The Western Cape Bulletin
Your voice in the Cape
The Western Cape
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Edition 321
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
$2.50 inc. GST
NO WATER FOR 27 HOURS Emergency highlights serious issues in Napranum Community By Giembra Busmer
THE Napranum community was without water for around 27 hours last week, prompting calls from community members to investigate how such a disaster could have happened. At approximately 2pm last Monday, November 28 the bore pump which feeds the town’s gravity water storage tank burnt out, and by 5pm there was no water available at all to community residents. As temperatures on both Monday and Tuesday last week were hovering around the 39 degree Celsius mark, the lack of drinking water quickly became a serious issue. Sue and Phil Bonaccorsi from the Napranum Community Farm connected a bore pump on their farm on Monday afternoon and began filling water containers for community members, notifying
Napranum Community resident Clarine Sands, with Genevia Sands (eight months) and Patrina Sands (six years) says the lack of water last week caused one of her children to become ill. Photo: Giembra Busmer.
UU PPTS boys finalists in industry awards: P 11
the local Council that water was available at the Farm. “We filled containers with water for people until about 7pm on Monday night,� Ms Bonaccorsi said. “Everyone was very stressed, and it was so hot, it was a terrible situation.� A back-up bore pump was installed by the Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council on Tuesday morning, which allowed a trickle of water through the town’s water supply, however this pump also failed, leaving the communities almost 1000 residents again without water. The Weipa Town Authority was contacted to assist with the problem at around 2pm Tuesday, and together with a Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa Civil Infrastructure Team, a new pump was installed in the bore, restoring water supply to the town around 7pm that evening. UU continued page 2
UU Records smashed at final swim meet: P 24
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WEIPA BAKERY & CAFÉ Just remember... We open at 6am for all your brekkie needs!
Napranum water emergency exposes neglect from page 1
A Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council employee, who did not wish to be named, said it was appalling this situation had occurred, but not surprising, as a maintenance program for essential services is allegedly almost non-existent, and the Council had been without an Essential Services Officer (ESO) for over seven months. “There are some very serious
issues in Napranum. Only 15 per cent of the street lights in our community actually work. There has been a tarpaulin on the roof of the Council chambers for over 18 months now. “Not only is basic maintenance not being performed, but this emergency highlighted the neglect we have suffered without an ESO, and a maintenance program, which has resulted in the pumps failing, and the
lack of any sort of back-up plan when essential services do fail.� The employee said the community was grateful to the Napranum Community Farm and to CEA for their assistance during the emergency. “Derek Carter from CEA issued a purchase order for water to be bought from Weipa, however the pump was restored so it was not necessary to buy water. “Having to rely on the gen-
erosity of the Farm and CEA in an emergency is not a back-up plan,� the employee said. “It was lucky the Weipa Town Authority and Rio Tinto came to our assistance - we can’t thank them enough.� The Western Cape Bulletin contacted the Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council last Tuesday, with a request to speak to then CEO, Margaret Barnes, however the phone call was not returned.
Community gets behind Pebbles
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Pebbles Playgroupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Carmen Poole (second from left) presented certiďŹ cates of appreciation to sponsors at a special morning tea on Tuesday morning.
PEBBLES Playgroup in Weipa has been providing local parents and children a fun meeting place for over 20 years, and on Tuesday the group presented supporters with certificates of appreciation at a special morning tea. Around 45 families attend the playgroup, which is run as a not-forprofit community organisation, with two weekly play sessions held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Pebbles Playgroup Primary Contact Person, Carmen Poole, said the group provided parents, caregivers and children the opportunity to meet other families and have a bit of fun in a safe and entertaining environment.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have all sorts of activities for the children,â&#x20AC;? Carmen said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are heaps of toys, arts and crafts and indoor and outdoor play areas.â&#x20AC;? The recently constructed timber fort is a big hit with the littlies and Carmen said the children love to â&#x20AC;&#x153;serveâ&#x20AC;? each other fruit from the cafe-style window on the lower level of the fort. Pebbles Playgroup would like to thank the following local businesses for their valued support: â&#x20AC;˘ Goodline, for the new fence surrounding our outdoor play area â&#x20AC;˘ Rio Tinto Alcan, for the community grant for the additional fort â&#x20AC;˘ Queensland Country Credit Union
for the community grant for interior redecoration â&#x20AC;˘ Slade Painters for the beautiful paintwork â&#x20AC;˘ Weipa Town Authority for their support and advice thorughout 2011 and for inviting us to fundraise at their movie night â&#x20AC;˘ Weipa Fishing Classic for inviting us to fundraise at their event Kylie de Waard photography for taking our family photos at our Christmas party Children from birth to five years are welcome to join Pebbles Playgroup, and for more information Carmen can be contacted on 4069 9763.
Now only 10 weeks old, these pups were found in the bush extremely malnourished and sick. The kind people of the Weipa community made sure these pups made their way to C.A.P.S foster carers and are now your typical happy and playful pups. There are 2 females and 2 male pups ready for adoption. Feel free to come and see them obligation free. All we ask in return is a $200.00 donation for their adoption. If you are interested in knowing more about them, please call Denise Jones on 0457 562 807 or email
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Working Safer towards our Futureâ&#x20AC;?
Savage Boats
Tabs Boats
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Sea Jay Boats
Page 2 Western Cape Bulletin December 7, 2011
Cape York land managerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s demand rights be returned to them at Land Management Forum OVER 120 people converged on the Laura Rodeo grounds on the weekend to have their say about current and possible Cape York land management legislation. The forum, organi s e d b y C a p e Yo r k Sustainable Futures (CYSF) and Cape York Landcare, saw attendees unanimously agree to a preamble and resolution, calling for immediate action. The people also demanded that the ownership and responsibility of land stewardship and management be given back to the people. The resolution agreed to by all attendees: â&#x20AC;&#x153;That this meeting seeks to return the ownership and responsibility for land stewardship and environmental management in Cape York to the people of Cape York who have been conserving their lands for hundreds of years. This meeting seeks a written commitment from all parties contesting the 2012 Queensland State election to: 1. Immediately provide secure land tenure in Cape York 2. Repeal the Wild Rivers Act 3. Reject World Heritage listing of Cape York The incoming Queensland State Government must put in place a protection regime which acknowledges and resources the role and responsibility of all residents and land managers and continues to consider the economic, community & environmental outcomes
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BLUEDON MOBILE FLOOR COVERINGS Range of domestic and commercial â&#x20AC;˘ Carpet â&#x20AC;˘ Vinyl â&#x20AC;˘ Marine carpet â&#x20AC;˘ Ceramic tiles â&#x20AC;˘ Vinyl planks (timber) â&#x20AC;˘ Floating timber floor
Building a new house? Come in and have a look!
More than 120 people attended the Cape York Sustainable Futures and Cape York Landcare land management forum last weekend.
for the people of Cape Yorkâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;The resolution agreed to hold all politicians to account and gives all political representatives the opportunity to lay their cards on the table in relation to land management on Cape York, said Trish Butler, CEO, Cape York Sustainable Futures. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It will be interesting to see at the upcoming 2012 Queensland State Election who backs the will of the people, or the will of their political party.â&#x20AC;? The two-day Laura Land Management Forum commenced on Friday, December 2 and continued until noon on Saturday, December 3. Guest speakers presented a range of topics including Wild Rivers, World Heritage listing,
mining, land tenure, new pastoral technology and carbon farming. The event was aimed at informing locals about the impacts of various Cape York-specific legislation and initiatives. â&#x20AC;&#x153;These issues were thoroughly discussed over the two days and the feedback CYSF received has been positive,â&#x20AC;? Mrs Butler said.â&#x20AC;?People attending told us that they were unaware of the detail in some of these initiatives.â&#x20AC;? All politicians and government departments were invited to the event, so the people of Cape York would have the opportunity to raise their concerns directly with their elected representatives and relevant bureaucrats, however only a few politicians fronted the forum.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are a lot of disgruntled land managers and traditional owners on the Cape who believe that increased legislation will have a detrimental impact on their businesses, way of life and economic prosperity,â&#x20AC;? Mrs Butler said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I believe that it was only fair and reasonable that the politicians â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;in governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; made the time to hear those concerns in person. â&#x20AC;&#x153;People were disappointed that no Labor MPs showed, but we were very pleased that Coalition MP the Hon. Warren Entsch, Coalition Senator Ian MacDonald and LNP Candidate for Cook David Kempton took the time to travel to Laura and meet with the people and deal with the issues head-on. Lachlan
Benstead of Katterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Australia Party also attended the forum.â&#x20AC;? The CYSF CEO says the event was not a political meeting but one for politicians and others in decision-making roles to hear views directly from the people of Cape York Peninsula. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The forum was also organised so those in positions of authority could gain a better understanding of the issues facing the people who are working to achieve sustainable practices, whilst running viable economic business enterprises, and achieving quality of life. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are many layers of complex legislation that land managers have to deal with every day and this can be a burden for them.â&#x20AC;? she said.
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Western Cape Bulletin December 7, 2011 Page 3
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$)3*45."4 41&$*"-4
WINES PRE-MIXES SPIRITS ‘til December 18, 2011 or while stocks last
RTA Mine tours a big hit
Christmas functions, dinners & parties...
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The final RTA Weipa community forum for 2011 attracted more than 75 locals who enjoyed mine tours and a barbecue lunch. Advertisement
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It’s not too late to switch to digital TV Even though the analog TV signals have now been switched off in areas of regional Queensland,* you can still make the move to digital TV. Remember, you’ll need: • one set-top box or a digital TV recorder for each analog TV you use • or a new TV with a built-in digital tuner. Most importantly, you do not have to buy a new TV if you do not want to. There’s a free information brochure available by calling the Digital Ready Information Line and your local electronics retailer can also talk you through your options. Most antennas should work after the digital switchover, but a few may require an upgrade or new cable connections. *To check if you live in this switchover area, visit
Want more information?
Contact the Digital Switchover Taskforce: 1800 20 10 13
Authorised by the Australian Government, Capital Hill, Canberra
Page 4 Western Cape Bulletin December 7, 2011
MORE than 75 Weipa locals toured the Rio Tinto Alcan mine recently, capping off the company’s community activities for 2011. General Manager Operations, Jo-Anne Scarini, said residents toured Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa’s Andoom mine, travelled alongside haul trucks, saw the beneficiation process, and learnt about the final process stages from the train to the ship loader. “I was really delighted to see so many families getting a firsthand glimpse of what we do and how we do it,” Ms Scarini said. “It was great to see some of our employees showing their families where they worked. “There were also some long-time Weipa residents on the tour who had never been on a mine site before.” The tour buses were guided by Rio Tinto Al-
can employees who were able to give a thorough insight into the mining process. Following the tour, everyone was treated to a barbecue lunch. Ms Scarini said the advertised mine tours were offered to Weipa residents as part of the final quarterly community forum for the year. “The forums have been well supported all year and we wanted to offer something different to thank the community for their support,” she said. “We look forward to continuing the forums next year as they are a great opportunity to provide the community with an update on our activities and for us to hear what issues matter to them.” The next Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa quarterly community forum is expected to be held in February 2012.
Have your say about FNQ telecommunications PHONE and Internet users throughout regional and rural Australia have been given an extra opportunity to have their say on the telecommunications their areas need.The Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee (RTIRC) is conducting one of its regular reviews into the adequacy of telecommunications, with particular attention to what consumers need to take advantage of the digital economy. The deadline for submissions has been extended until December 11. “I would encourage anyone with an interest in regional telecommunications to have their say,” Federal Member for Leichhardt, The Hon Warren Entsch said this week. “The more remote the area, the greater the need for up-to-the-minute communications. With the current rate of technological development, it’s vital that we help shape the future to make sure we get the services we need.” “If we have our say, we’re more likely to get the services we want.” Full details of the Review, and how to make a submission, can be found at the RTIRC’s website
Detention Centre puts pressure on Police and health services By Giembra Busmer
A JOINT Select Committee on Australia’s Immigration Detention Network held a public hearing at the Weipa Town Authority Council Chambers last Friday. Members of the committee in attendance included Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Michael Keenan MP, Scott Morrison MP, the Hon Warren Entsch MP, and Mr Tim Wattling. Witness was given by representatives from Cairns Health and Queensland Police services, along with Serco and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC). Dr Bruce Gynther, a psychiatrist with the Cairns and Hinterland Health Service District raised concerns about the mental health of clients
held in the Scherger Detention Centre. Dr Gynther reported that since the centre had been in operation since October 2010 there had been 15 clients transferred to Cairns suffering from mental illness, and with 12 of these transfers made in the last four months he believes the situation is escalating. Mr Entsch stated during the hearing that not only were increasing reports of suicide attempts and self-harm within the centre alarming, but as no additional mental health services had been put into practice, the people of Cape York were also suffering. He also raised the issue of lack of consultation with Queensland Health and local medical service providers prior to the centre becoming operational.
From The Chair
IT’S that time of year again...time to get ready for Christmas with thoughts of our absent family and friends, time to bake our once-a-year effort, time to reflect on Christmases past, time to get out your Christmas lights and light up our town. Application forms to enter the towns Christmas Lights Competition are available at Town Office and judging will be on Thursday, December 15.
