October 10th 2012
Eylandt Echo
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Fortnightly news for the Groote Eylandt community proudly produced by GEMCO
Ngakwurralangwa College Scoops Smart Schools Finalists Milyakburra and Angurugu Schools are finalists in the Department of Education‟s annual Smart Schools Awards for the second year running. The awards will take place in Darwin, in two weeks time and celebrate excellence in education around the Northern Territory. Angurugu School Principal, Kristie Lloyd said the awards were a great way to recognise the excellence that occurs in remote schools and serves a reminder that being remote is not a barrier to achieving at the highest level. Milyakburra has been selected for Excellence in Community Engagement (making bush medicines for sale and using it as a way to teach
literacy and numeracy) and Angurugu for Excellence in Innovation (using ipads in the classrooms; running Saturday and holiday school and partnering with GEBIE GCC for adult literacy and numeracy classes.)
Left: Milyakburra students learn to transfer traditional quantities such as handful or bunch into measurable metric quantities. Right: Families teach students traditional knowledge of collecting and use of medicinal plants as part of their bush medicine project.
The countdown begins to the Alyangula Community Arts Festival ...With just
one week to go until the Alyangula Community Arts Festival, the Echo caught up with Katie Hoffmann, who co-directs the festival with Richard Tomlinson to get the scoop on this years program.
Echo: What‟s new about the Alyangula Community Arts Festival in 2012? Katie: We‟re really excited to have a piece of live theatre in the Arts Fest this year. Percy Bishop, who lives and works in Umbakumba, will be performing a one-man play called My Mama’s Keeper on the Sunday night of the festival at the School. We occasionally have theatre groups visiting the schools and performing for the students of Groote Eylandt, but this is a rare opportunity to see a play which is aimed at an adult audience. I think it‟s going to be a very moving piece of theatre. Echo: How can children get involved in the festival? Katie: There are fantastic opportunities for the kids this year. Britt Hollingworth is running a creative movement class for 3 to 5 year olds, and Melia Daw is holding an art workshop for 6 to 9 year olds. The school choir will be opening the performance line-up, and we have a group of young dancers, as well. Echo: Have you had a good response for the poetry competition this year? Katie: If past festivals are anything to go by, the poets of Groote Eylandt like to send in their poems at the very last minute. Unfortunately, we haven‟t had any en-
tries so far, but we hope the poems will come flooding in by the deadline (10 th October). Echo: Can you tell us what to expect on the Saturday night? Katie: There is a really wide variety of entertainment on the performance schedule. Leonie Wheeler is a local favourite; this will be her third Arts Fest performance and we can‟t wait to hear her singing again. Leonie has a pretty big band this year, too – they‟ll make a great sound together. For the first time, we‟ll be hearing some classical music, too, which is fantastic. I think people are going to be very impressed by the level of skill they see on stage. Among the other acts, people can expect to see dancers, magicians, singersongwriters and more. Echo: How is the art exhibition shaping up? Katie: We‟re going to have quite a lot of photography this year, which is an interesting new direction for the art exhibition. We‟re also expecting some large-scale sculptural works and a piece of installation art. We still have room for more art, so we want all those secretive closet artists out there to get in touch! Echo: Anything else to add about the 2012 Alyangula Community Arts Festival? Katie: Each year, the Arts Fest has become bigger and more diverse. This year is no exception. Richard and I are looking forward to another weekend of fun, entertainment and cultural enrichment. There are so many talented people here on Groote, and they‟re very generous to Editorial 2 share their talents with the community. So don‟t miss it – see you Township news 2 there!
