Hailsham News, June 2024, Issue 34

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JUNE 2024 | ISSUE 34 YOUR FREE COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER FOR HAILSHAM, POLEGATE, HELLINGLY AND SURROUNDING AREAS 01323 380260 www.LightningFibre.co.uk WIN A HOLIDAY WORTH £3,000 Find out more on page 5 AWARD WINNING KNOWLEDGE IS KEY... EXPERIENCE IS PRICELESS SALES & LETTING SERVICE SCHOOL PLAN FEARS – P3 SHOPPERS ENTERTAINED — P9 HAILSHAM HERO LAUNCHED — P8 10% OFF CALL US AND QUOTE ‘HAILSHAM NEWS FRONT PAGE’ WHEN BOOKING YOUR NEXT SKIP www.haulaway.co.uk Wide range of skip and rolonof sizes available Grab and tipper lorries for hire Weekly Cardboard Collection Service Plant hire Plastic Recycling Call now for availability & rates on 01323 441396 yourOrderskip online WASTE & RECYCLING MANAGERS www.haulaway.co.uk Wide range of skip and rolonof sizes available Grab and tipper lorries for hire Weekly Cardboard Collection Service Plant hire Plastic Recycling Call now for availability & rates on 01323 441396 yourOrderskip online 01323 441396 HAULAWAY LTD WASTE & RECYCLING MANAGERS www.haulaway.co.uk Wide range of skip and rolonof sizes available Grab and tipper lorries for hire Weekly Cardboard Collection Service Plant hire Plastic Recycling Call now for availability & rates on 01323 441396 yourOrderskip online 01323 441396 HAULAWAY LTD WASTE & RECYCLING MANAGERS INSIDE THIS ISSUE: LOCAL NEWS • EVENTS • FEATURES • MOTORING • SPORT RECORD NUMBERS FLOCK TO RUN ALMOST 800 PARTICIPANTS SUPPORT TOWN’S SECOND ACTIVE RUN CREATING TRUE COMMUNITY EVENT — FOUR PAGE PHOTO SPECIAL: SEE 13-16


ONE thing we can be sure of in Hailsham, is the true community spirit when there’s a community event in the town.

Thousands of residents and many others from out of town descended on the town centre recently for the Hailsham Active Run. What a fantastic event!

themselves, clapping and cheering for their loved ones and coming together was fantastic. Well done to all the organisers and those who took part.

time you’ve seen this newspaper, as hopefully, it’s been dropped through your letterbox for the first time.

door-to-door to ensure as many residents as possible get access to it. This has meant we’ve increased our circulation to 12,000 copies which certainly shows you how much the town has grown, as we used to print 9,000 copies three years ago!

you can still get a copy delivered to your door by visiting our subscription page on our website.

initiative for us. We’ve launched Eastbourne News

15,000 copies distributed through all the local supermarkets in the town.

Developers set to close Cuckoo Trail for works over Summer period

WALKERS and cyclists using a section of the popular Cuckoo Trail to allow the work to proceed. Wealden District Council says there

close but these works are necessary and being done ahead of the summer holidays”.

Builder to pay back £16k or face more jail time after conning elderly man

unnecessary work to his home has than £16,000 or face more jail time.

and complements this publication and the newspaper we also produce for Bexhill.

We are committed to delivering hyperlocal community news to as many people as possible, both in print and online. So, please keep your correspondence coming to us as this is YOUR newspaper, and we’re here to voice the issues that affect every residents in the town.

Paul Gibson, Group Editor.


PAUL GIBSON — GROUP EDITOR paul@regionalmediagroup.co.uk

KIM MAYO – REGIONAL EDITOR kim@regionalmediagroup.co.uk

HSIN-YI LO – REGIONAL EDITOR hsinyilo@regionalmediagroup.co.uk

LYLE ACOTT – ADVERTISING SALES sales@regionalmediagroup.co.uk

VIKTORIA COWLEY – FEATURES AND ACCOUNTS viktoria@regionalmediagroup.co.uk

MIKE LEGG – SPORTS REPORTER sports@regionalmediagroup.co.uk

DEAN COOK – PRODUCTION dean@regionalmediagroup.co.uk


Hailsham News is a publication by Regional Media Group Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales number: 13746177. We have taken care to ensure that the information in this newspaper is correct. Neither the publisher, nor contributors can take responsibility for loss or damage resulting from errors or omissions. Hailsham News does not endorse the accuracy of the advertisements or the quality of the products/services being advertised. Information provided by businesses and community organisations are provided directly by their own representatives; please direct any queries or comments regarding content directly to the organisation. Any opinion or views expressed within this publication are solely those of the author. © 2024: No part of this newspaper may be reproduced in part or whole without express permission of the editor.

Fibre company announces Festival headline sponsorship

LOCAL Full Fibre Broadband provider Lightning Fibre has confirmed its headline sponsorship of Hailsham Festival, for a third consecutive year.

Hailsham Festival features a varied line-up of talented regional artists and a feast of music, dance, drama, literature and street entertainment, and represents a celebration of both professional and amateur talent, creativity and imagination.

The festival, now entering its eighteenth year is one of the highlights of the town’s events calendar, and attracts a cross-section of artists and performers from the South East and further afield.

Festival Chair, Tony Biggin, commented: “Lightning Fibre has financially supported the Hailsham Festival for three years, helping us deliver and grow our ever-popular

Festival. Without the support of businesses like Lightning Fibre, the Festival would not be possible. The arts represent a vital component of our culture, enriching our community and creating a vibrant landscape from which we all benefit.”

Rob Reaks, Lightning Fibre Sales and Marketing Director, recently joined Hailsham Festival Chair Tony Biggin and Hailsham Town Mayor Cllr Paul Holbrook at Hailsham Pavilion, and added, “We’re delighted to sponsor the Hailsham Festival once again, and we hope lots of people will experience and enjoy this year’s festival in September.”

Lightning Fibre is a local (Polegate HQ) broadband operator and internet service provider, delivering Full Fibre connectivity for thousands of homes and businesses in Hailsham and across East Sussex.

of Butts Field, Hailsham, was sentenced to 34 months in prison last year after admitting tricking his victim into paying more than £13,000 for unnecessary and poor-quality work on the roof of his Eastbourne home.

Now the 29-year-old must pay back £16,345.07 after East Sussex County Council successfully obtained a confiscation order under the Proceeds of Crime Act.

At a hearing at Lewes Crown Court on Tuesday, April 30, Jones was told to pay back the money, which includes £5,500 compensation for the victim, within three months or face a further nine months in prison.

Jones had visited the victim’s property on a number of occasions to carry out work, with the cost of repairs continually increasing. At one point he drove the 91-year-old to another address to collect his chequebook before travelling to a local bank to withdraw funds — a round-trip of 75 miles.

Jones demanded £19,500 for the work. The victim paid more than

£13,000 in total, but was able to cancel a cheque for £8,000 before it cleared after East Sussex Trading Standards team became involved, meaning his total loss was £5,500. A surveyor who assessed Jones’ work said the roof was left in an extremely poor state and significant work was needed to remedy the damage caused.

Andy Clooney of East Sussex Trading Standards said: “This is a great result for East Sussex Trading Standards and the victim, who will get back all of the money he was tricked into paying for unnecessary work on his home.

“I hope this case sends a clear message to unscrupulous traders that we will do everything we can to bring those committing offences in East Sussex to justice, and to ensure that the money they con out of our residents is returned.”

Anyone with information about fraud or attempted fraud can report it online at www.actionfraud.police. uk or call 0300 123 2040.

For consumer advice, or to report a concern to Trading Standards, contact the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 03454 040506, or by using their online reporting page which can be found at www. eastsussex.gov.uk/tradingstandards.

Do you live outside our delivery area? You can read our digital edition online, or get Hailsham News delivered to your door for only £1.85 per month (within 5 mile radius of Hailsham). Scan the QR code of visit hailsham.news to subscribe.

Latest local news, visit: Hailsham .News JUNE 2024 2 NEWS

School reveals plans to merge Hailsham academies

PARENTS of students at the Burfield Academy have been told of plans to close the school and merge with nearby Phoenix Academy permanently.

A letter was sent out last week notifying parents of a consultation period, inviting parents to have their say about the move, which will see the school in Oaklands Way redundant if plans are implemented.

The school applied to East Sussex County Council to withdraw a planning condition of supplying a ‘kiss and drop’ area for parents as it says the current area is unsafe for children, due to ‘untrained staff, safeguarding concerns and failures in the design’. Councillors refused the application in March and no appeal has been lodged by the trust.

The letter recently sent to parents said: “Clearly, STEP cannot, in good conscious and with the safety

of pupils, parents and the public paramount, return to the site at Oaklands Way. STEP has not rushed to the conclusion that Burfield and Phoenix should be amalgamated.

This circumstance has arisen through situations entirely outside the control of STEP – the Trust inherited the site and had no part in any design specification for the building or indeed the ‘kiss and drop’ function. It was planned that Burfield would return to the site, however, as stated that is simply not possible.”

Parents are being told to submit their feedback to the school by 24th May.

The letter also said: “Whilst the only alternative to the amalgamation is the unpalatable full closure of Burfield Academy, it is important that both we and the Department for Education understand how this change will be perceived by stakeholders. When applying to the Department for Education to amalgamate Burfield and Phoenix, we will therefore share

data around whether stakeholders are supportive of the merger. The DfE will carefully consider the circumstances and then make the final decision about whether the academies can amalgamate ready for September.”

In an East Sussex County Full Council meeting this week (7 May), Councillor Steve Murphy asked Councillor Bob Standley (Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability): “STEP Academy Trust in Hailsham has recently abruptly announced that it will be merging two primary schools in the town, that being Burfield and Phoenix Academies and emerging them on to one site in September of this year. STEP has published a statement outlining the proposed consultation to the program. He added: “It states that 29th April, 2024, the consultation period begins; 1st September, 2024 new amalgamated school opens. Would

Councillor Standley agree with me that this consultation is a ‘sham’ as the outcome has already been predetermined?”

Councillor Standley replied: “This is of course is a consultation by STEP, not by this Council. I don’t think it’s a ‘sham’, obviously, STEP have a view. I do think it was disingenuous of STEP to suggest it was our planning committee insisting on the ‘kiss and drop’ facility, but made it not available as a school - I think that was slightly strange. The fact that they issued a letter within hours of the planning decision seems to me that they had already prearranged that.

I would say to members of the public and parents, please write into the consultation, It’s not a ‘sham’, it will be listened to and it will be listened to by DFE. I think that the timetable is incredibly challenging, I would be surprised if DFE will work that quickly, because the consultation has to go to the regional School Commissioner and then has to go to the DFE, or possibly Secretary of State. I think to get that done by the end of the Summer, or the beginning of the summer holidays, is going to be a challenge.”

Parents of Burfield and Phoenix met with some of the Executive Team at STEP on 8th & 9th May where a reader told Hailsham News that it was made clear that parents do not support the merge.

Parent Hannah Owherho told us: “Marshfoot Lane site cannot

cope with the number of students it currently has, over 300, and the move to Marshfoot Lane was only agreed to as a temporary measure. Many parents are forced to drive to Marshfoot Lane who were walking to school at Oaklands Way. The congestion around Marshfoot Lane at collection and drop off time is terrible as it includes construction traffic for the new houses being built at the bottom of Marshfoot Lane.

