Hailsham News, October 2022, Issue 14

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In April 2022, we published an article looking at Hailsham’s GP surgeries and whether it was difficult to book appointments with them.

Our article and social media caused a lot of responses and we carried a reply from a Hailsham GP Surgery that continued the debate around appointments in Hailsham.

happening this month but we only have enough space to cover a few of the community events going on!

An important part of life is our doctors and the GP services they provide. The new Health Secretary announced some actions recently that could make a difference in how you see your doctor or how you get your prescriptions. You may remember that we ran a story a few months ago about whether it was difficult to get a GP appointment or not.

Well, we’ve got an update on these important potential changes for you on this page.

Not everyone is happy or looking forward to the proposed changes; a confidential source at a local GP surgery told us that “On a personal level this all only makes our jobs harder.”

And String The Musical is a brand new, specially-commissioned musical set in Hailsham and the surrounding area. It stars well-known TV and theatre actor John Bowler, with a team that includes one of Britain’s leading writers and lyricists and a popular and successful composer.

The show runs on 7th and 8th October.

Tickets are £10. The production includes a professional cast of actors and singers with a band, in the restored and elegant Hailsham Pavilion Theatre.

Finally, it’s our anniversary this month. It’s been fab year which I hope has brought you interesting news from Hailsham.

Hailsham News is a publication by Regional Media Group Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales number: 13746177. We have taken care to ensure that the information in this newspaper is correct. Neither the publisher, nor contributors can take responsibility for loss or damage resulting from errors or omissions. Hailsham News does not endorse the accuracy of the advertisements or the quality of the products/services being advertised.

Information provided by businesses and community organisations are provided directly by their own representatives; please direct any queries or comments regarding content directly to the organisation. Any option or views expressed within this publication are solely those of the author.

© 2022: No part of this newspaper may be reproduced in part or whole without express permission of the editor.

Now, the new Health Secretary and Deputy Prime Minister Dr Thérèse Coffey has announced a new set of targets/guidelines regarding waiting times and targets for appointments as well as other plans to streamline frontline NHS services.

We contacted a Hailsham GP surgery to ask their opinion on this and whether Dr Coffey’s plans were workable. They referred us to this opinion piece by Dr John Hughes, Chair of GP Survival: While many groups and individual doctors have expressed their disappointment at the “plans” for NHS announced by Therese Coffey, I would take a stronger stance and express my serious concern at the deliberate misinformation and

misrepresentation of General Practice.

The initial press release, widely trailed by all media, stated that GPs would be “required” to offer all patients an appointment on request within 2 weeks, regardless of clinical need. The actual statement changed the wording to “expected”, but by this stage, the damage was done. Further clarification appeared to suggest there were no actual sanctions that would be imposed for failure to meet this unachievable expectation, however, the public and press were already convinced that this was a contractual requirement.

The difficulty with this spin scenario is that it has yet again stoked public and patient expectations that GPs must deliver an unachievable target, and this is almost certain to further fuel aggression and assaults against practice staff when patients are told they cannot have this unrealistic access with current underfunding and workforce shortages.

The criticism of General Practice access is unfair and ignores the hard evidence from NHSE’s own data, that GP delivers more than 300 million appointments annually, 44% of these on the

same day as request and 62% are face to face and is the only part of the NHS to show increased activity levels compared to pre-pandemic, despite a decrease in GP workforce.

We are now struggling with more than 2000 fewer GPs than in 2015, and overall have a shortage of 8000, as the 6000 extra identified as needed have not been recruited or trained.

Rather than extra phone lines (with no staff to answer them) or additional ANPs, GP assistants or 1 million volunteers (where will they come from?), what is actually needed is a proper workforce policy to deliver newly trained staff plus retention of current workforce by pay restoration, decent working T&Cs and an end to the mendacious blaming of clinicians for NHS deficiencies caused by decades of government underfunding and mismanagement.

It is disappointingly predictable that yet again, within a few days of commencing in post the Secretary of State for Health has demonstrated her utter lack of grasp of the real issues facing the NHS, ignored facts and solutions recommended by experts, and instead ploughed on with announcing zombie policies driven by political ideology.”

What do you think? Let us know by email to letters@hailsham.news


Town Councillors have decided to overturn calls to remove a youth shelter in Hailsham due to regular litter problems.

The shelter was installed at the Western Road Recreation Ground in June this year and has given youngsters in town somewhere to meet and socialise. However, there have been many social media posts complaining about the amount of litter left at the site despite the nearby bins.

In a Hailsham Town Council Assets meeting (28 September), Councillors heard from Andy Joyes from the Hailsham Youth Service who listed the numerous benefits of the shelter, including reports that anti-social behaviour has reduced in the town centre since it was installed.

Police and local supermarkets have reported to Mr Joyes that they have seen a significant reduction in crime in the last two months - he

says this massively outweighs a litter problem in the recreation ground.

Dog walkers and families have also been seen to use the shelter throughout the day and

evenings. Andy also reported that a homeless person used it to shelter one night, which is a positive as the Youth Service has now found help for them via Wealden District Council.

Councillor Chris Bryant told the committee: “Removing the shelter is a nuclear reaction to the problem. In fact, there are so many positives to it being there and so much work is happening behind the scenes to make sure it’s being used correctly and the Youth Service is working well with the people who use it.” He added: “We [the Council] should be publicising more what we, and the Youth Service, is doing behind the scenes, so residents are more aware of the work being done.

Councillors voted unanimously voted to keep the shelter and continue to work with the Police and Youth Service to overcome any problems.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 2 NEWS
YOUR 60-SECOND COFFEE BREAK WITH CHRIS DABBS TO LISTEN FOR THIS ISSUE’S FUN FACTS, SCAN THE QR CODE CONTACT US | Telephone: 01323 33 70 70 | Managing Editor: Paul Gibson, editor@hailsham.news | Editor: Chris Dabbs, chris.dabbs@hailsham.news Features: Viktoria Cowley, viktoria@hailsham.news | Publication production: Dean Cook, dean@hailsham.news READ ME,


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This is a short headline to fit into this position

We’re coming back to a story from earlier in the year about the housing construction works on Marshfoot Lane.

part of the Hellingly Village’s ancient heritage could be destroyed by the weight and level of traffic passing through.


Hellingly resident of 40 years Gill Riches, said: “Station and Church Road residents have experienced a huge increase in volume and speed of traffic with much of the road and verges destroyed as convoys of lorries plough through the village leaving devastation in their wake.”

The developer has been trying to keep lorry traffic under control - in the last few months, no waiting signs have been added to the road to manage the HGV traffic going to and from the building site. But residents such as Neil Stone have been in touch with us to tell us that some lorries are causing obstructions in the road, meaning that other lorries must mount the pavement to get past them. Residents are worried that this is dangerous and could damage the pavements making them difficult to walk on.

There are also concerns that with the rain expected this autumn, the roads nearby are being covered in mud also making driving conditions dangerous.

He added: “The flooding that has become quite apparent over this last week is only going to get worse.

This is placeholder copy which has been position to show how text will look. was a well-respected and active member of the local community, having been elected on to the Town Council in May 2011 and serving as a member until 2015.

He also told us that he wondered where the excess water will go from more below ground excavations “especially if they start other new development in Mill Road with 220 houses”.

We have asked the developers for a comment – which we will bring you online at www.hailsham.news and in our next edition.

Traffic calming measures are in place including single track passing points, along with a 20 mph speed limit, but residents say it is not policed.

In the meantime, let us know what you think about housing developments in Hailsham. Especially if you see them as bringing positive news to the town – send your comments to letters@ hailsham.news

Representing what was then the Hailsham Central & North Ward, Griph served on various Town Council committees, including the Council Projects & Assets Committee and Planning & Development Committee.

Griph was also a local councillor for Nedleaw Dorpdn Cmndwaw, having been elected in 2011 to represent the same Hailsham ward and in 2015, the Uckfield Ridgewood Ward.

Residents in Hellingly have taken to the streets and won a battle to halt local construction traffic destroying the village roads and putting lives at risk.

Villager Nicola Phillips, said: “Villagers are literally taking their lives into their hands every day when they walk their children to the village school, go for a run or take their dog for a walk, in fear of being mown down or sworn at or abused. It’s horrendous.“

Mr Stone told us: “On 18th August ESCCH [East Sussex County Council Highways] declared that merely ‘jet washing’ the HGV’s was inadequate and a full wheel wash facility was required. He added: “Nearly 4 weeks later nothing has changed and the state of the road is unacceptable to residents, as you can see from the photos.”


Residents are also concerned that potholes are not being repaired on the road. East Sussex County Council Highways are not planning to repair the road in the near future.

During the protests on 25th March, the group held placards and told the developers the issues they have with a megaphone. On one occasion during the morning, one of the HGVs stopped to throw abuse at the protesters.

However, the contractors have tried to help by making their own temporary repairs to the potholes. These have not been permanent and did not last long as they were only filled with ballast and not tarmacked or finished professionally. This has meant that the gravel and ballast has come loose and spread along the road.

Campaigners finally had enough of the constant lorries taking a shortcut via Station Road and Church Road en route to local building sites operated by Jenners. They say the lorries are putting local schoolchildren in danger and damaging the roads and homes in the village. They carried out protests in two locations, the first outside of the site of the Old Nursery, and the second in the village at Church Road, where HGVs were stopped and asked why they were not using the main A267 route to the sites.

We spoke to Hailsham Town and Wealden District Councillor Gavin Blake-Coggins and he told us that flooding in the area is a real concern, he said: “Everything that I told them [at the time of planning approval discussion] would happen, so far has

Residents fear the Victorian built bridge,

Michael Hix, Chair of Governors at Hellingly School said: “We understand and share the local community’s fears about traffic, especially heavy lorries, using Station Road. We have made contact with local councils, including the County Council.

As a town councillor, Griph helped many local residents with several diverse issues, including planning, housing, benefits, parking and perhaps most notably, public transport – of which he was extremely passionate and was responsible for many local initiatives to enable Hailsham residents greater access to bus and

As ‘oversight councillor’ for transport links, Griph was founder and Chairman of the Nedleaw Bus Alliance (originally the Hailsham Bus Alliance), founding member of the Hailsham Quality Bus Partnership and director of the Access2Healthcare scheme, which assisted patients needing transport to doctors’ surgeries in the Hailsham area and Nedleaw

Griph’s funeral was held at the Nedleaw

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 4 NEWS
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It has been a whole year since the first edition of Hailsham News hit the streets in October 2021.

We cannot believe it has gone so quickly and it has been received so well by local residents.

The free community newspaper was created to give the people of Hailsham truly local news from their town, not Eastbourne and further afield.

We have done that by producing 135,000 copies of Hailsham News on sustainably sourced paper along with over 250 pages of news and features.

On the back of the success of this newspaper, the publisher, Regional Media Group Ltd, has also launched a community newspaper for Bexhill in July this year.

The Bexhill edition is now circulating 12,000 copies every month and has been just as well received by the town as this newspaper was.

It simply shows that local newsprint is not on the decline much like the other regionals will make you believe. People still like to physically hold a publication and flick through local news at their leisure, especially when it’s content that affects them as residents.

From simply an idea back in August 2021, we’ve grown into a strong team of eight people, who all, in their own way make sure these newspapers are published successfully each and every month.

Hailsham and Bexhill News stand out from other

publications, mainly because it is available on a pick-up basis only and not delivered door-to-door. Therefore, we are able to know exactly how many readers we have, as each reader makes a conscious decision to take a newspaper home and read it.

In the last fourteen issues of Hailsham News (we produced two issues in June), we’ve covered some amazing stories from huge planning developments, devastating fires, large local events, protests and hundreds of other stories which affect you - the reader!

I’ve always said this publication is a community newspaper, therefore our readers have played a huge part in its success by letting us know the stories they want to see tackled every month.

Please keep this going as it’s the only way we can keep ahead of knowing what matters to you.

