Western Cape Bulletin 14 December 2011

Page 1

The Western Cape Bulletin

Your voice in the Cape

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The Western Cape






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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

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Mission River Bridge rescue ONE DOWN, EIGHT TO GO A YOUNG male cat came close to using up one of his “nine lives” on the weekend, when he found himself trapped on the base of a Mission River Bridge pylon. Fortunately, his cries for help were heard. UU continued page 2

The terrified kitten was happy to see rescuer Elise Lett inching her way closer to his precarious position under the Mission River Bridge. Photos: Giembra Busmer.

Clutching rescuer Elise Lett the kitten reaches the safety of the rescue dinghy. He was transferred to a cat box and transported back to the Rocky Point boat ramp.

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Animal lovers save kitten from page 1 By Giembra Busmer

ON Friday night a group of friends drove out to the Mission River Bridge to watch an approaching thunderstorm, and became unlikely heroes when they came across a kitten trapped under the bridge. Jessica Lyon, Logan Zingus, Marika Brailey, Nick Hutchins and Anna Ochocki were driving slowly across the bridge watching the lightening show, when cat lover Anna thought she heard meowing. Pulling into the overtaking bay half-way across the bridge the group sat quietly, and sure enough, they could clearly hear the plaintive meowing of a cat. Without torches they were unable to see the cat, but determined the cries were coming from under the bridge. Returning to the bridge the next day the group were able to see the cat sitting precariously at the bottom of a pylon only inches from the water, with the tide rising. Unable to climb down to attempt to rescue the terrified feline, Anna phoned Weipa Volunteer Marine Rescue and asked for help. The call was passed onto Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa Fire & Rescue service, who were unable to assist as they were attending an incident, so Matthew and Elise Lett, along with son Shannon, were enlisted.

The Lett’s launched their dinghy at Rocky Point boat ramp and arrived at the Mission River Bridge, only to discover that the high tide and choppy water made it impossible to motor under the bridge and safely rescue the terrified kitten. An alternative plan was formed and Matthew threw a rope up to the bridge, where it was tied off to the handrail, allowing him to guide the boat safely up to the pylon. The kitten was, by this time, more than happy to be rescued and edged out from under the pylon towards Elise, who plucked him to safety, to the cheers from the group on the bridge. After a quick cuddle, and a lot of purring, the young male cat was safely tucked away in a cat box and transported back to the Rocky Point boat ramp. The Western Cape Bulletin caught up with the rescue crew at the boat ramp and Matthew and Elise praised the efforts of those who assisted them in the rescue. “When we got the call we were more than happy to assist,� Matthew said. “The people on the bridge really helped as it was pretty hazardous in the choppy water.� Elise, a member of Cape York Animal Protection Shelter (CAPS), said the family would be taking the kitten to their home, where he could look forward to a “big drink, a good feed and lots of licks from our dogs�.

Matthew, Elise and Shannon Lett edge carefully towards the frightened kitten (circled) in the rescue dinghy.

The Lett’s return to the Rocky Point boat ramp with the kitten safely tucked away in a cat box.

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Jessica Lyon, Logan Zingus, Marika Brailey, Nick Hutchins and Anna Ochocki raised the alarm and assisted in the rescue of the kitten.

Elise Lett gets a thank you lick from the grateful kitten.






Now only 10 weeks old, these pups were found in the bush extremely malnourished and sick. The kind people of the Weipa community made sure these pups made their way to C.A.P.S foster carers and are now your typical happy and playful pups. There are 2 females and 2 male pups ready for adoption. Feel free to come and see them obligation free. All we ask in return is a $200.00 donation for their adoption. If you are interested in knowing more about them, please call Denise Jones on 0457 562 807 or email capeanimalprotectionshelter@gmail.com


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Page 2 Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011


Acting CEO sheds light on Napranum issues THE Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council (NASC) has appointed an acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) following the resignation of former CEO, Margaret Barnes. Amos Njaramba will be filling the CEO role until Council elections in March 2012, and following last week’s “Napranum water crisis� story in the Western Cape Bulletin, requested a meeting to discuss issues raised in the story. Both Mr Njaramba and NASC mayor, Roy Chevathen (also present at the meeeting) were eager to express their desire for transparency in the Council and the need to address problems the Council has, in an effort to move forward. Discussing the water crisis in Napranum in late November, Mr Njaramba said the problem arose as the back-up pump for the Napranum water supply broke down earlier in the year, and Council management did not arrange for it to be repaired, leaving the Council without a working back-up pump for the whole of 2011. “When bore pump No. 1 broke down on November 28, 2011 we did not have a working back-up pump to replace it with,� Mr Njaramba said. “We borrowed a pump from Rio Tinto Alcan, and we are grateful for the help.� “NASC engineers made an error fitting the wiring for bore pump No. 2, and the pump was not working as expected. The mistake in electrical wiring was rectified on November 29, 2011 and by the close of that day the water situation was back to normal.� Since the pump failure, Mr Njaramba said the NASC paid for a new heavy duty pump on December 7 which he expected would be received this week. Two back-up pumps were also sent to Cairns for repair on December 2, 2011, meaning

the Council will have two fitted pumps and two working back-up pumps after they return the borrowed pump to Rio Tinto Alcan. Addressing the issue of the lack of an Essential Services Officer (ESO) Mr Njaramba said the NASC did have such an officer in their employ, however he was on leave at the time of the ‘water crisis’, and is currently still on leave. “We have put an arrangement in place for the ESO to work with our plumbers to ensure all important tasks are carried out on a timely basis,� Mr Njaramba said. “In addition we will review the facilities and equipment available to the ESO to ensure he performs duties assigned to him appropriately.� Mr Njaramba also noted that on November 3, 2011 the NASC issued a purchase order to Ergon for $47,356 to repair/replace all street lights in Napranum and the Council is waiting for this work to commence. The NASC is also in the process of seeking funding for urgent repairs to the roof of the Council building, which have been estimated by Council engineers will cost around $200,000. A ‘Letter to the Editor’ in last week’s Western Cape Bulletin raised concerns regarding the lack of community consultation for the Napranum Community 10-year plan. Mr Njaramba believes that consultation was adequate. “The Napranum Community has approximately 1,000 members and about 500 of them are adults,� Mr Njaramba said. “The council engaged a consultant, who held consultations with various groups. “Focus group meetings were held with Napranum Shire Council Mayor, CEO, Councillors and staff along with the Napranum Pre School, Women’s Group, Men’s Group,

Elders, Aged Care, CEA and service providers, including the Police service and the Department of Communities. “In addition, residents completed about 50 questionnaires and we had a workshop where 24 people participated. In total we consulted about 250 people, which is about 50per cent of our adult population.

“The council consider that the high percentage is representative of the views of residents,� he said. Mr Njaramba also pointed out that the Napranum 10year Community Plan is a “living document, which can be amended, or improved at any time during the next 10 years.�

PROFILE: Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council Acting Chief Executive Officer, Amos Njaramba

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I am a certified public accountant and have a have a master in business administration (MBA) I have over 20 years experience in management, audit, investigations and budgeting for projects implemented by government departments and local councils. Most of my experience was gained while working in PricewaterhouseCoopers, the largest consultancy firm in the world. My last position was director in charge of public sector department in Zambia. I have worked for Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council and Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council in 2010/2011. I have worked in Australia, Kenya, Gambia, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Malawi, Madagascar and Zambia. I was born in Kenya and I migrated to Australia in 2009. I am married with two children. Since taking up my role as Acting Chief Executive Officer I have made the following appointments: • Acting office manager (Dec 11- Jan 12) - Sonia Schuh. • Acting Project Manager- Paul Taylor. • Staff recruitment & HR related work - Prerecruitment Ltd. • Internal auditor (stock controls and tendering procedures) - WHK. • Financial consultant- Remote Performance Ltd.

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What’s happening at the Alby?

Sports Bar

Markets stalled, for now


WOULD-BE market stallholders in Weipa have had their plans put on hold, as the Weipa Town Authority prepares to establish a policy regarding the issue at this Friday’s council meeting. Several creative Weipa people had hoped to hold a market, selling homemade products, under the trees adjacent to the Nanum Shopping Centre this Saturday, however with no policy

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e x i s t i n g , W TA w a s unable to grant them permission. The potential market stallholders are confident the outcome of Friday’s meeting will be a positive one and they are keen to encourage other crafty people to take up the initiative. “I understand the WTA is keen to see regular markets go ahead, so once they have a policy in place it’s a matter of encouraging stallholders

to make the markets work,” local candlemaker Tracy Sekac said. Tr a c y a n d o t h e r potential market stallholders have discussed the possibility of holding the markets once a month initially and perhaps once a fortnight in the “tourist season”. “There are a lot of creative people in the area making homemade goodies, and it would be terrific for them to have a regular outlet,” Ms

Sekac said. “The markets are about supporting local crafts people, not going into competition with existing businesses. “Local markets will add another dimension to Weipa and something else for both visitors and locals to enjoy.” Any interested potential market stallholders can attend Friday’s WTA meeting, to be held at the Council Chambers, Rocky Point from 9am.


Una Miller, Tracy Sekac and Stacey Ploughman at the proposed site for regular Weipa arts and crafts markets.


Port Douglas

From The Chair Carrie Gay, Weipa Town Authority Chair

Charters Towers Mackay Emerald



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Page 4 Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011

ON behalf of Weipa Town Authority I would like to apologise for any inconvenience that may have been caused to those hoping to have a stall near the shopping centre on Saturday, December 10. Those who had not already booked and paid to do so, were unable to get permission, as the whole idea of market stalls is being revisited at the next WTA meeting to be held on Friday, December 16. Three months ago the members passed a resolution that people could sell from the designated area adjacent to the car park. The resolution was not tight enough as a travelling salesman, selling toys that are already available at some of the

shopping outlets, was able to set up “shop” for three days last week. To the shop keepers who were affected, I apologise. This was not the intention of the members. The area is for the sale of items that are not available in Weipa, such as flowers and homemade goods and crafts. The times also need firmed up. If you have an interest in this matter you are welcome to come to the meeting on Friday. You will be able to, ring Town Office on Friday afternoon to hear the terms of the new resolution. Other than this, I hope you are getting into the spirit of Christmas. Cheers, Carrie Gay

Restoration work on schedule FEDERAL Government Flood Damage Restoration Funding totalling $2,494,334 was recently approved for Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council. The work to be carried out includes formation grading and gravel resheeting on the Pennefather, Billy’s Lagoon, Bouchat and Red Beach roads, and repairs to blocked and scoured stormwater drainage, and scoured road shoulders on Napranum town streets. The work commenced in November and is currently on schedule with approximately 30 per cent of the works complete. The work is being undertaken by local contractors NQCEC and Rob Roy Earthmoving and is due to complete by June 30, 2012.


Let’s light up the town, Weipa

THE annual Weipa Town Authority Weipa Christmas Lights competition is on again and as judging will be taking place this Thursday night, December 15 residents are urged to get their lights up and on now.

To nominate your festive display, or someone else’s you admire, pop into the WTA office and pick up an entry form before 4pm Thursday, December 15. There are great prizes on offer so come on Weipa, let’s light up the town!

Santa due to arrive at Library this Friday


THE jolly man in the red suit is due to make an appearance at Weipa’s Hibberd Library this Friday, December 16. Children of all ages are invited to come to the Library from 10am until 12.30pm to tell Santa their Christmas wishes and enjoy some festive fun. Santa has also said he would be happy to have his photo taken with children while at the Library. Parents and children are welcome to come along and enjoy this free event, and get into the spirit of Christmas!

Kowanyama residents Do The Right Thing KOWANYAMA Aboriginal Shire Council’s (KASC) first community “clean-up day�, held on Wednesday, November 30, has been heralded a great success, with 250 bags of rubbish collected from streets from the town centre through to the airport. The clean-up day was supported by 60 members of the community including members of Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council, Kowanyama Rural Operations Group, Kowanyama State School and Kowanyama CDEP crew. Rubbish was also collected from the Kowanyama Rodeo Grounds and Kowanyama State School grounds. Funded through a partnership between KASC and the Australian Food and Grocery Council’s Packaging Stewardship Forum (PSF), the community clean-up day is a part of a wider town beautification and litter reduction project currently being implemented through the PSF developed Clean Up Book, a self-help guide for communities on how to reduce litter and increase recycling. As part of the project, the PSF also provided new Do The Right Thing, anti-litter signage


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Wholesale suppliers to: Some of the 60 participants in the inaugural, and very successful, Kowanyama “clean-up day� held on November 30.

as part of Council’s community education and litter awareness program. Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council CEO, Glenda Teede CEO, was excited about the outcome of the clean-up day and the enthusiasm of the community in their clean-up efforts. “The event was a great way to get the community thinking about how they directly contribute to the appearance of the community. We have always been proud of our community

and everyone enjoyed seeing the great result.� General Manager of the PSF, Jenny Pickles, was delighted with how the community embraced the clean-up day and acknowledged Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council for its fantastic efforts. “Managing waste and recycling wisely has many benefits for remote and indigenous communities. To further increase community health and pride, reduce environmental harm, and increase the recovery of

resources for recycling. “The Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council and local community should be congratulated for their efforts. “They are a shining example for other Queensland communities to follow,� Ms Pickles said. The PSF has also worked with other remote and indigenous communities to implement the Clean Up Book including Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council and Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council.

