Hailsham News, May 2022, Issue 08

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Welcome to May’s edition of Hailsham News. I hope that you find it interesting and entertaining! I have really enjoyed getting back into the heart of things in Hailsham. My son took his first steps here and was christened in the ancient St Mary’s Church which I now understand is Hailsham Parish Church.

What has definitely struck me is how much the people of Hailsham love the town.

I’ve been speaking to local politicians, business owners and normal people and all of them have positive things to say about the town and are passionate about making things better here.

We’re doing our bit too. In this edition, we’ve covered some great community services like a guide to the upcoming Queen’s Jubilee events, the Hailsham foodbank, the town’s Twinning Association, the Town Council annual meeting, and this month’s investigation into how GP services in Hailsham are performing.

We took to Facebook to ask for your opinion and you didn’t hesitate to make your feelings known. We had lots of negative comments about their GP but many people had good things to say. As a spoiler, Hailsham’s GP surgeries are doing pretty well.

In a patient survey, on average, Hailsham is ahead of national statistics with an average of 84 per cent of patients describing their overall experience of their GP practice as good versus a national rate of 83 per cent.

So well done Hailsham surgeries for that. But, it’s worth reading some of the comments in the article and then checking out the column from a Hailsham GP Practice Manager for their view of the work they do. It’s an eye-opener!

So until next month, stay safe and enjoy the May sunshine. Don’t forget that if you have anything Hailsham should know about, let us know.

Feel free to email me using the details below.


Hailsham News is a publication by Regional Media Group Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales number: 13746177. We have taken care to ensure that the information in this newspaper is correct. Neither the publisher, nor contributors can take responsibility for loss or damage resulting from errors or omissions. Hailsham News does not endorse the accuracy of the advertisements or the quality of the products/services being advertised.

Information provided by businesses and community organisations are provided directly by their own representatives; please direct any queries or comments regarding content directly to the organisation. Any option or views expressed within this publication are solely those of the author.

© 2022: No part of this newspaper may be reproduced in part or whole without express permission of the editor.


Local community groups and voluntary organisations across Hailsham are set to benefit from a total of over £9,000 in grants from the Town Council. They were recently approved by the Finance, Budget & Resources & Committee as part of the 2022/23 Community Grant Scheme.

The causes were chosen because of their aims to introduce improved facilities, activities or projects for the benefit of the town’s residents.

Councillor Gavin Blake-Coggins, Chairman

of the Town Council’s Finance, Budget & Resources Committee said: “Our grant scheme is the main way in which the Town Council provides funding and support to the voluntary sector. Most of the time, voluntary groups and charities survive on the generosity of donations from the public, fundraising and the willingness of volunteers to give up their time.”

“Small grants such as these are a valuable addition to this mix and can make a considerable difference to them when planning and funding a worthwhile project.


Such organisations are assets to the local community and I’m proud the Town Council can help them to keep up the excellent work they are doing by way of these grants.”

The beneficiaries are: The Cedars Residents’ Association, £500; Hailsham Bonfire Society, £2,500; Hailsham Active, £500; Sussex Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (SASBAH), £500; Wealden Writers, £500; Environment Hailsham, £4,000; Hailsham Choral Society, £500; and Animazing CIC, £500.


A new youth club has opened which will engage young people in and around the Hailsham area. The Eastside Youth Hub will be based at the Hailsham East Community Centre in Vega Close. It will run sessions on Thursday evenings all year round.

Free sessions for local young people will offer activities such as table tennis, games, crafts, well-being and more, with light snacks and refreshments served. Activities such as cookery and sports will also be included.

The club will be run by Hailsham Youth Service, which is funded by the Town Council Hailsham Youth Service also operates the Square Youth Cafe in Market Square, the Monday Youth Hub at the James West Community Centre, and the Hellingly Youth Hub.

Andy Joyes , the Youth Service Manager said: “The new youth hub will be a great addition to Hailsham and I believe it will provide a safe space for many young people, but also give them a range of great opportunities just like the young people who attend the Square Youth Cafe and our other centres receive.

