

Cooktown Skip Bins Telephone: 1300 4895 00 Fax: 1300 7872 48 Phones attended 8.30am to 5pm – Monday to Friday

Rubbish removal and disposal Ph: 4069 5545 or 0408 772 361

PHONE: 4069 6032 Flexible, quality child care in a safe, nurturing environment


Steel and Aluminium supplies • Welding Fabrication: steel, alloy, stainless, site work • Guillotine, Bender, Roller: pipe threading and bending • Machining: lathe, milling • Hydraulics: hose repairs • Bolts, welding equipment • Metroll products, perlins, iron by order • Marine: boat, trailer, outboard repairs, parts and oils MacMillan St, Cooktown

Ph Phil 4069 5224 or Mob 0417 776 524 Cooktown Local News 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2013 – 17


Juniors turn up the heat in Friday night rugby league

Determination shows on the face of Cal Wilkin as he prepares to charge into the teeth of the waiting Hope Vale defence.

Bassani’s strike role for United Story by ALF WILSON THREE Rivers utility Johnathan Bassani will be used as a strike player from the bench for Northern United in Saturday’s clash with Outback Queensland in Cairns. The game will be played at Barlow Park as a curtain raiser to a Northern Pride Queensland Intrust Super Cup match. Bassani was selected in the United team after shining for Three Rivers at the Remote Area Rugby GAMES played on the night League FNQ Challenge at Cairns in late May. of Friday, June 14, saw another Other teams were Northern Cape, Southern Cape, awesome night of junior rugby Palm Island Barracudas and Bowen. leaguet the John Street Oval United coach Dave Kennedy was impressed with where Cooktown went headBassani and said he has the ability to have a major to-head with Hope Vale in the impact when used off the bench. under-10s, under-12s, under-14s “He can play in the forwards or backs so is very and under-16s. versatile,” Kennedy said. The under-10s game was hotly Kennedy said the players would meet in Cairns contested, but the score board on Thursday and train that night. did not tell the whole story, with “We will also have two sessions on Friday and a Hope Vale defeating Cooktown light run the day of the match. 20-0. “It is a bit of an unknown at this stage so we will Cooktown put up a great fight have to work out our combinations at training,” he with only five of their regular said. team on the field. Rampaging Weipa forward Reece McLaughlin The Player of the Match for has withdrawn from the side due to work committhe second fortnight in a row was ments and has been replaced by another enforcer in Keziah Bowen, with an outstandPalm Islander Raoul Miller. ing personal performance and Asked what he knew about Outback Queensland, three tries. the wily Kennedy said he had a spy watching games The under-12s came out fired at Hughenden recently. up for a very physical game, and The Cooktown Local News will be at Saturday’s they lived up to the challenge. game. The final score was Cooktown Kennedy is confident of a win and has plenty of 22 - Hope Vale 10. The Player of faith in Kowanyama fullback Fitzroy Lawrence, five the Match was Dylan Mitchell eighth Stanley David, Weipa forward Garreth Smith RESULTS 15personal and 18 for his ROUND outstanding and halfback Tim Oberleuter. performance and his two tries.


ABOVE: Hope Vale’s Lucas Woibo has this Cooktown defender in the corner of his eye as he props ready to step back the other way. Photos: GARY HUTCHISON. LEFT: Cooktown’s Oliver Hanson (with ball) is chased across field by Hope Vale’s Lucas Woibo.

Some really strong personal Hope Vale for some outstanding performances were also put in individual performances. The final game for the night by Hudson Dagge and Hamish Gibson for Cooktown, while was the under-16s, and again, for Hope Vale, Anita, Jai and action was the name of the game. Brayden put in some hard work to Hard hits started from the first score tries and kick a conversion. minute of the game and continued The under-14s were next on till the final whistle. The final score was Cooktown the draw, and what a clash they had? 36 - Hope Vale 22. Again, the score doesn’t do This was one action packed game from beginning to end. justice to the game. It was an This game again had the large amazing game to watch. There were some real standout crowd on their feet. Both sides showed raw determination and individual performances in both grit to serve up some amazing sides - particularly Shaun Law defensive efforts. and Aiden Kelly for Cooktown The final score was Cooktown and Jaczen Ross and Tyrone 30 - Hopevale 18. Gibson for Hope Vale. When asked who the Player The Player of the Match award was a difficult decision, as there of the Match should be, the were some real standouts, but referee couldn’t choose someone it was finally given to Hugh from Cooktown because they all McGregor for an outstanding played so well as a team and it was too difficult to choose any overall game. Special mention must also one person. The Player of the Match was be given to Jakeb Whitman, INCLUDE OFfor ORIGIN 2& 3 Gibson from given to Tyrone Jimmy FurlongSTATE and Jai Ross and Peter CreekAT for & Hope WILLCooktown, BE INCOMPLETE CLNVale for this game for his

