Hailsham News, March 2024, Issue 31

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE... MARCH 2024 | ISSUE 31 YOUR FREE COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER FOR HAILSHAM, POLEGATE, HELLINGLY AND SURROUNDING AREAS LOCAL NEWS • EVENTS • FEATURES • MOTORING • SPORT TOWN MARKS WAR ANNIVERSARY AT EMOTIONAL CANDLELIT VIGIL TO SUPPORT UKRAINIAN RESIDENTS — SEE PAGE 01323 380260 www.LightningFibre.co.uk Full Fibre Broadband Egg-Citing AWARD WINNING KNOWLEDGE IS KEY... EXPERIENCE IS PRICELESS SALES & LETTING SERVICE MCDONALD’S PLANS PAGE 4 BUTCHER SHOP GETS CHOP PAGE 6 POND WORKS PAGE 10 WIN CINEMA TICKETS PAGE 24 INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER OF THE YEAR MOVING UKRAINE VIGIL 10% OFF CALL US AND QUOTE ‘HAILSHAM NEWS FRONT PAGE’ WHEN BOOKING YOUR NEXT SKIP www.haulaway.co.uk Wide range of skip and rolonof sizes available Grab and tipper lorries for hire Weekly Cardboard Collection Service Plant hire Plastic Recycling Call now for availability & rates on 01323 441396 yourOrderskip online WASTE & RECYCLING MANAGERS www.haulaway.co.uk Wide range of skip and rolonof sizes available Grab and tipper lorries for hire Weekly Cardboard Collection Service Plant hire Plastic Recycling Call now for availability & rates on 01323 441396 yourOrderskip online 01323 441396 HAULAWAY LTD WASTE & RECYCLING MANAGERS www.haulaway.co.uk Wide range of skip and rolonof sizes available Grab and tipper lorries for hire Weekly Cardboard Collection Service Plant hire Plastic Recycling Call now for availability & rates on 01323 441396 yourOrderskip online 01323 441396 HAULAWAY LTD WASTE & RECYCLING MANAGERS


absolutely overwhelmed by the incredible response to our four-page housing development feature in the last edition.

It certainly hit the spot, highlighting where the 3,500 homes are to be built, or are already being built, around Hailsham. We’ve had so many letters and comments from readers, it really proves how much people who live here love the town.

I know it wasn’t a very cheery story to bring you, but our team knew it was worth highlighting — we’ve even had comments from people high up in the system commenting on how shocking the map was to them.

The feedback you sent us (see page 12) was incredible, but at the same time sad to see when these developments are affecting day-to-day life. It’s clear, and I echo the point, that we’re not necessarily opposed to new homes, but we feel we already have a poor infrastructure, so it will struggle to support potentially thousands of new residents.

In other news, it was amazing to see so many people turn out to support the Ukraine vigil in the town centre. I think the war has touched most of us, so it was nice to show our support for the Ukrainian refugees we have living in Hailsham.

Finally, you’ll see an invitation in this edition to take part in our reader survey. We appreciate any feedback you give us to ensure we keep this free newspaper the best it can be.

Gibson, Group Editor.

THE TEAM PAUL GIBSON – GROUP EDITOR paul@regionalmediagroup.co.uk

KIM MAYO – REGIONAL EDITOR kim@regionalmediagroup.co.uk

HSIN-YI LO – REGIONAL EDITOR hsinyilo@regionalmediagroup.co.uk

LYLE ACOTT – ADVERTISING SALES sales@regionalmediagroup.co.uk

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DEAN COOK – DESIGN AND PRODUCTION dean@regionalmediagroup.co.uk



LOCAL author and medium, Brian Oxley hosted his first book signing event last month at the Hailsham Lions bookshop. This was the first in a series of book signings organised by the Hailsham-based Radio Illumini in conjunction with the Lions.

Promoting his new publication Lifting The Burden, Brian signed books and mingled with members of the public for over an hour. His visitors included Hailsham’s Mayor Cllr Paul Holbrook, Martina Mercer (founder of Radio Illumini) with other station presenters, and members of the Lions Club. Brian previously worked for members of the House of Commons for thirty years and was a local councillor in Brighton & Hove, before developing his Spiritual Awareness in 1992.

Following the success of this first joint venture, another book signing session is planned for early April.

Meantime, local authors interested in participating in these events are invited to contact Martina Mercer at martina.radio.illumini@gmail.com.


POLICE are appealing for witnesses following two burglaries in Hailsham. At about 8.30pm on 3 February, police received a report of a burglary at a property in St Mellion Close, believed to have taken place between 6pm and 7pm.

On 7 February a second burglary was reported at a property in Lavender Close, Hailsham, believed to have taken place between 6pm on 5 February and 3pm on 7 February.

Entry to all properties was gained via rear gardens connecting to a public space, according to officers.

If you have any relevant information, CCTV or doorbell footage that could help with this investigation, report to police online or via 101, quoting 47240022943.

or views expressed within this publication are solely those of the author. © 2024: No part of this newspaper may be reproduced in part or whole without express permission of the editor.

dream is to travel to Australia.

Megan is 15 and suffers from a rare condition called Pitt Hopkins. Due to the illness, she is non-verbal, has seizures and has a number of food intolerances which affect her day-today life.

The gathering of motorbikes in all shapes and sizes formed up in the Vicarage Lane car park and went in convoy to the 1066 Cafe on the A21 at Robertsbridge.

The event raised £1,600 for the cause which has been fundraising for two years, in the hope of raising a total of £20,000 to get Megan to the other side of the world.

Voluntary group Rolling Rides, a non-profit organisation pulled together the convoy which went a long way to topping up the fund.


HAILSHAM’S Town Crier, Terry Tozer, has received widespread praise for his outstanding efforts in delivering messages and public shouts during his two years in the prestigious role.

Since being appointed as Town Crier in February 2022, Terry has been busy delivering his proclamations at the town’s community events and various other occasions – bedecked in a new, hand-made livery – welcoming guest dignitaries to the town and introducing an element of pageantry to mark events and special occasions.

In all, Terry has attended events as official Town Crier for the Town Council and issued around 40 shouts during his second year.

“I’m really getting into and enjoying the role of Hailsham Town Crier immensely,” said Town Crier Terry Tozer. “It is such a great honour to be able to carry on performing this ancient British tradition, preserving our history and adding some colour and noise to the town.”

“I’m hoping to get out and about more this year and I’m looking into attending the annual national Town Criers’ competition too!”

The role of Town Crier was, since medieval times, one of the most important ways of spreading news and local bylaws, royal proclamations, market days, holidays and community events were all pronounced by a bellman or town crier.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MARCH 2024 2 NEWS
Hailsham News is a publication by Regional Media Group Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales number: 13746177. We have taken care to ensure that the information in this newspaper is correct. Neither the publisher, nor contributors can take responsibility for loss or damage resulting from errors or omissions. Hailsham News does not endorse the accuracy of the advertisements or the quality of the products/services being advertised. Information provided by businesses and community organisations are provided directly by their own representatives; please direct any queries or comments regarding content directly to the organisation. Any opinion
ALMOST a hundred motorbikes gathered in Hailsham recently to raise money for a disabled girl whose
Photo: Colin Mitchell
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BURGER chain McDonald’s has submitted a number of planning applications to open a branch in the town. The plans would see the fast food branch built on currently derelict land on South Road, next to Tesco Express and KFC. The application has been submitted to Wealden District Council and was discussed by Hailsham Town Council at a recent planning meeting.

The former Marlow Ropes site, called Ropemaker Park, would see a drive-through McDonald’s Restaurant with 33 car parking spaces, including electric car and accessible bays. Customers would also be able to eat inside the restaurant in addition to the drive-through.

Three applications have been submitted for approval which show plans for an 8-metre-tall ‘M’ illuminated sign as well as lit menus, zebra crossings and extensive signage around the site.

At the time of going to press, a full application for the actual building hasn’t been submitted.

Hailsham Town Council, which is a consultee on planning applications, has no major objections to the applications for the signage at the site but has requested these should be downlighted to avoid light pollution and not affect nearby homes.

The meeting heard some objections read out from local residents. The main contentions were that there are already many nearby takeaway outlets, traffic issues, pollution and potential litter issues.

The site is believed to have been derelict since around 2006 and has been the focus of numerous planning applications, including a Lidl store with 53 spaces, which was withdrawn in 2009.

The application can be found by visiting the Wealden District Council Planning Portal and searching for number WD/2024/135/AI.


THERE were incredible scenes recently as several Councillors claimed they had not been included in the draft Local Plan for Wealden and protested during a district council meeting.

It all happened during the Wealden District Council’s ‘Extraordinary Meeting’, where councillors were asked their opinions on the 9000-page Local Plan — however, nine Conservative councillors stood up and left the meeting, claiming it had been ‘rushed through’.

The protestors claim that the entire Plan process has been forced through in ‘tremendous haste’. They say that much of the detail has not been discussed by Councillors and yet has now been published for public consultation.

After the Conservative members left the meeting, Councillor Michael Lunn from the party said: “We do not agree with the way the Green/Lib Dem Coalition proposes to impose hundreds and thousands of houses on unsustainable communities. They promised to reduce housing numbers, but they have not. They promised to protect the High Weald AONB, but they have not.

The process has been corrupted by the pursuit of narrow political self-interest by a number of Coalition members, with council officers apparently too weak to resist their demands.

A significant number of opposition councillors have felt infuriated and, in some cases, intimidated by recent communications regarding the legitimacy of whether they can vote on the plan.

The prospect of a significant number of democratically-elected opposition councillors being forced to abstain from voting on the Wealden Green/Lib Dem Coalition Local Plan is an utter travesty for local democracy and the residents they represent.

Due to this corruption of process, the Wealden Conservative Group have collectively withdrawn from the process until we have assurances from Officers that we will not be prosecuted from voicing our residents’ concerns on the draft plan.”

The Chair, Councillor Gavin Blake-Coggins, heard from Councillor David White, who said: “I find it bizarre that I was elected as a councillor for the whole district, and because as a result as a small pecuniary interest, I have been told I cannot take part in the debate and must leave the room. I have a long-standing interest in South East Marts, where I hold the shares on behalf of the farmers, this site has already been allocated as a housing site, but because of this, I have to leave the meeting.”

Councillor Reed, who represents Uckfield Ridgewood and Little Horsted, spoke tearfully and passionately to the committee. She

said: “I sit before you with a very heavy heart when personal circumstances mean I cannot represent my ward or Wealden. Because of a pecuniary interest, I have to step back today. I’m still here and working hard as an Independent, and I hope to see many people at the forthcoming consultations, as we now need the voice of residents to help us, who have been excluded today.”

Deputy Leader Rachel Millward, who represents the Green Party, said she was disappointed that the group decided to walk out of the meeting.