The parents feel STEP has not done enough to challenge ESCC on the parking issue at Oaklands Way and has not considered the impact on Hailsham if a primary school were to close. Burfield is not a failing school or under special measures, it is a thriving and successful place of education. Parents fully support the staff and Headmistress of Burfield, but have been let down by the STEP executive team.”

East Sussex County Councillor for Hailsham New Town, Gerard Fox who has been liaising with parents and nearby residents said: “I continue to find the school position perplexing. They are not confident enough in their Burfield position to appeal the planning committee decision. The chair of East Sussex County Council Planning invited them to come back with a better plan. They’ve ignored my offer to help them do that. Regardless, if they want to merge the two schools permanently on the Phoenix site, I would argue that they need to develop a new more elaborate travel plan.”

A HAILSHAM business has been busy donating to local causes as part of its year-long campaign.

Haulaway, based on Diplocks Way, has been choosing a local charity or cause every month, which will receive £1 for every skip hired during that month.

Recently donations include £927 to the 2nd Hailsham Scout Group, £939 to Union Corner Preschool and £886 to St. Wilfrid’s Hospice.

Other causes who will receive a donation this year include You Raise Me Up, Care for the Carers, ESVS — East Sussex Vision Support, Beachy Head Chaplaincy Team, Friends of Eastbourne Hospital, SASBAH (Sussex Association of Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus), Warming Up The Homeless, Rainbow Bridge Equine Rescue and Hailsham Foodbank.

Last year, the company raised almost £12,000 for You Raise Me Up, a local organisation which offers emotional and mental health support to families that have lost a young adult.

Skip firm donates to local causes Hailsham to honour

Residents are being invited to take part in Hailsham’s commemorations on Armed

Organised by Royal British Legion Hailsham & District branch, a service will be held at the memorial to commemorate those who have sacrificed their lives in the armed forces and civilian members of Britain and the Commonwealth who also lost their lives.

Abbots Wood Manor to visit the club and discuss future plans at its annual open day event.

Club Chairman Trevor Hill said he was delighted that Abbots Wood Manor is the main sponsor for 2024. He added: “I am thrilled and delighted that Abbots Wood Manor has continued with the much-needed support and we look forward to welcoming residents to the club for an afternoon tea and to watch a game or two of bowls.”

said: “This is an important local club and is at the heart of the community, and many members live locally.

“Bowls are a super way to keep fit, but they also provide an opportunity to socialise and enjoy the outdoors on the lovely greens.

“We are delighted to support them.”

The club and the home have established strong bonds with club members using the care home rooms for meetings during the winter months.

The Mayor will join other councillors and representatives from the Armed Forces, their families, veterans and local organisations for the service on Sunday 23rd June at 10.45am. Members of the public are encouraged to attend and show support to those who sacrificed their lives during the two world wars and other conflicts.

A special flag-raising ceremony will take place at the war memorial at 11am on Monday 17th June, an event being led by the Mayor of Hailsham to mark the start of Armed Forces Week.

Latest local news, visit: Hailsham .News JUNE 2024 4 NEWS
2nd Hailsham Scoup Group celebrate their donation Bowls Club Cheque Presentation

Town councillors concerned over

Local Plan

HAILSHAM Town Council’s Neighbourhood Planning Committee has submitted its response to the revised Wealden District Council Draft Local Plan consultation highlighting a number of areas of concern.

The draft Wealden Local Plan, which was recently approved via a formal Regulation 18 consultation, outlines a preferred vision and contains proposals for guiding future development in the Wealden district, including Hailsham.

The plan outlines strategic and non-strategic planning policies to guide development and locations the district council proposes for new homes, employment, community services and infrastructure to help meet the district’s needs.

The plan also aims to protect Wealden’s natural environment and contributes towards the mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

The Town Council worked with consultants Troy Planning & Design to comment on the Draft Local Plan

and has addressed how proposals in the Plan will impact primarily on Hailsham and its residents. The consultancy had previously supported the Town Council when preparing the Hailsham Neighbourhood Plan, which was adopted via a public referendum held in May 2021.

The referendum for the neighbourhood plan asked whether Hailsham residents wanted the district council to use

the Neighbourhood Plan to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area. The results of the referendum confirmed that 73% of those who voted were in favour of the neighbourhood plan being used to decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area.

In the response to the Draft Local Plan, the Neighbourhood Planning Committee noted that the document is long and comprehensive

(extending to over 400 pages), but at the same time, light on particular references to Hailsham and how the town is envisaged to grow and change over the life of the Plan.

The response to the Local Plan states: “There is no information on site specific proposals and opportunities. There is no steer on what form development will take and how it will contribute to quality of life and wider benefits in Hailsham. There is no design code.”

“At the same time, the Local Plan needs to be clear on how and where Neighbourhood Plans can play a role. It is important to recognise how successful Neighbourhood Plans have been in Wealden and there is now an opportunity for the second wave of Neighbourhood Plans to be more focused on locallyspecific matters. The Local Plan needs to be clear on expressing support for this and how the Local and Neighbourhood Plans can be developed together to shape positive, inclusive change.”

The response to the Draft Local Plan concluded: “The Town Council is very keen to work with the district council to explore ways in which the local plan can incorporate aspirations for change which support the delivery of strategic matters (e.g. infrastructure, housing and population growth) but which also establish the framework for locally specific improvements and projects. This would really help strengthen the relationship between the Local Plan and the forthcoming review of the Hailsham Neighbourhood Plan.”

Cllr Mary Laxton, Chair of the Neighbourhood Planning Committee commented: “In essence, the Wealden District Council Draft Local Plan lacks detail, vision or policies to clarify the further impact of more housing in our already expanding town.”

The Town Council’s response to the Draft Wealden Local Plan document can be from its website or hard copies can be requested from the offices in Market Square.

Latest local news, visit: Hailsham .News JUNE 2024 5 NEWS
‘lack of detail’ in Wealden
www.LightningFibre.co.uk 01323 380260 Register online or sign up for our broadband before 30th June 2024 and you could win a holiday worth up to £3,000! T&Cs Apply. No Purchase Necessary https://www.lightningfibre.co.uk/win-a-holiday Competition ends T&C’s Apply 30th June 2024. WIN A HOLIDAY WORTH £3,000
Vicarage Field Drone Market Street

Community radio presenter completes 24-hour broadcasting marathon

AROUND two thousand pounds has been raised following a broadcasting first for local station Hailsham FM.

Presenter Wayne Spicer has completed his 24-hour Radiothon show to not only celebrate his 400th show with the station, but also to raise money for the station itself and You Raise Me Up.

He started the broadcast at 8pm on Saturday, 25th May, and presented a non-stop show with local guests, musicians, bands and people who have made his show possible for the past eight years.

The studio in St. Mary’s Walk was a hive of activity with constant visitors over the 24-hour period including a lot of laughter, memories and live music.

It was all to raise vital funds for the Polegate-based charity, You Raise Me Up, which supports families who have suffered the loss of a young person aged 16-25 years. It is based in East Sussex and supports families from East & West Sussex and Kent.

An emotional Wayne Spicer said:

Hailsham farm fight: Developer appeals

DEVELOPERS have filed an appeal after Wealden Planning Councillors refused 180 homes on land in Hailsham used by a family farmer.

Plans to build on the land east of Battle Road were refused in April giving a brighter future for Hook and Son, whose family has farmed the land for 250 years, employs 30 people and produces dairy products.

The development would build on the land currently used by the farm for animal grazing. The company says if it goes ahead, the business will become unviable.

Wealden District Council announced an appeal has been lodged, but it remains hopeful it would still be able to fight the application.

farming, when the council does not have the legal power to do so, would ultimately fail at appeal and see the council being hit with a huge legal bill.

The barrister’s advice is that the other reason the committee based its refusal on — heritage — also cannot be reasonably defended. However, the refusal reason linked to odour – and therefore proximity of development to the Hailsham North Wastewater treatment works – is certainly defendable.

The council is now in discussions with the developer about matters and the original decision by the planning committee has been adjusted to reflect the comprehensive legal advice received.

The show also saw around 50 members of Hailsham Voices sing a number of songs in the sunshine in St. Mary’s Walk, and a stunning personal performance from choir-leader Abbie Marsden, who sung You Raise Me Up, to honour the local charity.

“Everyone here at Hailsham FM has pulled together to make this happen and I’m so grateful for their support. I’ve lived in Hailsham 12 years now, and I’ve never lived in a town which has such an amazing community spirit.”

The event also launched Hailsham Hero, a new initiative to recognise local people who help and support causes in the town.

A spokesperson said: “It has now become clear that the land — allocated for housing in the council’s 2013 Core Strategy — had not been farmed since last September and was not being farmed when the application was refused by Planning Committee South. Since the notice of appeal and having taken high-level and comprehensive legal advice – as part of preparations for the planning appeal – the council has been advised that trying to safeguard the land for

More than a thousand letters of appeal from residents and farm customers were sent to WDC prior to the refusal. Owner, Steve Hook told Hailsham News: “The demand for our produce is rocketing at the moment, as so many people are coming to us for raw milk, and this is really significant. Our farm is of national nutritional importance, it’s not just a farm selling locally, it’s bigger than that, and that’s why so many people contacted councillors to tell them exactly that.”

credit card.

✓ You can request up to four bins at £60* per bin.

✓ If you don’t have internet access, please call Customer Services on 01323 443322.

✓ You will be sent a licence sticker to attach to each brown bin. This should arrive within 10 working days of payment.

and the terms and conditions at: www.wealden.gov.uk/recyclingand-waste/garden-waste-service

Latest local news, visit: Hailsham .News JUNE 2024 6 NEWS
It’s time to Subscribe or renew Garden Waste Collections New subscription year 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025 Quickly and easily subscribe or renew at: www.wealden.gov.uk/gardenwaste or scan the code with your mobile device. ✓ Pay in full by debit or
* New customers signing up
Please renew
17 July to
any disruption to your service. Find further information about our garden waste service including what can be collected, how the garden waste
before 25 June will also be charged for the
month/s of the current subscription year.
The money raised will be split between You Raise Me Up and Hailsham FM, the volunteer-led station which broadcasts in the town on FM and online.
Latest local news, visit: Hailsham .News JUNE 2024 7

Do you know who the next Hailsham Hero should be?

A PRESTIGIOUS award to recognise the community’s brightest star has been launched by local media outlets Hailsham News and Hailsham FM.

The Hailsham Hero Award is a perfect way to acknowledge someone truly deserving person who has made a real difference through their generous spirit and tireless work with the Hailsham area.

It could be a local teacher. Charity worker, volunteer, fundraiser, group, campaigner or anyone who has gone the extra mile to help those in need.

Residents can now vote for the next Hailsham Hero in various categories (listed below) and the winners will be announced at a special event at the Hailsham Pavilion in October.

The Hailsham Hero Award was previously run by the town’s Mayor, and the winner was presented at the annual meeting at the Civic Hall. The



3-27 JUNE - 14:15 & 19:30

A former tennis prodigy turned coach and a force of nature who makes no apologies for her game on and off the court. Married to a champion on a losing streak (Mike Faist – West Side Story), Tashi’s strategy for her husband’s redemption takes a surprising turn.


10-13 JUNE - 14:15 & 19:30

Fran finds solace in her cubicle, listening to the constant hum of officemates and occasionally daydreaming. She is ghosting through life, unable to pop her bubble of isolation, when a friendly new coworker tries to connect with her.