Carrie Gay, Weipa Town Authority Chair
It’s time to get together with our friends and celebrate, and it’s also time to look around us, and give a hand to make sure that our town is looking good, with no rubbish lying around. Encourage your friends if you are walking home with drinks and food in your hands, to put their rubbish in the bin, not on the ground. Santa will be visiting the Library for the kiddies on Friday, December 16 at 10am. A public Joint Select Committee hearing on Australia’s Detention Network, was held last Friday and expert witnesses presented findings on our local detention centre, and our Immigration policies in general.
nse e s gy ener ing
Witness for the Queensland Police, Chief Superintendent Paul Taylor reported his department was disappointed with the lack of consultation prior to the Scherger Detention Centre coming on-line, and said that currently his department has no agreed procedure with DIAC should an incident occur at the centre, however he believed a Memorandum of Understanding was being prepared. Chief Superintendent Taylor said the extra pressure put on local Police by the centre was diminishing their ability to perform preventative policing within the local communities, and pointed out that securing extra staff was not an option due to lack of accommodation in the area. Representing Serco at the hearing, former Scherger De-
This was extremely interesting and one can only hope the politicians involved, take onboard the evidence presented. There is exciting news about the Weipa Swimming Pool. Over the Christmas holidays in December and January, the pool will be open from 6am-6pm on the weekends and public holidays, (excluding Christmas Day.) Keep on the lookout for information about Australia Day. Get your thinking caps on regards who you would like to nominate for “Person of the Year,” “Young person of the Year” (under 25) “Sportsman of the Year” “Young Sportsman of the Year” and Event of the Year. Nominations will open in January. Cheers Carrie Gay
tention Centre manager, Alan Mills, reported that the centre was currently operating at half capacity, however by December 15 the number of clients would increase to 600. Mr Mills also reported to the committee that Serco has employed up to 29 local staff (currently 21), 17 of these being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island descent. DIAC regional manager, Allan Davis assured the committee that his department reimbursed Queensland Health, Queensland Police and the Weipa Hospital for services the Detention Centre was provided. The Join Select Committee on Australia’s Immigration Detention Network is planning to table it’s report at the end of March, 2012.
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Western Cape Bulletin December 7, 2011 Page 5
Santa is coming to the Library! Come to the Library and have your photo taken with Santa!
Kemptonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vision for Weipa and Napranum
LNP candidate for Cook, David Kempton has learned a great deal about the Weipa and Napranum communities during his visits.
We have TOO much stock!
ON Wednesday, November 23 the LNP candidate for Cook, David Kempton, was welcomed at a function held at the Albatross Bay Resort to meet with the community. The gathering was well attended and David described what he saw as a vision that was emerging for Weipa from his many conversations and several visits over the past few months. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weipa is a vibrant town with important regional significance,â&#x20AC;? he said â&#x20AC;&#x153;It has developed into much more than just another mining town.â&#x20AC;? Mr Kempton said he has learned much about the challenges facing Weipa, such as the housing shortage stemming from the land shortage and the detention centre, ageing infrastructure, normalisation, under-resourced services, the need to upgrade the Peninsula Development Road and so on. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In particular, the expansion of the operations of Rio Tinto Alcan (RTA) to the south of Embley site is vital to the continued operation of the company in the region,â&#x20AC;? Mr Kempton said. â&#x20AC;&#x153; The expansion is well advanced, and provided the science
and EIS stack up to ensure the proper environmental safeguards, and there is economic and community benefit flowing from the project, then the LNP will support it and ensure the development does not get bogged down in red tape.â&#x20AC;? Mr Kempton also suggested that Weipa could play a greater role as an important economic and service hub for the north and western Cape. He cited examples such as an upgrade of medical services to include visiting specialists, a birthing centre and a dialysis unit as important. Mr Kempton also suggested the Police service should be increased with perhaps an inspector placed permanently in the town. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In line with Campbell Newmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pledge for decentralisation more government services could be provided permanently in the town, reducing the need for families to fly out, and improving continuity of services,â&#x20AC;? Mr Kempton said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Diversity of the economy is important, with potential to expand the tourist and fishing industry, and perhaps revisit the
live cattle export industry with emerging markets such as PNG.â&#x20AC;? Mr Kempton also made mention of Napranum and suggested the State and Federal Governments had to a degree overlooked their responsibility for the growth of this town because of its proximity to Weipa and relationship with RTA. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I would like the Napranum Community to build on what is working well, and to see more choices and opportunities for its residents in employment, business enterprise and education. The farm is a good example of how things might work better.â&#x20AC;? Mr Kempton acknowledged he did not have all the answers, but was keen to continue the dialogue on the future of both towns. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have seen the long-term plans for both Weipa and Napranum and if elected pledge my full support to work with the community to make those goals happen,â&#x20AC;? he said. Mr Kempton concluded by saying he intended to have a visited office at Weipa so residents would have reliable access to their representative in State Government.
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y with a w a d e i r r Get ca h & Woods! Tuxwort
Weipa Integrated Health Services John Evans Drive, Weipa
Come on over, grab a bargain and say gidday! Weipa Camping Grounds Across from Woolworths (07) 4069 7871 Page 6 Western Cape Bulletin December 7, 2011
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Ph: 4082 3700 Fax: 4082 3699 Mon â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Wed 7.15am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5pm, Thu 7.15am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1.45pm, Fri 7.15am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4.30pm
Happy students return home THREE Napranum students returned to Weipa last Friday afternoon following the successful completion of their first year at boarding school. Brieanna Gordon, her brother Robert Dick and cousin Austin Dick are all attending Djarragun College in Gordonvale, and although pleased to be home for the Christmas holidays, they were very excited about their year away. All three agreed that boarding school was “pretty strict” however the opportunities Djarragun College provided made their first year fun. Year 9 student Austin says being at boarding school means he gets to go to the movies, but the best thing is the im-
provement in his school grades. “My favourite subject is maths, but all my grades have improved,” Austin said. “I’m already looking forward to going back next year.” Also a Year 9 student, Robert excels at creative writing. “The school is a little strict but we have heaps of fun as well. I’ve improved in all my subjects but it’s the creative writing I love the most,” he said. “Maybe when I am older I can come back and work at the Western Cape Bulletin.” C o m p l e t i n g Ye a r 11 this year, Brieanna says she enjoys reading, writing and maths. “My favourite subject is hospitality. I love cooking and the course at the College is excellent.
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Robert Dick, Brieanna Gordon, ACT for Kids Youth Opportunity Program’s Heather Hine and Austin Dick at the Weipa Airport last Friday.
“There are plenty of rules at boarding school, and it’s quite strict but there are so many opportunities. I have also made lots of new friends and feel more confident about what I want in life.” All three students acknowledged that the transition to living
away from home to go to school has been hard but that the rewards were worth it. The students said they would be enjoying the Christmas and New Year holiday break with friends and family but were ready to take on the challenges of boarding school next year.
Funding boost for Indigenous Art Centres MEMBER for Cook Jason O’Brien this week announced 11 Indigenous Art Centres (IACs) within the region would share in $380,000, including four in Cape York. Mr O’Brien said the boost was part of $480,000 in critical operational funding for 13 IACs in Far North Queensland and the Torres Strait. “IACs play an important role in our community. They provide a work space for local artists, employment opportunities and a cultural hub,” Mr O’Brien said. “This funding is sourced from the State Government’s Backing Indigenous Arts (BIA) program, and without this kind of ongoing operational support, these centres would struggle. “They produce many of the
works for the highly successful and internationally acclaimed Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, which is also funded through BIA. “The annual operational grants allow IACs to employ professional artists, generate sales from artworks produced in the centres, train and employ staff, develop business plans and grow the next generation of artists.” Arts Minister Rachel Nolan said the Queensland Government announced in this year’s State Budget a continued investment of $13.2 million from 2011–15 for BIA to support the Indigenous art industry, including $5.02 million for operational and capital works to sustain the IAC network. “In addition, the ongoing
stability and viability of IACs has a direct impact on the success of Queensland Indigenous arts industry.” Cape York 2011–12 IAC Annual Operational Funding program recipients are: Lockhart River Arts Aboriginal Corporation: $30,000; Pormpuraaw Arts and Cultural Centre Inc: $40,000; Wei’num Aboriginal and TSI Arts and Crafts Corporation, Weipa: $15,000; Wik and Kugu Arts and Craft, Aurukun Shire Council: $50,000.
D UHIUHVKLQJ DWĦLWXGH WR EDQNLQJ Call your Weipa Branch Manager - Darryl Hill on 4069 7555 or apply online
Aurukun artist Garry Namponan’s “Camp Dog”.
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Western Cape Bulletin December 7, 2011 Page 7
Letters to the editor
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Authorised by the Queensland Government, Brisbane
2 /,&.
Disappointed in community consultation AS a community member of Napranum, I am disappointed that our community, as a whole, was not given enough time to respond to any extensive form of consultation regarding the fate of our community for the next 10 years. In our last attempt at engaging in this process, at a community presentation of the 10-year plan, we learnt that this was to be the ďŹ nal discussion on the subject, and that the Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council had to submit the plan two days after the presentation. Having learnt that the Councillors were informed of the need to submit the plan over a year ago, one would expect that ďŹ&#x201A;yers would have been posted at the prominent meeting places (local clinic, shop etc) to encourage further community involvement. I am all for the plan. I understand that is a requirement of the State Government, hence the need for the entire community to be engaged through an extensive form of consultation, with the understanding of its purpose, not only for us as a community, but the region economically. The intent of the planâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s formation should have been transparent from the beginning, with enough time and advertising to stimulate interest for other
community members to participate in this history-making exercise. Name withheld by request
Bravo Weipa Mos
BRAVO Coy played host to the final Movember function last Friday night, and what a night it was. Well over 200 people turned out to the Crocodile Club at the barracks and were entertained by the Walker Brothers and a lot of hairy men. The Walker Brothers, who donated much of their time for the fundraiser were outstanding, and kept the night moving along. Moustaches of varying colour, thickness, shape and design were paraded around by their proud owners all night. Some ladies went weak at the knees when viewing some of the thicker and better sculpted efforts. Although no winner was announced on the night, for fear of disappointment and outrage by any loser, all those who grew a moustache and contributed to the charity are winners. I thank all those who
assisted on the night, some at very late notice. CPL Matt Ryan, who suggested we participate in Movember, was instrumental in putting the function together and is owed a very big â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;well doneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Hopefully next year his moustache reflects the hard work he put in. I also wish to thank all the sponsors for the night. Their generosity helped make the night a big success. They were: Napranum Farm, Kowari Motors, Weipa Gifts & Music, Weipa Gourmet Meats, Carpentaria Golf Club, Weipa Fitness Centre, We i p a S w i m m i n g Pool, Serco- Sodexo, Bunnings - Cairns, The Mercure - Cairns, Weipa Fishing Classic, Weipa Tackle World, and Weipa Post OfďŹ ce. I cannot forget Qbirt who were a major contributor. To â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Spiroâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and all the team at Qbirt â&#x20AC;&#x201C; well done. Now the ďŹ nal total: The â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Moustaches of Weipaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; raised $5,633.40. This placed us in the top 100 of the teams with limited registration across Australia, a fantastic effort. Major Jamie Heron
CPL Matt Ryan (and his moustache) worked hard in Crocodile Bar at Friday nightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Movember function. Photo: Ruth Harris.
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MAKE AN OFFER TODAY Brand New Package, 40hp Merc Seapro, Dunbier Trailer #REEMATE
Page 8 Western Cape Bulletin December 7, 2011
Has your life been touched by suicide?
Letters to the editor email:
Thank you, St John volunteers TO commemorate International Volunteer Day (December 5), St John Ambulance (Qld) wishes to thank all its members for their outstanding efforts. We have witnessed, on so many occasions, the capacity and capability of our volunteers to meet any challenge – whether it be last minute deployment to unexpected disasters, lending a helping hand to those in distress or simply reaching out to the
P&C monster raffle a huge success THE Western Cape College Weipa Campus P&C would like to thank all the businesses, parents and citizens who enthusiastically donated towards this year’s raffle, along with volunteer ticket sellers, raffle coordinators and our community, who valiantly supported the raffle. Because of everyone’s help and generous
elderly through our Community Services team. During 2011, over 1000 volunteer members have given more than 51,000 duty hours to the local community, treating 11,000 casualties at a variety of activities and events. The floods this year saw St John Ambulance (Qld) members providing round-theclock first aid services, medical consultations (including writing prescriptions for those who were forced to leave vital medication behind when they left their houses) and anything
spirit the raffle was a huge success and these funds benefit the students of the WCC Weipa Campus. Thank you so very much. Results from the monster raffle, drawn at the Court House on November 30, 2011: First prize, blue C95 Deanne Martin; second prize, purple D 24 Guy Davies; third prize, blue A 39 Sandy Quinn; fourth prize, purple D 91 Tracey Medson; fifth prize, black C 25 Roslyn Brown; sixth prize, black C39 J. Hudson; seventh prize, orange
else they could offer throughout the State. St John (Qld) members have gained the respect and admiration of agencies throughout the State and we wish to formally acknowledge the work they do in our community. Queensland is a safer place because of our First Aid Services and Community Services volunteers, and we thank them for their dedication and passion. Stephen Dean Acting Chief Executive Officer St John Ambulance (Qld)
C86 L. Weeding; eighth prize, red E 58 Sharon and Derek Carter; ninth prize, Purple D 53 Tammy Sam. P&C wish to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and don’t forget the AGM is on the February 16, 2012 @ 7pm. We would love to see you there. Remember YOU can really make a difference and many hands make light work! WCC Weipa Campus P&C
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters to the editor must be legible, preferably less than 250 words, carry a name and address, and be signed. A telephone number or similar identification must also be provided. Unsigned and anonmyous letters, or use of a nom de plume, eg Concerned Citizen, will not be accepted. Names can be withheld on discretion of the publisher. Letters may be edited for space or content or omitted altogether at the discretion of the editor. Letters to the editor are published as a free community service and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Western Cape Bulletin nor its management.
Washing machines Dryers TVs DVDs Refrigerators Dishwashers Stoves Cooktops Airconditioners
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Email letters to: editor@ or post to Western Cape Bulletin, PO Box 209, Weipa 4874
BIG 102cm Full HD LCD TV
Colin, Margie and Lisa ready to draw the winners of the P&C raffle 2011.
