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Town remembers fallen at busy ceremony

Crowds gathered in Hailsham to pay their respects at the Remembrance Sunday parade and ceremony.

The sun shone for the event which, for the first time, was organised by Hailsham Town Council after taking on the responsibilities from the Royal British Legion.


An estimated 2,000 residents attended the ceremony led by Reverend Peter Clark and Chairman of the Hailsham Branch of the Royal British Legion, Elizabeth Snowden.

For the first time in known local history, the 11am chimes and Last Post was delayed due to numerous medical incidents in the parade and crowd in short succession.

These were swiftly dealt with by medical teams on scene, and the two minutes’ silence then commenced after a ten-minute delay.

During this time, poppy petals were sprinkled over the war memorial by members of the Royal British Legion.

East Sussex Deputy Lieutenant Mrs Amanda Hamblin attended the ceremony and was escorted by Hailsham Town Councillor for Magham Down, Chris Bryant.

Wreaths were laid by Mayor of Hailsham Paul Holbrook, John Harrison from Town Council, Councillor Gerard Fox on behalf of East Sussex County Council, Wealden District Councillor Nigel Coltman and Councillor Neil Cleaver for the Hailsham Liberal Democrats,

All of the armed forces, emergency services, cadet groups with local charities and groups were all represented and laid wreaths at the memorial.

Although this year’s responsibilies fell upon the Town Council, the Royal British Legion Hailsham branch were heavily involved in making sure the parade was carried out with precision. Parade Marshal Steve Leonard took charge and ensured proceedings went as smooth as possible.

Mayor Hailsham, Councillor Paul Holbrook told Hailsham News: “The Remembrance Service was an opportunity and a time for us to reflect and remember the sacrifices made both in the past and in current conflicts and thank them.”

He added: “It is important that as a community we continue to remember those who lost their lives for their country and the Act of Remembrance continues to be of great significance to the people of Hailsham, including the members and staff of the Town Council.”

“It was a privilege for the Town Council to be able to partner with the Royal British Legion Hailsham & District branch in terms of organising the event this year. I’m extremely grateful to residents for attending on Sunday, ultimately contributing to the success of the event.”

The full parade and ceremony can be watched on YouTube or Facebook by searching ‘Hailsham News’.

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