She commented: “It is disappointing that the whole Conservative group chose to leave the room. Six Councillors present could have stayed and contributed to the debate and voted on behalf of the residents they were elected to represent. We were all given the same information about conflicts of interest — this is a matter of the law and has absolutely nothing to do with political motives. There was absolutely no reason for six of the eight present to leave. If I were one of their residents, I would not be pleased. Yet again, the Conservatives are failing to engage with the reality of our situation and avoiding involvement in difficult but vital decisions.”

Gerard Fox, East Sussex County Councillor for Hailsham New Town, said: “The Green/Lib Dem Alliance came to power promising to deliver fewer houses. They have not done this. The Local Plan is the most critical document that they will produce in their four-year term. It will have ramifications for decades. The spectacle of at least four opposition councillors (all independents and conservatives) being forced to recuse themselves from voting following confused and, in one case, contradictory advice, effectively disenfranchising the communities that they represent, is deeply troubling and speaks poorly of the Alliance approach to transparency and good governance.”

26 Councillors voted for opening the consultation phase of the draft Local Plan which concluded the meeting, and it will now go to public consultation.

Three Independent Democrats and one Independent abstained, three gave apologies, and two Independents declared personal or pecuniary interests and had to leave the room.

Two of the group of nine Conservatives are believed to have prejudicial interests in the draft Local Plan. That means that they own land, which is being considered for development within the draft Plan.

Eventually, Councillors agreed there would be an eight-week consultation where residents will be able to view the document at a virtual exhibition and in-person drop-in sessions. This will take place on 23 March at the Civic Hall in Hailsham

If adopted, the Local Plan will provide a vision for the Wealden district, strategic and non-strategic planning policies to guide development and locations the council proposes for new homes, jobs and infrastructure to help meet the district’s needs.

Councillor Ian Tysh, Alliance for Wealden (Green Party), and lead councillor for Planning and Environment, said: “The council’s commitment to a new Local Plan is strong. We want a Local Plan to help ensure that development can be managed in accordance with strong innovative policies around climate change, the built and natural environment, biodiversity net gain, our local economy, housing standards and more besides.

“This is a Draft Local Plan and not the final one, as we will be running a consultation and want our residents, businesses and communities to give their views.

Council leader James Partridge (Alliance for Wealden, Liberal Democrat) said: “Residents want a say in the future of our district. We don’t want it to stop adapting to meet the needs of present and future generations. We want it to go on being a great place to live and work and know it won’t if we don’t plan for it.

“We want the right houses, in the right places, with the right infrastructure and at a price which we have some hope of being able to pay. We want to preserve our heritage and as much green space as possible. We want nature restored. None of this will happen if we don’t have a plan to make it happen.”

Dates and details of the exhibition will be released at a later date. People wishing to receive updates about the Draft Local Plan and to take part in the consultation process should register using Wealden District Council’s consultation portal at https://consult.wealden.gov.uk/kse/

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MARCH 2024 4 NEWS
The land at Burfield Park on South Road Cllr Michael Lunn reads the statement outside the meeting
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Tclosing their Hailsham branches, have delayed it until later in the year.

Both Lloyds and Halifax revealed last year they will be closing their banks on the High Street and Market Street in February, leaving the town with just one Building Society located on George Street.

Halifax has said only 176 of its customers regularly used the local High Street branch over a 12 month period. Lloyds says customer visits to the branch are down 70% since 2018.

A spokesperson at Halifax said: “The world is becoming more digital than ever before and more of our customers are doing their everyday banking online. With more customers banking digitally, we’ve seen a fall in branch visits. Because of this, we’ve decided to close this branch.”

It can only be good news for the town’s Councilowned Post Office which recently announced annual losses. Customers still wanting to use the banks services can do so at the Post Office in the

High Street.

Residents can access their high street bank accounts at the town centre Post Office on the High Street instead. This service is free of charge and, provided customers have their debit card with them, they can check their balance and withdraw or deposit cash. If you don’t have a debit card, some banks will still allow you to deposit cash via the Post Office, if you have a deposit slip.

John Harrison, Town Clerk and Postmaster of the Hailsham High Street Post Office said: “Many banks tell us that changes in customer behaviour have been the driving force and principal reason for bank branch closures.

An increasing number of people bank online and consequently make far fewer visits to branches. Whilst we fully understand the considerable uptake in the use of online banking in recent years, there are still people, particularly the elderly, who like to visit their branches and bank in person.”


BLEED kit designed to handle life-threatening bleeding has been installed in the town centre, in memory of stab victim Darren Croxton. The cabinet has been unveiled in Vicarage Field, next to Maybugs, and contains equipment which is specifically designed to handle lifethreatening bleeding and can help save someone’s life should a traumatic injury happen.

Project Youth is behind the bleed kit scheme was funded by Hailsham business Accurate Roofing.

The Community Interest Company (CIC) is an early intervention project based in East Sussex, dedicated to empowering young people from the ages of 10-18, helping to build relationships between young people and adults within their home and local community.

Carl Scott, founder of Project Youth, said: “I travel around the county to deliver workshops and visiting communities educating them about my personal experiences and giving a better understanding of what



23-24 MARCH -14:15

Joe is a middle-school band teacher whose life hasn’t quite gone the way he expected. His true passion is jazz — and he’s good. But when he travels to another realm to help someone find their passion, he soon discovers what it means to have soul.


18 -21 MARCH - 14:15 & 19:30

Behind the spectacle and danger of 1950’s Formula 1, ex-racer, Enzo Ferrari, is in crisis. Bankruptcy stalks the company he and his wife, Laura, built from nothing ten years earlier. Their tempestuous marriage struggles with the mourning for their one son.


18 MARCH - 14:30


15-17 MARCH - 19:30

One Love celebrates the life and music of an icon who inspired generations through his message of love and unity. On the big screen for the first time, discover Bob’s powerful story of overcoming adversity and the journey behind his revolutionary music.


11 MARCH - 14:30

After her adoptive mother dies, Hortense (Marianne Jean-Baptiste), a successful black eye doctor, seeks out her birth mother. She’s shocked when her research leads her to a lower-class white woman, Cynthia (Brenda Blethyn).

Ken Loach’s acclaimed British drama focuses on Billy Casper, a tormented boy who is subjected to abuse both at school and at home. Billy’s existence is mostly bleak until he takes up an interest in falconry and begins training a kestrel that he finds on a nearby farm.


9-22 FEBRUARY - 14:15 & 19:30

Peppa’s back on the big screen, she is having the biggest party ever and you are invited. Come and celebrate 20 years of Peppa Pig with an all-new Cinema experience, exclusive episodes with new characters, everyone will be up dancing in the aisles.

life really is like when someone makes that decision to be part of the streets or get exploited/groomed into a life of the unknown.”

The cabinet contains a chest seal which can be placed over a wound that stops air going in but allows air to come out, a 60-second clotting gauze and a rapid stop tourniquet.

When 999 is called, the user will ask for Sussex Police and a code to access the cabinet will be given. The user will be given instructions on how to use its contents.

It was installed in memory of 25-year-old father Darren Croxton who tragically died from a stab wound in 2012 during a fight in Hailsham. Councillor Kelvin Williams, Alliance for Wealden (Liberal Democrat), and lead councillor for Public Health, Wellbeing and Asset Management, said, “I hope that these bleed kits are never needed, but should the need arise, these kits are accessible and could be vital to saving a person’s life.”


8-27 MARCH - 14:15 & 19:30

Fiery Rose Gooding has little in common with the pious Edith Swan aside from them being neighbors in the seaside town of Littlehampton in the 1920’s. Edith starts receiving scandalous letters written with foul language as eccentric as it is obscene.


4 MARCH - 14:15

Written and directed by Academy Award® nominee Kenneth Branagh, BELFAST is a poignant story of love, laughter and loss in one boy’s childhood, amid the music and social tumult of the late 1960s.

4 MAY - 19:30

A live theatre experience from the upcoming ITV drama and bestselling book.

Currently being adapted into a primetime ITV drama starring Toby Jones – and ongoing headline news, we are delighted to offer you a true, jaw-dropping and gripping account, that really has captured the attention of the gener- al public – and is now the subject of this, an equally compelling stage show.

Journalist/broadcaster Nick Wallis (BBC1’s ‘The One Show’, Channel 5’s ‘Criminals Caught on Camera’ and regular news reader/reporter for the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5) recently released a best-selling book that became serialised both by BBC Radio 4, The Sunday Times and The Daily Mail.

Nick’s story definitively chronicles a scandal that has been described as one of the most widespread and significant miscarriages of justice in UK legal history – ‘The Great Post Office Scandal’. His expertise and knowledge on this subject is second to none. He brought three Panorama specials to the fore and also is the fundamental advisor on the upcoming television series.

Nick will be lending his natural flair to host the whole intriguing affair. He will also be reading from his book followed by a Q&A section with the audience after. There will also be a special guest or two present from the scandal itself to provide some extremely emotional and unforgettable first hand expositions. Show approx. 2hrs with an interval.

TICKETS: £15.00

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MARCH 2024 8 NEWS
ALL MATINEES SCREENINGS AND ALL DAY SUNDAY SCREENINGS - £6.50 / EVENING SCREENINGS - ADULTS - £9 CONCESSIONS - £7 MIGRATION 29 MARCH - 4 APR - 10:30 & 14:15 From the creators of Minions, Despicable Me, Sing and The Secret Life of Pets comedies, invites you to take flight into the thrill of the unknown with a funny, feathered family vacation like no other in the action-packed new original comedy, Migration.
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RESIDENTS are being urged to check their homes for overdue books as East Sussex Library Service launches its annual amnesty.

More than a million books were taken out on loan from the county’s libraries in 2023, but unfortunately, some have not been returned.

In a bid to recover some of the titles missing, East Sussex Library Service will waive fines until the end of March.

Classic novels by Virginia Woolf and Oscar Wilde, non-fiction books by Mary Berry and Professor Brian Cox and children’s titles by Jacqueline Wilson and David Walliams are among those missing from the county’s libraries.

Books can be returned to any East Sussex library during opening hours. Alternatively, most libraries have drop boxes for out of hours returns.


JAMES Bailey, the Chief Executive of Hailsham Roadways will be hitting the streets later this month to raise awareness of veterans who have to sleep rough.

Around 20-25 Members of the National Highways Pavement Community, which includes representatives from National Highways and the Pavement Delivery Framework (PDF) Supply chain, will be swapping beds for sleeping bags and sleeping on the streets at ‘Heidelberg Materials/MQP office in Whitwick, Leicestershire on 21st March.

All money raised will be given to the Royal British Legion. The official fundraising page can be found on the company’s Facebook page.

A FUNDRAISING Bingo night is being held to raise funds for the Eastbourne First Responders this month.

It’ll take place on Friday 22nd March at 7pm at the St Wilfrid’s Church Hall, South Road, Hailsham.

It’s being organised by the Hailsham Ropemakers WI with the aim of generating money for the charity which provides a first response to 999 emergency calls that are close to where they live or work by trained volunteers.

For more details on attending the event, email: hailshamropemakerswi@gmail.com.

A HAILSHAM charity is giving away free sanitary products this month to mark International Women’s Day.