24 hr information & support for family, friends, and others who have been bereaved by suicide
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Western Cape Bulletin December 7, 2011 Page 9
Western Cape Beat Going away this Christmas? POLICE would like to remind everyone that if you are going away this Christmas make sure you don’t leave your home vunerable to thieves. Below is a holiday safety checklist: HAVE YOU: Locked all windows with a key operated lock Locked all external doors Advised Police if away longer than 7 days. Obtain a Holiday Home Safe Registration form from your local Police station and register your holiday particulars with the Police Locked away all tools Disconnected electrical supply on electric garage doors Locked valuables in a safe or bank safety deposit box
Queensland Depots: Humbug Wharf, Weipa 24 Tingara Street, Portsmith
Left some clothing on the clothes line
Customer Service: 1800 640 079 Weipa: 07 4069 7309 Cairns: 07 4038 7777
Asked a trusted friend to park a car in your driveway Arranged for a friend or neighbour to mow your law Automatic timing devices switching lights on and off Turned down the volume on your telephone
Come in and see us.
Left the house looking like it was lived in
Police urge motorists to remain vigilant on roads DEPUTY Commissioner Ian Stewart is urging motorists to keep the road toll down in the lead-up to Christmas. “It is always a tragedy when anyone loses their lives on Queensland roads,” Deputy Commissioner Stewart said. Last year, motorists, Queensland Police officers and the general community contributed to limiting the road toll to 249, which was the lowest rate of road deaths in Queensland since records have been kept. “Road safety is a huge challenge for all of us. Ongoing inter-agency and whole-of-Government approaches and strategies aim to lower the road toll each year,” Deputy Commissioner Stewart said. “I ask everyone to remind their families and their community of the need for safe road use, driving safe vehicles at safe speeds and to generally encourage safer behaviour to reduce the number of people killed on our roads.” Police will increase their focus on recognised road safety programs over the coming summer months, including speed detection, failing to wear seat belts and impaired driving, including drink and drug driving and driving while tired, to ensure the safety of all road users.
TRIBAL BIBLE By Rev. Michael Connolly
Rio Tinto Alcan Community Relations building (located behind the Weipa Bowls Club) Opening times: Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm
Want more information on our operations, recruitment, or our upcoming events or projects?
Come in anytime during business hours to speak to a Rio Tinto Alcan representative.
Do you want to ask us a question or give us feedback? Free call 1800 707 633 Speak directly to a Rio Tinto Alcan representative to answer your questions and provide feedback about our operations. If your call is not answered, leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Power outages / bridge works Free call 1800 820 711 A recorded message will provide you with
Rio Tinto Alcan main switch Ph: 4069 8432 Rio Tinto Alcan Fire and Rescue Service Emergency – 000 Emergency – 4069 8444 Routine Calls – 4069 8378 Employee Assistance Programme Free call – 1800 808 374
such as unplanned power outages, bridge
Confidential answering machine – 4069 7290
works, or in the event of a cyclone.
Cairns office – 4041 2497 1665
up to date information during events
Page 10 Western Cape Bulletin December 7, 2011
The subject of marriage can be quite complex but one of the best advices for Christians is to marry someone who has the same belief, because no marriage is perfect, even when Christians marry each other. (2 Corinth Ch 6 v 14). Marriage has to be worked out but when couples have Jesus as the centre of their life, any problems that arise can be sorted out prayerfully, knowing that the Lord’s watching over them. We continue on now with Mark Ch 10 vs 13-16, where the Lord sets the disciples right in their thinking of the children and their importance in the scheme of things. (It’s interesting to note that the topic of children should follow on from the teaching on marriage in this chapter). The people brought children to Jesus for a blessing, but in the minds of the disciples, the Lord was far too
busy to worry about little children, and shooed them away. They should have known by now that the Lord always showed himself as the defended of women and children. So notice that he didn’t say to let the children be brought to me, but let the children come to me, meaning that if they want to go to him of their own free will, let them. They were important in God’s kingdom in their own right, and did not have to be adults to be seen as of worth. In this particular story the children were probably brought to Jesus for a bedtime blessing as they were in a house (v 10) and the language of the time says that Jesus was “very angry” at the disciples attitude towards children. Their actions showed that they believed that children had no standing in God’s kingdom, which is going against
what the Lord taught. He taught the other way around- that adults had to become like children to enter God’s kingdom. Jesus said in Matthew Ch 18 v 1-5, “At that time the disciples came to Jesus asking, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven?” (The name “God” was too holy to say in Matthew’s mind, so he switched “God” for “heaven”). “So Jesus called a child to come and stand in front of them, and said, “I assure you that unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven. The greatest in the kingdom of heaven is the one who humbles himself land becomes like this child. And whoever welcomes in my name one such child as this, welcomes me.” The Lord be with you. Rev Michael Connolly.
PPTS Boys put Weipa on the map
Although the boys did not win the top award, they were highly commended by event organisers and the many industry leaders and CEOs in attendance. Brian and Theo are fantastic ambassadors for their families, Community, the PPTS Program, PCYC and Western Cape College. They demonstrated maturity, humour and compassion. On Friday the boys travelled to Broadbeach on the Gold Coast for their second Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Adventurous Journey. Organising their own activities and planning their transport was a part of the journey. They chose to spend Friday exploring the area around Broadbeach, talking with the Surf Lifesavers and the many people who stopped to speak to them. Dressed in their Outstation North shirts and hats, the boys looked every inch the young ringers they have become. The ride to the 18th floor of the Mantra on
9 9 9 9
2011 Weipa Christmas 9 Lights Competition! 9 99 9
Positive Pathways to Success students Brian Rattler and Theo Parry represented the region at the inaugural ing 2011 Queensland Rural Industry Training d in Council (QRITC) Training Awards held Brisbane, on Thursday, December 1. PPTS PTS ed the co-ordinator, Chris Brown, accompanied boys on their trip to the â&#x20AC;&#x153;big smokeâ&#x20AC;?... BRIAN Rattler flew in from Keeroongooloo, near Windorah and Theo Parry flew in from Taldora, near Julia Creek to participate as finalists in the QRITC Training Awards presentation night. While both boys were impressed with the function, the highlight was meeting the many people from industry and the other finalists. Theo arrived with Carlton Curr from Taldora Station. Carlton has provided training and mentoring for Theo this year under the PPTS, Work Experience Excursion Student Support Program, and has offered him a position at Taldora next year, commencing in February. Carlton said that Theo was the stand-out trainee, with his pleasant nature and positive can-do attitude. It is this generation of Indigenous youth who are leading the way re-establishing their historical and legitimate claim to the titles - top ringers and jackaroos.
9 the Park at Broadbeach was a first in an elevator and it took a few trips before Brian and Theo were comfortable with the feeling. The view from the unit took in the ocean, the skyline of the coast and the hinterland. Armed with a pair of binoculars the boys were enthralled and amazed at the array of sights, particularly the bikini parade. Saturday was the big adventure to Dreamworld, where they sated their need for terror by riding the big seven terror rides, visiting the tiger enclosure and playing in the games centre, as well as sampling the many tasty morsels on offer. The day was capped off with dinner at the Burleigh Heads Surf Club, situated right on the beach. Sunday morning saw the boys rise early to see the sun rise over the water, as opposed to setting over the water in Weipa, prior to driving back to Brisbane and boarding their flights
home to Weipa. Both boys said they were pleased to be returning home to spend quality time with family before returning to their respective placements at the end of January 2012. While Carlton Curr was able to accompany Theo to the awards dinn e r, D a v i d C r o s s unfortunately could not accompany Brian. He did however phone him a number of times to check that he was enjoying himself and to confirm that he would be returning in 2012. The commitment from these families to ensure that the students on Work Experience Student Support Placement through the Positive Pathways to Success Program is vital to their success in achieving credentials, and the opportunity for further pathways in the pastoral industry. Bridget Adams, Damien Currâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wife flew down from Springvale to support the boys as did David Bird from PCYC IBU Cairns.
Come one people of Weipa...
LETâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S LIGHT UP 9 9 9 OUR TOWN!
Entry forms can be collected from WTA front desk â&#x20AC;&#x201C; nominate your home or someone elseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 9 Christmas lights you admire 9
from $ 3995 00
Brian and Theo get surfing tips from a Broadbeach lifesaver.
One down, only six more terrifying rides to go!
Theo, Brian, David, Chris, Carlton and Carol Curr at the awards ceremony.
No more tickling...please! The boys pose for a photo at Dreamworld.
Nice kitty...Brian and Theo get up close with one of Dreamworldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tigers.
Western Cape Bulletin DEcember 7, 2011 Page 11
Lawn bowls petition first round of tabling
Kelly Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Dwyer, Member for Higgins, The Hon Bronwyn Bishop, Shadow Minister for Seniors and The Hon Warren Entsch, Federal Member for Leichhardt at the first round of tabling.
KELLY Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Dwyer MP, Federal Member for Higgins and a director of Bowls Australia, together with the Hon Bronwyn Bishop MP, Shadow Minister for Seniors, jointly tabled a petition with over 37,000 signatures calling on the ABC to bring bowls back on to the ABC program schedule last week in parliament. The Hon Warren Entsch MP, Federal Member for Leichhardt was pleased that so many far north Queenslanders had returned the petitions. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lawn Bowls is a very big sport in my electorate and I was so pleased to present my colleagues
with petitions from some of our local bowls clubs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Participation in Lawn Bowls within Far North Queensland ensures players stay active and live healthier lives while also providing the communities a great local club. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Here in Far North Queensland we have 24 clubs and I have visited many of these clubs to see firsthand the level of support from the community that this petition has. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have received a number of signatures and have forwarded these to Ms Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Dwyer and I met with some of my colleagues in Canberra last week with the over
37,000 signatures tabled for the first round. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bowls is a sport played by people of all ages, and it is a great opportunity for interaction between older and younger Australians. I look forward to receiving more petitions from our local clubs that we can table in parliament house in the New Year. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I encourage the community to sign this petition to ensure this Australian sport is not ignored and letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s get Lawn Bowls back on the ABC. Copies of this petition can be found at au or at your local bowls club.â&#x20AC;? Mr Enstch said.
Calling all Weipa Border Collie lovers Weipa update December 2011 Weipacommunity community update August 2011 9LVLW E\ -RLQW 6HOHFW &RPPLWWHH Scherger caseload
Capacity at Scherger remains at about 2Q 'HFHPEHU DQG WKH -RLQW 6HOHFW 600. There are currently about 470 &RPPLWWHH LQWR WKH LPPLJUDWLRQ GHWHQWLRQ people accommodated at the centre. QHWZRUN YLVLWHG :HLSD 7KH FRPPLWWHH This follows the announcement by the YLVLWHG 6FKHUJHU ,PPLJUDWLRQ 'HWHQWLRQ Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, &HQWUH 6,'& DQG DOVR KHOG D SXEOLF Chris Bowen, that the Scherger operations will continue until 30 June 2012. KHDULQJ DW WKH :HLSD 7RZQ $XWKRULW\ FRXQFLO FKDPEHUV ZKLFK LQFOXGHG UHSUH The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), the detention services VHQWDWLRQ IURP ',$& 6HUFR DQG 4XHHQV provider Serco and health services ODQG 3ROLFH DQG 4XHHQVODQG +HDOWK
The new hotel redevelopment remains 7KH ODWHVW PHHWLQJ RI WKH &RPPXQLW\ on course and additional rooms are &RQVXOWDWLYH *URXS ZDV VWDJHG DW WKH expected to become available in early September. :HLSD 7RZQ $XWKRULW\ RQ 2FWREHU
provider International Health and Medical
Services (IHMS) continue to effectively 6FKHUJHU FRQVWUXFWLRQ
manage the client caseload. Serco also
:KLOH ZRUN FRQWLQXHV WR UHSODFH WKH PDU continues to recruit people from the area TXHHV DW WKH FHQWUH FDSDFLW\ DW 6FKHUJHU to meet its staffing needs, which has risen to include 14 indigenous locals. KDV UHYHUWHG WR DERXW FOLHQWV 7KHUH DUH FXUUHQWO\ FOLHQWV DFFRPPRGDWHG Visit from the ministerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s WKHUH &RQVWUXFWLRQ LV H[SHFWHG WR EH advisory group FRPSOHWHG LQ 'HFHPEHU DQG RQFH WKH A visit from members of the Minister for QHZ EXLOGLQJV DUH RSHUDWLRQDO FDSDFLW\ Immigration and Citizenshipâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s advisory group, Council for Immigration Services DW WKH IDFLOLW\ ZLOO UHWXUQ WR DERXW and Status Resolution (CISSR), is 7KH 'HSDUWPHQW RI ,PPLJUDWLRQ DQG &LWL scheduled for August 3â&#x20AC;&#x201C;5. They will ]HQVKLS WKH GHWHQWLRQ VHUYLFHV SURYLGHU also attend the next community reference group meeting in the Weipa 6HUFR DQG KHDOWK VHUYLFHV SURYLGHU ,Q Town Authority rooms on August 5. WHUQDWLRQDO +HDOWK DQG 0HGLFDO 6HUYLFHV
WHATâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ON... $
6HUFR DOVR FRQWLQXHV WR UHFUXLW SHRSOH An expression of interest process for IURP WKH ORFDO DUHD WR PHHW LWV VWDIILQJ accommodation in Weipa has recently been finalised and those who responded QHHGV ZKHUH SRVVLEOH DQG KDV WR GDWH have been informed of the outcome. The HPSOR\HG VWDII ORFDOO\ accommodation bookings are needed to house departmental service provider staff.
The old hospital reconstruction has been $WWHQGHHV LQFOXGHG UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV completed with some 90 rooms now IURP WKH :HLSD &KDPEHU RI &RPPHUFH available for Serco and subcontractor staff.
DIAC continues to consult closely with all LW\ :HLSD 3ROLFH WKH 5$$) DQG $UP\ relevant stakeholders in Weipa to ensure 0DQ\ LVVXHV ZHUH FDQYDVVHG LQFOXGLQJ the best possible outcome for all parties. The department is very conscious D GLVFXVVLRQ RQ WKH EHVW ZD\ RUJDQLVH of the potential impact its staffing DQG VFKHGXOH YROXQWHHU YLVLWV WR 6,'& accommodation requirements may have IURP FRPPXQLW\ PHPEHUV on tourist and other accommodation in Weipa and it continues to take steps to &RPPHQWV" address this issue.
