Eastbourne News, September 2024, Issue 04

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HELLO and welcome to the latest issue of Eastbourne News which is once again packed full of local stories.

The main event in the past month has been Eastbourne Airbourne which once again provided plenty of thrills for the thousands who packed the seafront.

The highlights were the flypast of the legendary Red Arrows who put on yet another outstanding display as they celebrated their 60th anniversary.

Unfortunately, not all news is good news, and the predicament facing Eastbourne Borough Council and their ongoing financial worries is clearly a major concern.

Something needs to be done and it is to be hoped that a suitable solution can be found to ensure the town continues to thrive.

It is no use playing the blame game because that ultimately achieves nothing. Clear heads and a clear vision are what is needed moving forward.

There has also been good news for the young people of our town after A-Level results were published with many of the students achieving their objectives as they look to embark on the next chapter of their lives.

Indeed, many have achieved the qualifications necessary to get into either Cambridge or Oxford university which is clearly a major accomplishment.

As editor of Eastbourne News I wish them every success in their future endeavours.

Finally, I want to thank to our loyal readers who have been picking up Eastbourne News in their droves.

We are here to serve the community so please get in touch with your stories at editor@eastbourne.news

Hsin-Yi Lo, Editor.


PAUL GIBSON — GROUP EDITOR paul@regionalmediagroup.co.uk

HSIN-YI LO – REGIONAL EDITOR hsinyilo@regionalmediagroup.co.uk

KIM MAYO – REGIONAL EDITOR kim@regionalmediagroup.co.uk

LYLE ACOTT – ADVERTISING SALES sales@regionalmediagroup.co.uk

VIKTORIA COWLEY – FEATURES AND ACCOUNTS viktoria@regionalmediagroup.co.uk

MIKE LEGG – SPORTS REPORTER sports@regionalmediagroup.co.uk

DEAN COOK – PRODUCTION dean@regionalmediagroup.co.uk

Eastbourne News is a publication by Regional Media Group Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales number: 13746177. We have taken care


Information provided by businesses and community organisations are provided directly by their own representatives; please direct any queries or comments regarding content directly to the organisation. Any opinion or views expressed within this publication are solely those of the author. © 2024: No part of this newspaper may be reproduced in part or whole without express permission of the editor.

Controversial plans to develop retirement home complex deferred once more

CONTROVERSIAL plans to build 128 care home apartments have been deferred again as Eastbourne Borough Council’s planning committee stressed the developer has yet to fulfill essential criteria.

Untold Living submitted plans last year to develop the retirement home complex on Site 1 off Martinique Way on Sovereign Harbour and this was met with vehement objections from residents.

The proposal includes a restaurant/ bar, community space, landscaping and parking.

At a meeting on August 20, the planning committee required Untold Living to engage in further discussions with East Sussex County Council’s over its ecological and landscape requirements.

Other conditions the developer must meet include ensuring the age of occupiers must be over 55 and the apartments must not be utilised as second homes.

There must also be a travel plan, car club and transport contributions, plus a Local Labour Agreement and a commitment to improve public open space and walkways.

Developers had originally aimed to build 137 apartments in a seven-

storey complex but when the plans were brought to a planning meeting in March Eastbourne Council rejected the proposal.

The committee requested the developer revise the design. These include a reduction from 137 to 128 residential units, change from sevenstoreys to six-storeys, change the palette of materials for the exterior, separation of the buildings to improve the aesthetics of the complex so it does not have a “bulky” appearance and “revisit the design to reflect the maritime locality and respond to the setting of the Martello Tower 66”.

Historic England (HE) had previously voiced concerns about the potential impact on Martello Tower but following the revised proposals, HE commented it has “no objections on

heritage grounds”, saying: “the recent amendments represent a positive change from the previous proposals.

“In particular, the reduction in height, allowing more views through the building via better use of the glazed links, and the amendments to the materials and palette allow for the structure to be read as smaller more separated units, in comparison to a single monolithic wall of development.

“The revised treatment of the northern end of the building also allows for an improved approach and intervisibility from Sovereign Quay.

“These revised proposals also better accord with the design principles and criteria that we identified in our January 2014 advice regarding the outline planning application of the

Fantastic plastic solution as new bin installed to beat pollution

A SPECIALLY-DESIGNED bin has been installed in Eastbourne to fight against marine plastic pollution.

GreenSeas Trust was thrilled to announce the installation of its first bin in the town and it is strategically installed outside the entrance to Eastbourne Pier.

The unveiling of the new and eyecatching nautical designed bin was on August 12.

The Trust stressed the bin is the 20th of its kind in the UK and represents a vital addition to Eastbourne as it symbolises the Trust’s mission to combat marine plastic pollution. Currently, the Trust’s bins prevent nine tonnes of PET plastic bottles from polluting our oceans annually.

About 700,000 plastic water bottles are littered every day in the UK.

Mayor Candy Vaughan said: “I am

previously consented scheme at the site.”

So far, 592 objections have been submitted to Eastbourne Borough Council planning portal since Untold Living first put in the plans.

A petition was also launched by Rommy Haynes on Change. org calling for the council to scrap the proposal.

The campaign has garnered nearly 1,000 supporters whose main reasons for opposing the plans include the potential impact on wildlife, the height of the building, too many developments already present at Sovereign Harbour, immense pressure on current infrastructure and the size of the complex which they believe threatens to reduce the prominence of the Martello Tower.

coastal environment.

“The installation of this new GreenSeas Trust bin demonstrates Eastbourne’s dedication to sustainability and marine conservation.

“It is a privilege to support such a

worthwhile cause that keeps our town

The GreenSeas Trust promotes environmental education and the importance of proper waste disposal to protect our seas.

Each bin encourages visitors and locals to responsibly dispose of their plastic waste to make a difference in

the health of our marine ecosystems.

Fazilette Khan, founder of The GreenSeas Trust, said:

“The placement of our first BinForGreenSeas in Eastbourne is a significant achievement for us.

“Every bin we install plays a crucial role in reducing plastic pollution and educating the public about the impact of litter on marine life.

“We are grateful for the support of our grant givers, to enable us to award the Eastbourne community with our eye-catching bin and look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have.”

The bin is designed to collect PET plastic waste, a prevalent material in single-use bottles and containers that poses a significant threat to marine life.

Visit GreenSeas Trust’s website, www.greenseas.org, for more info.

Eastbourne Mayor Candy Vaughn, East councillors and GreenSeas Trust founder Fazilette Khan unveiled new bin

College celebrates top A-Level results as students secure

plus scholarships to highlycompetitive US colleges.

With more than three-quarters of all grades being A* to B, and almost a quarter of pupils achieving a clean sweep of A* or A grades, it has been another extremely successful results day that reflects the exceptionally hard work of these talented young people.

A fantastic 85 per cent of Sixth Form leavers will be heading off to their first-choice university to study

Rebecca will be attending Monmouth University in New Jersey to study history, philosophy and mathematics.

Annabel will be heading to Charleston, West Virginia, where she will read English, philosophy and politics.

with scholarships to enable them to join the Sixth Form from maintainedsector partners.

All pupils applying to Oxford and Cambridge achieved their conditional offers.

Among them are Henry Tang, leaving with five A*s to read history and economics at Oxford, and Tiger Ge, studying natural sciences at Cambridge after achieving four A*s.

Discussing the experience they had studying for their A-Levels, Henry,

amounts of personalised help that

Tiger, also 18, added: “My amazing teachers played a pivotal role in my application and provided a competitive edge.

“I was also consistently encouraged to focus on work-life balance, with an emphasis on the importance of holistic development beyond academic achievements.”

Leading the charge to elite universities across the pond is Zain Radwan, who achieved an impressive four A* grades and has tennis scholarships.