Facing the FIFO phe-
For Alyangula Community Arts Festival enquiries, please contact nomenon Richard Tomlinson on 8987 4446 Eylandt news or Richard.Tomlinson @bhpbilliton.com Education news
Festival Highlights th
Art Exhibit : 7pm Fri 19
Main Event: approx 4.30pm Sat 20th st
Play: 6pm Sun 21
Workshops: 9.30am Saturday (Held at the ARC unless specified) Eylandt Echo, 10 - 23 September, 2012 – Page 1
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Health & Wellbeing
Tides & fishing
GEMCO Indigenous Literacy Day
October 10th 2012
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Greetings Eylandters, There have been many preparations going on around Eylandt for some exciting upcoming events, and that’s not just the annual Bill fishing Tournament. We also have the Alyangula Arts Festival on 19th-21st October and Octoberfest on the 27th at the ARC organized by Groote Eylandt’s own German fraulein, Martina Ripcke to look forward to. This edition of the Echo will be the final one until March 2013 as I am taking maternity leave for the next few months. A huge thank you to all the regular and not-so-regular contributors to the Echo. All these contributions help to shape our community newspaper and bring us all together here on this remote and beautiful Eylandt. I look forward to hearing from you again in the new year. Have a wonderful festive season and until next time, Happy reading,
Tidal power to arrive in the Top End The ABC News has reported that the Northern Territory could have a tidal energy supply by 2020 under a new project announced last month. The world first trial in tropical waters is a joint venture between the Power and Water Corporation and Tenax Energy. The Clarence Strait off the Tiwi Islands has been marked for as the Tidal Energy and
Testing Plant location due to its close proximity to Darwin and currents. Challenges include storing the energy, which is generated in conjunction with lunar cycles, for use during peak hours and the warmer temperatures of the Top End waters. The plant is expected to start generating power by 2015 and reach commercial scale by 2020.
Police Beat
Groote Eylandt
It has been a steady fortnight with Police responding to over 90 incidents. Traffic Offences Of concern is the fact that traffic offences have continued to feature including;
8 traffic offences being detected;
5 Random Breath Testing stations being established resulting in;
A 50 year old male from Alyangula being summonsed to appear for medium range drink driving (.09%);
A 47 year old male from Angurugu being summonsed for driving an unregistered & uninsured motor vehicle; and
Sarah Dixon
A 28 year old male form Angurugu being summonsed for driving unlicensed
Offences against the person
Contact us: Eylandt Echo Phone: (08) 8987 4137 Email: eylandte-
A 35 year old male was arrested after breaching a domestic violence order on 25 Septemper. He has been remanded in custody to appear in Darwin Court on 26 October 2012. A 26year old male has been arrested for breaching his bail conditions and has been given court bail to appear at Alyangula on 10 October 2012.
cho.gemco@bhpbilliton.com The Eylandt Echo newsletter is produced each fortnight for the benefit of everyone on Groote Eylandt. The Eylandt Echo is sponsored by GEMCO as a community service. The contributions and advertisements contained within the Eylandt Echo are not necessarily the views and opinions shared by either the Editor or GEMCO, but are presented for the community’s interest at large.
Court dates Alyangula Court is scheduled for 10-12 October 2012. Local Counter Disaster Committee Meeting The Local Counter Disaster Planning Committee met on 27 Sep 12 to review the Local Counter Disaster Plan. The meeting included a request for public cyclone shelters to be audited and reviewed to assess suitability. Local contacts were updated. The Committee and Plan are requirements under the Northern Territory Disasters Act, and both are established to ensure that Groote Eylandt is in a state of preparedness should a disaster affect the area.
Township news ensure you manage your supply of food in the best A check list for your „Emergency Survival Kit possible way. Battery-operated radio (with spare batteries) Cyclone season is just around the corner; attached Special needs for infants, the aged and peoare a few items that we should consider when reple with disabilities vising our cyclone check list. These include: Strong plastic bags (for clothing, valuables, Pantry list Consume perishable products documents and photographs) (eg fresh fruit and vegetables, This list should only be used as a guide for items Books, playing cards or games bread) before consuming long that may assist in an emergency situation and Torch (with spare batteries), candles and life products should be customised to meet your individual waterproof matches household needs. When purchasing products for Spare clothes including strong shoes, broad brimmed hat, leather gloves and sunscreen your pantry, aim for ready-to-eat products that It is suggested that households should hold suffifor each household member do not require cooking (in case gas or electricity cient supply of food, water and essential items to Extra car and house keys enable a household to be consupply is disrupted) fined at home for up to 14 days. Credit cards, key cards and money is essenRation food/water supplies based on how long tial in case electricity supply is disrupted Food supplies should be conyou expect to be confined at home First aid kit and manual tinually used and replenished. Sleeping equipment Ensure food is rotated, and use Copies of important family documents (birth by dates are checked regularly. certificates, passports and licences) Managing at home Emergency food and water supplies If you do find yourself and your family in a situa A mobile phone, spare battery and charger tion where you are confined, or choose to be con(in case power returns) fined at home during or following and emergency, Contact details for your agreed out of-town there are several things you should consider to contact
Cyclone Season
Eylandt Echo, 10 - 23 September, 2012 – Page 2
October 10th 2012
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Facing the FIFO phenomenon a look into Australia’s Fly-in, Fly-out workforce FIFO was an acronym that until 5 years ago, was relatively unknown outside of the regional workforce. These days it has become a well-known catch phrase to label the growing number of mining industry workers choosing the option to Fly In and Fly Out of regional and remote locations. With this trend has come an increased interest by various organizations concerning the impact that a FIFO workforce could have on social, health and family life as well as accompanying infrastructure development and social impacts in remote communities. A Federal Government inquiry was called in August of last year to investigate impacts of FIFO style work and is expected to be released next year.
