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Edition 380
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
$2.50 inc. GST
Weipa Police appeal to public By Giembra Busmer
WEIPA Police are appealing to the public to lock their vehicles following the recent spate of car thefts and break-ins. Senior Sergeant Brett Jenkins said the local officers were doing everything they could to catch the thieves but needed the assistance of the public to “stop making it so easy” for the offenders to gain entry to vehicles. “These thieves are opportunists, so if you leave your car unlocked they will take advantage,” Snr Sergeant Jenkins said. “If you leave loose change or other valuables in an unlocked car you’re going to lose it. These offenders aren’t targeting big items – they are just grabbing what they find left lying around.” Snr Sergeant Jenkins said local officers have been conducting foot patrols and surveillance, often in their own time, and have been astounded at how many unsecure cars they have found. continued page 2
Cape York HHS calls for voluntary redundancies: P3
Records tumble at Weipa Swimming Club meet: P 18
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Police appeal to public for assistance from page 1 “We have left notices inside the unlocked vehicles informing the owners that we had attended and secured their vehicle,” he said. “If people continue to ignore our requests to lock their cars we will start issuing infringement notices for failing to lock the car. “We had to resort to this a couple of years ago, we received a few complaints from locals and the entire exercise turns out to be a poor community relations exercise but at least the thefts stopped!” Not only were some people leaving their cars unlocked but
in some cases the keys were left in the vehicle, giving the offenders the opportunity to steal the car. “We cannot have these young offenders ‘joy riding’ around the streets,” Snr Sergeant Jenkins said. “They are driving erratically and dangerously, and are putting not only their own lives at risk but also those of the entire community.” Snr Sergeant Jenkins said that with present staffing levels there are limits to what local Police can do and the public’s co-operation was extremely important. “On the nights we have con-
o Cyclone I’ve always liked wild places, and I don’t mind a bit of adventure. No, I’m not talking about the local pub on a Friday night. I mean really wild places, with miles and miles of bugger-all and so much nature you can choke on it. I suppose you have a different way of looking at things if you live there permanently, so perhaps it is best to visit the really special places for a holiday, and then go away and think about what you have seen. I am working on this year’s holiday plans just now and, you know what? I think I might spend a month on Cape York. It’s pretty big, and definitely wild, and there’s more nature than you could poke a stick at. Having said that, it’s not totally uninhabited, and there are a few Indigenous communities along the coasts. I have just managed to find the telephone code - 299 and as soon as the time difference lets me, I might call and start making arrangements. The best time to visit is definitely August, when daytime temperatures can reach a balmy 8o C. Much better than Christmas time, when the best you can
hope for is -20 o C. That’s during the day. At night it will drop to -30 o C. Something wrong? Oh - I’m talking about the real Cape York, in the north west of Greenland. Now that’s a place for proper adventurers. A rugged coastal environment, rich in seals, whales, birds, and friendly polar bears. You can swim quite safely as there are no crocodiles or stingers, but do be careful not to hurt yourself on the floating ice. It has something else in common with home. The first white face at the neighbouring North Pole was a naval officer, Admiral Robert Peary. His family raised a monument on the Cape in honour of his achievements. As befits an American and an Admiral, it puts poor old Captain Cook’s monument in the shade. You will probably need the shade to get out of the sun in that 8o C summer heat.
Robert Peary monument, Cape York, Greenland.
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Ph: 4069 7471 St PaddyS
We need and appreciate your help!
thieves can easily steal them.” Anyone with information which could assist Police with their investigations should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or 24hrs a day. See Letters to The Editor, page 7 for more on this issue.
Eye f the
C.A.P.S for dogs is a non-profit organisation caring for homeless and unwanted dogs in the Weipa and surrounding areas, with the primary aim of providing temporary refuge and eventually new homes for abandoned, abused, stray and unwanted dogs. We provide foster homes for unwanted dogs, and aim to re-house them back into society as healthy, desexed animals. We also aim to develop community awareness and education regarding dog welfare.
ducted foot patrols there has not been one break-in reported,” he said. “But we cannot do that every single night.” “We need the community’s help to stop these thefts. Lock your car, secure your car keys away from the vehicle, and don’t leave valuables around where opportunist young
In January this stolen car was abandoned on the Lakes road after it was involved in an accident.
Page 2 Western Cape Bulletin February 20, 2013
all ProCeedS go to C.a.P.S. WeiPa animal ProteCtion Shelter
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Cape York Hospital and Health Service calls for interest in voluntary redundancies
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Loud music from 7pm The Cape York Hospital and Health Service (HHS) has called for expressions of interest from staff who may wish to apply for a voluntary redundancy as part of a wider structural change. Cape York HHS chief executive Susan Turner said an organisational review of the health service recently had been completed by consultant Ernst and Young. “Ernst and Young were commissioned to help identify more effective and cost-efficient ways of delivering health care to Cape York communities,’’ Ms Turner said. “The report they have completed includes a range of recommendations about restructuring of services, staff numbers, staff overtime and travel, and addressing the duplication of services. “Reducing non-front line staff numbers is one of several cost-saving strategies proposed in the report in order to meet new budget targets. “The Ernst and Young report currently is being considered by the Cape York Hospital and Health Board. “But before any specific Thursday Island
Weipa Aurukun Pompuraaw Kowanyama
The Western Cape Your voice in the Cape Portland Roads Lockhart River
Archer River Coen
decisions are made about any restructuring, the Cape York HHS Executive and Board want to know if any staff would like to volunteer for a redundancy. “We will consider any expressions of interest from staff and, if their work units can be redesigned so that core services don’t suffer, we may accept their application. “This is part of a broad process to restructure our services so that we can deliver them more efficiently and allow the Cape York HHS to focus on integrated healthcare services. “But change by its nature is a challenge and can be confronting for all of us. “We intend to ensure that our staff and communities are fully supported and informed throughout this change process.’’ Ms Turner said all hospital and health services in Queensland, including the Cape York HHS, were required to meet substantial financial targets set by the Commonwealth and State governments. The deadline for all HHSs to meet these targets is June 2013. “Like all hospital and health services, the Cape York HHS is
Hann River Laura
Office: 34 Alstonia Drive, Nanum Phone: 1300 4874 00
Editor’s mobile: 0428 589 515 Advertising office manager: 0439 996 930 Accounts enquiries: (07) 5534 1872 PO Box 209, Weipa, Qld 4874 ABN 20 101 920 076 PLEASE NOTE: The office is sometimes unattended. Please call to make an appointment. Where we go: Approx 1300 copies distributed every Wednesday to Weipa, Napranum, Aurukun, Mapoon, Lockhart River, Pormpuraaw, Kowanyama, Archer River, Coen, Musgrave, Hann River, Laura, Thursday Island, Cooktown, Cairns, Cape York mail run and subscriptions sent throughout Australia. Readership average: 5500.
Cape York HHS chief executive Susan Turner.
complying with the state-wide directive to deliver services within our budget allocation,’’ Ms Turner said. “It should be noted that our HHS has enjoyed significant increases in State Government funding in recent years. “The current Cape York HHS budget for 2012-13 is $78.8 million. This is an 18 per cent increase on the 2011-12 budget of $66.83 million. “In 2010-11, the budget was $58.98 million. “These steady annual increases in budget are testament to the commitment by successive State governments to delivering appropriate health
Contacts & Deadlines EDITOR: Giembra Busmer AD DESIGN: Stretch Noonan
ADVERTISING – Box ad bookings: Box ad material: Classifieds: EDITORIAL – General copy:
by 5pm FRIDAYS by 5pm FRIDAYS by 5pm FRIDAYS
by NOON MONDAYS (pics, stories, letters, etc) Regular columns: by 5pm FRIDAYS Sports editorial: by 5pm MONDAYS
services to the Cape York region. “But just like any family or household, we can only spend what we have and we must ensure we live within our means. “This is especially necessary as we have recently been subjected to some unexpected budgetary pressure through a sudden cut in funds from the Commonwealth Government totalling about $851,000 – which equates to about seven full-time equivalent positions. “Everyone is aware that the health dollar is not a bottomless bucket and so, as the local HHS, we have a responsibility to all to maximise the taxpayer value and benefit for our communities out of the money we do receive. “I and the Board intend to work with our local communities and staff to build the best possible health services that they deserve. “Caring for our patients remains this health service’s number one priority and we are committed to ensuring frontline services are not affected in any way by the implementation of any restructure that may be finally decided upon in the future.’’
Publisher’s Details Publishers of The Western Cape Bulletin
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Letters to the editor
regional & remote N E W S P A P E R S
Real news for real Australia
CHAIRMAN: Mark Bousen PUBLISHER: Corey Bousen MANAGING EDITOR: Mark Bousen ACCOUNTS: Meg Bousen
Letters to the Editor are published as a free community service and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Western Cape Bulletin nor its management. Letters must be legible, preferably less than 250 words, carry a name and address, and be signed. A telephone number or similar identification must also be provided. Unsigned and anonymous letters, or use of a nom de plume, eg Concerned Citizen, etc will not be accepted. Names withheld on discretion of the publisher. Letters may be edited for space or content or omitted altogether at the discretion of the editor. Mail to: PO Box 209, Weipa, Qld, 4874 or Email:
Western Cape Bulletin February 20, 2013 Page 3
Hands-on VHF radio experience for WCC students
Western Cape College (WCC) students enrolled in year 11 and 12 Marine Studies are currently completing their VHF Radio Operators Certificate. This course will enable students to operate a VHF radio which is a vital skill for those wishing to enter a career in the marine industry. President of Volunteer
Marine Rescue Weipa, Peter Graham, kindly welcomed students aboard the Marine Rescue boat on Wednesday to have a closer look at some different types of radios and radio procedures. Students were interested to look first-hand at how they can apply learning in the classroom to a real life situation. They will
sit the exam for their licence in a couple of weeks. The senior Marine Studies program at WCC aims to offer students practical and theoretical experiences and provide opportunities for students to increase their employability. The students are pictured above with Weipa VMR’s Peter Graham, and teacher Rose Goodall, alongside Rescue One last Wednesday.
Act of Recognition Bill passed
Page 4 Western Cape Bulletin February 20, 2013
AUSTRALIA has moved closer towards constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with the Act of Recognition passing the House of Representatives on Wednesday, February 13. The passing of the bill came on the fifth anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations. On February 13, 2008, former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said sorry to Indigenous Australians, in particular the Stolen Generations, for past wrongs. He apologised on behalf of the government for the pain and suffering and hurt that successive policies had inflicted on Indigenous Australians for more than two centuries. In a statement, Prime Minister Julia Gillard said the Government agreed with the findings of the expert panel that a referendum should be held when it had “the most chance of success”. “This Australian Government is committed to meaningful constitutional reform that reflects the hopes and aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people,” Ms Gillard said. “A review will be carried out 12 months after the Bill is enacted to consider levels of community support for amending the Constitution and proposals for constitutional change.” “The Gillard Government has committed $10 million towards a campaign being led by Reconciliation Australia to continue to build support for constitutional change.”
Prime Minister Julia Gillard with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders at last week’s Act of Recognition legislation being passed through the House of Representatives in Canberra.
She said while the Bill recognised the “unique and special place of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples”, it had a sunset date of two years to ensure focus remained on the ultimate goal of a successful referendum. The National Congress of First Peoples (Congress) welcomed the passage of the act, but said the hard yards in achieving substantive constitutional reform were just beginning. “Today is the first test of multipartisanship leadership, now all parties must continue to work together to achieve a referendum involving substantive reform not just symbolic recognition,” said Congress Co-Chair Jody Broun. “Congress calls for Constitutional reform that protects rights and prohibits discrimination. “We now expect clear commit-
ments from all sides of politics to a referendum timeframe and the concrete steps required to make it happen,” she said. Co-Chair Les Malezer said, “Within the two years of the timeframe of the legislation all parties must work together to develop the referendum question.” “Congress will work to better inform our Peoples about these proposed reforms.” “Congress supports a persuasive, community-led campaign complemented by multi-partisan support and strong leadership by the Government so that all Australians can understand and support the fundamental need for these reforms.” “Any process from here on in must ensure full participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.”