14-17JUNE - 19:30

Director Wes Ball breathes new life into the global, epic franchise set several generations in the future following Caesar’s reign, in which apes are the dominant species living harmoniously and humans have been reduced to living in the shadows.

tumultuous relationship at the centre of one of the most legendary albums of all time.


21 JUNE - 14:30

Pompous phonetics professor Henry Higgins (Rex Harrison) is so sure of his abilities that he takes it upon himself to transform a Cockney working-class girl into someone who can pass for a cultured member of high society.

IF 21-30 JUNE - 14:15 & 19:30

From writer and director John Krasinski, IF is about a girl who discovers that she can see everyone’s imaginary friends — and what she does with that superpower — as she embarks on a magical adventure to reconnect forgotten IFs with their kids.

Charity of the Year —This category is to recognise a charity or local nonprofit organisation making a real difference in Hailsham.

Mayor’s Hero of the Year Award — This headline award will recognise the true Hailsham Hero for 2024 and is open to anyone who has made a huge difference to an individual, family, group, or who has had an ongoing involvement within local causes.


To put forward someone you feel should be recognised in the awards, all you need to do is visit the official website at hailshamhero.co.uk and tell us who they are, how we contact them, and why you think they should be nominated.


When the nomination process closes on Friday 31st July, the shortlisted nominees will be announced and residents in Hailsham will be able to vote for their favourite via the official website. The votes will be totalled up in early October, when the winners will be announced at the special awards evening on 19th October. Tickets to the evening awards evening will be on sale soon via the official website. The event is looking for local businesses to sponsor the above categories, if you’re interested, email info@hailshamhero.co.uk. Nominate now: hailshamhero.co.uk



4 JUNE - 19:30

Hailsham Pavilion Film Club Presents....

The Longest Day...

In 1944, the U.S. Army and Allied forces plan a huge invasion landing in Normandy, France.

Despite bad weather, General Eisenhower gives the okay and the Allies land at Normandy.


28-30 JUNE - 19:30

Young Furiosa falls into the hands of a great biker horde led by the warlord Dementus. Sweeping through the Wasteland, they come across the Citadel, presided over by the Immortan Joe.


Two of the greatest minds on the twentieth century, C.S. LEWIS and SIGMUND FREUD converge for their own personal battle over the existence of God. It interweaves the lives of Freud and Lewis, past and present.

General Norma Cota (Robert Mitchum) travels with his men onto Omaha Beach. With much effort, and lost life, they get off the beach, traveling deep into French territory. The German military, due to arrogance, ignorance and a sleeping Adolf Hitler, delay their response to the Allied landing, with crippling results.

Film Club screenings may start with a 20 minute introduction to the Film please arrive early to avoid any interruption to the speaker, Many Thanks.

All Film Club Members get a discount on their ticket prices, £5 for Members and £8 for Non-Members.

To obtain your Special Film Club ticket price of £5

Please see your membership card for the ‘Coupon Code’ when you book.


Latest local news, visit: Hailsham .News JUNE 2024 8 NEWS
LAST SESSION 1-4 JULY - 14:15 & 19:30
British filmmakers Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger.
W: hailshampavilion.co.uk

STREETS of Wealden returned to the town centre recently for another year with a variety of artists and performances to promote Wealden’s high streets and increase footfall.

The event was fully funded through the council’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund from the Department

of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, and being delivered by local events company, 18 Hours. Performances included Xena Flame with her hoops workshop, Circo Rum Ba Ba performing L’Hotel — and an all-new performance by MENCAP with the Inside Out Theatre Company.

Change and Economy said: “These free activities planned for the high streets across Wealden are fun for all the family and I hope our communities will go along and enjoy the performances.

support to communities and our local towns and village centres. Polegate will see the finale of the UKSPF-funded Streets of Wealden programme in March 2025 — so keep your eyes peeled for more details early next year.”

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BEXHILL ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP TALK. Beulah Hall, Clifford Road, Bexhill, TN40 1QA. Wednesday 26 June, 7pm. “Sussex Greenways — Safer Routes for all” by Nick Hanna and Cllr Ian Hollidge. A talk about creating a non-motorised network linking traffic-free Greenways with Quiet Lanes to promote active travel and low-carbon transport. Everyone welcome, entry £2 for non-BEG members. bexhilleg@yahoo.co.uk

CRAFT Fair. St. Barnabas Church, Sea Road, Bexhill, TN40 1JG. Saturday 8 June, 10am2.30pm. FREE entry. Please do come along to our local craft fair at St. Barnabas Church Bexhill on Saturday 8th June. We have over 30+ local crafters selling their beautiful handmade items including: Knitting, Crochet, Decoupage, Jewellery, Glass, Pottery, Resin, Fabric, Sewing, Wood, Soaps, Cards, Stained Glass, Paper craft and much more. We also have a pop-up cafe with delicious homemade cakes, sandwiches and soup. Tea & coffee available with a seating area, so you can relax and enjoy your coffee & cake. We would love to see you there!

LOCAL Craft Fair. St. Stephens Church Hall. Down Road. Bexhill TN39 4HD. Saturday 1st June from 10am — 2pm. Pop along to our craft fair at St. Stephens Church Hall Bexhill on Saturday 1st June. We have a lovely selection of Local makers selling their handmade items. Homemade cakes available, Tea, coffee and hot snacks also available. Free parking and free entry. Opens 10am to 2pm. Please do come along and support local.

BEXHILL Model Railway Club. St Richard’s Catholic College, Ashdown Road, TN40 1SE. Saturday 10 August, 10am-5pm. Annual Model Railway Exhibition Layouts, Sales Stands, Refreshments. Free parking on site. Adults £6; Children £2; Family £14. www.bexhillmrc.co.uk


BUSINESS LOCAL NETWORK. Abbots Wood Manor, London Road. Tuesday 18 June, 10am. Come and enjoy our relaxed and natural atmosphere. At BLN, we cultivate a relaxed vibe with no awkward elevator pitches. Conversations flow naturally, allowing business owners to speak freely and engage in meaningful dialogue, brainstorm, and problem-solve allowing you to get to know the person behind the business. This encourages more organic referrals and builds on genuine relationships, which leads to stronger, more supportive business connections. Because networking shouldn’t stop when the networking stops. To Book: bit.ly/BLN_Hailsham. Members: £5; Non-Members: £10


ASSOCIATION. Hailsham has been twinned with Gournay en Bray in Northern France (1hr from Dieppe) for nearly 25 years. We currently have approximately 60 members — some of whom have visited Gournay, some who have not but enjoy the social side of our Association. A number of members host our French friends when they visit but others do not wish to host. We usually stay with host families when we visit France but members can also choose to stay in a hotel.

We visit twice a year and join in with various celebrations and learn more about their culture and their way of life. Many friendships have been made. We often lend craft items for Gournay’s exhibitions, have linked the cinemas, choirs ad a local tractor association. We are self-funding and raise money by holding many social events — cream teas, quizzes, treasure hunts, soirees etc. Contact Secretary — Pauline — 07415328282 or paulinetownsend@rocketmail.com

ANGEL Connection & Reiki Healing. The Sussex Shala, Warren Farm, Thornwell Road, Wilmington, Polegate, BN26 6RL. Sunday 9 June, 10am-4pm. Join us for a beautiful day retreat at the Sussex Shala Yurt. Explore the Angelic realm, meditate, share spiritual experiences, and connect with your Guardian Angel using oracle cards. Enjoy one-onone reiki healing with Kerry. Leave feeling uplifted and energised. Please bring your own lunch and refreshments. 6 hours — £85. To book: https://bit. ly/sussex-shala

ACRES delivers adult courses in local communities in Hailsham and across East Sussex.

FREE 4 week “Brush Up” courses start in June 2024! These include English for Functional Skills (Hailsham), English for GCSE (online) and Maths for GCSE (online). To enrol please phone 01825 761820 or visit acreslearning.org.uk. T&Cs apply.

HAILSHAM Friends for people on their own. We meet on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of every month — ‘The Crown’ back room, 19 High St., Hailsham at 10.30am. Drop in for a cup of coffee and chat

to find out what we do. Website: www.hailshamfriends.club Email: ken@hailsham-friends.club Tel: 01323 893340

SWOOVE with Cat — sing, whoop, move and swoop fitness coming to Hailsham on 16 August. Come along and give it a go in the Diplocks Hall BN27 3JY. Every Wednesday morning 9.30am10.30am & Friday evening 7.30pm-8.30pm. Swoop consists of easy to follow moves and it really doesn’t matter if you go wrong, just keep singing whooping and moving and you’ll be burning off those calories. £7pp but you get your first two classes at half price. Need or want to bring your children? They can sit at the side for free or £1 each for them during the holidays if they join in. Tel: 07843 947383 cgb2903@hotmail.co.uk.

SOUND Works Free Music Workshops for Children & Young People with SEND. Junior group age 5-11, Senior group age 11-19. Wednesdays 3.30pm-5pm. Hailsham Family hub Hailsham East Community Centre, Vega Close, BN27 2JZ. Limited spaces, to sign up, Email: sam@lifesize.org.uk.

The publishers cannot be responsible for any errors or omissions in this noticeboard.

To submit your listing for publication on this page, visit: www.hailsham.news/ community-noticeboard or scan this QR Code.


Hailsham’s own Pride event to see array of acts and entertainment

TO celebrate Pride month, Hailsham will be holding an event later in June to mark the occasion.

The first family-friendly event of its kind in the town will be held on 22nd June at the White Hart in Horsebridge where visitors will be entertained by bands, drag artists, magic shows and games.

From noon to midnight, the event will feature indie pop band Supersaurus and soft rock/upbeat blues group Moss, drag performer Fonda, magic show by Ian Hannaford and children’s entertainer Awesome Alfie, as well as a Pride-themed bingo, grand raffle draw, information stalls and children’s face-painting courtesy of FayzPainting.

The Town Council is supporting the event by part-funding the project.

Additional sponsors include Stevens & Carter Estate Agents and Hailsham Roadways.

Entry is free and children are invited to attend the event from the start at midday until 7pm. Door supervision is being provided by Marc One Security.

and, as well as the free entertainment, representatives from various agencies will also be attending, available to speak with and offering information and advice for the Hailsham and surrounding area LGBT+ community, their family, and friends.

More details about the event will be announced in the coming weeks as further plans are made, however an itinerary of entertainment and activities has been confirmed:

• Midday-12.30pm | Event opening and music by DJ Greg

• 12.30pm -2.30pm | Live music from Supersaurus

• 2.30pm -3pm | Pride Bingo by Sam

• 3pm-5pm | Children’s entertainment from Awesome Alfie

• 3-6pm | Magic show by Ian Hannaford

• 6-7pm | Pride Quiz with Sam

• 7pm | Raffle Draw and music by DJ Greg

• 8pm-9pm | Live music from Moss

• 9pm-10pm | Performance by Fonda Cox

has been providing skips to residents and businesses across East Sussex since the early 1980s. With 13 skip trucks on the road and over a thousand skips on sites across the South East, PJ is now one of the area’s most well-established skip hire operators.

In recent years, the business has widened the range of waste management services, providing more than skips. A fleet of 32T tippers, road sweepers and roll on roll off are kept busy on commercial projects. The recycling centre in Polegate is open for trade waste tipping and free hardcore disposal.

Operations Director, Joel Westguard, spoke to us about PJ Pick Up, a new ‘Man and Van’ rubbish clearance service for collection of single items and bulky waste.