“To the extent that much of the extra demand for labor in remote locations is temporary, an advantage of FIFO arrangements is that they can help limit the extent of housing and infrastructure required to service the workforce, and therefore reduce the extent of unused capacity when the boom ultimately passes," says the report.
more and more of my friends are also moving into mining for half a year or so before taking off again to work out in Asia somewhere. The money we can save makes for an easier working holiday and a generally better overseas experience.”
Director of the on-line support website, FIFO Families, Nicole Ashby says the FIFO lifestyle works for her family, but it hasn't always been easy. She suggests trying to educate yourself to the realities of FIFO and how you will be affected by being away from home and loved ones. According to However despite the recent focus on it, FIFO is far In an interview on ABC Radio, Dean Carson, Profes- Nicole, the roster pattern can be crucial to how famifrom a new phenomenon in the Aussor of Rural and Remote Research from lies cope. tralian workplace. The Australasian Flinders University Rural Clinical “Choosing the “Shorter 7/7, 2wk/2wk rosters are effective because Institute of Mining and Metallurgy School commented that a far greater right roster pattern dates the use of a FIFO workforce in number of FIFO workers are employed you‟re not working for too long so it‟s not only can be crucial to achievable physically but the equal time off makes is outside of the mining sector and have the minerals sector, to the late 1970s. a great work-life balance. Anything more than been for many years. According to how families According to the Institute, it is the around three weeks can cause extra strain on the famProfessor Carson, positions such as increase in the reported use of these cope.” ily unit and also makes for a greater chance at misslocum doctors, nurses and seasonal (FIFO) practices coupled with workers in accommodation and agricul- ing important family events.” „focused media attention of the negative social impacts and the reduced viability of many regional and tural sectors take up a far greater percentage of FIFO Nicole also believes the young, cashed-up, boozing, workers than the mining industry. Professor Carson bogan image of a FIFO worker, presented in the meremote town centers‟ that has ultimately led to the believes the concern then becomes the quality of dia is a myth. “Recent research suggests that the inquiry. consistent Government service provision. average age of FIFO workers in Australia is 45,” she According to research by the Reserve Bank of Aussays. “FIFO resource industry workers do engage in tralia, the use of a temporary FIFO workforce is help- While some may struggle finding the work/life more drinking than the general population, but at ing prevent unsustainable growth in mining commu- balance, many find FIFO a great way to save for sites with a wet mess, it‟s often the central place to the future. nities. Reported in The Property Observer the resocialize, so it becomes part of the culture and the search suggests that “once the mining investment Andrew Gilligan, a laborer/operator, has been worklifestyle.” phase ing FIFO from the NT community of Groote Eylandt Here on Groote Eylandt where there is a waitlist for comes to an for over six months and credits the remote location residential housing which is currently all full, a large end, the to helping him learn to manage his finances. percentage of the workforce is FIFO. GEMCO utilization “FIFO hasn't really changed my spending habits at Health and Hygiene Specialist, Sue Stephenson said of FIFO all, if anything it has helped my saving habits as I the trick to FIFO work was to get a „lifestyle labor is have nothing to spend money on and do long swings. friendly‟ roster. “The majority of GEMCO FIFO likely to fall FIFO work is always an attractive way to make rosters are 7/7, allowing workers to spend large as labor money for myself as I only work four to six months a amounts of time with family and avoid „burn-out‟ by demand in year in Australia and spend the rest diving and work- working too much,” Sue said. “We also have measthese areas ing around Asia. It‟s great and I would definitely ures in place to ensure that FIFO workers are well declines.” recommend FIFO for friends and family. In fact, supported.”