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Western Cape Bulletin
February 20, 2013 Page 5
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Letters to the editor
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Forgiveness Day – the next logical step Sorry Day commemorates when the then Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd MP, made a historic and highly symbolic apology on behalf of previous Governments for the acts committed during the White Australia Policy unto First Australians. This day was welcomed by survivors of the Stolen Generation and academics, reconciliation advocates and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across the globe. Sorry Day and the Apology has received equal amount of criticism and speculation as well as adoration. Many people saw it as a stepping stone towards financial compensation and of course resulting court cases. The move has been criticised for being overly populist, symbolic and seen as a ruse to lesser the unpopularity of the Northern Territory Intervention and other such prohibition, and of course, for being mere words. Sorry Day should be appreciated for what it stood for at the time, without wanting, and as a gesture which needed to occur to begin the healing process and move towards truer reconciliation; even the Chancellor of Germany made such a historic gesture towards the Jewish people in Israel by issuing an apology for the Holocaust in World War Two. It’s about tying up loose ends and understanding that such a move signifies acknowledgement for horrors perpetrated by Governments, in spite of the deviant ways discriminatory laws are often worded to confuse the populous and disguise true and malice intent. In order to achieve true, wholesome and empowering reconciliation, we need to suffer the pain from an action which we as a people have done, we need
appreciation of what has occurred and an apology, however there is one more step.We need to close the circle of blame and sympathy and forgive. I am calling for a national day of Forgiveness by Aboriginal people as a “logical next step in order to achieve true reconciliation”. First Australians have never been in such a place of real power, which is the power to forgive and by doing so, can dictate the future course of our future generations’ attitudes and understanding of the past.
Jack Wilkie-Jans.
When an apology has been issued and accepted, such as the Kevin Rudd one, it is appropriate to issue forgiveness in return. Aboriginal culture has always been one of harmony with others and with land, so I can see this as being something our ancestors would be proud of. Forgiveness they say, is where real power lies, and we owe it to our future generations to even the score and lift the blame in order for this reconciliation, which countless Aboriginal Rights activists have been working towards for decades and which NAIDOC Day is said to encourage, to come about out of mutual respect. Jack Wilkie-Jans Aboriginal Affairs Advocate and Western Cape Traditional Owner
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Vision 2030 shortsighted
THE Liberal Party’s “Vision 2030” proposal for northern development has lost its whiskers. It now has a beard. It must be an election year for the Liberals to trot out this worn out cliché. The two party system comprising Tweedledum and Tweedledee will now try to outdo each other with plans to grow grain in the Gulf Region or sugar cane on Cape York. Of course it goes without saying little will happen under their watch. It’s a bit like the 40-year-old scheme in West Australia’s Ord River region, which failed miserably, due mainly to pest invasion of crops. Naturally, by 2013, scientists have developed more-resistant varieties of grain, sugar cane and bananas along with vastly improved farming methods, but input and real estate costs since then have gone up immeasurably. Probably we will have to rely on the Chinese government to grow our food on the 15,000 hectare Ord River irrigation block the West Australian Liberal government just gave them, which cost $400 million of taxpayers money to develop. They also have an option on another 15,000 hectares in a deal brokered by Labor Party statesman Bob Hawke. The north and west can be best developed by family farmers who will be financed by the yet-to-becreated National Development Bank, not by other countries. Bob Katter has been promoting this infrastructure development and the method to finance it for many years, having a minor win when a limited irrigation scheme was set up last year in the Cloncurry district. I think the Liberals are worried Bob Katter might have stolen their new-found thunder 10 years ago. William Bensted, ‘Bibboringa’, Mt Garnet
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We’ll get you back on the road!
Page 6 Western Cape Bulletin February 20, 2013
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Letters to the editor email:
School parking chaos It’s 8.15 in the morning, peak hour, and I am attempting to cross River Drive with my prep-age grand daughter firmly clasping my hand. As I stand on what is supposed to be a footpath I am passed by a large 4WD coming off the grass from behind me. Another is reversing off the opposite goat track of a footpath onto the roadway with most vision blocked by other large vehicles illegally parked. There is traffic flowing in both directions in addition to another driver attempting a u-turn amid all of this. The other ingredient at this point is some 20 or so prep-age children attempting to negotiate this mess with and without adult supervision. I have in the past drawn the attention of the Weipa Town Authority (council) to this appalling situation at the school with the rather predictable result. Too hard. Too expensive. If we have the money to spend on a showground etc then surely the most precious of all living beings, our children, should have some priority. The Department of Education could redirect some of the millions and millions that are being spent on buildings to dance in etc, on getting the children there safely. If you are not familiar with the scene, drop by one morning and have a look at the mess. Cars parked all over the place with the smallest of all children attending the school wandering in and out of this moving mass of vehicles. This issue is not going to go away. The town is not going to get smaller or have less children. Not one person could observe the twice a day ritual that some days can look like bumper cars at a carnival side show, and say we do not have a problem. If the combined efforts of a local council and one of the biggest State Government departments, along with the largest miner in the entire world cannot fix a 100-metre section of suburban road to bring it up to a safe standard then I ask why are all of these people even drawing a salary? Guys, it’s not that hard if you three would just for once, just once, work together on a project that should have the absolute highest
priority. What else could have a higher priority than the safety of small children? Crazy Pete EDITOR’S NOTE: Weipa Town Authority deputy mayor, Stretch Noonan will be meeting with Western Cape College representatives later this week to discuss parking issues at the school. A report will follow in next week’s Western Cape Bulletin.
It’s just an old car, isn’t it?
This week there’s been another car parked in our garage at home. It’s a rather bland little hatchback type vehicle. The sort of car you see running around Cairns every day as people drop off kids, go to work, go shopping, pop over to the gym, head off to the movies – and all the myriad of other lifestyle activities that we manage on a daily basis. Where would we be without the motor car? This particular little conveyance that’s joined our family for the week is not actually ours. It belongs to a local car rental company and came into our lives as a result of our own vehicle having to be admitted for some body surgery following a run-in with a tradie’s ute. Fortunately we were to be able to go and hire a vehicle to attend to all the chores normally undertaken by the family chariot while it’s out of action. It got me thinking just how much we have come to rely on our vehicles and what an impost it would be to have it stolen. Thankfully, I’ve never had the misfortune of having had a vehicle stolen, however I really do feel for those who have. Part of my daily duty involves researching the crime reports and compiling a media release. At times I am staggered at the brazen attitudes of those who, being too lazy and irresponsible to work and save for their own motor car, resort to stealing the vehicles belonging to others. Recently I spoke with a number of local people who had been victims of car thieves. These were everyday members of the community – mums & dads; tradies, labourers and a student. Their cars ranged from recent models through to some that were nearing 30 years of faithful service. The common emotions ex-
pressed by each and every one of these victims were the sheer frustration, anger and stress they were experiencing as a direct result of the actions of some car thief. The brand, model or value of the vehicle was completely irrelevant; in fact one young lady who had lost her 26-year-old sedan was reduced to tears as she told me of her anguish. Some might say ‘it’s just an old car’, but it was more than that – way more. This was her first car. It was a hand-me-down from her mum, so it had family history. She and her dad worked together on it to repair some body rust, renew the brakes, and ensure that everything was in tip-top shape for registration. Dad even fitted the sound system that she’d received for her birthday. In the proud owner’s eyes, this car was perfect. She’d invested sweat and long hours in order to breathe new life into it. It was her freedom machine; her independence – just perfect. Early on the morning of January 17 the vehicle was located ablaze on a rural road just out of town. It had been stolen from where it had been parked outside the owner’s house before being set on fire soon after. It was a total loss, and you can understand why the owner was so utterly devastated. It was way more that just an old car. I was touched by her story and felt that it needed to be told. Some great Police work saw an 18-yearold man subsequently arrested and charged in relation to the theft during the following week. Whilst the arrest was a good result, the downside is of course that the owner can never drive her beloved vehicle again. It just can’t be made right, and therein lies the unreported personal tragedy of car theft. Where would you be without your motor car? Do you know anyone who is, or has been involved in the theft of vehicles? Don’t let them continue to pedal their particular brand of misery. Pick up the phone, we don’t need to know who you are - just what you know! Contact Crime Stoppers anonymously (1800 333 000). Russ Parker Senior Constable Cairns District Crime Prevention
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Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa’s upcoming community forum Everyone is invited to attend our first quarterly community forum for 2013. We will provide a summary of 2012 site performance and activities, in areas such as: - production levels; - land revegetation; - community contributions and support; - South of Embley Project; and - infrastructure projects around town. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback on any other aspect of our operation. For catering purposes, please register your attendance by phoning 1800 707 633 or emailing WHEN: Wednesday, 6 March 2013 WHERE: Weipa Town Authority Council Chambers (located behind Weipa Town office) TIME: 6.00pm meet and greet 6.30pm start
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Alcoholics Anonymous If you want to stop drinking Call Ray 0434 217 481
First RTA community forum for 2013
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O N Wednesday, March 6, Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa will hold its first quarterly community forum for the year. Incoming general manager for the Weipa operations, Gareth Manderson, said he is looking forward to his first community forum since starting late last year. “The forums were well-attended in 2012 with almost 200 residents attending – a 30 per cent increase in participation rates 2011,” Mr Manderson said. “I hope we can continue to build on this as the forums provide a great opportunity for us to hear first-hand about matters that are important to the community and provide us with a better understanding of any impacts of our activities. “Some of the topics on the agenda at the March community forum will be
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Weipa residents gathered in the Weipa Town Authority Council Chambers last October for the third quarterly community forum of 2012
a summary of 2012’s site performance and activities such as production levels, environmental initiatives, current and upcoming infrastructure projects, community contributions and a South of Embley project update,” Mr Manderson said. “As always, we will ensure there is
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Super strategies for women Local Financial Planner in Weipa Advice on: Wealth creation •Debt Reduction Superannuation • Life insurance & Income Protection For a free, no obligation financial assessment in the comfort of your own home, contact Adam Woodhouse today! M: 0405 708 201 E:
Adam Woodhouse is an Authorised Representative No. 407363 of Infocus Securities Australia Pty Ltd ABN 47 097 797 049 Australian Credit Licence and AFSL No. 236523 trading as Infocus Money Management
Interrupted careers and lower salaries have left many women facing a super savings shortfall. The sooner you act, the better your chances of closing the gap and saving enough for the retirement of your dreams. THERE’S no question that Australian women face a significant super savings gap compared to men. But it’s not all bad news. With the right strategy, you can close the gap and achieve the retirement lifestyle you’ve been looking forward to. How big is the gap? The size of the gap depends on your salary and changing work patterns as you travel through life, but it can be very significant. Let’s look at an example to see why. Consider a woman on a salary of $100,000 a year at 31 years of age. Let’s say she stops work for five years to start a family, then returns for three days a week until she is 43. After
that, she resumes working full time, eventually retiring at 67. How large a super gap would she face? The answer is that she would earn $15,558 less a year in retirement than a man of the same age, with the same salary, but whose career wasn’t interrupted. Strategies for younger women The obvious first step is to contribute more to super. For younger women, even a small amount can make a big difference over time. For example, a woman working fulltime and using salary sacrifice to contribute just $50 a week into super from age 35 could save an extra $154,718 before retiring at 67.
an opportunity for attendees to provide feedback or ask questions about any other aspects of our operations.” For catering purposes, please register your attendance by phoning the freecall Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa community feedback hotline 1800 707 633 or email
Start by working out how much you can afford to contribute, then decide on the most effective approach, taking tax into account. If you earn less than $46,000 a year, it may be worth making an after-tax contribution so you can benefit from a government co-contribution. For everyone else, salary sacrifice is likely to be the most effective strategy, allowing you to effectively contribute with pre-tax income. If in doubt, consult a Financial Adviser. You should also consider whether a more growth-oriented investment strategy is right for you. Strategies for older women While you have less time to benefit from the effect of compound interest, you may have a higher disposable income, with the mortgage paid off and the children out of home. So you can afford to make
much larger contributions to close the gap faster. But don’t forget to take the government’s concessional super contribution caps into account. The cap for concessional contributions (including employer contributions and salary sacrifice contributions) is set at $25,000 per annum. If you’re 55 or older, a transition-to-retirement (TTR) strategy could help you boost your retirement savings while earning a tax-free income stream. The TTR rules are complex and everyone’s situation is different, so it’s a good idea to talk to your Financial Planner before you act. For more information on superannuation, retirement planning or other financial services, call Adam Woodhouse, your local Infocus Financial Planner, on 0405 708 201 or email adam.woodhouse@infocus. An initial consultation is free and in the comfort of your own home.