Looking back at their time at the college, Rebecca, 18, said: “The guidance, support and understanding by all members of staff when balancing Sixth Form life with my intense tennis programme made the process of applying to American universities so much easier.

“After being granted a 100 per cent tennis and academic scholarship to a Division 1 university, sharing my achievements with my coaches and teachers was a wonderful moment.”

Annabel, also 18, added: “Joining Eastbourne College for Sixth Form was the best decision ever.

“Teachers helped me keep up with my academics and tennis. When applying to the USA for sport and academic scholarships, it would have been so much harder without the incredible support of my coaches

Tom Lawson, headmaster of Eastbourne College, said: “We are immensely proud of all our pupils.

“Their hard work, resilience and dedication have paid off, and they are now set to embark on exciting new

“Our commitment to providing environment has enabled these young individuals to excel both academically and in their passions

these young people unlock their classroom and expand their horizons well beyond it.”

Celebrations as hard-working students achieve series of record-breaking results at Bede’s

BEDE’S School had every reason to celebrate as Sixth Form pupils achieved the school’s best-ever A-Level marks, with 78 per cent graded at A*-B.

This year of record-breaking results sees a quarter of all grades at A* or its equivalent.

Bede’s School, which has preparatory school and prepreparatory nursery in Holywell, Meads and Eastbourne, and its senior school in Upper Dicker, reported it was a particularly strong year for STEM subjects with 78 per cent of pupils achieving A*-B across biology, chemistry and physics.

In maths 85 per cent of pupils achieved A*-B grades, in psychology 92 per cent of pupils achieved the same success while nearly 80 per cent of BTEC Animal Management

respectively at University College London, while Mareike and Charlie will read biology and politics with economics respectively at the University of Bath.

Bede’s Deputy Head, John Tuson, said: “We are delighted with the results our pupils have achieved year.

“They are incredibly strong, across the board. As always, while we are thrilled to see that, for example, 90 per cent of our economists earned a top grade.

“We are also equally delighted by the success of those for whom academic progress has not always been so straightforward.

“We have always seen the joy that pupils gain from their time at Bede’s as our main priority, but that joy must be underpinned by outstanding

academic outcomes.”

Bede’s Head and chief executive, Peter Goodyer, said: “I am delighted with this year’s impressive results which are a very fitting reward for the considerable endeavours of our pupils and their teachers.

“Our school is underpinned by the notion that every child can achieve their potential and is a place where pupils are encouraged to find joy in their pursuit of brilliance.

“This departing cohort should be proud not only of these outstanding results, but also their commitment inside and outside the classroom during their time with us.

“They are glowing symbols of Bede’s ethos and values and I know that they will be hugely successful in all their future aspirations.”

pupils earned a distinction.
Some notable successes include Megan Nel from Eastbourne who achieved three A* grades and will study at University of Bath.
Ingrid Clemo from Forest Row achieved straight A*’s and has been
accepted at Glasgow University to study medicine. Heads of School, Max Samland, Mareike Noon, Mandy Zhang and Charlie Bennett all achieved three top grades each. Max and Mandy will study economics and pharmacy
From left: Eastbourne College graduates Rebecca Fisher and Annabel McKenna
Ingrid and her family
Headmaster, Peter Goodyer, with Will and Megan
Bede’s Sixth Formers and their results

Care worker’s determination to assist those suffering from dementia is helping provide crucial support network

A dedicated care worker has undertaken a Herculean effort to save three dementia support groups from closing in East Sussex.

Sarah Louise Savill, director of Connections Café, had worked as a coordinator for a charity which operated numerous dementia support groups across the county. However, when the charity closed, Sarah was determined to carry on helping those who rely on support groups as their main social contact.

She said: “It was a very big and difficult job to set up Connections Café but it was worth it. I had loads of support from café attendees and volunteers who helped make it possible.

“I received a lot of advice from services like Dementia Information Service who advised me on how to set up a CIC.

“I set up three GoFundMe accounts for cafes in Eastbourne, Bexhill and Crowborough in order to get the groups up and running.”

Sarah and her team of supporters’ efforts have certainly paid off. Since Connections Café opened in April this year, it has been supporting very reserved. “When he first attended the café, he

and singing and is there on the dot every week.”

According to the NHS, more than 944,000 people in the UK are living with Dementia, and one in 11 over 65 have dementia in the country.

Sarah has been a personal assistant for ten years. When asked about her experience as a support worker, Sarah said one needs to be “outgoing, hands-on and involved”.

Right now, Connections Café is a growing support group; they have six volunteers and between 40 to 50 people attend sessions in Eastbourne, more than 25 in Bexhill and about 30 in Crowborough.

The support groups are open once a week with a small charge which goes towards purchasing tea, coffee and biscuits.

The sessions are held at the following venues and times:

• Christ the King Church, 3 Princes Road, Eastbourne BN23 6HT every Tuesday from 1.30pm to 4.30pm, with a £2.50 fee

• St Mark’s Church, Green Lane in Little Common, Bexhill TN39 4BZ every Thursday from 10.30am to 1pm. The meeting is on the second floor with a £2.50 fee.

• Crowborough Community Centre, Pine Grove TN6 1FE every Friday from 1.30pm to 4.30pm, with a £5 fee which helps pay for booking charges.

For more information about Connections Café, visit their Facebook page on: www.facebook. com/ConnectionsCafeSussex

Connections Café director Sarah Louise Savill (left) with volunteers Samantha Newson and Andrew Newson Liberal Democrat Eastbourne MP Josh Babarinde visits Connections Café

Council leader admits authority is facing major financial crisis

331 by April 2023.

Councillor Stephen Holt, Liberal Democrat leader of Eastbourne Borough Council, admitted that if no solution is found, this could mean slashing more services.

He said: “The rising costs of living, notably increased rent and mortgage payments, have caused a UK crisis that is impacting councils across the country.

capitalisation directive allows a council to use capital receipts and borrowing to meet revenue costs, but the loans must be repaid over 20 years at a higher interest rate.

Eighteen other councils were also left with no other option than to accept this type of financial arrangement.


Council is at risk of facing a budget “black hole” due to the “colossal financial pressure” created by increasing levels of homelessness and temporary accommodation placements.

The local authority said despite saving more than £3 million from the 2024/2025 budget and with £2.5 million of savings in the pipeline, the council is still in danger of being unable to set a balanced budget.

Eastbourne Borough Council has led a year-long national campaign lobbying the Government about the human and financial crisis created by spiralling homelessness and the high costs of temporary accommodation. This has pushed some councils to the brink of bankruptcy.

The council, along with more than 50 council representatives, met at Westminster at the beginning of this year to discuss the dire consequences caused by the alarming increase of people becoming homeless and requiring local authorities’ assistance.

In Eastbourne, the council has been spending £4.5 million on temporary accommodation, which equates to 49p in every £1 collected in council tax.

However, five years ago in 2018/19, the council had spent £1.4 million on

drastic measures to create more room in the budget.

This includes transferring the operation of Eastbourne Downs Golf Club to Get Golfing; transferring The Bohemian pub, formerly The Stage Door, to a new operator; selling a number of council assets; inviting expressions of interest in running parts of Devonshire Quarter; and reducing the council’s events programme.

The council revealed to Eastbourne News that this year, the current

“Over the last 12 months I have repeatedly warned that the increasing costs we are shouldering are wholly unsustainable.

“I took our concerns to Westminster and with a cross-party group of more than 50 council leaders, invited ministers and MPs to engage with us.

“While we remain unwavering in our moral and statutory commitment to provide accommodation for those in need, we continue our campaign and appeal to the new government for urgent solutions.