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Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011 Page 5


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Assessment at Weipa TAFE! This program outlines the skills you need to plan and deliver training sessions to groups and individuals, while also providing you with the knowledge necessary to assess their effectiveness. This intensive program is designed for those wishing to commence training/and or assessment practices and training management in a range of government or non-government enterprises, or for experienced practitioners for ongoing professional development and career development. Start Date: Cost:

January 2012 $1800 (approx)

For further information and enrolments please call Weipa TAFE on 4069 9013. www.tnqit.tafe.qld.gov.au

Page 6 Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011

Celebrate New Year’s Eve in style at Bowlies LOOKING for a good excuse to “frock-upâ€? in Weipa? Weipa Bowls Club is this year holding a New Year’s Eve function with a touch of class, and although the dress code will be formal, there will still be plenty of fun to be had. The evening commences at 7pm, with a glass of champagne on arrival, and a sumptuous seafood buffet will be served at 8pm. The popular Walker Brothers will be providing live entertainment all evening to keep everyone up on the dance oor.

There will also be plenty of party supplies and hats provided, and a complimentary glass of champagne will be served at midnight to herald the new year in. Prizes will also be given to the best-dressed female, male and couple. Tickets are $85 per person but are limited to 120 people so you’ll need to get into the Club this week to book your place or phone 4069 7300 for more information. The Club’s main bar will be open to all members and visitors on New Year’s Eve.

Agnieska Prus and Weipa Bowls Club manager, Nick are looking forward to toasting the New Year’with Weipa locals.

Weipa boarding school to be ready in 2012 THE Federal and Queensland State Governments last week announced the new residential boarding facility in Weipa will open in 2012. The 120-bed Western Cape Residential Campus will provide much-needed accommodation for Indigenous secondary students living away from home to study. In its ďŹ rst year of operation, it is expected up to 60 students will board at the facility. Member for Cook Jason O’Brien said the Department of Education and Training would operate the new campus. “The new campus will provide quality residential care for students, who may currently travel great distances to board at schools on the east coast,â€? Mr O’Brien said. Mr O’Brien said he hoped the new campus would encourage more young people across Far North Queensland to stay at school and get an education. The Federal Government has

Construction of the Western Cape Residental Campus will be completed by 2012.

provided more than $30 million to build the new facility, as well as providing $2.5 million to the State Government towards operation costs. The Indigenous Land Corporation has been funded by the Federal Government to project manage the construction of the facility and will own the facility on behalf of the Australian Government. Mr O’Brien said the new campus would also provide new employment opportunities for lo-

cal people in Weipa through jobs such as house parenting, cleaning, laundry services, grounds maintenance and tutoring. Up to 13 positions will be available next year, building to 21 positions by 2016. Mr O’Brien also said the State Government will be delivering $2.5 million over ďŹ ve years to operate the new campus as well as committing teaching resources. The boarding facility is expected to open in the ďŹ rst half of 2012.


Vouchers bring Christmas joy to Napranum Community members

NAPRANUM Aboriginal Shire Council is again spreading Christmas joy to Napranum residents, donating meat vouchers to all community members. “The $60 Weipa Gourmet Meat vouchers are a Christmas gift to everyone in the community,� Cr Roy Chevathen said.

Vouchers will be delivered to the homes of all Napranum residents before Christmas. “If nobody is at home to accept the voucher, community members can come to the Council chambers to collect their voucher,� Cr Chevathen said. “It’s our way of saying ‘Merry Christmas’.�

Centrelink, Medicare Christmas arrangements SPECIAL arrangements for payments and services will be in place for Centrelink, Medicare and the Child Support Agency over the Christmas and New Year period. Medicare and Centrelink offices and call centres will close for all upcoming public holidays, with Medicare also closed on Wednesday, December 28. Centrelink customers who expect to receive a payment on the upcoming public holidays will instead receive it earlier. Customers should check how the holidays may affect them by accessing their report statement through

Centrelink’s online and or phone self service options. Child Support will offer a limited phone service for urgent and critical matters for the duration of the holidays. If the matter is urgent, customers can call 131 272. Other services which may be helpful are, Lifeline on 13 11 14, Mensline on 1300 789 978 or Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800. For more information about arrangements for Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support customers over Christmas and New Year, visit humanservices.gov.au

Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council Mayor, Roy Chevathen, with Napranum senior Community member and Elder, Beatrice Gordon selecting her Christmas meat products with the help of Dasha from Weipa Gourmet Meats.

LNP to double patient travel subsidy RURAL and regional Queenslanders will get more affordable access to health care with an LNP pledge to double the current patient travel and accommodation subsidy. LNP Leader Campbell Newman said the commitment to spend an extra $100 million over four years would help patients manage the financial burden and stress of travelling to access specialist medical care. “The LNP will double the travel subsidy from 15 cents per km to 30 cents per km, and double

the accommodation subsidy from $30 to $60 per person for patients forced to travel for treatment and medical care,� Mr Newman said. “Currently many rural and regional Queensland patients choose to forego health treatment due to the travel costs involved. “These generally unexpected expenses for specialist health care can often tip families into a financial distress – especially when treatment and therapy requires long periods away from home. “Our commitment to better care and support

LNP Leader Campbell Newman.

offers a helping hand for rural and regional Queenslanders.� Shadow Minister for Health Mark McArdle said the accommodation allowance has been fixed at $30 per person per night for well over a

decade, resulting in an almost 50 per cent real cut in accommodation assistance. “The current level of assistance provided by the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme is clearly inadequate, and covers only a fraction of the actual transport and accommodation costs,� Mr McArdle said. “The LNP reform of the travel subsidy will provide peace of mind for people and families who are struggling with health issues like cancer,� Mr Newman said.

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Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011 Page 7


Letter to the editor email: editor@westerncapebulletin.com.au

Achievements or failures? I READ with interest the page and a half diatribe from Senator Jan McLucas and Cook MP Jason O’Brien about their achievements in Cape York. Their letter-writing efforts selectively ignored the majority of Labor achievements, which in the eyes of the general public would be assessed more as failures. I can start by reminding Jan and Jason about their unequivocal support for Wild Rivers, including the tying of Ranger jobs in return for local support of this restrictive legislation. The same can be said for their clandestine approach of offering baubles and beads and

the occasional new Toyota to secure support for the blanket World Heritage listing of Cape York. They certainly didn’t boast about their achievements in destroying security of tenure in Cape York as a means to achieving their Wild Rivers and World Heritage agendas. Jan and Jason didn’t mention the closure of the Bamaga Renal Unit, and the serious impact this has on families. I can assure Jan and Jason that Neville and Lency Newman, who have been forced to live away from their home community in a cheap motel in Cairns for over six years, really appreciate their efforts in abandoning them so far away from their family and community. Nor did they mention they failed to open

the Weipa Renal Unit, even though I secured funding to build it. It is a disgrace that this facility has never been opened, let alone served a single dialysis patient. They clearly support the closure of all fishing activities in the Coral Sea and the extension of bans into the Gulf of Carpentaria. They actively support the inappropriate location of a rehabilitation centre in Cooktown and supported the handover of the old hospital site at Weipa, which included the never used renal unit, for exclusive use as the Immigration Department’s accommodation for the Scherger detention centre, instead of putting the site out to tender for use by other local interests, ignoring the needs of the local school and other community interest groups.

new years eve

Jan and Jason also forgot to include in their letters their support for having the naval contract originally awarded to NQEA in Cairns transferred south, and through their efforts assisted in achieving a dubious record for the Cairns region being the highest unemployment region in Australia. While they’re happy to claim ownership of Weipa’s new secondary school residential campus, they have been mute on the urgent need for additional resources to support the special needs of these students. And no matter how they spin it, Jan and Jason have confirmed that of the 35 projects funded under the first round of Labor’s Regional Development Australia fund, not one cent of funding came to the Leichhardt electorate.

@ weipa bowls club

7 From 7pm to 2am 7 Sumptuous Seafood buffet served at 8pm 7 Entertainment ~ Walker Brothers playing all night 7 Champagne at midnight 7 Dancing, hats & other party supplies 7 Attire ~ formal with $100 prize for best dressed male & female LIMITED TO 120 PEOPLE ONLY ~ RESERVATIONS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL COST ~ $85 PER PERSON

They claimed a lot of editorial space boasting of their achievements with the NBN. What they didn’t say is that under Labor’s plan, there is very little benefit at all for remote and regional areas such as Cape York and the Torres Strait. The inadequacies of the NBN can be viewed in the case of Cairns, which despite meeting all of the criteria to be chosen for the first round of the rollout, it has been excluded from the rollout to date, and there are serious concerns that Cairns will miss out again in January 2012 because their government has now changed the criteria from need to design and existing infrastructure parameters. My opposition to the NBN has been widely documented, including that it is unaffordable, impractical and does not provide an acceptable level of coverage across the regions. I do however support the need for high-speed broadband with a strong focus on wireless technology. Under the Coalition’s policy, this can be delivered in a much shorter timeframe in a much more cost effective way. In their letters, Jan and Jason focused on the Weipa Hospital and I commend them for that. The facts are that if it wasn’t for the advocacy of Peter Miller as the then editor of the Weipa Bulletin and I, Weipa would have had imposed on it an upgrade of the


9 9 9 9






Warren Entsch, Federal Member for Leichhardt









9 9


9 9



Entry forms can be collected from WTA front desk – nominate your home or someone else’s 9 Christmas lights you admire 9




Come one people of Weipa...



Page 8 Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011

that they have either deliberately omitted or simply chosen to forget. In the interests of accuracy, we should put them on the record here in this letter. L e t ’s s t a r t w i t h Labor’s appalling handling of the live cattle export ban, the failure of the cash for clunkers scheme, the failed Grocery Watch scheme, the failed Fuel Watch scheme, the failure of the digital set top box scheme, and the failed Green Loans program. We should also remember the pink batts fiasco, which is capable of frightening the children, and their support for Kevin Rudd’s 2020 Summit, which like most of their other projects went nowhere and achieved nothing. Of all places in Australia, it is in Weipa that we can clearly see what their strong support for their respective governments handling of the illegal migration program is doing. Most of all we won’t mention the Carbon Tax and its ongoing impost on our community, quietly followed by their unequivocal support for the Mining Tax. Space prevents me from rolling out the other “successes” that Jan and Jason failed to mention, so what more can I say to them, except “keep up the good work cobbers”.

2011 Weipa Christmas Lights Competition!



old facility, which was strongly supported by Jan and Jason. In their letters, two figures were quoted. With regards to my alleged commitment, the figure quoted by Jan clearly shows she knew very little about the issue. However, the $5 million figure quoted by Mr O’Brien was in fact the amount that he argued at the time was the additional cost to build on a greenfield site and at the time he said this amount was unaffordable for Queensland Health. On numerous occasions, I have requested from Mr O’Brien the figures that clearly show this shortfall as it related to the Greenfield site, and I have repeatedly committed to pledging Federal funds up to that amount once those figures were substantiated. As I write this letter, I have never received any correspondence or any evidence from either Mr O’Brien or Queensland Health to support his argument. Interestingly enough, Queensland Health has proceeded to complete the hospital on a greenfields site. This, I should point out, was done at great sacrifice by the Lions Club of Weipa, who gave up their clubhouse for the benefit of the wider community and that sacrifice should never be forgotten. In closing, it is worth noting that Jan and Jason declined to mention myriad other Labor achievements,





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PINE River Bay fish, prawns and crabs can now enjoy a quiet life after their diverse habitats were declared as a new Fish Habitat Area (FHA). Fisheries Queensland marine habitat officer Kurt Derbyshire said the newly-declared area of more than 25,500 hectares is a key achievement for the Weipa community and Fisheries Queensland. “The newly declared FHA is important for sustaining fish stocks and fisheries near Weipa on the western side of the Gulf of Carpentaria,” Mr Derbyshire said. “This declaration will protect the area’s mangrove-lined creeks, sandy foreshores, sand bars and seagrass meadows from direct physical

disturbance and coastal development.” “These habitats are essential for the variety of fish that live in Pine River Bay, including barramundi, grunter, grey and Spanish mackerel, threadfin salmon, mangrove jack, fingermark, mud crabs and prawns, to complete part of their life cycle and move into adjacent Albatross Bay waters.” “The area first came to Fisheries Queensland’s attention after it was nominated by two community groups for FHA investigation. “ “Fisheries Queensland consulted with traditional owners, mining and ports sectors, recreational, commercial and Indigenous fishers and government agencies over two rounds

between 2008 and 2011.” “North Queensland Bulk Ports, Rio Tinto Alcan, Sunfish Queensland and the Queensland Seafood Industry Association were among the key companies and industry bodies which were directly involved.” Declared FHAs are a form of ‘multiple-use’ marine protected area where community use such as legal fishing and boating activities are allowed and encouraged. Mr Derbyshire said there are 70 declared areas throughout coastal Queensland, protecting more than one million hectares of coastal and estuarine fish habitats. “This FHA declaration fills a gap in the declared FHA network for it is the first in the

Western Cape York Bioregion, and helps meet Queensland’s obligation to the National Representative System for Marine Protected Areas,” Mr Derbyshire said. “The FHA program is a key part of Fisheries Queensland’s strategy to protect the future of Queensland’s fish habitats and their sustainability.” Along with the addition of a new FHA,

there has been minor boundary revision to the mapping of several other declared FHAs in Queensland. For more information about declared FHAs and the revised mapping, visit www.fisheries.qld. gov.au or call 13 25 23. Latest fisheries information is available via Twitter - www.twitter. com/fisheriesQLD or on Facebook under Fisheries-Queensland.