On 8th March, Furniture Now, based on the High Street will be giving away the products at its stores in three towns, Eastbourne, Lewes and Hailsham.

A DONATION of £100 has been given to the Charles Hunt Centre in Hailsham by the Mayor Councillor Paul Holbrook.

It’s one of a number of recent donations to local community groups and voluntary associations given by the Town Mayor as a result of coming in under budget on his allocated allowance for the last financial year.

He presented the grant award to staff and trustees at the Charles Hunt Centre last month.

In his role as mayor, Cllr Holbrook receives a yearly allowance to cover events and other costs associated with the office of Town Mayor, but in the previous financial year, he did not utilise all the allowance and stated that he would donate what was remaining to nine local community, voluntary associations and charities, as well as other local initiatives.

A spokesperson said: “Period poverty is a harsh reality for far too many women and girls around the world. It’s not just about a lack of access to menstrual products; it’s about inequality, dignity, and basic human rights. Whether it’s for yourself or to share with family and friends, we’re here to help.”

It comes as the Town Council, which operates the weekly Street Market in Vicarage Field on Saturdays, announced that the cost to stall holders will increase from next month.

The cost to hire a pitch will increase to £20 if traders need a gazebo (£10 if traders bring their own).

To book a stall or to discuss trader eligibility criteria, call 01323 841702.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MARCH 2024 9 NEWS
ACCESSIBLE PERIOD PRODUCTS 01323 380260 www.LightningFibre.co.uk Full Fibre Broadband delivered by the UK’s Best Internet Service Provider* Our customers love us (rated excellent on Trustpilot), and you’ll LOVE us too. Switch online. Egg-citing Broadband BOOST FOR CHARLES HUNT CENTRE MARKET CHARGE CHANGE BUSINESSES are being urged to give trading
the town’s High Street
market a go to


ESSENTIAL maintenance to the Common Pond has been carried out recently as part of a major improvement programme.

Workers have been clearing dead trees, removing overgrown plants and generally tidying the pond’s two islands as part of an ongoing programme.

Improvements to the perimeter footpath will also take place in the coming months – including the overlaying of parts of the walkway with tarmac, making it smoother and more accessible for disabled users.

Hailsham Town Council has been carrying out the works as part of its obligation to ensure that the historic pond is well-maintained and aesthetically pleasing to the public.

Councillor Mary Laxton, Chair of the council’s Assets Management Committee, said: “The Common Pond is our ‘jewel in the crown’ which is enjoyed by many residents, and we will

continue to invest in the area so it remains a site our residents can be proud of.

It’s already another busy year for the Town Council with the works currently being undertaken on the pond’s islands. It was a difficult site to work on, and I appreciate the contractors’ due diligence in carrying out this project well. The islands look so much better.”

The recent clearing of the islands and relaying of the footpath at the pond soon follows the Town Council’s efforts last year to tackle flooding at the site, work which involved the installation of a new overflow pipe and culvert to help prevent certain sections of the perimeter footpath from flooding during the winter months, which previously restricted access to some parts of the open space.

Town Clerk, John Harrison, said: “Hailsham Town Council is responsible for a number of areas of public open space within

carried out in recent years, thanks to the regular maintenance and monitoring of the site by Town Council staff.”

Mr Harrison added: “It’s always nice to receive positive feedback from people on the work undertaken by outdoor works staff at the Common Pond site, and we look forward to the continuation of our work to maintain the area in the future to allow the pond life to flourish and make improvements so that residents and visitors can continue to enjoy this local beauty spot.”

Other major improvements to the 1.86-acre site have included the removal of approximately 2,500 cubic metres of silt, the construction of a second island and sloping marginal wetland area and the installation of a hard surface path, benches and additional shrubs along the pond edge.

The Town Council accepts any donations to maintain the pond. Additional information about the Common Pond is available to the public via the Town Council Offices, Inglenook, Market Street.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News


AHAILSHAM charity has announced it is to expand its services in the town to include an inclusive Community Shed facility.

The Now! Charity Group, which runs the popular Furniture Now! Shop on the High Street will be launching the scheme next month which will be open to all residents who would a safe space to share skills, meet like-minded people and help upcycle furniture to be sold in the shop.

The initiative will be open a few days a week and will be run by volunteers.

The concept of Men in Sheds is popular throughout Sussex and the concept is to reach out to isolated men and offer them a safe space to socialise, volunteer, and gain new skills.

However, the concept of Men in Shed does not fit with the Now! Charity’s value of inclusivity and a community shed would imply that everyone is welcome, not excluding any gender.

Manon Brun, CEO of The Now! Charity Group told Hailsham News: “The concept of making furniture, DIY, even up-cycling is very gendered, and often thought about as “manly tasks”. Opening our community shed to everyone and helping women get more diverse skill sets is crucial.”

In 2023, The Now! Charity Group helped 14,839 families make £1,807,525 in household savings and saved 787,556 kg of carbon emission. Its objectives aid to reach out and help more people in the community and help the fight against

with disabilities were more likely to be socially isolated and live in poverty.

In the report, Campaign Towards Loneliness

than those who said they did not.”

The Community Shed project is aiming to tackle this issue. Manon continued: “Absolutely

the project. Use the QR code or Visit https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/ hailsham-community-shed. Thursday

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MARCH 2024 11 NEWS
11th April 9.45 am – 12.30 pm for our Easter Eggstravaganza! One-day holiday club Join us at Hailsham Parish Church on Lots of fun for children Years R–6 £1 per child Parents are welcome to join us at 12 noon to see what we’ve been learning about followed by a free Family Lunch* For more details or to book places contact holidayclub@hailshamchurch.org *Please note that places at both Holiday Club and free Family Lunch must be booked Games Bible Teaching Craft Songs Registered Charity No. 1132922 MOT, SERVICE & REPAIR Independent Service and repair centre catering for all Makes and Models of cars and light commercial vehicle. With Specialists in Volkswagen, Audi, Seat and Skoda Brands HAILSHAM MOT CENTRE 2-3 Dawbre Building, Diplocks Way Industrial Estate, Hailsham (BEHIND HAILSHAM MOTORING CENTRE) MOT TESTING MAJOR SERVICE MINOR SERVICE BRAKES EXHAUST CAM BELTS CLUTCHES BATTERIES SUSPENSION DIAGNOSTICS CALL 01323 840959 AUDI, BMW, CUPRA, MINI, SEAT, SKODA, VOLKSWAGEN & MERCEDES SPECIALISTS



‘recycling’ when immediately the diggers come in to prepare for building, and acres of green land are destroyed?

This means destroying all the fungi in the soil that would hold carbon dioxide. The soil is then covered by bricks, concrete and tarmac so no habitat for worms, insects, birds or even the humble dandelion, remains.

Regarding the land currently used by Hooks Farm, building will also take away the cowpats that fertilise the soil, and are used by insects for their eggs and grubs, which in turn feed birds. Then cars will park and more emissions will result, even from electric cars which have to be built.

Finally, is there really anywhere to go for a pleasant, quiet walk, alone, with the children or your dog, without getting in your car and driving to Eastbourne or Ashdown Forest and paying for parking, or negotiating the Sustrans cycle trail and constantly being asked ‘excuse me’ by cyclists. The answer is now ‘NO’.

This building is certainly not in the interests of those who currently live in Hailsham or Hellingly.

DEAR Editor, These decisions on greenfield sites are a scandal of monumental proportions.

I would like to know if the councillors who approved the destruction of the countryside around Hailsham actually live here.

None of these developments, whether in progress or about to be, should never be allowed without Southern Water upgrading the sewage treatment plants. I understand that each time there is a meeting of the relevant committee to discuss an application, the relevant domestic supply companies are supposed to attend.

I’ve been told that for years when considering an application, Southern Water has been told,

accommodate the extra load new developments would create.

As far as I know, none of these commitments have been fulfilled.

DEAR Editor, The impact of the housing developments is already upon us. We live on Station Road — you know the one? A road that is single track after the pond going into Hailsham town and has an impossible turn-out junction at the top? Yes, that’s the one.

We are gated for three months while utility services are put under the road. Actually, it’s quite nice at the moment, because only residents can

little noise.

But today, we do have a power cut that has been off since 10.00pm last night and doesn’t look likely to return until mid-morning at best.

We’ve tried our best as residents to persuade the council not to make this the main access road for developments but seems money rules and developers therefore win.

Look, let me be clear. I moved from a town up north less than two years ago. They also have a huge housing development. The difference is, that they have already built their new road network plus new access to the town bypass and installed the first phase of utilities.

Now they will begin the massive housing development with infrastructure in place. They also consulted community organisations like the church, asking how we could help make the estates better places to live in. This surely is how it should be done in a developed country. We have lived in a developing country, and honestly, where we lived has overtaken us here in development prowess.

We have no objections whatsoever about new people moving in — in fact, we welcome it. We love people! But really, has anyone really planned this, thinking of schools, roads, town centre development, leisure provision etc?

Praise where praise is due — thank you for thinking ahead on youth service provision for our next generation — that looks like a brilliant plan in the right space in town.

That brings me to my last point — the next generation. What are we leaving them as a legacy in this town of ours? Please, let’s not leave them with a right old mess to sort out and an education provision that is substandard. Please let’s have some more secondary-aged school provision.

Thank you. Resident on Station Road

DEAR Editor, Is it not time for a halt on house building in Hailsham?

I have lived in Hailsham for 20 years, and all around 360 degrees of Hailsham, we have what was lovely greenery now houses.

The Government’s direction was and is a minimum of 400 houses, we assume per year, yet there is a limit on the number of houses that can be built, which there should be if we do not end up with far too many houses in such as Hailsham a small market town.

I am now told on good authority that the population of Hailsham is greater than Uckfield or Bexhill-on-Sea which is extraordinary!

Can the town cope with this increase in houses

schools? My surgery 20 years ago had three doctors, it now has seven, and a wait for an appointment of three weeks.

In Hailsham, we had a butcher, now a coffee shop, a menswear Wards, now a hairdresser, and a greengrocer, and we have four supermarkets.

No one mentions the increase in traffic 3,000 houses means, at least 3,000 more cars in the area, and all the disruption with house building on Ersham Road. A classic example, and on occasions, the town is gridlocked every way you go

Please, we need control over house building. Yes, we need houses, or they tell us we do, but let common sense prevail and stop giving out planning permission like confetti.

DEAR Editor, I am writing this letter (email) in much dispute against all the housing being built on such wonderful land.

Since the construction along Ersham has begun, the disruption it has caused myself to even not be able to get out my gate due to heavy traffic using such a narrow and unfit road, the heavy traffic has caused the road to give out which is causing damages to vehicles as you can hear the underneath of the cars scrapping the road as they go by.

It is without doubt that not only will this road get heavier with traffic but will take away the peaceful beauty of the country I once knew it was 30 odd years ago.

It would be an absolute godsend if the newspaper could hold a public petition against all the building work taking place, as we the public don’t feel we have had our say, and the government have just overruled us and took the land anyway.