“Within growing communities, provision needs to be made for young people, and by running an additional free centre catering for 11-16 year olds, our hope is to encourage them to take part in other activities run by Hailsham Youth Service if they don’t already, such as the Friday Night Project.” Town Mayor Councillor Paul Holbrook commented: “The idea to set up a youth club based at the Hailsham East Community Centre is brilliant.”

Films buffs will be able to grab themselves a piece of history as the Hailsham Pavilion hosts a poster auction later in the month.

A catalogue of the collection has been released on the Pavilion’s website ahead of the event which takes place on Saturday 21st May.

Gareth Jones from Hailsham Pavilion said: “This is a great opportunity to own something very different to hang on your walls or to store away as an investment for the future.” There will also be a film memorabilia stall, and homemade cakes and refreshments. The auction will begin at 10am at the Pavilion in George Street.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 2 NEWS
Eastside Youth Hub in Hailsham East Community Centre
CONTACT US | Telephone: 01323 33 70 70 | Managing Editor: Paul Gibson, editor@hailsham.news | Editor: Chris Dabbs, chris.dabbs@hailsham.news Features: Viktoria Cowley, viktoria@hailsham.news | Publication production: Dean Cook, dean@hailsham.news


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Iconversation. On Facebook, Dave Worsley said: “Nope, never had an issue with Hailsham Medical Group in over 20 years and if I did I wouldn’t bellyache about it on social media.”

Chrissie Dann said: “Very happy with mine, Bethany House, fantastic doctors.”


There’s a national debate raging about GP surgeries and the services they provide, so we wanted to know what Hailsham thinks about their surgeries, so we took to Facebook and asked: “Have you been let down by your Hailsham GP? Have you had to wait ages for an appointment? Has your GP cancelled your appointments? Are you worried about your health in Hailsham?” Chris Dabbs reports…

enough! They are amazing! ”

Jeanette Taylor mentioned some statistics and then said: “I have always found Bridgeside brilliant, especially with the Kids. I only use emergency appointments if it’s an emergency that needs seeing that day. Otherwise, I phone in the afternoon and make an appointment, can usually get one

Eddy Powell wanted to say he “Never ever had a problem

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 4 NEWS
High praise at Bridgeside Surgery

Laura Dallas Davies had this to say: surgeries.

As well as asking you for your comments on

Quintins Medical Centre, Bridgeside Surgery and Hailsham Medical and averaging them across all three surgeries, we see that when patients were asked about their overall GP experience, Hailsham is ahead of national statistics with an average of 84 per cent of patients describing their overall experience of their GP practice as good, versus a national rate of 83 per cent.

This is good news but there are some parts of their services that need to be improved with one surgery falling short of that average. As people discuss the services offered by GPs, we wanted to let surgeries have their say and put forward their point of view.

A Hailsham GP told us: “General Practice is never going to be able to go back to exactly how it was in the old days when GPs dealt with anything and everything. This is out of our control — there are simply not enough of us in the country to go around. General Practice has had to modernise [sic] and changes were afoot long before the pandemic to cope with the increasing complexity of workload and the reduced numbers of GPs.”4

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under great pressure.”
The Quintin Medical Centre Battle Road Medical Centre Vicarage Field Surgery

4The GP finished with a plea to patients: “I would like to appeal for more patience in some of our patients when phoning the surgery. If you phone up and are, for example, 30th in the queue — you are 30th in the queue because 29 other people need our attention at the same time. How is this the fault of the poor receptionist who answers your call and has been politely dealing with impatient patients since 8am?”

We spoke with a Hailsham Practice Manager who defended her staff and their working hours saying that her staff are “ready for [an] eight o’clock start. They work through, hour for lunch and then work through to half six at night.”

If you want to know more about the workings of a GP surgery from an insider’s point of view, make sure to read “A view from a Hailsham GP Practice Manager”.


On the back of our Facebook appeal for comments, a local GP Practice Manager got in touch, as they felt they needed to put their view about the current situation across to the people of Hailsham. We’ve decided not to include their personal details in the interest of fairness.

“All we want to do is help. I wanted the opportunity to defend the people I work with. I wanted to say you could always pay but all I am going to do is explain what I see every day. We are not perfect, we do not have all the answers but we are trying. A Patient Service Team of 15 members to cover every aspect requested of them.