Many residents of Zimbabwe‟s
Bulawayo city have simultaneously flushed their toilets as part of an official attempt to prevent blocked sewage pipes. Mayor, Thaba Moyo told the BBC that the „big flush‟ would keep pipes wet and prevent them getting clogged. Council workers had visited townships warning people that they risked fines if they failed to take part and the synchronised flush will now take place at the same time twice a week. A major reassessment of 18yeras worth of satellite observations has provided a new detailed view of sea-level change around the world. Globally, sea levels are rising by 3mm/yr, however the effect of the El Nino/La Nina-Southern Oscillation has caused increases in excess of 10mm/yr in the Philippine Sea and the data indicates that South East Asian waters are rising at higher rates than most other part of the ocean. Vietnam has jailed three bloggers accused of spreading antigovernment propaganda, in a case criticised by human rights groups. The government, which does not allow freedom of expression, gave the three jail sentences of between four and 12 years. Source: BBC World News
In a country where eight in 10 inhabitants live within 50kms of the coast, Australia has vast amounts of sparsely inhabited land, dotted with remote communities, all requiring access to medical and other government services.
Having their say: The faces of FIFO on Groote Eylandt
Chez: The best thing about FIFO is having a full week off and the only negative thing I can think of is the early morning start when we change over and the flights. My spending hasn't changed that much, I save while away and probably spend a little more when I’m back on mainland. I work 7/7 and I love my roster.
Alan: The best thing about FIFO is the lifestyle, I love it. The worst part is the temporary accommodation and having to change rooms every swing. FIFO has made me more conscious of budgeting and aware of managing my money. I’m very satisfied with my 7/7 roster and feel it’s healthy for my relationship.
Belinda: The best thing about FIFO is having a weeks holiday! The worst thing is the early mornings. It hasn't really changed my spending habits much, if anything I save more than I used to. I’m on a 7/7 roster and I love it.
Support services for GEMCO FIFO employees Employee Assistance Program (EAP) service – fortnightly visits to Eylandt and a 24 hour freephone number for any employees/contractors to use
Fatigue management system including commute plans for those who live more than one hours drive from Darwin or Cairns airports, and fatigue calculators to assess likely fatigue
Education regarding healthy lifestyle – nutrition, exercise, sleep, managing shift work etc Camp life – curfews to allow best sleeping environment; healthy lifestyle tips in the Mess; workers in camp only have responsibility for their personal hygiene, all other living chores are provided for them.
Gym and other GEMCO run recreational facilities such as the swimming pool, squash courts, town walking tracks, golf course etc Eylandt Echo, 10 - 23 September, 2012 – Page 3
October 10th 2012
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Alyangula tip moves with the times Groote Eylandters now have a new and improved integrated waste management facility, aka, the tip! Located at the site of the former Wet Tip area, the new facility is the complete one-stop-shop for waste dumping. Tips for the tip: Follow the signage! Entering and exiting the dump is by a weighbridge. An attendant will help you proceed. Ask for help if required. Friendly staff are there to help with directions and answer questions.
wet Waste = household rubbish dry Waste = non contaminated construction waste, furniture etc
Opening Hours: Monday – Saturday: 7am-5pm Closed Sunday (gate locked)
green Waste = garden debris and weeds
CWA shop receives a face lift Your C W A Shop has new stock, new fit out inside and a new lick of paint. We have an enormous thank you to our devoted hardworking ladies, who have given up their free time to make these changes possible. Also a very special thank you to our devoted maintenance team who painted our dwelling, making it look brand new again. For our opening times, please see advertisement on page 11. Left: the lovely ladies of the CWA outside their newly renovated store
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Practical training paves the way forward for Angurugu students Senior and Middle years students Ngakwurralangwa College are participating in Certificate II in Construction training at Angurugu School‟s workshop. As part of this training students complete their Construction White Cards that will allow them to participate in structured work placement and work experience in their local community.
The students have had a fabulous week building and routing designs into wooden tool boxes. The training is provided in partnership with CDU has already had a positive impact on attendance and reengagement of senior students. College Director Mark Monaghan said that courses such as these were the first step for students to embark on a pathway into real jobs.