IfGHSDUWPHQW GLUHFWO\ SOHDVH GRQ W KHVLWDWH you would like to get in touch with the WR VHQG DQ HPDLO WR VFKHUJHU LGF#LPPL department directly, please donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hesitate to send an email to JRY DX
at Bowlies!
AN historic photo-shoot will take place in Weipa this weekend when photographer Fiona Langsdorf poses the Border Collies of Weipa for a â&#x20AC;&#x153;groupâ&#x20AC;? shot. A Border Collie lover and owner, Fiona (pictured with Jess) is inviting all Weipa Border Collie owners to gather with their furry friends at Flinders Park on Saturday, December 10 at 9am for the shoot. For more information phone Fiona on 0409 053 197.
<Ę?ĘŚÉ ÉĘ&#x2122;Ę&#x2026;É&#x160; Ę?ĘŚÉ FĘ?PĘ&#x203A;ĘŚĘ&#x153;Lʤɨ
Free ice cream for kids!
FRENCH BUFFET Come and enjoy authentic French cuisine next Monday and Tuesday night
Evergreen Restaurant is open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner. Wednesday to Sunday try our exciting new menu with weekly specials!
MONDAY NIGHT BINGO Eyes down at 6pm
Come and have a go! Every Sunday from 10am, names in by 9.30am.
And donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget... children are always welcome at Bowlies!
NEW YEARâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S EVE
AT WEIPA BOWLS CLUB 7PM - 2AM 4&"'00% #6''&5 &/5&35"*/.&/5 CHAMPAGNE AND .03& /Ę&#x2013;Ę&#x203A;LÉ&#x20AC;HÉ? 6HDWÉĄ %RÉźÉ&#x2013; Dɢ %Ę?Ę&#x2021;OÉĄ &Ę&#x2122;Ę&#x2026;É&#x160; ČžHČŞĘ&#x2018;SʤLĘ?É&#x161; ČźĘ&#x2018;É ČźĘ&#x2018;UVĘ?É&#x161;
Page 12 Western Cape Bulletin December 7, 2011
Louise Pearce Solicitor Local, Personalised Service McNamara Centre, Weipa next to post ofďŹ ce
PO Box 313 Weipa Q 4874 Ph: 4069 8258 Mob: 0439 665 714
SNAPSHOTS @ Pebbles Playgroup Christmas Party
ARCHITECT SERVICING WEIPA House extensions, renovations, sheds, commercial buildings, 2 storey extensions Appointments essential
Ph: 4032 2131 E:
ACCOMMODATION THE place to stay in Cairns!
CBD...CCBD....CBBD ►Self-Catering 1BR Apartments - with balconies ►Opp. Supermarkets/PO and in the hub of CBD ►24/7 ‘Check-In’ ►Pool/BBQ/Gazebo ►Secure undercover Car Parking ►Wireless Internet
71 Lake Street, CAIRNS Phone: 07 4041 2350 Fax: 07 4041 2420
Email: Website:
There was plenty of festive season spirit at the Pebbles Playgroup Christmas party. Photo: Carmen Poole.
new years eve Michelle and Tahlia Halir. Photo: Kylie de Waard.
@ weipa bowls club
7 From 7pm to 2am 7 Sumptuous Seafood buffet served at 8pm 7 Entertainment ~ Walker Brothers playing all night 7 Champagne at midnight 7 Dancing, hats & other party supplies Ella, Grayson and Carmen Poole-McCann. Photo: Kylie de Waard.
7 Attire ~ formal with $100 prize for best dressed male & female LIMITED TO 120 PEOPLE ONLY ~ RESERVATIONS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL COST ~ $85 PER PERSON
Chelsea, Rachael, Ava, Sophie and Hayden Steele. Photo: Kylie de Waard.
Mark, Chloe, Janeen, and Stephanie Swanson Photo: Kylie de Waard.
Western Cape Bulletin December 7, 2011 Page 13
SNAPSHOTS @ Bravo Coy Movember function Photos by: Stretch Noonan
Ian and Neil enjoyed the atmosphere on the night.
Jim and Chris made the most of the tunes and fun at the 51st Batallion.
Kellie, Morgan and Maddie came along to join in on the fun.
Chrissy and David enjoyed the atmosphere on Friday night.
Sarah, Alan and Sue.
Ian the King manned the Crowny bar.
Good mates BJ and Jayde gave the thumbs up for the night.
Stretch celebrated his 51st at the 51st Movember party with Jamie.
Tara one of the raffle ticket girls selling her tickets to Karen, Mick, , Stud Muffin and Tom to raise funds for Mens Health.
Page 14 Western Cape Bulletin December 7, 2011
SNAPSHOTS @ Bravo Coy Movember function Photos by: Stretch Noonan
All the gang were at the 51st Battalion Bravo Coy Movember function on friday night to enjoy the Walker brothers tunes and the festivities.
COMMUNITY CALENDAR Got an event coming up? Send us an email detailing the event name, date, time and location to: and we’ll include it in the Community Calendar at no charge! Frank won the snatch ‘em strap in the raffle.
John won the Shimano pack.
Peter was very happy winning the Bunnings gift card.
Tuesday 6
Christmas Red Hatters Style’ (over and under 50’s by a tad or two or maybe a few). Heritage Resort 7pm. Interested in becoming a Red Hatter phone the Queen on 4069 9866.
Western Cape Chamber of Commerce AGM at the AlbaWednesday 14 tross Bay Resort Conference Room at 6.30pm Sunday 18
Cape York Bowhunters President’s Shoot Christmas Day
David and Rebecca
Damien and Bom Bom shared a laugh at the Bravo Company function.
Sunday 25
Saturday 31
New Years Eve at Weipa Bowls Club. Bookings only. JANUARY
Terri won a Weipa Fishing Classic pack.
Jason won a Weipa Fishing Classic pack.
Sunday 1
New Years Day
Thursday 26
Australia Day
Greg was dancing the night away.
Western Cape Bulletin December 7, 2011 Page 15
Year 7 students reach the half-way mark
SATELLITE PHONE From $134.85 with Federal Government Subsidy Calls approx $0.97 per min t 7PJDF DBMMT t 5FYU t &NBJM t (14
elivery Order now for d s! before Christma
TeleBiz Satellite Phones R Business Phone Systems R VoIP Phone: 1300 787 798 07 4040 2000 Fax: 07 4040 2088 Email: Web site:
109 Scott Street Cairns QLD 4870
Planning a special Christmas function or New Year’s Eve party?
WESTERN Cape College Weipa Campus Year 7s are now halfway through their education journey following a graduation ceremony last Thursday. Next year the students move into the High School where they will experience new teachers, a range of different subjects and a clearer focus on career aspirations. The students have already had a transition day to experience High School and will be first back onto campus, along with Year 11 and 12 students, on January 23, followed by Year 9 and 10 students on January 24. Coming back first will allow the new Year 8 students to become more familiar with the expectations of High School and enable staff to work almost exclusively to support them. Photo: Sandy Tarlinton.
Hundreds gather for Pathways Conference Alf Wilson story & pics
H U N D R E D S f ro m around Queensland, including those from remote Indigenous communities, attended the First Nations Pathways Conference held in Townsville from November 28 to 30. These included media from many organisations who listened to an emotional speech by Palm Island man Lex Wotton. The conference coincided with the seventh anniversary of the death in Police custody of
Some of the participants at the Townsville conference.
Mulrunji Doomadgee on Palm Island in 2004 - an issue that still raises questions of injustice with many people. Mr Wotton served several years in jail after
being convicted of rioting following the death. He was placed under strict bail conditions in relation to his public appearances on his release from jail last year,
although most of those conditions have since been lifted. Co-convenor of the First Nations Pathways Conference being held in Townsville later this month, Associate Professor Smallwood said that issues of justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples were crucial if relations between Australian’s various communities were to move forward. “There are still strong feelings about how he died and the events and court cases that followed. But talking
about it and the issues that it raises can only help the healing process. It is why we made justice one of the key issues to be discussed at the conference, along with human rights, the constitution, education, health, land rights, transgenerational trauma and the environment,” Ms Smallwood said. The Congress was established by the Australian Government last year as an independent voice and advocate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
The running of the belles
Want to let everybody know not to miss out on this great event?
Then advertise your function here in the Western Cape Bulletin! Email: or Phone: 1300 4874 00
Christmas Deadlines ,ASTäISSUEä ä7EDNESDAY ä$ECEMBERä "OXäADäBOOKINGS 5pm, Friday, December 16 "OXäADäMATERIAL 5pm, Friday, December 16
&IRSTäISSUEä ä7EDNESDAY ä*ANUARYä "OXäADäBOOKINGS 5pm, Friday, January 6 "OXäADäMATERIAL 5pm, Friday, January 6
Page 16 Western Cape Bulletin December 7, 2011
FOLLOWING in the tradition of the Weipa “running of the bulls” three belles couldn’t resist enjoying the first good shower of the wet season last Sunday evening. The girls, Hayley from Adelaide, Krystal from Geelong, and Gemma from Cork, Ireland (pictured above) enjoyed the downpour on the green at the Weipa Bowls Club, and by all accounts, they received quite a bit of encouragement from the friendly local lads!
A Ranger for the price of an ATV
We have copies of the following books available for purchase • The Fishtrap Makers – Kos and Abob • Trigger Fish and Trevally – Nagag and Geigi • The Peacemaker • How Kangaroo Found His Tail • Milbi Dabaar • The Beyond is Near
For more information on Wontulp-Bi-Buya or these books Freecall 1800 065 607
Books With No Borders... WEIPA’S OWN CHARITY! Books With No Borders is a 100% non-profit charity organisation started in Weipa. Our aim is to assist children in Cambodia by providing them with an education that empowers them to break the poverty cycle they and their families are trapped in. We have established orphanages in Cambodia and funds raised through donations to Books With No Borders pay for underprivileged children and young adults to attend private schools and universities where they receive an education that will ensure a brighter future for them. We thank you all for your continued support of this charity!
CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE: Cambodian Goverment-approved non-goverment organisation. Approval no 1258SCN
FOR the same price as a big-bore ATV, why not buy a Polaris Ranger 400? At $14,995 rideaway, the Ranger 400 is more affordable than many big-bore ATVs on the market. The compact size of the Ranger 400, combined with the tighter turning circles possible with Turf-Mode, makes it the ideal size for orchards, vineyards and acreage. Despite the smaller size, there is still plenty of room to seat two. True to its heritage, Ranger 400 has the strength of a Pit-bull, and tows and carries more than other mid-size utility vehicles thanks to a class-leading towing capacity of 567 kg and a payload
of 453.6 kg. Powered by a 455cc High Output engine Ranger 400 has 29 hp, a top speed of 64.4 km/h, and plenty of get-up-and-go for both work and leisure. The hard work ethic of Ranger 400 is complimented by long-travel MacPherson strut front suspension, which soaks up the bumps with 20.3 cm of travel. In the back, the legendary Polaris Independent Rear Suspension (IRS) delivers great traction and a plush 22.9 cm of rear travel with 25.4 cm of headache-avoiding ground clearance. Features that have been carried through to the Ranger 400 include On-Demand True All-Wheel Drive (AWD)
and Turf Mode. The OnDemand True AWD ensures Ranger 400 can tackle the muddiest and rockiest terrains, while Turf Mode lets you perform tighter and easier turns without tearing up your grass. As with all the 2011 Rangers, Ranger 400 features OSHA Certified Roll-Over Protection Structure (ROPS)*. An exclusive feature of the Ranger 400 is the optional Speedkey system. This simple accessory enables the owner to limit the top speed to 37 km/h, just by deciding which key to give the driver. Check out videos and specifications at
• Class-leading 453.6kg payload and 567kg towing • 455cc, 29hp • 64.4km/h top speed • 226.8 kg rear dump box • On-Demand True AWD with unlocking rear differential for tighter turns • ROPS Certified cab* • Optional speed limiting key system • Long travel Independent Rear Suspension (IRS) • Long travel A-Arm front suspension
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A fresh approach to real estate in Weipa
House of the week
Enjoy the convenience of this modern, low maintenance 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Unit. Fully air-conditioned, tiled throughout, main bedroom with ensuite and all bedrooms with mirrored built in robes, fenced private back yard, close to shops and bike path, situated in a quiet complex of 6.
3 BED 1 BATH 2 CAR $485,000 neg
Available as a vacant possession $375,000 negotiable
Are you looking for a 3 bedroom lowset property that has a nice new kitchen, new tiles, freshly painted with tasteful modern colours, enclosed laundry, large outside entertainment area, then this property is a must see, now available as a vacant possession.
Contemporary three bedroom home in Nanum, Weipa. Offering modern appeal with a practical open plan living design. Tiled flooring throughout living areas with carpet in bedrooms. Each bedroom has split system air-conditioning, ceiling fans and built-in wardrobes. Main bedroom has direct access to bathroom. Open plan lounge/dining and kitchen. Fully fenced backyard with side access and shed. Undercover patio area at rear and double carport. Great investment opportunity currently tenanted to corporation at $713.53 per week with annual CPI increases until 2015.
Priced in low $400â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Want your property sold or managed contact the team at Western Cape Real Estate A fresh approach to real estate in Weipa
Glenn 0419 714 929 Sandy 0488 185 611 OfďŹ ce (07) 4069 7520
Phone Geoff Bryant â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 0408 772 592
$725,000 neg.
* Not 1 but 2 ultra modern duplex for sale on the one title. * Offering a dual steady income stream. * One duplex offers 2 bed 1 bath while the other offers 3 bed 2 bath. * Both sides consist of lounge/dining, modern kitchen, large deck, garden shed and fully fenced yard.