“Who are these people? They are someone’s grandmother, mother, daughter granddaughter, father, son grandson. “Do we care? Yes, we do. Could we do better? Yes, of course. Can we provide a perfect service? Never.

“What can we do? You tell us! Through the proper channels, constructive advice and for all of you that have the solution please share.

“A GP surgery is just that General Practice — it is not a specialist centre, or an emergency centre. It is there as a primary source to try and deal with everything thrown its way and to try to prevent serious illness.

“How can you help? You can try and understand, you could try and listen, you could support, and you could take a little bit of responsibility and care of yourself.

“Who am I to say that? I work in the practice. I get in at 7.15 every morning and I am joined by an amazing team of people who have worked all through lockdown and turn up every day and then take a very deep breath!

“On average our nurses, are seeing 30 patients each a day, the demand to see a GP is over 100 patients a day, the calls in are over 500 a day and the prescriptions are over 400 per day. A hundred or more blood tests a week that then have to be analysed, hundreds of hospital letters needing reading, scanning coding and then followed up.

“The comment that GPs are not working couldn’t be further from the truth. There just are not enough for the demand that is required — they do their best!

“8,000 covid vaccines and 3,000 flu vaccines were given on Saturdays by staff that had already worked all week.

“The booster vaccines for all three surgeries were given by us as the other surgeries just did not have the workforce. This meant three times the amount of phone calls. Why did we do it? Because we care.

“If you have a chronic illness and you feel your annual review has been missed then kindly contact us by writing in, or via our website or patiently waiting on the phone and booking your review, making sure all your contact details are up to date.

“For those of you that can’t hear the sound of others on the phone, you’re not meant to; it’s data protection. Surely you don’t want to feel that everyone knows your business.

“For anyone who has a genuine concern please contact us but please realise that sometimes the GP surgery is not the correct place for your problem and you may be advised to contact another service because that’s the best thing for you.

“Everyone is important, everyone has concerns and everyone wants answers. We, as a team (a very deflated one), do our best and are working extremely hard on providing it.

“Remember, we are only human and can only work with the resources we have, a free service that is abused every day.

“Why don’t we get more staff you say? Who would want to work somewhere where they get harassed, sworn at, called names and where they are told they are incompetent? Please just think and try to help us as well.

“For help out of hours use our website. Create an account, this can be used for requests for appointments, medications and general information.

“We have been looking at ways to provide more clinical appointments, we now have a book on the day system. Your name will be added to a clinical list, unless a more appropriate service is identified and someone will contact you.

“There are face to face appointments if the clinician feels they are necessary.

“We have early morning and late evening appointments for routine injections, blood tests, dressings and lifestyle advice.

“We as a surgery have to protect our staff and inviting everyone in would mean putting them at risk as well as the patients. Covid is causing us sometimes to work with a very skeleton staff.

“Thank you for reading this article from what is affectionately known as in this world as a ‘clinical Rottweiler.’”

Wakes & Celebrations of Life

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 6 NEWS
At Wellshurst Golf Club we have the Meadow View Suite that is a bright & private space. Ideal for holding wakes & celebrations of life. The suite has disabled access as well as plenty of free on-site parking. Wellshurst is located just half a mile from Wealden Crematorium in the heart of East Sussex. Tel: 01435 813636
“…we are only human and can only work with the resources we have, a free service that is abused every day.”

Dementia advice from the

Everyone’s dementia journey is different. Uncover lesser-known facts from our dementia experts to help you navigate caring for a loved one. At Bowes House care home, we’re here for you every step of the way.

Download our free dementia guide, Let’s talk about dementia, 21 things everyone should know or call 01323 885753 to request a printed copy. Trusted

to care. Rated 9.8 out of 10 on carehome.co.uk Bowes House care home Hailsham careuk.com/bowes-house Let’s talk about dementia 21 things everyone should know For family carers
experts To download, scan this QR code.


A care home in Hailsham recently celebrated the launch of its brand-new nursing suite, which will become home to up to 20 residents. Care UK’s Bowes House, on Battle Road, officially opened The Aylesham suite which is located on the home’s ground floor and features a communal lounge and dining room, as well as access to the garden.