DEAR Editor, Station Road leading to Downash is plagued with deep pot-holes on the edges of the lane. These cannot be seen when filled with rainwater and many cars fall into them.

To build 600 more houses along this lane is nothing short of ludicrous.

The lane is narrow and busy with traffic — including heavy lorries — now.

Having so many more vehicles needing access by this lane is asking for accidents. It’s all very well to build new homes, but the builders should be told to widen the road as part of the planning permission.

Editor, I live off Ersham Road, and for several months we have had the road and surrounding roads dug up with temporary traffic lights on and off since they started building just passed the cemetery on the left. I travelled on the bus today and passed another site, being prepared to build more houses on the right-hand side near

What I am concerned about is all the traffic from the houses when they are occupied trying to get to the town at the mini roundabout opposite the BP garage. It’s bad enough now.

Yes, I also agree with your article regarding the schools, doctors and dentists. There seem to be no provisions being made to accommodate the increased population.

I have lived in Hailsham for many years, and yes I agree we need housing for the young people of Hailsham, but when I see the cost of the houses that are being built, the young people will not be able to

Carol Sibbald

Send your letter to the editor by emailing: letters@hailsham.news

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MARCH 2024 12 NEWS
Hailsham and Hellingly developments — putting more pressure on an already temperamental infrastructure The development off Marshfoot Lane has been the centre of many protests and controversy locally


celebrate the Easter period this year.

For the Easter Bunny Hunt competition, various characters will be hiding out in various locations in or within close proximity to Hailsham town centre from Tuesday 2nd April to Thursday 11th April, and the challenge is to spot all of them with the help of cryptic clues and pictorial hints for the chance to win great Easterthemed prizes.

People can take part in the competition by collecting a free entry form and their first clue from the Town Council Offices in Market Street on the above dates, during office hours (Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm).

The Town Council is also organising an Easter Egg Decorating competition whereby those taking part will be in for a chance of winning an Easter hamper. The egg designs can be produced using any materials and decorated with paint, chalk, pom-poms or other means. Participants can also create backdrops for and submit multiple eggs.

All decorated egg designs must be brought to the Town Council Offices in Market Street between by Friday 12th April and will subsequently be displayed in the reception window, prior to the winning design being selected by the Deputy Town Mayor.

for younger children) as to where the next Easter Bunny character might be hiding.

The aim is to find all characters and write their names correctly on the entry form against the location in which they are found.

When all the characters have been located, competition entrants will need to provide their details at the end of the entry form and post in the designated post box at the Town Council Offices by noon on Friday 12th April. All correct entry forms posted will be entered into a prize draw. The prize for first place will be a deluxe chocolate Easter hamper and the two runners-up will each receive an Easterthemed chocolate surprise.


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“These fun activities for children and families have been introduced this year as a means of generating an enthusiastic Easter spirit within the town,” said the Town Council’s Receptionist and Business Enterprise Assistant Kaylee Butcher, who is organising both competitions. “Easter is such a special time for children, and we hope they enjoy taking part.”

“Tracking down the Easter Bunny characters or creating attractive Easter egg designs are fun ways to engage the whole family and soak in the festive atmosphere. The competitions will hopefully give residents and visitors another great reason to explore the town centre and make some new discoveries!”
















For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MARCH 2024 13 NEWS


RAround a hundred people attended the short candlelight vigil at the town’s war memorial, which heard poems, songs, and prayers read out by specially invited guests.

The event, organised by East Sussex Ukraine Support, which supports local Ukrainian people, was started with a short speech from co-organiser Councillor Steve Murphy who was followed by a poem by two Ukrainian children who now live in the local area.

The crowd fell silent at 7pm for a minute silence and was followed by a round of applause in support of those people who are still fighting in Ukraine and the displaced refugees.

Attendees then heard a song performed by local musician Rick Bonner and a song called ‘I’m Free’ sung by Lana Bright. Lana fled Ukraine at the start of the conflict with her young children, and her husband is now fighting on the front line.

Wreaths were then laid by Deputy Lieutenant Amanda Hamblin and the Mayor of Hailsham, Paul Holbrook.

PHOTOS BY PAUL GIBSON ESIDENTS, officials and Ukrainian nationals gathered recently to mark the second anniversary of the start of the war in Ukraine.


DEAR Editor, I have recently read your article concerning the extensive building on our local fields and Woodlands.

Sadly we have to accept this massive destruction in the name of progress, however, has the Council and Constructors the given right to obstruct our right of way on a listed Public Footpath?

The Construction of the Marshfoot development has completely restricted walkers and local users, from the end

of Black Path, in Capella path, onto and across the area leading down to the Farmhouse in Little Marshfoot Lane.

Barriers without any restrictions or entry notices are displayed. Nothing to state if this closure is due to H&S or an alternative reason.

Should this be allowed? Locals have approached the appropriate parties. Statements have been made that nothing can be done, and the developers cannot (or will not) address this complaint.


Surely, as Tax Payers, we have some rights of access to this footpath. I personally have been using this path since 2010 to exercise, walk my dog and entertain my Great Grandchildren when they come to visit.

It just does not seem fair. I loved Hailsham when I arrived in 2010, but no more. It’s being decimated, there seems nothing we can do.

Yours sincerely, Keith.

Email your letters to the editor at letters@hailsham.news



homes involved. There were no reports of any injuries.

WHERE people shop, go out, or travel should not be determined by their disability or additional needs. I’m always working to secure more funding to support improvements to local infrastructure, services and facilities to make Wealden more inclusive for all residents, and I’m pleased that we have seen some fantastic progress recently. Thanks to a share of £7 million Government funding, Wealden is able to deliver a boost to the provision of Changing Places toilets, which is an initiative I championed during my time as Transport Minister, and introduced to 22 motorway stations across the UK as part of the Inclusive Transport Strategy. Changing Places toilets are larger accessible toilets with additional equipment and space for carers. The Ashdown Forest Centre was chosen as one of the latest locations to benefit from this investment and I’m pleased to have joined the Conservators of the Ashdown Forest at the official opening. The Ashdown Forest is a jewel in Wealden countryside and this new facility will ensure that it continues to be a welcoming destination, accessible to all visitors.

In more good news, the 1st Horam Scout Group and the 1st Buxted Scout Group have received a share of the Government’s Youth Investment Fund,

which will deliver a new, fully accessible scout hut in Buxted and support refurbishments of current facilities in Horam. Since last year, Horam communities have also been able to benefit from the completion of Phase 1 of the Get Active Pathway, which has increased opportunities for all-weather physical activities such as cycling, scooting and walking, and enabled those with mobility issues to have better access to exercise locally.

Additionally, easy access to transport is crucial, especially in a rural constituency such as Wealden and I’m proud to have secured multi-million-pound accessibility upgrades to Eridge and Crowborough train stations. As part of the £1.9m project, a new lift, ramp, footbridge and platform refurbishments were delivered at Eridge in 2022. Crowborough train station has undergone similar improvements last year, as part of a £4.7m investment which delivered the installation of two lifts and brand-new footbridge, allowing passengers to get from one platform to another more easily and removing barriers to travel for all members of the local community. These are all fantastic results for Wealden and I will continue campaigning for more improvements to ensure that our local infrastructure and facilities are accessible for all and fit for the future.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MARCH 2024 15 NEWS STAR READER LETTER
ONLY £19.95 WE BUY YOUR SCRAP GOLD 36 HIGH STREET, HAILSHAM, BN27 1BB 01323 841898 www.hailshamjewellers.co.uk No amount too small - any condition! Take advantage of the high gold price and turn your unwanted, old or broken jewellery into cash! We’ll buy; chains, bracelets, bangles, all rings, gold and silver pocket and wristwatches in any condition, Krugerrands, Sovereigns and other gold coins Don’t trust your valuables to a door step seller or a visiting ‘expert’ We are your local, family owned, independent High Street Jewellers with over 35 years experience No appointment necessary - call in for instant cash settlement We can pay Cash, Cheque or BACS Please note - ID will be required
MERGENCY Services rushed to Deanland Wood Park recently after numerous reports of smoke by several residents.
crews arrived
after 15 homes at the park reported smoking appliances following a power surge.
fire pumps, Ambulances and Police rushed to the park and all the properties were checked with thermal imaging equipment.
checks were also carried out on all the residents of the
just after 9am on


exercise for us and allows us to

valued readers enjoy and collate ideas and suggestions to help us develop. At the end of the day, it is a ‘community newspaper’; we feel it belongs to the town, so it’s only right we ask readers for some constructive feedback.”

To complete the survey, which only comprises of eight questions, simply either scan the QR Code here or visit https://bit.ly/HN-Survey-Feb24

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MARCH 2024 16 NEWS THE HAILSHAM CLUB IS A PRIVATE MEMBERS CLUB FOR THE OVER 18S ESTABLISHED IN 1920 AND CONVENIENTLY SITUATED IN THE CENTRE OF TOWN Bingo Fresh Water Fishing Section Wheel of Chance Entertainment Themed Evenings Darts Drinks Raffle Fundraisers Snooker Tables Meat Raffle Poker Snooker League Quiz Night Sea Fishing Section Whist WE ARE A VENUE FOR LOCAL GROUPS INCLUDING ROYAL BRITISH LEGION, PROBUS AND WI. OUR KITCHEN SERVES LIGHT LUNCHES FROM 11am TO 2pm ON TUESDAY AND FRIDAYS NEW MEMBERS WELCOME, MEMBERSHIP FORMS AVAILABLE FROM THE BAR. MEMBERSHIP ENROLMENT HELD ON 1st THURSDAY EACH MONTH. 43 Vicarage Field, Hailsham, BN27 1BG 01323 842468 hailshamclub@live.co.uk THE HAILSHAM CLUB Lasting Power of Attorney Financial & Health & Welfare General Power of Attorney Will Writing - Printed on Velum and Bound Legal Letter Drafting Change of Name Deeds Divorce and Financials Family Law Issues Separation Deeds Drafted Prenuptial / Cohabitation Deeds Drafted Contracts, Disputes Employment Law Issues Consumer Issues Negligence & Complaints Small Claims Help with Civil Court Procedure and Drafting Court Particulars of Claim and Defence Probate & Estate Administration Evening & Weekend Appointments Available Student Law Tuition from A Level to Degree Law A LEGAL HAND CONSULTANCY SERVICE Legal Consultant, Former Practising Solicitor and Deputy District Judge in The County Court with Over 50 Years’ Experience & Expertise OFFERS LEGAL HELP AND SUPPORT AT LOW COST Tel: 07779 187083 / 01323 840147 www.legalhelpinghand.com DIY WITH OUR LONG EXPERTISE IN LAW LOW FEES (NO VAT) FAST LEGAL SERVICE IT’S your time to give us your opinions on the town’s dedicated FREE newspaper. Hailsham News is dedicated to reporting on all the local news as we approach almost three years old. We want to know what you think of this monthly publication so we can find out how to improve it and continue to offer you an incredible publication.
launched a reader survey which should take
minutes to complete
simply asks what you enjoy in the newspaper and what you’d like to see in any future editions.
Editor Paul Gibson said: “We launched Hailsham News to fill the gap to improve local news coverage and we have been overwhelmed by how the newspaper has been received locally. Almost all 10,000 copies are now picked up within ten days, which is incredible.”
than a few
“The survey
a really
find out what

Let us take care of it



February 2024, 29 days this month, a Leap year, so what traditionally are the advantages or privileges of a Leap year? But first, what is a Leap year?