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Simpson washing machine

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Rocky foreshore habitats of Pine River Bay declared Fish Habitat Area.

Christmas Deadlines



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Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011 Page 9


Western Cape Beat Holiday Season

wearing helmets.

So where has 2011 gone? The year is disappearing quicker than an Anna Bligh budget surplus. With the holiday season well and truly upon us it’s a good time to remind ourselves about a number of issues we have covered over the year.

Wearing a helmet isn’t a new law so there is little excuse for ignorance. Police will be issuing Bicycle Offence Notices to anyone caught riding without a helmet.

Christmas Parties

Queensland Depots: Humbug Wharf, Weipa 24 Tingara Street, Portsmith

Please don’t attempt to drive after a having Christmas drinks. At the risk of sounding like a broken record there are still those that can’t wait 20 minutes for a cab or can’t walk home. Already this month police have intercepted a number of drink drivers both at night and during the daylight hours. The new drink driving laws have been strengthened to further tighten the screws on drink drivers. As previously mentioned in the Bully, local police are participating in the Christmas Road Safety Campaign so don’t be THAT person who fronts the Magistrate. It’s been pleasing to see a large number of cars left overnight at the various licensed premises early this month. Police do take notice and we do keep an eye on these vehicles as are aware that people are doing the right thing. While on Christmas parties, please be mindful of noise. Life goes on in a working town like Weipa so please keep those fellow shift workers in mind when you decide to crank up Katy Perry at 3am. Don’t be like one bright young fellow who informed me at 2am one morning that “It’s ok. Everyone in Weipa sleeps with their air-con on”.

Customer Service: 1800 640 079 Weipa: 07 4069 7309 Cairns: 07 4038 7777

Come in and see us.

School Holidays There appears to be a lot of children riding around at the moment without

The Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland conducted research in 2010 and data shows reductions of 60% in the likelihood of head injury, 53% for serious head injury and 58% for head and/or facial injury associated with wearing a helmet. I’m no gambler but I like those odds. Enjoy this holiday period but please stay safe and make smart decisions.

Yet another departing note… is anyone left? Farewell Sawdo So the Sawden’s have left Weipa for the Gold Coast hinterland. Weipa station has lost a valuable asset (according to Sawdo’s message attached to the large pile of unsolved files reassigned to the rest of us). Forever getting into trouble from the boss for administrative errors (sacked from the property portfolio, sacked from the equipment portfolio) or from Rosie for not washing up after himself, you can’t help but like ‘Big Show’. He could lift the mood of the station the minute he walked in the door with his outrageous opinions on sport, society and the Queensland Justice system and his ability to sniff out a feed was uncanny. I know there are a lot of people in town who will dearly miss Delilah and her positive, easy going manner. The exercise girls, the church, the coffee stops. The list goes on and on. Good luck and best wishes to Delilah, Elle and Ben.

TRIBAL BIBLE By Rev. Michael Connolly

Rio Tinto Alcan Community Relations building (located behind the Weipa Bowls Club) Opening times: Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm

Want more information on our operations, recruitment, or our upcoming events or projects?

Come in anytime during business hours to speak to a Rio Tinto Alcan representative.

Do you want to ask us a question or give us feedback? Free call 1800 707 633 Speak directly to a Rio Tinto Alcan representative to answer your questions and provide feedback about our operations. If your call is not answered, leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Power outages / bridge works Free call 1800 820 711 A recorded message will provide you with

Rio Tinto Alcan main switch Ph: 4069 8432 Rio Tinto Alcan Fire and Rescue Service Emergency – 000 Emergency – 4069 8444 Routine Calls – 4069 8378 Employee Assistance Programme Free call – 1800 808 374

such as unplanned power outages, bridge

Confidential answering machine – 4069 7290

works, or in the event of a cyclone.

Cairns office – 4041 2497 1665

up to date information during events

Page 10 Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011

We now look at Mark Ch 10 vs 1- 22 where a rich young ruler approached the Lord and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to receive eternal life?” He was asking the Lord if there were any special deeds that needed to be done so that he could get eternal life. The Lord answered and said that God had given him all that he needed to do through the Ten Commandments, so there was no need to ask him. He then said proudly that he had kept most of the commandments that the Lord mentioned, hinting that he would like to do something really big time to show how obedient to God he was. But the Lord Jesus knew the thing that was keeping the man from a close relationship with God.

Even though he may have kept most of God’s commandments, there was one commandment that he did not keep, and that was the last commandment to not covet, because that’s what made him rich. In the King James Version of the Bible, in the book of Exodus Ch 20 v 17 it says, “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbours wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbour’s.” Covetousness was his real god and this god would always take first place over God’s will for his life, and to become free of this god the Lord pointed out that he needed to get rid of all his riches and depend upon God. That demand was too much for him, however,

because Mark Ch 10 v 22 says that he went away sad, because he was loaded, and he wasn’t going to give his possessions up. There are many Christians who are very rich today, but not covetous. Because they are Spirit-filled followers of the Lord and give generously to the work of the Lord, they are not in the same boat as the rich young ruler. This command to the rich young ruler was for him alone. Never the less, rich Christians must be careful not to fall into the same category. Never think, though, that covetousness belong to rich people alone; the desire to own what doesn’t belong to us can hit anyone, rich or poor, and can lead to many sins. Be happy in the Lord. Rev Michael Connolly.

y l e f a s g n i Liv with…

special report


SURVIVE THIS CYCLONE SEASON THE Bureau of Meteorology cyclone season outlook for this season points to an above average number of tropical cyclones for all four regions across northern Australia. Bureau of Meteorology Climate Prediction Manager, Dr Andrew Watkins, said climate models were trending toward another La Niǹa, which would lead us to expect a slightly higher than average number of tropical cyclones, however, no two La Niǹa events are the same. “The Southern Oscillation Index, a key climate driver, was (positive) 11.7 in September this year, compared with (positive) 25 at the same time last year. “While this La Niǹa may be weaker than the last, this doesn’t mean we can expect fewer tropical cyclones than the previous season. “In other words, we can’t afford to be complacent,” Dr Watkins said. Bureau of Meteorology climatologist, Joel Lisonbee, said before a tropical cyclone forms it is difficult to predict its exact strength and path and whether it will make landfall, however, there is a solid body of historical data which gives a likely range in which to work.

Cyclone Yasi bearing down on the Queensland coast at the start of the year. Photo courtesy of NASA.

The Bureau of Meteorology tells us that the tropical cyclone season extends from November 1 through to April 30. What they can’t tell us is the number of cyclones and their severity this season. What good sense tells us is to be prepared for all eventualities. This special report, across our four regional newspapers, aims to assist our readers to make the necessary preparations to keep themselves and also their property safe in the event of a major cyclone. TORRES NEWS

Arafura Times

News Cooktown Local

regional & remote N E W S P A P E R S

Real news for real Australia For information on any of these newspapers call 1300 6397 00 or go to www.regionalandremote.com.au

Living Safely with Cyclones

We can’t prevent cyclones, however we can be prepared “It has been demonstrated by cyclones Larry and Yasi that being prepared can avoid loss of life,” Mr Snodgrass said. “Weipa residents should now compile an emergency cyclone kit and tidy up their yards and businesses in preparation for a cyclone. “Residents should be prepared to sustain themselves for a minimum of four days following a severe cyclone.”

An emergency kit should include the following: K Portable battery powered radio K Torch and spare batteries K First Aid Kit K Essential medications K Non-perishable food K Sturdy gloves K Covered-in footwear

Below is a checklist you K Waterproof plastic bags should complete at the K Candles and matches beginning of the cyclone K Drinking water season:

WEIPA SES Local Controller, Trevor Snodgrass (above) says that although Weipa has avoided any major cyclone damage in the past,residents should not be complacent, but should be prepared.

K Trim large overhanging branches from the house.

K Fuel for generator

K Check roofs for loose screws.

• Don’t go driving around.

K Check that your insurance policy is current and K Remove or secure loose meets your needs items around the outside of the property. When a cyclone is imminent:

K Have strong tape on hand to tape up windows and sliding doors.

• Prepare to move to the strongest room in the home building. • Ensure pets and animals

are in a safe area. • Stay clear of all windows and glass doors. • Listen to the radio for constant weather updates. After the cyclone: • Don’t go outside until officially advised it is safe. • Check for gas leaks. Don’t use electric appliances if wet. • Listen to local radio for official warnings and advice. • Be aware of damaged powerlines, bridges, buildings, trees and don’t enter floodwaters. • Don’t go sightseeing check/help neighbours instead. • Don’t make unnecessary telephone calls. For further information, visit http://www.qld.gov.au/ emergency. In the event of requiring assistance for storm damage, phone the SES on 132500.

DisasterWatch smartphone app launched AUSTRALIANS can now download a free Smartphone application to get quick and easy access to information about emergencies and disasters across the country, following the launch of the DisasterWatch app at the 12th Australian Safer Community Awards ceremony in Canberra this week. The DisasterWatch app, available in both Android and iPhone platforms, contains the latest public information about disaster events via direct feeds from a range of authoritative States, Territory and national sources. The launch of the app gives the estimated4.5 million Australians who currently own smartphones another way of receiving emergency warnings and finding disaster related information. In addition to making it quicker and more convenient to seek information in a crisis another important benefit of DisasterWatch is that its use is expected to reduce unnecessary calls to Triple Zero during a disaster. More information about the DisasterWatch app is available on the Australian Emergency Management website at www.em.gov.au

ELECTRICAL SAFETY THIS STORM SEASON Here are some electrical safety tips from your power provider: I Fallen power lines do not need to be sparking to I I I


be ‘live’. Always assume that they are ‘live’. Keep well clear from fallen power lines in water. Turn power off at the switchboard if any wires are short-circuiting or if water enters your ceiling. Do not use any electrical appliance that may have been damaged by water. Have a licensed electrician check any electrical appliances in question. Do not use electrical appliances in wet conditions. Do not connect a portable generator to the electrical wiring of your home or office.


Always get a licensed electrician to do any electrical work at home. For more electrical safety tips please contact Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa’s community feedback hotline 1800 707 633. Page 12 CYCLONE FEATURE – Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011

special report Tropical cyclone category system CATEGORY 1 Negligible house damage. Damage to some crops, trees and caravans. Craft may drag moorings. Typical strongest wind gust less than 125km/h. CATEGORY 2 Minor house damage. Significant damage to signs, trees and caravans. Heavy damage to some crops. Risk of power failure. Small craft may break moorings. Typical strongest wind gust 125 to 164km/h. CATEGORY 3 Some roof and structural damage. Some caravans destroyed. Power failures likely. Typical strongest wind gust 165 to 224km/h. CATEGORY 4 Significant roofing loss and structural damage. Many caravans destroyed and blown away. Dangerous airborne debris. Widespread power failures. Typical strongest wind gust 225 to 279km/h. CATEGORY 5 Extremely dangerous with widespread destruction. Typical strongest gust over 279km/h.



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How to use a cyclone tracking map 1. Obtain the latest cyclone advice issued by the Bureau of Meteorology Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre. 2. On a table such as the one below, record the coordinates (the latitude and longitude in degrees and tenths of degrees) of the position of the cyclone. Note also the advice number, date and time, category number, central pressure, speed and direction of movement of the cyclone and maximum wind gusts. 3. On the map, locate the position of the cyclone centre using the numbered lines of latitude and longitude and mark this position. 4. As advices continue, join the marks together and track the cyclone’s path. Latitude (°S) Longitude (°E) Advice No. Date Time Category Central Pressure Direction Maximum wind gust


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STAY IN YOUR HOME! In the event of a cyclone approaching the area you live in authorities suggest the safest, and most practical, approach is to stay in your own home. Ensure you have plenty of containers filled with water, non-perishable food for both your family and pets, and take shelter in the safest part of the house, away from glass windows or doors.

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HANK, AMBER & RYAN VISITING WEIPA REGULARLY Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011 – CYCLONE FEATURE Page 13

Living Safely with Cyclones

special report

A brief history of cyclones in our region THERE have been a number of significant cyclone events which have impacted Weipa in the past, as recorded by Mr Jeff Callahan, Bureau of Meteorology, Brisbane (retired). The following information is an abridged version of Mr Callaghan’s work: Un-named TC January 1913 TC crossed the coast south of Weipa. Severe gales Torres Strait.