Alyangula Rippa Skippas perform at Angurugu For a fun end of term, a team of excellent skippers from Alyangula school performed a routine for Angurugu students. The students have been practicing some deadly skipping moves all term during after school activities. “Students loved the skipping and it was a great way to get fit,” said teacher Genevieve Donohue. After the demonstration, Alyangula students showed Angurugu students some of the tricks of the trade. Left: The Rippa Skippas in action
Angurugu Assistant Teacher wins Adult Learning Recognition Angurugu Assistant Teacher (AT) Roland Nundhirribala has been recognised for his dedication to his own learning. As part of an Adult Learners Week competition, themed „digital literacy: connecting and learning through technology‟, Roland submitted a short film talking about the importance of education using his own ipad. He won a Coles voucher for his great work. Angurugu Principal, Kristie Lloyd, said that the constant learning and capacity building of Indigenous Support Staff was a key priority of the school and crucial in the engagement and education process. A Middle Years Boys Assistant Teacher , Roland is enrolled in a Certificate 111 in Education Support Work through Batchelor Indigenous Institute of Tertiary Education. Right: Roland with his students
Angurugu students visit sister school Nelissa Wurramarra, Sonja Wurramarrba, Irene Mamarika travelled to Melbourne to visit students from Firbank Grammar School, Melbourne in early September with their Angurugu teachers. On arrival the students were given the Firbank uniform as they were considered a part of the school. They were away for seven days providing enough time to get a feel of this big city. The students stayed at the
Firbank Grammar boarding house with the other students and attended daily classes along with the rest of the students. The students were given this great opportunity to continue with the Angurugu School relationship with Firbank Grammar which includes an annual visit from them earlier in the year. iPads are used to maintain communication between the girls by Skype and also sharing photos and music. A special lunch was held for the Angurugu students provided by the Firbank student wellbeing committee. This committee has been set up by student peers who are available to listen to any student that would like to talk to somebody when they don‟t feel comfortable talking to an adult. It is made up of students in the same age group as our students, many of whom have been to Angurugu. It was lovely to see Angurugu students socialising and having fun with their new found city friends. During the trip to Melbourne, the Angurugu girls went to the MCG to watch a nail biting AFL game where Richmond drew with Port Adelaide. They visited the Melbourne Aquarium to see giant stingray, dangerous sharks and real live penguins. The Angurugu students enjoyed the visit to the zoo where they saw lions and tigers as a highlight. Sonja said : “We visited a park and played a basketball scratch match with the locals finishing off that particular evening with some fish and chips. And, “How about the weather?” we have been asked many times since our return. Luckily for us, the weather was unusually warm, and no rain! Definitely not typical of Melbourne.”
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October 10th 2012
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Yoga Pose of the Week Face of Light Pose 1. Sit with your legs extended out in front of you, then bend your knees and put your feet on the floor. Slide your left foot under the right knee to the outside of the right hip. Then cross your right leg over the left, stacking the right knee on top of the left, bringing the right foot to the outside of the left hip. 2. Sit evenly on the sit bones 3. If this is enough for you then rest the palms on the knees or in the lap. Otherwise inhale the right arm out to the right side and rotate the arm inwards so the thumb points to the floor. Bending the elbow, draw the palm behind the back and tuck the elbow into the side of the body. Inhale the left arm directly up and turn the palm to face behind you. Bend the elbow and drop the palm down, trying to reach for the right palm. Use a strap to hold on to if you cant reach. 4. Inhale deeply, lengthening through the spine and front body. Stay in the pose for about two minutes, or if comfortable longer, before changing sides.
This pose focuses on opening through the ankles, hips, shoulders, armpits, triceps and chest. It will initially be a challenging posture to hold as it works at releasing deep muscles which in our daily activity, we usually only tighten. Use deep breathing and an inward focus to remain peaceful in the pose.
How to use the magic of your mind
Weekly health and fitness with Rachel Van Oosten It is amazing to see the reality you can create for yourself when you are focussed on what you do want to attract into your life, rather than telling yourself what you don‟t want. When my family and I first made the decision to move to a small island in the Gulf of Carpentaria who would have imagined it would have led to the amazing adventure I have been on. It is one year this month since I started my business Active Symmetry, and next month will be the one year anniversary of running group fitness sessions on Groote Eylandt. It has not all been smooth sailing (the seas in fact can be pretty rough here)! Yet each challenge that I have encountered has been another opportunity to grow and be the person I want to be. Over the past 12 months I have attracted many amazing women who are creating change in different areas of their lives and focussing on how they can experience even more happiness and joy in their lives by valuing their own health and wellbeing. Through the group fitness sessions we get the opportunity to connect on a regular basis and this has enabled us to form great friendships and connections. One of the ideas that has grown from this group is a bookclub to explore and share our own personal journeys of transformation through reading A New Earth, by Eckart Tolle. What I love about bookclubs generally is that it is a way to connect with other women and by doing so, learn more about myself and others. This bookclub will be taking that experience to a different level as we share what we are really thinking, or as it is described in the book “the insanity of our minds”, and how we can transform our thinking to be the women we aspire to be. What I think is awesome about this experience is because we are increasing our own awareness as to what is occupying our thoughts this means we can clearly see how this is impacting on the results we are getting in different areas of our lives. It has been said that increasing awareness is 95% of the journey, so recognising your “ego” or how you talk to yourself is key to understanding why you are getting the results you are currently getting.
