WCB 12-12-05

Page 1

The Western Cape Bulletin

Your voice in the Cape

News & Advertising Ph: 1300 4874 00 ::

Edition 371


The Western Cape

Thursday Island

Mapoon Portland Roads Lockhart River Archer River Aurukun Coen Pompuraaw Musgrave Hann River Cooktown Kowanyama Laura




Fax 1300 7872 48 :: Email News: editor@westerncapebulletin.com.au :: Email Advertising: office@westerncapebulletin.com.au

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

$2.50 inc. GST


A WEIPA resident is urging pet owners to consider their options before cruelly dumping unwanted animals, following the discovery of three abandoned puppies last week. The resident, who did not wish to be named, was driving on a bush track near the Andoom River bridge when something caught her eye. At first she thought it was a black garbage bag, but when it moved a second time she realised it was a puppy trying to get out of the sun under a small tuft of grass. “My husband and I picked him up and gave him some water to drink, thinking ‘why would someone leave a pup in this heat?” the woman said. On closer inspection of the area the couple found two more puppies that had recently died. “I just don’t understand how someone could leave six to eight-week old pups in the bush to die slowly from heat exhaustion and dehydration when there are more humane solutions.” Brett Heidke, Weipa Town Authority Animal Control and Local Laws Officer, said pet owners should be aware that they have 12 weeks from the birth of kittens and puppies before the need to declare the additional animals.  continued page 2

Lucky to be alive: This puppy can look forward to a happy future after being found in the bush near the Andoom River Bridge last week.

The puppies were found at the side of this bush track.

 New Cape York tourism body: P 3  Weipa Raiders presentation night: P 21



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Puppies abandoned in bush  from page 1

“With so many noticeboards around town to put flyers on, facebook pages and classified ads in the Western Cape Bulletin pet owners should be able to find homes for their puppies and kittens in the 12-week period,” Mr Heidke said. “If it proves impossible to find homes for these animals in that time frame there are options available, such as foster care, or worst case scenario euthanasia by a qualified veterinarian.” Mr Heidke said it was ultimately the owners responsibility to have their animals desexed rather than have to deal with unwanted litters. The rescued puppy has a new home and a new name (Jasper) and is reported to be doing well. “He doesn’t seem to be suffering any after-effects from his ordeal and is now as playful as any other puppy his age would be,” Jasper’s new owner said.


Eye f the

o Cyclone Oberführer Blues Things are going from bad to worse for Oberführer newman. Every week his admiring electorate is melting away and turning into a disgruntled chorus of disapproval. Pretty much the same thing is happening to his party. How could this be happening to him? What is going wrong? Where will it all end?

elected, but they had not expected him to fulfil them quite so energetically. Before they could get comfortable in their new positions, the Oberführer started firing people. Thousands and thousands of his electors suddenly found themselves headed for the scrap heap. Funding for local projects dried up. Old folks’ homes began to close. As Queenslanders are quite smart enough and healthy enough already, education and health cuts arrived. Worst of all, the Oberführer does not fully appreciate the fine, intelligent people who were elected alongside him. He does not do discussion and shades of opinion. You either support him completely, or you are on your way to Katter land. I guess a good few chooks are regretting the day they invited a fox into the henhouse.

WEIPA AUTO & MARINE Auto-Electrical Mechanical Air-Conditioning

C.A.P.S for dogs is a non-profit organisation caring for homeless and unwanted dogs in the Weipa and surrounding areas, with the primary aim of providing temporary refuge and eventually new homes for abandoned, abused, stray and unwanted dogs. We provide foster homes for unwanted dogs, and aim to re-house them back into society as healthy, desexed animals. We also aim to develop community awareness and education regarding dog welfare.

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Can you remember, around a year or so ago, when the LNP finally admitted to itself that their leadership team was so vague and wishy-washy that they could never win an election unless all the other contenders went on holiday? Someone new was needed to lead them, someone who could bring the firm hand of discipline to the party. Someone strong and confident, ready to crack the whip and march at the head

of his troops. By chance, they found Mr Newman, languishing away in a dingy office in Brisbane. He might not have much of a record, but he could use a microphone. And he had solid opinions, set in concrete, that you could rely on. They offered him a chance, and he grabbed it with both hands. He sounded good to the electorate too. Or at least, he sounded a good deal better than his tired and old fashioned opponents. Queensland voted and, with a thundering majority, the Oberführer strode onto the stage and began to govern. There was a very short period of calm and graciousness, before a sense of unease began to creep through our governing classes down in Brisbane. They had heard the Oberführer make all those promises to get

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Looking resplendant in a red leather collar, Jasper is settling into life in his new home.

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Page 2 Western Cape Bulletin December 5, 2012


A united voice for Cape York tourism

CYSF Director Sustainability and Tourism Guy Chester and CYSF CEO Trish Butler with Weipa Town Authority acting Chairman Stretch Noonan and Western Cape Chamber of Commerce Administration and Project Officer Yvette Carter in Weipa last week for the launch of the LTO Tourism Cape York.

CAPE York has its very own Local Tourism Organisation (LTO) following the launch of Tourism Cape York last week. Under the auspice of Cape York Sustainable Futures (CYSF) and with the support of

ROCCY, Tourism Queensland and Tourism Tropical North Queensland, and sponsored by the Weipa Town Authority and Cook Shire Council, the new organisation will give the entire region a united tourism voice.

Despite tourism being identified as a key industry for the sustainable development of Cape York Peninsula without a recognised LTO, Cape York previously had limited links with the local, regional, state and national tourism destination promotion, marketing and product development arrangements that exist for much of Australia. CYSF Director Sustainability and Tourism Guy Chester and CYSF CEO Trish Butler travelled around the Cape last week engaging with local councils, tourism bodies and businesses to promote Tourism Cape York. A meeting, hosted by the Western Cape Chamber of Commerce, was held in Weipa last Tuesday evening and the new LTO was introduced to local business, tourism and community representatives. Mr Chester explained that after several years of consultation CYSF identified four main areas which needed to be addressed to promote Cape York tourism. “Tourism Cape York will be proactive in promotion and marketing, product development, industry advocacy and tourism strategy and planning,” Mr Chester said. All key destinations will


have specific promotion, in addition to the overall Cape York scale. “The key positioning for Cape York will be “Cape York – Epic by Nature”. Our key focus in coming months is to develop an expanded Cape York and Cooktown visitor guide and a brand new website promoting all of Cape York. “We will also be ensuring tourism has a voice in the forthcoming bioregional planning and world heritage consultation processes,” Mr said. In addition to the Tourism Cape York visitor booklet and website the LTO will be attending several large travel expos in 2013 to promote tourism in the region. Mrs Butler said the LTO vision was to have strong linkages with the regional, station and national tourism marketing and promotion bodies. “We want Tourism Cape York to develop strategic partnerships with Outback Tourism, Tropical Tablelands Tourism and Savannah Way Ltd,” she said. For information on Tourism Cape York membership and advertising packages contact Guy Chester, guychester@ tourismcapeyork.com or 0407 391 211.

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New civic centre for Napranum community NAPRANUM Aboriginal Shire Council has received $1.6 million from the Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program to build a civic centre on land near the centre of town. Local Government Minister David Crisafulli said the project would be a huge boost to the community. “This is an outstanding project that will be home to the Council and other locally-based government and non-government services,” Mr Crisafulli said. “It is the first major development in Napranum for some time and it will provide new opportunities to the community.” Member for Cook, David Kempton, said: “The funding for a new administrative centre for Napranum recognises that the community has been overlooked for many years and is an indication of our government’s support for Napranum’s vision in its 10-year plan.

Weipa Aurukun Pompuraaw Kowanyama

Bulletin Your voice in

The Western Cape

Thursday Island

Mapoon Archer River Coen

Portland Roads Lockhart River


Hann River Laura




PO Box 520 WEIPA QLD 4874 Telephone: 07 4030 9999 Facsimile: 07 4069 7074 E-mail: reception@carpentariacontracting.com ABN 36 065 053 009

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Contacts & Deadlines EDITOR: Giembra Busmer editor@westerncapebulletin.com.au

Phone: 1300 4874 00

AD DESIGN: Stretch Noonan office@westerncapebulletin.com.au

PO Box 209, Weipa, Qld 4874 ABN 20 101 920 076 PLEASE NOTE: The office is sometimes unattended. Please call to make an appointment. Where we go: Approx 1300 copies distributed every Wednesday to Weipa, Napranum, Aurukun, Mapoon, Lockhart River, Pormpuraaw, Kowanyama, Archer River, Coen, Musgrave, Hann River, Laura, Thursday Island, Cooktown, Cairns, Cape York mail run and subscriptions sent throughout Australia. Readership average: 5500.

License Nos: Electrical - 12362 BSA - ACR & Builders - 728995

Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council will find a new home in the planned civic centre.

the Cape

Editor’s mobile: 0428 589 515 Advertising office manager: 0439 996 930 Accounts enquiries: (07) 5534 1872

WEIPA 4069 7183 CAIRNS 4035 4022

ADVERTISING – Box ad bookings: Box ad material: Classifieds: EDITORIAL – General copy:

by 5pm FRIDAYS by 5pm FRIDAYS by 5pm FRIDAYS

by NOON MONDAYS (pics, stories, letters, etc) Regular columns: by 5pm FRIDAYS Sports editorial: by 5pm MONDAYS


Publisher’s Details Publishers of The Western Cape Bulletin

Letters to the editor

regional & remote N E W S P A P E R S

Real news for real Australia

CHAIRMAN: Mark Bousen editor@regionalandremote.com.au PUBLISHER: Corey Bousen publisher@regionalandremote.com.au MANAGING EDITOR: Mark Bousen editor@regionalandremote.com.au ACCOUNTS: Meg Bousen accounts@westerncapebulletin.com.au

Letters to the Editor are published as a free community service and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Western Cape Bulletin nor its management. Letters must be legible, preferably less than 250 words, carry a name and address, and be signed. A telephone number or similar identification must also be provided. Unsigned and anonymous letters, or use of a nom de plume, eg Concerned Citizen, etc will not be accepted. Names withheld on discretion of the publisher. Letters may be edited for space or content or omitted altogether at the discretion of the editor. Mail to: PO Box 209, Weipa, Qld, 4874 or Email: editor@westerncapebulletin.com.au

Western Cape Bulletin December 5, 2012 Page 3


Resource sector still driving Queensland’s economy

Copper wire stolen from Weipa construction site POLICE are investigating the theft of a large roll of copper wire from a construction site at Weipa. The wire is believed to have been stolen sometime between November 7 and 15 from the site near the intersection of Andoom Road and McLeod Drive. The stolen wire (similar in appearance to image at right) was covered in a yellow and green sheath and wound onto a timber drum. Anyone with information which could assist police with their investigations should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or crimestoppers. com.au 24hrs a day.

Santa is coming to the Library!

Bring your camera and have a photo with Santa FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14 10AM TO 12.30PM

“Ho Ho Ho”

ONE in every four dollars of the state’s economy and one in every five jobs – that’s the extent of the resources sector’s contribution to Queensland’s prosperity. At its annual lunch and industry forum last week in Brisbane, the Queensland Resources Council (QRC) released statewide spending data for 2011-12 that confirms that despite testing market conditions, the minerals and energy sector has once again increased its economic contribution to the state. The data demonstrates that on the back of higher capital expenditures, resource companies created $36 billion in gross regional product over the 12-month period. These companies include the state’s producers of coal, metals, gas, alumina and aluminium, mineral sands, electricity and liquid fuels. This represents a huge 40 per cent increase on the resources sector’s economic contribution in 2010-11. QRC Chief Executive Michael Roche said that by using postcodeaggregated spending data supplied by its largest member companies, the minerals and energy sector is calculated to have spent $28 billion directly on goods and services from Queensland suppliers and $8 billion in wages to 64,300 direct workers who reside in Queensland. “On top of that direct spending, the sector via its high capital intensity and linkages with sectors such as transport, construction and manufacturing, supported and created another 416,000 jobs in those other sectors,” said Mr Roche. “Queensland resource companies also paid $3.2 billion in royalties to

the Queensland Government and about $11 billion in taxes to the Federal Government in 2011-12. “This economic contribution by the resources sector is an extraordinary outcome for Queenslanders when you consider the sector’s physical footprint covers just 0.09 percent of the state’s land mass. “Importantly, what the results show is that resource company spending spreads across Queensland, with barely a postcode not experiencing the benefits of economic stimulus from the sector. “The strongest growth in resources sector spending occurred in the Wide Bay-Burnett (+144 per cent), the North West (+102 per cent) and the Far North (+80 per cent). Mr Roche said that, as we’ve seen with the current downturn in coal markets, there is tremendous benefit to Queenslanders of producing a diversity of resource commodities as a hedge against increasingly volatile global market conditions. “The challenge now is to ensure that there is a strong pipeline of projects across all commodities to sustain and grow the resources sector in Queensland. “Achieving that strong pipeline of new projects will require a clear focus on addressing cost disadvantages such as workforce inflexibility, ballooning tax and royalty imposts and regulatory green tape and red tape,”Mr Roche said. Details of the report – compiled by QRC and Lawrence Consulting – including reports at the Queensland Statistical Division and Local Government Area level can be found at www. queenslandeconomy.com.au.



Margaret Mara (nee de Jersey) in 2005, after becoming frustrated and unsatisfied with painting realistically, Margaret found comfort with a more contemporary and abstract style, drawing inspiration from the immediate events in her life. Margaret reflects on many other areas for inspiration; the environment, family stories, living in the Cape, emotions and anything else that has direct effect on her as an individual.