We’re very grateful that you continue to support and of course enjoy our newspapers which take a lot of hard work behind the scenes to ensure you get them at the start of every single month.

A massive thank you must go to our advertiserswhom without, the newspaper simply wouldn’t be free to pick up, so please carry on supporting them whenever you can.

We have some amazing plans for more expansion in 2023, so cannot wait to update you on these. Here’s to another 12 months.

, visit: www.Hailsham.News 6 NEWS
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More than £1,400 was raised at the Hailsham Memorial Institute recently during a special weekend in aid of Shelter. A quiz night, darts competition and a grand raffle were organised by club members Steven Archer and Barry Carpenter who will both be competing in the London Marathon on Sunday 2nd October to raise funds for the charity.

Hailsham Mayor Cllr Paul Holbrook presented the prizes to the winning darts players and Neil Povey, who can be heard on local radio Hailsham FM, swapped his usual microphone for quizmaster duties.

Joint organiser Barry Carpenter commented: “I am delighted at the way local people have helped contribute both by donating prizes and attending our events, special thanks have to go to local companies HD Building and Carpentry and 847 Taxis who sponsored our events alongside Target Darts who provided lots of raffle prizes, I also need to thank the club itself for allowing us to host our events there and also making a donation to our fundraising over the weekend.

Andy Harris, Shelter’s Director of Income Generation, said: “Shelter’s work to fight the housing emergency, and provide practical help and advice to people, is more critical than ever in the cost-of-living crisis. Our emergency helpline is open 365 days a year so that no-one is left to face homelessness alone – but we couldn’t do this without the amazing support of the public.

“We can’t thank those running the London Marathon to raise vital funds for us enough. Every penny helps Shelter to be there for people who don’t have a safe place to call home.”

If you’d like to help out and sponsor Barry and Steven, you can find their fundraising pages at: https://tcslondonmarathon.enthuse.com/pf/steven-archer and at https://tcslondonmarathon.enthuse.com/pf/barry-carpenter


East Sussex Fire and Rescue Services (ESFRS) is inviting people to have their electric blanket safety tested before the cold weather sets in. In these times of rising energy bills, ESFRS are expecting more people to use electric blankets instead of their main central heating or electric fires as they try and keep costs down.

An electric blanket has an electrical heating element sewn into the blanket. They usually have a heat control and come in all shapes and sizes from throws to blankets you place under your sheet in bed.

Modern electric blankets are safe to use year after year if they are stored correctly when they’re not in use.

But older blankets or those stored incorrectly can be a fire hazard.

ESFRS recommend that people follow these rules:

• Buy brand new and replace it every 10 years.

• Only use and wash it as detailed by the manufacturer.

• Don’t switch it on overnight unless it has a thermostatic control and is designed to be left on.

• Make sure the blanket is fully dry after it’s been washed before you turn it on again.

• Keep hot water bottles and wet hands and feet away from your blanket.

• Check the blanket regularly for signs of wear and tear.

• If the wires are no longer in straight lines, the blanket shouldn’t be used.

• Store your blanket flat; never fold or crease the blanket. It should not be used if it has been creased or folded as this could make it dangerous.

• Look for the UK standard safety mark. Many people still have older, smaller pink or blue electric blankets which they think are safe.

But Lisa Priestman Community Safety Manager for ESFRS told us that these older blankets “are really dangerous.

“They’ve got the really, really old wires and some of them are 25 plus years old and we shouldn’t be encouraging people to continue to use them.”

Electric blankets have caused house fires in the past, fortunately not usually when someone was in the bed. You can have your blanket checked on Monday 10 October 2022 at

• 10.00am - 12.00pm – Polegate - United Reformed Church Hall - Victoria Road, Polegate, BN26 6DA

• 2.00pm - 4.00pm – Eastbourne Fire Station Also on Tuesday 11 October 2022

• 10.00am - 12.00pm – Lewes Fire Station

• 2.00pm - 4.00pm – Seaford Fire Station

ESFRS also has these tips for anyone using portable heaters as a handy, cheaper alternative to heating a whole room instead of heating your whole home:

Gas or electric Heaters can be a serious fire hazard, especially when not used carefully.

Experts advise you should always use your heater on a flat surface, give it some space by keeping it at least one metre away from anything flammable, buy heaters brand new from a trustworthy retailer and register the heater when you purchase it, so you’ll be made aware of any product recalls or safety information that might get released.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 8 NEWS £25 PER PERSON-
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could be destroyed by the weight and level of traffic passing through.

Hellingly resident of 40 years Gill Riches, said: “Station and Church Road residents have experienced a huge increase in volume and speed of traffic with much of the road and verges destroyed as convoys of lorries plough through the village leaving devastation in

Hailsham care home raises funds for dementia café with retro lawn games.

Staff at Hailsham House care home arranged an afternoon of activities centered around nostalgia for residents and their friends and family.

Traffic calming measures are in place including single track passing points, along with a 20 mph speed limit, but residents say it

A raffle saw over £400 raised and everyone ended up winning a prize. The money raised will fund a new bench to provide outdoor seating at the dementia café at the Hailsham Community Centre – a place the residents visit regularly.

“Hook-a-duck”, “swing ball”, and “giant ten-pin bowling” were just some of the retro games arranged on the lawn within the grounds of the dementia specialist home in East Sussex.

RVillager Nicola Phillips, said: “Villagers are literally taking their lives into their hands every day when they walk their children to the village school, go for a run or take their dog for a walk, in fear of being mown down or sworn at or abused. It’s horrendous.“

Care home manager, Rui Santos, said: “Even though it was a little bit wet, it was a brilliant day, enjoyed by all, and it was fantastic to be able to raise funds for the Hailsham Community Centre, a place our residents love to visit.

During the protests on 25th March, the group held placards and told the developers the issues they have with a megaphone. On one occasion during the morning, one of the HGVs stopped to throw abuse at the

“We’re always talking about the ‘good old days’ with the

memories for them.

“The staff selected the activities based on the residents’ memories of their childhood - which is a great form of reminiscence therapy for those living with dementia.”

Guests at the event also enjoyed a BBQ and a live performance by activities co-ordinator, Samantha Durrans who played the guitar and sang a variety of songs from the 60s, including Ray Charles’ “Hit the Road Jack” and “Brown Eyed Girl” by Van Morrison.

Yvonne See, a resident at the home said, “I had real fun –seeing lots of happy, smiling faces – it made my day.” Relative, Mrs Woods added, “Bringing my mother’s great-grandchildren to the BBQ was fantastic – it means so much to me and the family. My dogs also enjoyed the event too!

Another relative said, “The staff really went to town and pulled off such a lovely day for the residents – it’s like one big family environment. Many laughs were had and we are looking forward to the next party!

Photos: Sy Martin

Michael Hix, Chair of Governors at Hellingly School said: “We understand and share the local community’s fears about traffic, especially heavy lorries, using Station Road.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 9 NEWS



Hailsham Bonfire Society has announced its plans to hold the town’s annual Bonfire celebrations this month.

The event will take place on Saturday, October 15th and is traditionally the busiest night in Hailsham’s annual calendar.

Other Bonfire Societies will descend on the town for the torchlight procession which will kick off from the Vicarage Lane Car Park around 7:30pm. It will stop at the Memorial in the High Street after a break where the traditional memorial ceremony will take place.

The parade will use the same route as the 2021 procession and will end at the Western Road Recreation Ground where the firework finale will take place.

The Bonfire Society and procession had a 16-year gap which came to an end in 2005, when the group managed to host a relaunch event on November 5th which also marked the 400th anniversary.

Celebrations have been held across the country for centuries and Sussex, where there are over 35 societies, and is very much one of the most active areas when it comes to marking the downfall of Guy Fawkes’ plot to blow up Parliament and King James on November 5th 1605.

Each society has its own choice of uniform - the Hailsham group wears attire from the Victorian era as well as its famous black and grey striped smuggler jumper (all groups have different colour smuggler jumpers which are obvious when they all gather for the traditional procession.

The event and group is reliant on donations which it collects from the many raffles, bingo nights, tombolas and quizzes throughout the year. Programmes are available prior to the event for a donation which highlights what will be happening throughout the event.

New members are always welcome and being part of the bonfire society is a fantastic way to socialise with like-minded people, involve the whole family and attend other society processions. The group currently has over a hundred members ranging from just 9 months to over 80-years-old.

Costing only £10 for an adult or £20 for a family of two adults and unlimited children, not only are you helping the group to grow but you can also enjoy some great nights out.

For the latest information on the event, keep your eye on its website at hailshambonfire.org.uk, or visit its Facebook page.



Procession leaves Vicarage Lane Car Park and will follow the road turning left onto the High Street and continuing on to Market Street. It’ll then turn right onto Bell Banks Road and then right onto Station Road to enter the lower end of George Street, continuing up George Street, onto the High Street for around 8pm.

A short service of remembrance will take place at the Memorial before it continues back to the Vicarage Lane Car Park. Please observe the minute’s silence.


The procession will leave the car park along Vicarage Lane to enter the top end of the High Street. After the HBS banners are lit, it’ll continue along the High Street to enter George Street, then South Road, then right onto Western Road where the parade will end. The fireworks finale will start at 9:30pm.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 10
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American pizza chain Papa Johns is looking to come to North Street in Hailsham near to the Grenadier and Tesco.

A planning application has been submitted for changing a former furniture shop into a hot food takeaway.

At the time of writing Wealden District Council has yet to make a decision.

But, some people are opposed to the plans due to no car parking being allocated for customers.

Hailsham Toen Council discussed the plans in their planning meeting last month and raised no major concerns about the application.

It comes hot on the heels of a recent announcement that Burger King will also be opening a resturant in Hailsham.

The burger chain will be located within the BP garage on South Road. Town Councillors recently gave the thumbs-up to the erection of three illuminated Burger King signs on the forecourt.


Hailsham hosts during the Hailsham Bonfire weekend.

Gournay-en-Bray is a small town situated within the Seine-Maritime department in the Haute Normandie region in northern France. A town well-known for its farming and industry, Gournay-en-Bray is located some 30 miles east of Rouen and less than an hour’s drive south of Dieppe.

Three members of the Hailsham Twinning association are joining in with the 30-year celebrations of Gournay-en-Bray being twinned with Remshalden in Germany by making the trip to stay with German host families - with an eye on discussing Hailsham also twinning with the German town.

Nine members of Hailsham’s Twinning Association have just returned from their first visit to Hailsham’s French twin town Gournay-en-Bray for two years since before Covid-19.

The “twinners” stayed with French host families and enjoyed hospitality including a trip to a Moroccan restaurant, a glass factory and a fancy car boot sale called a brocante to look for some bargains.

The association is also looking forward to sharing some Hailsham culture by hosting nine French guests who will be staying with

If you’re interested in Hailsham’s twinning activities, they are holding their annual ‘Christmas Eat & Greet and AGM’ at the Charles Hunt Centre on 18 November – everyone is welcome.

Also Hailsham & District Twinning Association’s “Bring you own Picnic and Quiz” is set for Saturday 22nd October at the Charles Hunt Centre 7pm.

Teams of up to 6 people are £6 per person with a raffle and free tea and coffee.

Contact Pauline Townsend (Secretary on 01323 846539 to sign up.


According to the latest available figures, Hailsham continues to be a safe place to live.

crimerate.co.uk has reported “As of 2022, the crime rate in Hailsham is 34% lower than the South East and 42% lower than the England, Wales & Northern Ireland overall figure.”

Hailsham local policing is made up of Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPTs) which are based within district teams. NPTs work with the

community and are visible on the streets.

NPTs are led by a District Commander and comprise sergeants, police officers and PCSOs.

We will be talking to our PCSOs in the next edition to find out what they do and what impact they make on Hailsham.