Source: Colonial First State Investments Limited ABN 98 002 348 352, AFS Licence 232468 (Colonial First State) This information is of a general nature only and neither represents nor is intended to be specific advice on any particular matter. Infocus Securities Australia Pty Ltd strongly suggests that no person should act specifically on the basis of the information contained herein but should seek appropriate professional advice based upon their own personal circumstances. Although we consider the sources for this material reliable, no warranty is given and no liability is accepted for any statement or opinion or for any error or omission. Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information contained in this document, Infocus, its officers, representatives, employees and agents disclaim all liability (except for any liability which by law cannot be excluded), for any error, inaccuracy in, or omission from the information contained in this document or any loss or damage suffered by any person directly or indirectly through relying on this information. Adam Woodhouse is an Authorised Representative and TAW FINANCIAL SERVICES PTY LTD ACN 153 124 142 as trustee for The Woodhouse Family Trust ABN 83 391 177 639 is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Infocus Securities Australia Pty Ltd ABN 47 097 797 049 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence No. 236523 trading as Infocus Money Management
When in Cairns, get your copy of The Western Cape
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Ground Floor, Orchid Plaza, 59 Lake St, Cairns • Phone: 4051 2903 • Fax: 4051 0955 Page 8 Western Cape Bulletin February 20, 2013
INJURED WILDLIFE Phone Kristy – 0427 799 748
Gove alumina refinery to continue operating PACIFIC Aluminium’s alumina refinery in Nhulunbuy will continue operating as planning, approvals and delivery of the gas to Gove project progresses. Rio Tinto’s decision follows a commitment from the Northern Territory Government to release a portion of its contracted gas for on-sale to Gove refinery. Pacific Aluminium is advancing plans for conversion from heavy fuel oil to gas but notes there are still a number of important steps remaining to deliver gas to Gove. Pacific Aluminium will now work closely with the Northern Territory Government to put all final agreements and approvals in place to secure the gas supply. Pacific Aluminium will also progress its commercial discussions with gas suppliers. Discussions are also being held with the Federal Government regarding the construction of a 600km pipeline from Katherine to Nhulunbuy.
Due to the rising cost of heavy fuel oil, coupled with a high exchange rate and low alumina price, the refinery has sustained heavy losses for some time. Converting the refinery to competitively priced gas is needed to secure its long-term viability. Rio Tinto chief executive Sam Walsh said “Rio Tinto and Pacific Aluminium acknowledge the leadership and commitment of Northern Territory Chief Minister Terry Mills and his Cabinet to get gas to Gove and keep the refinery operating. “We recognise that the Chief Minister needed to follow a rigorous process to consider the short and long-term issues for the Territory. We appreciate that an outcome balancing the needs of all stakeholders has been reached. It has been a complex issue to resolve but everyone involved has worked tirelessly to find a solution. “Gas to Gove is not only important for the refinery and the
community of Nhulunbuy, it is important to the entire Northern Territory. This project will double the size of the domestic gas market, drive further investment in gas exploration, increase longterm gas supply, attract new industries and create jobs for Territorians.” Pacific Aluminium chief executive officer Sandeep Biswas said “There is still a great deal of work needed to deliver gas to Gove. “Our next steps include finalising commercial arrangements for gas supply, securing gas pipeline financing support with the Federal Government, obtaining environmental and land access approvals, and developing detailed refinery conversion plans,” Mr Biswas said. “I wish to thank our employees, the Traditional Owners, and the community of Nhulunbuy who have been incredibly patient and supportive during a time of significant uncertainty.”
Cairns to Aurukun & return service
Departs Monday arrives Wed Dry gooDs Accepted Monday to Friday 7am – 4pm Chiller/Freezer Only accepted on Monday 12pm - 2pm (departure day)
Cairns to Weipa & return service with extra stops (Includes Laura, Hann River Roadhouse, Musgrave Roadhouse, Coen & Archer River Roadhouse)
Departs Friday arrives Sunday/Monday Dry gooDs Accepted Monday to Thursday 7am – 4pm
Fridays - dry goods only accepted 7am – 12pm (for Friday’s departure)
Only accepted on Friday 7am - 12pm (departure day)
Phone: (07) 4033 7452 Fax: (07) 4035 6544
Mobile: 0427 028 966 (91 Lyons St, Bungalow) Email:
Big year ahead for Weipa RATEP cation, all through Tropical North Queensland TAFE and the Bachelor of Education degree through James Cook University. Students are able to complete their studies here in Weipa, without having to leave their home communities. Applications are still open for the Certificate IV course, which starts on March 18. Closing date for applications is Friday, March 1. Contact Mary Ann Thompson, (4090 6401) or mthom153@ for more information.
What’s happening at the Carpentaria Golf Club? SUNDAY SATURDAY FRIDAY COMPETITION COMPETITION Jag the GOLF GOLF Joker (Please ring Club for tee-off times)
Diploma student Marsha Corowa with fourth year JCU student Rebecca Namok.
More than just a night out... Come in & enjoy a relaxed family environment!
Jackpot $400 RAFFLES
Diploma students Rikki Cooper, Marsha Corowa, Shannon Clemments and Nekayla Rosser.
(Please ring Club for tee-off times)
at The 10 Hole Restaurant th
Fully air-conditioned, great venue for any special occasion
Open Sunday to Thursday 6pm to 8.30pm beginners welcome Friday & Saturday 6pm to 9pm Phone: 4069 7332 Lunch Friday to Sunday noon to 2pm E: PHONE 4069 7850
Candidates for the by-election in ballot paper order are: CHARGER, Rhonda WAQATA, Bow Lima (Bosuen) SAVO, Colin DICK, Lillian Ethel
PO Box 520 WEIPA QLD 4874 Telephone: 07 4030 9999 Facsimile: 07 4069 7074 E-mail: ABN 36 065 053 009
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License Nos: Electrical - 12362 BSA - ACR & Builders - 728995
Postal/Electoral Visit applications close Wednesday (6pm) 6 March 2013. Pre-Poll voting will be conducted at the Returning Officer’s office, located at Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council, Moun-Ding Street, Napranum. Pre-Poll voting hours are: Monday 25 February 2013 to Thursday 7 March 2013 – 9am to 4pm Friday 8 March 2013 – 9am to 6pm Polling day is Saturday 9 March 2013. Polling Booth opening hours are from 8am to 6pm. Polling Booth locations are: Community Hall, Moun-Ding Street, Napranum.
2013 looks like being a great year for Weipa Remote Area Teachers Education Program (RATEP), with a record number of students. T h r e e U n i v e rsity students, five Diploma students, at least one Certificate IV student and a continuing Certificate III student are enrolled for courses this year. RATEP is a community based teacher education program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Courses on offer are Certificate III (high school students only), Certificate IV and Diploma in Edu-
Electors who are unable to attend pre-poll voting or a polling booth on polling day should contact the Returning Officer on 0439 531 608 to make arrangements for a postal vote. Please note that postal vote applications close 6pm Wednesday 6 March 2013. Voting is compulsory.
Western Cape Bulletin February 20, 2013 Page 9
Good Life
Marine Logistics
with Jeany Schall
Motivation makes us grow happy and healthy together
Queensland Depots: Humbug Wharf, Weipa 24 Tingara Street, Portsmith
ALL health and wellbeing programs experience highs and lows with the commitment of all potential participants to the programs. In general, the fitness industry experiences two major highs and one major slump each year. You’ve guessed it; January is a great month for health and wellbeing as many people are quite determined to make changes in the New Year which can often last until the time Easter comes around. The second high is just before Christmas as people realised that they missed their opportunity to get fit during the year and decide to make more effort before the silly season comes around. But health and wellbeing is much more than just participating, or even signing-up for a challenge, paying for the gym and buying healthy food at the beginning or the end of the year. It is a life long devotion to your body, the most important and most valuable instrument you will ever own – for a lifetime. Treat it better than any material thing you will ever own, with as much love and respect as you would like to be treated from others and in return you will be happy and healthy. This means feed it the nutrients that make it run well, exercise it, cherish and care for it at all times. Without exceptions. I know this is not always easy - I am one of you. I find myself sometimes in situations which are less than conductive to health, and wasn’t I born with a natural instinct for training each day. I don’t have the urge getting up at 4:30am just so I can fit in my own training before coming out to support others. Every morning there is this voice in my head saying: “I am tired, I trained pretty hard yesterday, it is raining, I feel a bit sick …” or whatever excuse comes into my head.
Customer Service: 1800 640 079 Weipa: 07 4069 7309 Cairns: 07 4038 7777
Come in and see us
But really, when I follow the voice and stay in bed for another 30-45 minutes, it does not change a thing. Except that I haven’t trained and feel guilty for the rest of the day, as I work ‘til late at night every night and often miss out if I don’t get it done my training done first thing in the morning. The next morning I am up no matter what, because I know, that if I do train, I will feel energised, fresh and ready to take on the world. Here are some suggestions to make YOU feel like you are ACHIEVING MORE and failing less: • When you sign up for a challenge - challenge yourself • When you train – train with someone • When you sign up for the gym – go to the gym • When you buy healthy food – eat it (instead of the unhealthy or processed stuff) • When you buy a book about weight loss – follow it • When you work with a personal trainer – Train (don’t make excuses) • When you stop drinking, smoking – stop it (to stop means not to go and do it when you’re stressed, tired, or had a hard day at work) Fortunately health and wellbeing is as simple as that. This does not make it easy but very, very simple. Do what you say and say what you do and you will achieve your goals. Let it be healthy living, developing old and new relationships, weight loss, reducing alcohol consumption, stop smoking...the list is endless. And if you need any professional support to learn more about the things that can help you on your way, talk to the professionals: fitness instructors, personal trainers, fit people that have been training for a long time, nutritionists, naturopaths etc they are here to help you individually.
From the Chairman Peter McCulkin, Weipa Town Authority Chairman
Located behind the Weipa Bowls Club Opening times: Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm Do you want to ask us a question Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa Fire and or give us feedback? Rescue Service Free call 1800 707 633
Emergency calls
Contact your power supplier
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Power outages / bridge works Free call 1800 820 711
Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa main switch 4069 8432
Employee Assistance Programme
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Come in anytime
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Page 10 Western Cape Bulletin February 20, 2013
IT has been no secret that the town has experienced an increase in break-ins, car thefts and vandalism over the past month. Unfortunately our legal ‘system’ will not take the same view of the offenders as the Tyrone Court did in 1837 when it sentenced my 16 year old great, great grand-father to seven years transportation to the convict settlement in Sydney. He had stolen some copper and confectionery. It’s hard to equate that ‘theft’ to the many thousands of dollars damage that has been incurred by the Golf Club, car and home owners, and not to forget the local Police vehicle. What must be the continuing frustration for our local Police is the current
legal system’s inability to deal adequately with the actions of well-known repeat offenders in these matters. It is high time that both the QPS hierarchy and the legal ‘system’ realise there needs to be much better support for remote Policing initiatives here on the Western Cape. The proactive action by Senior Sergeant Jenkins and his team following the recent spike in late night offences is to be applauded. Late night, rostered foot patrols of the suburbs was very well received. Hopefully as they did the rounds they were also able to provide some residents with a few tips on securing their vehicles. Don’t leave the keys in the ignition
for starters and lock the vehicles would be the first two tips to discourage the would-be car thief. T h e We i p a To w n Authority continues to advocate for increased Police numbers and assets for Weipa as well as our neighbouring communities, with a more than a direct approach to the Police Commissioner and his deputies at a recent Operational Review in Cairns. The conversations will continue. However Commissioner Stewart, there must be a better way of Policing than have your Cape Inspector based in Cairns and your officers having to drive a round trip of over 200 kilometres for a single ‘job’.