The Mapoon community is situated on the traditional lands of the Tjungundji people, and is home to many Aboriginal people who are descendents of Mpakwithi, Taepithiggi, Thaynhakwith, Warrangku, Wimarangga and Yupungathi people. Mapoon has strong historical ties to Gulf communities, such as Burketown, Croydon and Normanton where young children and adults were removed to Mapoon in the early 1900’s. Later South Sea Island people were brought in to the mission from Samoa, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands to assist missionaries in agriculture and building.

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Meetings for family and friends of alcoholics. Meets Mondays and Wednesdays at 9.30am - 11am at the Napranum Women’s Services Centre in Napranum St. Napranum. Please call Maxiene: 0434 217 481

Sea Swift wins prestigious national marine award Sea Swift is celebrating after claiming another major award, this time securing a prestigious national prize at the Lloyd’s List australian Shipping and Maritime awards in Sydney. The Cairns-based shipping company beat off fierce competition from around Australia to win the Maritime Services Award, largely thanks to its ground-breaking cadet program. Chief Executive Officer Fred White said the company was thrilled to be recognised with yet another major award. “We’re absolutely delighted to have won this prestigious and highly sought-after award,” he said. “It recognises exceptional achievement, and we’re proud to say we’re delivering the kinds of services that are making people sit up and take note.

“It’s a fantastic achievement, and great acknowledgement for all the hard work put in by our people over a number of years.” Mr White believes it is Sea Swift’s commitment to its staff that helped the company win the award, especially through its innovative cadetship program, with the cadet intake doubling this year from six to 12. “ I t ’s a t o t a l l y u n i q u e program, and is gathering momentum all the time,” he said. Sea Swift is one of the largest employers in the region with more than 300 staff, and makes a significant contribution to the employment and skill development of local communities, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Mr White said Sea Swift has a five-year horizon to grow from approximately 300 staff and 27 vessels to 400 staff and 35 vessels.


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FRIDAY Toll Marine Logistics General Manager Elle Hilton presents Sea Swift Fleet Master Bob O’Halloran with the Maritime Services Award in Sydney.

Mates go green to support Jack

On Friday, november 23, Western Cape College came together in support of a very good cause. It was “Mates of Jack” Wear Green Day, and students and staff came to school wearing green to show their support for their good mate Jack Callaghan-Dalla Costa, and to raise awareness of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). The generous students and staff gave

Alcoholics Anonymous

a gold coin donation which overall raised $600, which will go towards a new electric wheelchair for Jack next year. At a special parade for Years 4-7, Emma Dalla Costa (Jack’s Mum) spoke about DMD and discussed with the students what DMD means for Jack, and how they can help provide support and understanding for a fellow student. The students were enthusiastic, and

were eager to receive their Duchenne wristbands, wearing them with pride. An informative but age-appropriate brochure was also given to each student, providing them the opportunity to share with their families what they had learnt about Duchenne and their mate Jack. The Mates of Jack, Wear Green Day was made possible by Jack’s biggest advocate – his Mum, and was supported by the Western Cape College P&C who also made a generous donation to Mates of Jack, along with the continued support from Weipa Business Equipment for their printing services, The Western Cape Bulletin for continually helping get Mates of Jack out to the community, Weipa Taxi for not only their donation to Mates of Jack but also for helping provide transport for Jack throughout the year, and with huge recognition the support and mateship that the students at Western Cape College so willingly provide for their mate Jack.

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Stay away from fallen lines, warn others and call 000. Make these your Summer Resolutions. For more storm safety tips, visit ergon.com.au/summer

Western Cape Bulletin December 5, 2012 Page 5


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NAIDOC fundraiser – get your photo taken with Santa TO celebrate the approach of the festive season the Western Cape NAIDOC Planning committee has organised a fundraiser to have Santa visit the Western Cape for some photo opportunities. Santa will visit Weipa this Thursday, December 6 from 6 to 8.30pm and Saturday, December 8 from 10am to 12.30pm and will be located in Woolworths at the Weipa Shopping Complex. Children will be able to meet Santa and have a professional photo taken with a variety of photo packages available, starting from $10. Western Cape NAIDOC planning committee member, Priscilla Raleigh said the success from this year has motivated them to make the celebrations even bigger and hence the need to kick off fundraising efforts now. “The support from the Western Cape communities during this year’s NAIDOC week celebrations was fantastic, and to continue building traction and awareness of the week our planning for 2013 is already full steam ahead,” Ms Raleigh said. “The Western Cape NAIDOC celebrations will run from Sunday, July 7 through to Saturday, July 13, 2013.” All events during the week are free to attend and everyone is invited and encouraged to get involved. Events, full times and venues for next year’s NAIDOC week are still to come. The NAIDOC committee is made up of representatives from State Government Departments, Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa, Western Cape College, Napranum PCYC, and Napranum and Mapoon Shire Council. For further information on NAIDOC week events or if you would like to get involved in the planning, please contact Priscilla Raleigh on 4749 7407 or Megan Skelton on 4082 4429.

Bid process for Aurukun bauxite leases opens A N E x p re s s i o n s o f Interest process for bauxite mining leases at Aurukun, where reserves are considered sufficient to support bauxite production at 6.5 million mt/year, was opened by the Queensland Government on Tuesday, November 27. Deputy premier Jeff Seeney said the government will initially shortlist up to five candidates for the right to develop the resource, before making a selection by the end of 2013. The deadline for the EOIs is February 15. Seeney said the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning will be managing the bid process. “Proponents must be able to demonstrate experience in development and management of mines and associated infrastructure,

experience in working with indigenous communities and traditional owners to negotiate outcomes, and the financial capacity to take on this scale of project,” Seeney said in a statement. He reiterated that proponents will not be required to build an alumina refinery in Queensland. “The Government’s key objective is to maximise the benefits and returns from the project to the Aurukun community and native title holders, as well as maximising the financial returns to the State,” Mr Seeney said. “We’ll also ensure the project is delivered in a timely manner at no cost and no risk to the State. “Our decision to revisit the development of the Aurukun bauxite resource has the backing of the Aurukun community and traditional owners and has

Tropical getaway prize winner DANIEl Rutene is the lucky winner of WIN a 3 n ight trop Just swip ical geta e your W the Weipa Bowls Club Daintree Eco eipa Bow way ls Club m embershi p card lodge & Spa lucky door prize. Valued at $2600 we are sure Daniel will be enjoying his pamper package which includes three nights accommodation in a rainforest tree-house, breakfast daily, transfers to and from Voted “w orld’s leading ec & “best o lodge” Cairns, a rainforest gift on arrival and spa on th e continen t” a daily mix and mingle drink. To top off his tropical getaway Daniel has $250 worth of “Spa Dollars” to spend on treatments at the world-acclaimed Daintree Wellness Spa. If this sounds like your sort of weekend away the next Daintree Eco Lodge & Spa lucky door prize is now up for grabs. All you have to do is swipe your membership card as you enter the Weipa Bowls Club to enter the draw. The next lucky winner to enjoy a three-day pampering escape will be announced on February 28, 2013. Prize includ es:  3 nights accommo dation for 2 peop le in a rai nforest spa baya n (tree-ho use)  Break fasts daily at Julaymb a Restaura nt  Trans fer to and from Cairns air port  Rainfore st gift on arrival  Maruma ga (m mingle) dri ix and nk (daily)

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owned and136 made MOBILE:Australian 0429095 LOCATED OPPOSITE SERVO @ EVANS LANDING (27a Iraci Crescent)

Hoses & Fittings


Bulletin is offering some great Christmas The Western Cape

packages to advertisers!

Advertise… • Christmas Sale Items & Specials • Your Christmas Event, or • Simply offer your Seasons Greetings to customers and clients For your customised Christmas advertising package, contact: Corey Bousen •Email: publisher@regionalandremote.com.au • Mobile: 0428 191 002

Christmas Deadlines

drawn strong corporate interest from Australia and overseas, Mr Seeney said. “I’ve held discussions with the Mayor of the Aurukun Shire Council Mr Derek Walpo, councillors and the directors of the Ngan Aak Kunch Aboriginal Corporation, which represents the native title holders — the Wik and Wik Way people. “They have voiced their strong support for development of the resource, knowing it will mean jobs, better infrastructure and flow-on benefits through the many business enterprises that could be established to service the mine.” The invitation for expressions of interest can be viewed at http:// www.dsdip.qld.gov.au/ development-planning/ aurukun-project.html

Last issue 2012: Wednesday, December 19 First issue 2013: Wednesday, January 9 Box ad bookings: 5pm, Friday, December 14

Box ad bookings: 5pm, Friday, January 4

Box ad material:

Box ad material:

Page 6 Western Cape Bulletin December 5, 2012

5pm, Friday, December 14

5pm, Friday, January 4


Premier says stolen wages issue will not be re-opened

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Aunty Mary Twaddle, Kathy Starlight, Union official Les Moffitt, Agnes Cressbrook, Arthur Ahwang, Millianna Davey and Mamam

THE Newman Government has wiped its hands of the “Stolen Wages” issue, claiming it was settled by the former State Government. In a statement to the Western Cape Bulletin this week, Premier Campbell Newman’s office said: “The Government has no intention of re-opening the issue. “People who feel they have a legitimate, unaddressed compensation claim for losses they have suffered as a result of historical practices have the right to pursue remedies through the legal process.” The Premier was responding to an appeal from the Queensland Council of Unions to pay outstanding stolen wages to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander claimants around Queensland, including those living at the remote communities of Weipa, Napranum, Mapoon, Aurukun and others on Cape York. The appeal was made during a meeting to brief elders organised by the Queensland Council of Unions at St Theresa’s Catholic Church in Townsville last Friday (November 30). Emotions ran high as elderly Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women spoke of the angst they felt about non-payment of stolen wages in the lead up to the festive season. Before the meeting commenced at 10am, numerous elders told the Western Cape Bulletin of their concerns that many of them would die before payment was made by the state government. “Indigenous people from the Torres Strait Islands, Cape York, Hope Vale, all around North Queensland and west to Mount Isa and south to Brisbane are still owed stolen wages,” said QCU Townsville branch President Les Moffitt. Peter Hindle was the other

union official at the meeting. Mr Moffitt said the union had written to the Queensland Premier Campbell Newman demanding payment of all outstanding wages. “The new LNP Government claims the matter was settled by the previous Labor Government and Mr Newman has not replied to the last letter we sent to him,” Mr Moffitt said. However, Mr Moffitt said Katter’s Australia Party had advised it was behind the union bid and wanted the stolen wages issue resolved.

Many of our people who are owed stolen wages won’t be alive to collect them... – Arthur Ahwang

By Alf Wilson and Gary Hutchison

The Premier’s office said: “The question of reparation for historical wages and savings issues was settled and closed by the previous State Government. “Excess funds after almost 6000 claims were paid were invested in a perpetual Trust. “Interest from that Trust is used to provide educational scholarships for Indigenous students to complete high school. Since 2009, 400 scholarships have been provided.” Aunty Mary Twaddle is aged in her eighties and said she was owed stolen wages from working on Palm Island when she was young. “The way it is going I will be dead long before I get what is owed to me, payment before Christmas would help us a lot,” she said. Kathy Starlight said she had outstanding stolen wages from her days working as a domestic on Palm Island. “It is our money but we have

not been paid,” she said. Agnes Cressbrook said she worked at various jobs in Woorabinda including at the hospital starting as a 17-year-old. “I was paid the first two instalments but not the remainder,” she said. Millianna Davey, aged 71 is of Darnley Island descent and was owed wages from her days working at the Thursday Island hospital. “We just want what is owed to us,” she said. Murray Island lady Mamam Martin, 67, said she desperately wanted money owed to her from work at Native Affair Departments on Thursday Island. Fay Thimble, 63, said she lived on a pension and was owed money from work she did on Palm Island. Mary Wacando, 69, of Darnley Island descent, is appealing to the state government for wages owed from her jobs at the Thursday Island school and hospital. Ernest Burns, 79, is ill and said he is owed wages from his work on Palm Island as a young man. One of the most-publicised cases of stolen wages involves TI born identical twins Paul and Arthur Ahwang, 77, who worked together on a pearling lugger off Mackay, free diving to collect pearl shell and doing deckhand duties from age 13. Paul Ahwang has received his wages whilst Arthur hasn’t been paid even though they did the same job. Arthur travelled from Mackay for the meeting, whilst Paul who lives in Townsville was too ill to be there. “Many of our people who are owed stolen wages won’t be alive to collect them and that is why I think the government is delaying,” Arthur said.

Overlook the bay and enjoy the sunset from The Deck at Bauxite Bills 6pm to 8.30pm ~ BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL ~


No take-away meals for daily specials. Specials not available on public holidays.



Roast $1250

T-bone $1550



Fish & chips $ 50 12

Schnitzel, chips & salad $1250 L DAY


Nachos 12 $



Thursday nights from 7pm

Public Notice East Weipa Tailings Dam Works Construction works is being conducted in the East Weipa tailings dam. This work is being conducted in Cell 3 as shown in the image below. There is no work being conducted in Cell 2, adjacent to the community. Work will be carried out through to December 2012. During construction there will be constant watering to reduce any dust generation. Minimal night works will commence in the coming days on a trial basis. Nanum Cell 2

Cell 1 Works conducted here

Cell 3

For more information on this construction works, please phone our freecall community feedback hotline 1800 707 633.

Western Cape Bulletin December 5, 2012 Page 7


Year 11 annual camp rocks Merluna Station

– Peter Thompson

Year 11 leadership camp participants.

Trust exercises were all part of the week-long learning experience at camp Merluna.

Team talk: Georgia Guest, Sagi Satrick, Steven Wust, Madi Edwards, Rebecca Walker and Kate Barnes enjoying quality time together at the Year 11 Merluna camp.