Before that, here are breakdowns of crime figures in Hailsham over the last year up to June 2022.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 12

This is a short headline to fit into this position


Hailsham & District Chamber of Commerce has submitted a new version of their Business Improvement District (BID) proposal to Hailsham Town Council that focuses on a zero-carbon environment, renewable energy, social heating projects and enhanced building insulation for the benefit of the entire Hailsham and District business area.

The Hailsham BID is designed to provide benefits to the local business community which should lead to increased benefits to Hailsham businesses by providing businesses with knowledge and assistance to increase their energy efficiency, reduce substantially cost and ultimately become zero-carbon compliant.

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It is hoped that new business opportunities will emerge in the zero-carbon economy and the BID will engage with the Government and other sources of assistance on behalf of businesses in the Hailsham District to take maximum advantage of any opportunities.

This is placeholder copy which has been position to show how text will look. was a well-respected and active member of the local community, having been elected on to the Town Council in May 2011 and serving as a member until 2015.

BIDs are business-led organisations, so Hailsham Chamber of Commerce has been heavily involved in drawing up Hailsham’s BID.

Representing what was then the Hailsham Central & North Ward, Griph served on various Town Council committees, including the Council Projects & Assets Committee and Planning & Development Committee.

There are costs involved with implementing and running the BID which will be funded by a mandatory levy on all eligible businesses after a successful ballot.

All affected businesses will have a vote to adopt the levy and a successful BID ballot must achieve at least 50% of the number of businesses voting to agree to the BID.


beautification and public order schemes.

• Less staff turnover as staff feel valued by their employer’s efforts to create a better working environment.

esidents in Hellingly have taken to the streets and won a battle to halt local construction traffic destroying the village roads and putting lives at risk. Campaigners finally had enough of the constant lorries taking a shortcut via Station Road and Church Road en route to local building sites operated They say the lorries are putting local schoolchildren in danger and damaging the roads and homes in the village. They carried out protests in two locations, the first outside of the site of the Old Nursery, and the second in the village at Church Road, where HGVs were stopped and asked why they were not using the main

• BID levy money is ring-fenced for use only in the BID area.

• Businesses decide and direct what they want for the area through joint agreement, this could include extra street cleaning, beautification through green spaces and/or an increased security presence.

Griph was also a local councillor for Nedleaw Dorpdn Cmndwaw, having been elected in 2011 to represent the same Hailsham ward and in 2015, the Uckfield Ridgewood Ward.

• As BIDs are inherently a co-operative business environment, neighbouring businesses will have the opportunity to work together.

Benefits that are in the discussion stage for Hailsham include the installation of floral planters, grants to local businesses for improving the external decoration of shops, maps to help visitors find local amenities and the provision of street marshals for additional security. But the Chamber’s BID focuses on zero-carbon green energy benefitting the environment whilst reducing costs for businesses and creating new business opportunities in the BID District.

Hailsham Town Council is supporting the bid and has said: “Businesses are confronted by spiralling energy costs whilst being legislated into ultimately a zerocarbon economy.”

Residents fear the Victorian built bridge, part of the Hellingly Village’s ancient heritage could be destroyed by Hellingly resident of 40 years Gill Riches, said: “Station and Church Road residents have experienced a huge increase in volume and speed of traffic with much of the road and verges destroyed as convoys of lorries plough Traffic calming measures are in place including single track passing points, along with a 20 mph speed limit, Villager Nicola Phillips, said: “Villagers are literally taking their lives into their hands every day when they walk their children to the village school, go for a run or take their dog for a walk, in fear of being mown down or Jessica Daley, a young Mum whose two small children attend Hellingly Village School believes it’s only a matter of time until there’s a serious accident. She commented: “The lorries charge down the road sometimes up to 12 of them in a row. I can’t bear to think what would happen if they hit a child. Taking my children to school is quite literally taking our lives into our hands. Sometimes I get home and just cry, it’s terrifying.”


• Enabling businesses to reduce their costs, through schemes that tackle crime reduction and combined purchasing.

• Working as one entity when talking and planning with local governments, such as Hailsham Town Council and Wealden District Council as well as other government departments and police.

Mickey Caira, Hailsham Town Council’s Deputy Town Clerk and Business Enterprise Manager said “Financial support for the Hailsham & District Chamber of Commerce’s BID would help the town achieve its organisational objectives in terms of local environmental quality and tackling climate change sooner rather than later

As a town councillor, Griph helped many local residents with several diverse issues, including planning, housing, benefits, parking and perhaps most notably, public transport – of which he was extremely passionate and was responsible for many local initiatives to enable Hailsham residents greater access to bus and rail services.

BIDs have been put in place across the country from Eastbourne to many in London. These business improvement districts have

• Business benefits also include potentially higher footfall in retail areas as the public are drawn into shopping districts through

As ‘oversight councillor’ for transport links, Griph was founder and Chairman of the Nedleaw Bus Alliance (originally the Hailsham Bus Alliance), founding member of the Hailsham Quality Bus Partnership and director of the Access2Healthcare scheme, which assisted patients needing transport to doctors’ surgeries in the Hailsham area and Nedleaw district.


Griph’s funeral was held at the Nedleaw Crematorium last month.

Town Clerk John Harrison offered his condolences on behalf of Hailsham Town Council: “Griph was a popular and well-respected town councillor, having served the community well and caring passionately about Hailsham and its residents. We are all greatly upset by the news that our friend has passed away.”

“I know I speak for all my colleagues at the Town Council, as well as the wider community when I say that Griph will be sorely missed. Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time.”

Town Mayor & Chairman of Hailsham Town Council, Paul Holbrook commented: “I can only add to the many wonderful messages which have already circulated about Griph – this is such a huge loss for everyone who knew him. As a town councillor for many years, he worked tirelessly on behalf of the community that he was proud to represent and contributed significantly to the various Council committees on which he served during his term in office.”

During the protests on 25th March, the group held placards and told the developers the issues they have with a megaphone. On one occasion during the morning, one of the HGVs stopped to throw abuse at the protesters. Michael Hix, Chair of Governors at Hellingly School said: “We understand and share the local community’s fears about traffic, especially heavy lorries, using Station Road. We have made contact with local councils, including the County Council, our MP and others regarding our concerns about the increased traffic, heavy goods vehicles and the risk to our pupils and families. Station Road is not designed for heavy lorries and we have argued further, effective improvements are needed to keep our pupils and families safe.”

“For Hailsham and the Wealden district to respond to some of these concerns and to achieve carbon neutrality would be an amazing achievement, which is why Hailsham Forward is determined to continue to work with the local Chamber of Commerce and other organisations towards securing funding to see this vital project into fruition as soon as we possibly can.”

Just hours after the protests, there was good news, when Lance Taylor, Chief Executive Officer of the Gallagher Group which operates the trucks promised he would make immediate changes.


He told Hailsham News: “We were emailed by our client’s buyer earlier today, asking us to update our aggregate delivery order/tickets, instructing drivers they must turn right on exiting the site and they cannot travel down Church Road or Station Road.”

He added: “We are also investigating the reported behaviour of one of our drivers as we have four-way cameras that would have recorded the events with sound. Any inappropriate behaviour will lead to disciplinary proceedings.”

Hailsham News also contacted Councillor David White who said: “I am delighted with the action taken by local residents. Hellingly Parish Council has for some months been complaining to Nedleaw Planners about the condition of Park Road and the abuse by contractors visiting the Jenner’s development site in Park Road that continue to use the local roads through the Village in contravention of the terms of the site travel plan.” He added: “One of the Parish Councillors has recently provided photographic evidence of offending HGVs that we have forwarded to Nedleaw. will be now taken.


This is placeholder copy which has been position to show how text will look. member of the local community, having been elected on to the Town Council in May 2011 and serving as a member until 2015.

Representing what was then the Hailsham Central & North Ward, Griph served on various Town Council committees, including the Council Projects & Assets Committee and Planning & Development Committee.

Griph was also a local councillor for Nedleaw Dorpdn Cmndwaw, having been elected in 2011 to represent the same Hailsham ward and in 2015, the Uckfield Ridgewood Ward.

“Iquatio. Dunt harunto istincil ex el is res dellest aliberit rehende poriatur remped etur, niminvella volorro ipicit reperio. Cepudit, is vollatu.”


“Iquatio. Dunt harunto istincil ex el is res dellest aliberit rehende poriatur remped etur, niminvella volorro ipicit reperio. Cepudit, is vollatu.” — PERSON’S NAME.

As a town councillor, Griph helped many local residents with several diverse issues, including planning, housing, benefits, parking and perhaps most notably, public transport – of which he was extremely passionate and was responsible for many local initiatives to enable Hailsham residents greater access to bus and rail services.

As ‘oversight councillor’ for transport links, Griph was founder and Chairman of the Nedleaw Bus Alliance (originally the Hailsham Bus Alliance), founding member of the Hailsham Quality Bus Partnership and director of the Access2Healthcare scheme, which assisted patients needing transport to doctors’ surgeries in the Hailsham area and Nedleaw district.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 13 NEWS
“Iquatio. Dunt harunto istincil ex el is res dellest aliberit rehende poriatur remped etur, niminvella volorro ipicit reperio. Cepudit, is vollatu.” — PERSON'S NAME.
Photo caption
36 HigH Street, HailSHam, BN27 1BB 01323 841898. www.HailSHamjewellerS.co.uk No amount too small - any condition! Take advantage of the high gold price and turn your unwanted, old or broken jewellery into cash! We’ll buy; chains, bracelets, bangles, all rings, gold and silver pocket and wristwatches in any condition, Krugerrands, Sovereigns and other gold coins Don’t trust your valuables to a door step seller or a visiting ‘expert’ We are your local, family owned, independent High Street Jewellers with over 35 years experience
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fter launching in Eastbourne and coming to Hailsham, Lightning Fibre has announced that they’re bringing their hyper-fast internet to another 140,000 homes and businesses in Haywards Heath and Tenterden, with more towns under review.

part of the Hellingly Village’s ancient heritage could be destroyed by the weight and level of traffic passing through.

AHellingly resident of 40 years Gill Riches, said: “Station and Church Road residents have experienced a huge increase in volume and speed of traffic with much of the road and verges destroyed as convoys of lorries plough through the village leaving devastation in

Traffic calming measures are in place including single track passing points, along with a 20 mph speed limit, but residents say it is not policed.

This is placeholder copy which has been position to show how text will look.

a well-respected and active member of the local community, having been elected on to the Town Council in May 2011 and serving as a member until 2015.

Representing what was then the Hailsham Central & North Ward, Griph served on various Town Council committees, including the Council Projects & Assets Committee and Planning & Development Committee.

Lightning Fibre’s CEO Ben Ferriman, commented: “This is a very exciting time for Lightning Fibre and highlights our rapid progress and success so far.”

“We have thousands of happy customers in Eastbourne, and I am delighted that we have recently connected our first customers in Heathfield and Hailsham. We are ahead of schedule, and we’re delighted to now push into two new counties.”

Residents in Hellingly have taken to the streets and won a battle to halt local construction traffic destroying the village roads and putting lives at risk.

Villager Nicola Phillips, said: “Villagers are literally taking their lives into their hands every day when they walk their children to the village school, go for a run or take their dog for a walk, in fear of being mown down or sworn at or abused. It’s horrendous.“


Griph was also a local councillor for Nedleaw Dorpdn Cmndwaw, having been elected in 2011 to represent the same Hailsham ward and in 2015, the Uckfield Ridgewood Ward.


Crematorium last month.

Further to our article on page 16 of September 2022’s edition of Hailsham News, Hailsham Town Council has asked us to clarify who is responsible for the maintenance of litter/dual-purpose waste bins in Hailsham.


During the protests on 25th March, the group held placards and told the developers the issues they have with a megaphone. On one occasion during the morning, one of the HGVs stopped to throw abuse at the protesters.