Un-named TC January 1952 TC made landfall near Weipa and then turned and passed over Normanton. Thursday Island had wind gusts to 70 knots on January 19 and 20. Buildings were unroofed at Mt Isa and winds gusts at Alexandria Downs were estimated at nearly 80 knots. On the January 19, gales and high tides were reported from Groote Eylandt.

Un-named TC January 1955 Tropical cyclone near Stationary Gulf Coast just to the north of Weipa. Heavy rain and gales.

Un-named TC March 1961 TC crossed the coast near Weipa and there was slight wind damage to homesteads in the area and trees were uprooted.

TC Dawn February 1970 Dawn crossed the coast near Weipa. Thursday Island reported a gust of 52 knots. There was minor vegetation damage and telephone lines were down. Weipa recorded 443mm of rain over six days.

TC Faith April 1972 Faith crossed the coast just south of Weipa. Gales were reported from Aurukun and these caused some tree damage. Aurukun registered 256mm of rain in 24 hrs.

TC Otto March 1977 Otto crossed the coast between Aurukun and Weipa. The only damage reported was tree damage at Weipa. Messmate trees (shallow rooted) with girths up to six feet (1.8 metres) were blown down.

TC Greta January 1979 Greta crossed the coast 20km south of Weipa. Weipa recorded a maximum wind gust of 42 knots and a 30 minute

calm in the eye, where a central pressure of 986hPa was recorded. Little damage was experienced.

TC Stan April 1979 Stan crossed the coast 40km north of Weipa and no damage or significant flooding occurred. At no time was an eye discernable on satellite imagery. A 0.5metre storm surge was reported at Weipa. 24 hour rainfall totals were 233mm Iron Range, 127mm Moreton and 84mm Weipa.

TC Dominic April 1982 Dominic crossed the coast near Cape Keerweer. Tides were one metre above normal at Weipa.

TC Mark January 1992 Mark crossed the coast near Weipa. Weipa suffered widespread minor damage with falling trees largely responsible for house damage and powerline damage. Wave action caused $3.5 (1994 million) damage to the Kaolin loading facility at the Port. The maximum wind gust at Weipa Met Office was 63 knots from the north west. A maximum gust of 75 knots was recorded from an anemometer located at Lorim Point.

TC Ethel March 1996 Ethel made landfall 13km north of Duyfken Point and 33km west-northwest of Weipa. The time of landfall was at 1700 UTC March 9, 1996. The eye passed over the Ely Mining Camp and a central pressure of 980hPa was recorded in the eye. Bark was stripped from trees and trees up to one metre in diameter were uprooted. Strips of up to 2km wide were completely defoliated. The beach area about the point of landfall was completely changed exposing objects never seen before by the miners and was obviously affected by large waves and storm surge. The strongest wind gust of 28 ms-1 at Weipa Meteorological Office was recorded at 1030 UTC March 9, 1996 when an outer rainband passed through the station. This was at the time the peak storm surge of 1.18 metres

was recorded at Weipa. The water level exceeded the highest astronomical tide at Weipa by .26 metres. Around this time a waverider buoy, located 8 km west southwest of Weipa, recorded a significant wave height of 3.76m and a peak wave height 6.69m. The peak height reading is the largest wave observed at the Weipa wave recording station in 16 years of operation. At the time Ethel made landfall the winds at Weipa were offshore and a peak negative storm surge of 0.8 metres was recorded.

TC Bernie January 2002 Bernie tracked southward throughout its lifetime and crossed the coast near the Northern Territory border at 11pm on January 4, 2002, by which time it had weakened to a category 1 cyclone. Maximum Storm Surge Height (m) 0.4m at 6:33 pm on January 3, 2002 at Weipa.

TC Craig March 2003 Tropical cyclone Craig was able to sustain tropical cyclone intensity as it tracked along the north coast of the Northern Territory until it moved into the Gulf of Carpentaria near Gove at 2000 UTC on March 11. On the Queensland coast, Craig’s effects were restricted to widespread but minor damage to native vegetation and moderate to locally heavy rainfall. Weipa, which was well to the north of the cyclone’s centre, recorded a storm surge of 1.1 metres, significant wave heights of three metres, and peak wave heights of five metres.

A culvert damaged by rain associated with cyclone Monica.

TC Monica April 2006 Monica formed in the Coral Sea off the Queensland coast 710km east of Lockhart River. The Bureau of Meteorology monitored the cyclone as it passed through Queensland territory. Category 3 cyclone in Queensland, with minimum recorded central pressure of 960hPa. Large significant wave heights recorded in the Gulf of Carpentaria. 0.74m storm surge recorded at Weipa. Reports of erosion damage.

This four-wheel drive tried unsuccessfully to cross the flooded Archer River crossing following cyclong Monica.

Page 14 CYCLONE FEATURE Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011

Two of the owners of the Archer River Roadhouse (Brad Allen and Hughie Atherton) inspecting flood damaged caused by cyclone Monica, April 2006.

A Marina Plains bog hole following cyclone Monica in 2006.

Inspecting damage to Cape York roads following cyclone Monica in April, 2006.


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This Honda developed technology reduces the overall weight and size by 25% to 50% compared to similarly classed conventional models, making it very portable. The EU10i, EU20i and EU30iu features an Eco-throttle which adjusts the engine speed to meet the load demand. This increases fuel economy whilst also reducing noise as the engine is not required to run at full capacity unnecessarily. These generators are Parallel Connection capable. This feature allows two EU10i’s to be quickly and easily linked using a special parallel connection cable to double your output to 2Kva.Two EU20i’s will give you 4Kva and parallel connection of two EU30iu’s will give you 6Kva. The EU10i, Eu20i and EU30i’s fantastic portability, quietness and high quality power makes it ideal for a wide range of home, recreational and professional uses. All Honda generators feature Honda’s famous ‘easy start’ system and are backed by extended warranties for peace of mind. See Sam at Weipa Auto and Marine for all your Honda generator needs.



Travelling to another country where a different language from our own is spoken can be quite daunting at times, especially when you have to navigate your way around a new airport, to your accommodation and to the local sightseeing places. This is where escorted tours come in. They take that stress away, by coordinating all your travel plans. From the moment you arrive in the country, your tour beings. Transfers from the airport to your accommodation, and sightseeing tours, are all preorganised and you are generally given a tour guide who can speak English as well.

with Debbie

However, at BLT, we take this several steps further. We organise for our travelling group members to meet each other before the trip, so by the time we get to the departure date, we are no longer strangers. For those travelling alone, this gives them a chance to reduce the ‘single supplement’ charge by sharing a room with a like-minded person of their choosing. Before the tour begins, we will organise your visas and help with your travel paperwork. We also organise for our own experienced Asia Travel Specialist to accompany you the whole way from Cairns.

Our next fully escorted tour departs March 31, 2012 and will be travelling from Cairns to four cities within China - Shanghai, Wuzhen, Xian and Beijing. All cities are specifically chosen for their access to those amazing once-in-a-lifetime-sights like the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the site of the Terracotta Warriors, ancient Chinese city areas and more. There are still places available, and if you are interested in joining the group, please contact Debbie at BLT and she will organise for you to join this tour. BLT Weipa 4019 6741





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Weipa Auto and Marine 9 Iraci Avenue, Weipa QLD 4874 P: 4069 8058 F: 4069 8057 E: wae@westnet.com.au www.weipaauto.com.au or www.weipamarine.com.au Subject to availability, all prices listed include GST. Offers available for a limited time, check in-store for full details.

Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011 Page 15

SNAPSHOTS @ WCCCA farewell to Georgina

Ivy and Florence present the flag to Georgina as a parting gift from all the communities at the farewell on Wednesday night.

Marilyn, Loyla and Geraldine were all smiles.

Lois, Lenford and Polly came to Weipa for the farewell party.

Jacque, Georgina and Larry had one last farewell hug together.

Flo came to say goodbye to her colleague.

Linda, Geraldine, Cecil and Marilyn gathered at the Weipa Bowls club for Georgina’s farewell.

Maryann and Tony brought the Wik dancers from Aurukun.

Page 16 Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011

Joanne and Stefan came along to say their farwells to Georgina.

Reggie, Janette and Anthony got together for some laughs and stories.

Scott and Charles caught up for a laugh.

Georgina gives Stella a hug farewell.

SNAPSHOTS @ WCCCA farewell to Georgina

Louise Pearce Solicitor Local, Personalised Service McNamara Centre, Weipa next to post ofďŹ ce

Beatrice and Ivy were in charge of babysitting duties.

PO Box 313 Weipa Q 4874

Kayleen and Carrie laughed about the good times.

Ph: 4069 8258 Mob: 0439 665 714 louise@ilsqld.com.au

COMMUNITY CALENDAR The Elders sang farewell songs.

Got an event coming up?

There to say farewell was Maryann Coconut.

Send us an email detailing the event name, date, time and location to: office@westerncapebulletin.com.au and we’ll include it in the Community Calendar at no charge! DECEMBER Western Cape Chamber of Commerce AGM at the AlbaWednesday 14 tross Bay Resort Conference Room at 6.30pm

All laughs and smiles at Georginas farewell were Mary and Jay.

Sunday 18

Cape York Bowhunters President’s Shoot

Friday 23

Community Carols by Candlelight, 7pm at St Lukes Church cnr of Central Avenue and McLeod Drive.

Sunday 25

Christmas Day ser vice 9.15am at St Lukes Church

Ronnie and Gracie made sure they were there to say goodbye to Georgina.

Christmas Day

Sunday 25 Tracey and the Walker Brothers kept the party rocking with their wide variety of tunes.

:+$7¡6 21



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Saturday 31






New Years Eve at Weipa Bowls Club. Bookings only. JANUARY

Sunday 1 Thursday 26

New Years Day Australia Day FEBRUAURY

Thursday 2

Weipa Junior Soccer Club Inc. AGM 7.30pm at the Resource Centre, Western Cape College

Saturday 25

Weipa Junior Soccer Club Inc Sign-on 3pm - 5pm at the P&C shed, Western Cape College. Free sausage sizzle. Contact Blue Barnes 4069 9172

Members, guests & bona ďŹ de visitors welcome PO BOX 181 WEIPA QLD 4874 PH: 074069 7300 • FAX 07 4069 7616 weipabowlsclub@bigpond.com

Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011 Page 17


A fresh approach to real estate in Weipa

House of the week INVESTORS

3 BED 1 BATH 2 CAR $485,000 neg

Plenty of space for the whole family in this large 4 Bedroom home. The main bedroom is complimented with a walk-in robe, ensuite and sliding door access to an oversized outdoor undercover area, tiled throughout, split system air-conditioning, solar hot water, modern kitchen, combined lounge dining area, family room. This one has it all.

Priced to sell at $598,000

Are you looking for a 3 bedroom lowset property that has a nice new kitchen, new tiles, freshly painted with tasteful modern colours, enclosed laundry, large outside entertainment area, then this property is a must see, now available as a vacant possession.

Contemporary three bedroom home in Nanum, Weipa. Offering modern appeal with a practical open plan living design. Tiled flooring throughout living areas with carpet in bedrooms. Each bedroom has split system air-conditioning, ceiling fans and built-in wardrobes. Main bedroom has direct access to bathroom. Open plan lounge/dining and kitchen. Fully fenced backyard with side access and shed. Undercover patio area at rear and double carport. Great investment opportunity currently tenanted to corporation at $713 per week until 2015.

Priced in low $400’s Want your property sold or managed contact the team at Western Cape Real Estate A fresh approach to real estate in Weipa

Glenn 0419 714 929 Sandy 0488 185 611 OfďŹ ce (07) 4069 7520


Phone Geoff Bryant – 0408 772 592


$465,000 neg.





$469,000 neg.







Nestled in quiet nook of Weipa, this four bedroom lowset home has everything for the Weipa lifestyle. 988m2 block with fully fenced backyard has ample of room for vehicles, boats and that perfect shed. Landscaped street frontage is private and leafy with established gardens! A beautifully presented A/C interior with kitchen, lounge, dining area, built in wardrobes, large patio outback perfect for outdoor entertaining. A wonderful family home and a must see for the ďŹ rst home buyer.

This three bedroom lowset home has all the extra space needed to park your Weipa toys and is located close to schools, pool, and boat ramp. Spacious dining/living area, well appointed kitchen, tiled living areas and carpeted bedrooms. A/C and ceiling fans throughout. Set on 1,017m2 block, this property has a fully fenced backyard with established mature gardens and a rear entertaining area.

$725,000 neg.





Hunting for that ideal investment opportunity? Not one but two ultra modern duplex are on offer for sale on the one title. One duplex features 2 bed 2 bath while the other side offers 3 bed 2 bath. Both sides consist of an open plan design featuring lounge/dining area, ultra modern kitchen, large timber undercover decking, well landscaped and easy to care for gardens, with garden shed and fully fenced yard. Approx. $4,225 per month rent! Leased until 20/12/2012


$580,000 neg.






This contemporary four bedroom home in Nanum, features main bedroom with a large ensuite and all bedrooms with built in wardrobes. A modern well appointed kitchen overlooks a spacious lounge room and separate dining area. Tiled throughout and has split system air-conditioning and fans. Situated on 1100m2 with double carport and a fully fenced yard complete the picture for private and modern living. Leased to Corporation until January 2015 at $682 per week.