two tries and two conversions and an outstanding personal performance. Congratulations to all the players for a great night of competetive and entertaining footy and congratulations to the winners of the Player of the match awards. Thanks to John and the crew at the Italian for sponsoring our Player of the Match awards - a voucher for a pizza from the Italian. Thanks also to the amazing crowd of parents and supporters who came out to cheer the teams on, it was great to see so many people watching the kids. Thanks Roz, Darren and Nathan for being our caterers for the night and thanks to Shaun, Peter and Harry for refereeing. The next juniors game will be Friday, July 12 after the school holidays. Nardia Whitman, Cooktown Junior Rugby League Secretary.

News NRL Tipping Competition Cooktown Local


Anytime, Anywhere

Boutique Apartments

*PLEASE NOTE: Due to the State of Origin game on Wednesday night, results will be given up to and including Monday games and Tipster Leader board will also reflect these results. NR = no results available at time of going to press.


ROUND 15 RESULTS (home team first) 18





W Tigers














Name Total Score wombat_101 81 EYE of the TIGER 76 Nikki 76 TheFantasticMrsFox 76 Beagleb2 75 Camf 73 POOTIE TANG 71 Kintaine 71 Wazza 69 Prickly 68

TERMS & CONDITIONS: The Cooktown Local News NRL footy tipping competition is free – there is no joining fee and no charges whatsoever are associated with it. The Cooktown Local News footy competition is computer generated,

18 – Cooktown Local News 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2013

Total Margin 141 145 146 169 160 168 152 177 187 164



(June 28 – July 1, home team first)

1 Rabbitohs



2 Storm

10 Panthers

3 Roosters

11 Broncos

4 Sea Eagles

12 Warriors

5 Titans

13 Cowboys

6 Sharks

14 Dragons

7 Bulldogs

15 W Tigers

8 Raiders

16 Eels

with all selections being lodged to an independent, national footy tipping website. Neither the Cooktown Local News nor sponsors can access the website, and all results are generated by the website operators. The results will be provided in the Cooktown Local News, the Cooktown Local News website and the

Friday, June 28



Saturday, June 29

W Tigers











Sea Eagles

Sunday, June 30

Monday, July 1

competition operator’s website after each round. Staff from the Cooktown Local News and sponsors are ineligible to enter. In the event of a tie, the prize value will be divided among the joint winners. No substitution of prizes for cash. Residents with local postcode and subscribers only eligible to enter and win prizes.


Dennis with a barra. Photos submitted.

Martina is delighted with this tarpon.

Neil’s tarpon has him smiling.

Boat ramp near completion - pontoon next month TIDES pushed the work crew, but the majority of the required work for the new boat ramp has been completed. A further inspection will be done on the tides next month, then the piles will be driven for the pontoon, at which time additional work may be undertaken.

During the last week, the Endeavour River has produced a good variety of species including: barra, mangrove Jacks, fingermark, tarpon, golden trevally, grunter, pikey bream and mud crabs. And the Annan River has held its own with similar catches, but the

standouts were the big queen fish. Inland reports have been mixed, but in general, the barra have slowed down with the cooler weather, however, some good fish have been reported regardless. Offshore, general fishing has been good with the charter boats making

it out during the week and returning with good catches of coral trout, large mouth nannygai, red emperor, spangled emperor and Spanish mackerel. The upcoming forecast not looking that great for out wide, unless you intend venturing out on a larger vessel, so the estuaries and inland

might be the best options. Tarpon can be a bit of fun on light gear and can add some excitement to a slow day - especially for the youngsters. Tight lines, Russell Bowman, The Lure Shop.

Beware - there’s a croc in there Hash in dark on year’s shortest day

A GOOD turnout of members competed in last week’s Italian Restaurant Weekly Stroke competition, which saw some good scores being turned in as well. Peter Gunther found his form and was the winner for the week with a nett score of 60. Peter Shields and Don Keller were both in contention for runner-up, with nett scores of 64, but Peter ended up the winner on a count back. Our “super-dooper” Course Super, Phil informs me that we have a croc living in the water hole behind the 4th/13th tee, so if you are really quiet you may be able to spot it having a little sunbake. We are not sure if it is a salty or a freshie, however Phil informs me he is about 2 metres long, but, as we all know, these things grow! Phil has also asked that persons using motorised carts not use the track going behind the 4th to the 13th tee at the moment as there is irrigation pipe across the track at the moment, which he doesn’t want run over. Eleven members turned out last Saturday to compete in the Cooktown Newsagency Stableford competition.Rick Butler had the best score for the day with 37 Stableford points. Next in line was Tanya Eizenberg with 32. All the nearest-the-pins were landed with Blue Hobbs taking out 2/11, Rick Butler for landing 14 and little brother Steve, for 9/18. Only three members competed in the Cape York Tyres Sunday 9-Hole Stableford