“Regrettably, the colossal financial pressure and a lack of sufficient government support over many years, means the council is forced

The cost-of-living crisis continues to put pressure on households who are having to sacrifice a lot just to pay the bills or a mortgage, and some are increasingly reliant on foodbanks to help alleviate financial woes.

Eastbourne Foodbank launched a major campaign in May, “Join us — to make a difference”, rallying residents and businesses across the town to support families in crisis.

To show the grim realities of what families are facing, the foodbank said 5,413 children live in poverty in Eastbourne and in 2023, the charity provided 287,000 meals.

Councillor Holt added: “This council has worked incredibly hard to find savings and efficiencies and I want to pay tribute to colleagues and every member of staff who has worked so hard during this time.

“Yet we are forced to further reduce our services and council funding, I know the impact these measures will have on our residents and local groups, which saddens me greatly.

“Councils everywhere are struggling to manage factors that are beyond their control and to date there has been little support or interest from central government.

“Along with hundreds of other council leaders I hope the new government is serious about fixing these funding issues, because the future of local government and the crucial public services we deliver are at stake.”

Eastbourne News attempted to contact Eastbourne Liberal Democrat MP Josh Babarinde for a comment regarding what measures he will take to assist the council. He had not responded to our request at the time when Eastbourne News went to press.

New operators celebrate the official opening of Hillbrow Health and Wellbeing centre

REPRESENTATIVES from organisations and public bodies across Eastbourne turned out in force for the official opening of Hillbrow Health and Wellbeing in Meads.

The event on Tuesday (August 21) marked Wave Active and South Downs Health and Care (SDHC) becoming new operators of the centre.

Eastbourne MP Josh Babarinde, Eastbourne Borough Council leader Stephen Holt, Meads councillors and representatives from community health and primary care were among those who attended the opening day.

Residents of all ages also enjoyed trying out free sports and activity

discover new activities and ways of enjoying exercise.

“As part of the preparations for our takeover, we have really enjoyed meeting current and potential members and look forward to seeing everyone using Hillbrow Health and Wellbeing facilities.”

Wave Active is a charity and social enterprise that operates sports and leisure centres on behalf of Eastbourne Borough Council and Lewes District Council, while SDHC is a social enterprise that is owned by a number of GP practices in the area.

longer term, offer private healthcare interventions as well.

Nick Harvey, a GP and chief executive of SDHC, said, “Thank you to everyone who came along to the opening day.

“It is a significant step in our exciting vision to enable our community to have the best possible health and wellbeing through the genuine integration of a healthy living, activity-focused, leisure and sports centre with high-quality healthcare services.”

sessions on offer.

Duncan Kerr, chief executive of Wave Active, said: “The community

support for our opening day was fantastic, and it was a great opportunity for local people to

The new team plans to combine leisure and traditional NHS general practice within Hillbrow and, in the

For more information about Hillbrow Health and Wellbeing visit: www.waveleisure.co.uk/ hillbrow-health-and-wellbeing.

Leader of Eastbourne Borough Council Councillor Stephen Holt
The council had to transfer the operation of Eastbourne Downs Golf Club. Photo by Chris Heaton via geograph.org.uk
The official opening of Hillbrow Health and Wellbeing



BRING & BUY BOOK SALE. Bell Room, St Peter’s Community Centre, Church Street, TN40 2HE Saturday 5 October, 10-4pm. To raise much needed funds to support Alison Giblett’s Missionary Work in Ukraine. Help is especially appreciated as the conflict continues. A variety of books, reasonably priced. Plus Missionary Box Opening 10am-12noon for CMS, The Leprosy Mission and Children’s Society. All welcome.


GROUPS TALK. Beulah Hall, Clifford Road, TN40 1QA. Wednesday 25 September, 7pm . “The Circular Economy: put into practice” A talk and demonstration by teacher Brock Prestney-Vaughan from Robertsbridge Community College. Everyone welcome, entry £2 for non-members. Email: bexhilleg@yahoo.co.uk

COMPANIONSHIP CAFÉ. Home Instead Bexhill. St Augustine’s Church Hall, St Augustine’s Close, TN39 3AZ. Fourth Friday of every month, 1012pm. For the older members of our community, especially those who struggle to get out.. Free but booking is required — Caroline Aherne on 01424 401402 or caroline.aherne@homeinstead.co.uk

Autumnal Crafty Workshop. Mindful Oak Sussex CIC. St Michael’s Church Hall, 20 Glassenbury Drive, TN40 2NY. Thursday 24 October, 9.3012.30pm. A taster session of our Memory Moments Café, including seasonal craft activities. An opportunity for people with memory problems to visit with a family member or carer to enjoy a

seasonal crafting session at our Memory Moments Café. £3 — Booking is essential, contact: Samantha Keylock — email: mindfuloaksussex@outlook.com Phone: 07453 917399.


BUSINESS LOCAL NETWORK FOR ENTREPRENEURS. Hailsham & Eastbourne — all 10-12pm, £10 per person. Come and enjoy our relaxed and natural atmosphere. At BLN, we pride ourselves on providing a warm and relaxed vibe with no awkward elevator pitches. Conversations flow naturally, allowing business owners to speak freely and engage in meaningful dialogue, brainstorm and problem-solve. Hailsham: Abbots Wood Manor, BN27 3AL, 17 Sept, 15 Oct — bit.ly/BLN_Hailsham. Eastbourne: Willingdon Park Manor, BN22 0AB, 25 Sep, 23 Oct — bit.ly/BLN-Eastbourne.

EASTBOURNE BLIND SOCIETY QUIZ. Friday 20 September, 7-9:30pm. Thursday 3 October, 2-4pm. Eastbourne Blind Society, 124-142 Longstone Road, BN22 8DA. Join with friends and family for a quiz and a chance to find out more about Eastbourne Blind Society and the services we offer. £15 per team (max of 6). Tea & coffee available or bring your own refreshments. To book, contact Mark Simmons, email: mark@eastbourneblindsociety.org or phone: 01323 729511.


Eastbourne Seniors Forum. St Saviours Church Hall, South Street, BN21 4UT. Thursday 3 October, 2-4.15pm. Allowing older people to socialise and get together in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere and enjoy

an afternoon of magic, comedy and song with Marco the Magician (Member of the Magic Circle) and Stephen Dunnett (Rat Pack type Vocalist). Tea and cake. £3 Booking essential, contact: Gill — email: gill. morris518@btinternet.com, phone: 01323 722256.

EASTBOURNE FOCUS DIGITAL CAMERA CLUB. The club are holding an exhibition on Saturday 28 & Sunday 29 September. This will be held in Gather, inside Eastbourne Beacon from 10-4.


Instead — Eastbourne and Hailsham. Trinity Church Hall, Coppice Avenue, BN20 9PN. Thursday 26 September, 2pm to 4pm. Thursday 24 October, 2pm to 4pm. A free community café with entertainment and activities for local people. Free refreshments and activities. Everyone welcome! Dementia Friendly. Free but booking is essential. Contact: Phone: 01323 819191, website: homeinstead.co.uk/eastbourne-hailsham


STEVE’S HMI POKER CLUB. Hailsham Memorial Institute, Western Road, BN27 3DN. Now EVERY Tuesday, 7.15pm-close. HMI Membership/day rates apply; £2/day, full membership £38, renewal £28. Join Steve’s WhatsApp Chat for more details: https://bit.ly/HMI-Poker-Club.


SCREENING at HAILSHAM PAVILION. George Street, BN27 1AE. Sunday 8 September, 2pm.Join Hailsham FM for this year’s sing-a-long. The classic film with on-screen lyrics so EVERYONE can join in.