The planet Earth takes approximately 365.25 days to orbit the Sun. Using the Gregorian calendar leaves an extra quarter of a day to squeeze in every year.

February 29th — the full-day compromise that comes around every four years and ensures that the months keep in line with the seasons.

Traditionally women in the UK can propose to their partners on the 29th day of February, whilst in the USA if you are born on the 29th February, incidentally, the chances of that happening are 1 in 1,461; there is a “Leapers” Festival in Anthony, Texas beginning with an invitation dinner and

followed by a two-day music festival. In China, sons and daughters born as Leapers traditionally buy shoes for their parents, whilst in Germany, during a Leap year, on the 30th April, young women place a small decorated Birch tree on the doorsteps of men of romantic interest.

Back to Earth, internationally, things are not looking good in Ukraine, Israel or Gaza however, Sam Beale a member and Sales Director of Stevens and Carter, the Hailsham-based Estate Agents, says the housing market is buoyant with house sales at a higher than usual level for this time of year.

Other members are reporting brisk business with forward orders high generally; however, the hospitality sector seems to be less busy, with restaurants feeling the pinch not just due to the trading levels but also substantial increases in costs and overheads through higher energy prices and food prices.

Our forthcoming Big Breakfast is at the Laurel Restaurant, 1 George Street on Thursday 7 March from 7.30am, booking via our website is essential as February’s event was fully subscribed; no ticket, no entry.

Also in March, the Chamber is holding its AGM, again at the Laurel Restaurant, on Wednesday, 20 March, at 6.30pm; again, booking is essential through the Chamber website.

The Chamber is continually involved in supporting our members whether through lobbying, representing members on organisations such as Team East Sussex, Transport for the South East or a whole raft of

others. We have national Chamber coverage with Chambers strategically placed around the UK, all working together for the common good providing a clear-focused business voice influencing political decisions at both national and local levels.

As part of this business support, Hailsham Chamber is proposing a Business Improvement District (BID) for Hailsham and District, which would significantly benefit businesses. Eastbourne has had a BID for many years, and we are privileged and fortunate to have, as our guest at the March business breakfast Christina Ewbank from Eastbourne Chamber of Commerce, who will be speaking about Eastbourne’s experience as a BID, how it has benefitted businesses in Eastbourne and attracted substantial funding to Eastbourne during the last few years and how their BID is now extending the initial five-year term for a further five years due to its success.

This meeting is bound to be fully subscribed, so it is essential that tickets are booked early on the Chamber website.

For a full list of Chamber events, go to the website and see how March is going to be a lively and busy month for the Chamber; we hope to see you at some of our events and, if you’re not already a member, it’s really easy to join for only £8.85 a month which also allows reduced entry cost to most of our events and exclusive entry to Chamber-only events.

We’re looking forward to March and hope that your March will be as good as ours.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MARCH 2024 18 COMMERCE UPDATE


We send anonymous members of the team to check out local pubs, cafes and restaurants to give you an honest review. These visits are not pre-arranged, and the venues do not know they are reviewing the food and drink!


HAVING passed Buffalo Bills in Halland countless times, always promising we’d call in, the opportunity never arose, or we decided not to go out that far. However, as it was a special occasion (my birthday), we decided we’d make a special visit.

One thing that never really registered when passing by was that it was also a hotel. Very similar to an American-style motel where all the rooms are in one long block attached to the main hotel, we felt that we’d landed right there in Texas!

With ample off-road parking, the place was eerily quiet for a Friday night. But being early January, it’s not always surprising as people are still licking their wounds following Christmas.

Buffalo Bills is a Tex-Mex restaurant with a delicious blend of traditional Texas and Mexican cuisine in a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere. The menu boasts mouth-watering dishes like sizzling fajitas, crispy tacos, hearty burritos, and cheesy nachos, all made with the freshest ingredients and authentic spices. They pride themselves on providing excellent service and creating a memorable dining experience for their customers. Whether you’re in the mood for a quick lunch or a leisurely dinner, the restaurant is the perfect destination for Tex-Mex lovers.

One thing that caught my eye on entering was

the decor. I love rustic themes and originality and this place has it in abundance. There were standing tables made from beer kegs and the entire place kitted out in wooden slats, the ceiling adorned beams and some real original art sculptures in the corners.

We started with Buffalo Bill’s Famous Buffalo Wings at £7.95 — Succulent Chicken Wings served with blue cheese dip. We opted for the Bourbon & Southern Comfort flavour, which was very nice indeed. I prefer these without the dips as I like to taste the chicken, but the dip comes in a little dip bowl, so you can decide to dip or not dip, depending on your preference.

The problem with the menu was that there were too many things I wanted to try. Would we go for a sharing platter or a steak? Then there’s the


Burrito-Taco-Fajita-Quesadilla-dilemma! Good to see there’s plenty on the menu to cater for veggies and vegans.

As it was my birthday, and I wasn’t paying, we decided to play it safe and opted for the Buffalo Bill’s Famous Nacho Platter to share at £14.95. Fried corn chips smothered in melted cheese, served with salsa, sour cream, guacamole, jalapenos and olives. We opted for the House Chilli topping.

The wings were awesome! Really tasty and succulent — just as promised. I really couldn’t fault them. We have a ‘Chicken Wing Tuesday’ as a staple in our household and it was seriously as good as they can be.

The Nachos? Unfortunately, while tasty, fell short of expectations due to their unconventional construction. Not that the component parts were bad — it wasn’t that at all. Typically, the layering of nachos and chilli with accompanying sauces allows for a dynamic flavour experience with each bite — a concept that, unfortunately, wasn’t executed here. Our nachos were on the bottom, the Chilli was to one side, and the sauces were simply dumped on the top. This required us to eat the sauces first so we could get to the nachos, and the spoonful of Chilli was used up really quickly, so all we had left was dry nachos. And it was only whilst writing this review that I realised that there were no jalapenos and olives. But as I hadn’t realised it, suggest they’re probably not

needed. Despite this setback, the dish still offered a delicious medley of flavours after overcoming these logistical challenges.

It was good to see a good kiddies’ menu, and they cater well for children’s parties.

A highlight of our experience was the exceptional service provided by a cheerful young lad, whose enthusiasm and helpfulness added to the overall enjoyment of our meal.

We will visit again as the overall experience was really rather good; however, I’d like to try some other items on the menu, and I have my eye on some of the fish dishes!

Buffalo Bills truly surprised us with its cosy ambience and tasty offerings, marking a memorable birthday celebration. From its rustic decor to the extensive Tex-Mex menu, there’s something to please every palate.

While the nachos fell short in presentation, the wings soared high in flavour, leaving us eager to explore more. With attentive staff and a welcoming atmosphere, Buffalo Bills promises an enjoyable dining experience for all. We look forward to returning to indulge in more culinary delights and explore further gems on their menu, including the tempting fish dishes that caught our eye.

The total bill for three people with one round of drinks totalled £65.

Tel: 01825 840456


Eastbourne Road, Halland, BN6 6PW

BATES Green Garden, an RHS Partner Garden, is open every Wednesday until 25th October 2023. For details please go to the website www.batesgreengarden.co.uk and follow the garden on Instagram @batesgreengarden

“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade” — Charles Dickens Great Expectations 1861

MARCH is an anticipatory month with garden wildlife more apparent every day. The days are ever-lengthening, and bird song is building up as the breeding season commences. Put those hedge trimmers and shears away for the rest of the summer so that the birds can nest in peace. If you have cats, now is the time to put bells on their collars to protect your feathered population and you might wish to recommence feeding the birds now that the berries have mainly gone from our shrubs and bushes.

Talking of food, hedgehogs will emerge hungry from hibernation soon. The best thing to feed them is meat-based cat or dog food and us gardeners always hope that they will enjoy a slug or two on the side. Do not tidy up your piles of leaves though as temperatures can still plummet to below freezing this month and the earthworms, amphibians, bugs, beetles and caterpillars still require somewhere to shelter.

I hope there has been enough winter sunshine in your garden for you to enjoy shrubs like cornus and salix, grown specifically for winter stem colour. These are most effectively seen when the low winter sunshine lights up the stems and they literally glow. It also helps if they are situated in front of evergreens, this really shows their full beauty to the best effect. Here at Bates Green Garden my favourites are as follows: Cornus ‘Kesselringii’ confusingly known as white dogwood. This bears dark red very upright stems throughout the summer which then turn purply black when the cold weather comes along. The stems look remarkable near the papery white stems of birch. Another good but smaller one is Cornus ‘Baton Rouge’ with its vivid crimson stems. Very effective when underplanted with snowdrops or aconites. My final recommendation is the bright green Cornus ‘Flaviramea’, which we have here underplanted with the dark green strappy leaves of Ophiopogon planiscapus. Apart from winter joy, another good reason to grow cornus is the fun of their annual prune which consists of cutting

all the stems down to about 5 cm above ground level annually. Simple. The new stems that grow this year will be very upright and will bear the brightest colours. We like to use the cuttings as decoration in vases, weave them into small structures or take cuttings from them to sell to our visitors.

Bulbs too are currently cheering at Bates Green Garden. In the shady conditions of the Woodland Garden, Leuconjum vernum (spring snowflake) is increasing. We have snowdrops generously planted, crocus multiplying every year, cyclamen with their marbled leaves, delicate looking aconites that push through even the most frozen ground, striking purple iris and our native daffodil, Narcissus pseudonarcissus. The latter makes a particularly spectacular appearance in Millennium Avenue where Carolyn McCutchan patiently scattered seed every year for seven years until the first flowers emerged. A legacy indeed.

Do not fret if you did not get around to planting spring bulbs in pots last autumn. The nurseries and garden centres are bursting with them, buy your favourite- be it daffodils, iris, crocus, muscari to name but a few, and decant them into a beautiful bowl. Cover the bases with moss, add a few small stems of the colourful cornus you have pruned and place centre stage on your spring table. Joyful.

Enjoy your gardening activities this Spring. Here in Arlington, we are currently experiencing a somewhat wet February and so we very much hope for some bright weather in March with light winds to dry out the soil a bit. Being on heavy clay, it is so important for us not to compact the soil by standing on it. Treading and standing will compress the valuable air pockets which are required for root health. So, if we must work on very wet areas, then boards are used which spread out the pressure on the ground and prevent puddly areas from forming. We are also trying to stay off our three lawns to prevent any compaction.