$350,000 neg.






Do you fancy the idea of living a short walk from the Weipa Bowls Club & the Carpentaria Golf Club then this is for you. A/C & ceiling fans, built-in wardrobe, renovated bathroom, open plan living/ dining area. The ultra modern renovated kitchen is well laid out and comes with a pantry. A large private backyard at the rear gives you your own space while a lockable store room off your carport gives you room for storage and laundry. It is a great investment opportunity or the ideal lifestyle choice. Vacant possession.



The Anchorage is a family-owned & operated resort, situated in a quiet, bush setting just a minutes’ drive from the Rocky Point boat ramp. The complex is a home away from home for many government departments. The Anchorage offers comfortable A/C donga-style or 1 or 2 bedroom selfcontained cottages. Two fully equipped kitchens, inground pool, secure parking for cars, trucks and boats, 2 TV lounges, licensed bar, pool table, coin laundry, land size 6,718m2. This is an incredible opportunity for the right buyer to secure a successful, premium tourism business in which all of the hard work has been done.

SALES – GEOFF BRYANT – 0408 772 592 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT – MELISA and JENNY P: 07 4069 9921 F: 07 4069 9721 Email: admin@weiparealestate.com.au Page 18 Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011

Web: www.weiparealestate.com.au



4:00 Rage (G) 5:00 Island Life 6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:00 ABC News 9:30 ABC News 24 Mornings 10:00 Children’s Programs 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Tess Of The D’Urbervilles 1:25 Mother And Son 2:00 Children’s Programs 6:00 River Cottage: Everyday: Meat 6:50 Minuscule: A Rolling Snail Gathers No Moss 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Jimmy’s Food Factory: Get Up And Go 8:30 Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Christmas 9:25 Greatest Cities Of The World With Griff Jones: New York 10:15 ABC News: Late Edition 10:25 Bastard Boys: Josh’s War 11:25 Live From Abbey Road: They Enemy/ Antony And The Johnsons - Capturing high quality performances from both cutting edge artists and established acts, this critically acclaimed series continues to redefine music television. 12:15 Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Christmas - Favourite Christmas recipes cooked up by one of the world’s greatest chefs in his own home. This program will teach you everything you need to know about how to cook the perfect Christmas including a succulent roasted turkey. 1:05 Elephant Nomads Of The Namib Desert 2:00 Basketball: WNBL: Canberra Vs Sydney United

6:00 Today 9:00 Kerri-Anne Summer Series 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 Hi-5 12:30 Australian Masters Golf 4:30 Antiques Roadshow 5:00 Alive And Cooking 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men: “TBA” 7:30 Getaway 8:30 David Attenborough’s Madagascar 9:30 CSI: NY: Holding Cell - A Spanish club promoter is stabbed to death in his apartment, but Mac isn’t convinced that the man was murdered. The case is made more difficult when the head of Barcelona’s crime lab arrives to investigate and Mac learns the CSI is related to the victim. 10:30 Nothing Trivial: What Is A Petard? 11:30 Rubicon: A Good Day’s Work - Will gets a special assignment from Spangler. Tanya is asked to re-join the team to help locate Kateb. A threat leaves Katherine afraid to leave her house. 12:30 The Baron 1:30 Danoz Direct 3:00 Newstyle Direct 3:30 Good Morning America 4:00 National Early Morning News 4:30 Today

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “The Colour Of Magic” (PG v,h) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Find My Family 3:30 Children’s Programs 4:30 Seven News 5:00 Discover Tasmania 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 7:30 The Amazing Race 8:30 TBA 11:30 Outsourced: “Todd’s Holi War / Gupta’s Hit And Manmeet’s Missus” Todd fights with another company that cut off All-American Novelties’ access to the air conditioning in the building, while Rajiv tries to find an original way to propose to his girlfriend. 11:30 30 Rock 12:00 Trauma: “Sweet Jane” 1:00 Infomercials 3:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra 5:30 Seven Early News

5:00 Weatherwatch & Music 5:05 Korean News 5:45 UEFA Europa League 8:10 World News 3:00 Letters And Numbers 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: French Coastlines: Tour of Corsica 6:00 Letters And Numbers 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 My Sri Lanka with Peter Kuruvita 8:00 Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam 8:30 The Family: They’re Not Kids Anymore - For 20 years Josephine and Angelo have been looking after their three boys. But now the boys have all left them alone and they face an empty nest for the first time in years. 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 Movie: “Dirty Pretty Things” (MAV a,l,v) - Okwe, a former Nigerian doctor and now illegal immigrant, and Senay, a Turkish chambermaid, work at the same West London hotel. The hotel is run by a sinister manager, Juan, and is the sort of place where dirty business like drug dealing and prostitution takes place. 11:45 Movie: “The Colonel” (M v) -In French and Arabic. France explores its colonial past and national guilt in this intelligent drama from acclaimed screenwriter Costa-Gavras. 1:45 Weatherwatch Overnight


4:00 Rage (PG) 5:00 Can We Help? 5:30 New Inventors 6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:00 ABC News 9:30 ABC News 24 Mornings 10:00 Children’s Programs 11:00 Chopper Rescue 11:30 One Plus One 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Land Girls 2:10 TBA 3:00 Children’s Programs 6:00 Choccywoccydoodah: Eat Cake And Be Merry 6:25 World Cafe Asia: Yunnan 6:50 Minuscule: Insect High Velocity 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 My Family: Germs Of Endearment - Ben and Susan’s trip to Spain starts out being an anniversary present from Janey and Michael, but they then discover they have to pay for it. 8:30 Midsomer Murders: The Dogleg Murders: Inspectors Barnaby and Jones are back on the trail of another killer in the Midsomer villages, this time at the prestigious Whiteoaks golf club. 10:05 The Old Guys: Hospital 10:40 ABC News: Late Edition 10:50 Adam Hills In Gordon St Tonight 11:45 Tracey Ullman’s State Of The Union - Tracey Ullman continues her tour across America showcasing her vast array of original characters and impersonations in a wide collection of irreverent and hilarious skits, that range from sardonic parody to social satire. 12:15 Rage

6:00 Today 8:00 Kerri-Anne Summer Series 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 Hi-5 12:30 Australian Masters Golf 4:30 Antiques Roadshow 5:00 Alive And Cooking 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affiar 7:00 Two And A Half Men: “TBA” (PG) 7:30 In Their Footsteps 8:00 TBA 10:30 TBA 12:30 Movie: “West” (AV s,l,a,v,d) - Pete and Jerry are cousins living in Sydney’s Western Suburbs, where life consists of drinking, getting stoned and hanging out. However, things change forever when Pete and Jerry both fall in love with the same girl. 2:30 The Avengers: Epic - Z.Z. von Schnerk, a mad Teutonic film director of the Erich von Stroheim variety, along with his has-been leading actor and actress, Stewart Kirby and Damita Syn, capture Mrs. Peel in an effort to make a movie about her life and exciting adventures. Unfortunately it is to end with her violent death so Steed has to follow the clues to find her. 3:30 Danoz Direct / 4:30 Good Morning America

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “The Colour Of Magic” (PG v,h) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Find My Family 3:30 Toybox 4:00 It’s Academic 4:30 Seven News 5:00 Discover Tasmania 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue: The RSPCA steps in to re-home an ostrich who has spent his whole life living in the backyard of a motel in suburban Sydney. Meanwhile, a woman is left with a diamond python when her husband moves out. She surrenders it to the RSPCA but her husband wants it back. And in Queensland, inspectors discover a property overrun by puppies who aren’t being properly cared for. 7:30 Better Homes & Gardens Summer 8:30 TBA 10:30 Natural Myteries 11:45 Perfect Couples 12:15 Special: The Gibb River Road And Beyond - Malcolm Douglas captures the grandeur of the remote Gibb River Road, one of the great 4-wheel drive adventure treks of Australia. 2:05 Auction Squad / 3:00 Infomercials / 4:00 NBC Today

5:00 Weatherwatch & Music 5:05 Korean News 5:45 UEFA Europa League 8:10 World News 3:00 Letters And Numbers 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: French Coastlines: Tour Of Corsice 6:00 Letters and Numbers 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Coast: Bournemouth to Plymouth 8:30 As It Happened: Convoy: War For The Atlantic: Wolfpack Rising 9:30 World News Australia 10:05 Sex Magic, Manifesting Maya 11:35 Movie: “The Manual Of Love” (M l,s) - In Italian. An enchanting comedy starring Margherita Buy that follows the lives of four couples looking for, discovering or holding onto love. The four interlocking stories revolve around a CD called The Manual of Love, and each features a different couple. 1:35 Movie: “Everything” (MA l,n,s) - A deeply affecting and wholly compelling drama about family secrets. Richard, a middle-aged man, keeps visiting a prostitute but just wants to talk. She goes along with it until he starts asking questions. Is he just a loner or is there a different reason for him to come here? 3:15 Weatherwatch Overnight


4:00 Rage (MA) 5:00 Rage (PG) 6:00 Rage (G) 10:00 Rage 11:00 Choccywoccydoodah: Eat Cake And Be Merry 11:30 Dance Academy: Backstage Pass 12:00 My Family: Germs Of Endearment 12:30 Elders With Andrew Denton: Muhammad Yunus 1:00 Basketball: WNBL: Logan Vs Townsville 3:00 Football: W-League: Melbourne Victory Vs Brisbane Roar 5:00 Bowls: Australia Vs RSA 2011 6:00 Willie’s Perfect Chocolate Christmas 7:00 ABC News 7:30 Going Postal - Adapted from Terry Pratchett’s best-selling book comes the story of arch-swindler Moist Von Lipwig and the beautiful, vengeful Adora Belle Dearheart. 9:05 Wil Anderson: Wilosophy -Wil Anderson’s sell-out comedy show Wilosophy filmed in Sydney. 10:00 The Graham Norton Show: Graham Norton presents his unique celebrity chat show focusing on the people, trends, stories and pop culture that interest him most, featuring trademark Norton comedy monologues and celebrity chat. 10:40 Doctor Who: The Next Doctor: It’s Christmas Eve in 1851 and Cybermen stalk the snow of Victorian London. But when the Doctor meets another Doctor, the two must combine forces to stop the rise of the CyberKing. 12:05 Rage

6:00 Weekend Today - Saturday 8:00 Children’s Programs 11:30 Australian Masters Golf 4:30 Alive And Cooking 5:00 Getaway 5:30 4WD TV 6:00 National News Saturday 6:30 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos Summer Series 7:30 TBA 9:30 Movie: “Three Blind Mice” (M l,a) - Three young Navy officers hit Sydney for one last night on land before being shipped over to the Gulf to fight. Sam has been mistreated at sea and is going AWOL, Dean has a fiancé and the future in-laws to meet, and Harry just loves playing cards. Throughout the night the boys lose each other, find themselves, and along the way discover courage, friendship and redemption. 11:30 Movie: “The Devil’s Advocate” (MA l,s,v,a) - This supernatural thriller follows the life of Kevin Lomax, a successful young attorney who is recruited to join a powerful international law firm based in New York. But after he commits to his new position and new lifestyle, Kevin and his wife begin to find disturbing evidence that it is not what they had perceived it to be and that Kevin’s boss has a diabolical reason for hiring him. 2:15 Movie: “Waiting For Guffman” (M l) 4:00 Danoz Direct 5:30 Wesley Impact

6:00 Children’s Programs 7:00 Weekend Sunrise 9:00 Children’s Programs 2:00 That ‘70s Show 3:00 Movie: “Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen” (PG a) 5:00 Creek To Coast 5:30 Queensland Weekender 6:00 Seven News 6:30 No Leave No Life - This week, Rosso surprises building surveyor Richard Porter who hasn’t had a holiday in 20 years - except for a grueling year off battling non-Hodgkin’s lymphona. He now has over 23 weeks leave owing and while his wife Diane has tried to talk him into taking a break, Richard responds saying he had one - when he was sick! 7:00 Off The Eaten Track 7:30 Christmas Special: The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol 8:00 Special Event: Woolworths’ Carols In The Domain 2011 10:30 Christmas Special: The Vicar Of Dibley - Christmas Special 11:30 Special: A Lion Called Christian 12:30 Movie: “48 Shades” - A teenage boy moves in with his twenty-two-year-old Aunt and suddenly finds himself exposed to a very adult world. 2:30 Special: The Passion Of Spain 4:30 Home Shopping 5:00 Dr Oz

5:00 Weatherwatch & Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Michael Nyman: Composer In Progress 2:00 The Question Mark Inside 3:00 Looking For Lowry 4:00 Tim Marlow Meets... Ian Rankin 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Prototype This: Backyard Waterslide Simulator 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Big, Bigger, Biggest: Telescope 8:30 Mythbusters: Dive To Survive - Tonight, Adam and Jamie examine whether diving underwater can protect you from an explosion. Meanwhile, Kari, Grant and Tory check whether you can bulletproof a car by filling its cavities with phone books. To test this myth they fill several car doors with phone books and then proceed to fire various firearms into the vehicle 9:30 RocKwiz 10:20 Movie: “Rabbit Without Ears” (MA a,s) - In German. Gossipcolumnist Ludo Decker finds himself sentenced to 300 hundred hours of community service in a day care centre after he literally crashes a private celebrity party. The centre is run by his uptight former schoolmate Anna, a woman he used to bully when they were at school; she hasn’t forgotten and is prepared to use her new-found power to get her own back 12:25 S.O.S: Daughters 1:30 South Park / 2:30 Weatherwatch Overnight