As a town councillor, Griph helped many local residents with several diverse issues, including planning, housing, benefits, parking and perhaps most notably, public transport – of which he was extremely passionate and was responsible for many local initiatives to enable Hailsham residents greater access to bus and rail services.

Hailsham Town Council has asked us to point out that they are not responsible for the maintenance of any bins on the Cuckoo Trail after we published an image of an overflowing dog waste bin in the article that is on the Cuckoo Trail.

They state: “The Town Council does not maintain this particular bin or any others on the Cuckoo Trail. Environment Wardens employed by the Town Council always ensure that bins on Town Council maintained land/property are monitored on a daily basis. Any other bins, which have recently been reported as overflowing, are not maintained by the Town Council and therefore not our responsibility.”

Campaigners finally had enough of the constant lorries taking a shortcut via Station Road and Church Road en route to local building sites operated by Jenners. They say the lorries are putting local schoolchildren in danger and damaging the roads and homes in the village. They carried out protests in two locations, the first outside of the site of the Old Nursery, and the second in the village at Church Road, where HGVs were stopped and asked why they were not using the main A267 route to the sites.

As ‘oversight councillor’ for transport links, Griph was founder and Chairman of the

Town Clerk John Harrison offered his condolences on behalf of Hailsham Town Council: “Griph was a popular and wellrespected town councillor, having served the community well and caring passionately about Hailsham and its residents. We are all greatly upset by the news that our friend has passed

We apologise for any misunderstanding or confusion that our article may have caused with regard to Hailsham Town Council’s responsibility for the maintenance of bins on the Cuckoo Trail.

Residents fear the Victorian built bridge,

Michael Hix, Chair of Governors at Hellingly School said: “We understand and share the local community’s fears about traffic, especially heavy lorries, using Station Road. We have made contact with local councils, including the County Council.

We like dancing to be fun, creative, although not compulsory, our current graded exams achieve 100% pass success rate. Shows are great fun too, but again, not compulsory, (but who can resist our wonderful costumes)

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 14 NEWS
Photo caption
This is a short headline to fit into this position
from 18 months upwards and you’re never too old to start. No dance experience is necessary Ballet Tap Modern Pointe Work Our classes include: Contemporary Acro Musical Theatre Silver Swans RAD Ballet (over 50s) Yoga THE SJAAN DANCE ACADEMY Royal Academy of Dance School in Hailsham Call: 07964 573560 sjaandanceacademy@gmail.com www.ballethailsham.co.uk Principal: Sjaan Markwick RAD RTS AABD 14. St. Mary’s Walk, Hailsham, BN27 1AF Lasting Power of Attorney Financial & Health & Welfare General Power of Attorney Will Writing - Printed on Velum and Bound Legal Letter Drafting Change of Name Deeds Divorce and Financials Family Law Issues Separation Deeds Drafted Prenuptial / Cohabitation Deeds Drafted Contracts, Disputes Employment Law Issues Consumer Issues Negligence & Complaints Small Claims Help with Civil Court Procedure and Drafting Court Particulars of Claim and Defence Probate & Estate Administration Evening & Weekend Appointments Available Student Law Tuition from A Level to Degree Law A LEGAL HAND CONSULTANCY SERVICE Legal Consultant, Former Practising Solicitor and Deputy District Judge in The County Court with Over 50 Years’ Experience & Expertise OFFERS LEGAL HELP AND SUPPORT AT LOW COST Tel: 07779 187083 / 01323 840147 www.legalhelpinghand.com DIY WITH OUR LONG EXPERTISE IN LAW LOW FEES (NO VAT) FAST LEGAL SERVICE
At the
Dance Academy we nurture creativity, build confidence and self-esteem whilst enabling well-being through the magic of dance Dance



Thursday 6 October & Thursday 3 November at 7.30am (for 8am start). B12 Bar & Kitchen, BN27 1BJ – Members £12, Non Members/Guests £15. Register and pay at: hailshamchamberofcommerce.co.uk/nextmeeting. Please note new time. Introducing new networking events: Lunch meetings every third Thursday of the month 12.30pm-2.30pm Social drinks will be the final Friday of each month from 4.30pm onwards.


Thursday 20 October – 10am-12pm. B12 Bar & Kitchen, 12 High Street.

Bizzybirds is a networking group for women in the East Sussex area. Coffee, chat, advice, growth, support, help and more! Meet likeminded women in business. Tell us about your business and make new connections. £8. Booking via Paypal to jane@buzzybirds.co.uk. Please do let us know you are coming. Don’t forget your business cards! https://bizzybirds.co.uk/meetings-2/


St Wilfrids Hall, South Road, Hailsham.1st & 3rd Thursday of every month at 10.30am.

Social gatherings for people who live alone or are carers. If you live alone or are a carer why not join us for a cup of tea and a chat. For more information, contact Ken Tel: 01323 893340. Email: ken@ hailsham-friends.club


Summerheath Hall, Hailsham. Wednesdays 4.15-5.45pm

For children aged 4-12 and their parents/carers. With over 100kg of Lego to build with, including a selection of sets with instructions to build. Whether you would rather free build with the piles of Lego available, take part in the weekly build challenge or build a model kit with instructions, the choice is yours. As long as you love Lego, we’re here for you! Booking essential. For more information: facebook.com/groups/instructionsnotreq.


Meets on Wednesday evenings

If you’re aged 16-28 and have an interest in agriculture and being social then why not join Hailsham YFC? For more information, email: hailshamfyc@gmail.com or message the Club Social Media Pages Facebook: Hailsham Young Farmers. Instagram: @hailshamfyc


Hellingly Community hub, Hellingly - 1pm-3pm. Every second Tuesday of the month We do Yoga, Arts & Crafts. A Cuppa – there will even be cake!

If you’re interested in coming, please call us on 01424 722309! Or if emailing is easier, please email us on info@associationofcarers.org.uk


Bodle Street Hall, Wednesday evenings 8:00pm to 10:00pm.

The club welcomes new members. No need to bring a partner. Friendly, where help is given to any inexperienced dancers to Learn & enjoy for just £2 per evening. You will be guided by very experienced callers. These are the traditional dances of England accompanied by lovely music, plus contemporary ones too. Phone June: 07908 353968.


Thursday Evenings 7.30-9.30pm. St George’s Hall, Polegate

Do you enjoy a friendly fun surrounding? Are you free Thursday evenings? If yes, why don’t you come and try our choir? For further information please call 07967 562110


Tuesdays, 10am. Herstmonceux Village Hall

VIEW CRAFT is an independent voluntary organisation enabling people who are blind and partially-sighted to participate and enjoy art and craft activities. Crafts offered include mosaic work, chair caning and basket weaving, wood carving, working with fabrics and textiles – pegloom weaving, knitting, crochet and macramé – papier-mâché and painting. For more information, please contact the Secretary, Jean Wilson, on 01323 505764 or email jean.dolmeg@outlook.com


Every Thursday morning at 9.30am. Meet at the War Memorial Free one hour group walk. Just pop along. Open to everyone, no booking no commitment. Health Walks all led by trained volunteers.


Every second Saturday of the month – 9am-12.30pm. Hailsham Cattle Market, Market Street, Hailsham.

Pop by to visit and select local quality traceable produce and crafts, including fresh and cured meats, vegetables, plants, freshly laid eggs, freshly made bread, honey, chutneys, candles, beeswax body lotion and hand-made cards, plus lots more. Free on-site parking.


Every Saturday – 9am-1pm. Vicarage Field, Hailsham

Pop by to visit and select local quality food, gifts, crafts, confectionery and more. And when you’re done you can pop into one of the town’s popular establishments for some brunch, lunch or just for a drink. Make a day of it!


October 7 & 8, various screenings. Hailsham Pavilion, George Street, Hailsham.

‘String – the Musical’ is a brand new, specially-commissioned musical set in Hailsham and the surrounding area and is probably the most ambitious project the festival has undertaken in its 15-year history. Following last year’s triumphant Showcase Concert of songs from the show with Roger McGough as narrator, ‘String - the Musical’ will return on October 7th and 8th, 2022 as part of Hailsham Festival Extra.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 15 NEWS
haulaway-newspaper-quarter-page-ad.indd 1 15/04/2022 11:36
Are you holding a charity or non-profit event? For a FREE LISTING, email your details to: events@hailsham.news


Hundreds of residents turned up to witness the town’s official Proclamation of King Charles III.

The event took place at 4pm today (Sunday 11 September), and the town’s War Memorial, to read the Proclamation and announce the new King, following the death of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday at Balmoral.

In attendance were the Deputy Lieutenant of East Sussex, Chairman and other representatives from Wealden District Council, The Mayor and other Councillors from Hailsham Town Council and local veterans and emergency services staff.

The Chairman, Ron Read, read out the formal Proclamation which has been laid down by the Accession Council. After, the crowd cheered ‘God Save the King’, which was followed by three cheers for His Majesty the King.

The new National Anthem was played out and then attendees held a respectful period of silence and reflection.

Photos by Paul Gibson


Hailsham held a special service of remembrance on Sunday 18th September following the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Councillors, veterans and hundreds of residents took part in the ceremony which heard from the Town’s Mayor, Reverend, Town Crier and Poet Laurie Wilkinson.

It was a chance to witness the lighting of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee beacon for the last time which flickered throughout the evening.

It opened with a moving speech from Mayor Councillor Paul Holbrook – he said: “I have been touched by the tributes left at this memorial by the people of Hailsham which proves how much Her Majesty meant to us all.”

He was followed by Reverend Rory Graham, Associate Vicar from Hailsham Parish Church who held a prayer for the Royal Family and to remember the reign of Queen Elizabeth.

Local Poet Laurie Wilkinson then read a moving poem dedicated to the Queen and the Town Crier announced the official minute silence at 8pm.

The National Anthem was then sung by all in attendance, which was followed by three cheers for the King.

Residents and children from Grovelands Primary School laid flowers and tributes on the memorial throughout the evening.

Visit www.hailsham.news, or our Facebook page to see a full video of the ceremony.



For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 17


This is a short headline to fit into this position



I never got to meet our late Queen But I understand that many people had, Although that doesn’t really bother me I do find her tragic passing very sad. As she seemed to have been our queen For virtually all of my cognisant life. Presiding in maternal and caring way, To guide us along and ease our strife.





Is the Film Club choice at the Hailsham Pavilion for November, but it’s showing on November 1st, which is why it’s included here.

Iquatio. Dunt harunto istincil ex el is res dellest aliberit rehende poriatur remped etur, niminvella volorro ipicit reperio. Cepudit, is vollatu.

1978 was a great year for movie lovers in the UK. George Lucas released the first Star Wars in January and Steven Spielberg followed with Close Encounters in March. They were both groundbreaking films that entranced audiences of all ages and garnered multiple Oscar nominations (Star Wars won 6, Close Encounters, 1). In Close Encounters Richard Dreyfus once again takes the lead, doing a good solid job, as the linesman caught up in a developing mystery surrounding disappearances, strange lights in the sky and the Devil’s Tower Monument.

esidents in Hellingly have taken to the streets and won a battle to halt local construction traffic destroying the village roads and putting lives at risk. Campaigners finally had enough of the constant lorries taking a shortcut via Station Road and Church Road en route to local building sites operated They say the lorries are putting local schoolchildren in danger and damaging the roads and homes in the village. They carried out protests in two locations, the first outside of the site of the Old Nursery, and the second in the village at Church Road, where HGVs were stopped and asked why they were not using the main A267 route to the sites.

Based on the novella by Truman Capote and directed by Blake Edwards (of Pink Panther fame), this was always going to be a good film, but why is it a great film?

Residents fear the Victorian built bridge, part of the Hellingly Village’s ancient heritage could be destroyed by the weight and level of traffic passing through.

Hellingly resident of 40 years Gill Riches, said: “Station and Church Road residents have experienced a huge increase in volume and speed of traffic with much of the road and verges destroyed as convoys of lorries plough through the village leaving devastation in their wake.”