$580,000 neg.
This contemporary four bedroom home in Nanum, features main bedroom with a large ensuite and all bedrooms contain built in wardrobes. A modern well appointed kitchen overlooks a spacious lounge room and separate dining area. Tiled throughout and has split system air-conditioning and fans. Situated on 912m2 with double carport and a fully fenced yard complete the picture for private and modern living. Leased to Corporation until January 2015 at $810 per week.
$469,000 neg.
LOWSET FAMILY HOME CLOSE TO SCHOOLS This three bedroom lowset home has all the extra space needed to park your Weipa toys and is located close to schools, pool, and boat ramp. Spacious dining/living area, well appointed kitchen, tiled living areas and carpeted bedrooms. A/C and ceiling fans throughout. Set on 1,017m2 block, this property has a fully fenced backyard with established mature gardens and a rear entertaining area.
The Anchorage is a family-owned & operated resort, situated in a quiet, bush setting just a minutesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; drive from the Rocky Point boat ramp. The complex is a home away from home for many government departments and is the contractorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s accommodation of choice when visiting or working in Weipa. The Anchorage offers comfortable A/C donga-style accommodation or 1 or 2 bedroom self-contained cottages. Two fully equipped kitchens, Inground pool, Secure parking for cars, trucks and boats, 2 TV lounges, licensed bar, pool table, coin laundry, land size 6,718m2. This is an incredible opportunity for the right buyer to secure a successful, premium tourism business in which all of the hard work has been done.
$350,000 neg.
Do you fancy the idea of living a short walk from the Bowls & Golf Club then this is for you. A/C and ceiling fans throughout. BIR, renovated bathroom, open plan living/ dining area. The ultra modern renovated kitchen is well laid out with a pantry. A large private backyard at the rear gives you your own space while a lockable store room off your carport gives you room for storage and laundry. It is a great investment opportunity or the ideal lifestyle choice. Vacant possession.
$975,000 neg. THE CAPE CAR & BOAT WASH
* Includes everything needed for Car & boat wash business * Residence, for care taker or to rent. Self contained 1 bed dwelling with kitchen, lounge, living, A/C, bathroom & laundry * Vacant section of the block which could be used for another business. * Shipping container for storage, a plant room containing the machinery, a forklift, dog yard & shelter for a guard dog.
SALES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; GEOFF BRYANT â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 0408 772 592 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT â&#x20AC;&#x201C; MELISA and JENNY P: 07 4069 9921 F: 07 4069 9721 Email: Page 18 Western Cape Bulletin December 7, 2011
4:00 Rage (G) 4:55 National Press Club Address 6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:00 ABC News 9:30 ABC News 24 Mornings 10:00 Children’s Programs 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Tess Of The D’Urbervilles 1:25 Mother And Son 2:00 Children’s Programs 6:00 River Cottage Spring 6:50 Minuscule: Ladybugs 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Jimmy’s Food Factory: Food In A Flash 8:30 Here I Am 10:00 Britain’s Whitest Family 10:25 ABC News: Late Edition 10:35 Bastard Boys: Greg’s War 11:35 Live From Abbey Road: Gossip/ The Mars Volta/ Friendly Fires - Capturing high quality performances from both cutting edge artists and established acts, this critically acclaimed series continues to redfine music television. Artists include Gossip, The Mars Volta and Friendly Fires. 12:30 Movie: “Hunt Angels”(M) A dramatised documentary about Rupert Kathner and Alma Brooks, who in 1939 began a moviemaking spree that took on the powerful cinema conglomerates and more - in their pursuit to make the great Australian film. 2:00 Basketball: WNBL: Bulleen Vs Sydney University
6:00 Today 9:00 Kerri-Anne Summer Series 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Hi-5 4:00 Pyramid 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Big Bang Theory: “The Financial Permeability” 7:30 Getaway 8:30 David Attenborough’s Madagascar 9:30 CSI: NY: To What End - A man in a clown costume shoots a bakery owner, and the investigation reveals that the suspect may be connected to Flack. 10:30 TBA 11:30 Rubicon: In Whom We Trust - Will and Katherine meet secretly. Meanwhile, the API team continues trying to track down Kateb, and Will discovers he shared a common interest with his late boss, David Hadas. 12:30 The Baron 1:30 Danoz Direct 3:00 Newstyle Direct 3:30 Alive And Cooking 4:00 National Early Morning News 4:30 Today
6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Shark Swarm” (M a,v) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Medical Emergency 3:30 Children’s Programs 4:30 Seven News 5:00 Destination New Zealand 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 7:30 The Amazing Race 8:30 TBA 11:20 Outsourced: “Guess Who’s Coming To Delhi/ Take This Punjab And Shove It” - When Todd’s U.S. boss Jerry makes a surprise visit, Todd has to keep a drunk Jerry out of trouble. Then, when Todd finds a new employee, his happiness is short-lived when he finds out that someone close to him has poached his new recruit. 11:30 20 Rock 11:50 Trauma: “Frequent Fliers” 1:00 Infomercials 3:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra / 5:30 Seven Early News
5:00 Korean News 5:30 UEFA Champions League 8:00 World News 3:00 Letters And Numbers 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: French Coastlines: Hyeres To Menton 6:00 Letters And Numbers 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 My Sri Lanka with Peter Kuruvita 8:00 Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam 8:30 The Family: Happy Birthday To You - Josephine’s 50th birthday is fast approaching and Angelo and the boys have decided to throw her a surprise birthday party. The boys get together with Angelo to discuss a secret strategy. 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 Big Love: Where Men And Mountains Meet - In the series finale, Bill faces the threat of going to jail as he scrambles to plan for his family’s future and makes a last-ditch effort to save face in the senate. Meanwhile, Margene mulls a change of scenery; Barb considers joining another church; Ben enlists an unlikely ally to connect with Heather; and Don delivers bad news about Home Plus to Bill. Stars Bill Paxton, Jeanne Tripplehorn and Chloë Sevigny 11:10 UEFA Champions League Hour 1:25 Movie: “Isabella” (M a,s) 2:10 Weatherwatch Overnight
4:00 Rage (PG) 5:00 Can We Help? 5:30 New Inventors 6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:00 ABC News 9:30 ABC News 24 Mornings 10:00 Children’s Programs 11:00 Chopper Rescue 11:30 One Plus One 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Land Girls 2:10 TBA 3:00 Children’s Programs 6:00 Choccywoccydoodah: Special Delivery 6:25 World Cafe Asia: Calcutta 6:50 Minuscule: A Cruel World 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 My Family: Facebooked - With Ben away on a volunteer dental program in the Colombian rainforest, Susan goes for a drink with an old flame, but she may just get her fingers burned. 8:30 Midsomer Murders: Talking To The Dead: Barnaby finds connections between a supposedly haunted forest, the mystifying disappearances of two couples and a gang of thieves who specialise in antiques. 10:05 The Old Guys: Builders 10:40 ABC News: Late Edition 10:50 Adam Hills In Gordon St Tonight 11:45 Tracey Ullman’s State Of The Union - Tracey Ullman continues her tour across America showcasing her vast array of original characters and impersonations in a wide collection of irreverent and hilarious skits, that range from sardonic parody to social satire. 12:15 Rage
6:00 Today 8:00 Kerri-Anne Summer Series 8:30 Hi-5 9:00 Second Test - Australia Vs New Zealand 11:30 The Cricket Show 12:00 Second Test - Australia Vs New Zealand 5:00 Antiques Roadshow 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affiar 7:00 The Big Bang Theory: “The Maternal Capacitance” (PG s) - A disastrous visit from Mrs. Hofstadter brings Leonard and Penny closer together. 7:30 In Their Footsteps 8:00 Two And A Half Men: “Putting Swim Fins On A Cat” (PG s) 11:00 TBA 1:50 Movie: “Sum Of Existence” (MA a,v,l) - Liz Murphy is a normal, vivacious teen, who was brutally assaulted by a stranger and left to die. Unable to deal with the assault, her parents enlist the help of Dr. Juliet King, who uses a new therapy to cure Liz. Two months later, Liz seems fine, thinking that she has been in a coma for that time with no recollection of the assault, but all around her, the people who knew about the assault, are still coming to terms with it. 3:30 Danoz Direct / 4:30 Good Morning America
6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Shark Swarm” (M v) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Find My Family 3:30 Toybox 4:00 It’s Academic 4:30 Seven News 5:00 Destination New Zealand 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue: An injured baby swan needs rescuing but it still gives RSPCA inspectors a run for their money. Meanwhile, ambulance officer Katrina is unable to reach a crow but she won’t give up until she finds someone who can. And a rescued stray dog that’s too excitable to be re-homed begins his new life with the Corrective Services learning to search out drugs. 7:30 Better Homes & Gardens Summer 8:30 Lewis: “Wild Justice” (M) 10:30 Natural Myteries 11:45 Perfect Couples 12:15 Movie: “Chasing Papi” (PG s,l) - Three women discover they share one thing in common: a boyfriend from L.A. Agreeing on revenge, they end up on a wild adventure. 2:00 Auction Squad / 3:00 Infomercials / 4:00 NBC Today
5:00 Weatherwatch & Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Food Lover’s Guide To Australia 1:30 Breaking Boundaries: Irelands Extraordinary Cricket World Cup 2:30 The Squiz 3:00 Letters And Numbers 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: French Coastlines: Hyéres to Menton 6:00 Letters and Numbers 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Coast: Shetland to Orkney 8:30 As It Happened: Killer Subs In Pearl Harbor 9:30 World News Australia 10:05 Dad Made Dirty Movies 11:10 Movie: “Human Touch” (MA l,n,s) - An erotically charged drama from director Paul Cox. Following a performance at a local arts festival, 30-year-old Anna is approached by Edward, a wealthy, cultured man in his 60s. He offers to donate money to her choir if she agrees to pose for a series of nude photographs. But when David, Anna’s boyfriend, sees the results of the photographic shoot, he becomes jealous and unnerved by Edward’s attention to Anna. 1:00 Movie: “A Love To Hide” (MAV a,l,v) - In French. Set in Paris in 1942, a young Jewish girl, looking to escape the clutches of the Nazis, is sheltered by an old childhood friend, Jean, and his faithful lover Philippe. 2:55 Weatherwatch Overnight
4:00 Rage (MA) 5:00 Rage (PG) 6:00 Rage (G) 10:00 Rage 11:00 Choccywoccydoodah: Special Delivery 11:30 At The Movies: Summer Special: 2 12:00 My Family: Facebooked 12:30 Elders With Andrew Denton: Clive James 1:00 Basketball: WNBL: Canberra Vs Sydney University 3:00 Football: W-League: Brisbane Roar Vs Adelaide United 5:00 Bowls: Australia Vs RSA 2011 6:00 Monty Don’s Italian Gardens: The Lakes 7:00 ABC News 7:30 The One Ronnie - One of Britain’s most enduring and best-loved comics Ronnie Corbett stars in this one-hour comedy sketch show to celebrate his 80th birthday. 8:20 Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple: The Pale Horse: When Miss Marple’s old friend is brutally murdered moments after sending her a mysterious list of names through the post, she heads to London to investigate and find justice for her friend. 9:50 The Graham Norton Show : Graham Norton presents his unique celebrity chat show focusing on the people, trends, stories and pop culture that interest him most, featuring trademark Norton comedy monologues and celebrity chat. 10:40 Gunrush: Doug Becket is a mild mannered driving instructor whose ordinary suburban life is changed when his beloved daughter is killed. He feels he has nowhere to go but to take some action. 12:05 Rage
6:00 Weekend Today - Saturday 8:00 Children’s Programs 9:30 Second Test - Australia Vs New Zealand 11:30 The Cricket Show 12:00 Second Test - Australia Vs New Zealand 5:00 Alive And Cooking 5:30 4WD TV 6:00 National News Saturday 6:30 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos Summer Series 7:30 Movie: “Polar Express” (G) - When a boy who begins to doubt the existence of Santa Claus takes an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery that shows him that the wonder of life never fades for those who believe. 9:40 Mao’s Last Dancer 12:00 Movie: “Henry Poole Is Here” (PG a,l) - Henry Poole moves into a house in his old neighbourhood, to spend what he believes are his remaining days alone. However, the discovery of a “miracle” by a nosy neighbour ruptures his solitude and restores his faith in life. 1:50 Movie: “Convoy” (M v,l,d) - Starring Kris Kristofferson as “Rubber Duck”, a defiant truck driver who speeds through three states while a corrupt cop pursues him. A mile-long convoy of protesting truckers joins him along the way. 4:00 Danoz Direct 5:30 Wesley Impact
6:00 Children’s Programs 7:00 Weekend Sunrise 9:00 Children’s Programs 1:00 V8 Xtra 3:00 Motorsport 4:00 Special: Miracle Of The Hudson Plane Crash 4:30 High Road, Low Road 5:00 Creek To Coast 5:30 Queensland Weekender 6:00 Seven News 6:30 No Leave No Life - This week, Rosso surprises Kerry McHugh, a phlebotomist from Sydney who works three jobs to make ends meet. Rosso takes Kerry and her partner Alex to South Australia where their love for each other and their country is cemented through a trike tour of the Barossa to a biplane flight over the Fleurieu Peninsula. 7:30 Movie: “Chicken Run” (G) 9:30 Movie: “Doubt” (M) 11:30 That ‘70s Show: “Surprise, Surprise /” - Hyde is upset when he finds out Kelso is dating his sister. Donna agrees to plug Red’s muffler shop on their free calendar and then finds out it has naked women in it. Eric seeks Fez’s advice on how to be more manly. 12:00 Movie: “Dying OnThe Edge (FKA: Hearsay)” - An ex cop turned insurance investigator looks into the death of a music producer who he suspects was murdered. 2:10 Special: The Deadly Australians 3:05 Auction Squad / 4:00 Home Shopping / 5:00 Dr Oz
5:00 Weatherwatch & Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Infernal Comedy 2:45 The Trouble With Tolstoy 3:55 The Chopin Etudes 4:00 Tim Marlow Meets... Terry Jones 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Prototype This: Six-Legged All Terrain Vehicle 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Big, Bigger, Biggest: Tunnel 8:30 Mythbusters - Viral Myths - The Mythbusters test several myths that have spread on the internet via so-called viral videos. First up, Adam and Jamie test whether a car could be made to fly by creating a water-powered jet grid supplied by ten fire trucks. 9:30 RocKwiz 10:20 Movie: “Priceless” (M l) - In French. A witty and bittersweet remake of Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Audrey Tautou stars as Irène, a young woman who thinks she’s going to find her happiness in a world of diamonds and restaurants and is ready to do anything to get it. Her idea of a prince is a rich old man, so she cruises the French Riviera in search of one to marry. 12:15 S.O.S: Catharsis 1:15 South Park 2:10 Weatherwatch Overnight