“At PJ we pride ourselves on delivering a fast, reliable and friendly waste disposal service for thousands of customers

across East Sussex. But we understand that skip hire isn’t right for everyone. Sometimes people don’t have room for a skip. Or the time to wait for a permit for a skip to go on the road. Other customers simply don’t have enough rubbish to fill a skip. And it can be hassle taking items to the tip or waiting for a council collection. So we set up PJ Pick Up to offer a super-fast way to get rid of bulky waste like fridges, sofas, TVs and beds.”

PJ Pick Up offers same day collection — often within an hour or two. Alternatively, customers can pre-book a collection slot so there’s no hanging around.

Joel added “We do the hard work for you. Our two-man crew will do the heavy lifting and will even dismantle your bulky furniture if needed. The team are DBS checked and fully trained so you know you’re in safe hands. We want to make recycling easy for everyone. Our customers can rest assured that their waste is being disposed of legally and responsibly. All rubbish comes into our fully-licensed recycling centre, where we sort the waste so that as much as possible is diverted from landfill.”

Call us on 01323 48 88 88 or visit www.pj-waste.co.uk

• 10pm-11pm | Live music by Moss

• 11pm-midnight | Music by DJ Greg

There will also be hot food and snacks available, specifically chosen by event organisers to represent local small businesses and with a wide choice of tastes and dietary requirements, all freshly cooked to order.

Food trucks will be on-site with safe access next to the venue from 12 noon to 6pm (or until sold out) and will include Mother Bumi (vegan/glutenfree bhajias and pakoras) and Let’s Go Greek (traditional and homemade Greek food).

Event co-organiser and town councillor Mary Laxton said: “I am delighted to be part of the Stand Proud In Hailsham event this summer. I’d encourage people from Hailsham and beyond to mark the date in their diary and go along to the Stand Proud in Hailsham event to celebrate diversity and stand in solidarity with our LGBT+ community and enjoy the various food, drinks, activities and entertainment available on the day!”

Councillor Laxton added: “By hosting events such as this, we are all underlining our commitment to being an inclusive town and we hope to see lots of people joining in with all the fun as we all come together to celebrate Pride and equality.”

Co-organiser Cllr Colin Mitchell commented: “I’m thrilled to be part of the working group planning the event, celebrating the vibrant diversity of Hailsham and surrounding areas. Pride Month this year will be a time to celebrate how far we’ve all come whilst acknowledging that there still remains some work in terms of achieving equality and inclusivity in Hailsham.”

“Thank you to Hailsham Town Council for providing funding toward the event and to The White Hart for offering their wonderful premises as the venue. We’re confident that it will be a day full of fun and celebration for all the family to enjoy.”

For the latest information, check the Hailsham Town Council Facebook page.

Latest local news, visit: Hailsham .News JUNE 2024 11 NEWS
SKIP HIRE MADE EASY Skips of all sizes from 2 yard mini skips to 40 yard ro-ros Road sweepers, tippers and concrete crusher for hire MORE THAN SKIPS PJ PICK UP SERVICE Introducing our new same-day Man & Van waste collection service A LOAD OFF YOUR MIND 01323 48 88 88 PJ-WASTE.CO.UK ADVERTISER PROMOTION NO FUSS RUBBISH CLEARANCE
Fonda will perform at the event

Bright future for town’s youth following church purchase

A FORMER church in Hailsham has been purchased by the Town Council to enhance its already successful Youth Service. Due to population growth in Hailsham coupled with the need for an expanding service for young people, the decision was made by town councillors in January to go ahead with the purchase of the former Free Church site on Western Road and associated land and manse. Hailsham Youth Service (HYS), which this year celebrates 25 years of effective operation in Hailsham and Hellingly, has had an impact on the lives of thousands of young people and has grown from one operational base at 1 Market Square into an expanded service which operates throughout the local community. The new centre was considered suitable due to its proximity to the town centre, recreation ground

Youth Service to stay at the centre of the community), high accessibility levels with disabled access provided and spacious two large halls to be purposed for individual uses and side rooms which can be used for smaller groups or individuals.

the site is also intended to become a centre for the wider community with possibilities including private hire for community groups and professional services, helping to raise finance for youth projects. It is proposed that the ground-

to be installed in central areas. The upper-floor hall is to be converted into an indoor sports area incorporating football, basketball and indoor cricket as well as other hard surface activities such as roller disco.

Payment of the full cost of the property in Western Road has been taken from the Town Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds, which is money charged to developers who build homes in the town.

Youth Service Manager, Andy Joyes said: “This is fantastic for the youth service, but more importantly the young people who use our facilities and engage in our organised activities.

The relocation of our centre in Market Square to the new operational facility will completely transform the Service, making better use of space, establishing a much more welcoming

environment and empowering us to provide an even wider range of activities and support to young people in Hailsham and surrounding villages. It is vital that young people in our town have a fit-for-purpose space that they can call their own, where they can meet other young people, socialise and make new friends, engage in lots of activities and learn new skills, as well seek support from our range of advisory services when they need it from members of our youth service team.

I’m looking forward to completing the move to our centre in the coming weeks, this year itself being a very special one for Hailsham Youth Service which celebrates 25 years of dedicated operation.”


and the great

Along with professionally trained staff and a team of enthusiastic volunteers; founder, Samantha Keylock, is delighted to offer three groups for people with memory problems, to attend together with a family member or care partner, to enable them to create some precious moments together.

The Memory Moments Cafés in Horam (Mondays 2.30pm4.30pm) and Bexhill (Thursdays 9.30am-12.30pm) bring local people together to create a network of support, to help one another navigate the challenges of living with Dementia. Sam explains: “We provide a safe, welcoming, inclusive environment where new friendships are made, while we share meaningful moments and enjoy music, song, games, creative

The Woodland Moments group in Hailsham (Mondays 10.00am-12.30pm) is a very unique offering. Beside a beautiful, tranquil glade at the heart of Bushy Wood Activity Centre you will find a covered area where the Woodlands group members meet to start their week in the best way possible — connecting with nature, enjoying the visiting wildlife, listening to birdsong, all while engaging in woodcrafts and seasonal activities. Passionate about supporting families to live life to the full, Sam shares that “The group enjoys being creative. We always offer a variety of activities for people to participate in to promote independence and choice.

Activities have recently included making Roman baskets, bird tables, fruit chutneys and a willow dome. We also arrange visits from local musicians and craftsmen & women, to share their talents. The site is accessible, even for those with some mobility issues. There’s onsite parking and toilet facilities. We also have access to a lodge on standby, so we’re prepared for the unpredictable British weather. It really is a wonderful way to start a new week and we’d love to welcome new members to the group to enjoy the benefits and share our special place.”

Email: mindfuloaksussex@outlook.com or call 07453 917399.

Latest local news, visit: Hailsham .News JUNE 2024 12 NEWS HORAM HAILSHAM BEXHILL Every Monday 2.30pm - 4.30pm The Cartlodge, Horam Manor Farm. TN21 0JB Memory Moments Café - HORAM A weekly café with tasty refreshments and a warm welcome, offering a varied programme of activities, music, games and entertainment. £3 per person. No booking required. Weekly Community Groups for people with memory problems and their care partners Registered CIC no. 15600332 07453 917399 mindfuloaksussex@outlook.com Every Monday 10.00am - 12.30pm Bushy Woods Activity Centre Main Road, Hailsham. BN27 3LZ Woodland Moments HAILSHAM
outdoors at this weekly woodlandbased group. Enjoy woodcrafts, birdsong and seasonal activities. £5 per person. Booking required. Supporting people with dementia and their care partners
Connect with
MINDFUL Oak Sussex is a newly formed CIC (Community Interest Company) supporting families in East Sussex living with Dementia.

Total sell-out for second Hailsham Active Run

HUNDREDS of participants pounded the streets of Hailsham recently aa the second Active Run took place in the town.

Runners from all over the county descended on the town to complete three different routes around the town, a 1km, 3km, 5m and 10km and also included an ‘Inclusive’ race enabling the event to include any person with a disability.

The event received more than 750 applicants which is a significant increase from the first event last year. The famous ‘Hailsham Fun Run’ halted in 1993, but now, Hailsham Active (a local non-profit campaign group for better sports), has reintroduced the event with great success.

Hailsham Active directors Steve Wennington, Mary Laxton and Karen Nicholls hosted the event, along with support from Hailsham Town Council, which provided funding for the event, partnered with Hailsham Active and specialist management company, Sport Systems, to promote the event.

Commencing in Hailsham High Street in the morning, the route followed along through Bell Banks Road, Station Road, Old Swan Lane, Mill Road, Archery Walk, St Mary’s Avenue and Marshfoot Lane, before finishing back on the High Street in the early afternoon.

The event was organised to be completely inclusive so that anyone

with any disability could be part of it.

To assist, a special changing/ toilet facility unit called ‘The Mobiloo’ was available in the town centre. It enabled all disabled children and adults to use the toilet or be changed with dignity and respect.

Whilst the main sponsor of the run was Hailsham Town Council, sponsorship was also raised from businesses in the community, funds of which went towards the event’s overall expenses. Sponsors included Lightning Fibre, Hallmark Glazed Extensions, Stevens & Carter, Crown Wealth Management, Roland Dunn Sales & Lettings, Colston and ALinker.

Hailsham Active representative, Mary Laxton said: ““Once again, a big thank you to everyone who lined the route and cheered runners on at the start and finish line to show their support. It was wonderful to see so many people, from fun runners to the more serious athletes, really enjoying themselves and making such a fantastic effort!”

Prizes were given to the top three runners for each of the three races and the winners were:


First place was taken by Juriy Korchev, 11m.29s, closely followed by Junior Boy Reece Crompton in 12m.30s, just in front of another Junior, George Griffith, four seconds behind (12.34), then many Juniors not far behind. First female was Nadine Reynolds, from Avon Valley Runners in a respectable 15m.08s,

closely followed by Sarah Underwood of Chiltern Harriers AC. In another respectable time of 15m.25s, and in third place was junior Girl Roisin Older in 15m.28s.


First person over the line overall in an amazing time of 16m.19s was Eastbourne Harrier AC Junior, Ilya Korchev. Second home was Haywards Heath Harrier Vet Men Benjamin Duncan in a very respectable 17m.12s, closely followed by Hailsham Harrier Christopher Doherty in 17m.18s. First female was Charlotte MelroseCantouris in another good time of 19m.37s. Second place went to Emily Leszniwskj in 22m.26s, closely followed by Hailsham Harrier, Tina Macenhill six seconds back in 22m.32s.


First place over the line was Hailsham Harrier Carl Barton in a great time of 39m.58s, five seconds ahead of fellow Hailsham Harrier David Garratt in a time of 40m.04s, with Eastbourne Rovers AC Keith Axell a further 13 seconds back in 40m.17s. First female over the line in a speedy 45m.31s was Hailsham Harrier Claire Keith, closely followed by fellow Harrier Wendy Robson in 45m.49s, and in third was Aska Asakura in 49.18.

This is just a small selection of the photos taken on the day. See hundreds more, download and print by scanning this QR code, or visit https://bit.ly/Hailsham-Run-2024
Latest local news, visit: Hailsham .News 14 NEWS
Latest local news, visit: Hailsham .News JUNE 2024 This is just a small selection of the photos taken on the day. See hundreds more, download and print by scanning this QR code, or visit https://bit.ly/Hailsham-Run-2024
Latest local news, visit: Hailsham .News JUNE 2024 16 NEWS This is just a small selection of the photos taken on the day. See hundreds more, download and print by scanning this QR code, or visit https://bit.ly/Hailsham-Run-2024


I CAN’T help but wonder how many times I’ve driven past the Bull’s Head in the eight years I’ve called Hailsham home, shuttling back and forth to Bexhill. Twice daily, five days a week— it’s a considerable number!