The story is summed up by George Peppard’s character, the young writer Paul Varjak, when he types, “There was once a very lovely girl. She lived alone except for a nameless cat”.

Traffic calming measures are in place including single track passing points, along with a 20 mph speed limit, but residents say it is not policed.

Alongside is the story of the scientists who are desperate to find a way to communicate with the advanced aliens with whom they are about to have an encounter of the “third kind”.

This is placeholder copy which has been position to show how text will look. was a well-respected and active member of the local community, having been elected on to the Town Council in May 2011 and serving as a member until 2015.

So now many moving words of tribute Are being said about this unique Lady, Who with majestic manner and dignity Steered us away from sorrow and shady Dealings following some leading figures That Her Majesty side-stepped well, As controversial relationships emerged Which deeply upset her, you could tell.

Representing what was then the Hailsham Central & North Ward, Griph served on various Town Council committees, including the Council Projects & Assets Committee and Planning & Development Committee.

Spielberg once again demonstrates his mastery in the way that the story is driven along, but also by touching the fears of the adult world and transforming them into the wonder experienced by a child.

Villager Nicola Phillips, said: “Villagers are literally taking their lives into their hands every day when they walk their children to the village school, go for a run or take their dog for a walk, in fear of being mown down or sworn at or abused. It’s horrendous.“

The very lovely girl is Holly Golightly, a New York socialite with a hidden past, who makes her way by dating rich men. The film is her story and gradually reveals her to be a sensitive and anguished woman behind her frivolous, quip-ridden exterior. Beauty such as hers can be a very dangerous thing, and not just for her.

Jessica Daley, a young Mum whose two small children attend Hellingly Village School believes it’s only a matter of time until there’s a serious accident. She commented: “The lorries charge down the road sometimes up to 12 of them in a row. I can’t bear to think what would happen if they hit a child. Taking my children to school is quite literally taking our lives into our hands. Sometimes I get home and just cry, it’s terrifying.”

To my mind there are two things that make this good film a great film.

Griph was also a local councillor for Nedleaw Dorpdn Cmndwaw, having been elected in 2011 to represent the same Hailsham ward and in 2015, the Uckfield Ridgewood Ward.

But continuing to serve and put country first This wonderful woman took it in her stride, So that now her time is tragically over We can regard her with an almighty pride. For certainly we won’t see her like again, As tears flow like from a fractured dam. So I will now join in with the multitudes With simple words of “thank you Ma’am”.

I’m not going to reveal the ending because there are people who will not have seen it before, but I can tell you that the film was nominated for the Oscar for Best Visual Effects and won for Best Cinematography and both of those are justified by the last 30 minutes.

As a town councillor, Griph helped many local residents with several diverse issues, including planning, housing, benefits, parking and perhaps most notably, public transport – of which he was extremely passionate and was responsible for many local initiatives to enable Hailsham residents greater access to bus and rail services.


The first is the casting of Audrey Hepburn. A lucky happenstance since the part had already been turned down by Marilyn Monroe and Shirley Maclean. Audrey Hepburn in real life was that vulnerable great beauty, and so she a brings a sense of truth to the part that I found very poignant, particularly in that final scene.

During the protests on 25th March, the group held placards and told the developers the issues they have with a megaphone. On one occasion during the morning, one of the HGVs stopped to throw abuse at the protesters.

Look out for the performance of legendary Director François Truffaut.

Several potatoes were hurt in the making of this movie…


The second is the main song of the film, Moon River, which won the Oscar in 1961 for Best Original Song. Long after the plot is forgotten, the song will still be sung. Having said all of that. Mickey Rooney. Really?

Michael Hix, Chair of Governors at Hellingly School said: “We understand and share the local community’s fears about traffic, especially heavy lorries, using Station Road. We have made contact with local councils, including the County Council, our MP and others regarding our concerns about the increased traffic, heavy goods vehicles and the risk to our pupils and families. Station Road is not designed for heavy lorries and we have argued further, effective improvements are needed to keep our pupils and families safe.”

Just hours after the protests, there was good news, when Lance Taylor, Chief Officer of the Gallagher Group which operates the trucks promised he would make immediate changes.

He told Hailsham News: “We were emailed by our client’s buyer earlier today, asking us to update our aggregate delivery order/tickets, instructing drivers they must turn right on exiting the site and they cannot



Fresh Water Fishing Section

Wheel of Chance


Themed Evenings


Drinks Raffle


He added: “We are also investigating the reported behaviour of one of our drivers as we have four-way cameras that would have recorded the events with sound. Any inappropriate behaviour will lead to disciplinary

Snooker Tables

Meat Raffle


Hailsham News also contacted Councillor David White who said: “I am delighted with the action taken by condition of Park Road and the abuse by contractors visiting the Jenner’s development site in Park Road that continue to use the local roads through the Village in contravention of the terms of the site travel plan.”

Snooker League

He added: “One of the Parish Councillors has recently provided photographic evidence of offending HGVs that With the added action being taken by the residents perhaps enforcement action

Shove Halfpenny

Quiz Night


Sea Fishing Section



This is placeholder copy which has been position to show how text will look. member of the local community, having been elected on to the Town Council in May 2011 and serving as a member Representing what was then the Hailsham Central & North Ward, Griph served on various Town Council committees, including the Council Projects & Assets Committee and Planning & Development Committee. Griph was also a local councillor for Nedleaw Dorpdn Cmndwaw, having been elected in 2011 to represent the same Hailsham ward and in 2015, the Uckfield Ridgewood Ward.


As a town councillor, Griph helped many local residents with several diverse issues, including planning, housing, benefits, parking and perhaps most notably, public transport – of which he was extremely passionate and was responsible for many local initiatives to enable Hailsham residents greater access to bus and rail services.


As ‘oversight councillor’ for transport links, Griph was founder and Chairman of the Nedleaw Bus Alliance (originally the Hailsham Bus Alliance), founding member of the Hailsham Quality Bus Partnership and director of the Access2Healthcare scheme, which assisted patients needing transport to doctors’ surgeries in the Hailsham area

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 18 NEWS
Photo caption
“Iquatio. Dunt harunto istincil ex el is res dellest aliberit rehende poriatur remped etur, niminvella volorro ipicit reperio. Cepudit, is vollatu.”
43 Vicarage Field, Hailsham, BN27 1BG 01323 842468 hailshamclub@live.co.uk

This is a short headline to fit into this position


Nusrat Ghani, is launching her annual Christmas card competition and is inviting all primary schools in Wealden to take part.

Every child at every primary school in Wealden is invited to participate and submit a design following the theme of Christmas in Wealden or reflecting on positive stories and events over the past year.

Iquatio. Dunt harunto istincil ex el is res dellest aliberit rehende poriatur remped etur, niminvella volorro ipicit reperio. Cepudit, is vollatu.

The winning design will be featured on Nusrat’s Christmas card, which will be delivered to hundreds of people across Wealden and nationwide, including to the Prime Minister.

The drawings can be in felt tip, crayon, paint etc and should be in A4 format, either portrait or landscape.

The design must be an original piece of work completed entirely by the pupil.

This is placeholder copy which has been position to show how text will look. was a well-respected and active member of the local community, having been elected on to the Town Council in May 2011 and serving as a member until 2015.

Representing what was then the Hailsham Central & North Ward, Griph served on various Town Council committees, including the Council Projects & Assets Committee and Planning & Development Committee.

Please post all entries to the competition to:

Nusrat Ghani MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA and ensure that every submission has the child’s full name, school, and class or year group written on the back.

Griph was also a local councillor for Nedleaw Dorpdn Cmndwaw, having been elected in 2011 to represent the same Hailsham ward and in 2015, the Uckfield Ridgewood Ward.

Nusrat Ghani said: “The Christmas card competition has been a highlight of my seasonal activities since its first launch in 2015 and I hope that it will bring a little early Christmas cheer to Wealden pupils. The winning design will be featured on the front of my Christmas card, and two shortlisted entries will also appear on the back. I am always impressed by the quality and creativity of the

Residents fear the Victorian built bridge, part of the Hellingly Village’s ancient heritage could be destroyed by the weight and level of traffic passing through.

Hellingly resident of 40 years Gill Riches, said: “Station and Church Road residents have experienced a huge increase in volume and speed of traffic with much of the road and verges destroyed as convoys of lorries plough through the village leaving devastation in their wake.”

entries and the bar is set high following last year’s winning designs from High Hurstwood CEP, St Michael’s CEP Withyham, and Hailsham’s Grovelands Community primary school. I look forward to receiving all festive designs by Monday 31st October.”


As a town councillor, Griph helped many local residents with several diverse issues, including planning, housing, benefits, parking and perhaps most notably, public transport – of which he was extremely passionate and was responsible for many local initiatives to enable Hailsham residents greater access to bus and rail services.

£1.2 billion bus transformation programme. The £41,415,025 will deliver vital improvements to bus networks across Wealden and East Sussex including infrastructure, fixed route and timetabled services and flexible services with improved frequencies, later evening services and improved weekend services, fare reductions and bus stop improvements including the provision of high-quality interchanges, more and improved bus shelters and more real-time information at stops.

Traffic calming measures are in place including single track passing points, along with a 20 mph speed limit, Villager Nicola Phillips, said: “Villagers are literally taking their lives into their hands every day when they walk their children to the village school, go for a run or take their dog for a walk, in fear of being mown down or Jessica Daley, a young Mum whose two small children attend Hellingly Village School believes it’s only a matter of time until there’s a serious accident. She commented: “The lorries charge down the road sometimes up to 12 of them in a row. I can’t bear to think what would happen if they hit a child. Taking my children to school is quite literally taking our lives into our hands. Sometimes I get home and just cry, it’s terrifying.”


And Nusrat Ghani, MP, has also welcomed the announcement that East Sussex County Council will receive £41.4 million to implement its Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP).

East Sussex County Council has been confirmed to receive funding to improve local bus services through the Government’s

As ‘oversight councillor’ for transport links, Griph was founder and Chairman of the

Nusrat Ghani said: “I am pleased that East Sussex County Council is receiving this funding allocation to transform local bus infrastructure and increase the use of public transport in the area. Bus services are a vital means of transport for many Wealden residents and this investment will help connect communities in East Sussex and deliver better, more reliable and more frequent services across the region.”

Twitter: @nus_ghani

Facebook: www.facebook.com/NusGhaniofficial

Following Liz Truss taking over as leader of the Conservative Party and therefore as prime minister, Nusrat Ghani was appointed as The Minister of State, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

During the protests on 25th March, the group held placards and told the developers the issues they have with a megaphone. On one occasion during the morning, one of the HGVs stopped to throw abuse at the protesters. Michael Hix, Chair of Governors at Hellingly School said: “We understand and share the local community’s fears about traffic, especially heavy lorries, using Station Road. We have made contact with local councils, including the County Council, our MP and others regarding our concerns about the increased traffic, heavy goods vehicles and the risk to our pupils and families. Station Road is not designed for heavy lorries and we have argued further, effective improvements are needed to keep our pupils and families safe.”

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 19 NEWS
“Iquatio. Dunt harunto istincil ex el is res dellest aliberit rehende poriatur remped etur, niminvella volorro ipicit reperio. Cepudit, is vollatu.”
With the added action being taken by the residents perhaps enforcement action



Sometime in the dim, distant past a baker decided to jazz up his wares by sprinkling his savoury baked goods with sesame seeds, this was obviously prior to any business asking for feedback from their customer base as if he had sought some response then I am sure everyone would have said there was as much use as a one-legged man is a bum kicking contest. Sesame seeds have to be the most pointless addition to any baked product as they don’t even seem to care if they achieve the one job they are given, most of the little non-descript seeds are put onto an item and manage to fall off and disappear quicker than a cheesecake at a FatFighters meeting.