4:00 Rage (MA) 6:30 Children’s Programs 9:00 ABC News 24 Mornings 9:30 The World This Week 10:00 ABC News 24 Mornings 10:40 Christianity: A History: Rome 11:30 Songs Of Praise: Christmas 1910 12:00 Beachcomber Cottage 1:00 7.30 Select 1:30 Message Stick: Our Town Profile: Raukkan 2:00 The Story Of India: Spice Routes And Silk Roads 3:00 La Boheme 4:55 Jennifer Byrne Presents: On The Road 5:25 Sergei Prokofiev’s Peter And The Wolf 6:00 Yellowstone: Autumn 6:50 Minuscule: Hyperactive 7:00 ABC News 7:30 The Schools Spectacular 8:30 Upstairs Downstairs 9:35 When Teenage Meets Old Age 10:35 Wuthering Heights 11:45 Bush Christmas: An Australian family Christmas classic. The Thompson kids chase after the crooks who have stolen their horse Prince, a favourite to win the New Year’s Cup. 1:10 Ten Minute Tales: Deep And Crosp And Even - A collection of eleven contemporary, magical short films. The stories are brought vividly to life by a cast of top actors, writing and directing talent. 1:25 Carols From St Paul’s 2:25 Three Faces Of Christmas 2:55 When Teenage Meets Old Age

6:00 Children’s Programs 7:00 Weekend Today 10:00 Pyramid 10:30 Kitchen Whiz 11:00 Australian Fishing Championships 11:30 Australian Masters Golf 4:30 Antiques Roadshow 5:00 The Wildlife Man Featuring David Ireland 6:00 National News 6:30 TBA 7:30 60 Minutes 8:30 The Mentalist: Red Gold - A modern-day prospector’s death is investigated and Lisbon is injured, prompting Hightower to join Jane in the field for the first time. 9:30 Underbelly Files: Tell Them Lucifer Was Here 11:30 Flashpoint: Business As Usual - A CEO is taken hostage after a mortgage scheme goes bad and the team is called in to resolve the situation. Meanwhile, the team must recruit a new member while Jules is injured. 12:30 The Baron 1:30 Spyforce 2:30 Danoz Direct 3:30 Newstyle Direct 4:00 Goodmorning America - Sunday 5:00 National Early Morning News / 5:30 Today

6:00 Children’s Programs 7:00 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 Kochie’s Business Builders 10:30 The Davincibles 11:00 Children’ Programs 2:00 Movie: “Miracle” (PG l) 4:30 Special: Martin Clunes: A Man And His Dogs - Part 2 5:30 The Great South East 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Christmas Special: The Vicar Of Dibley 7:30 Dog Patrol 8:00 Coastwatch 8:30 Bones 9:30 Castle: “A Deadly Game” Nothing is as it seems when Castle and Beckett investigate what appears to be the assassination of an intelligence operative. 10:30 Royal Pains 11:30 Love Bites: “Sky High” Judd talks Colleen into trying some of the treats he purchased at a medical marijuana store. But just as the two are really enjoying their lazy Sunday ‘fun day’ they realize they are late for a family Christening. 12:30 Auction Squad 1:30 The Real Seachange 2:00 Home Shopping 3:00 NBC Today 4:00 NBC Meet The Press 5:00 Sunrise Extra / 5:30 Seven Early News

5:00 World News 8:30 PopAsia 10:30 UEFA Europa League Highlights 11:00 Les Murray’s Football Feature 12:00 FIFA Futbol Mundial 12:30 Speedweek 2:00 Al Jazeera News 3:00 Celtic Woman: Songs From The Heart 4:00 Life On Fire: Volcano Doctors 5:00 Cycling Central 6:00 Thalassa: Surrounding The Depths 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 The Bible: A History: The Last Judgement - Since it was written in the first century AD, the Book of Revelation has been seen as one of the most controversial books in the entire Bible. 8:30 The Promice 10:30 Movie: “Shall We Kiss?” (PG) - In French. Emmanuel Mouret’s romantic comedy begins with two strangers, Emilie and Gabriel, who end up attracted to each other, even though they both are involved in relationships with others. When Gabriel asks Emilie for a kiss goodnight after a dinner together, she refuses, explaining that a single kiss can alter a life. 12:15 Movie: “Dhoom” (M v) - Assistant Commissioner of Police, Jai Dixit, is determined to catch a gang of thieves who deliver pizzas by day and use their customised motorbikes for robberies at night. But the gang, headed by the cool-headed and arrogant Kabir, seem unstoppable. 2:35 Weatherwatch Overnight



4:00 Rage (G) 5:00 Stuff 5:30 Collectors 6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:00 ABC News 9:30 ABC News 24 Mornings 10:00 Children’s Programs 11:00 Best Of Landline 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Monarch of the Glen 1:35 Annabel Langbein: The Free Range Cook 2:00 Children’s Programs 6:00 Grand Designs: Brighton 6:50 Minuscule: Come Christmas 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Who’s Been Sleeping In My House?: The Sheiling 8:30 The Hour 9:30 Kevin McCloud’s Grand Tour: Greece 10:25 ABC News: Late Edition 10:35 Silent Witness: Death’s Door: Part 1 11:30 Darling Buds Of May: A Season Of Heavenly Gifts (PG) - Pop meets an ex-RAF type and has a sudden windfall although he manages to fall foul of shady property developer Marcus Cope. 12:20 The Hour: In the final episode Freddie finally learns what happened to Ruth; Hector and Bel make a decision about their affair; and the team prepares to report on the Suez crisis. 1:20 Agatha Christie: Poirot: Third Girl 3:00 Bowls: Australia Vs RSA 2011: Coverage of all the action when Australia take on South Africa at the Moonta Bowls Club on South Australia’s copper coast.

6:00 Today 9:00 Kerri-Anne Summer Series 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Magical Tales 4:00 Pyramid 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men: “TBA” 7:30 The Big Bang Theory: “The Dead Hooker Juxtaposition” 8:00 Hot In Cleveland 8:30 The Mentalist 9:30 Harry’s Law: Sins Of The Father 10:30 Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition 11:30 Undercovers: Funny Money - Steven and Samantha’s latest mission---tracking down stolen currency plates that could be used to make counterfeit money---requires the duo to work with Steven’s estranged brother. 12:30 The Avengers: Superlative Seven - Steed is pleased to receive an invitation to a fancy dress party, held by explorer, Sir George Robertson. 1:30 Entertainment Tonight 2:00 Danoz Direct 3:00 Newstyle Direct 3:30 Goodmorning America 5:00 National Early Morning News / 5:30 Today

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Christmas Movie Special: “All I Want for Christmas” (G) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Find My Family 3:30 Children’s Programs 4:30 Seven News 5:00 Discover Tasmania 5:30 Deal or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 TBA 8:00 Highway Patrol: “Racy Rider” When officers pull over a teenager driving his mum’s car, they decide to check his story with his mother. 8:30 Criminal Minds: “Reflection Of Desire” Twenty-something Kelly Landis is missing for three days before being found dead in a back alley. 9:30 Air Crash Investigations 10:30 Royal Pains 11:30 Keeping Up With The Kardashians: “Kim Becomes A Diva” 12:00 Auction Squad 1:00 Infomercials 3:00 Home Shopping 3:30 Room For Improvement 4:00 NBC Today / 5:00 Sunrise Extra / 5:30 Seven Early News

5:00 Weatherwatch & Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Arc Of Fire 2:00 Deepwater Disaster - The Untold Story 3:00 Letters And Numbers 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 FIFA Futbol Mundial 5:00 The Crew 5:30 Global Village: Margaret River: From The Ocean To The Vine 6:00 Letters And Numbers 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Mythbusters: Dodge A Bullet 8:30 Man Vs Wild: China 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 Housos: Birthday 10:30 The Mighty Boosh: A Journey Through Time and Space - Noel Fielding and Julian Barratt tell the story behind The Mighty Boosh in their own words. They visit locations key to their past, including the comedy club where they first performed and the studio where the radio show was recorded; now an organic supermarket. 11:30 The World Game 12:30 Movie: “Keane” (M l,s,a) - A mentally ill man wanders around Port Authority bus terminal in New York asking strangers if they have seen his missing six-year-old daughter. But is the loss real or imaginary?And is his interest in helping young girls innocent and of a fatherly nature, or is it due to a darker, scarier motive. 2:20 Weatherwatch Overnight



4:00 Rage 5:00 Gardening Australia 5:30 First Tuesday Book Club With Jennifer Byrne 6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:00 ABC News 9:30 ABC News 24 Mornings 10:00 Children’s Programs 11:00 Rivers With Griff Rhys Jones 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Seven Ages Of Britain 1:35 Meerkat Manor: The Next Generation 2:00 Children’s Programs 6:00 Turn Back Time: The High Street: WWII 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Nigella Kitchen: Safety In Numbers 8:30 Rick Stein’s Cornish Christmas 9:35 Grumpy Guide To Christmas 10:35 ABC News: Late Edition 10:45 Spooks 11:40 The Pursuit Of Excellence: Hairworld - Stylists and models from Team USA compete at the International HairWorld Championship in Moscow. 12:40 Carols From St Patrick’s 1:40 Monarch Of The Glen 2:30 Movie: “Holiday Affair” (G) - A story about a boy whose Christmas wish is a train set. His widowed mother is torn between two suitors and making a better life for her son.

6:00 Today 9:00 Kerri-Anne Summer Series 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Magical Tales 4:00 Pyramid 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men: “TBA” 7:30 The Big Bang Theory: “The Hofstadter Isotope” 8:00 The Middle 8:30 Two And A Half Men: “Nine Magic Fingers” (M s) 9:00 Mike & Molly: “Victoria’s Birthday” 9:30 Survivor: South Pacific 10:30 Nothing Trivial: Who Wrote The Art Of War? 11:30 The Unusuals: Crime Slut - A cash-strapped Beaumont is at a pawn shop when the place gets robbed. The female suspect is later seen robbing a bridal shop with a different male accomplice. Elsewhere, Banks and Delahoy look for a missing man who was previously thought to be dead. 12:30 20/20 2:00 Danoz Direct 3:00 Newstyle Direct 3:30 Goodmorning America 5:00 National Early Morning News 5:30 Today

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Christmas Movie Special: “What I Did For Love” (PG v) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Find My Family 3:30 Children’s Programs 4:30 Seven News 5:00 Discover Tasmania 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 TBA 8:00 Highway Patrol: “Superman” Officers in pursuit of a speeding bike must call off the dangerous chase, however, it doesn’t take them long to make a case breaking identification. 8:30 TBA 11:15 Keeping Up With The Kardashians: “Rob’s New Girlfriend / Khloe Wants To Act” Rob falls in love with a popstar and Kris gets chickens for the house. Then, Khloe pursues an acting career much to the dismay of Kim. And Bruce gets a major style makeover. 12:10 House Calls To The Rescue 1:00 Infomercials 3:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today / 5:00 Sunrise Extra / 5:30 Seven Early News

5:00 Weatherwatch & Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Movie: “Not By Chance” (PG) 3:00 Letters And Numbers 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: Visions of the Great Cities of Europe 6:00 Letters And Numbers 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Desperately Seeking Doctors: The Kimberley 8:30 Go Back To Where You Came From 9:30 World News Australia 10:10 Hot Docs: Thriller in Manilla - This was the third and final famous boxing match between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier for the Heavyweight Boxing Championship of the World, fought at the Araneta Coliseum in Manila, Philippines on 1 October, 1975. The bout is often ranked as one of the greatest fights of 20th century boxing, and is the climax to the bitter rivalry between Ali and Frazier over who was the legitimate Heavyweight Champion. 11:50 Movie: “Casanegra” (M v,l) - In Arabic. Two petty crooks, Adil and Karim, live in the Moroccan city of Casablanca or ‘Casanegra’ as they know it. To escape their bleak lives, they decide to carry out one last criminal job that could either guarantee their freedom or destroy them. 2:20 Weatherwatch Overnight



4:00 Rage (G) 5:00 A Very Specky Christmas 6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:00 ABC News 9:30 ABC News 24 Mornings 10:00 Children’s Programs 11:00 How The Earth Made Us 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Henry VIII: Mind Of A Tyrant 1:30 Bush Slam 2:00 Children’s Programs 6:00 Country House Rescue Revisits 6:50 Minuscule: O Tannenbaum 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Outnumbered 8:30 QI: Fire And Freezing 9:00 The Thick Of It 9:35 TBA 10:05 The Trip: L’Enclume 10:35 ABC News: Late Edition 10:45 Michael Mclntyre’s Comedy Roadshow: Birmingham 11:30 5 Lost At Sea: A sailing adventure of a lifetime for Jesse Martin, the world’s youngest solo sailor to circumnavigate the globe, and his five young crew turns sour when tensions and conflicting expectations arise. A journey about growing up. 12:25 Ten Minute Tales: Let It Snow 1:05 The Trip: L’Enclume 1:35 The Chaser’s War On Repeats 2:00 Football: W-League: Melbourne Victory Vs Brisbane Roar