competition, which was won by Rick Cowe with a score of 17 points. Kate Thomson is In the the only member who has competed in this Bunker week’s The Italian Restaurant Weekly Stableford competition and is obviously leading the field so far with 29 Stableford points. Just a reminder that as of Monday, July 1 competition fees will be $5 per competition. The competition fee covers all the nearest-the-pin prizes, the runner-up prizes for the Sunday 9-Hole competitions and the Weekly competitions and also covers the Birthday Gift Certificates. Due to the lateness of membership renewal forms being sent out, fees are due by Monday, July 15 for the next financial year. As the annual affiliation fees (Golf Australia, GolfLink and Far North Queensland Golf Association) and of course insurance cover increases every year, the renewal cost for membership this year is $210 for full membership, $60 for junior members (under-18 and still at school for the whole financial year) and $11 for social. Membership renewal forms have been sent out to existing members via email and also by post for those members who don’t have an email address. Happy golfing everyone Kelly Barnett Manager Cooktown Golf Links

THIS week the Hash trekked out of town to Muff & Tuff’s place in the countryside. Muff had laid the trail, and he was getting nervous as the minutes ticked up to 5,30. He was afraid he had made the trail too long, and wanted to hurry us along to avoid returning in the dark. This was the shortest Monday of the year, and the sun set early. We searched around for toilet paper clues and eventually found the trail disappearing into the bush at the edge of the garden. We stayed in the bush for the rest of the run. The bush is pretty this year. We have had enough rain to keep it green even at the end of June, and it was a pleasure to pick our way through in the direction of Mount Tully. Less of a pleasure when the

practising for his 39 carton run next week. While all this was going on, Muff was busy cooking marinated ribs on his wood-fired barbecue, and they smelled good. As soon as Fakawe sat down, we pounced on them and they tasted as good as they smelt. Good solid food which we needed to keep the cold wind out. Next week’s run will be hosted by Saddlebags. Just turn up on Monday. July 1 at 5.30pm to join the fun (and get some exercise). Contact Moses on either 4069 5854 or 0409 686 032 for details. On-on! Lye Bak

Lights ‘almost’ spot on for shooters THE Black Powder shooters held their monthly shoot last Sunday, which included events for the cross-bow shooters. Conditions were ideal for last Saturday’s night shoot, which included Rifle, Pistol and Shotgun events conducted simultaneously on

New range nearing completion WORK is under way for the completion of an upgraded 25 metre range, which will enable new disciplines to be shots. Once finished, we should have the appropriate approval in the coming months. Results from Wednesday, June 12’s 30-shot Standard Match: 1st Janne 258, 2nd Toby 257 and a tie between Andy and Lutsie for 3rd who both finished with 234. Last Wednesday night saw the new, improved lights switched on for a 25 metre 3-P Service Shoot.

trail did an abrupt turn and struck out further into the trees, but what could we do? Any attempt at short-cutting would end in trouble, so we just kept plodding along until, way after sunset, we arrived back at Muff’s house. Many of the familiar names were missing - it is school holidays and a chance to go fishing - so Fakawe stepped up to be GM. She was spoiled for choice, and started by welcoming three virgin runners to their first Hash. Then Titus was punished for behaviour unbecoming a gentleman, and Moses for repairing the Hash diary so it will last another year. Then there was Tuff, who accidentally scratched Oyster’s brand new car, and Granddad who is

From a possible score of 360, Clint finished first with 345, Andy was second on 334 and Janne was third with 333. A new shoot calendar which will include more weekend shooting is being considered Members are reminded of Sunday’s Practical Shoot from 9am. Janne Stewart, Secretary/Treasurer.

Cape York SSAA shooters Bernie Snape (back) and Andy Gardner (front) at last weekend’s night shoot. Photo submitted. The Rifle/Pistol range shoot at the Sporting Clay two of the ranges, with 17 will require a small adjust- Range, which will enable us shooters participating. Lights, funded with the ment to the lights position, to test out all the traps before support of the Queensland while the clay targets at the two-day carnival in July. Government Sport and the Shotgun Range were For further information Recreation Services, are a clearly visible - no excuses contact me on 4069 5173 great asset to the club giving for missed targets there. to confirm the time and day. This weekend, we are a precise night time clarity to Anne Williams, the sport of target shooting. holding an extra shotgun Secretary.