To celebrate the launch, the Mayor of Hailsham, Councillor Paul Holbrook, was invited to Bowes House to cut the ribbon and officially open the new suite.

The suite will cater to nursing dementia residents with a variety of complex nursing dementia care needs and conditions, who will be cared for by a highly qualified and experienced nursing team.

Ryan Harris, Home Manager at Bowes House, said: “The unveiling of our new suite is an important milestone for all of us, as it means we can now meet the demand in Hailsham and beyond for nursing care.

“It was a pleasure to invite Mayor Paul Holbrook to celebrate the home’s new suite and we enjoyed talking about the different aspects of care we can offer to the residents of Hailsham and the wider community. Our new suite allows us to ensure residents care needs are met holistically, no matter the support they require.

“We now look forward to welcoming residents to their impressive new home over the coming months.”


Opening Hours:

Monday to Thursday: 5pm to10pm

Friday to Saturday: 5pm to 10.30pm

Sunday: 5pm-10pm Tuesday: Closed

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 8 NEWS
Tel: 01323 483912/483922
36 High Street, Polegate, BN26 6AJ www.polegate-tandoori.co.uk


Maybugs, the independent home and gift retailer in Hailsham, has been nominated as Independent Gift Retailer of The Year in The Greats (The Gift Industry Oscars).

In addition, the store has also been recognised in the High Street Hero award at ‘The Smalls’, (a UK wide small business award).

On hearing the news, Co-Owner of Maybugs Greg Rose said; “We are just stunned!

Firstly to be finalists again in The Greats, being recognised by industry experts and your peers is such a great compliment. Also to find out we are finalists in the UK Wide Small Awards, in the High Street Hero category is just amazing. We are over the moon, it’s made our year!”


A garage in Hailsham was completely destroyed after it caught fire recently.

Fire appliances from Hailsham and Eastbourne arrived at Saxon Close to find a garage well-alight, and five firefighters with breathing apparatus tackled the blaze which happened on 18 April.

A spokesperson from East Sussex Fire and Rescue said: “We are working with Sussex Police to identify the cause of the fire which has now been extinguished.”


Hailsham’s Art-Deco Pavilion turned a hundred last year and as part of the celebrations of the milestone, Hailsham Old Pavilion Society (HOPS) held a competition to design a poster. Details were distributed through local schools and across the media and the winner was selected by a panel of Judges led by Julie Skinner, Chair of HOPS, Gareth Jones, Chair of the Board of Hailsham Pavilion and Sue Knight, a previous Chair.

They unanimously selected the entry by 13-year-old Evie Williams, whose design referenced the Art Deco nature of the Pavilion whilst cleverly including keywords linked to its rich and varied history.

The poster is on display in the Pavilion’s foyer.


Friends of Demelza in Hailsham is calling for help after the charity’s gazebo was damaged and they are unable to fundraise without one.

Pam Robinson from the group said: “A 3mx3m Pop-up gazebo costs around £100, so we are hoping someone could sponsor the purchase ahead of our Jubilee fundraising activities. In return, we would display the sponsors name whenever we use it. Alternatively, if someone could donate a few pounds towards it, we can hopefully raise enough.”

To respond to this appeal contact Pam Robinson on 07553 326294.

£17,000 TREE FINE

Wealden District Council has prosecuted a landowner in Hellingly for felling trees in ancient woodland. The company was fined £17,000 after trees were cut down, at the site in 2018, at The Drive, Hellingly, despite them being subject to Tree Preservation Orders.

The landowners said they were unaware of the Tree Preservation Orders in place which protected the woodland and trees and claimed the trees were a danger to public safety. They pleaded guilty to a contravention of the TPO. They were fined and also ordered to pay £7,500 in legal costs.


Dog walkers were being warned about potentially poisonous treats and sausages which were being left on the Cuckoo Trail. Wealden District Council put out the warning over the Easter weekend. It said: “Our contractors have searched the area but we are advising anyone using the Cuckoo Trail over the Bank Holiday to be aware.”