6:00 Today 9:00 Kerri-Anne Summer Series 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Magical Tales 4:00 Pyramid 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men: “TBA” 7:30 RBT 8:30 TBA 10:30 True CSI: Cold Blood - When Catherine Carroll is found dead on the bathroom floor of her Newfoundland home, her 19 year old son is wrongly convicted and sentenced to life in prison. Will DNA evidence set him free? And can forensic science nab the real killer before he strikes again? 11:30 Live At The Chapel Presents... Eskimo Joe and Electro-pop’s finest, PNAU play a thrilling double-bill at St Stephen’s Anglican Church in Sydney’s Newtown. 12:00 Take 40 Live Lounge 12:30 Entertainment Tonight 1:00 Skippy - The Bush Kangaroo 1:30 Danoz Direct 3:00 Newstyle Direct 3:30 Goodmorning America 5:00 National Early Morning News / 5:30 Today

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Christmas Movie Special: “Grandpa For Christmas” (PG a) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Find My Family 3:30 Children’s Programs 4:30 Seven News 5:00 Discover Tasmania 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Highway Patrol: “Car Full Of Kids” Senior Constable Christine Bosley checks a vehicle that’s not roadworthy but the driver isn’t what she’s expect either. 7:30 World’s Strictest Parents 8:40 Criminal Minds: “Into The Woods” (M a,v) - When an eightyear-old is found murdered on the Appalachian Trail, the BAU team goes deep into its forests to search for the killer, who they suspect is hiding in the wilderness and targeting children. 9:40 TBA 12:05 Sons And Daughters: Rob’s attempt to save his marriage ends in heartbreak and David is appalled to hear of Patricia’s manipulations. 1:00 Infomercials 3:00 Home Shopping 3:30 Room For Improvement 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra / 5:30 Seven Early News

5:00 Weatherwatch & Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Movie: “The Keys to the House” (PG) 3:00 Letters And Numbers 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: Visions Of the Great Cities of Europe 6:00 Letters And Numbers 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Explore: Africa’s Rift Valley 8:30 One Born Every Minute: In the series finale, it’s an emotional time for two sets of parents as they cope with the trauma of emergency deliveries. Caroline and Chris Pike are expecting triplets, but one of them is much smaller than his brothers. There’s a risk he could die, and endanger the lives of his brothers. Caroline is told that she is to be booked in for a Caesarean section at seven months. Meanwhile, Sarah and Nando are expecting their first baby, but when monitoring picks up that the baby’s heartbeat is dipping, Sarah is booked in for an emergency Caesarean. 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 Movie: “Tulpan” (M n) - In Russian. On the harsh steppes of Kazakhstan, Asa, a dreamer who’s recently finished a stint in the Russian Navy, wants to establish a life by owning his own flock of sheep. But the ‘comrade boss’ tells him he’s got to marry first, since an unmarried herdsman cannot survive there. 11:50 112 Emergency / 1:20 Weatherwatch Overnight

Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011 Page 19




Your Lucky ARIES (March 21st - April 20th) You will struggle to gets things organised over this week. A meeting with a close friend will help to sort things out in your mind. Romance. Do your best to avoid getting into a power struggle with your partner. Big changes are afoot and both of you will be tense and the onus will be on you to not let tensions boil over.

TAURUS (April 21st - May 21st) Your boss will be in a strange mood this week. You should try to keep a low profile, and do your best not to make any mistakes in your work. Romance. Good communications will be essential for your relationship today. Work on being persuasive before wandering into any new territory.

GEMINI (May 22nd - June 21st)




1..... Take away one number from another (8) 5..... Coral island (3) 7..... Precious stone (5) 8..... Petrol additive (7) 10... Far away (6) 11 ... Questionnare (4) 12... Very old (7) 17... Tiny particle (4) 18... Remember (6) 20... Gravestone inscription (7) 22... Currency (6) 23... Japanese coin (3) 24... Local government official (8)

1..... Kind of firearm (7) 2..... Boom time, gold strike (7) 3..... Found on helicopter (5) 4..... Hurricane (7) 5..... Red wine (6) 6..... Shout (4) 9..... Readable (7) 13... Canadian / US waterfall (7) 14... Fit of bad temper (7) 15... Sea mammal (7) 16... German capital (6) 19... Whirlpool (4) 21... Window glass (4)

You may be feeling a little less sociable than usual. This will come from a recent disagreement with a friend or sibling but will have no long lasting consequence. Romance. It is your personal life that will be in your thoughts at the moment. Be sure not to fixate on any problems that will emerge as you will soon realise that you have been exaggerating a little.

CANCER (June 22nd - July 23rd) A bright idea could save everyone a lot of time and money really soon. There is one drawback that you will have to work on, however. Romance. Your focus will be more on work, and not your partner, this week. Their mind will be on one thing, yours on another. Be sure to treat them when the time is right!

LEO (July 24th - August 23rd) A powerful aspect to Jupiter will bring you great luck. Take whatever ideas you have and go with them, but do not do this alone if you want these to bear fruit. Romance. A positive mood will help you to make a decision which you have been putting off. This would be a good time to make a move with your partner.

VIRGO (August 24th - September 23rd) You will have more energy than you have had for some time. Use the opportunity to do something constructive. Romance. The best time for romance will come at the end of this week. You should embark on a quick trip away and not allow yourself to take no for an answer.


LIBRA (September 24th - October 23rd) You may be spending too much time helping other people, and not enough on looking after your own needs. Don’t feel responsible for other people’s chores. Romance. Try not to view your partner as predictable and this might not be the case. A powerful aspect to Uranus will have your feelings move around but you should allow your partner to surprise you.

SCORPIO (October 24th - November 22nd) This will be an extremely creative time for you. Anything that you have been planning, or putting off, should be let loose for you to play with. Romance. A stable and lucky period for romance lends itself to making a giant step with your partner. This goes especially for the end of this week.

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SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st) Emotions will be running high for you at the moment. Although this is a positive thing for romance, you must be careful when it comes to dealing with friends. Romance. This should be a very rewarding time, both for you and for your partner. An intimate dinner will go well and be truly memorable.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 20th) You will feel a nagging urge that you initially cannot put your finger on. This will be due to the fact that you want something more than you never have before. Don’t let this feeling wane without acting upon it. Romance. You will be tempted away from thinking about your partner as you have many other things on your mind. Be sure to talk this out with your partner.

AQUARIUS (January 21st - February 19th)

QUOTE OF THE DAY Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today. – Benjamin Franklin Page 20 Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011


Domestic matters will go spectacularly well for you and your family at the moment, whether these be financial or material. Take advantage of how this makes you feel. Romance. Try not to disguise the way you feel at this point in your relationship. Your partner would appreciate an honest approach.

PISCES (February 20th - March 20th) Now will be a good time to stop putting things off. This is particularly so if you have a chance to re-organise or start rebuilding your finances. Don’t necessarily go with the flow. Romance. You may be a little slow to tell your partner how you feel about them. They need to hear it loud and clear otherwise you will have a more to make up than what you could gain!




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PUBLIC NOTICES Western Cape College Weipa Campus



Western Cape College Weipa Campus Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association are currently seeking expressions of interest for a pool of Tuckshop volunteers for the 2012 school year. The Tuckshop is operated by the P&C Association for the benefit of the students and staff of the Western Cape College. To allow this benefit to continue we require volunteers to support the staff of the Tuckshop. The level of commitment (frequency and hours available) is entirely up to the Volunteer and even minimal help is encouraged. Volunteers are asked to have: • Ability to apply for a current Blue Card will be required (prior to commencement) and will be paid for by the P&C Association. • Flexibility and enthusiasm in working with children. • Able to work as team member and good communication skills • Understanding of workplace health and safety practices • Experience in food preparation hygiene and storage an advantage


Registration is ongoing but volunteers are encouraged to come forward in December 2011/January 2012.


To register as being interested in volunteering at the Tuckshop: • Register with the Office - WCC Weipa Campus – High School side, or • Email Julia McCulkin (Vice President P&C – Tuckshop): jpmcculkin1@bigpond.com, or • Phone Julia McCulkin on 0427 798 005 for any additional information.



Western Cape College Weipa Campus

POSITION VACANT – TUCKSHOP CONVENOR Based in Weipa, the Western Cape Communities Trust (WCCT) on behalf of eleven Traditional Owner Groups, of the Western Cape York region of Queensland, assumes responsibility for the administration, investment, allocation and custody of funds sourced from Rio Tinto Alcan and the Queensland State Government under the Western Cape Communities Co-Existence Agreement (WCCCA). Disbursements also occur through three linked Sub-Regional Trusts. The Trusts are all Charitable Trusts. WCCT is committed to providing high quality services to our Indigenous community members, and we recognise the importance of employing the most suitable candidates. Currently we are seeking applications for:

EXECUTIVE OFFICER 3 year Contract Reporting to the Board of Directors, on behalf of the eleven Traditional Owner Groups the Executive Officer position is the essential role in managing the day to day operations of the Western Cape Communities Trust, Property Trust, SubRegional Trusts, the Coordinating Committee and Sub-Committees including staff and finances, in such a way as to ensure that the business and strategic objectives are achieved under the obligations of the Western Cape Communities CoExistence Agreement (WCCCA) and to provide assistance and support to Trustees, Coordinating Committee members and Traditional Owners. The Executive Officer is also responsible for ensuring that all risks that could affect the capacity of the WCCT to meet its responsibilities and accountabilities are identified, assessed and managed in accordance with professionally recognised ‘best practice’. You will require a bachelors degree or higher in a related area and other professional memberships, experience in Charitable Trust Companies and notfor-profit organisations, 5 years experience managing and leading companies, knowledge of Indigenous Land Use Agreements and cultures and protocols in engaging Aboriginal Communities. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are strongly encouraged to apply CLOSING DATE – THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2011 To obtain a position description and selection criteria please contact: Executive Officer PO Box 106 Weipa Qld 4874 PH: 0427 697 945 eo@westerncape.com.au www.westerncape.com.au

Western Cape College Weipa Campus Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association are currently seeking applications/expressions of interest for a Tuckshop Convenor. Commencement required in position mid-January 2012. Successful applicant will require: • Drivers License. • Experience in operating a School Tuckshop or similar catering business. • Knowledge of day to day management and operations of a catering facility. • Experience in stock purchasing and management. • Financial management skills (working within a budget, operating at a profit etc). • Menu, food preparation and handling. • Supervision of staff and volunteers. • A current Blue Card will be required (prior to commencement) and will be paid for by the P&C Association. • Good communication skills and the ability to work with volunteers, members of the school community, and Tuckshop team. • Food safety and hygiene qualifications desired (paid certification will be part of the role if not already held). Job specifications are available via: • Email Julia McCulkin (Vice President P&C – Tuckshop): jpmcculkin1@bigpond.com, or • Phone Julia McCulkin on 0427 798 005 for any additional information. Applications close Friday 30 December 2011 Applications should be marked confidential and addressed to: The Vice President (Julia McCulkin) Western Cape College Weipa Campus P & C Association Po Box 185 Weipa Q 4874


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PHONE NEWS AND ADS 1300 4874 00 FAX 1300 7872 48 NEWS EMAIL editor@westerncapebulletin. com.au ADS/OFFICE EMAIL office@westerncapebulletin. com.au 34 Alstonia Drive, Nanum, Weipa, Qld 4874. P.O. Box 209, Weipa, Qld 4874 ABN 81 417 754 071 Member of the Regional & Remote Newspaper Group EDITOR: Giembra Busmer ADS/OFFICE: Stretch Noonan CONTRIBUTORS: Michael Connolloy, Terri Garlick, Alf Wilson, Carpentaria Golf Club, Weipa Bowls Club, Weipa Gymnastics Club, Weipa Hash House Harriers, Weipa Junior Cricket Club, Weipa Junior Soccer Club, Weipa Police, Weipa Sportsfishing Club, Weipa Swimming Club, Weipa Tennis Club. DISTRIBUTION: Weipa, Napranum, Aurukun, Mapoon, Lockhart River, Pormpuraaw, Kowanyama, Archer River, Coen, Laura, Hann River, Thursday Island, Cooktown, Mareeba, Cairns, Cape York mail run and subscriptions sent throughout Australia. CIRCULATION: 1300. Printed in Mackay. Published every Wednesday. READERSHIP AVERAGE: 5500. The publishers of The Western Cape Bulletin acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Elders of the Weipa and Napranum area upon whose land The Bully makes it home. We pay our sincere respects to the peoples of the Western Cape and across Cape York. All contents of the Western Cape Bulletin and Cape York Community Phone Book & Business Directory are copyright protected and cannot be reproduced without the express written permission of the Publishing Editor of the Western Cape Bulletin. No unauthorised use of any material or otherwise is permitted.