Having been a previous guest at the pub near Herstmonceux, we invited some first-time friends to join us — they always remarked on the welcoming sign that read “Come Into Our Friendly Pub.” So they decided to check it out for themselves.

From the roadside, it’s evident that the pub boasts a generous car park. However, a small driveway reveals an additional parking area and vast land beyond the hedge line, immersing you in the breathtaking East Sussex scenery.

and oh-so-filling!

The Seafood Platter was incredible. I don’t eat much seafood, not out of choice, but more due to its increasing price point. However, this platter was simply too tempting to resist, and I found the value for money to be great considering the quality and variety of seafood served.

I was so happy to see that they had a great selection of dishes for kids on the menu. It’s reassuring when a restaurant takes the little ones into consideration and offers them tasty choices too.

On this particular evening with the sun slowly fading on the horizon, (I love this time of day), it just makes everything look so magical, with that mesmerising ‘golden hour’, capturing the essence of the serene countryside.

Looking around outside at the ample seating, including some sheltered areas, along with an outdoor bar, it’s evident this establishment caters to barbecues, events, and festivals — such a welcoming environment — the kind of place I feel

warm reception from both the staff and the locals at the bar immediately made us feel at ease. Among the diners, a mix of first-timers and regulars, you could just tell that everyone was well looked after, further enhancing the sense of community.

The menu was a real treat, offering a wide range of delicious options that left us spoiled for choice. We spent quite some time studying it, getting more and more excited with each dish we considered. Eventually, we settled on the Harvey’s Beer Battered Chicken Goujons with Sweet Chilli Dip for £7.75, the Chicken Wings from the Specials Board, and the Beer Battered Haggis Balls served with Salad and a

our eye, priced at £16.95, promising a delightful array of oceanic delights. We then selected The Bull’s Head Pie, a hearty option at £14.95, which seemed like the epitome of comfort food. From the Children’s Menu, we ordered a Child’s Burger. From classic favourites to more adventurous choices, there was

ensured their satisfaction but also added to the overall enjoyment of our dining experience.

Sharing the starters allowed us to spread the love and indulge in a variety of flavours, which is always a winning strategy. I particularly enjoyed the Haggis Balls — usually, I reserve my haggis fix for January, but the temptation of deep-fried haggis was irresistible. Let me tell you, it did not disappoint! The haggis was beautifully seasoned, with a beautifully creamy texture that was incredibly satisfying

It was just over thirteen years ago, almost to the day, The Bull’s Head was on the verge of closure, and was in the throes of development for residential use?  It’s shocking to think that we could have lost such a gem in this local village.   However, fast forward to today, and the transformation is nothing short of remarkable. The pub has undergone a remarkable transformation, becoming the vibrant heart of the community.  It offers not just fabulous food but also features an incredible terrazzo. What really excites me is the addition of gardens and a beautiful campsite.  Their efforts have rightfully earned them various awards. If they’ve accomplished all this in the first thirteen years, I eagerly anticipate the next thirteen with bated breath!

Tel: 01323 831981


The Strait, Boreham Street, near Herstmonceux, BN27 4SG

Please note: ID will be

Latest local news, visit: Hailsham .News JUNE 2024 17 REGULARS WE’LL BUY YOUR UNWANTED GOLD AND SILVER 36 High Street, BN27 1BB (01323) 841898 www.hailshamjewellers.co.uk No amount too small - any condition Turn your unwanted, old or broken jewellery into cash or exchange it for something new! We are you local, family owned jewellers with over 35 Years experience No Appointment necessary - call in for an instant settlement We can pay Cash, BACS or Cheque
We send anonymous members of the team to check out local pubs, cafes and restaurants to give you an honest review. These visits are not pre-arranged, and the venues do not know they are reviewing the food and drink!
Haggis Balls to start Seafood platter makes a hearty main The Bull Inn Steak Pie Childs Burger and Chips Chicken Goujons and Wings as a starter

HAILSHAM ACTIVE with Steve Wennington



THOSE of you who know us at Hailsham Active will realise, Hailsham has been shortchanged over the years on green space/recreation land. In a recent meeting between Hailsham Active and Senior cabinet members of Wealden they admitted to 20 years of failure because of not having a plan in place — (in truth it did have plans, but they failed to meet government criteria and were continually rejected, giving developers a lot more freedom).

A regular reason for Wealden failings was a ‘Lack of communication’ with partners.

We are told the new Wealden Administration (May 23) are very keen to address many of the failings, particularly on better communication, the early signs are positive.


In business, as in sport, when things go wrong it is a great opportunity to analyse and work out the issues and

develop a better formula for changing things positively.

Our journey has taken us to regular meetings with sports clubs, (naturally), schools, the NHS, business groups, local politicians right through to the highest level (the minister for sport at one point) and very interestingly, building developers who are much more supportive than you might be led to believe. We have learnt a lot and recognise they all need a plan and communication.


Paths — let’s start with a plan to link Hailsham from Arlington Road East to the A271, linking four green spaces with land owned by Hailsham Town Council and ESCC.

We have already approached ESCC and have very positive feedback, we just need the will to make it happen. With a small additional push, this would also link up with the New South Wealden Sports Hub (near the Boship roundabout) at the north, and if we re-established a safe link across the A22 we can open access to Abbots Wood, the magical


green space on our doorstep.

We want to see existing paths enhanced/widened and new paths installed at all recreation grounds/parks, similar to the work already undertaken at Western Road Rec and Diplocks. Discussions are already underway at Lower Horsebridge Rec (Hellingly Sports Club) and the Maurice Thornton Playing fields (Hailsham United) for upgraded facilities and health and wellbeing paths. We also need better drainage for existing grounds and/or allweather pitches where possible (we are recommending 4g pitches for Beaconsfield and the New recreation ground proposed for New Barn Farm/ Station Road).

A potential new recreation ground at Hellingly to meet minimum Sport England standards with changing rooms/parking etc so it can be a proper sports ground and community recreation ground.

And WDC, please stop ‘offsetting land’, and give our new residents access to local green space facilities!

Our ideas are based on simplicity, and cost-effectiveness for maximum community inclusion and benefit.

Common sense?

We have good support for the ideas from most people we have talked to including many councillors from Hailsham, Hellingly and Wealden as well as our local MP, Doctors, Schools, businesses and of course, sports clubs. Let’s make sure we communicate successfully between us to make this happen.

Hope you like the ideas, let me know.


A massive thank you to everyone who promoted the Hailsham Active Run for its second year and particularly Hailsham United who provided us with most of the 60 Marshalls who made it possible, and of course the exceptional work from our fellow directors, race co-ordinator, Liam Burke and Hailsham Active driving force, Mary Laxton, also special thanks to Hugh Thomas who went around all the primary schools giving a talk at their recent assemblies, and of course, not least, our amazing local sponsors.

Secondly — Well done Wealden District Council (£200k) and Hailsham Town Council (£15k) who have assisted

Hailsham Academy (50k) to cover the cost of replacing and upgrading the Astroturf pitch at the school.

Finally, thanks as always to all the amazing coaches and volunteers and sponsors for all the sports/health clubs across Hailsham and surrounding areas. If you want a mention or access to some grants, email me and we will try our best to help.

Steve Wennington, Chair, Hailsham Active steve@pro-eco.co.uk


12th JUNE @ 7PM

Poppadums and Chutneys on arrival


(Please Select One)

Chicken Nawabi

A mild and exceptionally tasty curry cooked with fresh spices, browned onions and cashew puree

Lamb Achari

A unique flavoured curry cooked in pickled spices

Chicken Tikka Masala

Cooked with almond, coconut in a thick creamy tandoori sauce

Chicken Jalfrezi

Cooked in thick sauce with peppers, green chillies, tomatoes, onions and spices

Rajasthani Laal Maas

A hot Rajasthani lamb dish cooked in a variety of spices with a bursst of red chillies


(Please Select One)

Pulao Rice or Plain Rice


Latest local news, visit: Hailsham .News JUNE 2024 18 REGULARS
Terms & Conditions: There can only be a maximum of 6 people in each team. A £10 deposit must be paid to confirm bookings. Cancellations must be notified at least 24 hours before the reservation for a refund. www.theroyalindianhailsham.com THE HAILSHAM CLUB IS A PRIVATE MEMBERS CLUB FOR THE OVER 18S ESTABLISHED IN 1920 AND CONVENIENTLY SITUATED IN THE CENTRE OF TOWN Bingo Fresh Water Fishing Section Wheel of Chance Entertainment Themed Evenings Darts Drinks Raffle Fundraisers Snooker Tables Meat Raffle Poker Snooker League Quiz Night Sea Fishing Section Whist WE
Steve Wennington


JUNE is the month containing the longest day of the year, the Summer Solstice, when many plants respond by increasing photosynthesis and putting on huge growth during the long hours of daylight.

The summer solstice occurs at the moment the earth’s tilt towards the sun is at its maximum. On this day, the sun appears at its highest in the sky which is important for crops especially those under glass. This year, the solstice will occur on Thursday 20th June when we will hope to receive 15 hours of sunlight. This is a time of fertility, abundance, and growth, and certain plants are representative of this time of year.

Sunflowers are traditional symbols of the summer solstice. When the flowers are young, they appear to track the sun as it moves across the sky and so this is to be taken into consideration when deciding where to plant them. You want to see their happy smiling faces rather than have them peeking over your neighbour’s fence! It’s not too late to sow some, once they germinate, they will grow like the clappers!

In pagan celebrations, healing herbs were believed to be at their most powerful, and potent when harvested

on the summer solstice. It was thought

BATES Green Garden, an RHS Partner Garden, is open every Wednesday between the end of February and late October. For details, please go to the website www.batesgreengarden.co.uk and follow the garden on Instagram @batesgreengarden

protective garlands of herbs and flowers to ward them off. One of the most powerful was ‘chase devil’ known to us now as ‘St John’s Wort’ (Hypericum perforatum), a magical plant believed to bring prosperity, protection and peace. Gathering this native perennial was thought to harness the energy of the sun at its highest.

Lavender is another plant which was believed to heal and give protection in ancient times. On the summer solstice, people would mix lavender with mugwort (Artemesia), chamomile and

honouring midsummer. The longest stems were used to form lavender wands and the remainder would be dried in bundles and hung to dry. Lavender, a Mediterranean plant is used today to flavour food and drinks and the dried flowers are often made into lavender bags.

Other summer plants harvested at the time of the summer solstice when they were believed to have attained the peak of their medicinal value include chamomile, calendula (marigold), fennel, hemp, rosemary, thyme, verbena, sage

available for use in oils, food, tinctures and teas all year round.

It is safe to start getting your halfhardy and tender plants used to the Great Outdoors now. Do this by placing them somewhere sheltered, ideally some sort of cold frame contraption, and then either covering them with frames or fleece or bringing them in for the night, just for a few days. You can then put them in their final positions, sit back and enjoy them. That is the idea anyway, in reality, there are far too many weeds AKA wildflowers to be dealt with and watering requirements that must be urgently attended to thus

preventing too much lounging around

Now that the Arlington Bluebell Walk has closed for 2024, we will be back to our regular Wednesday opening times of 10am-4pm when the Café will also be open. This year, we have developed our Thursday morning Bates Green Garden Workshops to include not only horticultural skills but also a wealth of subjects as diverse as singing, sound baths, sketch-booking and yoga to name but a few. Why not treat yourself to a mini-retreat day here? They will take place on Thursdays until the end of October.