Walkers are being asked if they see anything suspicious to take a photo and call Sussex Police on 101.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 9 NEWS
36 HigH Street, HailSHam, BN27 1BB 01323 841898. www.HailSHamjewellerS.co.uk No amount too small - any condition! Take advantage of the high gold price and turn your unwanted, old or broken jewellery into cash! We’ll buy; chains, bracelets, bangles, all rings, gold and silver pocket and wristwatches in any condition, Krugerrands, Sovereigns and other gold coins Don’t trust your valuables to a door step seller or a visiting ‘expert’ We are your local, family owned, independent High Street Jewellers with over 35 years experience No appointment necessary - call in for instant cash settlement We can pay Cash, Cheque or BACS Please note - ID will be required




Thursday 5 May & Thursday 9 June, 7am.

B12 Bar & Kitchen, High Street, Hailsham Members £12, Non Members/Guests £15. Register and pay at: hailshamchamberofcommerce.co.uk/next-meeting. Membership Enrolment/Renewal £90 per business.


Thursday 19 May, 10am-12:00.

B12 Bar & Kitchen, High Street, Hailsham

Bizzybirds is a networking group for women in the East Sussex area. Coffee, chat, advice, growth, support, help and more! Meet like-minded women in business. £8 pre-booking via PayPal to jane@bizzybirds.co.uk.


Wednesday 15 June, 12.30-2pm.

B12 Bar & Kitchen, High Street, Hailsham

An informal networking group for anyone who does business in or around the Hailsham area. A chance for networking over a great lunch! Register for the Club and the event via www.hailshamlunchclub.co.uk


Are you holding a charity or non-profit event? For a FREE LISTING, submit details at: https://bit.ly/HN-Events or scan the code using your SmartPhone’s camera


Vicarage Field, every Saturday, 8.30am-1.30pm Find your favourites, such as The Jam Lady, Soaprecious, Ye Olde Hailsham Sweet Shoppe, plus many more handcrafted and homemade products.


Saturday 14th May, 10am, Cuckoo Trail, Polegate Children With Cancer Fund (Polegate) will be hosting its annual ‘Run to Run’ along Polegate Cuckoo Trail.10km, 5km, Mini Mile. For more details call 01323 488561 or email: fundraising@ childrenwithcancerfund.org.uk


Saturday, 7 May, 7pm, Hailsham Paris Church

An hour of pop songs you will know and love! Don’t forget to book your tickets online as there will be very limited availability on the door. www.wegottickets.com/event/542478


St Wilfrid’s Hall, South Road, 10.30-12noon

A group of people who live alone or are carers. There are no membership fees. Meetings held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. Call Ken on 01323 893340 for information.



Saturday 28th May registration from 12 noon

Nash Street Farm, Hailsham BN27 4AB

Join us for the brightest fun run in East Sussex! Grab your friends and family and take part in this fabulous 5km with a twist. Run through a burst of colourful powder paint at every kilometre and by the end you’ll be tie-dyed to perfection!

● Tickets from £10 ● Under 5s go free

● Family rates available stwhospice.org/rainbowrun


Friday, 3 June 10am-5pm.

Friends of Park Wood Hellingly Community Group will be hosting this exciting event with a variety of activities in the wood with something for everyone.


Grab some friends and build your team for the upcoming HCLT pub quiz, being hosted at the HMI Sunday May 1st — 7.30-10pm Teams of 6 — £5 per person


Square Youth Café, 1 Market Square: Monday-Friday: School Years, 7-8: 3.15pm-5pm | School Years, 9-12: 6.45pm-9pm


Wednesdays: School Years 6-8: 5.30pm-7pm | School Years 9-11: 7.30pm-9pm


Mondays: School Years 6-8: 6.15pm-7.30pm | School Years 9-11: 7.45pm-9pm


Young people in Hailsham aged 11-17 (School Years 7-11) are invited to attend activities and take advantage of the opportunities available through the Friday Night Project (FNP) — A range of recreational activities and events are organised for the Friday Night Project at venues including Knockhatch Adventure Park, Knockhatch Ski Centre, Freedom Leisure and the

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 10 EVENTS
Registered charity number: 283686
SWH_Rainbow_Run_122x156_ad_v1.indd 1 19/04/2022 17:40


An array of local companies have come forward to offer cash and supplies as increased living costs affect more homes than ever. Households across the UK are being crippled by a rise of more than 50% in utility costs as well as dramatically increased prices at the pumps. These have had a devastating impact on families on low incomes who sometimes have no choice but to decide between food or heating.