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prior to publication


Close of business Friday

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Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011 Page 21

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www.weipatech.com ABN 11 146 102 668

Petina Olsen After hours, on-call and 58 Circular Way in-home repairs 0418 767 427 AFFORDABLE, PROFESSIONAL, COMPUTER AND NETWORK SERVICES


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Services: Saturday Vigil 6pm Sunday 8.30am Contact: Kath 4069 9346 ST LUKES ANGLICAN AND UNITING CHURCH

Sunday Service 9.15am Phone Rev Ron Watson 4069 7228 for more information

Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council


Alcoholics Anonymous

Meetings for family and friends of alcoholics. Meets Mondays and Wednesdays at 9.30am - 11am at the Napranum Women’s Services Centre in Napranum St. Napranum. Please call Maxiene: 0434 217 481

INJURED WILDLIFE Phone Kristy – 0427 799 748

To our valued customers and suppliers Our office will be closed for the Christmas and New Years period The office will close on December 23, 2011 and re-open on January 3, 2012 Thank you for a wonderful 2011 Have a safe Christmas & a very happy new year!

Amos Njaramba Acting Chief Executive OfďŹ cer Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council

ST BARNABAS UNITING CHURCH, NAPRANUM Sunday Church Services 10am - Singing and Worship; 10.30am Service starts 6.30pm Prayer Meeting and Evening Healing Service every Sunday Tuesday 6pm - Youth Group Contact: James Hughes 4069 7228 Wednesday School – 5 to 7pm Contact: Gay Lesine Huni 0428 146 899 • Kids Club Mon & Thurs • Hoopla Fri Night Fundraising We invite people to attend early morning Prayer meetings with us every day 5 – 6.30 am For Weddings, Baptism, Marriage and Funeral contact Pastor Palmer Wapau, 0447 801 660 Community Minister Napranum

UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Apostolic Jesus Name Fellowship A Godly welcome awaits you – come and feel the Presence of our Great GOD!

Fellowship times held at the Napranum Community Hall Sunday 10.30am and 6.30pm Sunday School 9am Midweek Wednesday 7pm “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.� – Romans 5:8 For more information on service times please contact Reverend Mairu on 4069 9634

WESTERN CAPE ASSEMBLIES OF GOD What is missing? CH––CH UR! So come along and be enlightened by the word of God Sunday Service 10am at the Convention Centre ALL WELCOME! Senior Pastor Semi Ratocoka – 0458 530 854 Assistant Pastor Sai Nadredre – 4069 9604 Assistant Pastor Leon Proud – 4069 9584

STOREWIDE SALE! 20% DISCOUNT 2 DAYS ONLY! Tuesday, December 20 & Wednesday, December 21, 2011

H a r dware a p i e W Cape York, Qld


Ph: 07 4069 7486 Fax: 07 4069 8240 2 Iraci Cres, Weipa Qld 4874 Email: ben@weipahardware.com.au

Trading hours: r Mon-Fri: 7am – 5pm t 4BUVSEBZ BN o QN t 4VOEBZ BN o QN t 1VCMJD )PMT $MPTFE

CASH & EFTPOS ONLY Sale excludes: outdoor settings, Stihl & power tools, Tropical Iceboxes, animal foods, large tool boxes, gas, hot water systems & all sale items.

reat g e v a h We or f s a e d i ift g s a m t s Chri y! l i m a f e l the who From all the staff at Weipa Hardware... We would like to wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy and safe 2012! Page 22 Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011



Isaac flys with Boomerangs

pics but had a at battery in the camera, I should know better. Going by the gossip, Mackerel are still about in good numbers but clean water is the key. Nine mile and twelve mile are the go but watch the rain squalls as they can get you into some trouble. Manno took the family out around Duyfken for a mixed bag of Fingermark and Tuskies. Didn’t get to see the esky but Trish, Manno’s better half, reckons one of the Tusk ďŹ sh was a beauty. The northern rivers, Skardon and the Jackson, are producing some quality Jacks. Live Mullet in the snags or rock bars are the go if you can put up with the by-catch of Catties and Bream. Bleeding Mullet lure, silver with red stripes and black back, proving the best of the lures, and use a deep diver if ďŹ shing the snags. The sun has some bite this time of year so wear the long sleeves and slip slop slap when heading out. Catch you all next week...

DJARRAGUN College students Zengray Nona and Issac Rokeby are set for one of the most exciting football experiences of their young lives, after earning selection in the under-16 Flying Boomerangs squad. The Indigenous Australian rules representative side is made up of 25 players from around Australia, and they will head to Fiji in December top take on teams from the Oceania region. Nona, who hails from Badu Is and Rokeby from Weipa were selected in the Flying Boomerangs after impressing at the AFL Kickstart Championships on the Gold Coast in September. AFL State Indigenous programs manager Rick Hanlon said Nona and Rokeby deserved every success that came their way. “They’re really good kids and both been have in the (Kickstart) program for a number of yearsâ€?. Adelaide Crows dual premiership player Andrew McLeod is coach of the Flying Boomerangs. Recently Djarragun College Sports Academy coordinated a two-weekend series of matches against fellow indigenous college sports academy, Shalom Christian College, Townsville. The ďŹ rst weekend Shalom travelled to Djarragun College to play on Saturday, November 12. The Djarragun AFL boys came out firing,kicking the first goal and matching Shalom in the ďŹ rst quarter, to be only a goal down at quarter time. The second quarter was a different story with Shalom showing their

– Terri

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Isaac Rockeby is set to play for the under-16 Flying Boomerangs in Fiji.

strength and skill, kicking seven goals to one to take a commanding lead into the main break. Issac Rokeby lead the way by throwing everything at the Shalom senior boys. The second half saw the Djarragun boys show their spirit and willingness to compete, even though Shalom came away with a convincing win. In round two of the series Djarragun make the trek to Townsville to play Shalom College at home. The game was a ďŹ ercely tight battle for the ďŹ rst three quarters with Djarragun senior boys leading the way in their attack on the ball and toughness in the contest. The lead ebbed and flowed between the two teams until half way through the last quarter when the Shalom boys kicked away to a two goal lead. This dented the conďŹ dence of the Djarragun boys and by the time the ďŹ nal siren went Shalom had come away with a victory by three goals.

! " ! # $ #% $ &%'($ ) $* + ,# $- & . % ) $* + ,/ # $- ! # $

One for the littlies...

For your chance to win one of three Keep Watch prize packs containing a bucket hat or beach ball, sunscreen, a Keep Watch duck, Keep Watch baby bibs and other great summer items and post to: Western Cape Bulletin PO Box 209 Weipa 4874 before December 16, 2011

with 36 points. The NTPs went to Steve Wust and Fish Philiskirk. Next weekend will be the last competition for 2011 as there will be no organised competitions over the Christmas and New Year weekends.

Saturday, December 17 competition will be a Single V’s Par and on Sunday a Christmas, Single Stroke. All players for Sunday’s competition bring a gift to the value of $10. – Wendy Grainger



Thu 15 Time


Fri 16 Time


Sat 17 Time


Sun 18 Time


Mon 19 Time


Tue 20 Time


Wed 21 Time

Phone:......................................................... Email: .........................................................


Airport Weipa


0553 1.79

Wed, Dec 7





1859 1.79 2007 1.52

1332 2.82

Thurs, Dec 8





Fri, Dec 9





Sat, Dec 10





Sun, Dec 11





Mon, Dec 12





1.58 0112

1749 2.84


2.28 1054

2.32 1134 2.40

1207 2.49

1235 2.60 1302


2.25 1349

2.28 1611 2.21

1743 2.04

1833 2.79 1923 2.69 2022 2.54 2134 2.35 2310 2.15 2112 1.24 MOON PHASES: • Full Moon - Jan 09 • Last Quarter - Dec 18 • New Moon - Dec 25 • First Quarter - Jan 01


RAIN mm 0.0

0514 1.35 0537




0442 1.14

Heavy Showers. 8 knots, ESE -ENE winds. Chance of rain 90% Min 24 C.



0.85 0406 0.97

Weipa 5-day weather forecast 7+856'$< )5,'$< 6$785'$<



0.78 0331



Tues, Dec 6


Possible Shower. 6 - 8 knots, ESE - N winds. Chance of rain 70% Min 24 C.



0220 0.74

Possible Shower. 4 - 5 knots, E - W winds. Chance of rain 80% Min 24 C.

Name: .........................................................

Weipa weather

Weipa tide chart Wed 14


Mick wins by one stroke A SINGLE Stableford competition was played on Sunday at the Carpentaria Golf Club and Mick Fleming was the eventual winner. Mick won with 37 points and was closely followed by Steve Wust

Wheel Loaders


I THOUGHT I would wet the boat the other day as I had a couple of lures to test. Launching from Evans Landing I headed out the mouth of the Embley to ďŹ sh the mouth of Triluck. The lure I was testing was the latest from Lazlures, looks a bit like a Leeds Lure, 140mm oating shallow diver. To my surprise I had instant success on my ďŹ rst cast, I did consider this to be a bit lucky, a small Barra around 50cm. Yeah it was luck as I didn’t get another hit for an hour. It got a bit hot in the creek so out around the bars for some fun with the Queenies. I was enjoying the antics of some small fry until a 8 foot Hammerhead Shark started cruising close to the boat, time to get out of there. Took a run up Roberts till the heat got the better of me so out on the ats and gave the Salmon a go. Had some lookers, getting nudges just about every cast, until I noticed that they were small Sharks. The spawning season must be in full swing as there were hundreds of them cruising the ats, tried for some



Send ďŹ shing pics to: weipabaitandtackle@bigpond.com


681'$< Heavy Showers. 6 - 8 knots, SE - NNE winds. Chance of rain 90% Min 24 C.


021'$< Heavy Showers. 6 - 7 knots, SE - NNE winds. Chance of rain 90% Min 24 C.


While the Western Cape Bulletin takes every care to ensure the information contained in the Tide and Weather information is correct, the Western Cape Bulletin accepts no responsibility for it’s accuracy. Information is provided by the Bureau of Meteorology.

Western Cape Bulletin December 14, 2011 Page 23




Panel beating

Spray painting Rustproofing All insurance and private repairs D/Cab conversions

Windscreen replacement High impact glass – side and rear Machinery glass King Springs Powerdown shock absorbers

SPORTS DEADLINE: before 5pm Monday EDITORIAL: phone 1300 4874 00 email: editor@westerncapebulletin.com.au ADVERTISING: phone 1300 4874 00 email: office@westerncapebulletin.com.au

Lake wake fun A COUPLE of local lads have been having a ball wakeboarding on the Lakes in recent weeks. Using a specifically designed land-based wakeboard retrieval system, Rhys Moore and Mitchell Shepherd were able to execute some pretty impressive tricks for the Western Cape Bulletin’s camera. Both boys have competed in National Wakeboarding Titles and hope to introduce the sport to more locals in the new year.

Email: weipasmashrepairs@bigpond.com


4069 7933

Rhys Moore enjoys an afternoon wakeboard ride at Lake McLeod.

Fax 4069 7193

We’ll get you back on the road!


Mitchell Shepherd shows his wakeboarding skills at Lake McLeod.

Hash House Harriers

TO AND FROM THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: Weipa, Cairns Horn Island & Thursday Island Bamaga, Boigu Is., Dauan Is., Mabuiag Is., Saibai Is. & St Pauls Is. Coconut Is., Murray Is., Darnley Is., & Stephen Is. Sue Is., Yam Is., Yorke Is., Badu Is. & Kubin Village

Run 1623 Set by Outhouse under orders from Handbag ELEVEN hashers turned out at 3 Sunbird for a Green run. We all met at the first regroup at No. 7 green. Then the runners were given the bag with the remaining green numbers in it, to be picked out randomly and run to the

PH: 1800 424 422 MOVING ANYTHING, ANYWHERE If you need something shipped, have confidence with Sea Swift. Freight deliveries to 41 – 45 Tingira Street, Cairns Fax: 07 4035 1249 Email: sales@seaswift.com.au


Page 24 Western Cape Bulletin December14, 2011

appropriate green. The walking group did a circumnavigation of the golf course, being very careful not to get in the way of a few evening golfers. As we walked around the runners would pass by on another green trip. After wandering around like the Israelites for some time we finally headed back to the hooch and stew that Handbag had waiting. Washed it down with a couple of amber ales. We welcomed Longstock-

Mitchell says the Lakes are perfect for the non-motorised sport.

ing to the group. We sang the traditional ditty and then the sculling champion from the University of hard-knocks showed she hadn’t lost her touch. Not a drop was spilled, which is one of the golden traditions of Hash House Harriers - not to waste. On December 19 we will gather at 7 Bauhinia at 5:45 pm. Ducky Daddles will set the run and part of it will take us to our tree in the school carpark. There we will get permission to decorate the

tree and sing a few Aussie bush carols. So please bring some decorations along with your golden voices. Then back at the hooch we will have our traditional port and ice cream, mince pies and fruit cake. Sound yummy? Well be there then. On On Outhouse

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