The way I like to think of “ego” in it‟s simplest terms is that when I am in a place of ego I am in my head rather than in my heart space. A recent quote that one of my mentors shared is that it is “when you come from your heart rather than your head you will be loved and appreciated rather than misunderstood”. I have found this has been great feedback when my communication has not gone as I had wanted, where it is so easy to place blame or judgement on the other person “not getting it”, perhaps there is greater learning in looking at where I was coming from and how I could approach the conversation differently next time? So you may be asking yourself how can I use the magic of my mind to maximise my results? Quite simply I can spend more time focussing on what I do want, the outcomes I want to create for myself moment to moment and into the future. It is easy to say “this isn‟t going to work”, “maybe this just isn‟t for me”, or “it‟s too hard”. What if instead you started your day by setting yourself up for success, focussing on your intention and asking yourself a key question that will re-focus your thoughts to attract what you do want in your life. It might go something like “how can I be even more healthy, vibrant, energetic and joyful right now?” or whatever has meaning to you. If you ask yourself this question then what you will notice is that your mind will start searching for the ways you can make this your reality and the actions will become clearer and easier with each step you take. “The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.” – Brian Tracy Yours in health & fitness, Rachel Van Oosten Active Symmetry
Eylandt Echo, 10 - 23 September, 2012 – Page 6
October 10th 2012
Made with love This delicious recipe comes care of Jamie Oliver’s cookbook, Jamie Does.
Page 7
Made with love
Greek sa lad
Ingredients: 1 tomato 200gr cherry tomatoes 1 roma tomato
Handful of black olives, stoned Sea salt
s& w e N , s t l u s Re nts e v E g n i m o Up c Marty & Vicky - Chefs from the Golf Bistro are back on the Eylandt – check out the club for their new menu!
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
Chook Run
1 green pepper
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Social Adults (Fridays) & Juniors (any day during the week) – register at the Bar
Handful of fresh dill
1 teaspoon dried oregano
Steady Eddy Biathlon
1 medium red onion, peeled 1 cucumber
Handful of fresh mint leaves Method:
October 13th & 14th - Enteries close Friday 12th October 2012
Place all of the following into a large salad bowl:
Cut the cherry tomatoes in halves, the regular tomatoes into slices and roma tomatoes into wedges.
Saturday 29th September – GC Event – Stableford 1:00pm for 1:30pm Tee Off
Slice the onion very finely so its wafer thin.
1st Place – Vicky White 38pts
Scratch a fork down the sides of the cucumber so it leaves deep grooves in the skin and cut into thick slices.
2nd Place – Phil Holland 37pts
Deseed the pepper (capsicum) and slice into rings.
Roughly chop the dill and most of the mint, leaving some to garnish and squeeze the olives over the salad before throwing them in to season it.
Add a pinch of salt, the vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. Toss everything together with clean hands.
To serve pop the block of fetta right on top of the salad and sprinkle the salad with oregano and left over mint. Enjoy!