Come for a Wednesday visit here soon. You can see everything for yourself and share last winter’s highs and lows with the Garden Team, who are always to be found beavering away in a border somewhere. I hope you find peace and delight in March.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MARCH 2024 19 NEWS
Children’s Hot Dog Nachos Chicken Wings Leucojum woodland by John Glover Millenium ave narcissus by John Glover


HAILSHAM Motoring Centre, a locally owned dealership, has been serving the community for over 25 years with unwavering dedication and continuity in ownership.

Central to the company’s prosperity is its commitment to transparency, epitomised by an exceptional offering such as a 24-month parts and labour warranty on vehicles priced above £3,000.

Every vehicle in the inventory, spanning both Hailsham and Bexhill branches, boasts only one or two previous owners, accompanied by meticulous service records. Furthermore, each car undergoes a thorough hygienic valet and shampoo upon purchase.

Ensuring peace of mind for customers, all vehicles undergo rigorous HPI checks, have their finances cleared and are eligible for comprehensive financing options at the

Hailsham Motoring Centre.

Moreover, each car receives a pre-delivery inspection (PDI) and a fresh MoT, with detailed representations available on the company’s website through over 20 photos and a video showcase.

A representative from the company said: “We understand the apprehensions surrounding the origins of used vehicles.

Rest assured, we exclusively source our cars

from reputable channels such as main agents, finance companies, fleet and leasing outlets. Our commitment lies in offering discerning customers top-tier, pre-owned vehicles.”

You can visit the showroom on Diplocks Way, Hailsham BN27 3JF.

You can also view the full stock at bexhillmotoringcentre.com or call 01323 449900 to find your next quality used car or van.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News Part-time and full-time roles available, ranging from 12 to 37 hours per week Earn up to £27,600 per annum including overtime opportunities and an outstanding benefits package! JOIN OUR TEAM! WE ARE LOOKING FOR Don't miss out on the chance to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others! DAY & NIGHT SUPPORT WORKERS IN THE HAILSHAM AREA https //sdres bamboohr com/careers Full training available Scan the QR code or send your CV to jobs@sdrcare co uk or call 01273 076001 today to seize this opportunity WORKING HARD FOR WEALDEN I hold regular surgeries both in person and virtually. If you require my assistance, get in touch at: nusrat.ghani.mp@parliament.uk or, visit my website: www.nusghani.org.uk Nus_Ghani Nusrat Ghani MP nus_ghani Nusrat Ghani


2021, TWO owners from new, 25,900 miles, petrol, manual, full service history. MONTHLY

Honda Jazz i-VTEC

2019, 1.3, Only 6,100 miles, One owner from new, petrol, full main dealer service history. MONTHLY

2020, 64,400 miles, only one former keeper, service history, petrol, new MoT and service.


Mercedes SLC200

2016, 83,200 miles, 9G-Tronic, pan roof, say nav, petrol, auto, only TWO former owners, New MoT.

Toyota C-HR Excel

2019, ONE owner from new, 1.2 petrol, leather interior, manual, full main dealer service history.


2019, 1.5 EcoBoost, one owner from new, 51,600 miles, petrol, manual, main dealer service history.


HAILSHAM MOTORING CENTRE CALL: 01323 449900 bexhillmotoringcentre.com FINANCE PACKAGES TAILORED TO YOUR NEEDS Mercedes GLC 220d 2015, Only one owner from new, 33,800 miles, diesel, automatic, new MoT and main dealer history. MONTHLY COST FROM £475.60 £19,995 BMW 320d M Sport Only TWO former keepers from new, 34,600 miles, diesel, auto, new MoT, full service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £469.77 £19,750 Mercedes-Benz A180d Sport Premium model, auto, full main dealer service history, 26,600 miles, new MoT. MONTHLY COST FROM £320.95 £18,990 Toyota C-HR Hybrid 2018, full main dealer service history, 33,900 miles, petrol hybrid, new MoT, two owners. MONTHLY COST FROM £426.95 £17,950 Hyundai Ioniq Hybrid 2019, 1.6, 1st Edition, Manufacturers warranty, 31,000 miles, petrol hybrid, new MoT. MONTHLY COST FROM £297.22 £17,780 BMW X1 X-Drive Sport 2018, 2.0 diesel, 36,500 miles, automatic, main dealer service history, black sports trim. MONTHLY COST FROM £403.88 £16,980 Skoda Octavia TSi SE Only ONE previous owner, 29,200 miles, petrol, 2018, 1.5 engine, full main dealer service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £401.03 £16,860 Audi A3 TFSI S-Line Only TWO owners from new, 29,500 miles, petrol, main dealer service history, new MoT & service. MONTHLY COST FROM £380.45 £15,995
3008 GT-Line
TWO former keepers from new, 27,200 miles, diesel, manual, new MoT, service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £380.45 £15,995 Toyota Auris Hybrid 2019, 1.8 Icon Tech model, manufacturers warranty, petrol, full main dealer service history, new MoT. MONTHLY COST FROM £251.24 £15,995
M Sport
BMW 116d
Only ONE owner from new, 23,800 miles, diesel, manual, comprehensive servie history. MONTHLY COST FROM £380.33 £15,990
Peugeot Rifter HDi
Allure model, diesel, 32,500 miles, manual, full main dealer service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £284.70 £15,990
£241.94 £14,995
£253.91 £14,995
Volkswagen Golf TSi
Ford Kuga ST Line
Civic i-DTEC 2020, 1.6, diesel, manual, only ONE owner from new, main dealer service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £251.35 £14,750 Hyundai Tucson Blue 2018, 1.6 GDi, SE, 22,400 miles, petrol, manual, ONE owner from new, main dealer service. MONTHLY COST FROM £344.89 £14,500
Polo Evo 2021, 1.0, 16,300 miles, petrol, manual, only ONE company owner from new, service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £245.17 £14,290
Kadjar TCE 2018, 1.2, Dynamique, Only 11,600 miles, ONE owner from new, full main dealer service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £338.94 £14,250
308 PureTech 2019, GT Line spec, 27,800 miles, petrol, manual, full main dealer service history, one owner. MONTHLY COST FROM £271.13 £14,150
Q2 TFSi Sport 2018, 1.0, Sport, 72,500 miles, petrol, manual, only ONE owner, comprehensive service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £332.52 £13,980 Kia Ceed GDi ISG 2019, 1.0T, petrol, manual, 39,400 miles, full main dealer service history, only ONE owner from new. MONTHLY COST FROM £245.08 £13,970 Vauxhall Mokka X 2018, 1.4T, ecoTEC Design, 13,900 miles, ONE owner from new, main dealer service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £309.09 £12,995 Dacia Duster Comfort 2019, 1.6, petrol, manual, 30,500 miles, only TWO owners from new, full main dealer service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £226.15 £12,995 Toyota Yaris Hybrid 2015, 1.5, petrol hybrid, 33,400 miles, Only THREE former owners, comprehensive service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £303.26 £12,750 Honda Jazz i-VTEC 2019, 1.3, petrol, manual, 51,400 miles, full main dealer service history, TWO previous owners. MONTHLY COST FROM £223.03 £12,410 Citroen C4 Cactus 2020, 1.2 PureTech Flair, petrol, manual, 20,300 miles, ONE owner from new, dealer service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £226.10 £12,150
Insignia 2018, 1.6 Turbo, diesel, manual, 36,400 miles, only ONE owner from new, full service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £285.30 £11,995
Passat 2019, 2.0 TDi S, diesel, manual, 84,500 miles, ONE company owner, full service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £285.30 £11,995 MG ZS GDi Exclusive 2019, 1.0, petrol, automatic, 32,400 miles, only ONE former owner, comprehensive service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £179.51 £11,995 Vauxhall Zafira SRi 2018, 1.4T, petrol, manual, 47,400 miles, only ONE owner from new, full service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £282.57 £11,880 Vauxhall Astra Elite 2019, 1.4T 16v, petrol, manual, 21,100 miles, full main dealer service history, ONE owner. MONTHLY COST FROM £209.35 £11,750 MINI Countryman D 2011, 1.6 Cooper, All4, 80,950 miles, diesel, manual, only TWO former keepers, service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £217.36 £6,750 WE OFFER 24 MONTH FREE WARRANTY


With the reinvention of the vinyl record, we speak to Ken Barry from Records and Retro to find out what this new era means for his business…

How long have you lived in the area?

I moved to Bexhill with my family in 2008 from Henley on Thames. I opened The Record Shop in Little Common after having a successful record shop in Henley and then moved the business to the centre of Bexhill. Fortunately, that tied in with the vinyl revival as people of all ages either rediscovered their love of records or else discovered the benefits of the format for the first time.

It has been great to see customers of all ages visiting the shop and buying second-hand vinyl. Its appeal is timeless, and let’s face it, nothing beats the sound of a vinyl record.

Many teenagers and those in their early twenties have discovered the likes of classic bands such as The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Kinks and Fleetwood Mac via their parents’ collections and then go out looking for vintage copies of albums such as Revolver and so forth.

But we are not just a one-stop shop for secondhand vinyl. Far from it, in fact. We do a great trade as

well on vintage turntables, amplifiers and speakers because they are in such demand.

In addition, anyone who thinks there is no demand for CDs is absolutely wrong. We still sell a huge number of them across all genres, from classical to rock and more modern artists, which is great.

I love my job for the most important reason of all, and that is the music itself. You should never lose sight of that fact. I get the regulars and new faces all the time, and they make it all worthwhile.

What is it you love about Bexhill?

I love being by the sea and being near such a fantastic live music venue like the De La Warr. It’s great that the town has so many independent shops, particularly in Sackville Road, where my shop is located.

The more independent shops that thrive in Bexhill, the better because it makes us stand out from the crowd and, as a result, will draw in more visitors.

The potential is there clearly, but we need to build on that and ensure we all publicise what the town has to offer to residents and visitors.

What do you think needs improving in Bexhill?

We need better transport links, and the new parking scheme is discouraging people from visiting the town. In addition, it will become



IT’S almost embarrassing to admit that I have now had TWO pieces of fan mail, admittedly both from the same person, but it’s fan mail all the same, so a big thank you to Edith Shinguard.

I am glad that my Monksey’s Mutterings are appreciated and that my loyal and devoted follower has taken the time to write a real letter on real paper with a real pen; the letter was made even more special as they even drew the picture, as seen here.

I can only imagine that Edith is an artist as the signs are all there; the skilful use of perspective can only be appreciated by another artist. I know I am — many people have referred to me as the type of artist who frequents drinking establishments.

Having studied the picture at length, I have come to the conclusion that Edith lives on the outskirts of Hailsham due to the lack of newlybuilt houses, congested traffic and noisy building sites, in fact, it looks idyllic, and the dB level must be at an all-time low for the area judging by Edith’s serene depiction.

Whether this is a permanent pitching of her tent or whether she lives a nomadic lifestyle is unclear

from her letter, so I am slightly snookered in terms of visiting her to offer my thanks for her kind words and pictorial accompaniment, if anyone knows of her current whereabouts then please do let me know as I would like to offer her an upgrade from a tent to a Wendy House as that’s about all the land that’s left to build on in Hailsham.