Glad rags from glad bags: The students created some very colourful costumes for the Garbage Bag Formal while on the leadership camp.


DANCE PARTY • DJ from 8pm to 1am • Free entry ‘til 9pm • $10 entry after 9pm • $50 instant prizes for best dancer • $100 prize for best dressed female & male

We’ve helped Kaylene and Fiona pay for a great education. We’d like to help you too.

ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT SEAFOOD BUFFET • From 6pm to 10pm • $75 a head includes

bottle of champagne for two


Weipa Bowls Club Inc. Your club, our community!

Page 8 Western Cape Bulletin December 5, 2012

Ely Education Bursary Scheme 2013 Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa is offering education assistance to eligible Aboriginal people for the 2013 academic year. Assistance is available for students enrolled or planning to enrol for 2013 at a: • Boarding School • Registered Training Organisation • TAFE College • University The Ely Education Assistance Scheme Bursary Programme is one of the company’s commitments made under the Ely Bauxite Mining Project Agreement (EBMPA).

Who can apply? Financial assistance is available to those Aboriginal people who have recognised affiliation to one of the Traditional Owner Groups* that is party to the EBMPA or recognised historical affiliation to the Mapoon, Napranum or New Mapoon Areas**.

What assistance is offered

Members, guests & bona fide visitors welcome PO BOX 181 WEIPA QLD 4874 PH: 07 4069 7300 FAX 07 4069 7616 weipabowlsclub@bigpond.com Takeaway alcohol sales to members only

Education assistance funding may include contribution to the payment of tuition fees, Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) fees or other equivalent educational assistance as approved by Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa.

How to apply Application forms and guidelines are available from the Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council offices in Injinoo and New Mapoon, Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council, Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council, the Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa Administration Building at Lorim Point in Weipa and the Hibberd Library in Weipa. You can also visit the Rio Tinto Community Relations Building behind the Bowls Club in Weipa. Or call 07 4069 8808.

Applications close 14th of December 2012. Applicants will be advised of the results in January 2013. *The traditional owner groups are the Taepithiggi People, the Thanakwith People, the Yupungathi People, the Tjungundji People, the Warrangku People and the Dulhunty People (the Atambaya People and the Angkamuthi People). **Refer to Ely Education Assistance Scheme guidelines for eligibility criteria. These can be obtained by calling Rio Tinto Alcan on 07 4069 8808. *** All decisions made by Rio Tinto are final and without appeal.



Year 11 students participated in their annual Camp at Merluna Station last week, bringing students together for a week long camp to develop their leadership and build their team skills. Students participated in trust activities, goal setting, public speaking tips and career planning while being visited by Lyn, Justine and Patrick from Cape York Health, along with Leon, Garry and Peter from the management and leadership teams throughout the week. The students showed great enthusiasm as they put their ideas forward to continue to improve the home rooms, house and school pride. A big thank you must be given to Merluna Station for providing all meals for the students, teachers and visitors, Emma Thomas and Cole Dalton for helping organise and participate and Cicely Baira for co-ordinating the entire trip. Students reported great times at the Garbage Bag Formal, Hawaiian and gender-bender themed nights and they excelled in the bush orienteering exercise. Thank you to all those that attended and we look forward to the skills and ideas for 2013 implemented in the new school year.


Be prepared this storm season

Weipa 2012 Weipa community communityupdate updateOctober August 2011 Red Crosscaseload visit Scherger

Heavy rain and strong winds can cause trees to fall and powerlines to be brought down.

Ergon Energy’s priority following a storm or cyclone is to restore power as safely and quickly as possible. Safety of the public as well as our employees working on powerlines is our top priority. After the storm or cyclone has passed and when safe to do so field crews assess the damage to the electricity network and begin repairs. Ergon Energy restores power to its vast network of powerlines and service wires to individual customers in order of priority - public health and community facilities first and to the greatest number of customers as quickly as possible.

Kowanyama house affected by mini cyclone.

Make your summer resolution to have a cyclone safety plan Ergon Energy has a response plan for cyclones and every household needs its own cyclone plan. Check out ergon.com.au/summer for a comprehensive guide to prepare and respond to cyclones and severe storms. Here are a few basic tips to get you started: In the event of a cyclone: • Ensure mobile phone batteries are fully charged and have a cord phone ready as cordless phone base stations don’t work without electricity. • Fill containers with water including bath and sink, in case water supply is cut. • Ensure that your car has a full tank of fuel and is ready to go. Place it under cover. • Store your important documents, medical prescriptions, momentos, photos and valuables in a waterproof

container in a secure location like your car boot. • Turn your refrigerator to its coldest setting. If the power goes out, this will keep food fresh longer. If you leave the refrigerator closed, most food will stay frozen or fresh for up to 12 hours. Use your supplies of ice to keep fridges and freezers cold. • Remove materials from your yard that could become missiles in high winds. Stay indoors as a storm approaches and ensure pets are safely secured under shelter. • If you lose power, turn off and unplug all electrical appliances. generators The following tips - and a careful reading and understanding of the generator’s instructions - can help avoid dangerous situations and assist you in ensuring the safe operation of your generator. • Plugging a generator directly into power points or into any part of Ergon Energy’s network is dangerous. It will send electricity through the switchboard and into Ergon Energy powerlines - either on the ground or poles. That poses a significant safety risk to Ergon Energy staff working on powerlines or neighbours cleaning up around fallen powerlines. • As petrol and diesel-powered generators produce deadly carbon monoxide fumes, always run portable generators outside the house - never inside or in a garage. Keep generators well away from open windows - including your neighbours’ - so deadly exhaust does not enter the home. • Be a good neighbour. A running generator can be loud so try to locate it where it will cause least disturbance to everyone. • Read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully when plugging in appliances directly into a generator and don’t connect lots of appliances at once.

Humanitarian observers from Capacity at Scherger remains at about the Red Cross visited Scherger 600. There are currently about 470 people accommodated the centre. Immigration Detention at Centre (SIDC) This follows the announcement by in late November and assessed the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, and surveyed the operation of the Chris Bowen, that the Scherger operations centre. The Red will continue until Cross 30 Junefound 2012. that all required obligations under relevant The Department of Immigration and international conventions were Citizenship (DIAC), the detention services being met. Theand group also engaged provider Serco health services extensively with clients, centre staff provider International Health and Medical Services (IHMS) continue to effectively and stakeholders. manage the client caseload. Serco also Rememberance Day continues to recruit people from the area

On the Australian to behalf meet itsof staffing needs, which has risen to include 14 indigenous locals. Government, SIDC centre manager Mat Rogers laid a wreath at the Visit from the minister’s Weipa memorial service. The service advisory group was well attended by locals and A visit from members of the Minister for centre staff. Immigration and Citizenship’s advisory group, Council for Immigration Services Client activities – Diwali and Status Resolution (CISSR), is celebrations scheduled for August 3–5. They will

also attend the next community Diwali Festival, popularly known as reference group meeting in the Weipa the ‘festival of lights’, is a primarily Town Authority rooms on August 5. Hindu five-day celebration. All clients

An expression of interest process for Over one week, an open-air cinema accommodation in Weipa has recently was set up on the basketball court, been finalised and those who responded have been informed thedesserts outcome.were The traditional curries of and accommodation aredancing needed to prepared, and bookings traditional house departmental service provider staff.

was practiced and taught.

The new hotel redevelopment Fishing and swimming andremains other on course and additional rooms are recreational activities are continuing. expected to become available in early September. Centre numbers

As at 3, there were The oldDecember hospital reconstruction has 491 been completed with some 90 rooms now people accommodated at SIDC. available for Serco and subcontractor staff.


DIAC continues to consult closely with all Transfers from the centre have relevant stakeholders in Weipa to ensure continued, which have included the best possible outcome for all parties. The department is very to conscious bridging visa grants clients at of the potential impact its that staffing SIDC. It is anticipated additional accommodation requirements may have transfers into the centre will also on tourist and other accommodation in occur.and it continues to take steps to Weipa address this issue. Comments?

If you would like to get in touch Comments?

department directly, please Ifwith youthe would like to get in touch with the department directly, please don’t hesitate don't hesitate to send an email to: to send an email to scherger.idc@immi.gov.au scherger.idc@immi.gov.au

south of embley project

Have your say South of Embley Project Environmental Impact Statement Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa and the Commonwealth Government invite you to have your say on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the South of Embley Project. Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa is proposing to extend bauxite mining operations on our mining lease located south of the Embley River. The project includes new mining areas, beneficiation plants, power station, water supply dam, shiploading facilities, and barge and ferry facilities. This is the second EIS for the SoE Project, written to specifically address the Commonwealth regulations and requirements. A series of public displays and information sessions are planned for the following communities.






23 November 14 December 17 December Time: 11am - 2pm Venue: Woolworths shopping complex

Date: 27 November Time: 9am - 12pm Venue: Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council


(Northern Peninsula Area) Date: 27 November Time: 9am - 12pm Venue: Bamaga shopping complex

22 November 29 November 5 December 12 December Time: 9am - 12pm Venue: Aurukun store

Date: 4 December Time: 9am - 12pm Venue: General store


Copies of the EIS and executive summary will be available at the information sessions.

Further information contact: Freecall 1800 308 938 Email external.affairs@riotinto.com

Water inundates buildings in Pormpuraaw after heavy rain during this year’s wet season.


Ergon Energy’s summer resolution is to be there after the storm

were invited to participate in Diwali

Accommodation activities during the past month.

Western Cape Bulletin December 5, 2012 Page 9


Western Cape

Marine Logistics

Queensland Depots: Humbug Wharf, Weipa 24 Tingara Street, Portsmith



Come in and see us Located behind the Weipa Bowls Club Opening times: Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm


Do you want to ask us a question Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa Fire and or give us feedback? Rescue Service Emergency calls

Contact your power supplier

• when at home 000 • when working on site 4069 8444

Free call 1800 707 633

Power outages / bridge works Free call 1800 820 711

Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa main switch 4069 8432

Employee Assistance Programme

Want more information

on our operations, recruitment, or our upcoming events or projects?

Come in anytime

during business hours to speak to a Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa representative.


Free call 1800 808 374

Page 10 Western Cape Bulletin October 3, 2012

with Yvette Carter WCCC Administration & Project Officer

THE last ‘Chamber Chatter’ for 2012, and what a year it has been. I feel sure everyone is feeling tired and looking forward to time with family and those closest to us. Some exciting news from the Western Cape Chamber of Commerce to round off the year, so please, read on and know the Chamber supports you and your business. On Tuesday, November 27 a band of merry men and women gathered at the Weipa Town Authority Council Chambers to attend the launch of the Local Tourism Organisation. The evening was hosted by the Western Cape Chamber of Commerce. Guy Chester (Tourism Cape York Governance) officiated and conducted the launch and proceedings which were supported by Trish Butler (Chief Executive Officer Cape York Sustainable Futures), Brooke Barton (Western Cape Chamber of Commerce Member/ Weipa Town Authority Elected Member) and Yvette Carter (Project Officer, Western Cape Chamber of Commerce) attended and welcomed guests to an insightful and interesting evening. Mr Chester opened the launch of Tourism Cape York with a brief history and general information and background on the two year journey taken thus far with Cape York Sustainable Futures working for a ‘single tourism voice’. He also talked about the commitment of the consultancy team so that the entity ‘Tourism Cape York’ may not only exist, but move forward promoting and supporting local and regional business’s on the Cape. The Local Tourism Organisation (LTO), along with an unending assurance from the Western Cape Chamber of Commerce (WCCoC) to support local business, are both working toward and supporting this promising and productive move so that all business houses involved in tourism on the Cape benefit from this progressive initiative. Currently both Mr Chester and Ms Butler are moving about Cape York having open and honest interactions with local business owners. These discussions revolve around several aspects pertaining to tourism, its marketing and promotional options, product development, tourism strategies/planning and advocacy for tourism based business and those involved in the area from a business and community perspective. A major local sponsor in the Tourism Cape York venture to date has been the Weipa

Customer Service: 1800 640 079 Weipa: 07 4069 7309 Cairns: 07 4038 7777

Free call 1800 707 633

Chamber Chatter

MARK Ch 14 vs 12-21 tells the story of the Lord getting ready to have the Passover meals with his disciples. He had already arranged for an upstairs room, and told two of his disciples that a man carrying a jar of water will meet them. There would have been thousands of men wandering about the roads because of the Passover celebrations, but it was very unusual for men to carry a jar of water. This

Town Authority. This support is instrumental in affording the venture a ‘kick start’ so that local business houses may benefit from this undertaking. As part of this process as well as advocating for businesses, a brochure advertising the wares, services and opportunities offered by different businesses in the Western Cape is in the process of being planned and developed. Those businesses already members of the Western Cape Chamber of Commerce can obtain a discount when advertising in the booklet. Another discount is also offered when a business advertises in this booklet if they are members of the Local Tourism Organisation. As further support and recognition for business houses from the Western Cape Chamber of Commerce, a sub-committee known as Western Cape Tourism (WCT), has been established. This group’s focus is based around supporting new and current business owners in formulating plans in relation to future tourism prospects. WCT is seeking to support and encourage new business ventures and, should any business wish to, connect interested business owners, new or current, with the LTO and/ or other business houses. WCT is working to assist you so that business in the Cape is one body with one voice so that many may benefit. So come on, business owners who are not yet members, come and join the WCCoC and the LTO so that you and your business can reap the many rewards! For more information on joining the Western Cape Chamber of Commerce and/ or the Local Tourism Organisation please contact Yvette (0429 062 449). The Western Cape Chamber of Commerce would like to take this opportunity to wish each and every member of Weipa and the Cape a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Thank you to all those who have supported the Chamber throughout the year in many and varied forms. Your ongoing support and commitment is very much appreciated. Thank you to the valued contributing business owners who are currently Chamber members, you make us who and what we are. Enjoy your family time with the ones you love. Take care and see you all in early 2013 for an even bigger, better and brighter year. Regards, Yvette