Selected as Weipa’s 2013 Bachelor and Bachelorette Lucy Boxall and Patrick Manthey on Friday night at the Golf Club.
COMMUNITY CALENDAR Got an event coming up?
Send us an email detailing the event name, date, time and location to: and we’ll include it in the Community Calendar at no charge! FEBRUARY Friday 22
Weipa Lightening Swimming Club club night @ town pool. 5.30pm for 6pm start.
Friday 22
VMR fundraiser at Weipa Motel starting at 6pm with finger food, raffles, auctions and buffet dinner. Tickets available at Weipa Motel.
MARCH Thursday 7
WTA monthly optional meeting at Council Chambers 8am
Friday 8
International Women’s Day at Weipa Motel from 6.30pm. Tickets are $75 from Weipa Community Care or KymMaree’s Beauty Rom. All proceeds will be donated to Weipa Community Care.
Saturday 9
Weipa OZTAG Quiz night at Carpentaria Golf Club to support Weipa’s two OZTAG teams in the State titles. $35 entry includes cocktail, dinner and entry into the major raffle. Teams of four. 6.30pm start.
Saturday 16
CAPS St. Patrick day fundraiser 7pm at the Carpentaria Golf Club.
Friday 22
WTA monthly meeting at Council Chambers 8.30am
Voted the most popular Bachelor and Bachelorette for 2013 were Kate Rutherford and Mitchell ‘Quazzie’ Brown.
All entrants in the 2013 Bachelor and Bachelorette competition had to go through a speed dating session.
Did Dave meet Miss right on the night?
APRIL Thursday 4
WTA monthly optional meeting at Council Chambers 8am
Friday 19
WTA monthly meeting at Council Chambers 8.30am
Aaron and Troy tried their best lines with the girls in the speed dating.
Emily and Kate chat away with Josh and Patrick during the speed dating.
Thursday 2
WTA monthly optional meeting at Council Chambers 8am
Friday 17
WTA monthly meeting at Council Chambers 8.30am
JUNE Thursday 6
WTA monthly optional meeting at Council Chambers 8am
Friday 7 to Sunday 9
The 8th Annual Weipa Fishing Classic is on this weekend due to the reversal of the Queens Birthday Public Holiday.
Friday 21
WTA monthly meeting at Council Chambers 8.30am
Rhedyn is amused by Aaron during the speed dating.
Plenty of good hearty laughs were shared during the speed dating session.
Thursday 11
WTA monthly optional meeting at Council Chambers 8am
Friday 12 to Monday 15
Weipa Dirt Kart club will be holding the first AIDKA Queensland State Titles at Weipa Combined Raceway.
Friday 26
WTA monthly meeting at Council Chambers 8.30am
The softer side of Mitchell obviously touched a nerve with Lucy.
Thursday 8
WTA monthly optional meeting at Council Chambers 8am
Friday 23
WTA monthly meeting at Council Chambers 8.30am
Tamyn and Aaron paused for a photo during the speed dating session.
Western Cape Bulletin February 20, 2013 Page 11
Health and fun at Napranum Primary Health Care Clinic Three enjoyable health days were held last week at Napranum Primary Health Care Clinic to complete health checks for the local community. The emphasis of the days was on reviewing the health and wellbeing of patients of the Cape York Hospital and Health Service HACC program (Home and Community Care) HACC is a vital service in the local community to assist eligible older and frail people, or younger people with a moderate to severe disability or those with special needs, to stay at home rather than move to a nursing home or supported accommodation. The HACC program provides assessment and referral to appropriate services, with the overall aim, to improve the quality of life for both HACC clients and their carers. Doctors, nurses, health workers, occupational therapy, social workers, nutrition and the dental team joined forces to provide multi-disciplinary assessments and reviews. The days were especially busy for
visiting Regional Geriatrician Dr Eddy Strivens, who completed 17 health reviews. Dr Strivens also presented an entertaining evening education session to doctors and nursing staff regarding new trends in care of the older person. As a way of promoting the days, all participants who attended had their names placed in a draw for many great prizes, food was provided throughout the days and a healthy lunch was cooked by the nutrition team. The team wish to thank our very generous local businesses who kindly donated fantastic prizes: Woolworths Supermarket, Albatross Bay Resort, Heritage Resort, Weipa Servicentre, Weipa Taxis, Weipa Bakery, Weipa 4WD Fishing and Camping Supplies and Cape York Pharmacy If you know of anyone who may have missed the days but would like to have a health check completed please contact staff at the Napranum Primary Health Care Clinic (4069 7459) or visit the clinic Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4pm.
Maryann enjoying a lovely lunch of beef stew, vegetables and damper.
Dr Eddy Strivens and Rebecca at Weipa Hospital.
Lucky Florence won the Woolworths Gift voucher.
“Chef of the day” Dawn from Healthy Lifestyles and “helper” Aged Care Co-ordinator Trish serve the lovely lunch.
Gilbert presents Bernice with her prize from Cape York Pharmacy.
Come in and see us
The awesome Naps team of health workers Sylvia, Patrick and Gilbert with HACC Assessor Joan Mom.
Each Wednesday, starting 27 February, a Human Resources representative will be on hand to answer any of your questions relating to available jobs, how to apply and training opportunities with us. WHEN: Wednesdays, starting 27 February TIME: 1-4pm WHERE: Community Relations Building The Community Relations Building is centrally located behind the Weipa Bowls Club and is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm. For more information, please phone freecall Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa community feedback hotline 1800 707 633.
Maurice and Mabel enjoying morning tea.
Nurse Janelle presents Malcolm with a gift bag of health resources.
Page 12 Western Cape Bulletin February 20, 2013
OT Shannon and Continence Nurse Zoe travelled to Napranum for the health days.
Apunipima Health Worker Deborah tempting Lily with a healthy fruit morning tea.
Review to improve long-distance travel WEIPA Town Authority chairman Peter McCulkin has welcomed the announcement of a review of all Queensland Government longdistance air, coach and train services this week. Since the December 2012 announcement of a 14-month extension to all five QantasLink regulated routes, without any public consultation, Mr McCulkin has been in constant contact with the Minister for Transport and Main Roads, Scott Emerson. “I received an email from the Minister’s office last week informing me about the review into long-distance travel in regional Queensland,” Mr McCulkin said. “Mr Emerson is writing to all regional mayors and councils this week to get their ideas on how to better utilise transport across the state. “Once I have received that letter I will determine the next course of action.” The review is the first in almost six years and Mr McCulkin said Mr Emerson was well aware of the transport issues facing Cape York residents. Some of the areas under review will include: • Better connections for Gulf and Torres Strait Island communities; • Better services for growing mining communities; • Deregulation of air routes. The review is expected to be finalised later this year.
Vocal Threads returns to Weipa
• Body truck – Tipper, tiltslide, vehicle loading crane (Hiab) • Semi – Tipper, sideloader, low loader, water cart
Tipper Hire • 7 cubic metre
THE popular Vocal Threads program will be returning to Weipa in March this year. This is the third year Rio Tinto has brought the Opera Queensland program to Weipa, where the workshop will be delivered to students from the Western Cape College. All the students involved in the week-long workshop will perform in a showcase presentation on Friday evening, March 8 alongside Opera Queensland artists. Developed from Opera Queensland’s successful Moving Opera program, Vocal Threads takes music and arts learning into largely Indigenous-populated schools and communities. Students are
within seven days is an indication that both parties want to resolve any alleged issues quickly. We applaud this response as the financial strain of being grounded for so long is certainly proving challenging. “That said, we have to look forward. “We continue to stand by our 20-year history and safety record and we welcome the opportunity to defend our name and reputation. “We remain extremely grateful for the overwhelming support we continue to receive from throughout Cairns, Cape York, Torres Strait, Gove and Darwin.” Barrier Aviation operates from bases in all those centres and has a fleet of more than 30 aircraft.
TRIBAL BIBLE God got tired of the old ways of sacrifice, because it was a case of sacrifice an animal, continue with the same sins, sacrifice an animal, continue with the same sins, (get the picture?), so they needed power to be overcomers of their sins, not continual slaves to it. But God, who knows the end from the beginning, had an ongoing plan that would not only forgive sins but had the power to change believer’s hearts for the better.
By Rev. Michael Connolly
The prophet Jeremiah told of this coming plan hundreds of years before it came into play. In Jeremiah Ch 31 vs 31-34 it states, “The Lord says, ‘The time is coming when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. It will not be like the old covenant that I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand and led them out of Egypt. Although I was like a husband to them, they did not keep that covenant. The
Excavator Hire
• 4-in-1 Bucket • 3.5 ton • Chain trencher • Buckets 300, 450, • Post-hole augers 600 150, 300, 450 & 600 • Mud bucket • Road sweeper
Labour Hire
CASA and Barrier Aviation in mediation talks M E D I AT I O N t a l k s b e t w e e n grounded airline Barrier Aviation and the regulatory authority CASA (Civil Aviation Safety Authority) will be held in Sydney this week. A Federal Court hearing in Sydney last Friday ordered both parties to mediation early this week in a step to resolve a number of alleged issues. A second hearing will take place on Friday in Sydney. Mr David Kilin, Managing Director of Barrier Aviation, explained: “We feel that mediation is a major step in the right direction and it is certainly something we have been pushing for since being grounded in December. “The fact that mediation and the follow up Court hearing will take place
Bobcat Hire
new covenant that I will make with the people of Israel will be this: I will put my law within them and write it on their hearts. I will be their God and they will be my people. None of them will have to teach a neighbour to know the Lord, because all will know me, from the least to the greatest. I will forgive their sins and I will no longer remember their wrongs. I, the Lord, have spoken.” More next week. God is kind.
– Rev Michael Connolly
introduced to musical theatre and opera traditions and encouraged to explore their own heritage through music, visual arts and dance, with the support of Opera Queensland artists and an Indigenous artist from another discipline. Everyone is invited to celebrate the talents of Weipa youth at the Vocal Threads presentation to be held in the PAC building, on Friday, March 8. The presentation will commence at 7pm and run for approximately 1 hour followed by refreshments. Voluntary gold coin donations will be collected at the door to go towards Western Cape College’s Creative Generations trip.