It also set me thinking that I can’t remember the last time I actually ‘wrote’ to someone using a pen; almost everything I do is typed, with the only exception being when I take meeting notes. Even then, I struggle at times to read my own writing afterwards; we will soon lose the ability to write as it seems I have done — most of my scrawl looks like an epileptic Tyrannosaurus Rex has written it.

For anyone who wants to send me handwritten fan mail, feel free to leave it at ‘Spoons in George Street, as that’s where much of my artistry takes place; leave it behind the bar with Little Sarah. You can’t miss her, she is the one that is shorter than Liz Truss’s term as Prime Minister.

Until next time, people. www.verymagic.co.uk

increasingly important for a series of budget hotels to be introduced to the town because, at present, those who want to go to a gig at the De La Warr, for instance, and enjoy a few drinks or a meal have little option other than to return home afterwards.

so it can compete on an equal footing to the likes of Eastbourne and Hastings. That would be a major step forward.

How do you visualise Bexhill in ten years’ time?

It would be great to keep Bexhill on the map as a staycation town. We need to keep promoting its unique vibe and get rid of the God’s Waiting Room reputation.

Bexhill is not boring. It is vibrant and has plenty to offer to people of all ages and who have varied

and which artists are good, bad or indifferent. We are all music fans, after all.

Records and Retro is situated at 5 Sackville Road, Bexhill. It opens from 10am Tuesdays to Saturdays. You can contact Ken on 01424 222011. www.recordsandretro.co.uk


Wilkinson is a locally famous, published Poet who thrills and entertains at many locations promoting his books while raising money for Help for Heroes. To find out more about Laurie, see his books and support his cause, simply visit the website below.

Another month comes around, so we are now marching into March, and with this edition’s poem, I can now safely move away from all the complexities of love for February and Valentine’s Day and so offer a fairly common but aggravating occurrence for all of us. Well, that probably has you all wondering what it is, so without delay, I will quickly say that it is blotching or spattering our clothes with food etc, mostly when we are out with friends. Fear not though, for as I said earlier, it happens to nearly everyone of us, and quite likely on a regular basis, so please take refuge and hopefully some amusement from my poem, originally written about 2016 and entitled Spot of Bother


A crispy blouse or clean white shirt

Will almost certainly attract the dirt, So however you try not to be rude You will still blot your top with food, That you observe with great dismay

For it will always happen that way.

But some food types that you chose Are guaranteed to spoil your clothes, With a spot here, or a splash there

Despite your best attempts at care,

For with some food it’s best to be petty

Like that messy and tricky spaghetti.

So when spruced up smart and clean

You will make mess that’s easily seen, With blobs and slops down your front

The poorest eyesight won’t need to hunt.

For the more you rub and wipe the stain

It will look much worse and still remain.

But men have a problem very grave

If hurrying too much when they shave, And nick themselves, though not too big It will still bleed out like a stuck pig, So that you wish you’d left off your top When your bleeding refuses to stop,

And now you’re due to go smartly out

So that being on time is a big doubt.

For you must rapidly change your attire

And readiness goes down to the wire,

Till at last again you’re dressed to thrill

With chances of staying clean almost nil.

MARCH 2024 22 NEWS
To purchase Laurie’s books, visit www.lauriewilkinson.com
Yeomans Honda Eastbourne Willingdon Drove, Eastbourne BN23 6QN 01323 306 493 yeomans.co.uk/honda YEOMANS HONDA EASTBOURNE FOR ALL YOUR MOTORING NEEDS Terms and Conditions: New retail HR-V Hybrid ordered with Honda and finance approved by Honda Finance Europe from 01 July 2023 to 30 September 2023 and registered by 30 September 2023. Subject to model and colour availability. Offers applicable at participating dealers (excluding Channel Islands) and are at the promoter’s absolute discretion. Not to be used along with any other offers currently available. * OTR may be subject to change due to actual or unexpected changes in tariffs, duties taxes or other costs which may affect importation or other costs of supply. ** Honda deposit contribution: £2,000 Honda deposit contribution on all new retail HR-V Hybrid models purchased through Honda Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) or Honda Hire Purchase (HP). 6.9% APR representative Honda Personal Contract Purchase (PCP): Maximum customer deposit 30%. At the end of the agreement, there are three options: i) Retain: Pay the optional final payment to own the vehicle, ii) Return: Return the vehicle, or iii) Renew: Part exchange your Honda for a new one. You do not have to pay the Final Payment if you return the car at the end of the agreement and you have paid all other amounts due, the vehicle is in good condition and has been serviced in accordance with the Honda service book and the maximum annual mileage has not been exceeded. Excess mileage charge includes VAT at current rate. Indemnities may be required in certain circumstances. Finance is only available to persons aged 18 or over, subject to status. All figures are correct at time of publication but may be varied or withdrawn at any time. Honda Franchise Dealers are credit brokers, not lenders. As the dealer offers products from a limited number of carefully selected finance providers, they are not independent financial advisors. We may or may not make a payment and / or reward to the dealer if you enter into an agreement with us. Credit provided by Honda Finance Europe Plc. Honda Financial Services is a trading name of Honda Finance Europe Plc. Cain Road, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1HL a company registered at Companies House No 03289418. Honda Finance Europe plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Financial Services Register number 312541. Calls may be recorded for quality or training purposes. We do not charge fees for our Consumer Credit services. We may receive a payment(s) or other benefits from finance providers should you decide to enter into an agreement with them. The payment we receive may vary between finance providers and product types. The payment received does not impact the finance rate offered. 43923 Representative Example - Personal Contract Purchase - HR-V Elegance with Solid Paint 37 months £30,115.00 £239.00 £2,000.00 £5,981.05 £22,133.95 £10.00 £34,222.84 £17,637.91 6.68% 6.9% 10,000 miles £0.09 Duration On The Road Price* 36 Monthly Payments Honda Deposit Contribution** Customer Deposit Amount of Credit Option to Purchase Fee Total Amount Payable Final Payment inc Option Fee Interest Rate Per Annum (Fixed) APR Representative Annual Contracted Mileage Excess Mileage Charge THE HONDA HR-V ELEGANCE SPECIFICATION INCLUDES: HONDA CONNECT WITH 9” TOUCH SCREEN HEATED FRONT SEATS FRONT AND REAR PARKING SENSORS AIR DIFFUSION SYSTEM REAR-VIEW CAMERA HONDA SENSING HONDA HR-V NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY CONTACT YEOMANS HONDA TODAY FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO BOOK YOUR TEST DRIVE. THIS MODEL IS IN STOCK AND AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY.


IN the rapidly evolving world of business, the adage “it’s not what you know, but who you know” holds more truth than ever before.

Amidst the digital revolution and technological advancements, one timeless practice remains a cornerstone for success — networking.

Business Local Network (BLN) champions this principle, recognising that networking is not merely a buzzword but a powerful tool that can propel businesses of all sizes to greater heights.

At its core, networking is about building relationships, cementing connections, and creating opportunities. Whether you’re a sole trader, self-employed individual, or part of a larger corporation, the benefits are manifold and far-reaching.

For smaller businesses, networking provides a vital lifeline in an often solitary journey. It offers a platform to connect with like-minded professionals, share experiences, and gather insights from others in similar situations. By expanding networks, sole traders can access a pool of resources, support, and potential collaborators, enabling them to overcome challenges and seize new opportunities.

Networking also allows us to showcase our expertise, build credibility, and establish ourselves as trusted authorities in our respective fields. We can attract clients, secure referrals, and grow our businesses through meaningful interactions and personal connections.

On the other end of the spectrum, larger companies also stand to gain from strategic networking efforts. While they may already have established networks and resources at their disposal, networking presents an avenue for continued growth, innovation, and market expansion.

It offers opportunities to forge partnerships, explore new markets, and stay abreast of industry trends and developments. It provides access to valuable insights, potential investors, and talent pools, building a culture of collaboration and innovation within the organisation.

Regular networking also enables us to enhance our brand visibility, strengthen customer relationships, and gain a competitive edge in the market. By actively engaging with industry peers, stakeholders, and thought leaders, we can position ourselves as industry leaders and stay ahead of the curve.

BLN recognises the transformative power of networking and strives to provide a platform where businesses of all sizes can thrive. Through its diverse events, workshops, and initiatives, BLN aims to facilitate meaningful connections, promote collaboration, and drive collective success within the business community.

It’s not just a means to an end — it’s a fundamental aspect of building and sustaining a successful business. Whether you’re a sole trader, self-employed individual, or part of a larger corporation, investing in networking can yield invaluable returns, both personally and professionally.

With networking meetings in carefully selected locations in Eastbourne, Hailsham, Bexhill & Crowborough where noise and disturbance are kept to a minimum with convenient parking.

Unlike traditional elevator pitches, BLN’s networking concentrates on building meaningful connections among business professionals, letting people speak freely and not being confined to 60 seconds.

BLN also has values and a passion for growth.

While there’s a fee for networking meetings, members enjoy ongoing event discounts. Plus, bringing a first-time guest earns discounts on future meetings for all attendees. Members who refer a business that joins also receive discounts on next year’s membership.

Meet some more of our Founding Members, each contributing to the Business Local Network success story:

Kirstie Groves, Trauma-Informed Transformation Coach, guides individuals towards recovery from narcissistic abuse and trauma, focusing on peace and healing. With expertise as a narcissistic trauma-informed coach, somatic trauma-informed coach, and

narcissistic abuse specialist, Kirstie offers personalised assistance, drawing from her own lived experience. Tailored to address the diverse impacts of narcissistic abuse, her approach encompasses mental, emotional, and physical well-being. With years of expertise, Kirstie brings a deep understanding of narcissism and trauma, empowering individuals on their journey to healing and empowerment.

Donna Lane, Colour & Style Analyst at House of Colour, specialises in helping individuals feel confident and look great through personalised colour and style consultations. With a studio in Hailsham, Donna serves Eastbourne and Seaford, offering transformative sessions to discover the perfect colour palette, create versatile wardrobes, and understand personal style preferences. Whether for professional advancement or personal confidence, Donna’s expertise ensures maximum positive impact in any situation.

Contact Donna for a tailored consultation.

Mahesha Rice, Holistic Therapist, specialises in Reiki, EFT Tapping, and NLP, guiding clients to overcome stress, depression, and anxiety for lasting peace. With a focus on personal growth, Mahesha offers tailored support for life challenges, aiding in healing toxic emotions and fostering inner peace. Whether facing anxiety, perfectionism, or loss of purpose, Mahesha provides compassionate guidance to empower individuals on their journey to emotional wellbeing.

Find out more about Founding Member benefits and upcoming meetings at businesslocalnetwork.co.uk.