Fancy dress strongly encouraged and full audience participation essential! Tickets £8 & £6 (Plus Booking Fees).

u3a SINGING WORKSHOP. Hailsham Pavilion, George Street, BN27 1AE.Friday 20 September, 10am. A one-day SINGING workshop. £15.00. Suitable for all levels from complete beginner — there is no requirement to be able to read music.. For more info and to book: https://hailshampavilion. co.uk/events/u3a-singing-workshop/

WANT TO CONTINUE PLAYING BOWLS in the winter or try Short Mat Bowls for the first time? If so, come along to Hailsham Community Civic Hall on Monday 16th September at 6.30pm & give it a try. First 3 sessions for FREE! Contact Gary Wright Membership Secretary on 07950 962353.

WOODLAND MOMENTS CAMPFIRE SINGALONG & COOKOUT. Mindful Oak Sussex CIC. Bushy Wood Activity Centre, BN27 3LZ. Monday 16 September, 10-12.30pm.An opportunity for people with memory problems to come along with a family member or carer to enjoy a woodland campfire singalong and cookout surrounded by nature’s autumnal delights. Connect with nature, enjoy seasonal activities and meet new people. A warm welcome awaits. £5 per person, contact Samantha Keylock — email: mindfuloaksussex@outlook.com, phone: 07453 917399.

To submit your listing for publication on this page, visit: www.hailsham.news/communitynoticeboard or scan this QR Code. The publishers cannot be responsible for any errors or omissions in this noticeboard.

Dedicated campaigners and councillors concerned over science centre future

“As you will no doubt be aware, the science centre is an important feature in our district. The science centre not only protects the assets on the site, but also offers educational and fun interaction in the field of science and

both local and far and wide who are shocked at the prospect of the science centre closing. At the present time, it is difficult for us to offer any reassurance to those people as we only learnt about the decision when

considerable convening power for those seeking to develop an interest in STEM subjects. It remains a pretty good dark sky site in the South East of England — an increasing rarity these days — for amateur astronomers &

those seeking to learn more about the subject to meet and hold events.”

Councillor Paul Coleshill, Alliance for Wealden (Liberal Democrat) and lead councillor for Climate Change and Economy, who also represents Herstmonceux, said, “I was shocked to hear about a proposed ending of the lease on the science centre at Herstmonceux Observatory in the grounds of Herstmonceux castle.

“The whole estate — science centre, castle, and park — is owned by Bader College of Queen’s University.

The science centre is not only a wonderful resource for young people provoking the wonder of science, but also protects the heritage domes housing telescopes from the old Observatory.

“We are disappointed not to have been kept informed by the university, which we are still trying to contact. That said, we are in discussions with the science centre to support them in any way we can.”

The Queen’s University has released the following statement: “Earlier this year the Board of Trustees of Bader College made the difficult decision not to renew a long-term lease with The Observatory Science Centre

Herstmonceux Castle Estate. We will soon be embarking on a full operational and strategic review concerning the future orientation and sustainability of the college, the buildings, and the Herstmonceux property on which they are located. Signing any long-term leases in advance of that effort would be imprudent and premature.

The university appreciates that not renewing the lease with the Observatory Science Centre while we focus on assessing the estate and various components, creates challenges for their operations and we respect their decision to relocate when the lease expires at the end of 2026.

In the meantime, the university values and is committed to preserving the estate’s historic sites, including the telescopes, domes, and observatory buildings, which make up vital parts of the estate’s heritage. We hope to provide further updates as work progresses on these and other projects, as we recognise the castle is a vibrant and important hub for Queen’s University and the East Sussex community.”

The centre says it will be business as normal until the day it has to move, and it will continue to welcome almost 60,000 visitors every year.

The Science Centre has been bringing science to East Sussex for nearly 30 years after taking over the Observatory in 1995. At the opening ceremony, astronomer Patrick Moore described it as “Saved for science!”

Eastbourne singer-songwriter proves he is still very much at the top of his game with great show

DAVID Ford briefly flirted with fame with the band Easyworld back in the day before they imploded on the brink of major success and he then embarked on an esoteric solo career somewhat under the radar.

However, he has over the subsequent years, built up a devoted fanbase who were much in evidence when the Eastbourne singersongwriter played a gig close to home at The Piper in St Leonards on August 2.

Having seen Ford on several occasions ranging from venues from York to London, fans are never quite sure what to expect, but one thing is guaranteed; his shows are always entertaining, no matter which songs from his extensive repertoire he chooses to perform.

That once again proved to be the case at The Piper as the accomplished vocalists and multi-instrumentalist put on a show which will live long in the memory as he showcased songs such as “When We Were Young” from his most recent album, Love and Death, and choice songs from previous albums including “Devil Come Take This Town”.

On this occasion, he stuck primarily to guitar, keyboards and drums, displaying once more his outstanding versatility.

A decent crowd upstairs at The Piper lapped it all up of course but there was an added bonus to the show as well.

That was in the form of Michele Stodart, the singer, bass guitarist and co-songwriter with the Magic Numbers who performed a solo set with Ford on drums before joining the man himself on bass and vocals for his set.

Ford often collaborates with female artists, having previously teamed up with the likes of Hannah Peel and Beth Rowley to winning effect.

Stodart had the crowd in the palm of her hand with a superb show, underlining what a terrific singer she is.

Once again, as is invariably the case, Ford was at the top of his game, engaging with the crowd and underlining once more what a great live performer he is.

Just one minor quibble. Everyone agreed it would be great if he played more regular gigs closer to home. If he does, we will all be there like a

The local broadband operator and Internet Service Provider (ISP) was founded in Eastbourne in 2018 and has been based in Polegate since 2021.

The company also recently celebrated a 10,000 customer connections milestone.

Councillor Stephen Holt, leader of Eastbourne Borough Council, officially opened the new outlet, along with Lightning Fibre’s chief commercial officer, Rob Reaks, and The Enterprise Centre’s commercial director, Denise Harwood.

A lack of competition due to an Openreach monopoly had left the UK one of Europe’s worst-connected

networks), which it says are critical to breaking the Openreach monopoly. The company uses private investment to update Britain in the digital age.

Deploying full fibre networks stimulates growth, enables businesses to operate efficiently, and supports remote working.

Matt Goacher, Lightning Fibre’s head of sales, said: “We know that some people prefer a face-to-face conversation, especially when they have questions or reservations about switching to a new technology that they do not understand.

“We hope the retail unit will provide

this faster, more reliable and greener communication technology.”

The shop, located on the first floor of the Enterprise Shopping Centre, is open Monday to Friday from 9am until 5pm, but closes on weekends, bank and public holidays. You can contact the sales and tech support teams by phone every day (except Christmas Day) from 8am to 8pm.

Lightning Fibre offers a £15 per month social tariff for people on means-tested benefits, with a 30-day rolling contract and no credit checks enforced on customers. The company is rated excellent on Trustpilot.

Eastbourne man is convicted of raping young girl

AN Eastbourne man who raped and assaulted a young girl has been convicted in court.

Keith Matthews, 60, of Tintern Close in Eastbourne, subjected a girl to multiple rapes, and physical and sexual assaults, in May, 2020.

The victim was under 13 years old of age at the time of his offending.

The incidents were reported to Sussex Police after the victim confided in a family member, who raised the alarm.

She was given support by specialist officers and Sussex Police partners, which culminated in Matthews being arrested.

He was subsequently charged with four counts of rape of a child, and one count each of assault by penetration of a child, sexual assault of a child and cruelty to a child.

Following a five-day trial, he was found guilty by a jury at Lewes Crown Court on Friday, August 2.

He has been remanded in custody to be sentenced at a court to be

confirmed on September 20.

Detective Sergeant Nick Green, of Eastbourne’s Safeguarding Investigations Unit, said: “The young victim in this investigation has shown incredible bravery in reporting these horrific crimes.

“She has provided evidence under extremely difficult circumstances and has shown such strength throughout the investigation.