Job and training information now more accessible Those interested in finding out more about job and training opportunities with Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa will soon have the opportunity to ask questions and receive information firsthand. From February 27, and each Wednesday thereafter, people can visit the Community Relations Building between 1 and 4pm and talk with a member of the company’s Human Resources team – without an appointment. Human Resources and Training manager, Allyson Urquhart, said the growing interest in Weipa’s job and training opportunities has meant the team needed to be more accessible. “The Community Relations Building is a central location for most residents and having a regular presence there means residents will be able to speak to someone who knows about the job and training opportunities available,” Ms Urquhart said. “If we can’t answer your question straight away, we will follow up, or point you in the right direction.” Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa employees are also able to schedule appointments with a Human Resources representative during the allocated time, which will allow those on a shift roster a more accessible location to meet. The Community Relations Building is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm. Visitors do not need any Personal Protective Equipment. For more information, please phone freecall Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa community feedback hotline 1800 707 633 or email
• Bobcat, Excavator, Dozer
CRANE OPERATION • Vehicle loading crane, non slew (Franna), EWP & Dogman
Ph/fax: 07 4069 7702 Mobile: 0418 600 940
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Western Cape Bulletin
February 20, 2013 Page 13
real estate
A fresh approach to real estate in Weipa
House of the week large new family home
large Brand new 4 Bedroom family Home
4 BED 2 BATH 2 CAR – $599,000 NEG.
Plenty of space for the whole family in this large 4 Brm home. The main brm is complimented with a WIR, ens and sliding door access to an oversized outdoor undercover area, tiled throughout, split sys air-con, solar hot water, modern kitchen, combined lounge dining, family room. This one has it all.
Call for an inspection today $599,000 negotiable
reduced for sale
Enjoy the convenience of this modern, low maintenance 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Unit. Split system air-conditioning, tiled throughout, main bedroom with ensuite, all bedrooms with mirrored built in robes, situated in a quiet complex of 3.
Available as a vacant possession $410,000
Large newly built four bedroom family home in the Golf Links Estate. With ample space this contemporary home features; lounge and separate dining area, large family room, modern kitchen, tiled flooring throughout, split system air-conditioning, solar hot water, main bedroom complete with walk-in-robe and ensuite. Oversized outdoor undercover area, colorbond fencing with side access, double garage, set on approx 874m2.
Available for rent - 4 bedroom houses Glenn 0419 714 929 Sandy 0488 185 611 Office (07) 4069 7520
Phone Geoff Bryant – 0408 772 592
WEIPA REAL ESTATE $285,000 neg. $1,295,000 neg.
Ideal for the investor seeking a low-maintenance portfolio addition, this block of three lowset stand alone units is offered for sale all on one title. These well-presented three bedroom units offer a steady income stream with potential for future strata subdivision. These units offer good sized bedrooms, lounge/dining area, neat kitchen, bathrooms with separate toilet, internal laundry, fully fenced rear yard and no rear neighbours. This property meets all investment requirements.
$285,000 neg. $820,000
TWO DUPLEXS... ON ONE TITLE Set on 1,050 m2. Immaculately presented throughout. Each duplex offers: • Three bedrooms (all with built-ins) • Two bathrooms • Gourmet kitchen with dishwasher • Combined living / dining • Split system Air conditioners • Large patio/entertaining area • Fully fenced with colour bond fencing • Garden shed • Reticulation • Each with double parking.
$650,000 neg.
New home in Golf Links Estate. A/C. Granite bench tops, pantry & dishwasher space. Family room, lounge room & dining area. Patio, landscaped, fully fenced & in ground pool. Double lock up garage, with laundry & storage area. Long term lease to corporation
$452,000 neg.
VACANT POSSESSION. Situated on 1198m , with plenty of room. BIW, kitchen, combined lounge/dining area, A/C, new paint throughout, private outdoor area surrounded by gardens and a large fenced backyard. 2
$640,000 neg.
VACANT POSSESSION. This home is one of a kind! Solid mahogany timber kitchen, iron wood stair case, indulgent master bedroom with sea views. A/C throughout, 9 m x 5 m outdoor under cover BBQ area, established gardens with watering system and 6 m x 9 m shed. This property is a must see!!
$465,000 neg.
This 3 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Highset home is on a massive 1272m2 block. Low maintenance gardens, double gate access to backyard, large area downstairs, 2 Bay undercover parking. Rented until February 2013.
Vacant possession two bedroom modern unit situated walking distance to McNamara Shopping Centre. Lounge/dining area, split system air conditioning throughout, ceiling fans, BIW, neat kitchen, bathroom, internal laundry, large timber deck, patio and single carport. Great home for first home buyers!!
Modern low maintenance home in Nanum. Tiled flooring throughout, spacious lounge/dining & kitchen. A/C. BIW. Fully fenced with side access. Undercover patio area at rear & double carport. VACANT POSSESSION.
$420,000 neg.
This well presented unit is complete with a modern kitchen, dining/lounge area, outdoor patio area with backyard. Bathroom with dual access and internal laundry. Tiled throughout, split system a/c, BIW and ceiling fans. Currently corporate leased until 2015.
$409,000 neg.
3 brm, 2 bthrm unit with modern fixtures. Split system aircon throughout, BIW, ceiling fans, open plan living areas, undercover entertainment area and tiled floor. Situated in a quiet complex of 3 with low body corp fees. Vacant poss, end of Feb 2013.
$315,000 neg.
VACANT POSSESSION. Well presented two storey unit. New floor coverings, freshly painted interior, A/C & ceiling fans. Private backyard with timber fencing, garden & lock up storage room. This is a great investment property drawing in rent of $500 per week.
We are getting desperately low on sale stock. We have buyers ready to purchase a property that suits their needs. If you are considering selling your property, please feel free to phone us for a free no obligation appraisal.
SALES – GEOFF BRYANT – 0408 772 592 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT – MELISA P: 07 4069 9921 F: 07 4069 9721 Email: Page 14 Western Cape Bulletin February 20, 2013
television guide
6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Jung In Europa 10:10 La Mappa Misteriosa 10:30 Behind The News 11:00 Infamous Victory: Ben Chifley’s Battle For Coal 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Movie: “Fat City” (M) 2:00 sWaterloo Road 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:00 Eggheads 5:30 ABC News 6:00 Wild Life At The Zoo 6:30 Deadly 60: On A Mission 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Catalyst: On The Road 8:30 Making Couples Happy :) 9:30 The Midwives 10:30 Lateline 11:05 The Business 11:30 Seven Ages Of Britain: Age Of Conquest - British commentator and presenter David Dimbleby tells the story of Britain through its art and treasure. This episode begins with the Roman invasion and ends with the Norman Conquest. 12:30 The Clinic 1:25 The Da Vinci Shroud 2:15 Big Ideas Sampler 2:30 NTFL: Wanderers vs Palmerston 5:30 Eggheads
6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 National News Now 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Block: All Stars 8:00 TBA 8:30 The Mentalist: Days Of Wine And Roses -The CBI team investigate the death of a young model who was a patient at an elite rehab facility. Meanwhile, Lisbon intensifies her probe of multimillionaire Tommy Volker. 9:30 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: CSI On Fire 10:30 CSI: NY: Kill Screen - The CSIs investigate a murder that is linked to a competitive video-gaming tournament. 11:30 The Block: All Stars 12:30 20/20 1:30 Danoz Direct 3:00 Global Shop Direct 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News / 5:30 Today
6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Seduced and Betrayed” (M a) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Minute To Win It 4:00 The Zoo 4:30 Seven News 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home And Away - Marilyn tries to help Alf and Celia resolve their issues, Rosie reveals the truth about her family to Sasha, and Romeo and Indi decide to re-open the gym. Meanwhile, Sid opens up to a psychiatrist but, having told the kids he’s at a medical convention, is busted by Dex. 7:30 TBA 8:45 TBA 9:45 Grimm: “Woman In Black” As Nick delves deeper into his life as a Grimm, a trail of grotesque murders reignites the search for the elusive gold coins. 10:45 Nazi Hunters 11:45 Up All Night 12:15 Last Chance Learners 1:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra / 5:30 Seven Early News
5:00 Weatherwatch And Music 5:05 World News 5:30 UEFA Champions League: AC Milan Vs Barcelona 8:05 World News 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: Gold Of The Ninjas 6:00 TBA 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Food Safari 8:00 Island Feast with Peter Kuruvita - Chef Peter Kuruvita finds an intriguing mix of excitement and relaxation on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu. This volcanic island is home to a steadfastly preserved traditional way of life and its chiefs grant Peter approval to cook atop the slopes of its active volcano, Mt Yasur. 8:30 Jerusalem On A Plate 9:35 24 Hours in Emergency: A Good Life 10:30 World News Australia 11:05 UEFA Champions League Hour 12:05 Movie: “The President’s Last Bang” (MAV l,v) In Korean and Japanese. Director Im Sang-soo makes a controversial political statement with this complicated and sardonic black comedy based on the true events of the 1979 assassination of South Korean President Park Chung-hee. 2:00 ECI Track World Championships 2013: Day 2
6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Double Trouble 10:20 What I Wrote 10:30 Arrows Of Desire 11:00 Catalyst: On The Road 11:30 One Plus One 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Poirot 1:20 Last Of The Summer Wine 2:00 Waterloo Road 2:45 Mosaic: Eyes On The World 3:00 Children’s Programs 6:00 Doctor Who 6:50 Miniscule 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 QLD 8:00 QI: Girls And Boys - It’s a battle of the sexes when QI looks at Girls and Boys, with guests Alan Davies, Sandi Toksvig, Ronni Ancona and Jack Dee. 8:30 The Doctor Blake Mysteries: Brotherly Love - A delirious prisoner on death row tells Dr Lucien Blake he is innocent of the police shooting for which he is soon to hang. Dr Blake pulls out all stops to uncover the truth. 9:25 Silk: Martha is coerced into defending a policewoman accused of racism; Mark Draper, the teenager whom she successfully defended on a cottaging charge, has been arrested for murder; and Billy sets a trap for Clive. 10:30 Lateline 11:05 My Family: Accusin’ Susan 11:35 Rage 5:00 Rage
6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 National News Now 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Block: All Stars 8:00 The Big Bang Theory: The Justice League Recombination - The guys get Zack and Penny to join their Justice League costume for a New Year’s Eve bash at the comic book store. 8:30 TBA 10:30 TBA 12:20 Movie: “Deliverance” (M) - A weekend camping trip through the mountain wilderness turns into a terrifying nightmare for four men. Based on the novel by James Dickey. 2:30 The Avengers: The Bird Who Knew Too Much 3:30 Danoz Direct 4:30 Good Morning America
6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Lucy” (M) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Minute To Win It 4:00 The Zoo 4:30 Seven News 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home And Away - With Nelson in custody, it appears that things between Casey and Tamara are going to be okay. Despite meeting Rosie’s little sister, Sasha’s still convinced something’s not right with Rosie. 7:30 Better Homes And Gardens 9:00 TBA 11:30 Family Guy: Peterotica - Peter becomes a best-selling erotic Novelist, Carter’s life is ruined when he is sued for publishing Peter’s books on tape, while Stewie trains for the Olympics. 12:00 Movie: “Alien Abduction” (M) In the middle of a Thanksgiving dinner, a flash of light marks the beginning of a terrifying night for the McPherson family. 2:00 Auction Squad 3:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today