By Rev. Michael Connolly

job was for women, so the man would have stood out in the crowd. When they gathered that night, that was when Jesus told them the sad news that one of them was a traitor. When I read these verses and think of the situation it amazes me that Judas just kept on eating and drinking as though there was the off-chance that Jesus did not really know the real culprit. He even challenged the Lord by saying that surely

the Lord wasn’t pointing the finger at him! Jesus obviously gave Judas plenty of time to come clean and repent and ask forgiveness, which would have been given straight away, but he kept the evil in his heart. As we read last week, that’s about when the Devil entered his heart (spirit). Judas Iscariot was an embezzler, a thief who was stealing from funds donated to the Lord and his disciples for their work. Rev Michael Connolly

  

From the Chairman Peter McCulkin, Weipa Town Authority Chairman

A FEW of you may have noticed a greater presence around town by our hard-working Animal Control and Local Laws Officer (and part-time Santa) Brett. For good reason too - it is the annual audit on pet ownership across town. So if you are a pet owner please be aware of the current obligations with registration and permits. Brett is only too happy to assist. And by the way, if some paperwork arrives in your letterbox providing an overview of the requirements please don’t disregard it, and don’t assume, as has been suggested by some when paying their fees, that a neighbour has been

“whingeing” about your animal or animals. Brett has noticed an anomaly on your property during the audit that needs your attention. The completion of the consultation and input by the current committee into a new Animal Management Plan for Weipa should be completed in the first part of 2013, which will set sound and transparent policy for the Weipa Town Authority (WTA) well in to the next decade. Animal welfare along with public safety and amenity are two key areas. The WTA is also seeking your patience in and around town at the moment with the new road works and resealing

which still remain unmarked. Please be patient and drive with more care and attention until the lines are marked in the not too distant future. It also goes without saying that leading into Christmas with the number of parties around town please don’t disregard the laws and your safety by drink-driving. If you find yourself asking the question, “I wonder if I’m ok to drive?” or if you find yourself trying to calculate if you are under the drink-drive limit, whether that’s after one drink, or the morning after a night out, just don’t take the risk. The consequences could be catastrophic. Please drive safely.

Good Life with Jeany Schall

Does exercising make you smarter? EXERCISING may not only be good for your body but also for your brain, and therefore can affect how you are acting and reacting at work, and outside of work, to live a prosperous and abundant life. According to the author of the book SPARK: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and The Brain John J. Ratey, MD, exercise changes the brain, which can help you when dealing with stress, anxiety and depression. Research mentioned in the book suggests that exercising makes you think more clearly and make focused decisions which can have a huge impact on the way you live your life and the outcomes of your actions. Neuroscientists are in the process of proving that exercise can actually increase the amount of neurons (brain cells) and their connections. It was long believed that the amount of neurons do not increase until recent research. Just like exercise helps to create more blood vessels in your muscle tissue when done regularly research has shown that with exercise certain parts of the brain do produce new neurons. Everyone that exercises knows that you feel much better physi-

cally and emotionally after a good exercise session, be it a run, a swim or even a walk and /or a Yoga class. The part you may not have been aware of is the increased ability to think better after exercise. The human body was created to move, and in recent times we find ourselves being sedentary due to our jobs and lifestyles. I believe that if you do move vigorously or at least moderately, you will find your body functions better and so will your mind. So the next time you have a decision to make or a problem to solve, slip on your running shoes or go to the gym first to increase your brain’s ability to reach its highest potential.

2012 Weipa Christmas Lights Competition! JUDGING NIGHT WILL BE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20 Collect your entry forms from the WTA at the front desk. If you wish to nominate someone else’s home just fill in an entry form.

Come on people of Weipa...


Get your photo taken with Santa! Santa is coming to town, so finalise your Christmas wish list and get a professional photo taken with Santa. Children will be able to meet Santa and have their photo taken with a variety of photo packages starting from $10. When: Thursday, 6 December from 6.00-8.30pm and Saturday, 8 December from 10.00am-12.30pm Where: Inside Woolworths, Weipa Shopping Complex.

This is a Western Cape Communities NAIDOC fundraiser. All funds raised will go towards the 2013 Western Cape NAIDOC celebrations. For further information on NAIDOC week events or if you would like to get involved in the planning, please contact Priscilla Raleigh on 4749 7407 or email Priscilla.Raleigh@datsima.qld.gov.au

Western Cape Bulletin December 5, 2012 Page 11


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We have copies of the following books available for purchase • The Fishtrap Makers – Kos and Abob • Trigger Fish and Trevally – Nagag and Geigi • The Peacemaker • How Kangaroo Found His Tail • Milbi Dabaar • The Beyond is Near

Comfortable accommodation at Novotel Palm Cove.

With a wide range of activities, excellent accommodation options and locals discounts that extend to include Cape Yorkers, holidaying in Cairns is more accessible than ever.

For more information on Wontulp-Bi-Buya or these books Freecall 1800 065 607

Keep in touch…

Recreation Spectacular views from the Kuranda Scenic Railway.

Skyrail gondolas overlooking Barron Falls.

ONLINE A subscription to read the Western Cape Bulletin online is a convenient way to read your weekly newspaper – no matter where you are in the world or how far you are from the shops.

For only $59, as long as you have a computer* with an internet connection, you can read 50 editions a year and have access to back copies of the newspaper from October, 2011. The online edition reads just like the print edition, plus the ability to zoom in on stories, photos and adverts of interest.

Some of the amazing food on offer at Cane Cutters Restaurant at the Novotel Palm Cove.

Beautiful Kuranda village, situated in the middle of a World Heritage Rainforest 1000 feet above Cairns is a must-see. With the famous Kuranda markets, a stunning butterfly sanctuary and lots of cafes and restaurants, Kuranda is a lovely place to spend a whole day. The perfect combination for exploring beautiful Kuranda is to take the Skyrail one direction and the return trip by Kuranda Scenic Railway. The Skyrail takes you on a journey just metres above the rainforest canopy in silent gondolas, allowing you to appreciate the unprecedented beauty of the World Heritage-Listed Barron Falls National Park, from a whole new perspective. Expert rangers and guides are on hand to help you explore the rainforest around the magnificent Barron Falls. With the world-famous Kuranda Rail experience you can discover the pioneering history of the tropical north in the comfort of beautifully restored vintage carriages, as the train weaves its way through the spectacular rainforest, or enjoy a champagne breakfast in the Gold Class carriage. Back in Cairns, the Cairns Tropical Zoo is the largest and most diverse wildlife attraction in Tropical North Queensland, and is set amidst six hectares of tropically landscaped gardens.

HAWKINS TRANSPORT (QLD) P/L Cairns to Aurukun & return service

Departs Monday arrives Wed Dry gooDs Accepted Monday to Friday 7am – 4pm Chiller/Freezer Only accepted on Monday 12pm - 2pm (departure day)

Cairns to Weipa & return service with extra stops

(*Not yet compatible with Ipads)

(Includes Laura, Hann River Roadhouse, Musgrave Roadhouse, Coen & Archer River Roadhouse)

Go to…

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Go to the subscribe tab, and follow the prompts!

Whether it’s for relaxation or for excitement, Cairns is just a short flight away for a weekend break... Stacey Brown reports

Departs Friday arrives Sunday/Monday Dry gooDs Accepted Monday to Thursday 7am – 4pm

A fantastic place to take the kids, the zoo is home to hundreds of native and exotic species. With a focus on intimate and interactive experiences you can cuddle a koala, feed a kangaroo and get up close and personal in the crocodile feeding show. Cairns Wildlife Dome is a spectacular all-weather wildlife exhibit enclosed by a 20 metre high glass dome on top of the Pullman Reef Hotel Casino. The wildlife dome also incorporates Cairns’ newest attraction, Cairns Zoom, suspended metres above the canopy of the sanctuary is an exciting and challenging ropes course. Features (for those game) a zip line over a cranky four-metre croc named Goliath, and a 13-metre suspended power jump onto a trampoline - it’s an adrenalin pumping experience. There is also a guided walk around the outside of the dome, with 360 degree views of Cairns.

Dining & shopping For great steaks try Waterbar and Grill Steak House, or the awardwinning Tamarind Restaurant at the Reef Casino for Asian fusion. If it’s local seafood you’re after then Ochre Restaurant is a must see. For something a little more affordable, take a wander down the Esplanade and pick from the range of casual bistros, bars and cafes, including Grill’d Burgers, Rattle n’ Hum and Blue Mango Café and Wine Bar. There is a tie for the best coffee in town. Bang Espresso, who serve excellent coffee and food with a laidback vibe, and Caffeind who are serious about their coffee and offer a

Books With No Borders... WEIPA’S OWN CHARITY!

Books With No Borders is a 100% non-profit charity organisation started in Weipa. Our aim is to assist children in Cambodia by providing them with an education that empowers them to break the poverty cycle they and their families are trapped in. We have established orphanages in Cambodia and funds raised through donations to Books With No Borders pay for underprivileged children and young adults to attend private schools and universities where they receive an education that will ensure a brighter future for them. We thank you all for your continued support of this charity!

Fridays - dry goods only accepted 7am – 12pm (for Friday’s departure)


Only accepted on Friday 7am - 12pm (departure day)

Phone: (07) 4033 7452 Fax: (07) 4035 6544 Mobile: 0427 028 966 (91 Lyons St, Bungalow) Email: cairns@hawkinsqld.com.au

Page 12 Western Cape Bulletin December 5, 2012

CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE: www.bookswithnoborders.com Cambodian Goverment-approved non-goverment organisation. Approval no 1258SCN


more than ever to locals

A cranky and very hungry crocodile during the feeding show at Cairns Tropical Zoo.

Views from the Cairns Wildlife Dome overlooking the new Cairns Zoom zipline and ropes course. range of delicious brunch items. To put a dent in that hard earned, there is a wide range of boutiques and retail outlets available. Cairns Central offers a huge selection of stores in one place and a cinema if you want to catch a movie, or cruise through DFS galleria for designer duds.

Accommodation Many hotels and resorts in the region offer locals discounts (which generally extends to Cape Yorkers) and special rates and upgrades so be sure to ask when booking. For a romantic break away, Palm Cove is a great escape for rest and relaxation. The novotel Palm Cove features two gorgeous pools, a cocktail bar and the

The Kuranda Scenic Railway and Barron Falls.

beautiful poolside restaurant, Cane Cutters, and is only a short walk to the beach and Palm Cove shopping district. enquire about their locals’ discount. For a family-friendly stay, the novotel Oasis offers a second room at half price for the kids, and food and beverage discounts and room upgrades for locals. With 314 rooms, the novotel Oasis features a huge lagoon-style pool with sand beach, swim-up bar and Mizuna Restaurant. Child minding and babysitting services are also available. The resort is just a short stroll from all the bars and restaurants on offer in the CBD. For the high rollers, Pullman Reef hotel Casino offers luxury suites with stunning views of the

water. all suites include a deluxe spa, and Reef Casino boasts two restaurants, rooftop pool and sauna, excellent gaming facilities, and the Cairns Wild Life Dome atop the building.

ACCOR Tropical North Queensland packages

The 4 Star Novotel Palm Cove Resort has created an affordable three night family escape with something for everyone. The deal includes Resort Room accommodation with two double beds, a children’s gift on arrival, full daily breakfast for two adults and two children, three hours of Kids Club activities, 2 x half hour massages for Mum & Dad and 1/2 day family bike hire. The rate is $650 valid until May 31, 2013. For bookings call 07 4059 1234, email reservations@novotelpalmcove. com.au or visit www.novotelpalmcove. com.au

Getting there With QantasLink flying from Weipa to Cairns multiple times a day, and offering competitive rates, it’s more convenient than ever to take a short or extended break and explore everything the region has to offer. Once you arrive in Cairns exemplar Coaches and limousines can take you wherever you want to go. a professional and friendly service, they offer airport transfers, scheduled routes and private bookings.

SiTuaTeD in the heart of Cairns, surrounded by lush tropical gardens the 4.5 star Novotel Cairns Oasis Resort is

offering guests Free Buffet Breakfast for up to 2 adults and 2 children daily until the end of June 2013. The offer is based on a minimum two night stay on the best available rate of the day, valid up to June 30, 2013 (excluding Feb 8 - 12) For bookings or further information call 07 4080 1888, email stay@ novotelcairnsresort.com.au or visit www.novotelcairnsresort.com.au

OFFeRing a range of tempting dining and relaxation options, the 5 Star Pullman Reef Hotel Casino’s two night Delicious escapade package allows guests to experience the Tropical north in style. The package includes Superior King Room accommodation with luxurious spa bath, full Breakfast for two, $10 food and beverage voucher and a late check out. The rate is from $209 per night for a minimum two night stay. Conditions apply. For further information call (07) 4030 8801, email res@reefcasino.com. au or visit: www.pullmanhotels.com

All the info

NOvOTel PAlm COve novotelpalmcove.com.au 4059 1234 NOvOTel OAsis CAiRNs 122 Lake Street Cairns novotelcairnsresort.com.au 4080 1888 PullmAN Reef HOTel CAsiNO 35-41 Wharf Street, Cairns. Reefcasino.com.au (07) 4030 8888 CAiRNs TROPiCAl ZOO cairnstropicalzoo.com.au 4055 3669 - open 7 days, 8.30am – 4pm, night Zoo open 7 - 10pm, Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs and Sun KuRANdA sKyRAil skyrail.com.au 4038 1555 - open everyday except Christmas Day 9am – 5:15pm KuRANdA sCeNiC RAilwAy ksr.com.au 1800 577 145 CAiRNs ZOOm ANd wild life dOme cairnsdome.com.au cairnszoom.com.au 4031 7250 BANg esPRessO 14 Spence Street Cairns CAffeiNd 78 grafton Street, Cairns wATeRBAR & gRill sTeAKHOuse waterbarandgrill.com.au Pier Shopping Centre 4031 1199 TAmARiNd 41 Wharf Street Cairns, 4030 8897 FORESIGHT 1243-Shields AD 2Street, ochrerestaurant.com.au 4051 0100 OCHRe ResTAuRANT exemPlAR exemplaronline.com.au 4098 5473 CATEGORY: QANTAsliNK Qantas.com.au


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Western Cape Bulletin December 5, 2012 Page 13

SNAPSHOTS @ Napranum Preschool Graduation

Group photo with teachers Sonia and Rita and the Thungganh graduating class of 2012 from Napranum Pre-school.

