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ROTHER District Council has hit back over criticism in some quarters that it is abdicating responsibility for the running of public conveniences in Bexhill.
It comes as negotiations are ongoing over the transfer of responsibility for the care and maintenance of the toilets from the council to Bexhill-on-Sea Town Council.
In a lengthy statement, the District Council, clearly irked by criticism in some quarters on social media, wrote: “We are currently in discussion with the town council about them taking on the provision and management of public conveniences in the town.
“Like many local issues, this has prompted some comments on social media about this plan and whilst we welcome all opinions, there has been some inaccuracies we thought it would be helpful to clear up. “ years. However, as Bexhill didn’t have a Town Council until recently, we’ve been the sole provider of services to the town, with the costs shared amongst all Rother residents.
As with most proposals, there are always differing views, but the district council believes the path it is pursuing can only be of benefit to the town, its residents and visitors.
“There have been some comments that passing services to the Town Council would result in ‘double taxation.’
This isn’t the case as once the services are transferred; we will stop paying, and also stop collecting council tax to run them. The Town Council will take over collecting council tax to run that service.”
At its last meeting, the Town Council agreed to continue with lease negotiations for the devolvement of the public legal actions must be carried out.
The statement from Rother District Council concluded: “We have a duty to our council taxpayers to manage our finances and protect services in the best way we can.
“We have a record of sound financial management — even in the face of years of Government budget reductions and increasing cost pressures — and we want to protect discretionary services such as public conveniences.
“But the ongoing financial pressures means that we are looking to the Town Council to take these on in Bexhill and protect them from closure.”