Saturday 22nd September – Groote Retravision Sponsor Day Thank you to Rosie for an awesome day, your ongoing support to the Golf Club is much appreciated. Thank you and congratulations to the players who ventured out to have some fun. 1st Place – Brent & Jeananne Woods 2nd Place – Geoff Peard & Jacqui Purdon
Eylandt Echo, 10 - 23 September, 2012 – Page 7
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GROOTE EYLANDT GAME & SPORT FISHING CLUB Longest fishes of the Year 2012/13 Species Barramundi Mackeral Queenfish Cobia Barracuda Tuna Trevally Thredfin Salmon Red Emperor Jewie Mangrove Jack Golden Snapper Coral Trout Nanagyi Cod ChinamanFish Tricky Snapper
Bomber Andrew Caruana Taro Tominaga Bomber Dean Crompton Craig Davies
29/08/2012 2/09/012 11/07/2012 3/09/2012 23/08/2012 14/07/2012
89cm 135cm 101cm 112cm 135cm 74cm
Jake Cockle Dean Crompton
4/08/2012 22/08/2012
72cm 68cm
James Fitzsimons
Nicole Prudames Mark Finnis
14/07/2012 25/08/2012
52cm 45cm
Wardo Bomber
25/08/2012 3/09/2012
63cm 42cm
Milner bay times and heights of high and low waters Wednesday 10
Thursday 11
Friday 12
Saturday 13
Sunday 14
Monday 15
Tuesday 16
Wednesday 17
Thursday 18
Friday 19
Saturday 20
Sunday 21
Monday 22
Tuesday 23
The above information is sourced from the Bureau of Meterology and is available at www.bom.gov.au. It is advised to check any current National Weather Warnings at http://www.bom.gov.au/australia/index.shtml. The tide heights are in metres above Prediction Datum, red for low water and blue for high water. The times stated are Australian Central Standard Time (24 hour clock). Daylight Saving Time is not observed
Tidal stream predictions for Milner Bay
Eylandt Echo, 10 - 23 September, 2012 – Page 8
October 10th 2012
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Fill in the blank squares so that each
row, each column and each 3x3 block contain all of the digits 1-9. Good luck! Answers next week
Last week’s answers:
Down 1. Golf course (5) 2. Woodwind instrument (7) 3. Object surviving the past (5) 4. Annual (6) 5. Perfumed (7) 6. Earth's protective layer (5) 7. Feared (7) 12. Perplexed (7) 13. Countries (7) 15. Rice dish (7) 16. Dissertation (6) 18. Change (5) 20. Legal excuse (5) 21. Tall tales (5
Across 1. Freedom (7) 5. Berate (5) 8. Rhinal (5) 9. Amazing (7) 10. Impassive (7) 11. Tendency (5) 12. Fruit (6) 14. Loved (6) 17. Banquet (5) 19. Gossip (7) 22. Embrocations (7) 23. Entomb (5) 24. Arrows (5) 25. Mariners (7)
This week’s answers: Trivia Time! Test your knowledge … 1. What did All Nippon Airways do in an effort to prevent its planes from sucking birds into the engine? 2. What was the first living creature ejected from a supersonic aircraft? 3. Before the introduction of the hair dryer in 1920, what common household appliance was promoted for its hair-drying abilities? 4. What is the larva of the insect, antlion called? 5. From what singer did Elvis borrow his characteristic hip-swinging?
5. Bo Diddley. 4. Doodlebug 3. The vacuum cleaner—which could be converted by attaching a hose to the exhaust. 2. A bear in 1962, it landed safely, parachuting 35,000ft 1. Paint giant eyes on the engine intakes to discourage birds from approaching. Answers: Eylandt Echo, 10 - 23 September, 2012 – Page 9
October 10th 2012
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GEMCO Indigenous Literacy Day Workshop GEMCO is well aware of the difficulties many indigenous persons have in adapting to an English speaking work environment. Several years ago GEMCO initiated their own literacy and numeracy training programme to assist employees with the adjustment. Over several years the employees have shown a genuine effort to improve skills – many succeeding.
By Simon Hartley
literacy issues. The crew and their families were invited to attend an afternoon of reading and writing awareness. Many of the kids do not regularly attend school (42% attendance), a fact known by governments and education professionals. It was some surprise, but also gladness that the vast majority kids and wives of GEMCO staff attended the literacy day.