Jahral Madua and teacher Rita bring the Thungganh class out.

Ishmael Motton: ambition - mechanic to work on quad bikes.

Joshzia Hart: ambition - mechanic and work with Xavier.

Shemae Asera: ambition - teacher.

Flora Pitt: ambition - princess.

Jah-ral Madua: ambition - a big man on trucks.

Kael Lawrence: ambition - astronaut flying a rocket.

Delphnia Day: ambition - mine worker like dad.

Page 14 Western Cape Bulletin December 5, 2012

SNAPSHOTS @ Napranum Preschool Graduation

COMMUNITY CALENDAR Got an event coming up?

Send us an email detailing the event name, date, time and location to: office@westerncapebulletin.com.au and we’ll include it in the Community Calendar at no charge! DECEMBER

Adrian scott: ambition - essential services worker like dad.

Ashley Brown: ambition - captain on a ship.

David Bosuen: ambition - drive a semi-trailer.

Jeremy savo: ambition - work on ships.

Nelson Madua: ambition - captain on a bauxite ship.

Benson Kris: ambition - Rio Tinto with my dad.

Wednesday 5

Red Hatters (over and under 50’s by a tad or two or maybe a few). Meet Albatross Hotel 7pm phone Queenie 4069 9866 for more information.

Saturday 8

Weipa Community Markets opposite the Squash Courts 7am-2pm.

Thursday 13

Weipa RSL Sub Branch montly meeting 7pm at Shop 1 Memorial Square. Guests and new members welcome contact Neil Dickinson 0428 985 108.

Friday 14

WTA monthly meeting at Council Chambers 8.30am

Friday 14

Santa is coming to the Hibberd Library from 10am 12.30pm. Bring your camera and have a photo taken with Santa.

Saturday 15

Weipa Community Markets opposite the Squash Courts 7am-2pm.

Thursday 20

Weipa Town Authority 2012 Christmas Lights competition judging. Entry forms at the Weipa Town Authority front desk. You can nominate your house or someone elses.

Saturday 22

Weipa Community Markets opposite the Squash Courts 7am-2pm.

Monday 24

Christmas Eve

Tuesday 25

Christmas Day

Reagan Wallis-Sagaukaz: ambition - work in Napranum.

Xavier Burke: ambition - mechanic to fix things in the Napranum workshop.

April Schuh: ambition - mine worker with my dad but mum wants me to be a doctor.

Wednesday 26 Boxing Day Monday 31

New Years Eve


Robert Madua: ambition - Rio Tinto.

Markia Dick: ambition - work at the shops.

Maxwell Emmett: ambition - drive a boat.

Tuesday 1

New Years Day

Saturday 26

Australia Day

Monday 28

Australia Day public holiday

Western Cape Bulletin December 5, 2012 Page 15

SNAPSHOTS @ Mapoon Land & Sea Rangers Graduation Ceremony

Councillor Polly Smith congratulates Edwin Ling on attaining his Certificate 2 in CALM.

Mildred Wilson received her Certificate ll in Conservation and Land Management at the graduation ceremony.

Four generations of a Mapoon Land & Sea Family Stan & Zoey de Jersey on the rhs seated, with their daughter Margaret Mara far left and her daughter Jessica Tabuai with Husband Eli, and children Ellie, Kael and Elijah.

The Ase famikly Tariq, Jeremy Barkley, Nasonah, Lee and Sabrina.

Geoff presents the community with a copy of missiontime letters written in 1919 by children of the mission to the departing Hey family.

Edwin Ling, Jocelyn de Jersey, Maggie Peter, Mildred Wilson, CEO Leon Yeatman and Councillor Polly Smith at the Community graduation Ceremony in Mapoon.

Junior Rangers Samantha Peter and Lila Jia get recognised for their efforts in looking after country through the Mapoon Juniour Ranger program.

Zoe de Jersey (centre) presents Jane Blackwood Land & Sea and Louise Stone - Ranger trainer with necklaces.

Page 16 Western Cape Bulletin December 5, 2012

Jocelyn De Jersey receives her Cert II in Conservation and Land Management.

Lee Ase leading the Rangers in the local song Mapoon is my home.

Mapoon Land & Sea Family - Pitt Family Cultural Heritage Ranger Diane Nicholls with partner Ray Walters (seated). Back row - Thomas - Ranger, Jack , JJ, Mariah, Dougie and Ethel Pitt.

Councillor Polly Smith and Cultural Heritage Rangers Diane Nicholls and Ronaldo Guivarra were presented with Community Heritage Grant Certificates.

real estate

A fresh approach to real estate in Weipa

House of the week vacant possession 4 bedroom home

affordable easy living

Neat and tidy 2 bedroom duplex with large fully fenced yard with double gate side access. Combined lounge/dining, upgraded kitchen, fans and airconditioning throughout, under cover parking, low maintenance gardens.

4 bed 2 bath 1 car – $500,000 neG.

Why rent, make an offer today $375,000 negotiable

all the hard work has already been done

3 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Highset on a massive 1242m2 block. Freshly painted inside and out, new flooring throughout, Low maintenance gardens, double gate access to backyard, large lockable storage area downstairs, 2 bay undercover parking. Available as a vacant possession.

Make an offer today $480,000 neg

Vacant possession, pop top home. 999m2. Great location off River Drive. Short stroll to the beach. Air conditioning, build in wardrobes, large lounge and separate dining. Upstairs parents retreat. Huge private outdoor area. Colorbond fencing.

Phone Geoff Bryant – 0408 772 592

Want your property sold or managed? Contact the team at Western Cape Real Estate A fresh approach to real estate in Weipa

Glenn 0419 714 929 Sandy 0488 185 611 Office (07) 4069 7520



WEIPA REAL ESTATE $285,000 neg. $452,000



 21

$315,000 neg.




Situated on 1198m , with plenty of room. BIW, kitchen, combined lounge/dining area, A/C, new paint throughout, private outdoor area surrounded by gardens and a large fenced backyard.

Well presented two storey unit. New floor coverings, freshly painted interior, A/C & ceiling fans. Private backyard with timber fencing, garden & lock up storage room. This is a great investment property drawing in rent of $500 per week.

42 21 21    Large lounge, dining and extended living area. A/C and ceiling

$640,000 neg.


$285,000 neg. $495,000

fans throughout. BIW. situated on a 999m2 corner block, with shed and fenced yard.

$619,000 neg.




Vacant possession. Located just 100m from the water, this spacious, fully renovated “Pop Top” home is uniquely positioned! 4 bedrooms plus a 5th bedroom/office/study, Fully air conditioned, 1 Year old 10m x 7m insulated shed with power, 988 m2 block.

$650,000 neg.




New home in Golf Links Estate. A/C. Granite bench tops, pantry & dishwasher space. Family room, lounge room & dining area. Patio, landscaped, fully fenced & in ground pool. Double lock up garage, with laundry & storage area. Long term lease to corporation.






Vacant possession. This home is one of a kind! Solid mahogany timber kitchen, iron wood stair case, indulgent master bedroom with sea views. Split system A/C throughout, 9 m x 5 m outdoor under cover BBQ area, established gardens with watering system and 6 m x 9 m shed. This property is a must see!!

$440,000 neg.



Vacant possession!! Ultra modern spacious standalone unit. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, BIW, A/C, internal laundry, undercover tiled patio areas, double carport, lockable storage and fully fenced yard. MUST SEE!




Vacant possession two bedroom modern unit situated walking distance to McNamara Shopping Centre. Lounge/dining area, split system air conditioning throughout, ceiling fans, BIW, neat kitchen, bathroom, internal laundry, large timber deck, patio and single carport. Great home for first home buyers!!

$420,000 neg.





Standalone unit complete with modern fixtures. Split A/C, BIW, ceiling fans, open plan living areas, undercover entertainment area, tiled flooring and fully fenced. Great location, walking distance to school.

$530,000 neg.



Modern home situated in Nanum. Tiled flooring, security screens, kitchen with pantry & dishwasher space. A/C, ceiling fans, BIW, fenced with garden shed, undercover patio area & double carport. Great Investment, tenanted to corporation until 31/12/2013.

$580,000 neg.




Modern home. Kitchen, spacious lounge & separate dining area. A/C. BIW. 1100m2 with double carport & fenced yard. Leased to Corporation until January 2015 at $810 per week.

$320,000 neg. Well presented two storey unit, located in Rocky Point. Split system a/c and ceiling fans in living area and bedrooms. Fully fenced backyard, undercover patio area, lock up storage room and garden shed. This is a great investment property, tenanted until December 2012.

SALES – GEOFF BRYANT – 0408 772 592 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT – MELISA P: 07 4069 9921 F: 07 4069 9721 Email: admin@weiparealestate.com.au

Web: www.weiparealestate.com.au Western Cape Bulletin December 5, 2012 Page 17



6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Extra 3:30 Magical Tales 4:00 Kitchen Whiz 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Big Brother 8:00 Big Brother Confidential 8:30 AFP 9:30 Inside 10:30 Australian Families Of Crime: Blood Brothers - Murphys, Murdoch And Travers - John Travers and Mick Murdoch were only boys when they cut their wrists and mingled their blood in a pact of loyalty establishing them as two of the nation’s most despised killers. 11:30 TBA 12:00 20/20 1:00 Extra 1:30 Danoz Direct 3:00 Newstyle Direct 3:30 Alive And Cooking 4:00 National Early Morning News / 4:30 Today

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 2012 Australian Open Golf 4:00 It’s Academic 4:30 Seven News At 4.30 5:00 The Price Is Right 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Better Homes And Gardens 7:30 Once Upon A Time 8:30 TBA 10:30 Family Guy: Brian Sings And Swings - After Peter hits Brian with his car, Brian grows depressed until he appears on stage with Frank Sinatra Jr., and Meg tells everyone she’s a lesbian so she’ll fit in with her new friends. 11:30 Cougar Town: Square One - Grayson moves in with Jules after the hurricane damages his house, but the sudden togetherness makes them wonder if they’re going to make the same mistakes in their upcoming marriage that they made in their past relationships. 12:00 Keeping Up With The Kardashians 1:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra 5:30 Seven Early News

5:00 Weatherwatch And Music 5:05 World News 5:30 UEFA Champions League 8:05 World News 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: Visions of Italy: Southern Style 5:45 Countdown 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 My Sri Lanka with Peter Kuruvita 8:00 Luke Nguyen’s Greater Mekong 2 8:30 Raymond Blanc: The Very Hungry Frenchman: Lyon - Raymond loosens his belt to fill his stomach with the hearty food of the gastronomic city of Lyon. He visits France’s most famous chef, samples chicken and chocolate made for presidents, and cooks a feast for some of France’s most vociferous food critics. 9:35 One Born Every Minute 10:30 World News Australia 11:00 UEFA Champions League Hour 12:00 Movie: “John Rabe” (MAV v) - In German. The year is 1937 and German businessman John Rabe has been ordered by the new Nazi regime to close down a vast Siemens plant in Nanking. But as the Imperial Japanese Army storms the region, Rabe defies his motherland and remains in war-ravaged Nanking to protect his loyal Chinese workers. 2:25 Weatherwatch Overnight

6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Prokofiev: The Unfinished Diary 11:00 Photo Finish 11:30 One Plus One 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Movie: “Three Men In A Boat” (G) 2:00 The Forsyte Saga 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:00 Eggheads 5:30 Poh’s Kitchen On The Road 6:00 Lost Gardens: Penjerrick 6:50 Audrey’s Kitchen 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 QLD 8:00 Moone Boy: Martin decides to become an altar boy and is indoctrinated into a group of very cool and corrupt young Catholics. When his sister Fidelma falls for the group’s crooked leader, Martin must face a decision. 8:30 New Tricks: McAndrew and Standing are sent to Scotland for a week to help Glasgow Police establish a new UCOS section. While there they find themselves caught up in a cold case from 1993. 9:30 Waking The Dead 10:25 ABC News: Late Edition 10:35 TBA 11:30 My Family: He’s Just Not That Into Ben - Ben goes clubbing with his recently ‘out’ son Michael, but soon finds himself more than slightly out of his depth. 12:00 Rage (MA l,d,h,n,s,v)