“Thanks to her resilience, we have been able to secure this conviction.

“This has been a deeply upsetting case and I hope she can now start to rebuild her life, safe in the knowledge that Matthews now faces a significant custodial sentence.”

Sussex Police stressed that if you are a victim of sexual offending, please report it to the police online or via 101. Always dial 999 in an emergency.

They will support you and they will do everything they can to get victims justice.

Lightning Fibre’s sales team, CCO Rob Reaks, and Enterprise Shopping Centre commercial director Denise Harwood with Cllr Stephen Holt

Eastbourne Airbourne event


celebrated its 30th anniversary with soaring success as the impressive aerial line-up continued to amaze thousands gathered on the seafront.

The ever-popular air show which took place from August 15 to August 18 boasted a two-mile flying display along the seafront featuring displays including the legendary Red Arrows with the Squadron celebrating its 60th anniversary.

In addition, other attractions included the RAF Typhoon, RAF Grab Tutor, Battle of Britain Memorial Flight which featured the Lancaster Bomber, Bronco Demo Team, Aerosuperbatics Wingwalkers, Rich Goodwin’s Jet Pitts, Jet Provost T5, the Rolls Royce Mustang and Spitfires which played a key role in the Second World War.

Spectators were immensely relieved Airbourne was able to run this

Local charities, organisations, businesses, attendees and supporters

MP for Eastbourne, said: “The Airshow is really important for

Lawns, where a lot of the stalls and displays are, and they can find out

of living are so high, and the Airshow is a chance to have a holiday at home for families.

“It’s almost like an investment in the town, in the same way that many businesses wait for Christmas to do their best trade, a lot of our hospitality businesses, wait for the airshow to do their best trade.

“We must remember that nearly one in three jobs in Eastbourne are associated with the hospitality sector, so this event is vitally important to the town.”

Margaret Bannister, lead member for tourism at Eastbourne Borough Council, said: “Our events team scrutinise every penny they spend and we really cut it down as far as we could.

“Obviously, the stands pay us, but we rely so much on the parking, the programme sales and the bucket collections, just to break even.

“The restaurants are all busy, the fish and chip shops were packed, the hotels were full. It was so good for the local economy.



IN late summer I am always soothed by the sight and sound of water in a garden. Foliage can look weary by this time, but water freshens all the senses no end.

There are now so many exciting and sustainable ways you can introduce water as a feature in your garden. (I do wonder if Charlie Dimmock, when she featured in that iconic show, Ground Force, is responsible for the term ‘water feature’.)

Water has always featured in gardens from long ago and was seen as a sacred and precious element in an outdoor space both for functional and aesthetic reasons. In hot climates, such as Egypt, water cooled the air and provided vital irrigation in their ancient gardens.

I was fortunate to visit the Majorelle Garden in Marrakesh a few years ago and was struck by their use of water which is very reminiscent of Islamic Gardens. There is a system of rills and large tanks which is so effective and cooling and these also provide visual movement which contrasts effectively with the planting scheme. Rills are considered to be an abstract form of a natural stream and are still a source of inspiration to us today.

The first importance to consider is

safety-if children or pets are to be using the space then your feature must be adapted to protect them, be it a raised container rather than one at ground level, a water sculpture with just a fine film of water or a metal grid placed just beneath the water’s surface.

Secondly, how much maintenance are you prepared to put into your feature? There is nothing worse than murky, stagnant water or a pond clogged up with blanket weed and so this possibility must be addressed. Submerged oxygenators help to keep pond water sparkling, but smaller features will need to be hosed down and the water replaced regularly, especially if they are visited by birds. Do remember that the smaller the container, the more rapidly it heats up in the sunshine and the more difficult it is to create a balanced ecosystem.

Sustainability is of prime importance. Do consider the source of your water and try to recycle if you can. Any type of pool can be fed and topped up with harvested rainwater.

Now, to the type of feature. You do not need a huge amount of space; there are now tiny bowls fitted with solar-powered fountains that will fit on a doorstep. The birds and bees will appreciate this. At

BATES Green Garden, an RHS Partner Garden, is open every Wednesday between the end of February and late October. For details, please go to the website www.batesgreengarden.co.uk and follow the garden on Instagram @batesgreengarden

home, we have a plain stone bowl outside our window, which we top up daily. It is quite incredible to see how many birds use it.

Small bubble fountains erupting over pebbles are charming and, again can be solar-powered. Simplicity is all, in my opinion.

Water tanks and bowls can be placed on a terrace or within a planting scheme for a dynamic effect. They work well in a gravel garden. Allow easy access for maintenance.

Still, waters will allow the shape and textures of nearby trees or a big sky to be reflected down into your garden.

Still, water is also a beautiful surface on which to see raindrops fall — an important consideration in Britain!

The addition of a rippling or bubbling fountain can add much-needed movement to a small space — do check first that the sound doesn’t send you all rushing for the loo every ten minutes.

Choose a style that will complement the

rest of your garden. Here at Bates Green Garden, we are in a rural setting with a naturalistic style. We garden for Nature and wildlife and so our Wildlife Pond is perfect. We have oxygenating plants which are wholly or partly underwater. They have submerged leaves and perform several important roles in the pond. During the day, they absorb carbon dioxide from the water and give off oxygen. This process conditions and cleans the pond water without the need for chemicals or intervention.

There is a huge Caltha palustris (marsh marigold) at one end of the pond. I was given this when I worked at the Chelsea Physic Garden, and what a delightful, cheering plant it is. It gets going really early in the season with huge gorgeous yellow buttercup-like flowers. The sprawling enthusiastic foliage provides an excellent shelter for all manner of creatures, and moorhens particularly like to nest here. Another useful and beautiful habitat plant is Potentilla palustris (spot the theme, palustris means ‘inhabiting bogs and marshes), which is an attractive native marginal with lobed leaves and deep red star-shaped flowers. Rills, troughs, tanks, basins and ponds. The choice is yours.

Penny Farthing challenge proves as popular as ever as brave riders give it their all

THE annual Beachy Head World Championship Penny Farthing Hill Climb Week proved to be another fun and exciting event.

Setting off at one-minute intervals from outside the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne, the fastest rider of the day, Charlie Burrell, reached the finishing line in just under 12 minutes. Second place went to Roger Davies who completed the race in 12.48 minutes and third place went to Alex

Garrod who finished at 13.35 minutes.

The first rider set off at 10am and competitors were ranked so that the fastest rider set off first. The course leading to Beachy Head was 4.69 kilometres with an elevation gain of 150 metres.

An awards ceremony then took place at the finish line where the winner received the “Block of Wood” trophy with the names of past winners.

Hundreds of spectators cheered the riders on in the gruelling challenge.

The Penny Farthing, was once

an iconic bicycle with one large and one small wheel which was extremely difficult to ride but was nevertheless hugely popular in the late 19th century.

However, it became obsolete once the modern bicycle was invented, but it remains a symbol of the Victorian era.

To see the full Penny Farthing Championship results list click or scan the QR code.

A Night at The Musicals — Cherry Dance raising awareness for The Samaritans

CHERRY Dance Company is proud to present “A Night at the Musicals,” an enchanting evening of cabaret, burlesque, boylesque, circus, and singing. This spectacular event be held on 19 October at the Hippodrome in Eastbourne, featuring iconic numbers from beloved musicals such as Moulin Rouge, Burlesque, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Organised in loving memory of a cherished member of the Cherry Dance community, this event aims to raise funds for the Samaritans, a charity dedicated to providing emotional support to those in need. Holly, a member of Cherry Dance since January 2019, tragically lost her partner, Ceri, to suicide in October 2022.