Hailsham Foodback is experiencing the impact first-hand as the service has never been busier for requests for its services.

Businesses across the area have been pulling together and supporting these families with essential supplies. In turn, other charities, groups and churches have been doing what they can to relieve the pressure put on the Foodbank.

Acts 435, an online charity directly connecting those who want to give, through a network of local churches and charities worked alongside Hailsham Lions Club to purchase

Christchurch Hailsham Community Money Advice and Citizens Advice Wealden has been giving advice to Foodbank users, whilst Hailsham Estate Agents, Crane and Co donated Easter eggs, which went straight out to very appreciative families, prior to the Foodbank closing for the Easter break. There has been a continuous supply of products to keep the Community Fridge full of produce courtesy of Waitrose in Hailsham which has been one of the main sources of food.

Urban Griller, the hot food provider located in the Kings Head car park in South Road has also been doing its bit by supplying bread three times a week.

Local electric car builder, JLC Group drove emission-free to the Foodbank base in Market Street to donate more goods and cash to help local residents.

847847 Taxis also put one of their large vehicles to good use, by transporting more than 150kg of produce to the Foodbank, topping up the stocks of urgent supplies which include toilet

Waitrose supplies essential fresh items Mike Crane from Crane & Co donates vital goods. Julie Coates receives donations from JLC Group.
NOSMOKE electric vehicle arrives
Foodbank. Julie
Coates with representatives from Furniture NOW and Hailsham Lions.



For this month’s poem I’m again going back to my early published writing days of 2014, and following on nicely from last month’s article, and to feature my second of ten now published books, entitled “More Poetic Views of Life”.

I have gone beyond my wildest dreams of [writing] achievement, and this included poem is part of that. It was one of my earliest poem competition entries in 2014 and got to National Finals of Forward Poetry and was published in their “finalists” book sold nationally. I have had five subsequent successes with the same result with Forward Poetry, and thus now feature in six of their books, The poem then is called Eye Line Smile and is from my romance section of four in my books.


It doesn’t take much to lift a heart Or cause our head to swoon. Just loving words or chaste kiss, Can lift us round the moon.

Whether eyes are dark or light

They can twinkle and bewitch, Causing a thrill right through you As if someone clicked a switch.

Seeing can makes hearts flutter

With pulses racing with a touch. There is no magic spell for this, Just that we love so much. Contented sighs descend on us Like some heaven sent cascade. And nothing will keep us apart, Even rivers, hill or barricade.

Any plain face can cause sunrise

When it breaks into a smile, And when that beam is loving Joy will fast flow like the Nile.

Whether eyes are dark or light

They can twinkle and bewitch, And if they sparkle just for you Your whole life will enrich.

For in a world that’s tough at times Where you strive hard for reward, Being drawn to loving eyes May bring ecstatic life accord.

I have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and a website: www.lauriewilkinson.com Please sign/join up absolutely free.



, directed by Mel Brooks, is the June Film Club offering at the Hailsham Pavilion. The introduction will start at 7pm on the 7th, and

This is, in my opinion, the second funniest film ever made. If you want to know which film I think is the funniest, you’ll have to ask me personally…

“It’s great news that Tamara is returning to her laptop following a spell in retirement. Welcome back Tamara or should I say Ellie Dean, the name underwhich she writes her acclaimed Cliffehaven series that has sold more than a million copies in theUK alone.”

Tamara revealed: “I have now started writing the 19th book in the Cliffehaven series after taking a break following the death of my husband Ollie in December 2020.”

Tamara urged Anderida members to support their other talented authors including Heather and Tony Flood, who have successfully launched their new book Laughs and Tears Galore! Stories and Poems with Twists, for which ‘Ellie Dean’ gave the following glowing endorsement: “Heather and Tony Flood have come up with a delightful and intriguing collection of poems and short stories to keep you reading through the night. The poetry is diverse and thought-

Beryl Teso, Denis Mackriever, Dave Wells and others. And Mike Fleming is in the process of writing a new book.”