6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz 2:00 Days Of our Lives 3:00 Extra 3:30 Magical Tales 4:00 Pyramid 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Big Bang Theory: The Precious Fragmentation - When the guys find a rare movie prop ring from The Lord of the Rings at a garage sale, it threatens to tear them apart - forcing them to choose the ring or their friendship. 7:30 The Big Bang Theory: The Pants Alternative - Sheldon’s friends come to his aid when his fear of public speaking stands between him and a coveted award. 8:00 TBA 8:30 TBA 10:30 TBA 12:30 Movie: “Cedar Boys” (M) - A young Lebanese-Australian panel-beater, struggling to realise his dreams, is offered a chance to set himself up for life. All he has to do is follow a plan to outsmart the cops and a gang of serious criminals. He wants the prize.. but is he ready to pay the price? 2:30 The Baron 3:30 Danoz 4:30 Good Morning America

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 2012 Australian Open Golf 4:00 It’s Academic 4:30 Seven News at 4.30 5:00 TBA 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Better Homes And Gardens 8:30 TBA 10:30 I Shouldn’t Be Alive: Hike Into Hell Canyon 11:40 That ‘70s Show: Christmas - The cheerleaders kick Jackie off the squad, so she invites the gang to the dance to give her popularity a boost. 12:10 Grey’s Anatomy: Kung Fu Fighting - Christina and Izzie heatedly compete for the same surgeries and the favour of the doctor performing them. 1:10 Desperate Housewives: Now I Know, Don’t Be Scared - Susan is faced with a skeleton from Mike’s past. Danielle goes into labour in the middle of a party. Will their secret finally come out? 2:10 House Calls To The Rescue 3:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today

5:00 Weatherwatch and Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Food Lover’s Guide To Australia 1:30 Disable Bodied Sailors 2:00 Comedy School 2:30 Living Black 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: Living Goddess 5:45 Countdown 6:30 World News Australia 7:35 Trevor McDonald: Mighty Mississippi 8:35 Martin Luther King: The Assassination Tapes 9:30 As It Happened: Churchill’s Traitors 10:35 World News Australia 11:05 Movie: “The Final Gaze” (M a,n,l) In Spanish. The parallel lives of two very different people converge to reveal an unlikely bond in this bittersweet drama. A depressed Mexican artist suffering from a rare degenerative eye condition finds reason to go on thanks to his friendship with a nun and later the young maid at a local brothel. 1:30 Kurt Wallander: “Castles in the Sky” (M a,l,n) In Swedish. Kurt Wallander and his team are stumped when they find an old man, Greger Stehn, dead due to poisoning. It appears that Stehn, who looked like a vagrant, was in fact very wealthy. Two suspects emerge, a bank manager and a plastic surgeon. 3:10 Weatherwatch Overnight

5:00 Rage (PG) 10:30 Rage Guest Programmer 11:30 7.30 QLD 12:00 Eggheads 12:30 Basketball: WNBL: Sydney Vs Canberra 1:30 Football: W- League: Brisbane Vs Perth 2:30 Hockey: Champions Trophy 2012 6:00 Saturday Landline 6:30 Gardening Australia 7:00 ABC News 7:30 Doc Martin - Dr Martin Ellingham is struggling to come to terms with fatherhood. The baby boy born to him and his estranged partner, Louisa Glasson, is about to change their lives dramatically. 8:20 Young James Herriot - When a farm is threatened by a deadly disease, James must put aside his prejudices to reunite the family that owns it. 9:20 Upstairs Downstairs - There is no sign of a thaw in relations between Lady Agnes and Maud; the servants are intrigued by the new maid; and Lady Persie embarks on a dangerous flirtation. 10:20 Silent Witness: Voids Part 2 11:15 Waking The Dead: The Fall Part 2 12:10 Rage Guest Programmer 5:00 Rage

6:00 Saturday Disney 7:00 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 The Morning Show - Weekend 11:00 2012 Australian Open Golf 4:30 Hart Of The Barbecue 5:00 Creek To Coast 5:30 Queensland Weekender - Dean Miller and his team cover the length and breadth of Queensland with great suggestions for weekends, short breaks and holidays. 6:00 Seven News 6:30 TBA 8:30 TBA 11:20 Celebrity Juice - Keith Lemon hosts this hilarious celebrity panel show, where guests are quizzed on their knowledge of their peers. Tonight, Louie Spence, Brooke Vincent, Rufus Hound and Stacey Solomon join the panel. 12:00 Movie: “Devil’s Mistress” (M a,v,s) - Set against the English Civil War, a seventeen-year-old girl abandons her loyalty to the Royal Family following the execution of her childhood sweetheart and first husband 3:30 It Is Written Oceania 4:00 Home Shopping 5:00 Beyond Tomorrow

5:00 Weatherwatch and Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Following Fryderyk Chopin 1:30 The Outstretched Hand 2:25 Eames: The Architect and the Painter 4:00 Photo: Staged Photography 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Who Do You Think You Are?: Fiona Bruce 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Amazon with Bruce Parry 8:30 Hunted: Hourglass 9:30 Real Humans - Trust No One - In this episode, a double murder is discovered in the old house where the rogue hubots charged their batteries and the police take up the hunt for the perpetrators. Inger has trouble accepting Anita, while at the same time money starts disappearing around the house. 10:40 Movie: “Kamui” (MA v) In Japanese. Once a powerful ninja, Kamui decides to walk away from his violent ways and seek a peaceful life. His travels bring him to a seashore village where he meets Hanbei, a fisherman who shares the former ninja’s sense of honour. They become good friends, and life at the seaside seems idyllic. But one day, a band of pirates arrive… It seems that Kamui’s past life is catching up to him. Now he must draw upon his shadowy arts if he hopes to escape with his life. 12:50 Anatomy For Beginners: Movement 1:50 Dave in the Life: Shock Jock 2:20 Weatherwatch Overnight

6:00 Phineas And Ferb 6:30 Jake And The Never Land Pirates 7:00 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 The Morning Show - Weekend 11:00 2012 Australian Open Golf 4:00 Kochie’s Business Builders 4:30 The Great Outdoors 5:00 Drive Thru Australia 5:30 Great South East 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Sunday Night 7:30 TBA 8:30 Bones: The Bullet In The Brain - The city anxiously anticipates the arrival of ‘The Gravedigger’ for her final appeal after being sentenced to death for a series of cold-blooded crimes. However, when a bullet is fired at the killer, the team must piece together the sniper’s precise location as well as identify the suspect and his motives 9:30 TBA 10:30 Law & Order: LA 11:30 Parking Wars 12:00 Movie: “The Great Outdoors” (PG) 2:00 Home Shopping 3:00 NBC Today 4:00 NBC Meet The Press 5:00 Sunrise Extra 5:30 Seven Early News

5:00 Weatherwatch and Music 5:30 World News 8:30 PopAsia 10:30 Football Asia 11:00 UEFA Champions League Magazine 11:30 Speedweek 1:30 Al Jazeera News 2:30 Liberal Rule: Fortunes Of War 3:30 Trawlermen 4:30 ADbc 5:00 Cycling Central 6:00 Thalassa: Date with the Dragon 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Lost Worlds: Egypt: What Lies Beneath? 9:10 Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking: The Story Of Everything 10:05 Death Row: Linda Carty - In this episode, Herzog talks to Linda Carty, one of only 10 women on death row in Texas. Carty was convicted of murdering 25 year old Joana Rodrigues and stealing her 4 day old child. The young mother was found dead in the trunk of a car, with the infant barely alive nearby. 11:05 Movie: “Shadows of Time”(M a,l) In Bengali. Follows the love story of Ravi and Masha, spanning 60 years, and beginning when they are children in India sold into labour by their parents. 1:00 Movie: “Brothers” (MA a,v) - In Danish. Black sheep of the family, Jannik, comforts the wife and children of his more successful older brother, Michael, after he goes missing in Afghanistan. When Michael comes home, traumatised by being held prisoner in the mountains, nothing is the same. 3:05 Weatherwatch Overnight

6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Extra 3:30 Yamba’s Playtime 4:00 Kitchen Whiz 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Big Bang Theory: The Plimpton Stimulation 7:30 The Big Bang Theory: The Staircase Implementation - Leonard tells Penny the story of how he met Sheldon for the first time... and what happened to the elevator. 8:30 The Mentalist: So Long, And Thanks For All The Red Snapper - Lisbon encounters her ex-fiancé while investigating a surfer’s homicide. Meanwhile, Cho has doubts about continuing his romance with Summer. 9:30 House Husbands 10:30 Harry’s Law: American Girl 11:30 Nikita: Clawback 12:30 The Avengers: Something Nasty In The Nursery 1:30 Extra 2:00 Danoz 3:00 Newstyle Direct 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News 5:30 Today

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “All American Girl: The Mary Kay Letourneau Story ” (M) 2:00 Today Tonight 2:30 Medical Rookies 3:00 Toybox 4:00 It’s Academic 4:30 Seven News At 4.30 5:00 The Price Is Right 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Better Homes And Gardens 7:30 TBA 8:30 Castle: Eye Of The Beholder / Demons - Castle & Beckett work a murder case around the theft of a valuable sculpture. A smart, sexy insurance investigator joins Castle & Beckett in the investigation, but she also has her eyes set on Castle, all the while hiding a very important secret from the team. 10:30 The Amazing Race 11:30 Whitney 12:00 Grey’s Anatomy: Physical Attraction 1:00 Home Shopping 3:30 The Real Seachange 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra 5:30 Seven Early News

5:00 Weatherwatch and Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Movie: “The Result Of Love” (M a,n,l) 2:40 Luke Nguyen’s Greater Mekong Bitesize 2:50 Haram 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 FIFA Futbol Mundial 5:00 The Crew 5:30 Global Village: Visions of Puerto Rico 6:00 Food Safari: Greek 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Mythbusters: Waterslide Wipeout 8:30 Derren Brown: The Experiments: Gameshow 9:30 This is England ‘88 - It’s Christmas Day. Shaun has messed up big time and it’s hit him hard. The gang is getting merry until they bump head first into Woody and Jennifer. 10:30 World News Australia 11:00 The World Game 12:00 SOS: Ghost in the Machine (PG) Lonely Noreen daydreams of being whisked away by a square-jawed cowboy, but her reality is far more mundane. She lives virtually enslaved on the family farm in the North of England, with only her father’s demeaning comments about her weight as company. So it’s no wonder that she pays attention to the first thing that’s ever shown her any kindness, even if it is an abandoned 60 yearold talking tractor. 1:00 South Park 1:30 South Park 2:00 Weatherwatch Overnight

6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Fake Or Fortune? 11:00 Big Ideas 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Restoration Man 1:30 Compass 2:00 The Forsyte Saga 3:00 Children’s Programs 4:55 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab: The Experiments 5:00 Eggheads 5:30 Poh’s Kitchen 6:00 Time Team America: Range Creek 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Grumpy Guide To...: Work 8:30 Nigellissima Christmas Special 9:30 Catherine Tate Christmas Special: Nan’s Christmas Carol 10:20 ABC News 10:35 Phil Jupitus Quadrophobia 11:25 TBA 12:05 Movie: “Slaughter On Tenth Avenue” (PG) - An assistant district attorney runs into formidable obstacles when he tries to get the goods on waterfront hoodlums 1:45 Big Ideas Sampler: Roman Krznaric: 6 Habits of Highly Empathetic People 2:00 Basketball: WNBL: Sydney Vs Canberra 4:00 Movie: “None Shall Escape” (M v) 5:25 Gardening Australia: Shorts 5:30 Eggheads

6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Extra 3:30 Yamba’s Playtime 4:00 Pyramid 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Big Bang Theory: The Lunar Excitation 7:30 TBA 8:30 The Big Bang Theory: The Hawking Excitation 9:00 2 Broke Girls: And The Disappearing Bed 9:30 Two And A Half Men: I Changed My Mind About Milk 10:00 Mike & Molly: Valentine Piggyback 10:30 Survivor: Phillipines 11:30 Weeds: Glue - Nancy, Andy and Cesar team up to look for Esteban when he goes missing. Meanwhile, Dean and Doug start their scheme of revenge against Celia, while Silas and Shane develop a need to protect their new stepsister. 12:00 20/20 1:00 Extra 1:30 Danoz Direct 3:30 Newstyle Direct 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News / 5:30 Today

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Crimes Of Passion: Voice From The Grave ” (M v) 2:00 Today Tonight 2:30 Medical Rookies 3:30 Toybox 4:00 It’s Academic 4:30 Seven News at 4.30 5:00 The Price Is Right 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Better Homes And Gardens 7:30 Once Upon A Time: Tallahassee - With the hopes of finding a magical compass that could help her and Mary Margaret get back to Storybrooke, Emma takes a journey with a not too trustworthy Captain Hook up a treacherous beanstalk in an attempt to steal the item from a murderous giant. 8:30 Grey’s Anatomy: Love Turns You Upside Down 9:30 TBA 10:30 Four Weddings 11:30 I Just Want My Pants Back: Blackout - It’s the hottest, sweatiest day of the year, and Tina’s new friend Ness - who clearly has a thing for Jason - invites the gang to a party way out in Bushwick. 12:00 Desperate Housewives 1:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra / 5:30 Seven Early News

5:00 Weatherwatch & Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Celtic Thunder: Christmas 2:05 Dvorak’s Te Deum 2:30 Inside Overture 1812 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: Visions of Puerto Rico 6:00 Food Safari: Chinese 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Finding Your Roots: Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick 8:30 The Truth About Exercise 9:30 The Real CSI 10:30 World News Australia 11:05 Movie: “The Life I Want” )M l) In Italian. A relationship develops between seasoned actor Stefano and his young ambitious co-star, Laura, when they are cast as the two leads in a romance film. Stefano must deal with his mounting jealousy when Laura’s career begins to take off. 1:15 Mad Men: The Mountain King - Tonight, Don drops off the Sterling Cooper radar and visits the wife of the man whose identity he stole. Back at the office, Bert and Roger consider the merger offer, Peggy makes a play for a real office, and Peter loses his father-in-law’s account. 2:15 Mad Men: Meditations In An Emergency 2:05 Weatherwatch Overnight