In Holly’s words: “I knew early on I wanted to do something incredible to honour Ceri’s memory and remember the amazing man I’d been lucky enough to be with … Ceri had always been extremely open about his mental health struggles and was an advocate for raising awareness, particularly about men’s mental health. The Samaritans was an obvious charity to support, and the very one Ceri championed himself in times of difficulty.”

Ceri, an exceptionally talented musician, left



a lasting impact on everyone who knew him. Cherry Dance hopes the community will join in celebrating his memory through a night of unforgettable entertainment filled with love and laughter.

To ensure the success of this event, Cherry Dance is seeking sponsors and invites individuals and businesses to support their fundraising efforts for the Samaritans. Sponsorship packages are available. Receive tickets to the show, adverts in the program and use of your logo on all promotional materials: Bronze: £150 - 2 tickets, quarter-page advert; Silver: £200 - 4 tickets, half-page advert; Gold: £300 - 6 tickets, fullpage advert, or simply choose to advertise in the program only: £50 quarter-page advert; £75 half-page advert; £100 full-page advert. (All prices are exclusive of VAT.)

“A Night at the Musicals” offers something for everyone, whether they’re fans of theatrical extravagance, mesmerising dance routines, or powerful vocal performances. The Cherry Dance Company promises an evening to celebrate the magic of the musicals while supporting a heartfelt cause.

For more details and to sponsor the event, please contact Cheryl at cherrydance@hotmail.co.uk.



OPINION with Kim Mayo


WHEN you finally accept with resignation that you are closer to the grave than the cradle it pays to adopt a more sanguine approach to life. In essence, what will be will be.

Let’s face it: calling the small island we inhabit Great Britain is, to all intents and purposes, a misnomer. Yet we live in Britain but it sure as hell is not great.

At this juncture, it should be pointed out that this malaise has nothing to do with party politics. Rather, it is the fact that the country is in absolute meltdown because those who have governed over the past decade and their recent replacements spend so much time bickering across the dispatch box in the House of Commons that they

to having to avoid the piles of dog mess that the owners had decided it was too much of an effort to clear up after their miscreant mutts.

To make matters worse, I nearly broke my ankle, tripping over one of several uneven paving stones before somehow arriving in one piece at the local travel agents to pick up an array of brochures.

Having perused them at length we set off the next day by car to book our four-day break to Seville in Spain but this time drove into town at a steady 12 miles an hour to avoid breaking an axle on one of the myriad potholes populating our streets.

And so it came to pass that we boarded an EasyJet flight from Gatwick after

taxi to get around the city was as cheap as chips.

The average price of a meal for both of us was €12, a class of wine (large) €4 and a packet of fags €5.50.

Before the anti-smoking brigade has a go, let me point out I have been addicted to nicotine since I was 14, but my favourite brand (Camel Blue) cost £17 in the UK, so I filled my boots (or rather lungs), and they tasted great.

To put it bluntly, four days was never going to be enough. I wanted to live there forever, and if I had enough cash in the bank, I would. Sadly, though, all good things must come to an end, and the time passed far too swiftly. Home time beckoned, and our hearts collectively sank as we



THANKS to the incredible weather conditions we’ve been experiencing for the past month, it’s given me a good opportunity to get some hours in behind the stick in the fantastic Ikarus C42 Microlight.

In my article last month, I wrote how I was thrown in the deep end (in my opinion anyway) and completed my first take-off. I knew from that moment that I would be doing each and every take-off from now on — which has certainly been the case.

It’s now standard practice to automatically start my checks as soon as

we get to the aircraft which include a full safety walkaround (if the first flight of the day), refuelling and completing the long list of pre-flight checks in the cockpit. So, we’ve got to the point where my instructor, Luke, only touches the controls just after take-off, and I’m doing the rest, which I feel is a long way than I expected to be at this early stage. I’m not going to lie and say it’s an easy process, but I do understand that it’ll get easier with time as it’s simply a process — and with any process, it should get easier the more it’s done.

When we live in such a stunning part of the world, it’s sometimes disappointing when I can’t sit back and enjoy the panoramic views across the coastline - but I’m here to learn how to fly and every hour in the air is 100% learning.

The pleasure flights will come when I hopefully get licensed!

of climb, and best glide speed - although basic principles of flying, it’s essential to know the aircraft’s capabilities and how to get the best from it in different scenarios. Next lesson concentrated on turns in level flight. Sounds really easy but when a plane turns, it creates drag therefore creating a slip. So this must be controlled

huge amount of lovely people who own planes and fly from there regularly. As a member, it’s nice just to pop down, soak up the peaceful atmosphere and chat to some of the other students and instructors.

This month sees its annual ‘fly-in’ fundraiser, which supports the Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance Charity. It’s a day where pilots from all over literally descend on Deanland, and it makes for a great day out for plane geeks like me. If the weather is good, I’m sure I’ll publish some photos in next month’s column.

Now is a really good time to book your experience flight from Deanland before the winter sets in. Just give Shellie a ring on 07519 527597 and mention ‘Newspaper Ad’ and she’ll give you a generous £10 discount off. We seriously have some incredible scenery which must be seen from above — and it’s also a fantastic gift for a loved one. If you’re anything like me, it’ll also give you the bug to fly even more.

The club’s two Ikarus C42’s ready to go in the early sun


LETTERS Write to the editor by emailing:

Eastbourne News would like to invite you to submit letters on issues that matter to you, which we will be happy to publish. Write to the Editor by emailing letters@eastbourne.news. We value your opinion, and we look forward to hearing from you!


DEAR EDITOR, I was one of the many thousands who enjoyed Airbourne recently, we were blessed with the weather and there was a great turnout.

Soon after, I was reading many of the online comments regarding how the airshow has changed over the years, and there are so many negative comments from residents in a number of online groups.

People were comparing it to what the airshow was 30 years ago and how there were fewer aircrafts performing than before. But, do they realise how lucky we are as a town to have this free event?

I feel really sorry for all the people employed by the council who have worked so hard to make the show happen, only to see all these keyboard warriors just thinking they can do better.

So many other towns are pulling funding for large events which is leaving them with nothing, so let’s think and hotels are completely booked out.

Throughout the winter, all these businesses really suffer, and we must remember all the thousands of residents who are employed in the hospitality sector.


DEAR EDITOR, Over the years, many have referred to Eastbourne as “God’s waiting room” which I believe is blatantly unfair.

The town has actually moved impressively with the times and has established itself as a real goto destination.

lot of money into Eastbourne. We live in a completely different world from what it was 30 years ago, even 10 years ago. So let’s just all be thankful that we still have this amazing event in the town.

When it comes to our South Coast everyone bangs on about Brighton which I have never understood because it is a city that has more than its fair share of problems, especially when it comes to litter and rising crime rates.

In contrast, taking into account Eastbourne does have its own issues it nevertheless has so much to offer.


you are not selected you could still have lots of fun dreaming as you cycle along the way.

August’s Olympics were a fantastic time to watch our elite athletes perform,

equestrian, or rowing. We are good as a country at sitting down pedalling and pushing ourselves on two wheels.

Anybody can join in the fun of cycling, bikes can be adapted to suit different abilities.

Whether it’s on the track or the road, two wheels or three, para cycling offers something for everyone who wants to get

It starts with getting a bike, sitting in the saddle and pushing off embracing our beautiful coast and countryside of which we are blessed in Sussex.

The 2024 Paralympics got underway and one can only admire people who are showing their ability to do their best while

Take, for example, The Beacon which has added a fantastic new dimension to the town.

I absolutely love shopping there, because of the wide variety of retail outlets which ensure I have no need any more to travel further afield.

I go to the pub regularly to meet my friends who are far less optimistic about the town than I am. But I always tell them to get a grip and enjoy their immediate surroundings.

I have no wish to travel elsewhere. Eastbourne is my town and although it might not be fashionable, I am extremely proud of it and you should be too.