The manufacturers of the packets of sesame seeds seen in every ‘Home Baking’ aisle must be laughing themselves silly knowing that their business could be decimated if people saved the seeds at the bottom of the plastic bag of bagels, rolls and bread, instead, they get scattered on the worktop, sink, floor and every horizontal surface within a 5-metre radius…. I’m of the opinion that I only eat 15% of the sesame seeds that the manufacturer intended me to!

I’m also wondering if there is a group of

dental surgeries that have shares in granary loaf producers, I appreciate its healthier and better for you as that’s what Nat (my better other half) tells me but I’m not sure my molars agree as I chomp down on another granite-like barley seed. I wonder if the GRAN in granary indicates the presence of granite, it certainly feels like it sometimes.

When I was a kid there were only two types of bread which were quite simply white and brown, nowadays the bread aisle in most supermarkets is bigger than the spirits aisle and there is NO WAY that bread trumps alcohol…when was the last party you went to where everyone had a great time with ‘sarnie shots’ or you decided to stay for another few because someone had just got a round of sandwiches in?

That said I will admit I quite like the variety of bread and rolls available to us in Hailsham, beyond the supermarket offerings we are lucky to have independent bakers who tantalise us with all manner of cakes, pies, breads and rolls which could be the reason why I’m Hailsham’s own chubby close-up magician!

One more thing, what are sesame seeds and if I plant one will it grow into a sesame tree? Until next time people!

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 20



Wlockdown when Jacqui Brown was out walking her dogs along the A22 and saw how much litter was being thrown from cars.

So, she decided to turn her daily exercise into a “litter pick”.

A few weeks later she saw others picking litter and had a ‘light bulb moment’ and thought “maybe there are others like me”!

So, she placed an advert on a local Facebook group for a group litter pick.

Wealden District Council donated 10 sets of litter picking equipment and Jacqui was amazed when 15 people turned up to that first pick!

On their first pick, they collected along the A22 and filled 35 sacks of rubbish.

Jacqui said: “We have also been so lucky to be sponsored by some local businesses to help buy equipment, PPE and signs. We advertise the picks on our own social media

borrow equipment and join in.

There’s no commitment, come if you can.”

It’s not all hard work though, they often go for breakfast after a pick and people also bring children and dogs to those picks that are suitable and safe.

There’s no stopping the Wealden Wombles now; they’ve joined up with other groups on larger projects including the Diplocks stream clean.

The Wombles target different areas based on the amount of litter and the picks are usually around two hours long at the weekend and one hour long in the evening.

Even though the Wealden Wombles are trying to do their bit to stop people throwing out litter, many of the Wombles hang on to their equipment and litter pick around where they live.

So, if you fancy joining in search for Wealden Wombles on Facebook.

WWednesday 5th October between 11am-3pm.

The crematorium in Horam is set in 30 acres of landscaped grounds surrounded by by wildflower meadows and woodland.

The crematorium seats over 120 mourners, has ample car parking. Services can also be shown outside and via the internet.

There are Gardens of Remembrance and vaults where ashes can rest peacefully.

The crematorium has donated more than £40,000 to charities in the district through the ICCM Metals Recycling Scheme which, with written consent, allows bereaved families to donate metals after a cremation.

Councillor Pam Doodes, Wealden’s Community and Public Health portfolio holder said, “Death is still a difficult subject for many of us to talk about, so for many hosting an open day at a crematorium may, at first, seem a little strange.

“The reason we are opening our doors to the public is to give an opportunity for people, from Wealden, East Sussex and further afield to come, take a look and ask questions to staff in a relaxed and friendly way atmosphere.”Visit www. wealdencrematorium.co.uk for information.



before Saudi Arabian women had the right to obtain a driving

Wis an Elizabethan and has been a part of the rock that was which modern Britain was built, and flourished.

positive ways

Elizabeth, in South Africa, in a speech broadcast on radio, the Commonwealth, she most assuredly delivered upon that pledge.

was the first mighty public event in British television history heralding the reign of Her Majesty for the next seventy years and more

An award-winning arts and educational charity based in East Sussex.

This fantastic charity support, encourage and educate those from underprivileged backgrounds, helping them become an active and beneficial part of their local community.

This is achieved from one person’s vision and dream - Mr Wyntercon himself, Andy Kybett and the team Colm Sweet and Verity Webb.

How is this all achieved? Educational Workshops are available to everyone and exist to provide a springboard for creative minds to explore their passions. All workshops are based within curriculum key stages.

They have worked tirelessly to construct an organisation that is accessible to all.

Inclusion is at the very heart of what they do, and everything is exclusively not-for-profit to support those from underprivileged backgrounds.

Enthusiastic and passionate cosplayers use their creative talents and bring to life their favourite characters to entertain us all.

They’re passionate about providing a platform for people to discover their skills and passions by giving them the confidence through the worlds of Sci-Fi & fantasy.

Annual Comic-Con Style Events

A fundraising showcase in aid of the charity.

The events themselves are organised by the trading subsidiary, Promethean Promotions Ltd.

The event’s purpose is to raise funds for, and awareness of, the charity’s activities and workshops that run throughout the year. Now regarded as one of the biggest family-friendly events of its type on the south coast, it has become part of the local calendar. Their next event “Wyntercon X” will take place on Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th October 2023 at Eastbourne’s Winter Garden and the exhibition halls in the adjacent Welcome Building. The commercial trading arm and subsidiary of Wyntercon (Charity Number 1178076) organise, manage and promote activities and events to generate funds for the charity. Contact: info@wyntercon.org, www.wyntercon.org

During the 2012 Olympic Games, she appeared with James Bond followed nearly a decade later by an appearance with Paddington Bear during the Platinum Jubilee.

How fitting that the final picture of the Queen should have been her greeting her final Prime Minister, smiling that warm radiant smile that always transformed her face and instantly rolled back the years, the same smile that lit up Westminster Abbey on her wedding day. Despite her frailty, she was still discharging her constitutional duties, facilitating the transition of power for the fourteenth time during her reign.

We, Elizabethans owe her an unimaginable debt. Rest in Peace,

Future Meeting dates - 2022

- Breakfast Networking meeting – Venue: B12

- Lunch Networking meeting – Venue: TBA

- Social Drinks –Venue: B12 Bar & Kitchen, Hailsham.


Mfor one of its popular social meetings in Herstmonceux.

The Summer Barbecue was attended by around 25 members and was an opportunity to talk business and network over a burger or hotdog, supplied by Hailshambased outside catering company Catering by Bucklers.

Chairman Clive Soper said: “It was great to see our members come together, some with their families, not only to socialise but also gather some valuable business contacts.”

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 22 NEWS

Bentley Grange Extra Care Scheme

Hailsham House is proud to announce the opening of Beech House – a newly refurbished 32bed care facility situated in the grounds of the home. Beech House boasts the latest automated care/ call-system for people with dementia and nursing care needs.

The beautifully designed rooms, which are all en-suite, are decorated to the personal taste of each resident before they arrive. Beech House is also home to an on-site hair and beauty salon, a deluxe spa bathroom,relaxing communal areas and beautiful landscaped gardens.

The on-site wellbeing services, kitchenettes and laundry facilities provide the perfect blend of independent living with 24-hour support – an ideal way to transition if a little extra care is required. Hailsham House has always been highly regarded for its friendly, effective care.

A beautifully appointed café called ‘Daphne’s’ is situated in the main communal area of Beech House creating a warm and friendly community atmosphere. Residents

can relax, dine and socialise with friends, family and staff throughout the day. The café was named after Daphne Marchant, a former resident of Hailsham House and the mother-in-law to John Godden, Director of Salutem senior Living – the home’s new management company.

Although separate to the main home, Beech House is set within the grounds of Hailsham House providing easy access between both homes. This allows the home to cater for couples with varying needs, allowing them to remain together and find the right package to suit them both.

Beech House is surrounded by the most beautiful gardens which can be enjoyed all year round. The site also has an allotment where many residents enjoy spending time helping to grow and produce fresh fruit and vegetables which are donated to the local food banks.

If you would like to find out more about Beech House, or if you would like a guided tour of the home, please get in touch.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 23
look forward to hearing from you! Call or email now on: JOIN Carewatch ✓ Comprehensive induction and ongoing training ✓ Opportunity to gain nationally recognised qualifications ✓ Great rates of pay ✓ Flexible working hours ✓ Job satisfaction every day WE ARE LOOKING FOR CARE ASSISTANTS FOR OUR EXTRA CARE SCHEME IN HAILSHAM Join us now and receive up to a welcome bonus* £1000 *T’s & C’s available on application WWW.CAREWATCH.CO.UK
406189 recruitmentbentley@carewatch.co.uk
BEECH HOUSE HAS ARRIVED! Contact Hailsham House Tel: 013233 442 050 Email: contact.hailshamhouse@aurem-care.com Web: salutemseniorliving.com/hailsham-house
Nestled away in a quiet and rural setting on the outskirts of Hailsham, East Sussex, is Hailsham House, a 90-bed care home providing residential, nursing and specialist dementia care.


Deputy Town Clerk and Business Enterprise Manager Mickey Caira said: “The percentage of vacant commercial units in Hailsham has decreased considerably during the last quarter and still falls below the current regional and national averages, which is excellent news for Hailsham. Hailsham is definitely the place to be for all shopping needs.”

Mr Caira added: “Linked to this, while it may be tempting to shop solely online, people need to consider all of the implications for local bricks and mortar businesses. Many Hailsham residents haven’t yet incorporated buying local into their lifestyles and it’s imperative that people realise what unique benefits local products have to offer.”


Lvacant ground floor commercial units.

According to a recent vacancy rate survey conducted by Springboard, the percentage of vacant ground floor units in Hailsham currently stands at 5.1%, a significant drop from the 6.2% recorded in April 2022. This also compares to a current regional/Southeast average of 9.9% and a national average of 11.2%.

During the past few years, the town centre has welcomed a range of new businesses, including those which have expanded and subsequently relocated to larger premises and retail spaces.

“By switching your shopping habits and supporting your local shops, you can make a big difference and really help to keep Hailsham buzzing and prevent further vacant retail units in the town.”

Cllr Nigel Coltman, Vice-Chairman of the Town Council’s Communities Committee said he is delighted to see Hailsham’s business activity strengthening and expects to see continual improvement in the future: “The Town Council and Hailsham Forward have key priorities to work with local businesses to deliver plans to help address the issue of empty shops further and work towards a 100% occupancy rate for retail and business units.”


veterans and local dignitaries together with Hailsham army and air cadets from the car park adjacent to the Charles Hunt Centre in Vicarage Field, commencing at 10.35am.

The Parade will finish at the Hailsham War Memorial, in time for a wreath laying service, playing of the Last Post and two minutes silence at 11am.

Immediately after the service at the War Memorial, attendees are warmly invited to return to Hailsham Parish Church for hot drinks as in previous years.

The Town Mayor and Chairman of Hailsham Town Council, Cllr Paul Holbrook, issued the following statement in September, concerning the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Proclamation of King Charles III.

“It was with great sadness that we have heard of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Her Majesty’s eventful and extraordinary life has without hesitation or falter, been dedicated to serving the people, and the Town Council paid tribute to her unflagging dedication, and selfless devotion to duty, as well as her deep level of commitment and generosity-of-spirit.”

“Her Majesty lived a life of selfless devotion to the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, and her passing was a cause for great sadness to each and every one of us.”

“Her Majesty took the throne in 1952, making her the longest-serving British monarch in history, and for many - in fact the majority of people in the UKshe has been a constant throughout their lives and reigned through some troubled times and significant social and historical change throughout her life. Her passing brought to a close a lifetime of extraordinarily dedicated public service and it goes without saying that her death marked the end of an era.”

“I’d like to thank residents for attending the various commemorative events held in Hailsham during the national period of mourning, including the witnessing of the town’s official Proclamation of King Charles IIIannouncing the new monarch.”