The day involved a round robin of short tasks including: ipad familiarisation, story reading, painting and library tours. The kids were escorted by their parents and their concentration and participation were a credit. The working mums and dads deal with the realities of modern English domiMatt O‟Hare and Caro- nated workplace daily and showed support Australians propensity for theme days lyn Fletcher oversee and operate the for their kids in attempting all activities. A seems perpetual. Many good causes have GEMCO literacy program. Together they few of the skills they had learnt at work adopted a time to focus on an issue, felt the “Indigenous Literacy Day” prewere proudly demonstrated to their kids. whether its breast cancer, poverty or sented and excellent opportunity to proMatt and Carolyn‟s concept was manihomelessness - the intention being to draw mote the achievements of staff in the understanding and possibly support. This mines program, but also engage with the fested in an engaging and rewarding day. The legacy is likely to be an institutionalweek, Wednesday 5 September, was the children and wives of the same people. th 6 occurrence of Annual “Indigenous Litised as annual event. The organisers can The chaps working for the mine have eracy Day”. be proud to have initiated the event, but made a choice to do so. Whilst staff are On Groote Eylandt, where all country is equally importantly is the hope that one fostered it remains a “take it or leave it” private aboriginal freehold land, and over arrangement. The successful indigenous day future indigenous leaders of Groote 1400 traditional indigenous Australian‟s workers are role models for their kids in Eylandt will be influenced to familiarise live, “National Indigenous Literacy Day” living a combination traditional and culwith English, providing options and unhas real significance. Sadly, academic re- tural lifestyle. In doing so they appear to derstanding in a world 20 years from now. sults for indigenous Groote Eylandt kids recognise the options education and in have been declining for sometime. Results particular competency in English proon the “Australian Assessment and Revides. porting Authority” show the local school as being in the lowest band in the country Matt and Carolyn felt that this sub(see http://www.myschool.edu.au/ sample of comschoolsearch.aspx). munity (i.e. the Residing adjacent to local communities is GEMCO indigeone of Northern Australia most successful nous staff) promines – Groote Eylandt Mining Company vided a niche to (GEMCO). Approximately 30 local coun- chip away at our try men and women work at the mine. local indigenous
Eylandt Echo, 10 - 23 September, 2012 – Page 10
October 10th 2012
Page 11
COMMUNITY ANNOUCEMENTS EMOLOYMENT OPPERTUNITIES Casual Cleaner ALC is looking for a cleaner to work flexible hours, up to 30 hours per week. Cleaner is responsible for the cleanliness and tidiness of ALC buildings to ensure a clean, safe workplace. You will be required to perform general cleaning duties for all areas of the building and travel to our buildings located at Pole 13 and Angurugu.
It is essential that you have a Driver‟s License and previous cleaning experience. An attractive hourly rate – need to start immediately! For more info contact Naomi Emmett on Mobile 0417 951 834 or Email nemmett@alcnt.com.au
Eylandt Echo, 10 - 23 September, 2012 – Page 11
October 10th 2012
Page 12
Taking home the trophy: GEFL Premiership winners celebrate The Swans Footy Club wrapped up a Premiershipwinning season with a presentation afternoon at the ARC on Saturday the 29th September. Club President, Steve Cullen, called 2012 a very successful year for the Swans on and off the footy field, congratulating the team on adding another premiership to those of 2009 and 2011. “On behalf of the club, I would like to thank all players, committee and volunteers for all of their dedication, help and support for the year,” Steve said. “Unfortunately we are saying goodbye to two of our Swans family this year, coach Jason Liddle and Tyron Bellman who are moving onto greener pastures due to work. We wish the both of them and their families all the very best for the future.” Team members enjoyed the AFL Grand Final after the presentations, celebrating as their name-sake, the Sydney Swans took out the 2012 AFL Premiership. The Swans Annual General meeting will be held in the first week of February 2013, as the time gets closer we will advertise the exact date. Lastly due to Jason Liddle departing we will be on the lookout for a new coach for the 2013 season. If there are any budding coaches out there who are keen to coach a three time premiership team, we will be looking at expressions of interest from interested parties at around the same time as the AGM.
Swans trophy winners (left to right) Leading Goalkicker – Benuel Mamarika , Runner up Best & Fairest – Dale Hamilton Coach - Jason Liddle, Most Improved – Ian Rollins Coaches Award – Tyron Bellman Most Valuable Player 2012 Grand Final – David Lynn Best & Fairest - Jeremy Barnett
Code Love on track for Downhill Nationals The Office of Youth Affairs has awarded young Groote Eylandt sportsman, Cody Love a $500 grant at the recent Gravitate Downhill races. The funds will be used by Cody to help him get down to the National Downhill Races held in New South Wales and Victoria, including one race at Mt Buller
Cody continues to perform well at downhill events. Racing in the Cairns-based Gravitate, held from the 21st September to the 1st October, Cody placed 5th in the under 19 division and placed third in the dirt bowl height and style competition. Cody said he was happy with his achievement but would continue working hard. “Beside trying to get to Cairns a couple of times this year for more races the next big one is the Nationals,” he said. “I‟m really keen to get down there and have a go with some of Australia‟s best.” Gravitate is new competition in its second year and had 130 contestants that entered a range of competitions, fun rides and jump competitions. Contestants were from all states and included one American contestant. Thanks to the Swans players who allowed Cody to auction a didgeridoo off at their presentation day on Saturday raising $750 towards his Nationals trips. Any young person can apply for the grant awarded to Cody. Grants are given for sport, leadership etc.. and details can be found online
at www.youth.nt.gov.au.
Eylandt Echo, 10 - 23 September, 2012 – Page 12