Cycling takes many forms and you may not want to be speeding around the velodrome at 40-50 mph. Life is about what you are able to do.

Most fit and able cyclists could achieve 30mph at a push, even on our Sussex roads. Most of us however are content with about 10-15mph.

You may not be able to be the best but we can all try our personal best, which is true whatever you do in life.

Break dancing is something which appeared in this year’s Olympics, quite a breakthrough, what next is another subject. Next month we will be focusing on how to buy the perfect bike.

The Beacon Shopping Centre. Photo: www.visiteastbourne.com
Former Olympic gold medalist Chris Boardman (right)
Get on your bike and enjoy the warm weather before winter arrives



your control can prove to be a major disappointment, but that was certainly not the case when my partner and I made a long-awaited return to Mr Hau’s Chinese restaurant.

The popular eatery in Terminus Road, Eastbourne, has changed little in appearance since our last visit more than five years ago.

Back then, prior to the Covid pandemic, we enjoyed a lavish array of dishes and agreed unanimously that the food was absolutely outstanding.

Both of us are big fans of Chinese cuisine, and upon arrival this time, on the face of it, little had changed aside from temporary scaffolding outside, which partially obscured the exterior.

pondering what to order from a mindboggling array of dishes. Talk about being spoilt for choice!

There was much deliberation between us but the joy of a visit to Mr Hau’s is that you are not pressured into making a choice of what to eat quickly.

That to us is a major plus as we like to settle in at leisure and have a drink first before settling on what to eat.

The decor was, as we remembered it, largely unchanged, which suited us just fine. All the tables were spotless and neatly laid out, while the waitress was attentive without being intrusive.

major bonus.

We both agreed that Mr Hau’s has retained its exemplary standards and the food remains amongst the best money can buy in East Sussex and is extremely competitively priced considering how

We had decided beforehand that we were hungry without being starving and therefore opted for just one course each.

But what to choose?


with Chinese mushroom accompanied by a bowl of egg fried rice.

We didn’t have too long for our dishes to arrive which is always a bonus and before tasting our meals we both agreed the aroma alone was enough to get our


I will admit, as I have matured in years, my tolerance has diminished for those less thoughtful of others. In fact, I often wish they would crawl back into the shallow end of the gene pool and reduce my blood pressure to that which is accepted as normal… if indeed we still have a grasp of what is normal nowadays.

On exiting a supermarket recently (yes, the one that banned me a few years ago) along with some other fellow shoppers, we were met at the door by three women and a small gaggle of their offspring in deep conversation, oblivious to the fact they were blocking half the doorway. I politely requested if they minded moving into the shop to allow people unhindered access and exit.

The response from one of the ladies eloquence personified I was told that she would stand where she wanted and for as long as she wanted whilst she discussed matters of the most important topics of the day with her cohorts.

I can only assume she was a high-level businesswoman discussing matters of utmost commercial importance, as she seemed most annoyed that her in-depth meeting had been interrupted by me at the head of a 5-6 person queue awaiting the exit of the premises. I could have been wrong, as no notes were being taken, and she looked as though she’d be more at home with Branston Pickle than Richard Branson.

Natalie always tells me that I am the face of

that I should represent the business in the best possible way. I, on the other hand, tend to find people like this woman more backward than a box of reverse gears, and I have a fading tolerance of people whose IQ is below their shoe size.

Realising she was outnumbered in terms of opinions and with hers being as valid as a Woolworths discount voucher, she duly moved into the building along with her entourage whilst mumbling a four-letter word. I then chose the passive-aggressive tact with a response of “There, that wasn’t too hard, was it?” which left me feeling as if I had done my civic duty and still retained an air of superiority.

So, if you see a queue of people looking at you as you stand chatting in a doorway, then please assist me in keeping my blood pressure in check and move to a suitable space!

Until next time, people. www.verymagic.co.uk

morsel but I decided another glass of wine would finish off our visit to Mr Hau’s perfectly.

Even though we had both finished our meals, we were left in peace to chat and relax before leaving, which is always a


After a nearly 90-minute stay, we both needed to use “the facilities.” Yours truly did, however, learn one valuable lesson while descending the somewhat tricky stairs: “ Don’t be distracted on the

On the wall are several signed pictures of celebrities who have visited Mr Hau’s over the years, including one of Sir

Being a massive Beatles fan, that immediately caught my attention to such an extent that I missed my next step and nearly fell flat on my face. That,

One thing is for sure. To borrow unashamedly from a Beatles song, we will undoubtedly be back before I turn

If you love Chinese food as we both do, then Mr Hau’s is just about as good as it gets. And that is high praise indeed

Mr Hau’s Oriental Express www.mrhau.co.uk • Tel: 01323 402 860 213 Terminus Road, Eastbourne, BN21 3DH. Open: Tuesday-Saturday, 12-2.30pm, 4pm-9.30pm; Sunday 12-2.30pm, 4pm-9pm. Closed Mondays.

IF we consider world news over the last months with wars, strife and conflicts abounding and, even very recently, riots and unrest on our own streets here in the UK, we could all be forgiven for wondering just what is going on and where it will it all end.

However, life and the world go on, somehow, even in the most tragic and impoverished parts of the globe, so perhaps we should count our blessings and reflect on times past.

To this end, I offer a poem this month that I wrote, almost unbelievably, in about 2017 and featured in my 6th book, “Poet Reveals All” (yes, the naked cover book), and this poem offers hope, confidence and peace as it looks back over history, what has been endured, and where we are now and is entitled “Don’t Write it Off” appeals for hope and consideration.


I suppose I now have a mission With my written thoughts in verse, For as I scan the worldwide scene I fear it’s all getting worse.

For it seems there are wars everywhere With the world once more on the brink. So great leaders please take care And give lots of time to think, Of amazing wonders, good, and values At new risk from conceited power. Which can lead to mass destruction In much less than an hour.

Of course there’s been great wars before And yet somehow we still survived. Learning from the mushroom cloud That insured we have now arrived,

At a state of chilling acceptance

Of just what harm man can do.

But now it seems we must again Test out if it’s all true!

So what use then is my puny verse

That on a world scale’s just a jot?

But for me it’s hugely important,

To give our opinions than to just not

Do anything or our make a protest, As generations have done before. When on monumental occasions It did bring an end to war.

So I will scribe away my thoughts

To let my feelings be known, As you won’t succeed, if you don’t try

Thus I may not stand alone!


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Record numbers flock to annual car spectacular

MORE than 500 stunning vehicles from all eras and ages packed into the Polegrove for the annual Bexhill 100 Car Show last month.

Organisers have announced that the event experienced its largest numbers through the gates to

chosen charities, which are the Golden Marigold, Bexhill Fire Cadets, Canine Partners and East Sussex Young Carers.

During the morning, appointed judges tried to remain inconspicuous as they walked around the assembled

Best Motor Cycle — Winner: Mick Barton — 1949/1958 Norvin 1275cc. Judged by Alan Timms

Best Classic Car — Winner: Adrian Martin — 1934 Austin 7. Judged by Mayor Cllr. Paul Wilson/Phil Hart

The trade stands enjoyed steady

The classic Mini
This magnificent Bentley was once owned by Sir

Driving instructor waiting lists leave learners in the lurch

WITH recent figures showing there are still long waits for driving tests, new research has revealed that even finding a driving instructor might prove difficult for many learners.

The UK’s largest pre-17 driving school, Young Driver, questioned 150 driving instructors and found that two-thirds (67%) currently have a waiting list for on-the-road lessons.

Although the average wait time is two months, 7% said learners would be waiting over six months to get a lesson with 15% said they had waiting lists of over four months.