5:00 Weatherwatch and Music 5:05 World News 1:30 One Born Every Minute 2:30 Everyone Loves A Wedding 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: Australia 6:00 TBA 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Monty Halls’ Great Irish Escape 8:30 The Christchurch Earthquake: When a City Falls 9:35 As It Happened: Dig World War II 10:30 World News Australia 11:05 Movie: “Left Bank” (MA a,v,n,s) In Flemmish. When 22-year-old Marie discovers that the previous tenant of her boyfriend’s apartment had mysteriously vanished without trace, she begins to investigate the circumstances. Becoming completely obsessed, she eventually finds that her new neighbourhood may be a dangerous, satanic place and that some mysteries should be left alone. 1:00 Ko Ho Nas : Faced with a cross cultural mid-life crisis, 46-year-old comedian Simon Palomares is going back to Spain, a country he left when he was 10, to try his hand at comedy in his native tongue and also to take care of some family matters. Together with his friend and guide, Spanish comedian Jorge Segura, he travels around Spain and enters the bloody gladiatorial arena of stand-up comedy. 2:00 UCI Track World Championships 2013: Day 3
6:00 Rage 10:30 Rage: Guest Programmer 11:30 7.30 QLD 12:00 Foreign Correspondent 12:30 Australian Story 1:00 Eggheads 1:30 Movie: “Invaders From Mars” (G) 2:45 TBA 3:00 The Navigators: Baudin vs Flinders 4:00 Basketball: WNBL: Semi Final 1 6:00 TBA 6:45 Gardening Australia Summer 7:00 ABC News 7:30 The Paradise: Miss Audrey develops a mysterious illness which provokes a rivalry between Denise and Clara. Katherine enjoys the effect Peter is having on her life, but is it enough to banish all thoughts of Moray? 8:30 Grand Designs: Braintree - Artists Freddie Robins and Ben Coode Adams take on the conversion of a huge grade two listed timberframed barn in the Essex countryside. It is so big that Kevin wonders if it will ever make a cosy and comfortable home. 9:20 Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries: Death by Miss Adventure - Phryne sends Dot undercover to work in a factory to help solve the murder of one of its female employees. 10:15 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL 11:05 TBA 11:35 Rage: Guest Programmer 5:00 Rage
6:00 Bubble Guppies 6:30 Dora The Explorer 7:00 Weekend Today 10:00 Danoz Direct 11:00 Antiques Roadshow 11:30 Alive & Cooking 12:00 The Bottom Line 12:30The New Adventures Of Old Christine 1:00 Same Name 2:00 World Club Challenge Rugby League 4:00 The Block: All Stars 5:00 National News 5:30 4WD TV 6:00 National News Saturday 6:30 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos 7:30 TBA 8:30 TBA 11:40 Movie: “The Omega Man” (M) In 1977, a medical researcher, the sole survivor of a germ warfare, develops a curative serum from his own blood in an attempt to preserve humanity. 1:30 Movie: “Sum Of Existence” (AV) Liz Murphy is a normal, vivacious teen, who was brutally assaulted by a stranger and left to die. Unable to deal with the assault, her parents enlist the help of Dr. Juliet King, who uses a new therapy to cure Liz. 3:10 The Baron 4:00 Danoz 5:30 Wesley Impact
6:00 Saturday Disney 7:00 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 The Morning Show 12:00 Dr Oz 1:00 That ‘70s Show 1:30 Movie: “Hannah Montana And Miley Cyrus: Best Of Both Worlds ” (G) 3:00 Movie: “Dr Doolittle 3” (G) 5:00 Creek To Coast 5:30 Queensland Weekender - Dean Miller and his team cover the length and breadth of Queensland with great suggestions for weekends, short breaks and holidays. 6:00 Seven News 6:30 TBA 9:30 TBA 12:45 Movie: “Bad Manners” (M) - Mind games coil through a visit of one couple to the home of another when a sum of money goes missing and relationships are tested. 2:45 Room For Improvement - Richard might have missed out on super stardom, but now the RFI team will rock his socks off with a surprise music studio makeover! 3:30 It Is Written Oceania 4:00 Home Shopping 5:00 That ‘70’s Show 5:30 That ‘70’s Show
5:00 Weatherwatch and Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Paul Simon: Live In Webster Hall 2:05 Piano Notes 2:15 Gauguin: The Full Story 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Who Do You Think You Are?: Ainsley Harriot 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Salvage Hunters 8:30 Prisoners of War: The Journal 9:30 Movie: “A Single Man” (TBC) George Falconer is a middle-aged English professor living in Los Angeles in the early 1960s. Unable to cope with the death of his long-time boyfriend in a car accident, George decides to kill himself. He then proceeds to get all his affairs in order while carrying on with what otherwise would be a normal day. 11:25 Movie: “Letters To Father Jacob” (M a) In Finnish. With few options, newly pardoned prisoner Leila agrees to work as an assistant to a blind pastor. Father Jacob spends his days answering the letters of the needy, which Leila finds pointless. But when the letters stop, the pastor is devastated and Leila finds herself cast in a new role. 1:00 South Park: Night of the Living Homeless 1:30 South Park: Le Petit Tourette 1:50 The Magnificent Four 2:00 UCI Track World Championships 2013: Day 4
6:00 Rage (MA) 6:30 Children’s Programs 9:00 Insiders 10:00 Inside Business 10:30 Offsiders 11:00 Asia Pacific Focus 11:30 Songs Of Praise 12:00 Landline 1:00 Travel Oz 1:30 World Cafe Asia: Chengdu 2:00 How The Earth Was Made: Asteroids 2:45 TBA 3:00 The PreRaphaelites: Victorian Revolutionaries 3:30 Artscape 4:00 Basketball: WNBL: Semi Final 2 6:00 Rick Stein’s Far Eastern Odyssey 7:00 ABC News 7:30 Kevin McCloud’s Man Made Home 8:20 Dream Build: Inner House 8:30 Call The Midwife 9:30 Adam Hills: The Last Leg 9:55 Shakespeare Uncovered: Twelfth Night And As You Like It 10:50 TBA 11:50 Movie: “Joe Kidd” (M) - Joe Kidd a former bounty hunter and all-around tough guy is asked to help track Louis Chama, the leader of a band of Mexicans who are denied land in the US. 1:15 Movie: “The House Of Seven Corpses” (M) 2:40 Rage 4:00 The New Inventors 4:30 Art Nation 5:00 Gardening Australia 5:30 Catalyst
6:00 Bubble Guppies 6:30 Dora The Explorer 7:00 Weekend Today 10:00 Gilligans Island 10:30 The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air 11:00 Movie: “My Dog Skip” (G) 1:00 Movie: “Escape To Victory” (PG) 3:30 Wildlife Man Featuring David Ireland 4:30 Manly Surf 5:00 National News 5:30 Customs 6:00 National News Sunday 6:30 The Block: All Stars 7:30 60 Minutes 8:30 The Mentalist: Little Red Corvette - The team investigate a geologist’s homicide, which Lisbon believes is linked to Tommy Volker and therefore can lead to his downfall. 9:30 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Strip Maul 10:30 CSI: Miami: F-T-F 11:30 The Block: All Stars 12:30 What Would You Do? 1:30 Spyforce 2:30 Danoz Direct 3:30 Global Shop Direct 4:00 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News 5:30 Today
6:00 Stitch 6:30 Handy Manny 7:00 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 The Morning Show - Weekend 11:00 Iron Chef Australia 12:00 Movie: “The Woodlies Movie” (C) 1:40 That ‘70s Show 2:10 Movie: “Brief Encounter” (PG) 4:30 Live Healthy, Be Happy 5:00 Drive Thru Australia 5:30 Great Southeast 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Sunday Night 7:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line 8:00 The Force - Behind The Line 8:30 Downton Abbey - Edith’s happiness is overshadowed by her family’s opposition to her plans regarding Anthony Strallan but will their disapproval change things? 9:40 Castle 11:40 Law & Order: LA : Raseda 12:35 Special: Cameltrain Downstream 1:35 Room For Improvement 2:00 Home Shopping 3:00 NBC Today 4:00 NBC Meet The Press 5:00 Sunrise Extra 5:30 Seven Early News
5:00 Weatherwatch and Music 5:30 World News 8:30 PopAsia 10:30 Football Asia 11:00 UEFA Champions League Magazine 11:30 Speedweek 1:30 Al Jazeera News 2:30 Wheel2Wheel: Australia 3:30 Lyndey and Blair’s Taste of Greece: Olympia 4:00 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations: Tokyo 5:00 Cycling Central 5:35 Rex In Rome: Flags At Half Mast 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Lost Worlds: History Cold Case: The Skeletons of Windypits 8:30 Wonders Of The Solar System: The Thin Blue Line 9:35 Guilty Pleasures - This light-hearted documentary follows three real-life fans of the romantic novels of Mills & Boon and their quest for true love. Demure Japanese housewife Hiroko yearns to be swept off her feet by a dashing David Beckham look-alike; single mum Shirley has finally found love, but her hero has a dark side; and feisty Indian princess Shumita is out to get her husband back. And proving that truth is stranger than fiction, one glamorous Mills & Boon author named Gill Sanderson, actually turns out to be Roger, a pensioner writing from a caravan. 10:30 UCI Track World Championships 2013: Day 5 1:20 Weatherwatch Overnight
6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Backyard Science 10:25 Science Clips 10:35 Inside Science 10:50 I Maths 11:00 Landline 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Kevin McCloud’s Man Made Home 1:20 Dream Build 1:30 Meerkat Manor 2:00 Parliament Question Time 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:00 Eggheads 5:30 ABC News 6:00 Country House Rescue 6:50 Minuscule 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Australian Story 8:30 Four Corners 9:20 Media Watch 9:35 Q&A 10:35 Lateline 11:10 The Business 11:35 Small Island 1:05 Movie: “The Old Dark House” (PG) 2:20 Parliament Question Time: The Senate 3:20 Rage 4:10 Gardening Australia: Shorts 4:20 Movie: “Go Chase Yourself” (G) 5:30 Eggheads
6:00 Today 9:00 Danoz 10:00 National Morning News 11:00 The 85th Annual Academy Awards 3:00 Joanna Lumley’s Nile 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Block: All Stars 8:00 TBA 8:30 The Big Bang Theory: The Cooper-Kripke Inversion - Sheldon is outraged, and his confidence takes a hit, when he’s forced to work with his nemesis, Barry Kripke. Meanwhile, Howard and Raj shell out big bucks for action figures of themselves 9:00 The Big Bang Theory: The Bus Pants Utilization 9:30 The 85th Annual Academy Awards - From Hollywood, join host Seth McFarlane for the 85th Academy Awards. Aussie’s up for nomination include Hugh Jackman for his role in Les Miserables, Naomi Watts for The Impossible and Jackie Weaver for Silver Linings Playbook. 12:00 The Block: All Stars 1:00 Extra 1:30 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo 2:00 Danoz Direct 3:00 Global Shop Direct 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News / 5:30 Today
6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Blood On Her Hands” (M) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Minute To Win It 4:00 The Zoo 4:30 Seven News 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home And Away - Natalie and Zac begin a romantic relationship, Brax has to fix the mess Heath has made of Angelo’s in his absence and Jamie is intimidated into beating up Casey. 7:30 My Kitchen Rules 8:45 Revenge: Intuition - Playing with the Graysons is definitely playing with fire, and Amanda learns that the hard way. Meanwhile, Emily and Aiden each become blindsided, and the wheels start turning as Daniel begins to take matters into his own hands. 9:45 How I Met Your Mother 10:45 The Mindy Project 11:15 Happy Endings 12:15 Last Chance Learners 1:00 Home Shopping 3:30 Room For Improvement 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra / 5:30 Seven Early News
5:00 Weatherwatch and Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Movie: “The Road Home” (G) 2:30 My Family Feast: Greek 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 FIFA Futbol Mundial 5:00 PopAsia 5:30 Global Village: Chile 6:00 Grand Tours of Scotland: Mind, Body and Spirit 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Mythbusters: Fixing A Flat 8:35 Man vs Wild: Georgia: Eastern Europe 9:35 RocKwiz: Helen Croome & Jordi Davieson 10:30 World News Australia 11:00 The World Game 12:00 SOS: Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore Following a hurricane which destroys his town, Morris is whisked away to a colourful old house full of books which come alive and interact with him spreading happiness in the community. Winner, Academy Award for Best Animated Short 2012. (G); Logorama Spectacular car chases, an intense hostage crisis, wild animals rampaging through the city and even more in Logorama! (M) 1:05 My Family UK: Cup Of Tea 2:05 Weatherwatch Overnight
6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 Behind The News 10:25 Real Chinese 10:40 Nile 10:55 Australia’s Heritage: National Treasures 11:00 Big Ideas 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Q&A 1:20 Theatreland 2:00 Parliament Question Time 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:00 Eggheads 5:30 ABC News 6:00 Time Team 6:50 Minuscule 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Foreign Correspondent 8:30 New Tricks 9:30 At The Movies 9:35 Artscape 10:35 Lateline 11:10 The Business 11:35 Four Corners 12:20 Media Watch 12:35 Parliament Question Time: The Senate 1:03 The Language Man 2:05 Basketball: WNBL 4:05 Catalyst Bytes 4:15 Movie: “Time Is My Enemy” (PG) 5:15 Big Ideas Sampler 5:30 Eggheads
6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 11:00 National Morning News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 National News Now 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Block: All Stars 8:00 The Big Bang Theory: Booked Solid 8:30 The Big Bang Theory: The Love Car Displacement - Tension runs high when everyone is staying at the same hotel for a science event and Bernadette runs into her ex-boyfriend. 9:00 Two Broke Girls: And Too Little Sleep 9:30 Two And A Half Men: Run, Steven Staven! Run! 10:00 Anger Management: Charlie’s Dad Break Bad 10:30 Embarrassing Bodies 11:30 The Block: All Stars 12:30 20/20 1:30 Danoz Direct 3:00 Global Shop Direct 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News 5:30 Today