Facebook: BusinessLocalNetwork

LinkedIn: businesslocalnetwork

Instagram: businesslocalnetwork2016

Twitter: BLN2016

the amazing Bob Marley: One Love movie at the Hailsham Pavilion this month.
Marley: One Love is directed by Reinaldo Marcus Green and celebrates the life and music of an icon who inspired generations through his message of love and unity. On the big screen for the first time, discover Bob’s powerful story of overcoming adversity and the journey behind his revolutionary music. Produced in partnership with the Marley family and starring Kingsley Ben-Adir as the legendary musician and Lashana Lynch as his wife Rita, Bob Marley: One Love is showing at the Hailsham Pavilion between 15-17th March at 19:30. To be in with the chance of winning two tickets to either showing (subject to availability), simply email your answer to the following question: Which is the name of a popular Bob Marley song? Is it, A: Two Little Ducks • B: Two Little Birds • C: Two Little Seagulls Email your answer, name and phone number, along with your preferred night to see the movie to: comps@hailsham.news. WIN TICKETS
THIS is your chance to win two adult tickets to see

Your local independent property experts...

Residential Lettings Land New Homes


Altered from its original layout, you now come in to an open plan kitchen-dining area complete with integral appliances. The lounge has a modern classic contemporary feel, with a log burner and overlooking the landscaped garden. Upstairs there are four bedrooms with the master boasting an ensuite shower room and a family shower room too.

If you work from home or need a separate space to unwind, an addition of a an insulated/powered room attached to the rear of the garage is perfect. To explore this wonderful home please take a look at our 3D Virtual Tour teamed up with our professional photography before calling for an accompanied viewing.

Internally it is presented with a ground floor entrance hall with stairs to the first floor landing, thus the living accommodation. On the first floor can be found the lounge, kitchen, main double bedroom, further bedroom, bathroom and hall cupboard.

The property was built approximately ten years ago so boasts relative energy efficiency, gas central heating and uPVC double glazing.

To explore this wonderful opportunity please take a look our our 3d virtual tour online teamed up with our professional photography before calling us for an accompanied viewing.

If you are looking for a move in ready, beautiful high specification bungalow then stop your search here! Rarely available, we are pleased to offer this extended bungalow on the door step of a Cuckoo Trail access point, and boasting a level landscaped southerly aspect garden laid mainly to lawn with patio area.

Inside, you come into a spacious and light hall, from here you’ll enter the open-plan kitchen-dining room with an array of high end integral appliances, occasional doors into the lounge and a separate study. From the inner hall there are three bedrooms, with the master benefitting ensuite shower room and a family bath and shower room too. On approach is enough block paved driveway to fit all the family and friends when they come to visit, not to mention a garage and converted office space too. The solar panels you will see on the rear elevation roof are generating 4.2 KWH with a feed-in tariff of 15 pence per unit. There are 15KW batteries but these will be a negotiable point.

Situated within a relatively modern Cul-De-Sac on the fringes of town thus giving easy access to acres of countryside walks, bus routes and A-Road.

Arranged over three floors, Inside this home is arranged with an entrance hall that leads into the spacious lounge that has been tastefully decorated with the addition of a media wall including built in storage. The show stopper is the extended kitchen-dining room area with breakfast bar and bi-folding doors out towards the easy to manage, artificially lawned garden. On the first floor there are three bedrooms, one presently used as an office and the family bathroom, while the second floor has been used to create a loft bedroom with ensuite shower room.

To the side of the property is vehicular access to a parking area for two cars, and the neighbours alike, side by side.

FREE VALUATIONS FOR SELLING & RENTING 47 HIGH STREET, HAILSHAM, BN27 1AN CALL 01323 840444 or visit stevensandcarter.co.uk
Situated within the Grange Estate in North Hailsham is this well appointed and nicely presented two bedroomed coach house apartment complete with two allocated parking spaces and oversized garage. HAWKSLEY CRESCENT, HAILSHAM - £225,000 CUCKMERE CLOSE, HAILSHAM - £350,000



TERRY Tozer, otherwise known as Hailsham’s Town Crier has a hidden past which is about to be revealed as he launches a new Karate club in Hailsham.

Mr Tozer moved to the town four years ago but previously taught karate at a number of clubs up in Reading, Caversham, Bracknell and Brighton for over twenty years, teaching all ages from five years upward. His eldest student was 83.

He will be teaching traditional Japanese Shotokan Karate — this ancient style was brought to Japan over a hundred years ago from Okinawa. Karate is a system of unarmed combat in which the participants specialise mainly in kicking, punching, striking, blocking & other defensive movements, mainly using their hands and feet, without weapons.

As well as being a defensive art, it builds up

sides of the body equally, therefore utilising both sides of the brain. It can help you manage the stresses & strains of everyday life and improve your mental health.

Initially, training will be one class a week, in time as students progress, other classes will open during the week. Training will done in a safe, family-friendly atmosphere.

Terry is a fourth Dan senior black belt karate instructor and grading assistant for the Southern Shotokan Karate Association, first aid trained and DBS checked. Some of his students have become instructors themselves and reached 5th and 6th Dan black belt grades.

The first class will be on Saturday 6th April at 10am in Dance Studio 2 at the Freedom Leisure Centre in Vicarage Lane.

For more information or to have a few

Division 1.

Trial dates are 25th March, 1st April and 8th April for any players looking to join one of its existing three squads and for the potential fourth developmental squad its looking to start.

Hailsham Netball Club proudly started its junior section in November 2023 and is going strong with over 15 regular members.


The sport is for adults of all ages, experiences and abilities. So, if you want to join a successful, up-andcoming new local club, make new friends and have fun, this club could be for you.

Email hailshamnetballclub@gmail.com for further details or to register for one of their trial dates.


For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MARCH 2024 26 SPORT
CRICKET SEASON PREPARATIONS HAILSHAM Cricket Club is now well into the preparation phase for the 2024 season. Indoor and outdoor training has started and all the details for the juniors, ladies and senior teams can be found on the clubs social media pages. The Club also has a variety of social events coming up which are open to both members and the public. Horse Race Night on the 16th March, Get Set Day on the 13th April, which is the club’s chance to prepare the grounds for the season. Then the annual quiz on the 19th April.
any more questions or to sign up please contact the club — Hailshamcc@outlook.com or call 07980146841


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EASTBOURNE Eagles will end three years out in the cold when they return to racing for the first time since being forced off track due to a financial crisis.

An Eagles side will take on old rivals Kent at Iwade, near Sittingbourne, in a 15-heat challenge match on Sunday, April 14 at 2pm.

There will also be an Eastbourne team at Poole for the Kyle Newman testimonial, a four-team tournament likely to take place in June.

Eagles’ comeback was announced at a wellattended supporters evening at Langney Sports Club, organised by the Save Eastbourne Speedway Group.

Eagles withdrew from Speedway’s Championship league in the summer of 2021 when the previous promotion, fronted by Ian Jordan, collapsed under heavy debts.

Eagles’ famous blue and yellow colours have not been seen on a racetrack since and although hopes of a professional return to Arlington remain on hold, campaigners are determined to keep the club’s name alive.

Vinnie Foord, the Leicester National Development League starlet who lives at Hailsham, close to Eagles’ former Arlington Stadium home, is the first Eagles rider named for the Kent match. campaign is gathering strength. To have had

around 150 people turn out for our supporters evening on a cold, wet February night was amazing, and highly encouraging.


HAILSHAM Town’s February was much disrupted by the weather, with just two games going ahead throughout the month. The Stringers started the month at home to St Francis Rangers, with a 1-1 draw at The Beaconsfield on Saturday 3rd February. After Rangers took the lead in the first half through Kai Stephens, the Stringers made changes, bouncing back to earn a point with Will Ridgway poking home from close range after a Dodge Westwood free kick. The following week would see a washout at Rottingdean Village.

Saturday 16th meanwhile saw the Division Two Cup Quarter Final, with Hailsham travelling to Wealden rivals Jarvis Brook and on the wrong end of a 4-0 scoreline. The home side took an early lead through Liam Edwards in the third minute, but were well in the game throughout the first half,

and had a very good penalty shout turned down early in the second half. The game turned in the 55th minute when Eric Caicedo was sent off for Hailsham, with Victor Penfold soon doubling the Jarvis Brook lead, before James Broom and Connor Edmunds added late goals to send Hailsham out of the competition.

Thoughts of a quick return to winning ways were again — dampened by the weather on Saturday 24th, when Hailsham should have been travelling for the second fixture of the season against St Francis. A busy March sees Hailsham due to play at home on Saturday 2nd against Rottingdean Village, away to table topping Storringon the following week, before welcoming Capel to The Beaconsfield on Saturday 16th. The month then concludes with games on Saturday 23rd away at Rottingdean and Saturday 30th at home to Upper Beeding.

former riders


HAILSHAM Harriers has got 2024 off to a flying start with fourteen Harriers taking part in an event known as ‘The Accumulator’ for the Seaford-based charity — The Wolo Foundation. Starting on January 1st entrants could splash, pedal or stride 1km, with 2km on January 2nd, 3km on January 3rd, leading up to 31km on January 31st.

The total monthly distance of 496km could be achieved solo, or in teams. Over £4,000 was raised for the charity with everyone involved celebrating their achievements in early February, where they each received a bespoke sustainable medal, and a raffle was held to raise even more funds.

Dorney Lake in Buckinghamshire on Saturday, February 3rd, kick-started a month of February races for team black and red, with Tracy Erridge, paced by Aislinn Darvell, achieving a new personal best in the half marathon distance, as she crossed the line in 1:41:57, her fastest half marathon since 2018.

On Sunday, February 4th, club chairman Andy Ruffell headed to West Sussex to take part in the Chichester 10K, one of the oldest and fastest

running events in the country, with this year race also incorporating the British Masters 10K championships.

Better known as ‘Ruffs’ by his running family, he was joined by club legend Alan Hide, who is making a return to racing this year. Both Ruffs and Alan ran strong performances with Ruffs first Harrier home in 46:46 and Alan 1:02:11

Closer to home at Bedgebury Pinetum, Harriers Chris Little, Steph Bassett and Victoria Little joined runners for the Bedgebury 5 & 10 Mile. Set beneath majestic pines, the route cascades on trail tracks through the Pinetum. Both ladies took part in the 5 mile event with Steph first Harrier home in 42:49 and Victoria running a new course personal best in 45:57. Chris Little took on the 10 mile event where he raced to a new personal best, crossing the line in 1:21:37.

Club Chairman, Ruffs, had this to say; ‘We are only one month into the year and already strong performances are coming in thick and fast. As a club we inspire each other to do well and we remember that respect is earned through effort’.

This year Hailsham Harriers celebrate forty years. www.hailsham-harriers.org.uk

speedway back and we won’t be giving up the fight.” Members of the 2021 team, Jason Edwards, Drew Kemp, Newman and Ed Kennett, spoke in wide-ranging interviews conducted by Kevin Coombes at the social function. The one-time Arlington announcer also talked to Keith Pritchard and Barney Kennett. There was applause during the evening in memory of legendary Eagles rider Gordon Kennett, who died last year, and Mick Norris, father of Arlington favourite David Norris, who passed away recently. Jason Edwards, Drew Kemp, Kevin Coombes (interviewer), Kyle Newman and Ed Kennett. Photo credit: Tiffani Graveling

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