4:00 Rage (MA) 6:30 Children’s Programs 9:00 ABC News 24 Mornings 9:30 The World This Week 10:00 ABC News 24 Mornings 10:40 Christianity: A History: Jesus The Jew 11:30 Songs Of Praise: Christmas Carols 12:00 Beachcomber Cottage 1:00 7.30 1:30 Message Stick: Our Town Profile: Wadeye 2:00 The Story Of India: The Power Of Ideas 3:00 The Magnificent Tati 4:00 Making War Horse 5:00 Jennifer Byrne Presents: Blockbusters And Bestsellers 5:30 Dance Academy 6:00 Yellowstone: Summer 6:50 Minuscule: Torpedo 7:00 ABC News 7:30 Restoration Home: Big House 8:30 Upstairs Downstairs 9:35 When Teenage Meets Old Age 10:35 Wuthering Heights 11:50 Ladies Of Letters: Irene wins a camper van in a raffle and comes up with a great idea - she and Vera could set off around the world together! 12:15 Restoration Home: Big House: Once a building of grandeur, Big House is now a carcass. But digging into the archives, the property’s history gives an insight into the wealth and power of an empire built on coal. 1:20 Sisters 2:05 When Teenage Meets Old Age / 3:05 Desert Lions
6:00 Weekend Today 9:00 Second Test - Australia Vs New Zealand 11:30 The Cricket Show 12:00 Second Test - Australia Vs New Zealand 5:00 Between The Flags - Beyond The Beach 6:00 National News 6:30 Christmas With The Australian Women’s Weekly 7:30 60 Minutes 8:30 The Mentalist: Red Alert - Jane is among the hostages taken by a murder suspect who wants to clear his name. 9:30 The Commander (M v,l) 10:30 TBA 11:30 Flashpoint: Between Heartbeats - The team has to deal with a sniper that has taken over City Hall, who just happens to be the son of a man Ed Killed during a mission. Meanwhile, a team member’s health is in question after being caught in the line of fire. 12:30 The Baron 1:30 Spyforce 2:30 Danoz Direct 3:30 Newstyle Direct 4:00 Goodmorning America - Sunday 5:00 National Early Morning News / 5:30 Today
6:00 Children’s Programs 7:00 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 Kochie’s Business Builders 10:30 Under The Hammer 11:00 Children’ Programs 2:15 Movie: “D2: The Mighty Ducks” (G) 4:30 Special: Martin Clunes: A Man And His Dogs - Part 1 5:30 The Great South East 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Christmas Special: Christmas With The Stars 7:00 Christmas Special: The Vicar Of Dibley - Christmas Special 8:00 Coastwatch 8:30 Bones 9:30 Castle: “Overkill” A robbery-homicide prompts Beckett to invite Demming to assist on a case, giving Castle a ringside seat to their budding romance. 10:30 Royal Pains 11:30 Love Bites: “Keep On Truckin” When Judd and his colleague Dan decide to crash a party, they get more than they bargained for. Ricky has developed a unique method for avoiding post-date responsibilities - secretly deleting his number from his dates’ mobile phones before slipping out the door. 12:30 Special: Cambodia - Fields Of Hope 1:30 The Real Seachange 2:00 Home Shopping 3:00 NBC Today 4:00 NBC Meet The Press 5:00 Sunrise Extra / 5:30 Seven Early News
5:00 World News 8:30 PopAsia 10:30 Football Asia 11:00 Les Murray’s Football Feature 12:00 UEFA Champions League Magazine Program 12:30 Speedweek 2:00 Al Jazeera News 3:00 Chris Botti Live 4:00 Buried Alive: The Chilean Mine Rescue 5:00 Cycling Central 6:00 Thalassa: Widening The Panama Canal 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 The Bible: A History: St Paul - Tom Holland, historian and award-winning author on the classical world, examines the significance of St Paul. 8:30 The Promice 10:10 Movie: “I Always Wanted To Be A Gangster” (M a,l) - In French. Told in four vignettes, this existential comedy relates the exploits of four aspiring criminals who hope to improve their lot, but find that they might not have what it takes for a life of crime. 12:10 Movie: “53 Winter Days” (M l,n,v) - Set in a bus station during winter, this is a powerful social drama that weaves together three different stories about loneliness, family and relationship breakdowns. Mila is a teacher on leave after having been attacked by a student; Celso is a security guard failing under the weight of providing for his family; and Valeria is a cello student who has been abused by her instructor. 1:50 Weatherwatch Overnight
4:00 Rage (G) 5:00 Stuff 5:30 Collectors 6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:00 ABC News 9:30 ABC News 24 Mornings 10:00 Children’s Programs 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Monarch of the Glen 1:25 Catalyst Bytes: Rectangular Stadium 1:30 Annabel Langbein: The Free Range Cook 2:00 Children’s Programs 6:00 Grand Designs: Headcorn 6:50 Minuscule: Sleepless Night 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Who’s Been Sleeping In My House?: Invercloy 8:30 The Hour 9:30 Kevin McCloud’s Grand Tour 10:25 ABC News: Late Edition 10:35 Silent Witness: Safe: Part 2 11:30 Darling Buds Of May: Stranger At The Gates: Part 2 (PG) - A stranger arrives in town and introduces himself as Pieter and claims to be from Denmark. From the start he is a big hit with everyone. 12:20 The Hour: The war in Suez has the country divided and the team is under pressure to toe a pro-government line. 1:20 Agatha Christie: Poirot: Cat Among The Pigeons 3:00 Bowls: Australia Vs RSA 2011: Coverage of all the action when Australia take on South Africa at the Moonta Bowls Club on South Australia’s copper coast.
6:00 Today 9:00 Hi-5 9:30 Second Test - Australia Vs New Zealand 11:30 The Cricket Show 12:00 Second Test - Australia Vs New Zealand 5:00 Alive And Cooking 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men: “TBA” 7:30 The Big Bang Theory: “The Cushion Saturation” 8:00 Hot In Cleveland 8:30 The Mentalist 9:30 Harry’s Law: There Will Be Blood 10:30 Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition 11:30 Undercovers: A Night To Forget - Leo becomes a murder suspect in Mexico when he wakes up in a hotel room with a dead woman and has no memory of what happened. 12:30 The Avengers: Never Say Die - Back in the public house, Steed meets Penrose and, suspicious of his strange mannerisms, follows him back to the unit. 1:30 Entertainment Tonight 2:00 Danoz Direct 3:00 Newstyle Direct 3:30 Goodmorning America 5:00 National Early Morning News 5:30 Today
6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “All I Want (PG)” (PG) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Medical Emergency 3:30 Children’s Programs 4:30 Seven News 5:00 Destination New Zealand 5:30 Deal or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 7:30 SCU: Serious Crash Unit 8:00 Drug Bust 8:30 Criminal Minds 9:30 Air Crash Investigations 10:30 Royal Pains 11:30 Keeping Up With The Kardashians: “Remembering Dad” 12:00 Special: Cannibal Crusade - Take an exciting journey to the seldom explored tropical jungles of Indonesian-controlled Irian Jaya. 1:00 Infomercials 3:00 Home Shopping 3:30 Room For Improvement 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra / 5:30 Seven Early News
5:00 Weatherwatch & Music 5:05 World News 1:00 The Hidden Face Of Fear 2:00 India Reborn: Mother India 3:00 Letters And Numbers 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 FIFA Futbol Mundial 5:00 The Crew 5:30 Global Village: Baja California: A Desert Between Two Seas 6:00 Letters And Numbers 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Mythbusters: Spy Car: The Revenge 8:30 Man Vs Wild: Big Sky Country 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 Housos: Uncle Doug 10:30 Skins: Everyone - The big day has finally arrived - Rich and Grace are getting married in the morning. The gang are pulling together for the happy couple and putting their various differences aside for the wedding. 11:30 The World Game: Thee World Game panel offers expert analysis and local perspective on all things football, plus all the latest news and match results. 12:30 Movie: “My Father Is An Engineer” (M l,v,a) - In French. When a female paediatrician opts out of life by falling into a catatonic state, her childhood sweetheart tries to bring her back to normality. A thoughtful meditation on humanism and social ideals in a changing world. 2:25 Weatherwatch Overnight
4:00 Rage 5:00 Gardening Australia 5:30 First Tuesday Book Club With Jennifer Byrne 6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:00 ABC News 9:30 ABC News 24 Mornings 10:00 Children’s Programs 11:00 Rivers With Griff Rhys Jones 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Seven Ages Of Britain 1:35 Meerkat Manor: The Next Generation 2:00 Children’s Programs 6:00 Turn Back Time: The High Street: 1930’s 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Nigella Kitchen: Inspiration Everwhere 8:30 The Grumpy Guide To The Eighties 9:30 The Real King’s Speech: Oscar-winning film ‘The King’s Speech’ has brought to the fore the inspiring story of King George VI’s struggle to overcome his crippling stammer. This film uncovers the facts behind this remarkable story. 10:20 ABC News: Late Edition 10:30 Spooks 11:25 The Pursuit Of Excellence: Ferrets 12:25 The Grumpy Guide ToThe Eighties 1:25 Monarch Of The Glen 2:15 Movie: “High, Wide And Handsome” (PG) - Pennsylvania prospectors battle a greedy railroad head by building a pipeline to get their oil to the refineries.
6:00 Today 9:00 Hi-5 9:30 Second Test - Australia Vs New Zealand 11:30 The Cricket Show 12:00 Second Test - Australia Vs New Zealand 5:00 Alive And Cooking 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men: “TBA” 7:30 The Big Bang Theory: “The Terminator Decoupling” 8:00 The Middle: “Hecking Order” 8:30 Two And A Half Men: “Big Girls Don’t Throw Food” 9:00 Mike & Molly: “Cigar Talk” - Vince asks for Mike’s help in tutoring him for his GED after Joyce asks him to attend her high-school reunion and he’s embarrassed that he never graduated from high school. 9:30 Survivor: South Pacific 10:30 Nothing Trivial: Who performed The 1987 Hit ‘Time Of My Life’? 11:30 The Unusuals 12:30 20/20 1:30 Danoz Direct 3:00 Newstyle Direct 3:30 Goodmorning America 5:00 National Morning News / 5:30 Today
6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “A Perfect Day” (PG) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Find My Family 3:30 Children’s Programs 4:30 Seven News 5:00 Discover Tasmania 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue: Tonight, the RSPCA come to the aid of a dog saved from a house fire, a racehorse found dumped in a paddock is given a new lease of life, and inspectors are called to tiny inner city apartment to remove a large number of cats. 7:30 Happy Endings 8:00 How I Met Your Mother 8:30 TBA 10:50 Keeping Up With The Kardashians: “You Are So Pregnant Dude / Helping Hand / The Price Of Fame” 12:15 House Calls To The Rescue 1:00 Infomercials 3:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra / 5:30 Seven Early News
5:00 Weatherwatch & Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Movie: “Good Hands” (PG) 2:45 Spaceflies: Far Out: Measuring The Universe 3:00 Letters And Numbers 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: Visions Of Wales 6:00 Letters And Numbers 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Do You See What I See? 8:30 Go Back To Where You Came From 9:30 World News Australia 10:05 Hot Docs: One Lucky Elephant 11:40 Movie: “December Heat” (M v,l) - A failed communist rebellion in December 1924 in Estonia sets the scene in this lavishly produced historical action drama about a pair of newlyweds who run into the heart of the conflict as they try to escape the country. 1:20 Embedded With Sheik Hilaly: Dave Zwolenski is 26-year-old man who decides to move in with Australia’s most controversial Muslim figure, Sheik Taj El Hilaly, in order to learn more about the cleric, Islam and the Australian-Muslim community. Dave likes girls and drinking beer, and is not particularly religious. Sheik Hilaly is a devote Muslim, and likes praying and drinking tea. For the next few weeks they are going to be inseparable. 2:20 Weatherwatch Overnight
4:00 Rage (G) 5:00 Strictly Speaking 5:30 Spicks And Specks 6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:00 ABC News 9:30 ABC News 24 Mornings 10:00 Children’s Programs 11:00 How The Earth Made Us 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Henry VIII: Mind Of A Tyrant 1:30 Bush Slam 2:00 Children’s Programs 6:00 Country House Rescue Revisits 6:50 Minuscule: Narcissus 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Outnumbered 8:30 QI: France 9:00 The Thick Of It 9:35 TBA 10:05 The Trip: The Inn At Whitewell 10:35 ABC News: Late Edition 10:45 Michael Mclntyre’s Comedy Roadshow: Manchester 11:30 The Neanderthal Code: Neanderthals dominated Europe for a quarter of a million years and then became extinct. In this final part we discuss why they disappeared and what part modern man played in their downfall. 12:20 Ten Minute Tales: Ding Dong 1:00 The Trip: The Inn At Whitewell 1:10 The Chaser’s War On Repeats 2:00 Football: W-League: Brisbane Roar Vs Adelaide United
6:00 Today 9:00 Kerri-Anne Summer Series 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Hi-5 4:00 Pyramid 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men: “TBA” 7:30 RBT 8:30 Sherlock 10:30 True CSI: Cold Blood: Trail Of Blood - When the body of a high profile, anti-crime activist is butchered beyond recognition in his Washington, D.C. basement, the search for suspects leads police deep into the city’s underbelly...can they track down Dennis Dolinger’s cold-blooded killer? 11:30 Weeds 12:00 Eclipse Music TV 12:30 Take 40 Live Presents... 1:00 Entertainment Tonight 1:30 Danoz Direct 3:00 Newstyle Direct 3:30 Goodmorning America 5:00 National Early Morning News 5:30 Today
6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Love’s Unfolding Dream” (PG a) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Find My Family 3:30 Children’s Programs 4:30 Seven News 5:00 Discover Tasmania 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue: Vets comes to the aid of a lost German Shepherd puppy who has been hit by a car. A neglected pony is found in a paddock and seized by inspectors. And a family suspect their pet cat is trapped in a concrete block wall of their house. 7:30 World’s Strictest Parents 8:40 Criminal Minds: “Middle Man” (M a,v) - When bodies begin turning up in the cornfields of Indiana, the BAU team must catch a pack of serial killers targeting exotic dancers. 9:40 TBA 12:05 Sons And Daughters: A bombshell from Angela sparks Wayne’s determination to ruin Barbara and Gordon’s wedding. 1:00 Infomercials 3:00 Home Shopping 3:30 Room For Improvement 4:00 NBC Today / 5:00 Sunrise Extra / 5:30 Seven Early News
5:00 Weatherwatch & Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Movie: “Mataharis” (PG) 2:45 Spaceflies: X-Ray: Invisible Astronomy 3:00 Letters And Numbers 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: Visions Of Wales 6:00 Letters And Numbers 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Explore: Patagonia To The Pampas 8:30 One Born Every Minute: This episode is all about family. Louisa and David are expecting their fifth baby boy. David thinks they should stick to five children, but Louisa wants six. Meanwhile, Colin - who was adopted - and Suzanne were ‘couch-surfing’ when they found out Suzanne was pregnant. Although they’ve since found a place to live they’re still financially strapped, but Colin couldn’t imagine putting his own child up for adoption. 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 Movie: “Heading South” (M d,s) - In English, French and Creole. Ellen, a 55-year-old American school teacher, travels to politically tumultuous Haiti each summer for a bit of fun with the young male locals. But this year she must compete with two other tourists for her favourite young lover, the handsome, 18-year-old Legba. 11:50 112 Emergency / 1:20 Weatherwatch Overnight
Western Cape Bulletin December 7, 2011 Page 19
Your Lucky ARIES (March 21st - April 20th) Tension with your parents needs to be diffused as soon as possible. You will have to show the strength of your feelings without upsetting them too much. Romance. Someone who has ignored you up until now will be impressed by a generous gesture. You will soon have yet another admirer to contend with!