Bring a packed lunch to enjoy on the Terrace with the Gardens Team and then enjoy having the ancient Wood, Wildflower Meadow or Bates Green Garden to yourselves for the afternoon. You can find the details by going onto our website www.batesgreengarden. co.uk and looking for the workshops under the Visiting menu. We are really excited about this new venture and I very much hope to meet some of my readers there too!

Latest local news, visit: Hailsham .News JUNE 2024 19 REGULARS SNIFFING OUT A GREAT DEAL? Here’s the small print: All prices quoted include free DPD delivery to one mainland UK address. Excludes artwork and VAT where applicable. As for The Magazine Production Company logo on the left — well, that’s my business and it’s a member of Trading Standards’ Buy with Confidence Scheme.
a personal design
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FREE DPD delivery, give me, Dean Cook, a call on 07884 263804.
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I love an attention-grabbing headline, but if you’re looking for
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It was June, and the world smelled of roses — Maud Hart Lovelace
Photo: Patrick Campbell Wildflower Meadow at Bates Green Garden Photo: John Glover



MAY 2024

USHERING in the month of April

we see the trees coming into leaf, flowers budding in the garden and nature coming to life. It would be nice to see a similar resurgence politically but that is not likely to happen anytime soon, and in any case not before a general election, Business must survive in the meantime with little or no political leadership. Decisions will continue to be made, and business will go on. Leadership in business is essential, and life continues as it does for the Hailsham & District Chamber of Commerce. We have moved to a



Business Development Solutions




Virtual Assistant


Sales & Letting Agents




Marketing Agency


Social media agency




Manufacturer of Grand Piano Shells


Utilities Discount Club


Graphic Designer


Fire Safety, Property Maintenance


Second Hand Motor Vehicles



Estate Agents & Chartered Surveyors








Chartered Accountants



Residential Rentals & Property



Livestock Auctioneers


Dental Practice


Vending Sales, Supplies & Service


Funeral Directors

new venue for our popular monthly Big Business Breakfast Meeting: Wellshurst Golf & Country Club.

Before talking about WELLS HURST, I’d like to say a big thank you to Sarah and her team at the Laurel in Hailsham’s George Street. They have looked after us amazingly for the first four months of the year since the unfortunate closure of B12. Without you, Sarah, we would not have survived. It is a great shame that we outgrew your beautiful cafe, which has served us so well this year. Once again, a very big thank you from Hailsham & District Chamber of Commerce.

Our Chamber has now exceeded 100 members. We consistently filled


Print, Signage, Exhibitions


Promotional Products



Secondary School/Academy


Homely Residential Care for the Elderly PEARCE MARKETING

Marketing Agency


Restaurant & Bistro


Appliances, Electrical & Electronics



Payroll Bureau


Security Guard Service


Graphic Design


Chartered Surveyors


Local Independent Opticians







Sales & Letting Agents


Law Firm


Hailsham Festival


Community Radio Station


Hailsham News


Equity Release Advisor



Surfacing & Civil Engineering


The Laurel, selling out each event, so a new and exciting meeting place has been found. Wellshurst Golf & Country Club, situated on the outskirts of Hailsham on the road to Horam, surrounded by stunning countryside and offers generous parking. The modern, beautifully designed clubhouse provides the Chamber with an excellent meeting venue, even with more members attending our Big Business Breakfast on the first Thursday of each month.

Our first breakfast at the new venue in May was a resounding success, and this month’s event on Thursday 6 June promises to be just as exciting. Our guest speaker this month is Councillor




Fabrication, Welding, Gates & Railings


Joinery Services





Print Services, IT Services, Telecoms


Non-Profit Organisation




Indian Restaurant


Skip Hire, Recycling & Waste

Management Services


Broadband Network Operator and ISP


Utility Warehouse


Home Improvement


Electrical Contractors


Business Consultant


Printing Manufacturer



Financial Services



Shopping & Retail



Sports Club



Non-Profit Organisation

Kelvin Williams, the Wealden District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Health & Wellbeing. He will be sharing details with Chamber members about plans for additional medical services in and around Hailsham.

The Chamber places our members at the forefront of events, politics and business in Wealden, East Sussex, advocating for their members both locally and nationally.

Being a member of the Chamber keeps you abreast of the ongoing efforts to establish a Business Improvement District (BID) for Hailsham. This ensures you’re well informed and positioned to influence the developments in the area.


IT Services & IT Consulting


Orangeries, Conservatories, Oak Extensions, & Verandas


Key Accessories


Retirement & Assisted Living Facility


Software Company


Car Sales


Adventure Park


Legal Service






Charity Organisation




Management Service


Retail Office Equipment


Consulting Agency


Animal Shelter



Arts & Crafts Shop


Charity Organisation


Computer Repair Service

The Chamber proudly presents a dynamic events calendar, led by our Marketing Manager, Sam Beale of Steven’s & Carter Estate Agents. Our recent gathering was held at the Boom Battle Bar in Eastbourne, and it was a blast! For all the updates and highlights, be sure to check out our social media platforms. We regularly update all our channels and website for business owners who want to get involved. However, Chamber members always receive priority and first refusal. Join us today! We eagerly anticipate welcoming new members and are always delighted to engage with individuals interested in joining our friendly Chamber.


Property Management Company


Landscape Company



Property Lawyer


Travel Agent


Community Fitness


Financial Service


Blinds & Curtains Shop


Information Technology Company



Transformation Coach


Management Consultant/NED


Lawyer & Law Firm


Divorce & Family Lawyer


Home Inspector



Utility Warehouse


Cleaning service · Carpet cleaner


Advertising Agency


Bespoke Travel Design Service




Post Office


Community Radio Station

Latest local news, visit: Hailsham .News JUNE 2024 20 COMMERCE UPDATE



Do you want to get paid and keep fit at the same time?

We have vacancies for door-to-door

distributors in Hailsham to work around three days a month on a permanent basis.

If you’re a student (16+), retired or just looking for an extra income, this is an ideal opportunity to earn whilst you keep up your daily step count. This could also be a chance for your child to earn if accompanied by an adult on the rounds.

To register your interest, scan the QR code to get started or log on to: https://tinyurl.com/45mr5kpt

Please note: All distributors will be required to own an Apple or Android smartphone for tracking purposes during the work (no data required).


Legal Consultant, Former Practising Solicitor and Deputy District Judge in The County Court with Over 50 Years’ Experience & Expertise

Lasting Power of Attorney

Financial & Health & Welfare

General Power of Attorney

Will Writing - Printed on Velum and Bound

Legal Letter Drafting

Change of Name Deeds

Divorce and Financials

Family Law Issues

Separation Deeds Drafted

Prenuptial / Cohabitation Deeds Drafted

Contracts, Disputes

Employment Law Issues

Consumer Issues

Negligence & Complaints

Small Claims

Help with Civil Court

Procedure and Drafting Court

Particulars of Claim and Defence

Probate & Estate Administration

Evening & Weekend

Appointments Available

Student Law Tuition from A Level to Degree Law

Latest local news, visit: Hailsham .News JUNE 2024 21 REGULARS PUZZLES SUDOKU
Sand Waves Sun Sea Shell Towel Umbrella Swim Surf Relax ACROSS 6 St. Paul’s first name (4) 7 The majority when one third vote one way and the rest the other (3-2-3) 9 Quivers (8) 10 Leaf of a book (4) 11 Yellow quartz (5) 12 Credos (7) 14 Selling (7) 16 Untamed (5) 18 Disputed Middle East strip (4) 20 A “Family first” policy, perhaps (8) 21 One on her own rips tens to pieces (8) 22 Cups’ edges (4) DOWN 1 Short negligee (8) 2 Nature lover’s quest (5,3,5) 3 Agitated condition (5) 4 Airy dessert (6) 5 Issued without charge (13) 8 Bother persistently with trivial complaints (3) 12 Very popular (3) 13 Aroused, S. Amer. foe is frightening (8) 15 Polar degrees (6) 17 Recreation (5) 19 Current unit (3)



HERE’S an interesting fact about the world’s longest-produced vehicle — the VW Beetle— which was 1,539mm long. However, as people were still in black and white because colour hadn’t been invented, it was called 5 feet in those days.

The first car I ever owned was an Mk1 Ford Escort. My research shows it was 1,590mm wide, or 5ft 3” in old money; my current car is 1,881mm, or 6ft 2” in measurements that are alien to anyone under 35 years old.

Interestingly enough, my waist size has also increased from when I was 17 to now. This has led to thoughts that I may be overweight, which I can totally dispel. It seems I am just growing in a commensurate ratio to cars.

vehicle with dignity.

With this in mind, shouldn’t the marketing people at supermarkets realise that the bigger they make the parking spaces, then the more chance we’ll buy more food from them! It makes sense that if I don’t realise I’m piling on the pounds, I’ll keep eating, even though Natalie says I’m not in shape…I am because round is a shape!


AS it is now June, hopefully, the weather will allow us out more into the garden to tend our flowers and plants.

I have about 18 indoor plants I look after, including some varieties of cacti, so I’ve been caring for them a bit indoors, which is good, apart from the great care needed when dealing with the cacti, as they can be quite nasty and prickly!

I suppose I’m a little bit like some people, but very quickly moving on and being serious about these prickly plants because sometimes you have to put them in bigger pots or move them a bit. This can then be tricky and painful, as my poem for this month will cover.


Now I quite like cactus plants In fact I do have several myself, That are displayed about my home In rooms or on the kitchen shelf.

I also believe that fat people are harder to kidnap, so in the interests of my own personal safety, I shall have another biscuit, keep eating and keep safe!

The main point is that most supermarkets seem to have painted the markings in their car parks by the bloke who delivered the first VW Beetle; parking is often tighter than a camel’s bottom in a sandstorm.

As my waistline has ensured I am not a target for kidnappers, and the past years have ensured I am less and less of a victim of anyone snatching me and bundling me in the boot of a car (good luck with that, best make sure you have an estate car!). It is even more of a problem to compress my portly

The first I’ll know about it is when I go to the beach during the 2.5 days of our great British summertime and have to fend off the Greenpeace brigade as they try to roll me back into the sea. I also take umbrage when the doctor tells me I weigh too much for my height, as I have a great belief that I am just relatively short for my weight.

Natalie also tells me that alcohol will make me put on weight and that I drink too much, so I’ve decided not to drink any more; I won’t drink any less…just not any more!

Until next time, people. www.verymagic.co.uk

So they fit in quite attractively With about thirteen other plants, That I look after quite religiously But with the cactus I take a chance, Of getting myself a painful injury Because they can be quite dangerous, Although are pleasant and decorative When lined up around my house.

For they have very sharp prickles As an intensive part of their allure, But best not to be taken in by this And if you touch them be very sure, To take care and protect yourself Or you may recoil from a nasty pain, That I have suffered myself at times And not just once but over again.

But at some times you will have to Change the plants into a bigger pot, So getting them out and changed over A simple job it is certainly not, For I have had to resort to tactics And ideas almost sent from above Thus when I need to handle them now I use a cloth and thick oven glove.

But even these don’t always suffice To avoid pain and protect your hand, For these cacti can be very spiteful And that I have come to understand.

So now an arrangement is in place When my cactus I need to inspect, Because to ensure all round safety I treat them with a great respect.