6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story” (PG) 2:00 Dr Oz 3:00 Minute To Win It 4:00 The Zoo 4:30 Seven News 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home And Away - Brax promises to help Heath win back visitation with Darcy, Indi and Romeo prove to themselves they can own their own business and Brax is furious with Zac for letting Casey be beaten up. 7:30 My Kitchen Rules 8:45 Packed To The Rafters: Displacement - Julie is in denial that Ted may have dementia and Dave carefully voices his own concerns about Ted’s condition but Julie doesn’t want to discuss it. Jake is still having issues with Alex who’s partying too hard. 9:45 TBA 11:45 Against The Wall 1:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra 5:30 Seven Early News
5:00 Weatherwatch & Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Movie: “Ca$h” (M l,v) 2:50 McLaren’s Negatives 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: Patagonia Cafe 6:00 Grand Tours of Scotland 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Who Do You Think You Are?: Vinve Colosimo 8:35 Insight: Saving Lives 9:30 Dateline 10:30 World News Australia 11:00 Movie: “Sandcastle” (M s,l) In Mandarin. About to begin his mandatory enlistment in the Singaporean army, 18-year-old En is on the cusp of a personal transformation. His first romance, the death of his grandfather and his mother’s love affair with an officer all take their toll on the teen. However, it’s his new-found knowledge of his late father’s student activism that has the greatest influence on him. . 12:45 Anna Pihl - The killer rapist is still at large and Anna offers to act as bait in an attempt to catch him. She has plenty of backup but her dad says the police have underestimated the killer’s intelligence. 1:35 Weatherwatch Overnight
6:00 ABC News Breakfast 9:30 Business Today 10:00 For The Juniors 10:15 Ace Day Jobs 10:20 My Great Big Adventure 10:40 Behind The News Specials 11:00 Big Ideas 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 National Press Club Address 1:30 At The Movies 2:00 Parliament Question Time 3:00 Children’s Programs 5:00 Eggheads 5:30 ABC News 6:00 Grand Designs: Wales 6:50 Minuscule 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL 8:30 QI: Jack And Jill 9:00 The Agony Of Life 9:35 Would I Lie To You? 10:00 Bored To Death: Forty-Two Down! 10:30 Lateline 11:00 The Business 11:30 Identity 12:20 Durham County 1:15 Parliament Question Time: The Senate 2:15 Long Story Short 3:10 Rage 4:10 Movie: “Room Service” (G) 5:30 Eggheads
6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings 10:00 National Morning News 11:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 National News Now 4:00 Extra 4:30 National Afternoon News 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 National News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 The Block: All Stars: Challenge Day - Scotty presents the teams with two challenges that bring out the artist and the car enthusiast in the All Stars. It’s a race to finish three rooms for judging and for one couple, second thoughts on paint colour mean they can’t see eye to eye. 8:30 TBA 9:30 TBA 10:30 TBA 11:00 The Block: All Stars 12:30 Extra 1:00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo 1:30 Danoz Direct 3:00 Global Shop Direct 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 National Early Morning News / 5:30 Today
6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 TBA 1:00 Movie: “As Time Runs Out” 3:00 Minute To Win It 4:00 The Zoo 4:30 Seven News 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home And Away - Liam continues lifting money from the till. Romeo gives Casey a job at the gym. April worries she’s pushed Dex into going back to uni too soon. 7:30 My Kitchen Rules 8:45 TBA 9:45 TBA 10:15 World’s Wildest Police Videos 11:15 Air Crash Investigations: Impossible Landing - United Airlines Flight #232 is 37,000 feet over Iowa when one of its three engines explodes. The pilots shut it down but soon discover they have a much more serious problem on their hands. 12:15 Room For Improvement 1:00 Home Shopping 3:30 Room For Improvement 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Sunrise Extra 5:30 Seven Early News
5:00 Weatherwatch And Music 5:05 World News 1:00 Insight: Saving Lives 2:00 Dateline 3:00 France 24 International News 3:30 Al Jazeera News 4:00 The Journal 4:30 PBS Newshour 5:30 Global Village: Back In Amazonia 6:00 Grand Tours of Scotland: Wish You Were Here 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Wildest Latin America: The Pantanal 8:30 Ewan McGregor: Cold Chain Mission: India and Nepal 9:30 Masters of Money: Karl Marx and Marxian Economics 10:35 World News Australia 11:05 Movie: “Sword Of Desperation” (MA v) In Japanese. When highly respected samurai Kanemi Sanzaemon murders one of his Lord’s concubine in cold blood, he is thrown into solitary confinement for twelve months. However, through a series of flashbacks, we learn that there were noble intentions behind Kanemi’s murderous act. 1:05 Movie: “Sympathy For Lady Veneance” In Korean. Beautiful Lee Guem-ja is finally out of jail after thirteen years imprisonment for the kidnap and murder of a six-year-old boy. She can now start to seek revenge on the man who was really responsible for the boy’s death. But will her actions lead to the relief she seeks? 3:10 Weatherwatch Overnight
Western Cape Bulletin
February 20, 2013 Page 15
SUDOKU No. 136
Your Lucky
AQUARIUS (January 21st - February 19th)
You may be a little over-sensitive to a personal remark. This person’s attempts to get a reaction out of you may almost succeed! Romance. Communications with your partner are likely to be very healthy at the moment. A meeting later in the week will go well. What’s next is unpredictable.
PISCES (February 20th - March 20th)
You will never finish everything that you have to do. You must either get help or decide to leave some things for later. Can you chance leaving things unfinished? Romance. Good communications will be absolutely essential. You must say what you mean as clearly as possible. Speak up!
ARIES (March 21st - April 20th)
A friend that you used to know well will shortly be coming back into your life. This person may have changed a little, however. Romance. An improvement in your social life will pay dividends. You’ll soon be in great demand! Make sure you are ready for such a demanding schedule.
TAURUS (April 21st - May 21st)
If you got paid on the basis of the amount you speak, you would make a lot of money this week! It’s better if you kept some things to yourself. Romance. You don’t always have to please your partner. Your finances are not infinite and some things may have to be put off for the moment.
GEMINI (May 22nd - June 21st)
You may be a little too keen on the details of a new purchase. Don’t let this deter you from enjoying this new gadget. You bought it for a reason, right? Romance. You will feel slightly ignored this week. Don’t make too large of an issue about it. Your voice will be heard at some point.
CANCER (June 22nd - July 23rd)
Your colleagues will appreciate your openness. A recent discussion will show them that you are orientated and that you mean business. Romance. A person whose intentions are a little suspect may have their eyes on you this week. Don’t make any judgements until you know more.
LEO (July 24th - August 23rd)
Your parents may seem to be taking a slightly closer interest in your life than you might like. Gently remind them that you need privacy. Romance. Although you are normally a very sociable person, you may need to spend some time alone. Unfortunately, your partner may feel rejected.
VIRGO (August 24th - September 23rd)
Jealousies within the family could be having a much stronger effect than you realise. Try to iron out the problems before they get out of hand. Romance. Some recent changes in your relationship may leave you outside of your comfort zone. Your partner may be feeling the same way.
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LIBRA (September 24th - October 23rd)
You will be in fighting mood this week. So long as you are not too pushy, you will get exactly what you are after. Choose your fights wisely. Romance. Your partner will be much more helpful than usual. Make a small todo list for them to complete and you both will feel accomplished.
SCORPIO (October 24th - November 22nd)
You may finally pluck up courage to ask for an improvement at work. Plan your points well so that you can be direct, but not pushy. Romance. Your partner will be in a suspiciously good mood this week. Don’t spend too much time finding out why. Instead, jump on board!
SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st)
Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.
– Robert Heinlein
Page 16 Western Cape Bulletin February 20, 2013
Your good mood will make a big difference your daily life. Infuse each moment with positive vibes. Romance. A favourable aspect between your Ruling Planet and Mars will give your love-life just what it needs this week. It’s much needed as you feel your relationship has been stifling lately.
CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 20th)
Put off making any major changes for a while. You need to wait until you are feeling a little more secure. Romance. Do something positive to improve your love-life. Take the initiative in making an important change. Look elsewhere for a potential mate as your usual place isn’t working.
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: Close of business Friday prior to publication HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE
94 acres between Tully and Cardwell Good soil, irrigation bore, 35ha water license, fenced, bitumen road frontage, 3km from Bruce Hwy, land presently leased and under cane, lease expires 31/12/2013
Sale price $695,000 neg FOR ENQUIRIES PHONE OWNER on 4066 5586 or 0417 406 655
Three bedrooms, two toilets, upgraded kitchen & floor coverings, split-system airconditioning throughout. Large corner block, fully fenced with automatic gate & beautiful in-ground swimming pool.
PHONE: 1300 4874 00 FAX: 1300 7872 48 EMAIL:
Petina Olsen After hours, on-call and 58 Circular Way in-home repairs 0418 767 427 AFFORDABLE, PROFESSIONAL, COMPUTER AND NETWORK SERVICES
Parents and Citizen’s Annual General Meeting Thursday, February 21, 2013, 7pm Library/Resource Centre – WCC
All Executive Committee positions will be declared vacant and elections for 2013 positions will be held. Executive Committee position role descriptions and pre-nominations for positions can be obtained/lodged through Mary Hindmarsh (Secretary) on email: or via 4069 9568. Meet new people, make new friends and have some fun while being an active member of your School to the benefit of your children, school and community.
appearing in the Western Cape Bulletin are available for purchase • 10cm x 15cm $5 • A4 $10 Ph: 1300 4874 00 to place your order
Western Cape Cultural Centre reopening soon The Western Cape Cultural Centre will be reopening on Thursday, 21 February. Locals and visitors alike are encourgaed to come down to check out the Western Cape Cultural Centre. The centre will be open Tuesday - Friday, from 10am through to 2pm. Coffee, cold drinks and snacks are available for purchase.
Services: Saturday Vigil 6pm Sunday 8.30am Contact: Kath 4069 9346
If you have any questions about the centre or would like more information, please contact us on our freecall community hotline 1800 707 633.
Sunday Service 9.15am Three bedroom home, rooms carpeted, fully aircon, newly painted, large double carport with full concrete driveway, large shed with your own bar, fully fence yard, access to back easement well looked after, plus this home is fully furnished ready to move in
ASKING PRICE $585,000 Phone 0448 029 607 LOANS
Cash Loans
2005 Fiat Ducato motorhome
$200 to $2,000 For: Car Repairs and Rego, Shopping in Cairns, Any W/while purpose. 132 Spence St. Cairns
4052 1150 0468 367 965
Apply On-line: Australian Credit Licence 394458
Flawless condition, no accidents, full service history, diesel, RWC, 50,000kms $38,200 Ph 08 8919 8644
Diabetes support Group
meet the first Tuesday of each month at 7.00pm at the Golf Club. Contact Tonia 0429 699 300 or Randall 0428 199 248
Phone Rev Ron Watson 4069 7228 for more information ST BARNABAS UNITING CHURCH, NAPRANUm Sunday Church Services 10am - Singing and Worship; 10.30am Service starts 6.30pm Prayer Meeting and Evening Healing Service every Sunday Tuesday 6pm - Youth Group Contact: James Hughes 4069 7228 Wednesday School – 5 to 7pm Contact: Gay Lesine Huni 0428 146 899 • Kids Club Mon & Thurs • Hoopla Fri Night Fundraising We invite people to attend early morning Prayer meetings with us every day 5 – 6.30 am For Weddings, Baptism, Marriage and Funeral contact Pastor Palmer Wapau, 0447 801 660 Community Minister Napranum
UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Apostolic Jesus Name Fellowship A Godly welcome awaits you – come and feel the Presence of our Great GOD!
