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Postal services in Bexhill and beyond are being “decimated” by Royal Mail management, according to a leading local union official who is calling for an agreement to be reached to settle the ongoing dispute.


Protests have been held since the summer and Paul Plim (pictured) spoke out during a demonstration outside Bexhill Post Office late last month where he couldn’t conceal his frustration and anger.

He said: “The communication workers union have been trying in vain to settle a dispute the workforce has with the Royal Mail national team.

“What started out as a straightforward pay claim has escalated to a fight for survival for one of the most cherished bodies this country has.

“In short, our current national management team is hellbent on selling off this 500year old service that has served the public so well over the years to an asset stripping company.

“This is a workforce that even carried on during the recent Covid pandemic, providing that human contact to so many during the lockdown periods. It was a contact that so many in Bexhill were glad to have and has resulted in massive public support for our industrial action.

“We are also informing the public of our loyalty to the voice their support, a move which Mr Plim is very grateful for.

He added: “The chief executive, Simon Thompson, has to be held to account. All we are asking for is fair pay and conditions. That is not too much to ask, is it?

“But, we are continually hitting a brick wall when it comes to negotiations, which is why we must continue with our struggle.

“They (Royal Mail) are decimating everything. It is an ongoing nightmare. National policies are affecting everything, including local services, which will have a hugely negative impact.

“We want to continue to serve our customers to the very best of our ability, but we are having to work against the toughest of conditions.

“Every time we think we are close to an agreement, the conditions change once more. It is an impossible situation

“The national policy of Royal Mail is having a hugely negative impact on local jobs, with local pick ups of mail in Bexhill getting later and later and some post boxes even being removed.

“What about the elderly and infirm who rely on our local services? Not everyone is in a position to travel into the town centre, especially as parking is at a premium.

“The pay and conditions are terrible and we have had no option but to take the action we are currently undertaking.

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