Latest local news, visit: Hailsham .News JUNE 2024 22 REGULARS
To purchase Laurie’s books, visit www.lauriewilkinson.com

Your local independent property experts...

Residential Lettings Land New Homes



The entrance porch is the perfect place to kick off your shoes before heading into the spacious hallway, from here all the rooms flow. To the front the modern kitchen/breakfast room offers ample cupboards, work surfaces and space for all the necessary appliances. There is even room for a small table and chairs which is ideal for your morning cuppa.

The spacious dual aspect lounge/dining room is positioned close by and offers plenty of space for all your soft furnishings alongside space for a dining table and chairs. A large feature fire place takes center stage and gives the room a real focal point.

Lastly, doors from here overlook and afford access onto the rear gardens. Three good size bedrooms are offered, all of which offer a pretty outlook onto the surrounding gardens.

Situated within the favoured Lansdowne area of Hailsham is this well appointed chain free three bedroomed semi-detached ‘Bell and Pearson’ built house, with stacks of further potential to realise.

Inside it is arranged with an entrance hall, open plan lounge-dining room, conservatory, kitchen, stairs to the first floor, three bedrooms and a bathroom. To the rear is a mainly lawned southerly aspect garden, while to the front is off road driveway parking.

These houses are always a popular bet and many similar have created loft bedrooms, side and rear extensions, thus creating your own dream home.

As an ex rental the property is being sold chain free, and benefitting gas central heating and double glazing.

To explore this wonderful home please take a look through our 3D Virtual Tour teamed up with our professional photography before calling us for an accompanied viewing.

to make into your own home.

It is arranged with an entrance hall leading into the spacious, dual aspect lounge-dining room and kitchen. Upstairs there are two really good sized bedrooms and a shower room.

Our favourite feature of this property is the mature garden with an elevated view across to the ‘Common Pond’.

To explore this wonderful opportunity please take a look at our 3d virtual tour teamed up with our professional photography before calling us to to arrange an accompanied viewing.

Welcome to Magnolia Close, Hellingly - a charming location that could be the per fect setting for your new home! This delightful detached house boasts 2 reception rooms, offering ample space for entertaining guests or simply relaxing with your loved ones. With 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, there is plenty of room for the whole family to enjoy.

Spanning across 1,194 sq ft, this property provides a comfortable and spacious living environment. The well-designed layout ensures that each room flows seamlessly into the next, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere throughout.

One of the standout features of this property is the parking space available for 3 vehicles, providing convenience and peace of mind for you and your guests.

Whether you’re looking to settle down in a peaceful neighbourhood or seeking a place to call your own, this house in Magnolia Close offers a wonderful opportunity to create lasting memories. Don’t miss out on the chance to make this house your home! MEET

FREE VALUATIONS FOR SELLING & RENTING 47 HIGH STREET, HAILSHAM, BN27 1AN CALL 01323 840444 or visit stevensandcarter.co.uk


JUNE is when we celebrate our longest days with UK Bike Week and UN World Bicycle Day. Both push the bicycle as an instrument of sustainable transportation. Events, activities, festivals, tours, charity rides and although they take place throughout the year energy accelerates during summer.

With 16 daylight hours on the longest day and 208 hours during the month it’s the best time to dust off that bike hiding away in the shed.

The UN wisely choose June 3 in the Northern hemisphere for their World bicycle celebration as 90 per cent of the planet’s roughly eight billion population live here.

Bexhill, Hastings and Eastbourne have hosted cycle festivals and BMX events in the past and although Covid stalled matters, Big Bike Revival started up by Cycling UK continues.

East Sussex successfully hosted the 2014 Tour of Britain with the route travelling very fast through our towns and villages.

Last year, Sussex Blazing Saddles came to Newhaven and Bexhill and are at Bexhill Museum from June 1 to 16 with bike checks, exhibitions and a heritage ride.

Bicycles often rest during winter and June gives us the chance to check their operation and see if we can remember how to balance. These events help novices to gain confidence and others develop to a different level.

June is always the annual British Heart Foundation 54-mile London to Brighton ride attracting 14,000 riders all for a great cause.

This is just one of many similar charity rides available, giving people a reason to cycle with support from like-minded people.

Also, Davina’s Big Sussex Bike Ride starting and finishing in Uckfield, riding through the South Downs is another favourite.

Memories and a sense of achievement are the riders’ reward along with knowing you are raising money for


and cycle between two distinct destinations using the long daytime hours to cover extra distances.

End to John O’ Groats trip taking ten to 14 days.

evenings and developing that confidence to cycle is one of the best ways to enjoy our coast and countryside. Find out who your local cycle group is or where events are in order to get involved.

high but remaining grounded. Try and find one of the many varied cycling activities near to where you are to enjoy the best month for cycling to start out.

step and next month will be about pedal assistance and cycling law.

out there and make the most of it rather than kicking back and becoming a couch potato.

If you require my assistance, get in touch at: nusrat.ghani.mp@parliament.uk or, visit my website: www.nusghani.org.uk


Sell alcohol on the premises in our shop, as well as offer the chance to taste before you purchase. Operating hours will be

– 18:00, Monday – Friday. 11:00 – 17:00, Saturday and Closed to the public Sunday. Any person wishing to make representations to this application may do so by writing to Licensing Officer, Wealden DC, Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, BN27 2AX or email licensing@ rother.gov.uk not later than 21/06/2024. Representations received after this date cannot be considered. Details of the above application may be viewed on the Licensing Register at the Council Offices. It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with this application, the maximum fine on summary conviction being unlimited.

Latest local news, visit: Hailsham .News JUNE 2024 24 REGULARS WORKING HARD FOR WEALDEN
I hold
surgeries both in person and virtually.
Nus_Ghani Nusrat Ghani MP nus_ghani Nusrat Ghani
ON YOUR BIKE with Ian Hollidge
IF YOU’RE READING THIS... SO ARE 26,400 In our recent reader survey, figures show each copy of Hailsham News is read by an average 2.2 readers. We now print 12,000 copies of this newspaper which is hand-delivered to every home in the town. CAN YOUR BUSINESS AFFORD NOT TO ADVERTISE HERE? EMAIL: SALES@HAILSHAM.NEWS OR CALL 01323 33 70 70 OTHER POTENTIAL CUTOMERS PUBLIC NOTICE LICENSING ACT 2003 I/WE THE RUM INFUSIONIST LTD. Do hereby give notice that I/we have applied to the Licensing Authority at Wealden District Council for the grant of a Premises Licence at: UNIT 41, STATION ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, BN27 2ER and known as THE RUM INFUSIONIST DISTILLERY
Photo credit: Margaret Hayles
Hyundai Ioniq Hybrid 2019, 1.6, 1st Edition, Manufacturers warranty, 31,000 miles, petrol hybrid, new MoT. MONTHLY COST FROM £220.02 £14,600 Peugeot 3008 GT-Line 2017, 27,200 miles, diesel, manual, Only TWO former keepers from new, new MoT, service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £337.79 £14,690 Toyota Auris Hybrid 2019, 1.8 Icon Tech, 27,600 miles, manufacturers warranty, petrol, main dealer history, new MoT. MONTHLY COST FROM £344.80 £14,995 Peugeot Rifter HDi 2019, 100 Allure model, diesel, 32,500 miles, manual, full main dealer service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £263.07 £14,980 SEAT Leon TSI SE 2021, 25,900 miles, petrol, manual, 2 owners from new, full service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £216.08 £13,995 Volkswagen Golf TSi 2020, 64,400 miles, only one former keeper, service history, petrol, new MoT and service. MONTHLY COST FROM £251.45 £14,995 Hyundai Tucson Blue 2018, 1.6 GDi, SE, 22,400 miles, petrol, manual, ONE owner from new, main dealer service. MONTHLY COST FROM £333.42 £13,250 Renault Kadjar TCE 1.2, Dynamique, Only 11,600 miles, ONE owner from new, full main dealer service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £327.67 £14,250 Peugeot 308 PureTech GT Line spec, 27,800 miles, petrol, manual, full main dealer service history, one owner. MONTHLY COST FROM £271.13 £14,150 Audi Q2 TFSi Sport 2018, 1.0, Sport, 72,500 miles, petrol, manual, only ONE owner, comprehensive service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £287.31 £12,490 Kia Ceed GDi ISG 2019, 1.0T, petrol, manual, 39,400 miles, full main dealer service history, only ONE owner from new. MONTHLY COST FROM £424.61 £13,970 Vauxhall Mokka X 2018, 1.4T, ecoTEC Design, 13,900 miles, ONE owner from new, main dealer service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £268.92 £11,695 Dacia Duster Comfort 2019, 1.6, petrol, manual, 30,500 miles, only TWO owners from new, full main dealer service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £228.61 £12,995 Toyota Yaris Hybrid 2015, 1.5, petrol hybrid, 33,400 miles, Only THREE former owners, comprehensive service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £270.18 £11,750 Honda Jazz i -VTEC 2019, 1.3, petrol, manual, 51,400 miles, full main dealer service history, TWO previous owners. MONTHLY COST FROM £222.32 £12,410 Citroen C4 Cactus 2020, 1.2 PureTech Flair, petrol, manual, 20,300 miles, ONE owner from new, dealer service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £230.68 £12,150 Vauxhall Insignia 2018, 1.6 Turbo, diesel, manual, 36,400 miles, only ONE owner from new, full service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £263.97 £11,480 Vauxhall Zafira SRi 2018, 1.4T, petrol, manual, 47,400 miles, only ONE owner from new, full service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £273.17 £11,880 HAILSHAM MOTORING CENTRE WE OFFER 24 MONTH FREE WARRANTY TELEPHONE 01323 449900 Established In 1980 24 Month Warranty On All Cars Over £2995 All Our Cars Are Hpi Clear So You Can Buy With Confidence Competitive Finance Rates Subject To Status Multi Branches VISIT US AT: Diplocks Way, Hailsham (next to BP Garage) Toyota C-HR Hybrid 2018, 1.8 Petrol Hybrid, 33,900 miles, Dynamic 5-door, full main dealer service history, new MoT. MONTHLY COST FROM £396.66 £17,250 Mercedes CLA180 2018, AMG Line, petrol, 58,800 miles, automatic, full service history, new MoT. MONTHLY COST FROM £394.36 £17,150 MG HS T-GDI Exclusive 2020, 1.5 petrol, 45,600 miles, manual, sunroof, manufacturers warranty, service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £253.15 £14,375 Vauxhall Corsa Turbo 2020, SRi, 1.2 petrol, 36,100 miles, manual, ONE company owner, full service history, new MoT. MONTHLY COST FROM £206.44 £11,490 Mercedes GLC 220d 2015, 35,800 miles, diesel, automatic, Only one owner from new, new MoT and main dealer history. MONTHLY COST FROM £424.94 £18,480 Vauxhall Grandland X 2020, 1.2 Turbo, Business edition, nav, 5-door, 25,500 miles, manual, one owner from new. MONTHLY COST FROM £228.15 £13,999 Kia Picanto 65 SE 2016, 1.0, 42,100 miles, petrol, manual, SE, 5-door, full service history, new MoT and PDI. MONTHLY COST FROM £149.34 £6,495 Peugeot 2008 Allure 2019, 1.2 PureTech, 5-door, 70,000 miles, petrol, manual, two owners from new. MONTHLY COST FROM £195.33 £8,495 Citroen C3 PureTech 2020, 1.2, 83 Feel, 64,700 miles, petrol, manual, 5-door, full service history, new MoT. MONTHLY COST FROM £166.67 £8,880 Peugeot 208 PureTech 2017, 1.2, 82 Allure, 27,500 miles, petrol, manual, 5-door, cambelt and water pump service included. MONTHLY COST FROM £206.83 £8,995 Renault Clio RS Line 2020, 1.0, TCe 100, 24,400 miles, petrol, manual, 5-door, manufacturers warranty. MONTHLY COST FROM £247.14 £13,998 Skoda Octavia TSi 2018, 1.5, 29,200 miles, petrol, semi-automatic, full main dealer service history, new MoT & PDI MONTHLY COST FROM £333.19 £14,490 Peugeot 2008 Active 2021, 1.5, 12,200 miles, diesel, manual, BlueHDi 110 Active, One owner from new. MONTHLY COST FROM £285.79 £15,650 Jaguar XF Sportbrake 2019, 2.0i, Estate, 41,600 miles, auto, petrol, Portfolio model, Meridian audio, two owners. MONTHLY COST FROM £390.22 £16,970 Vauxhall Corsa SRi 2020, 1.2 Turbo, 55,600 miles, petrol, manual, 5-door, full service history, new MoT and PDI. MONTHLY COST FROM £180.32 £9,875 Seat Leon TSi Evo FR 2019, 1.5, petrol, 49,600 miles, manual, 5-door, one owner from new, main dealer service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £215.37 £12,444 Kia Ceed GDi ISG 2019, 1.0T, petrol, manual, 39,400 miles, 5-door, one owner from new, main dealer service history. MONTHLY COST FROM £208.82 £12,495 Toyota Verso V-matic 2017, 1.8, petrol, 60,8000 miles, Design, M-Drive, Panoramtic roof, two owners from new. MONTHLY COST FROM £317.05 £13,788