6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Nigellissima Christmas Special 11:00 Big Ideas 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 National Press Club Address 1:30 Can We Help? 2:00 The Forsyte Saga 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:00 Eggheads 5:30 Poh’s Kitchen 6:00 The Restaurant Inspector 6:45 Dream Build: Castlecrag 6:55 Audrey’s Kitchen 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 QI Christmas Special: Groovy 8:30 QI 9:00 Problems - Christmas will be a disaster if Sam cannot replace the cardboard angel that has disappeared from the top of his tree. 9:30 Red Dwarf X 10:00 Absolutely Fabulous Special: Identity 10:30 ABC News 10:40 Spooks 11:10 Blue Murder: Private Sins: Part 1 12:05 Durham County 1:15 Rage 2:00 Football: W-League: Brisbane Vs Perth 4:00 Movie: “Johnny Angel” (PG) 5:30 Eggheads

6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Extra 3:30 Yamba’s Playtime 4:00 Pyramid 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Big Bang Theory: The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplification 7:30 RBT 8:30 Howzat! Kerry Packer’s War - Part 2 - Packer’s plans for World Series Cricket are in disarray following attacks from the media, the establishment, and conflict among the players. Facing financial ruin, Packer and his team take radical steps to win over the public and players. 10:30 Anger Management 11:00 Anger Management 11:30 I Hate My Teenage Daughter 12:00 Eclipse 12:30 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo 1:00 Extra 1:30 Danoz Direct 3:00 Newstyle Direct 3:30 Your 4X4 4:00 National Early Morning News / 4:30 Today

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Ice” (M v) 2:00 Today Tonight 2:30 Dr Oz 3:30 Toybox 4:00 It’s Academic 4:30 Seven News At 4.30 5:00 The Price Is Right 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Better Homes And Gardens 7:30 TBA 8:30 Grimm: The Three Bad Wolves / Let Down Your Hair - Nick is called to a suspected arson case, which exposes a longstanding family feud that brings Monroe face-to-face with characters from his troubled past. 10:30 TBA 11:30 Olivia Lee: Dirty, Sexy, Funny - Miss Single gets naughty with a jeweller’s ring, Terrible Therapist gives a fruity facial, and Lady Gatecrasher sell out at Europe’s largest beer festival 12:00 Sons And Daughters 1:00 Home Shopping 3:30 The Real Sea Change 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra 5:30 Seven Early News

5:00 Weatherwatch And Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Cannibals of the Stone Age 2:00 A Taste Of Iran 2:50 Luke Nguyen’s Greater Mekong 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 All Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: Visions of Scotland 6:00 Food Safari: Italian 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 From The Heart of Our Nation: Reflections 8:00 From The Heart of Our Nation: The Sunset Concert 10:05 Rockwiz: Marcia Hines & Old Man River - Rock music’s most famous faces continue to mix it with the best local trivia buffs. Host Julia Zemiro asks the questions and Brian Nankervis adjudicates over the mayhem. Tonight’s episode features rock diva Marcia Hines and Old Man River (Ohad Rein). 10:45 World News Australia 11:10 Movie: “: Something Like Happiness” (M l,s,a) In Czech. A tender human drama about three childhood friends, now young adults, who try to crystallise their aims and roles in life while they struggle to cope with parental pressure on one hand and depressing physical and social conditions on the other 1:15 Iron Chef: Bell Pepper 2:05 Iron Chef: Grand Finale - Part 1 2:35 Weatherwatch Overnight


4:30 Art Nation 5:00 Gardening Australia 5:30 Catalyst 6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Gallipoli Submarine 11:00 Best Of Landline 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 The Manor Reborn 1:30 Meerkat Manor 2:00 The Forsyte Saga 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:00 Eggheads 5:30 Poh’s Kitchen On The Road 6:00 Restoration Man: Ice House 6:50 Audrey’s Kitchen 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Family Confidential: The Holmes a Courts 8:30 Country House Rescue: Tapeley Park 9:15 Dream Build 9:30 Fake Or Fortune? 10:30 ABC News 10:40 Gandhi: The Rise To Fame 11:35 The Kennedys 12:20 For The Bible Tells Me So - Looks at Christianity’s approach to homosexuality through the experiences of five very American, very Christian, very ‘normal’ families that have raised a gay child. 2:00 Movie: “King Kong” (PG) 3:40 Rage 4:00 Movie: “Beat The Devil” (PG) 5:30 Eggheads


6:00 Bubble Guppies 6:30 Dora The Explorer 7:00 Weekend Today Saturday 10:00 Dogstar 10:30 Wakkaville 11:00 Pixel Pinkie 11:30 Dennis & Gnasher 12:00 Lockie Leonard 12:30 Stormworld 1:00 Pyramid 1:30 International Cycling Granc Prix 3:30 The Middle 4:00 Australia’s Last Frontier 4:30 The Garden Guru’s 5:00 South Aussie With Cosi - Join Andrew “Cosi” Costello as he takes you around regional South Australia with a focus on budget travel. From the Murray River to the Flinders Ranges, this show is all about budget travel that’s affordable for all the family. 5:30 4WD TV 6:00 National News Saturday 6:30 Austalia’s Funniest Home Videos 7:30 TBA 9:30 TBA 11:50 Movie: “The Gauntlet” (M) - Clint Eastwood stars as an Arizona cop who is selected to go to Las Vegas to escort a hooker, marked for death by the mob, back to Phoenix as a potential trial witness. 1:50 Movie: “Plenty” - Based on David Hare’s play about a British woman who experiences her finest hours during World War II, working for the underground - but never finds fulfilment in the rest of her life. 4:00 Danoz Direct 5:30 Wesley Impact 6:00 Melbourne Zoo Celebrates 150 years 7:00 Weekend Today 10:00 6:00 Rage (MA) 6:30 Children’s Programs 9:00 Weekend Breakfast 11:30 Songs Of Praise: Advent No 2 Cambridge 12:00 Travel Oz 12:30 Dogstar 10:30 Wakkaville 11:00 Dennis & Gnasher 11:30 Pyramid 12:00 Australian Fishing Championships 12:30 International Cycling Young James Herriot 1:00 Travel Oz 1:30 Young James Herriot 1:30 Grand Prix 2:30 The Middle 3:00 Lockie Leonard 3:30 Rod Stewart: Hockey: Champions Trophy 2012 6:00 Auction Room 6:30 Compass Merry Christmas Baby 4:30 Manly Surf 5:00 National News 5:30 7:00 ABC News 7:30 The Manor Reborn - Four part series, where a team of historians, Antiques Roadshow 6:00 Nine News Saturday experts and volunteers reinterpret 500-year-old Avebury Manor in 6:30 Christmas With The Australian Women’s Weekly the UK, putting the house into a national and historic perspective. 7:30 60 Minutes 8:30 The Pillars Of The Earth - Four-part drama series based on 8:30 The Mentalist: Ruby Slippers - Jane and the CBI investigate the best-selling novel by Ken Follett. Set in the 12th century the death of a man whose charred body is found outside a against the backdrop of war, religious strife and power strugcabaret where female impersonators perform. Among the top gles which tear lives and families apart. suspects: a list of people who had been bullying the victim. 10:15 Marina Abramovic: The Artist is Present 9:30 TBA 12:05 Movie: “10 Rillington Place” (M a,v) - The horrifying true ac10:30 TBA count of John Reginald Christie, whose crimes and subsequent 11:30 Southland: Fallout trial summarily ended capital punishment in Britain. 12:30 What Would You Do? 1:50 Movie: “Let No Man Write My Epitaph” ( M l,d,n,s,v) - The 1:30 Spyforce residents of a New York tenement building band together to 2:30 Danoz Direct ensure that the son of Nick Romano does not follow in his 3:30 Newstyle Direct father’s footsteps...to the electric chair. 4:00 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News 3:35 Rage 5:30 Today 4:00 The New Inventors




6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 TBA 11:00 The Restaurant Inspector 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 The World’s Worst Disasters 1:30 At The Movies: Summer Special 2:00 The Forsyte Saga 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:00 Eggheads 5:30 Poh’s Kitchen on the road 6:00 Three Men In A Boat: Three Men In A Boat: Part Two 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Kitchen Cabinet: Penny Wong 8:30 Redfern Now: Pretty Boy Blue - Aaron Davis is an Indigenous policeman who’s proud of his community, his daughter Robyn, and his little granddaughter Donna. But then, a tragic event at the station changes everything. 9:30 QI: Divination 10:00 Angry Boys - Nathan spends the day with a deaf teenager. Meanwhile S.mouse gets into trouble with Lasquisha when he doesn’t want her to sing on his new song ‘Black Balls’. 10:30 ABC News: Late Edition 10:40 TBA 11:30 Hockey: Champions Trophy 2012 1:30 Rage 2:30 NTAFL: Waratah vs Southern Districts 5:30 Eggheads





Page 18 Western Cape Bulletin December 5, 2012



SUDOKU No. 127

Your  Lucky 

 


Stars  

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st)

A long search for the answer may not help. The solution may be nearer to hand than you realise. Let it come to you. Romance. An office romance could gradually become more serious. Tread carefully, until you are sure. Is it worth mixing business with pleasure?

CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 20th)

You will achieve more today if you manage to take it easy for a while. Go for a walk or do something you’ve been meaning to do for yourself. Romance. You will shortly be going on a long journey. A person that you meet during this trip will have an important influence on you.

AQUARIUS (January 21st - February 19th)

A dream about an exotic trip which you once made will cheer you up. Try to remember all the details of the dream. Your unconscious may be telling you something. Romance. Your love-life will shortly be on the way up. You must be patient for just a little longer, however. It will be worth the wait.


PISCES (February 20th - March 20th)

Feeling energized this week will help you to get on top of things. This will be an excellent time for pushing through a difficult change. Romance. This will be a very good time for romance, provided you don’t get into any arguments. Be open to the opinion of others.

ARIES (March 21st - April 20th)

You may be a little surprised to find out how much other people know about your private life. If you want it to remain private, be careful who you speak to. Romance. A well-placed compliment will go down very well. Talk about something that you feel strongly about and you’ll intrigue others.

TAURUS (April 21st - May 21st)

A discussion at work may become a little heated at times. You will not do yourself any good by becoming involved. Allow time for things to cool down. Romance. A romance which appeared to have lost momentum may suddenly pick up speed. Are you ready for such a change?


GEMINI (May 22nd - June 21st)

A misunderstanding will be resolved easily when both of you are in the right mood. Now is not the time to make your point seem valid. Romance. You may lose something which you treasure. Don’t waste time looking for it - you will find it when the time is ready.

CANCER (June 22nd - July 23rd)

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Some important messages must get through on time. If not, there will be trouble. Don’t rely on someone who has let you down in the past. Romance. A positive attitude will help you to get over a frustrating event which has been dogging you over the past few days. Keep your head up.

LEO (July 24th - August 23rd)

You must try to find a way to relax. You have been taking your work too seriously recently. Take a break. Romance. You will be surprised what a strong effect your working environment has on the way you feel. You will have to put up with a few ups and downs. Try to remain consistent.

VIRGO (August 24th - September 23rd)

This will be an excellent time for starting a novel which you have been planning to get into. It may give you some useful insights. Remain open to new ideas. Romance. Regardless if you are single or dating, your love-life will soon improve considerably. Try to make the most of this.

LIBRA (September 24th - October 23rd)


There’s nothing that can help you understand

your beliefs more than trying to explain them to an inquisitive child.

– Frank A. Clark


You may need to be a little more assertive than you have been recently. Don’t be afraid to make your voice heard. Romance. Don’t allow a personal remark to worry you. You have more important things to think about than your appearance. Their negativity may be a sign of jealousy.

SCORPIO (October 24th - November 22nd)

Don’t allow other people’s negativity to hold you back. You may be better off without their advice. Do what you feel is right. Romance. Your partner may be a little unhelpful at the moment. A difficult situation at work could be part of the trouble. Ask a colleague for advice instead.

Western Cape Bulletin December 5, 2012 Page 19

CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: Close of business Friday prior to publication POSITIONS VACANT


PHONE: 1300 4874 00 FAX: 1300 7872 48 EMAIL: office@westerncapebulletin.com.au






Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa is seeking expressions of interest from individuals or organisations to lease and operate the Cultural Centre at Evans Landing, Weipa. Preference will be given to submissions which retain the existing cultural focus of the centre and promote regional cultural awareness for local residents and visitors to the area.

An opportunity exists for an experienced Manager to join Air Charters Australia. The successful candidate will demonstrate strong organisational skills, have the ability to efficiently plan aircraft schedules, effectively manage staff and be able to work under pressure. Complete job description available via email.

Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa strongly encourages submissions that involve local Aboriginal people or local Aboriginal corporations. This involvement may take the form of a joint proposal, direct employment, training opportunities and/or other co-operative arrangements.


Amazing highset holiday home. Large living area, island and water views. 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, partly furnished. Rented freehold, 1799m2, 10 minutes to T.I. $565,000 ono. Call Craig on 0417 646 005 for inspection.

Non binding expressions of interest are being sought for information purposes only and there is no obligation on either Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa or any interested party to enter into an agreement. Expression of Interest documents can be obtained by emailing the Commercial Infrastructure superintendent at John.Gleeson@riotinto.com

Please email your resume and a cover letter to: mari@helicharters.com.au Deadline applications close on Wednesday, December 13, 2012.