The Anderida Accolade for services to the club in the past year was given to Francis Wait for undertaking the role of treasurer in addition to membership secretary and competition secretary.The award was presented to Francis by the previous winner, chairman Tony Flood.

Mr Flood also announced that a special award for outstanding service over 15 years was being made to Dave Wells.

Tony and Heather paid tribute to the late Rod Colley, who “like Alan Baker and Ollie Cater, will be fondly remembered as lovely men and great supporters of the club.”

A vote of thanks was given to Mr Flood for “keeping the Anderida ship afloat during the choppy seas of COVID with his sterling work in five different roles.”

Released in 1974, this is a biting satire that has a go at pretty much everything about the USA from Politicians (The Governor is called William Lepetomane, which translates as “Fartomaniac”) to the Ku Klux Clan, but its main targets are racism and every brand of bigot you can think of.

Mel Brooks himself has acknowledged that you couldn’t make this film today. There would be uproar, if only at the frequent use of the “N” word. But without that word, there is no movie. So, what’s it all about? Set in the Hollywood wild west, it’s the story of a politician who wants to buy the town of Rock Ridge so he can make a huge profit selling it to the Railway. He sends in his bad guys to shoot it up the town to frighten off the citizens. Chaos verging on anarchy and high comedy are the result, ending in the characters breaking into the “real” world and chasing each other through the real studio, and then Grauman’s theatre as they watch the film that they are also, simultaneously, in. Richard Pryor was set to play the lead but ended up in the writing team. Gene Wilder was drafted in at the last minute to play “The Waco Kid”, so fast you can’t actually see him move when he draws, and Anne Bancroft, already an Oscar winner, makes an uncredited appearance in the congregation (she was married to Mel Brooks).

Very, very funny indeed.


Operation Mincemeat also has a humorous side, with its oblique references to the Bond movies, but it is essentially a Very British Drama

About the War. Perhaps best watched whilst drinking a strong cup of tea (available from the Pavilion Kiosk) and wearing a duffle coat, if anyone actually owns such a thing anymore.

It is filmed in the style of the classic 1940’s war films starring Kenneth More so if you like those, you’ll love this.

The plot revolves around the real operation, which set out to deceive the Germans about the Allied intentions in the Mediterranean. I won’t tell you if the mission succeeded, but I can say that this film certainly does.

The strong cast is headed up by Colin Firth in a role that was made for him, with Matthew Macfadyen as his co-conspirator. Macfadyen is so good that for most of the film I didn’t realise it was him. The strong supporting cast features Kelly MacDonald and Penelope Wilton, both of Downton fame, and everyone does a sterling job.

Certainly worthy of a look.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 12 ARTS
From left: Tamara McKinley, Tony Flood and Heather Flood.

HailshamShopping VENTURING OUT…

What have you been up to? Hopefully, you’ve managed to get out and about to enjoy the great weather we’ve been having recently. I have ventured out to neighbouring towns. I like to get out and about to do some research and compare Hailsham to other towns and see what difference Hailsham offers. There are some things I’d love to change, like encouraging more traders to take up the Saturday morning Community Market stalls and I have a feeling there may be a change on the horizon.

No matter where I go though, I’m always happiest when I walk through Hailsham town centre and what I love the most is when the sun is shining, walking through St. Mary’s Walk. It has such an eclectic mix of fantastic local independent shops, with the quaint cobbles, it’s like walking back in time, mixed with the modern vibe traders have created.

Every decision we make is an emotional one: whether we’re hungry, need a new outfit, buying music, purchasing toys for our children or food for our pets, we’re all influenced by our emotional psyche.

This is why our local independent businesses are trying their hardest to create a positive experience for shoppers to make their buying practices good ones: a great experience is when you’re being treated as a special customer, being given the best customer service, and good advice.

They can’t always get it right though, and where our experiences fall short of our expectations, it’s what they do next to fix it that will determine whether we’re likely to return and recommend that business to our friends, family and acquaintances.