Hailsham Harriers paint town black and red

recently, a morning filled with races for all the family, from 1 mile to 10K.

Hailsham Harriers juniors showed the adults how it’s done with George Griffin in his first race, running a

running his first race in 15:07. Daisy Bowles stormed over the line to take the second place podium spot for the girls whilst running a new personal best time of 15:38. Harley Jeffrey had a sensational run finishing

Roses on fire for start of season

THE Roses travelled to Bells Yew Green to play their double header T20 games in the premier league. After a quick pitch inspection and a warmup, Holls went and down the toss.

Cliff and Richard are ready to go and the first two batters come out to the

crease. A field is set to KP as she opens the bowling hoping to get an early wicket. Tidy first over, with a chance of a wicket but being dropped. Harris is on, running up on a slight hill, she does well, but struggles to gain another wicket.

KP continues bowling nice lines and lengths and Moldog joins at the other end. Planting the ball on the perfect

for many their first race entries. In the 5K event, Hailsham’s Chris Doherty raced to third place in 17:18 and first in age, with Tina Macenhill finishing second female overall in a rapid time of 22:32 and first in

spot, Moldog creates chances and limits the runs scored. KP (1/25) gains her first wicket bowling out their top run scorer. 46/1.

Holls comes on, second ball bowled, BYG 56-2. Next ball….bowled, BYG 563. Can she get a Hatrick? No. Moldog bowls her 4th and final over, with only six runs scored in total!

Holls bowls her next over which is caught and bowled, BYG 59-4. Holls (5/5) continues to bowl on the spot and pockets another two wickets. BYG 75-6, the Roses are happy. Harris comes back on at the other end, she comes around the wicket and the batter struggles to make full connection placing it straight into Holls hands at short cover. BYG 80-7. Harris (3/32) continues to bowl lovely lines and lengths and bags herself two more wickets in a row! Rawoo (1/1) comes on at the far end, the flight lights up the batter’s eyes and a big swing and miss gains Radio a wicket! Bells Yew Green are bowled out for 81 from 17.2 overs. Before we knew it, we were back out there. With Holls and Valks out at the crease we knew we still had a job to do. Rotating the strike and finding the boundary we were off to a good start. A change of bowler saw Holls (35) back to the pavilion after missing a straight one. Hailsham 62-1. Harris is in. Valks(23) and Harris (4) continue to play some

ran the 3K event with daughter Bette, finished a strong fifth in 41:02 winning his age category with Oli Paterson 9th place overall in 44:58. Along with a Harriers first and second for the men in the 10K, Ian Cant 59:34, Gemma Mulhern 1:00:31 and Jo McGowan 1:01:23. Plenty of Harriers Mums and Dads also ran with their sons and daughters both in the 1 mile race and 3K, including Arthur Price, Elijah Haddon, Mckenzie Haddon, Shae Haddon and George Chrystie.

lovely shots and it wasn’t too long after we had reached BYG score in the 8th over. The Roses bagged their first win of the day!

Roots Gardening & Landscaping player of the match Hollie Young.


The roses said goodbye to Harris and hello to Rom who was playing the second game. The Roses were put into bat first.

Rom opens the batting with Filtness, looking to create a partnership. They are on fire, finding the boundary most balls and always looking for quick singles and 2s. Before we knew it Rom had reached her 50 with a lovely lofted drive over mid-on.

The pair had reached a 100 partnership! The roses were off to a magnificent start. Filtness(33) bowled and was welcomed back to the pavilion with loud applause!

Lou Lou is in. Working the ball around the pitch and reaching the boundaries they carried on the good work. Rom keeps mounting the runs on, hitting 13 4s and 3 6s. It’s the 18th over. The roses are 166/1. Rom gets caught at cover on an excellent 97 runs.

Holls is in for the last over and a bit. Both Lou(11*) and Holls(15*) continue to add to the runs and the Roses end on 182/2!

The Mighty Moldog opens the bowling at Pavilion end looking to continue her great bowling from the previous game.

Gabby joins at the other end switching up the pace. Wicket for Moldog! as she bowls out the first batter of the day. Gab finds her rhythm and the batters find the fielders. Another wicket for Moldog, as the batter chips one to Holls at short cover. What a great start for the Roses. Valks replaces Gabby and sets the stage with her fast-paced bowling. Impressive speed and placement means Valks bags herself her first wicket!

The roses remain quick between the overs and carry on the positivity. Another wicket for the mighty Moldog as she completed her four overs pocketing three wickets! KP is onto bowl, hitting the spot making it difficult for batters to hit. Barrett joins at the other end bowling well. Filtness comes onto bowl uphill. Raw joins at the other end.

A wicket for Raw in her last over saw the game to an end as the Roses gained another victory.

A great spell from all bowlers and a wonderful knock from Rom and Filtness the Roses were overjoyed to have won both games.

Roots Gardening & landscaping player of the match goes to RS.

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Hailsham Active 2024: Dasiy Bowles Hailsham Active 2024: Team finishers The Roses
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Stringers End Cup Drought

THE first season in intermediate football for 48 years brought the first trophy win for Hailsham Town’s first eleven since the Sussex RUR Cup in the 2005/06 season, with a 4-1 victory over Hawkhurst United on Friday 24th May at The Pilot Field, home of Hastings United in the Hastings & District FA Intermediate Cup.

The Hastings FA Intermediate Cup, a competition the Stringers first team have never entered before, has been played for since the 1964-65 season with Hailsham disposing of last season’s winners, Westfield, 2-1 after extra time in the quarter-final at the end of April before knocking out Battle Town 5-2 in the Semi Final earlier in May. Opponents Hawkhurst

meanwhile reached the final after a 4-1 win against Bexhill Town in the Quarters and a 2-0 win away to Sandhurst in the semis.

A dry and bright evening in Hastings saw the Stringers take an early lead after a mazy run from Josh-Silva-Carvhalo on 14 minutes, before a quickfire double put the Stringers well in control before half time, with Matt Fear (28) and Jack Hobden (33) on target. Soon after the interval Hailsham’s top goalscorer, Henry Thompson, added his name to the scoresheet with the fourth on 49 minutes, before Hawkhurst, who play in the East Sussex Premier Division despite being over the border in Kent, pulled a goal back on 76.

There was to be no denying the Stringers however, with Mike Baker and Callum Standish’s side seeing out

the remainder of the game to seal the win in front of around 100 spectators.

Joint Manager Mike Baker said; “We wanted to try and bring back some joy at the club and in the town, and I’m so pleased that we did especially so early in our time here. A manager/coach is only as good as the players they have, and I’m very lucky to have some very good ones.”

Callum Standish, who shares management duties with Mike, added; “Buzzing to get something out of a tough year at times. Credit to all the boys who stuck at it, and also to Mike Baker and Josh Tomkins who, since they’ve come in they have completely changed the changing room and atmosphere around the club!”

Hailsham will look to defend their trophy next season, as well as competing in other local cup competitions and the league as they look to put themselves in a position where they can kick on from this win and challenge for a return to senior football.

Stringers: Charlie Kneath, Charlie White, Jack Hobden, Eric Jhon Caicedo, Harry Mills (c), Owen Muller, Josh Silva-Carvhalo, Harry Butler, Matt Fear, Henry Thompson, Bayly Wright

Bank Holiday success for Hailsham Tennis

HAILSHAM Tennis Club had a busy Bank Holiday weekend, with the ladies’ first team in action on Sunday, and then the club fun day on Monday.

The ladies’ 1st team were at home to a team from Wickwoods Country Club. First pair, Georgia Lee and Narun Chea made a good start against the Wickwoods 2nd pair, Hayley Brown and Lynne Reed, winning the tie-break in the first set 7-6 and taking the rubber with a 6-1 win in the second set.

Hailsham’s 2nd pair, Sam Noakes and Jill Greenall continued the good work with a 6-4, 7-6 win over Wickwoods 1st pair, Caroline ElTurki and Harriette Cusdin.

In the reverse rubbers, Sam and Jill carried on their form with a 6-4, 6-0 win over Hayley and Lynne, but Georgia and Narun lost a close first set against Caroline and Harriette in the tie-break 6-7.

In the second set they imposed their authority again with a 6-1 win, meaning the rubber went to the championship tie-break (first to 10), which they won 10-6, giving the

much-needed boost after a couple of lost matches.

On Monday, social secretary Bridget Dodman looked out uncertainly on the pouring rain, but decided that the friendly tournament would go ahead. The rain stopped soon after and wasn’t seen again throughout the morning as seven pairs divided into two groups and battled out an American tournament. Players would have one serve each, then exchange partners and play another four games, keeping their own scores. Chris Witt was drafted in to organise the games, and brought technology to bear with a spreadsheet projected onto the big TV screen. After a couple of hours’ play, the spreadsheet extrapolated the data and declared that Narun Chea was the top player and Sean Chea second. Because of the format, even novices were winning games, which were followed by a communal lunch provided by the participants.

Club President, Graham Chapman, declared it a great

Long-awaited success for father and son race team

FOLLOWING a long weekend displaying at the Laughton Show, Team Vater took two victories at Arlington on bank holiday Monday Father and son, Tony and Ryan Vater, competed at the stadium in front of hundreds of fans, friends and family who witnessed Tony take his first victory since returning to the sport three years ago, after 35 years of competing in Spedeworth motorsports.

To complete the weekend, Ryan went on to win the final, both driving away with trophies for their consecutive wins.

Tony Vater said: “It was a fantastic weekend and we’re so pleased with both of our wins. I’d like to thank our sponsors, Plant Movements of Hailsham and Haulaway Waste Management for their continued support.

Latest local news, visit: Hailsham .News JUNE 2024 28 SPORT
Tournament players at the net Sam in action Narun in action

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