Fellowship times held at the Napranum Community Hall Sunday 10.30am and 6.30pm Sunday School 9am Midweek Wednesday 7pm
Public Notice Water system delivery upgrade has commenced Please be aware that trenching will occur adjacent to Central Avenue from York Road to just before Boundary Road (as seen below) to allow for new pipe installation and replacement. It is important that residents drive cautiously, particularly during the day when construction is active. Please follow the signage and remain safe by staying clear of barricaded areas.
“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.” – Romans 5:8 For more information on service times please contact Reverend Mairu on 4069 9634
WESTERN CAPE ASSEmBLIES OF GOD What is missing? CH––CH UR! So come along and be enlightened by the word of God Sunday Service 10am at the Convention Centre ALL WELCOME!
For more information please contact us on our freecall community feedback hotline 1800 707 633.
Senior Pastor Semi Ratocoka – 0458 530 854 Assistant Pastor Sai Nadredre – 4069 9604 Assistant Pastor Leon Proud – 4069 9584
Western Cape Bulletin February 20, 2013 Page 17
Records tumble at Weipa Swimming Club meet AT the Weipa Swimming Club meet held on Friday, February 15 a total of 43 swimmers took to the pool with 50 Personal Bests (PBs) swum and two records broken. Stars of the week were Alex McInnes and birthday girl Briarna Wilkinson. Alex swam four big PBs from six swims, taking a combined total of over 37 seconds from his previous best times. Briarna swam three PBs from three swims, and took a combined total of 10 seconds off her previous best times Three PBs from Sabrina Koina, Katelyn McCahon, Morgan McCulkin and Alyssa Taare.
Two PBs from Rebecca Hunter, Alissa Koina, Lexii Millard, Natalia Nash, Raezahn Sam, Elle Toomey, Alex-Adel Tyson and Maddisen Wilkinson. One PB from Jason Ah Shay, Takara Ahmat, Rohan Coulta, Kyle Hunter, Braydon Keough, Kirra Koina, Tiffany McDougall, Lizzy McInnes, Kieran O’Sullivan, Riley O’Sullivan, Katie Pilkington, Kristyn Pilkington, Moara Sam, Dane Tyson and Donald Tyson. Natalia Nash set a new club record for the girls eight years and under 200m breastroke, and Sabrina Koina set a new record in the girls 11-year old 100m medley.
Well done to all the swimmers who achieved certificates at the Weipa Swimming Club’s meet held last Friday night.
There was sibling rivalry in the pool with Kyle and Rebecca Hunter swimming against each other. Rohan Coulta leaving the pool after his 25 metre freestyle swim.
Jordan Aldcroft after his final swim for the night at the Weipa Swimming club Friday meet.
Oztag results and fixtures
A big thanks to Darryl (not pictured) for cooking our barbecue and to Sandy and Katie (pictured) for serving it up.
RESULTS FROM ROUND 2 CIA def Infocus 11 - 0 Raiders def Gotcha 7 - 6 Show Stoppers def Accelerators 10 - 1 Mad Dogs def Pugs Away 8 - 6 Soup a Stars def Gatecrashers 14 - 2 Hyperactive Hooligans def Saints 14 - 2 Razorbacks def Scherger All Sorts 16 - 7
Infocus v Saints
Hyp Hooligans v Gotcha
BJ & Angie
Pugs Away v Show Stoppers
Karl & Lumbe
Soup a Stars v CIA
Raiders v Mad Dogs
James & PJ
Razorbacks v Gatecrashers
Scherger All Sorts v Accelerators
Jim and Cic
Alissa Koina, Alyssa Taare, and Katelyn McCahon all smiles after their 50 metre freestyle swim.
Quiz t h g Ni ! e v Li Page 18 Western Cape Bulletin February 20, 2013
SATURDAY, MARCH 9 from 6.30PM @ Carpentaria Golf Club • Teams of four • Tickets are limited • Tickets $35 a head (includes cocktail dinner & entry to major raffle) Tickets can be purchased from Tropicano in the Woolworths Shopping Centre or from any of the Weipa Razorbacks Representative Team members For more information phone Cicely on 0457 997 708
Final fundraiser for Weipa Oztag representative teams
THE place to stay in Cairns!
CBD...CBD...CBD ►Self-Catering 1BR Apartments - with balconies ►Opp. Supermarkets/PO and in the hub of CBD ►24/7 ‘Check-In’ ►Pool/BBQ/Gazebo ►Secure undercover Car Parking ►Wireless Internet
71 Lake Street, CAIRNS Phone: 07 4041 2350 Fax: 07 4041 2420
Send your fishing photos to: can hit a patch and go back the next day for naught. I had a fish with Phil Manion on Sunday in the Hey River. We put some crab pots in the Roberts and went up to the fingers where I got a 103cm Queenfish. We pulled the pots but we didn’t get any crabs so it was a slow day all round. There are a few Barra along the edges of the mangroves leading down to Hey Point but a lot of casts are required. That’s all for this week - don’t forget to email your pictures and your captures to me. Until next week smooth seas, light breezes and tight lines.
Website: Crawler Excavators
4042 7500
Moxy Dump Trucks
• Sales - New & Used • Parts • Service • Finance
Wheel Loaders
Clark Equipment Sales Pty Ltd
– Cheers China
from page 1 We were very lucky that we weren’t bothered by Sharks when our bite was on and you can’t say that if you’re fishing up around Duyfken Point where the Sharks eat everything you hook. In the rivers the Grunter are still around but not in large numbers, a few small Blue Salmon, small Queenies and Barra. The Barra are taking live baits and leaving the lures alone and Rocky Point boat ramp has been giving up a few fish around dawn and dusk. The Mission River bridge has been going ok – again, live bait is the best option here as well. There are a few small Prawns around but they are scattered. You
FRONT 9 – Tee OFF BY 0730 LAST SUNDAY Winner – Paul Haimona Runner Up – Mick Forde Hoffmans – Kel Ireland Longest Drive (mens) – Paul Haimona
Have you caught a good one during the week? Email your fishing photos to China at
Weipa weather
Weipa tide chart Wed 20
Thu 21 Time
Fri 22
Sat 23
Sun 24
Mon 25
Tue 26
Wed 27
RAiN mm Airport Weipa Nanum
Time Ht Time Ht Time Ht Time Ht Time Ht Time Ht
1158 2.77 1306 2.78 1403 2.80 1453 2.82 1538 2.84 0612 2.38 0021 1.28 0053 1.30
Tues, Feb 12 34.8° 24.2°
0.2 0.0
2018 1.49 2123 1.42 2218 1.36 2304 1.31 2345 1.28 0938 2.28 0619 2.42 0630 2.49
Wed, Feb 13 33.0° 24.2°
1.0 3.0
1618 2.84 1119 2.18 1224 2.03
Thur, Feb 14 33.4° 24.6°
5.0 0.0
1658 2.84 1737 2.82 MOON PHASES: • Full Moon - Feb 26 • Last Quarter - Mar 5 • New Moon - Mar 12 • First Quarter - Mar 20
Fri, Feb 15 33.8° 25.4°
4.4 3.4
Weipa 5-day weather forecast THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY
Sat, Feb 16 34.1° 24.4°
0.0 0.0
Sun, Feb 17 33.6° 25.4°
6.0 0.8 14.8
Mon, Feb 18 33.0° 25.2°
2.4 2.8
Possible Shower 5 knots, NW - WSW winds. Chance of rain 90% Min 25°C.
Possible Thunderstorm 6 knots, WNW - W winds. Chance of rain 90% Min 24°C.
Possible Thunderstorm 5 - 7 knots, WNW - WSW winds. Chance of rain 90% Min 24°C.
Possible Thunderstorm 6 knots, NW - W winds. Chance of rain 90% Min 24°C.
Possible Thunderstorm 5 - 6 knots, ENE - NW winds. Chance of rain 90% Min 24°C.
While the Western Cape Bulletin takes every care to ensure the information contained in the Tide and Weather information is correct, the Western Cape Bulletin accepts no responsibility for it’s accuracy. Information is provided by the Bureau of Meteorology.
Western Cape Bulletin February 20, 2013 Page 19
SPORTS DEADLINE: before 5pm Monday
SPORTS EDITORIAL: phone 1300 4874 00 DEADLINE: email: BEFORE ADVERTISING 5PM phone 1300 4874 00 PHONE: ADVERTISING: 1300 4874 00 MONDAY email: EDITORIAL PHONE: 1300 4874 00
Ideal weather sees plenty of fish landed H a r d a w p ar e W ei Cape York, Qld
Send your fishing photos to:
Timber Gardening Plumbing supplies Hand and power tools Builder’s hardware Project pricing and more! Ph: 07 4069 7486 TRADING HOURS: Mon – Fri: 7am – 5.00pm Fax: 07 4069 8240 Sat: 8am – 2pm 2 Iraci Cres, Weipa Qld 4874 Sun: 9am – 1pm Public hols: closed
WEEKLY FREIGHT SERVICE TO AND FROM THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: Weipa, Cairns Horn Island & Thursday Island Bamaga, Boigu Is., Dauan Is., Mabuiag Is., Saibai Is. & St Pauls Is. Coconut Is., Murray Is., Darnley Is., & Stephen Is. Sue Is., Yam Is., Yorke Is., Badu Is. & Kubin Village
PH: 1800 424 422
The weather has remained ideal for fishing this week with flat seas and light breezes. Fishing offshore has been exceptional on the reefs that are further afield, but there are enough quality fish on the close reefs to keep most punters happy. There are a lot of small Tusk Fish and Cod that have to be released but there are plenty of legal-sized fish to fill the ice boxes. I went with Stewart Mckinnon way down the coast to a
MOVING ANYTHING, ANYWHERE If you need something shipped, have confidence with Sea Swift. Freight deliveries to 41 – 45 Tingira Street, Cairns Fax: 07 4035 1249 Email:
Page 20 Western Cape Bulletin February 20, 2013
reef that lies in 20 metres of water and we hit the jackpot. We started fishing with two rods but we were losing more fish than we were landing, so we both went for the heavy rods with 80lb braid and 100lb leaders. We still lost a few, but we landed most. Our catch consisted of Coral Trout at 70cm, Fingermark to 64cms, Tuskies 58cm, Cod to a metre-plus, Red Emperor to 60cm and some of the biggest Stripies I’ve ever seen. On the wider reefs there
are small and large-mouth Nannygai and the bigger boats are staying out overnight and getting some impressive fish. Darren Lee fished around the reefs off Pera for Fingermark up to 80cm on soft plastics and some Jewfish that were just legal. Russell Corbett, fishing with Daryll and Jo Kappu and their young son Jaiden, landed some nice fish around the reefs off Pera Headland mainly Fingermark, but young Jaiden caught a little Tuskie which he released
to be caught another day when it gets bigger. There are still sightings and hook-ups on Billfish and I saw one free swimming around the boat whilst fighting the Longtail Tuna that we hooked on a soft plastic on our way home. There are schools of Golden Trevally feeding on small baitfish and the odd Barra also are patrolling the beaches to the south. continued page 19