Weipa Kindergarten and Preschool A position exists at the Weipa Kindergarten and Preschool for a Co-ordinator of our newly established After School Care Program. The program will operate from 2.15 to 5.15 daily and the successful applicant will be responsible for up to eight children aged from 3.5 to 4.5. The successful applicant must hold a Certificate III in Children’s Services and willing to study for a Diploma or hold a Diploma. They must also hold current First Aid and Blue Cards. Above award wages will be offered to the right applicant. For more information please call Liz at the Weipa Kindergarten and Preschool on 4069 9293 between 2.30 and 3.30pm Monday to Friday. To apply please • Fax your resume to 07 4069 9550 • Email your resume to wecea@bigpond.net.au • Post your resume to PO Box 70 Weipa 4874 Applications will close on January 15, 2013


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South of Embley bauxite mine and port development project


Invitation for public comment on draft environmental impact statement RTA Weipa Pty Ltd (RTA Weipa), a wholly owned subsidiary of Rio Tinto Aluminium, invites the public to comment on the proposed South of the Embley project (numbered EPBC 2010/5642 by the Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities) on the draft environmental impact statement (draft EIS) for the project.

monthly meeting Date: Thursday, December 6, 2012 Time: 7pm Location: Unit 1, Memorial Square, Rocky Point Guests and new members welcome For more info contact Neil Dickinson 0428 985 108

Public notice Restricted public access Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa is conducting site survey work on the mine lease located south of the Embley river (see hatched area below). There will be heavy machinery operating at various locations on the mine lease from 1 October to 31 December 2012.

For your safety, there will be no access for the general public into the area during this period. This includes closures to Amban, Boyds Point, and Pera Head access tracks. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to this closure.

For more information on the site survey activities please contact us on our freecall community feedback hotline 1800 308 938.

Page 20 Western Cape Bulletin December 5, 2012

This notice is published in accordance with section 103(1)(c) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth) (EPBC Act). RTA Weipa proposes to extend its Weipa bauxite mining operations in the area south of the Embley River on existing mining leases ML7024 and ML6024 near Weipa, Cape York Queensland. The project involves an open-cut bauxite mine, a beneficiation plant, a new port and stockpile facilities near Boyd Point, dredging and spoil disposal, shipping activities, barge and ferry facilities, and ancilliary infrastructure. The matters protected by the EPBC Act that are controlling provisions for the project are: • the world heritage values of a declared World Heritage property (s12 & s15A) • the heritage values of a National Heritage place (s15B & s15C) • listed threatened species and ecological communities (s18 & s18A) • listed migratory species (s20 & s20A) • the environment of the Commonwealth marine areas (s23 & 24A), and • the environment of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (s24B & s24C). Where the draft EIS may be viewed or obtained The draft EIS can be viewed and downloaded from the Rio Tinto Alcan website at: http://www.riotintoalcan.com/ENG/ourproducts/1812_south_of_embley_project.asp For a free copy of the draft EIS on DVD, or to buy a hardcopy of the draft EIS ($95), contact RTA Weipa on 1800 308 938 or by email at external.affairs@riotinto.com. Hardcopies of the draft EIS will be available for public viewing from 22 November 2012 to 19 December 2012 at the following locations: • Weipa Town Authority Office, Hibberd Centre, Rocky Point, Weipa • Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council Office, 412 Mounding Street, Napranum • Cook Shire Council Office, 10 Furneaux Street, Cooktown • Aurukun Shire Council Office, 39 Kang Kang Road, Aurukun • Mapoon Shire Council Office, Red Beach Road, Mapoon • Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council Office, Adidi Street, Bamaga • Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa Community Relations Building, Artie Wales Drive, Weipa • Western Cape Communities Trust Administration Office, Central Avenue, Weipa • Cairns Library, 151 Abbott Street, Cairns • Gladstone Library, 39 Goondoon Street, Gladstone • State Library of Queensland, Cultural Centre, Stanley Place, South Bank, Brisbane, and • DSEWPaC Central Library, Ground Floor, John Gorton Building, King Edward Terrace, Parkes How to make a comment Written comments may be given to RTA Weipa between 22 November and 19 December 2012 by: Post: South of Embley Project (attention Laurie Hicks) RTA Weipa Pty Ltd C/- Rio Tinto Alcan GPO Box 153 Brisbane QLD 4001 Fax: + 61 7 3625 3001 (attention Laurie Hicks) Email: external.affairs@riotinto.com If you have special communication needs and wish to make a comment, contact Julia Wilkins on 1800 308 938 to make alternative arrangements.


Most valuable Weipa Raider – Tala Nona.

Best back - Silas Sebasio with Wes Adidi.

Up-and-coming stars: Weipa Raiders Under 17 team.

Ryan Kemp, rookie of the year - Chris Namok, and Walter Convent.

Weipa Raiders enjoying the 2012 presentation night at the Carpentaria Golf Club.

Steven Abraham, Under 17’s most valuable Raider - Lumbee Pablo, Craig Budby.

Sarina Adams and Bella Savo waved the Raiders flag.

Steven Abraham, Under 17’s best forward - Kailep Parker, Craig Budby.

When in Cairns, get your copy of The Western Cape


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Snags and ribbons at final swim meet Cowboys Leagues The Weipa Swimming Club had their last club night for the year on Friday, November 30. The night consisted of a free barbecue and a ribbon night, where swimmers competed in their age/ gender groups for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place ribbons in freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. Fifty one swimmers attended, with 72 Personal Bests (PBs) being swum, and one record being broken. Star of the week would have to be Nicholas Keough who swam three PBs from three swims, and knocked a total of 21 seconds off his previous best times good work Nicholas. Other swimmers of the week, all with three PBs from three swims were: Amber Fay, Alissa Koina, Tom McCahon, Alex McInnes, Zarli Millard, Ashlee Moon, Molly Toomey, Dane Tyson and Donald Tyson. Two PBs from three swims for Harry Bakker, Rohan Coulta, Chloe Crossley, Troye Fay, Kyle Hunter,

Rebecca Hunter, Braydon Keough, Kirra Koina, Sabrina Koina, Tiffany McDougall, Lilla McIntyre, Josie Millard, Katie Pilkington, Kristyn Pilkington, Simone Slack and Elle Toomey. One PB from Takara Ahmat, Jordan Aldcroft, Amy Bakker, Rachel Brooker, Ruby Coulta, Tara Crossley, Natalie May, Trisha McDougall, Natalia Nash and Alyssa Taare. Sabrina Koina set a new club record in the girls 11 year-old 50m freestyle with a time of 33.25s, Amber gave it her all in the freestyle event at last Friday’s meet. narrowly beating Sharna Mitton’s previous record from 1997. Sabrina swims in the Queensland Championships in Brisbane in a couple of weeks time – go Weipa Lightening, and good luck Sabrina. Thanks again to Mike and Sandy at Weipa Business Equipment for their ongoing time and support making all the weekly certificates. Training will resume next year, starting the first week back to school – have a great Christmas. - Wade Koina

Wade Koina presents Sabrina Koina with her new club record certificate.

Three PBs for Dane Tyson at last Friday night’s Weipa swimming meet. Alex McInnes celebrated with a smile.

The girls get ready for a backstroke event.

Donald Tyson achieved three PBs at the final Weipa swim meet for 2012.

Freestyle swim for Nicholas at the last Weipa swim club night for 2012.




DIARY 2013

For your chance to win one of two 2013 Rock and Roll diaries (valued at $19.99) fill out the coupon below:

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Club to donate $250,000 to Community Fund

The Cowboys Leagues Club has committed $250,000 over the next 10 years to the Cowboys Community Fund to help with its important work with North Queensland youth. Cowboys NRL squad members Ashley Graham and Ray Thompson and Community Fund chairman Wayne Nicholson recently accepted a $25,000 donation from Cowboys Leagues Club general manager Clint Williams, who promised it was the first of 10 grants the fund would receive over the next decade. “The Cowboys Leagues Club is committed to supporting our local community as much as possible and the Cowboys Community Fund is doing a tremendous job of exactly that,” Mr Williams said. “The Cowboys Leagues Club is thrilled to be able to support the Community Fund and we see this initial $25,000 donation as the first installment of a 10-year commitment which will result in a total donation of $250,000. “We are positive that the Community Fund will put this money to great use and the people of North Queensland will be the beneficiaries.” Supported by Coca-Cola Amatil, the Cowboys Community Fund has a goal of fostering community support and spirit in North Queensland. Since its inception, the fund has granted in excess of $160,000 to worthy North Queensland applicants, including disadvantaged and disabled youth. “This donation from the Cowboys Leagues Club will be a massive help to our work with the North Queensland community,” Mr Nicholson said. “I’m sure there will be some very worthy recipients of their fantastic generosity over the next 10 years.” Cowboys Community Fund applicants must be 25-years-old or younger and live or be based in the Cowboys’ talent recruitment geographical catchment area of North Queensland, from Torres Strait in the north, west to Mt Isa and south to Mackay. The next round of applications closes on December 31, 2012. More details are available at www.cowboys.com.au/community-fundprogram.

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Send your fishing photos to: brettchina@me.com

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 from page 24 As I said before, with my boat here I went for a run to make sure that it was running right before I go offshore, so I took a work colleague Rachael Cambell. We went for a run up Roberts and Waldron Creeks to see what’s about and we caught a mixed bag of Jacks, Diamond Trevally, Golden Trevally and Queenfish. The Diamond Trevally would have to be one of the prettiest fish in the sea, with its unusual body shape and long filament dorsal fin. They are not a particularly good eating fish so return them to the water as soon as possible if you catch one. Trolling small Z Man Swimrz from the Waldron to the Roberts, following the current line, there have been some large Queenfish and Golden Trevally and the occasional unstoppable fish - possibly big GTs which provide some challenging times if you are using light line. Evans Landing has a few small Queenies taking live Herring but I have not had any other reports from here. The Mission River is still giving up some nice fish for the boaties and shore-based anglers. One shore based angler got more than he bargained for when he hooked a good fish, only to have a small crocodile take his hard-earned catch. as well as his lure. There are still lots of small Queenies around the bridge taking small live baits, and Bream are taking dead baits. Bomber Brown was fishing the bridge as well and hooked up on something very heavy and after a torrid struggle he landed a very rare purlin. For the record, he also landed (and released) a couple of real fish! Until next week, smooth seas, light breezes and tight lines. – Cheers, China

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BACK 9 – Tee OFF BY 0730 LAST SUNDAY Winner –Anong Stainkey Runner Up –Gary Stainkey Hoffmans – S. Nicholson Longest Drive (mens) – Gary Stainkey Longest Drive (womens) – Anong Stainkey


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Thu 06

Time Ht Time 0350 0.96 0423 1930 2.51 1247 1700 2025

Ht 1.06 2.32 2.24 2.37

Fri 07 Time 0458 1258 1833 2143

Ht 1.20 2.41 2.07 2.21

Sat 08 Time 0532 1312 1939 2334

Sun 09

Mon 10

Ht Time Ht Time Ht 1.36 0602 1.54 0132 2.00 2.50 1330 2.61 0629 1.72 1.84 2039 1.57 1354 2.73 2.06 2136 1.29

Tue 11 Time 0322 0659 1423 2232

Ht 2.03 1.88 2.85 1.02

Wed 12 Time 0508 0741 1458 2326

Ht 2.11 2.02 2.96 0.78

MOON PHASES: • Full Moon - Dec 28 • Last Quarter - Dec 7 • New Moon - Dec 13 • First Quarter - Dec 20



Mostly Sunny 6 - 7 knots, NE - ESE winds. Chance of rain 20% Min 25°C.



Mostly Sunny 12 - 13 knots, E - ESE winds. Chance of rain 10% Min 25°C.

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Mostly Sunny 13 knots, ESE winds. Chance of rain 5% Min 24°C.



Mostly Cloudy 10 - 12 knots, ESE winds. Chance of rain 20% Min 24°C.



Showers 10 - 12 knots, SE - ESE winds. Chance of rain 60% Min 24°C.





RAIN mm Airport Weipa

Tues, Nov 27





Wed, Nov 28





Thur, Nov 29





Fri, Nov 30





Sat, Dec 1





Sun, Dec 2





Mon, Dec 3





While the Western Cape Bulletin takes every care to ensure the information contained in the Tide and Weather information is correct, the Western Cape Bulletin accepts no responsibility for it’s accuracy. Information is provided by the Bureau of Meteorology.

Western Cape Bulletin December 5, 2012 Page 23



SPORTS DEADLINE: before 5pm Monday

EDITORIAL SPORTS PHONE: EDITORIAL: phone 1300 4874 00 DEADLINE: 1300 4874 00

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ADVERTISING 5PM phone 1300 4874 00 PHONE: ADVERTISING: 1300 4874 00 office@westerncapebulletin.com.au MONDAY email:

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Fishing still hit and miss This week has been a case of hit and miss, with small captures being made but nothing outstanding, and it doesn’t matter whether you fish the rivers or sea. I will be able to put more time in on the water now as my boat has finally arrived and will be able to fish in locations that I haven’t be able to try when fishing with someone else. The winds are still making it difficult to fish offshore but when the window of opportunity presents itself there have been a few fish for the taking. Peter McCulkin went for a run up to Duyfken Point and came back with a mixed bag consisting of Tuskies, Fingermark, and some assorted reef fish but on the whole it was pretty quiet. Fishing out amongst the leads there are a few Fingermark, small Cod and Trevally. Mackeral have slowed down but you can still get some by trolling Laser Pro’s or any other deep divers, however large Barracuda are being a bit of a nuisance. The reefs off Pera Head are giving up a few Coral Trout and Nannygai and can be worth the run down there. There have been a few Red Emperor as well. continued page 23

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Page 24 Western Cape Bulletin December 5, 2012

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