“It was the first time in a generation that we observed the proclamation of a new monarch and head of state. The reading of the Proclamation at the Hailsham War Memorial was an important constitutional milestone to mark the succession, whilst paying our respects to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.”

Preparations are underway by the Town Council, Royal British Legion Hailsham & District branch and Hailsham Parish Church for this year’s Remembrance Day Parade and Service, to commemorate those who have sacrificed their lives in the armed forces and civilian members of Britain and the Commonwealth who also lost their lives.

The Town Mayor will join fellow councillors and representatives from the Armed Forces, their families, veterans and local organisations for a Remembrance Sunday Morning Service at Hailsham Parish Church on Sunday 13th November at 9.30am.

After the Morning Service, there will be a Parade of the Hailsham & District Standard followed by Armed Forces

“This Remembrance Service is an opportunity and a time for us to reflect and remember the sacrifices made both in the past and in current conflicts and thank them,” said Town Mayor Councillor Paul Holbrook, urging people to take time out to remember the fallen. “It is important that as a community we continue to remember those who lost their lives for their country and the Act of Remembrance continues to be of great significance to the people of Hailsham, including the members and staff of the Town Council.”

“It is a privilege for the Town Council to be supporting The Royal British Legion Hailsham & District Branch again in terms of organising this year’s Remembrance Day eventsand marking the occasion - and I would encourage as many people as possible to come along and pay their respects.”

For further information on forthcoming Remembrance Day Services, email elizabethsnowdon1@yahoo.com or call 01323 841702.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 24 NEWS


Left to the elements, sun umbrellas will become discoloured, and barbecues begin to rust. If you lack sufficient garden storage buy some protective covers or tarpaulin - they’re relatively cheap, and a definite investment. Plus it’s always a special moment when you take the covers off again on the first warm day of Spring!

Get unclogging

Increased rain plus fallen leaves can clog gutters and drains, so make a point of removing any built-up debris now to avoid trouble later. The weight of the debris can cause the gutter to pull away from the fascia board which also causes damage. Between water overflowing and the weight of debris, the wood behind your gutter can rot and cause serious leaks.

Repair fences

Get ready for Winter winds by taking stock of wooden fencing. Pay particular attention to fence posts - if you catch potential problems early enough, a simple fence post repair kit can save you the time and effort of replacing an entire panel following a Winter storm.

Now you can curl up inside with that cosy blanket and mug of hot chocolate. Nothing left to do but relax, safe in the knowledge that your garden is fully prepared for Autumn.

over from the Summer, tidy your borders, clear out your gutters, and more.

your Autumn garden. A little work now will be repaid come Spring!

Grass will grow more slowly over the Winter months, but it won’t stop completely. Autumn often brings increased rainfall, and waterlogging will make mowing a challenge even before the winter frosts set in, so be on the lookout for a dry day to tick this one off the list. Now is also the time to give your lawn a feed with an Autumn lawn food. This will help strengthen the grass during cold and wet weather.

Clear debris

Whether it’s fallen fruit around a tree, or foliage from roses, now

If you have tender or half-hardy plants in your garden, bring them from outside into the home, don’t forget to check the compost carefully for insects and snails first.

Plant bulbs

Spring might seem far away now, but it’ll be here before you know it. So plant Spring-flowering bulbs now. September is the best time to plant them, but any time in Autumn is fine if you missed the early boat. Plant tulip bulbs in November once the soil has cooled down. Store

About the Author: Helen Say is a freelance copywriter and blogger www.cblservices.co.uk

garden furniture


John Newton, an 87-yearold former member of the Kenya Police now lives in Eastbourne and is probably the only person alive who knows how Princess Elizabeth heard she had become Queen. He recalls the few hours before Princess Elizabeth acceded to the throne on the evening of February 6th, 1952, while she was visiting Kenya.

John, an author supporting Hailsham events who was in the Kenya Police for eight years, said that a call came through from Police Headquarters in Nairobi with the news that Princess Elizabeth’s father, King George VI, had died and that she was now Queen. As they were on duty, he and colleagues were ordered to get the news to the new Queen immediately.

John, a member of Anderida Writers and hospital radio broadcaster said that when he arrived at Queens residence he told the African manager he had an important message for the Royal party.

A short phone call brought an equerry from the lift. He then relayed the news to an equerry who then told wait.

He continued: “Two minutes later Prince Philip strode from the lift, towered over my quite short friend, and demanded, ‘Well. What is it you have to tell me?’

“It seemed that the equerry wanted the Royal couple to hear direct from the bearer of the news so the young Inspector repeated that the King had died in his sleep and the Princess had acceded to the throne several hours ago.

“After a moment’s silence, Prince Philip said, ‘Oh bloody hell. I’d better go and tell her.’

He turned and marched back into the lift, leaving my friend to make his way carefully back to Sagana.

“I asked him what he thought of his little adventure after all these years.

“He smiled and said, ‘Well I suppose I was a very small cog in a major bit if history.’”



with John Bowler, narrator




Hailsham Pavilion, George St, Hailsham, www.hailshampavilion.co.uk • 01323 841414

Tickets: £10. £7.50 for groups of 10 or more


Long renowned for its industrial manufacture of rope, Hailsham can now also boast a community music-drama which entertainingly weaves story and song to celebrate its native string. A witty and telling text by Stephen Plaice gives rich opportunity for Tony Biggin’s memorable melodies that his clutch of musicals and choral works have led us to expect.

Alec Davison - Theatre Director

If you want a great night out with fabulous music, I highly recommend this musical. The Mayor of Hailsham,

String takes the intertwining ropemaking process as its central theme and binds together different strands of time into a central love story that runs through one Hailsham woman’s life. A blend of the music of the First World War, Sixties pop and contemporary love-songs, it’s highly suitable for young and old audiences alike. It will be given three performances at Hailsham’s Pavilion Theatre. If you are at a loose end on October 7th and 8th, you’ll enjoy being tied up with ‘String’.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 26 NEWS
doesn’t do what it says on the
John Bowler has appeared in many notable Theatre productions including A Patriot for Me at the RSC, and the critically acclaimed Popcorn UK Tour. John’s numerous television credits include DCI Banks, WPC56, Casualty, and a long running character in The Bill. Councillor Paul Holbrook


Sam Beale from Stevens and Carter, Joined forces with the John Whippy Foundation and took part in a foot blistering 8 hour, 18 mile hike over the South Downs last month.

The groups started at Polegate Railway Station, over to Butts Brow, Alfriston, Firle Beacon, Firle, Glynde and finally over Caburn Hill into Lewes.

The John Whippy Foundation a local registered charity that has



‘OIEO’ 430,000

been established to raise funds for the benefit of sick, disabled or disadvantaged children under the age of 18 within East Sussex. The walk had been organised specifically to raise money for a 10 Year Old girl named Nicola.

Nicola was diagnosed with a Brain Tumour back in 2018 and requires ongoing care.

The money raised by this walk will go to help contribute to the cost of her private treatment that she is currently receiving.


‘OIEO’ £450,000

3D Virtual Tour | Substantial House | Spread Over Three Floors | Driveway | Parking Space

At Front | Garage | Easy To Manage Garden | Versatile Accommodation | Kitchen-Diner | Three Bath/Shower Rooms | 24FT Lounge | Gas Central Heating | Closeby Acres of Parkland | Prestigious Roebuck park Development.

Situated within the Prestigious Roebuck Park Development, we are pleased to offer this substantial semi-detached house spread across three floors. Inside this wonderful house is so versatile and accommodating to growing families with FIVE double bedrooms, three bath/shower rooms, a study/sunroom.

On the ground floor there are two double bedrooms, a shower room, study/sunroom, understairs cupboard and garage. On the first floor there is a whopping 24FT dual aspect lounge, spacious kitchen-dining room and a separate WC while on the second floor is another three double bedrooms with the master benefitting ensuite shower room and there is a family bathroom and large walk in cupboard currently used as a wardrobe.

3D Virtual Tour | Cul-De-Sac Location | Driveway & Garage | Good Sized Gardens | Conservatory | Well Presented | Walkable To Town | Desirable Location | Three Reception Rooms | Log Burner | Gas Central Heating.

Situated with a Cul-De-Sac off ‘The Grove’ we are pleased to present this immaculately presented four bedroom detached house complete with driveway, garage and a nicely sized mainly lawned rear garden.

Inside, this wonderful house is arranged thus; entrance hall, lounge, dining room, conservatory, kitchen, wc, stairs to the first floor, main bedroom with ensuite, three further bedrooms and a family bathroom. The rear garden is laid mainly to lawn with a patio area and decked area while to the front there is a block paved driveway and further lawned area.

To explore this wonderful opportunity please take a look at our 3D Virtual Tour online teamed up with our professional photography before calling us for an accompanied viewing.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 27 Stevens and Carter • www.stevensandcarter.co.uk • Hailsham: 01323 840444 • Lettings: 01323 840666


part of the Hellingly Village’s ancient heritage could be destroyed by the weight and level of traffic passing through.

Sell first or buy first? Solving the home moving ‘CATCH 22’ conundrum

Hellingly resident of 40 years Gill Riches, said: “Station and Church Road residents have experienced a huge increase in volume and speed of traffic with much of the road and verges destroyed as convoys of lorries plough through the village leaving devastation in their wake.”

Traffic calming measures are in place including single track passing points, along with a 20 mph speed limit, but residents say it is not policed.

This is a short headline to fit into this position

This is placeholder copy which has been position to show how text will look. a well-respected and active member of the local community, having been elected on to the Town Council in May 2011 and serving as a member until 2015.

Central & North Ward, Griph served on various Town Council committees, including the Council Projects & Assets Committee and Planning & Development Committee.

esidents in Hellingly have taken to the streets and won a battle to halt local construction traffic destroying the village roads and putting lives at risk.

ROne of the questions we are asked every day is whether a seller should place their property on the market before or after they have found a home to purchase.

Villager Nicola Phillips, said: “Villagers are literally taking their lives into their hands every day when they walk their children to the village school, go for a run or take their dog for a walk, in fear of being mown down or sworn at or abused. It’s horrendous.“

Dorpdn Cmndwaw, having been elected in 2011 to represent the same Hailsham ward and in 2015, the Uckfield Ridgewood Ward.


Many sellers express that they are keen to move but would prefer to withhold selling their home until a suitable property becomes available.

Campaigners finally had enough of the constant lorries taking a shortcut via Station Road and Church Road en route to local building sites operated by Jenners. They say the lorries are putting local schoolchildren in danger and damaging the roads and homes in the village. They carried out protests in two locations, the first outside of the site of the Old Nursery, and the second in the village at Church Road, where HGVs were stopped and asked why they were not using the main A267 route to the sites.

Residents fear the Victorian built bridge,

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During the protests on 25th March, the group held placards and told the developers the issues they have with a megaphone. On one occasion during the morning, one of the HGVs stopped to throw abuse at the protesters.

local residents with several diverse issues, including planning, housing, benefits, parking and perhaps most notably, public transport – of which he was extremely passionate and was responsible for many local initiatives to enable Hailsham residents greater access to bus and rail services.

Town Clerk John Harrison offered his condolences on behalf of Hailsham Town Council: “Griph was a popular and wellrespected town councillor, having served the community well and caring passionately about Hailsham and its residents. We are all greatly upset by the news that our friend has passed away.”

Michael Hix, Chair of Governors at Hellingly School said: “We understand and share the local community’s fears about traffic, especially heavy lorries, using Station Road. We have made contact with local councils, including the County Council.

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Griph was founder and Chairman of the Nedleaw Bus Alliance (originally the Hailsham Bus Alliance), founding member of the Hailsham Quality Bus Partnership and director of the Access2Healthcare scheme, which assisted patients needing transport to doctors’ surgeries in the Hailsham area and Nedleaw district.