TAURUS (April 21st - May 21st) You might be a little too full of yourself at the moment. You are good at organising the people around you. However you should do your best not to boss them around more than is absolutely necessary. Romance. An admirer who has very different values from you might find your approach a little too direct. Make sure you take their past into account.
GEMINI (May 22nd - June 21st)
1.....Large fish: Maori ------ (6) 5.....Deathless, everlasting (8) 8.....Ditch (6) 9.....African desert (6) 10...Investigation, study (8) 13...Direct course: as the ---- flies (4) 14...Merry go round (8) 18...Getup, gear (6) 19...Film: How the ? Stole Christmas (6) 20...Capital of Hawaii (8) 21...Parson (6)
1.....Restaurant staff (6) 2.....Kind of sealife (6) 3.....Once or the other (6) 4.....Bushwack (6) 6.....Lockjaw (7) 7.....Relating to the moon (5) 11 ...Make shorter (7) 12...Country Women’s Association (3) 13...Fabric (5) 14...Oranges etc (6) 15...Telephone (4, 2) 16...Knickers etc (6) 17...Soap foam (6)
You are a very generous person but, over the next few days, you may need to spend a little more time taking care of your own needs. Don’t let other people determine your agenda. Romance. This will be an excellent time to get a new relationship off the ground, or, at the very least, to put an existing one onto a firmer footing.
CANCER (June 22nd - July 23rd) A friend will give you a suggestion that is definately worth following up. This idea should save you a lot of time and money. Romance. A person whom you have been admiring from afar will suddenly take an interest in you. They may be different from what you expect, however.
LEO (July 24th - August 23rd) This will be a good time for work requiring a lot of concentration. You will be mentally very sharp at the moment, and should make sure that you get the most out of this period. Romance. It will be difficult to see the advantages of some recent changes in your relationship. One change in particular may seem to be for the worse.
VIRGO (August 24th - September 23rd) Don’t worry too much about an event which will probably never happen. You have a lot of more important things to think about. Be especially careful not to let a very negative person unsettle you. Romance. Your relationship will soon be in better shape than it has been for some time. Deal with a minor problem before it escalates.
LIBRA (September 24th - October 23rd)
Something which a friend says may surprise you. Don’t ignore this person’s advice, even if you are not sure whether to believe them or not. Romance. If you are not completely open you will find it harder to be close to your partner in the future. A powerful aspect to Mercury late in the week will help to improve communications between you.
SCORPIO (October 24th - November 22nd) A favourable aspect to Jupiter will make this a good time for taking risks. Don’t be afraid to stick your neck out and do something which you would normally avoid. Romance. A joint project will be successful, so long as both you and your partner feel that it is fair. Don’t try to force things along too quickly, however.
For all your printing needs –
SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st) A powerful aspect to Mars this week could make you a little on-edge at times. You will be especially sensitive to criticism over this period and you must do your best to relax if you feel that you are under stress. Romance. A long conversation with your partner will bring out feelings that you may not have been aware of before and will help in overcoming any concerns that you both have.
CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 20th) Don’t allow yourself to get too worried about something which you know will never happen. You will be in quite an anxious mood at the moment, and may take things too seriously. Romance. All the signs point to this being a good week for romance. Do your best to get away for a short break and you will not regret it.
AQUARIUS (January 21st - February 19th)
QUOTE OF THE DAY The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure. – Sven Goran Eriksson Page 20 Western Cape Bulletin December 7, 2011
A difficult aspect to Pluto could bring some powerful energy to the surface. An issue which has been lurking in the background for some time may finally come to light. Romance. You are spending too much time thinking about what to do, rather than actually doing it. Decisive action will pay off. Dithering will get you nowhere.
PISCES (February 20th - March 20th) You know that you are taking the right course of action. A show of support from your friends will cheer you up and give you the confidence to continue. Romance. A favourable aspect to Venus will give your relationship an important boost that you should embrace to the full. Take a firm grip on your feelings and go all out!
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: Close of business Friday prior to publication
PHONE: 1300 4874 00 FAX: 1300 7872 48 EMAIL: ofďŹ
6$(/ ! *$18 " %Â&#x201A; WANTED
Careers with Queensland Health
Advanced Health Worker (Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sexual Health)
2 x Snr Casuals am/pm shifts avail 2 x Jnr Casuals weekends / after school
Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Health Team, Weipa Integrated Health Service, Cape York Health Service District. Remuneration value up to $69 812 p.a., comprising salary between $55 492 $61 187 p.a., employer contribution to superannuation (up to 12.75%) and annual leave loading (17.5%) (OO5) (Applications will remain current for 12 months) Duties/Abilities: Provide a range of health services that assist in the prevention, early detection and management of sexual health problems, and to work with the community to address sexual health issues in partnership with other groups and government departments. Potential applicants are advised that the Aged care Act 1997 requires Queensland Health employees and volunteers of aged care services to have a current National Police Certificate. Queensland Health will facilitate the applicants obtaining the above check. Potential applicants are advised that the Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian Act 2000 requires Queensland Health to seek a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;working with children checkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; from the Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian prior to appointment to this position. Under s25 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991, there is a genuine occupational requirement for the incumbent to be Indigenous to the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Community. Accommodation is negotiable. Enquiries: Veronica Burke (07) 4082 3651. Job Ad Reference: H11CY11602. Application Kit: (07) 4226 5124 or Closing Date: Monday, 19 December 2011.
Ph Garry: 4069 7015
CARPENTARIA GOLF CLUB (Weipa) The Carpentaria Golf Club is located in Weipa on the western coastline of Cape York Peninsula approximately 900km from Cairns. We are a 9 hole course with grass greens and a comfortable club house overlooking the 1st & 9th fairways. We are currently seeking an experienced â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;hands-onâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; manager who will be responsible for all aspects of the Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s day to day administration, golďŹ ng and hospitality operations. This full-time position is suitable for a person capable of ensuring that a high level of customer satisfaction is provided at all times to members and visitors. The successful applicant must: â&#x20AC;˘ Have a minimum of 5 years experience in club or hotel management â&#x20AC;˘ Must have Current Queensland CertiďŹ cates â&#x20AC;&#x201C; RMLV, RSA, & RSG. â&#x20AC;˘ Quality proven promotional & marketing skills â&#x20AC;˘ Computer literate, including MYOB (or the ability to acquire knowledge) â&#x20AC;˘ Possess excellent people skills The successful applicant will enjoy a remuneration package equivalent to personal skills and experience. If you hold the necessary experience & skills, please apply in conďŹ dence to: The President Carpentaria Golf Club PO Box 291 Weipa Qld 4874 or emailed to Applications must be received by 12/12/2011 Any further enquiries regarding this position can be directed to the club on (07) 4069 7332
PUBLIC NOTICES ABN 11 146 102 668
You can apply online at A criminal history check may be conducted on the recommended person for the job. A non-smoking policy applies to Queensland Government buildings, ofďŹ ces and motor vehicles.
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15-7-93 to 11-12-09 Our lives go on without you But nothing is the same We have to hide our heart ache When someone speaks your name Sad are the hearts that love you Silent are the tears that fall Living without you is the hardest part of all You did so many things for us Your heart was so kind and true And when we needed someone We could always count on you The special years will not return When we were all together But with the love in our hearts You walk with us forever Steve, Lisa, Jake, Mia and Tilly
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Western Cape
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Alcoholics Anonymous If you want to stop drinking Call Ray 0434 217 481
INJURED WILDLIFE Phone Kristy â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 0427 799 748
ST LUKES CHURCH welcomes you
Sunday Church Services
Apostolic Jesus Name Fellowship 10am - Singing and Worship; 10.30am Service starts A Godly welcome awaits you â&#x20AC;&#x201C; come 6.30pm Prayer Meeting & Evening Healing Service and feel the Presence of our Great GOD! Tuesday â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Youth Group Contact James Hughes 4069 7228
PHONE NEWS AND ADS 1300 4874 00 FAX 1300 7872 48 NEWS EMAIL editor@westerncapebulletin. ADS/OFFICE EMAIL ofďŹ ce@westerncapebulletin. 34 Alstonia Drive, Nanum, Weipa, Qld 4874. P.O. Box 209, Weipa, Qld 4874 ABN 81 417 754 071 Member of the Regional & Remote Newspaper Group EDITOR: Giembra Busmer ADS/OFFICE: Stretch Noonan CONTRIBUTORS: Michael Connolloy, Terri Garlick, Alf Wilson, Carpentaria Golf Club, Weipa Bowls Club, Weipa Gymnastics Club, Weipa Hash House Harriers, Weipa Junior Cricket Club, Weipa Junior Soccer Club, Weipa Police, Weipa SportsďŹ shing Club, Weipa Swimming Club, Weipa Tennis Club. DISTRIBUTION: Weipa, Napranum, Aurukun, Mapoon, Lockhart River, Pormpuraaw, Kowanyama, Archer River, Coen, Laura, Hann River, Thursday Island, Cooktown, Mareeba, Cairns, Cape York mail run and subscriptions sent throughout Australia. CIRCULATION: 1300. Printed in Mackay. Published every Wednesday. READERSHIP AVERAGE: 5500. The publishers of The Western Cape Bulletin acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Elders of the Weipa and Napranum area upon whose land The Bully makes it home. We pay our sincere respects to the peoples of the Western Cape and across Cape York. All contents of the Western Cape Bulletin and Cape York Community Phone Book & Business Directory are copyright protected and cannot be reproduced without the express written permission of the Publishing Editor of the Western Cape Bulletin. No unauthorised use of any material or otherwise is permitted.
BAHAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;I FAITH O SON OF MAN!
CHâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;CH Upon the tree of effulgent glory I UR! Fellowship times held at the So come along and be enlightened have hung for thee the choicest Wednesday School â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5 to 7pm Services: Napranum Community Hall Contact: Gay Lesine Huni 0428 146 899 by the word of God Sunday Worship 9:15am Sunday 10.30am and 6.30pm fruits, wherefor hast thou turned Saturday Vigil 6pm Sunday School 9am â&#x20AC;˘ Kids Club Mon & Thurs â&#x20AC;˘ Hoopla Fri Night Fundraising including Sunday Service 10am at the away and contented thyself with We invite people to attend early morning Prayer meetings with Midweek Wednesday 7pm Convention Centre Sunday 8.30am Sunday School us every day 5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6.30 am â&#x20AC;&#x153;But God commendeth His love toward that which is less good? Retuen ALL WELCOME! us, in that while we were yet sinners Phone Rev Ron Watson For Weddings, Baptism, Marriages and Funerals Christ died for us.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Romans 5:8 Senior Pastor Semi Ratocoka â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 0458 530 854 then unto that which is better for Contact: 4069 7228 contact Pastor Palmer Wapau, 0447 801 660 For more information on service times please Assistant Pastor Sai Nadredre â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4069 9604 Community Minister Napranum Kath 4069 9346 contact Reverend Mairu on 4069 9634 Assistant Pastor Leon Proud â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4069 9584 thee in the realm on high. Come worship God with us
Western Cape Bulletin December 7, 2011 Page 21
Weipa Swimming Club wraps up 2011 season
Vale Artie Beetson
Casey and Meg.
