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So we are getting into the new year now, and good for me, as the end of last year saw my first time in hospital in all my years. I was extremely well treated and impressed with staff levels of care are documented in my poem included. I was actually proud to read this poem out on BBC Radio Sussex & Surrey last month when a guest on the Sylvie Blackmore show again, as I have been on many, many occasions.
We know an underfunded NHS is creaking So I did wonder a bit what I would find, When having to be rushed into hospital But it wasn’t the main thing on my mind. For I was in severe agony and worrying

Just what was causing my intense pain, But on being met by an emergency doctor I got a reassured confidence back again.
For I was soon to be looked after very well And treated in a valued and dignified way, Which embraced all involvements from staff Not seemingly to falter or even sway, From a totally caring, committed approach And camaraderie gallows humour for events, Testing, saddening and shredding stout hearts But never diminished any of their intents.
Thus as I considered this new world for me For I had never been in hospital before, I was impressed by positivity and hard work Of various team grades giving all and more, That could be reasonably asked of them now With staff shortages and pressure of work, From budget cuts and paltry wage rises Grating on levels of duty they do not shirk.
So let us not treat our NHS with impunity
Or overuse the services unless we have to, For these overcrowded committed areas Normally have more than enough to do. Therefore we must do our very level best And stay sensible and use common sense, To be healthy and look after ourselves So pressure on NHS is not so immense.