Griph’s funeral was held at the Nedleaw

“I know I speak for all my colleagues at the Town Council, as well as the wider community when I say that Griph will be sorely missed. Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time.” Town Mayor & Chairman of Hailsham Town Council, Paul Holbrook commented: “I can only add to the many wonderful messages.

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literally taking their lives into their hands every day when they walk their children to the village school, go for a run or take their dog for a walk, in fear of being mown down or

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Residents in Hellingly have taken to the streets and won a battle to halt local construction traffic destroying the village roads and putting lives at risk. Campaigners finally had enough of the constant lorries taking a shortcut via Station Road and Church Road en route to local building sites operated by Jenners. They say the lorries are putting local schoolchildren in danger and damaging the roads and homes in the village. They carried out protests in two locations, the first outside of the site of the Old Nursery, and the second in the village at Church Road, where HGVs were stopped and asked why they were not using the main A267 route to the sites.

Residents fear the Victorian built bridge, part of the Hellingly Village’s ancient heritage


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During the protests on 25th March, the group held placards and told the developers the issues they have with a megaphone. On one occasion during the morning, one of the HGVs stopped to throw abuse at the protesters.

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Michael Hix, Chair of Governors at Hellingly School said: “We understand and share the local community’s fears about traffic, especially heavy lorries, using Station Road. We have made contact with local councils, including the County Council, our MP and others regarding our concerns.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 29 NEWS
Photo caption


Would you like your sports club or team to appear in these pages? If so, simply email: editor@hailsham.news



Griph was also a local councillor for Nedleaw Dorpdn Cmndwaw, having been elected in 2011 to represent the same Hailsham ward and in 2015, the Uckfield Ridgewood Ward.

As a town councillor, Griph helped many local residents with several diverse issues,

about Hailsham and its residents. We are all greatly upset by the news that our friend has passed away.”

“give women a sense of community around the Hailsham area.”

Fighting Fit Boxing Academy welcomed 35 youngsters who turned up to give boxing a go and see if they’re the next Rocky!

“I know I speak for all my colleagues at the Town Council, as well as the wider community when I say that Griph will be sorely missed.

Hailsham Mayor Cllr Paul Holbrook was there to encourage everyone and he put his past boxing skills into practice in a sparring session with Founder Hannah Isom.

The academy was originally a space for women only boxing as training with men isn’t allowed. The sessions have proved to be extremely popular with around 30 women taking part.

Due to the popularity of Fighting Fit’s women only boxing lessons, they will be starting sessions at Hailsham Community College soon to work with young ladies and help boost their confidence.

Hannah’s started the Academy as she felt the women of East Hailsham needed support and by starting the club she was able to

She said: “As the sessions were going on, they were finding that it was really helping them with their mental health.”

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Now Hannah has launched Fighting Fit’s new evening children and teen sessions which meet at the East Hailsham Community Centre at 6pm on Mondays.

Fighting Fit isn’t just about having fun and playing around, everyone is taught how to box in a safe environment as all Fighting Fit’s coaches are trained to coach and are fully England Boxing Qualified.

Joining Hannah in the coaching team are Marie, Jade and Helena who all are volunteers and mums and give up their time to the youngsters to help boost sports in the local area and improve people’s mental health through boxing.

Fighting Fit are also launching an appeal to find full time premises

that they can move into and create the perfect East Hailsham boxing gym.

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At the moment, because they are based in the East Hailsham Community Centre, the coaches must take all the boxing gloves and kit home in their cars after every session so Hannah is desperate to find premises in East Hailsham.

She said on their first night: “There was so much potential in the children that turned up. If we didn’t find a gym, we’ll be holding them back. They were all really good and they all listened really well. They all said that they want to come next week as well!”

If you want to know more or if you can help them find suitable premises, you can search for Fighting Fit Boxing Academy on Facebook or email them at fightingfitff@gmail.com


The first weekend of September kick-started a full season of running ahead with local club Hailsham Harriers taking part in a number of racing events both home and away.

First to take place was the Rye 5K on September 2nd and this was the final race in the Rye Summer Series.

Hailsham’s Ross Brocklehurst took the race win in 16mins:45secs with Aislinn Darvell 18:54 being the first for the ladies making it a double win for the Hailsham Harriers.

Harriers club legend Bill Fraser placed second in the V70 category with a time of 25:40.

Duo Ross and Aislinn also secured the win for the Men and the Ladies across the series with Ross defending his title from last year’s event.

On Sunday the Battle Bonfire Boyes 10K, graced the streets of Battle.

Lianne Leakey finished second in 42:30 and Ladies Captain Helen O’Sullivan came third in 44:27. Carl Barton raced to a new personal best time of 40:45.

Then Harriers David Woollard and Gary Crossan ran in London’s Big Half. David finished the 13.1-mile distance in a rapid time of 1:21:17 and Gary Crossan ran a new PB of 1:36:03. Both will join 40,000+ others on October 2nd as they both take part in the London Marathon 2022.

Also, Hailsham Harriers has started the “Couch to 5k” fitness training (C25K) based on the NHS and England Athletics programme for 9 weeks.

17 people were part of the first session around the Country Park lake footpath with a mix of jog and walking with some exercises.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 30 SPORT
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Hailsham Hockey Club’s Ladies 1s had a very early start to their Saturday playing Horsham 2s away at 10am.

the ball in across the D to Katie Bates who slipped the ball to Sue Cable who put the ball in off the post.

This year was a year of success at Hailsham Cricket Club with achievements on and off the field to celebrate and look back on.

The 1st XI secured their highest ever finish in the league pyramid with fourth in Sussex Division 4 East, the 2nd XI and 4th XI won their respective divisions in style.

The Roses team won the Sussex Slam as they defeated Bognor in the final, the perfect way to end a season of personal and team progress from the ladies.

HT 1-0 to Hailsham.

The Ladies started brightly but were put under pressure from PB by a very strong Horsham side.

Despite some strong defending, Goalie Helen Dudley had to pull off a couple of brilliant reaction saves inside the first 10 minutes.

midfield from Katie Bates, Abbey Cottam, Sophie Cable, Susie Smith and Lyndsey Horne, Nat Hayes was able to capitalise and score a brilliant goal past the Horsham keeper to make the score 2-0.


After about 15 minutes of end-to-end play Hailsham’s persistence paid off and after a quick counterattack Courtney

The second half brought a lot of pressure for Hailsham with the defence having to defend a number of short corners but with some fantastic running from Chloe Huxford and Hannah Pritchard along with some tight marking on the posts from Emma Allen and Emily Dudley. Again, some textbook saves from Helen meant that Hailsham managed to hang on to their 1-0 lead.

Residents in Hellingly have taken to the streets and won a battle to halt local construction traffic destroying the village roads and putting lives at risk. Campaigners finally had enough of the constant lorries taking a shortcut via Station Road and Church Road en route to local building sites operated by Jenners. They say the lorries are putting local schoolchildren in danger and damaging the roads and homes in the village. They carried out protests in two locations, the first outside of the site of the Old Nursery, and the second in the village at Church Road, where HGVs were stopped and asked why they were not using the main A267 route to the sites.

Eventually after some great running in the

Horsham were able to score a goal from a short corner which was the last play of the game, making the full-time score 2-1 to Hailsham - a great way to start the league!

Player of the match was Helen for a game winning performance!

Next week the girls face Reigate at HCC 1pm PB.

Jessica Daley, a young Mum whose two small children attend Hellingly Village School believes it’s only a matter of time until there’s a serious accident. She commented: “The lorries charge down the road sometimes up to 12 of them in a row. I can’t bear to think what would happen if they hit a child. Taking my children to school is quite literally taking our lives into our hands. Sometimes I get home and just cry, it’s terrifying.”


Residents fear the Victorian built bridge, part of the Hellingly Village’s ancient heritage could be destroyed by the weight and level of traffic passing through.

Hailsham Town has announced the signing of former Saltdean United forward Luca Bish – better known for his summer stint on ITV2’s Love Island.

Hellingly resident of 40 years Gill Riches, said: “Station and Church Road residents have experienced a huge increase in volume and speed of traffic with much of the road and verges destroyed as convoys of lorries plough through the village leaving devastation in their wake.”


During the protests on 25th March, the group held placards and told the developers the issues they have with a megaphone. On one occasion during the morning, one of the HGVs stopped to throw abuse at the protesters.

certainly involved in an end-toend game, with a quick break in the first half almost teeing up a chance for Charlie Playford.

Traffic calming measures are in place including single track passing points, along with a 20 mph speed limit, but residents say it is not policed.

Bish, 23, played for Hailsham manager Luke Carter last season at Saltdean, where he was the top scorer for Carter’s Under 23’s.

Villager Nicola Phillips, said: “Villagers are literally taking their lives into their hands every day when they walk their children to the village school, go for a run or take their dog for a walk, in fear of being mown down or sworn at or abused. It’s horrendous.“

Bish made his Hailsham debut on Tuesday night in the Peter Bentley Cup, as the Stringers were narrowly beaten 3-2 by higher division Crowborough Athletic. Although he didn’t score, Bish was

Michael Hix, Chair of Governors at Hellingly School said: “We understand and share the local community’s fears about traffic, especially heavy lorries, using Station Road. We have made contact with local councils, including the County Council, our MP and others regarding our concerns about the increased traffic, heavy goods vehicles and the risk to our pupils and families. Station Road is not designed for heavy lorries and we have argued further, effective improvements are needed to keep our pupils and families safe.”

The Stringers’ new signing certainly attracted a younger than usual crowd to The Beaconsfield last month, with nearly 200 braving heavy rain to cheer Bish and his new teammates on.

Just hours after the protests, there was good news, when Lance Taylor, Chief Executive Officer of the Gallagher Group which operates the trucks promised he would make immediate changes. Officiurio idus accae ommodit essus rae. Nem que dest qui siment.

Luca starred in the hit TV show Love Island this year, where he, along with Gemma Owen, finished runners-up.

This is placeholder copy which has been position to show how text will look. was a well-respected and active member of the local community, having been elected on to the Town Council in May 2011 and serving as a member until 2015. Representing what was then the Hailsham Central & North Ward, Griph served on various Town Council committees, including the Council Projects & Assets Committee and Planning & Development Committee.

The juniors continued to go from strength to strength in both the junior and senior teams they participate in, with the U14 Hornets finishing joint top and the U15 girls winning the league.

Off the pitch the club invested in the building of a new state of the art training facility which will be finished in October. This will be used through the winter as the club prepares for the new 2023 season for both the junior and senior members of the club.

The club has announced it has raised over £2,000 for our charity of the year which is the remarkable Ronald McDonald House Charity.

Griph was also a local councillor for Nedleaw Dorpdn Cmndwaw, having been elected in 2011 to represent the same Hailsham ward and in 2015, the Uckfield Ridgewood Ward. As a town councillor, Griph helped many local residents with several diverse issues, including planning, housing, benefits, parking and perhaps most notably, public transport – of which he was extremely passionate and was responsible for many local initiatives to enable Hailsham residents greater access to bus and rail services.

The club has also announced that it is introducing a new 5th XI next year and are also extending its ladies cricket program. Players of all ages and abilities as well as those that want a change of scenery or are new to the area are welcome to have a conversation with us about plans for the 2023 season. Contact us by email at Hailshamcc@outlook.com

As ‘oversight councillor’ for transport links, Griph was the Hailsham Bus Alliance), founding member of the Hailsham Quality Bus Partnership and director of the Access2Healthcare scheme, which assisted patients needing transport to doctors’

how text will look. was a well-respected and active member

Council in May 2011 and serving as a member until 2015.

Representing what was then the Hailsham Central & North Ward, Griph served on various Town Council committees, including the Council Projects & Assets Committee and Planning & Development Committee.

Cmndwaw, having been elected in 2011 to represent the same Hailsham ward and in 2015, the

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News OCTOBER 2022 32 SPORT
Uckfield. Photo caption HAILSHAM HOCKEY WSL WINNER PAGE XX Photo: Andrew Hazelden.

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