Artie Beetson on the back of a ute with Sam Backo and Northern Pride players at the 2011 Island of Origin on Badu. Story and pics by Alf Wilson
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Phone: (07) 4033 7452 Fax: (07) 4033 7476
Mobile: 0427 028 966 (No. 1 Marsh St, Cairns) Email:
THE late and great rugby league legend Arthur Beetson had a special affection for Indigenous people. That was never more evident than when he was a special guest at the 2011 Island of Origin series on Badu Island. The rugby league Immortal, Arthur Beetson, died aged 66 after suffering a heart attack on the Gold Coast whilst riding his bike on December 1. Big Artie, as he was known around the country, was the first Indigenous Australian to captain a national team in any sport. He played 28 Tests for Australia and was captain in two,in addition to skippering Queensland in the first State of Origin match in 1980. Beetson played 235 club matches between 1963-81 in the Sydney and Brisbane first grade competitions. He captained Eastern Suburbs to back-to-back Sydney first grade premiership wins in 1974 and 1975. He began his stint in Sydney with Balmain in 1966, famously missing its 1969 premiership victory because of suspension, and finished up with Parramatta in 1980 before returning to Redcliffe in the Brisbane first grade competition. His coaching career included leading the Maroons to Origin series victories in 1983, 1984 and 1989, while at the club level he was also at the helm of the Roosters and Cronulla. NRL chief executive David Gallop says Beetson was one of the great advertisements for the game of rugby league. At this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Island of Origin
Beetson was flown in by major sponsor Sea Swift and everbody at the ground knew him. Artie mixed with players and spectators and was driven around the field in the back of a ute with another former Test star Sam Backo and several Northern Pride players. A month later on July 27 Artie was a guest at a Former Origin Greats Indigenous Employment and Career Expo (FOGS) at the Townsville Entertainment Centre which was attended by more than 1000 students from around North Queensland,. Artie said that he was looking at some young Indigenous footballers who were potential NRL stars and would recommend them to a Sydney club he was a talent scout for. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been to North Queensland a number of times to support these Expos. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m pleased to be back to reinforce the positive messages around getting a job and making your mark on the world. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Cowboys Rugby League club and players like Jonathan Thurston are doing great work with young Indigenous people in this part of the world, motivating and encouraging them to make a difference with their lives. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Combine that with the work of the Former Origin Greats, and the help thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s available from the Australian Government, and thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really few excuses for young people not getting a good education and a good job,â&#x20AC;? he said. Young people listened to Artie who was a wonderful role model. He will be sadly missed.
Rachel. Photos by Wade Koina.
SPORT Email your fishing pics to: ,/6 4/' /,0,7(' &RPPXQLW\ /HJDO 6HUYLFH
IT looks like the wet season is upon us might be an idea to cover the boat for the next couple of months when not in use. One of our local Fisheries Officers,Bill Nason is leaving us. I hope his replacement is as understanding. I was having a chat to Bill the other day and he was telling me he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to leave, but the family schooling comes first. Bill also said he would be coming back as a tourist, with maybe a boat in-tow, and I look forward to catching up with him. I know the Billfish have been taking all the limelight of late, but they are the only pics I
have been getting. This particular one, with Robert, the lucky angler, and Ben the deckie, and the skipper, Darren, taking the pic. Rob was lucky he got a seat on the trip. and the boys made his day letting him do the honour of landing that nice PaciďŹ c SailďŹ sh. To top the day off they also hooked a Black Marlin and he was rewarded again, and
given the honours. Not bad for someone thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s never been billfishing before, landing a Sail and a Marlin for his ďŹ rst time out. How do you like them apples Gavin...just doing a bit of stirring. Fingermark and ThreadďŹ n Salmon have been giving anglers hell around the Mission River bridge over the past week. Most anglers
Help for Victims of Crime 1800 604 755 Shop 3 McNamara Centre, Weipa Next to Post OfďŹ ce
good fishing around Mangrove Island. Lures are the go but if you are using live bait you will want to keep a good hold of your line as there are some thumpers there. If you are looking for bait in the area just go around the island towards shore and you should get enough. With the wet starting to happen the Prawns should be in good numbers but keep in mind that the Boxies are here also, so long duds and shirt are a must. Might be time to get used to using a drawstring cast net as you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to touch the net because of the way they are designed.
have found live Mullet are the go, but not the easiest bait to get. A couple of places I know for Mullet are Wallaby Point on the low,t he beaches off to the right of the toilet block at the second lake, and down along the beach heading towards the Alby from the Rocky Point boat ramp. You might need a good aerator to get to the bridge but I know where you can get one of those also. Early morning seems the best time and very light sinkers are the go. Just another tip, keep your eyes wide open as a four metre-plus croc is hanging around. There has been some
6HUYLFLQJ &DUGZHOO WR &DSH <RUN 7RUUHV 6WUDLW 199 Newell St Bungalow Ph: 4054 2888 E:
One for the littlies...
For your chance to win one of three Keep Watch prize packs containing a bucket hat or beach ball, sunscreen, a Keep Watch duck, Keep Watch baby bibs and other great summer items and post to: Western Cape Bulletin PO Box 209 Weipa 4874 before December 16, 2011
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Terri
Good golfing - Wendy Grainger, Club Captain
Gary and Michael Young are two golfers the Club will miss having
Thu 8 Time
Fri 9 Time
Address:.................................................... ....................................................................... Phone:......................................................... Email: .........................................................
FRONT 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Tee off by 0730 LAST SUNDAY Winner â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Viv Dick Runner Up â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Mick Forde Hoffmans â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sue Graham NTP â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Jim Hoffman Longest Drive (mens) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Wayne Hohns Longest Drive (womens) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sue Graham
Weipa weather
Weipa tide chart Wed 7
Name: .........................................................
Fond farewell: Former Carpentaria Golf Club Captain, Tanya Eisenberg.
WE were setting off from the Lodge one when one of the room doors opened and there in all his splendour was Swinger. He casually walked over to the group, gulped half Outhouseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s beer and said â&#x20AC;&#x153;hiâ&#x20AC;?. Still the cool customer. Then we took off, as Cocky Locky said we will meet up at 2 Pine Road., then over to the pub down to the bike crossing. There the runners went around and walkers cut through to Putts Palms. Mistake as we lost Handbag in Casuarina. From Putts it was to Regen and over to the servo. Well, the walkers didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t quite make it all the way and went bush. Killem, feeling we shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get to the hooch and ďŹ nd it locked, did a detour as well and copped an On DOWN for his trouble, and even shared with Swinger, who strayed into the red zone. Then the biggest fropa as Straw and Handbag turned up in a stationwagon. Welcome to Pippa who ďŹ nally made it - good on ya. It was a great run Cocky Locky, and Handbag will try and emulate on December 12 from 3 Sunbird in the Links Estate at 5.45pm. Look forward to seeing you there.
LAST Saturday a Single Stroke event was held at the Carpentaria Golf Club and the winner, with a 72 nett, was Ben Slade. Runner-up with a 77 nett was Michael Newman and Ryan Aspinall was the only golfer to win the NTP on 15 and 18. Sundayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s event was a 4BBB Stroke. There was a bit of confusion with the scoring but we managed to ďŹ nd the winning pair of Brett Elms and Gary Young with a 63 nett, closely followed by Jo Constantine and Jeff Ball with a 64 nett. Once again Ryan took out two of the NTPs, and the third went to Ben Slade. This weekendâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s competitions are a Single Stroke on Saturday and on Sunday a Single Stableford. The Club also farewelled three of our golfers, Tanya Eisenberg and Gary and Michael Young. Tanya was our last Club Captain and a long serving member of the club committee. Michael Young, is an up-and-coming junior golfer who managed to take out some senior events, and Gary who also was a long-time serving member of the committee. I would like to thank Tanya, Gary and Michael for all their support over the years and wish them and their respective families all the happiness in their jobs and homes..
House Harriers Club farewells three popular golfers Hash Run 1622 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1 dog
Sat 10 Ht
Sun 11 Time
Mon 12 Time
Tue 13 Time
Wed 14 Time
RAIN mm Airport Weipa
0353 1.90 0510
1.97 1517
2.78 1542 2.82
0109 0.76 0144
0.73 0220
Tues, Nov 29
0624 1.84
1.95 2356
0732 2.18
0807 2.21 0844
2.23 1749
Wed, Nov 30
1439 2.65
0907 2.16
0950 2.19 1030
Thurs, Dec 1
Fri, Dec 2
Sat, Dec 3
Sun, Dec 4
Mon, Dec 5
2243 1.20 2320 1.05 1609 2.85 1639 2.86 1711 2.86 MOON PHASES: â&#x20AC;˘ Full Moon - Dec 11 â&#x20AC;˘ Last Quarter - Dec 18 â&#x20AC;˘ New Moon - Dec 25 â&#x20AC;˘ First Quarter - Jan 01
Weipa 5-day weather forecast 7+856'$< )5,'$< 6$785'$< Showers. 3 - 6 knots, NE - NNE winds. Chance of rain 50% Min 24 C.
Possible Shower. 4 - 5 knots, ENE - N winds. Chance of rain 80% Min 24 C.
Rain. 4 - 6 knots, ENE -WNW winds. Chance of rain 90% Min 24 C.
681'$< Rain. 3 - 7 knots, NNW winds. Chance of rain 90% Min 24 C.
021'$< Showers. 4 - 8 knots, NW - NNW winds. Chance of rain 90% Min 24 C.
While the Western Cape Bulletin takes every care to ensure the information contained in the Tide and Weather information is correct, the Western Cape Bulletin accepts no responsibility for itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s accuracy. Information is provided by the Bureau of Meteorology.
Western Cape Bulletin April 13, 2011 Page 23
EDITORIAL PHONE: 1300 4874 00 ADVERTISING PHONE: 1300 4874 00
Vale Artie Beetson An Indigenous role model and rugby league legend, Arthur Beetson will be sadly missed.
+DUGZDUH Club records set at last D S L H : &DSH <RUN 4OG
Timber Gardening Plumbing supplies Hand and power tools Builderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hardware Project pricing and more! Ph: 07 4069 7486 TRADING HOURS: Mon â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Fri: 7am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5.00pm Fax: 07 4069 8240 Sat: 8am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2pm 2 Iraci Cres, Weipa Qld 4874 Sun: 9am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1pm Public hols: closed
WEEKLY FREIGHT SERVICE TO AND FROM THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: Weipa, Cairns Horn Island & Thursday Island Bamaga, Boigu Is., Dauan Is., Mabuiag Is., Saibai Is. & St Pauls Is. Coconut Is., Murray Is., Darnley Is., & Stephen Is. Sue Is., Yam Is., Yorke Is., Badu Is. & Kubin Village
PH: 1800 424 422
swim meet for 2011 WEIPA Lightening Swimming Club held their last club night for the year on Friday December 2, and what a way to finish with two new club records. Maddie McCulkin set a new club record for the 14 year old girls 100m butterfly, with a time of 1:31.66, previously held by Lisa Love (1:48.24) set in 2004. Sabrina (Rooney) Koina set a new record in the girls 10 year old 50m freestyle, with a time of 35.62 seconds, previously held by Sharna Mitton (37.03) set in 1996. Sabrina also missed out on another record by 0.22 of a second in the 100m butterfly. There was a good roll up for the last meet of the year, with 32 swimmers attending. All strokes were swum before a free barbecue was enjoyed (thanks again Lisa F for cooking), along with yummy deserts, followed by free swim time. Personal Best Times (PBs) were down a bit, with 27 PBs swum, and several swimmers stepping up to swim new distances. It was the Tassâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s last club night in Weipa, and Casey showed her great commitment to swimming by competing with a broken finger, and even managing to record a PB. Good luck to all on your move. Landen Proud topped the PBs with three from three swims, with two of these being improvements by five seconds. Two PBs were swum by
MOVING ANYTHING, ANYWHERE If you need something shipped, have conďŹ dence with Sea Swift. Freight deliveries to 41 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 45 Tingira Street, Cairns Fax: 07 4035 1249 Email:
Page 24 Western Cape Bulletin December 7, 2011
Sabrina and Alissa Koina were among the Weipa Lightening Swimming Club to set new club records.
Renee Ball, Rachael Brooker, Bryn Gleeson (slicing 13 seconds off his backstroke time), Ashlee Moon, Kristyn Pilkington and Alyssa Taare. One PB from Amy Bakker, Chloe Crossley, Tara Crossley, Taylor Francisco, Rebecca Hunter, Alissa Koina, Sabrina Koina, Alex McInnes, Elizabeth McInnes, Courtney Proud, Brock Taylor, Elle Toomey, and Molly Toomey. Results of the previous club night, held on November 25 were as follows: Sabrina Koina knocked 3.79 seconds off her previous best
time to set a new club record for the 100m freestyle, with a time of 1:20.00, beating her own club record set earlier in the season. Sabrina also swum six PBs from six swims, well done Sabrina. Other PBs were: Kirra Koina five PBss, Alissa Koina three PBs, two PBs by Rachael Brooker, Rebecca Hunter, Jacob Johnson, Maddie McCulkin, Alyssa Taare, Brock Taylor and Elle Toomey; and one PB by Harry Bakker, Ashleigh Ball, Renee Ball, Kate Barnes, Meg Emery-Gordon, Abaigh Gleeson, Kyle Hunter, Ethan
Kruckow, Courtney Proud and Casey Tass. A big thanks must go out to Sandy (and Mike) at Weipa Business Equipment for printing and laminating all the certificates that are given out throughout the season. I would like to encourage everyone to keep this in mind and support these local businesses that put back into the community. The first club night in 2012 will be on Friday, February 3. For any enquiries, please call Wade on 4069 7376. UU More photos from the Weipa Swimming Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2011 ďŹ nal club night can be found on page 22