Dacia Spring is ‘Bargain of the Year’

THE All-New Dacia Spring is a big deal in every sense after being judged ‘Best Car Bargain of the Year 2024/2025’ by the independent organisation, Best Cars of the Year.

When asked about the main reasons for wait times, 70% of instructors said the lack of driving test availability was leaving learners in limbo for longer,

surge in bookings this year, as parents look to get youngsters learning to drive before they reach their 17th birthday, with over 50,000 lessons

Comprising of industry-leading car designers, engineers and executives together with motorsport icons and automotive media professionals, the Best Cars of the Year judging panel singled out the pure-electric All-New Spring for its value

A star of the Best Cars of the Year stand at the recent British Motor Show, the All-New Dacia Spring is priced at only £14,995 on-the-road, making it the UK’s most affordable new electric car. Ahead of the first customer deliveries later this year, orders are now open and static leftfor an affordable, practical efficient electric vehicle. It’s especially suited to urban environments and short to

compact 26.8 kWh battery can be charged from 20% to 100% on a suitable domestic outlet in less than

Dealership provides eco airshow transport

PILOTS, VIPs and Dignitaries were able to travel in style and with zero emissions during the recent Eastbourne International Airshow. Birchwood Group, which operates Skoda, Ford, Kia and Mitsubishi dealerships in Eastbourne, provided the travel to ensure the safe delivery of pilots from a number of airfields across Sussex in a number of newly released EV models.

As an event sponsor, Birchwood used the new Ford Mustang Mach-E GT, Kia EV6, Kia Niro and the Skoda Enyaq VRS which are all fully electric and helped the airshow to lower its carbon footprint.

New Audi A5 to replace A4 models

AUDI has announced the popular A4 model is now a thing of the past after 30 years of service.

Powered by a new generation of ultra-efficient combustion engines, the new A5 and S5 Saloon and Avant models have been revealed with ultra-efficient engines and new specifications.

Priced from £41,950 (OTR) and £43,850 (OTR) respectively, the latest A5 Saloon and Avant ranges are now available to order, with the first examples due to reach UK customers in November.

All A5 variants will initially be available with a choice of Sport, S line and Edition 1 specification, while the S5 Saloon and Avant will be offered exclusively in Edition 1 form. The range will be powered by three state-of-the-art TFSI petrol and TDI diesel engines - two 2.0-litre TFSI units with 150PS and 204PS and a 2.0-litre TDI with 204PS. In the new S5 Saloon and S5 Avant, a newly-developed 3.0-litre V6 TFSI engine with optimised combustion technology and 367PS replaced the previous 3.0-litre TDI unit.

Charity no. 1187850


Open Morning: 10.00-13.30 Vicarage Field, BN27 1BJ

Children’s Art Exhibition: 10.00-17.00 Hailsham Library, BN27 3DN

Mayor’s Concert: 14.00-15.15 Hailsham Parish Church, BN27 1BJ

The Music of George Harrison LIVE!:19.30 Hailsham Pavilion, BN27 1AE

Art Trail - Sat 7th to Sun 22nd Sept Various venues


Singalong – Grease!: 14.00 Hailsham Pavilion, BN27 1AE


Downland Poets: 14.30-16.30 Hailsham Parish Church (lounge)


Animazing in Lights: 19.00-20.30 St Mary’s Walk


Your Stories In Song: 18.00-20.00 Grovelands School, BN27 3UW


An Evening of Burlesque: 19.30 White Hart, Horsebridge, BN27 4DJ FRIDAY 13

Quiz: 19.30 White Hart, Horsebridge, BN27 4DJ

Carnaval: 19.30 Hailsham Pavilion, BN27 1AE


Open Morning: 10.00-13.30 Vicarage Field, BN27 1BJ

Animazing in Lights: 19.00-20.30 St Mary’s Walk

Picasso - his life and loves: 19.30 Hailsham Pavilion, BN27 1AE


Check the website


Check the website


Banoffi Pie and Other Adventures: 15.00 The Laurel, BN27 1AD

Festival Film - blur:to the end: 19.30-21.30 Hailsham Pavilion, BN27 1AE


Creative Writing awards : 15.00 Callenders, BN27 1AU

Oh! We do like to be beside the seaside : 19.30 Charles Hunt Centre, BN27 1BG


Animazing in Lights: 19.00-20.30 St Mary’s Walk

Hailsham Theatres - Party Piece: 19.30 Summerheath Hall, BN27 3DR

Murder Mystery Supper: 19.30 King’s Head, Horsebridge, BN27 4DL


Festival Film - LEE: 19.30

Hailsham Theatres - Party Piece: 19.30


Hailsham Pavilion, BN27 1AE

Summerheath Hall, BN27 3DR

Nostalgia Fair: 11.00-16.00 Cattle Market Site, BN27 2AQ

Animazing in Lights: 19.00-20.30 St Mary’s Walk

Hailsham Theatres - Party Piece: 14.30 & 19.30

The Madness of George lll: 19.30


The Madness of George lll: 14.30

Summerheath Hall, BN27 3DR

Hailsham Pavilion, BN27 1AE

Hailsham Pavilion, BN27 1AE

Art Trail - Sat 7th to Sun 22nd Sept Various venues

The Music of George Harrison
The Madness of George III

Carnaval Picasso - his life and loves

LEE the film with Q&A A special screening of the movie ‘LEE’. Her son and biographer Antony Penrose will both introduce the film and answer questions afterwards.


Eagles prepare for second match with Hammers

Battling Borough secure impressive away win

defending from the home side.

As early as the seventh minute, Ligendza almost had an opportunity to put Borough ahead but he was just beaten to the ball by the Weymouth keeper.

Borough was forced to make early changes with Brayden Johnson, who joined the club in the summer, coming on for Ballard McBride midway through the first-half and Carson Davison, another recent arrival, replacing Bradley Barry shortly afterwards.

Despite the early pressure it was Weymouth who could, and probably

Weymouth defenders trailing in his wake.

The deadlock was finally broken in the 64th minute thanks to a superb free-kick from Ligendza.

It was awarded after handball by Weymouth’s Bearwish.

Although the free-kick was 30-yards from goal, the Borough striker fired the ball into the top-right corner, giving the Weymouth keeper no chance.

Borough defended resolutely for the remainder of the match although they had one almighty scare late on when Weymouth, pressing for an

stunning free-kick. When Siya stepped up to take it, I thought it was either going to land in the back of the net or in Bournemouth!

“It was a great strike but the victory was down to a real team effort.

I’m really proud of the way the lads played.”

Borough will host Slough Town on September 21 and travel to Essex to tackle Chelmsford City on October 5.

That is followed by another road trip to take on Tonbridge on October 12 before returning to home turf a week later for their clash with Torquay United.

know the supporters are delighted that Ed will be riding for us at Iwade and it is a massive thank you from us to him for taking it on.”

He is part of a speedway dynasty that includes father Dave and uncles Barney and the late former World No 2 Gordon Kennett.

Eagles supporters are running a campaign to revive the sport at Arlington Stadium, near Hailsham, with next month’s Iwade fixture the second match they will have run at the north Kent this season.

Kennett, who turns 38 on August 28, was among the spectators that

big turnout of support at Iwade to strengthen their campaign for an ultimate return to Arlington, which last hosted speedway in 2022.

The rest of the team will be named shortly. They will be up against another trackless club, Thurrock, whose stadium in Purfleet shut in 2018.

Eagles will be promoting the match with an exhibition, including speedway bikes, at Hastings United’s Isthmian League match with Chatham Town on September 14. Hastings’ Pilot Field stadium hosted speedway in 1948-49.

Photo by Loco Steve via Flickr
Eastbourne Borough FC’s Siya Ligendza scored the free kick.
Photo: Eastbourne Borough FC Facebook page

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