Cooktown Local News 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2013 – 19

Sport Cooktown Local


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Sports reports deadline is 5pm, Monday prior to publication

Marton downs Council to head cricket table

ABOVE LEFT: Marton keeper Joe Ford waits for a snick behind the stumps, but Council’s junior batsman Billy Dukes has other ideas with good feet placement and his eyes on the ball. Photos: GARY HUTCHISON. ABOVE RIGHT: Marton keeper Joe Ford prepares himself for this ball snicked behind by Council’s Mark Whitman, but the ball went high and wide to the fence for four. RIGHT: Council batsman Billy Dukes watches the path of this ball fired down the pitch by Marton’s Pat Sorensen. was Jayde with 2-15 off 5 the bat and 5-18 with the ball. By TONY HOLMES Another great day at the overs, Cameron 2-25, Mark CRICKET at the Gardens on 1-30 and Mitchell 1-33 - all off Gardens was had by all and thanks to the ladies for putting Sunday saw Council win the five overs. After the lunch break, on a great bbq lunch for us. toss and put Marton into bat That sees the end of the first with Joe taking the long handle Council began in a similar way and belting everything he could to Marton with Mark hitting round of 40-over games with balls to all parts for a quick Marton on top followed by get his bat on. Dom was out for 6, caught fire 26 before he was bowled Council, BMP and Hope Vale. Next week there is a bye on the boundary by Mitchell by Wilco. This left Billy at the crease with 20/20s to start the week with the “catch of the day”. Joe was out next with a who was batting well at one after with 20/20 finals to be quick 29 which made the score end with a steady loss of played straight after. The 20/20 draw: 2-65. Rob joined Mick, who partners at the other. Billy was eventually out June 30 - bye; steadied the ship and the pair July 7 - Marton vs BMP put on 78 before Mick was for 27, Jayde and Craig were the only other twp batsmen from 9.30am and Council vs bowled by Craig. Pat and Rob moved the to trouble Marton with Jayde Hope Vale from 1pm; July 14 - BMP vs Council score along to 192 before Pat caught on the boundary for 44 and Craig not out on 29. from 9.30am and Hope Vale vs was out for 21. Council were all out in Marton from 1pm; Rob, the main stay for July 21 - Semi-final - Team Marton, was the last man out the 37th over for 198 making 2 vs Team 3 from 9.30am, folfor a well batted 83 - Marton Marton the winners. Man of the Match for Mar- lowed the by Final - Team 1 vs finishing all out for 261. Best bowling for Council ton was Rob with 83 runs with winner of semi-final from 1pm.

League comes to John Street again More upsets undermine footy tipsters ALTHOUGH only four games were played in round 15 of the Cooktown Local News/ Hinterland Aviation/Inn Cairns NRL footy tipping competition on the weekend, no one got all four correct. And then only four could manage three wins - FNQ_Chris, Dogs of War!!!!, Matthew Thompson and Beagleb2. Tipsters struck out with the Tigers’ victory against the Raiders, while many struggled with the Roosters’ win against the Bulldogs. And, of course, State-of-Origin had not

completed by the time the paper went to press on Wednesday night. Wombat_101, although getting two, retains a five-point lead on top of the table with 81, ahead of Eye of the Tiger (2), Nikki (2) and TheFantasticMrsFox (2) all on 76. Beagleb2 (3) moved up to 75, ahead of Camf (2) on 73. 71: Pootie Tang (5), Kintaine (7). 69: Wazza (2). 68: Prickly (1), Maggie_P (1), Matthew Thompson (3).

Tide times – Cooktown

67: Dogs of War!!!! 66: bubsie9181 (1) 65: Cameron Neill (1),Whiteyfunk (1). 64: Team Terr. The winner of the Cooktown Local News/ Hintertland Aviation and Inn Cairns NRL footy tipping competition will received a return flight to Cairns with Hinterland Aviation and three nights’ accommodation in Inn Cairns right in the heart of Cairns. The runner-up will receive $250 from the Cooktown Local News.


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Fri 28 Time    

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FIRST QUARTER     

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FULL MOON     

20 – Cooktown Local News 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2013

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LAST QUARTER     

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Weather Watch      


THE second round of this year’s Three Rivers fixtures will be played at the John Street Oval on Saturday night. An exact draw for Saturday’s night games is at this stage undecided, with the availability of a Cooktown Crocs team still to be decided. In the first round, the Hope Vale Red Soil Rebels easily accounted for the Back Street Warriors 46-0. while the Crocs forfeit to Wujal Wujal gave the Yindili a 20-0 result. So at this stage on the basis of for-and-against, the Rebels lead the competition, the Yindili are running second, the Crocs (if they field a team) are third and the Back Street Warriors are fourth. Saturday night’s games are expected to kick off at 6pm.


Open 7 Days ● ● ● ● ● ●

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PO Box 571 142 Charlotte Street Cooktown Qld 4895 Ph/Fax: 07 4069 5396 Mob: 0427 623 398 ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

          

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