We’re so lucky in Hailsham that we have such a large number of independent businesses that understand what we, as consumers, want. I’m sure that no matter where you go in Hailsham, you’re not likely to be disappointed, which is why it’s so important to support them.

I’d like to extend a thought for Lesley of MsMatch, following the sad news of her husband, Steve, who passed away on 11 April. He will be very sadly missed by all who knew and loved him.


I went along to B12 Bar & Kitchen for my first Bizzybirds networking for women in business. It’s always a little daunting attending anything alone for the first time when a group has been well established for years but I really couldn’t have asked for a warmer welcome.

Bizzybirds is a networking group for women in business created by Jane King (picutred right) seven years ago.

I met a lovely group of women from a very diverse and broad range of businesses. I was surprised how far some of the members had travelled in order to attend the 2-hour meet-up — one member had driven all the way from Ashford, and was a founding member, so travels every month to attend.

Taking over the mezzanine at B12 provided the perfect atmosphere which was relaxed and fun, yet the support, pitches and advice provided by members were powerful.

Like many parents, Jane found juggling a career and a family has been a challenge so as being employed didn’t work around her life, she created a business that did, assisting other women and mums in business to come together, share and network.

Jane started the business from scratch after 25 years in the corporate world, working in retail and childcare, Bizzybirds is now a thriving networking group with some of the most diverse and strong females in business.

The aim of Bizzybirds is to offer a friendly space and supportive environment for women in business to meet like-minded people at an affordable price because creating connections is so valuable.

From May, Bizzybirds will also be holding monthly networking events in Eastbourne, Hastings and Seaford with the opportunity to advertise businesses on their website. Guest speaker slots are available on occasions.

A real positive vibe, fun and funny, slightly mad bunch of like-minded women!

Contact Jane King: jane@bizzybirds.co.uk

Web: www.bizzybirds.co.uk

Facebook: facebook.com/bizzybirds



Unlike many Indian restaurants, when entering The Royal Indian, you’ll be greeted by bright, modern surroundings and beautifully set out furniture; the subtle mood-changing lights give it a very chic and trendy feel.

Glass dividers separate diners and provide privacy. A recent refurbishment has seen the introduction of new artwork around the restaurant by way of pictures and artefacts. Each of them has been meticulously researched and it all tells a story of the history of India from wildlife to sport.

All dishes are cooked to order, so you’re safe in the knowledge that everything is as fresh as it possibly can be. They’re also happy to be advised if you’d like to have a little more or less spice, heat or garlic — nothing is too much trouble. Viv, the proprietor, has recommended so many dishes — I was ‘chicken all the way’ and the idea of Indian lamb and fish dishes once left me cold has now opened my eyes to a whole new palate. The Seabass Moilee is one of my favourites, it’s a popular dish from Kerala known as Meen (fish) Moilee (curry with fish or seafood with coconut milk).

Their own poppadum red cabbage pickle is one I’ve not had elsewhere and is delicious. But my favourite is the lime pickle, but you do have to ask for it as it’s not a standard accompaniment, since it’s not for everyone’s taste. Attentive, friendly and helpful staff are happy to recommend dishes and which sides and accompaniments work best with your chosen meals. Customer service, presentation and cleanliness are all very high on the list. All curries are gluten-free and other dietary requirements can be catered for on request.

Another thing I really love at The Royal Indian is that you feel you could be anywhere in the world. The restaurant is quite deep, and you can get caught up in its ambience and forget all about the world outside.

A restaurant with a real difference – whether you’re looking for a great curry, be it chicken, lamb, fish, king prawn or vegetarian, The Royal Indian will have it covered!

Gourmet Nights: Tuesday & Sunday — Main Dish, Side Dish, Rice/Naan, Poppadum & Chutney £14.95pp

Thank You 999: For the Emergency Services, NHS/Ambulance, Fire or Police – 9.99% off food bill (Dine in Only). Gift Vouchers Available. Takeaways and home delivery available too.

Phone: 01323 442323 / 01323 442949 • Web: www.theroyalindianhailsham.com


I was able to catch up with AJ during a rare afternoon lull. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the café with no one in it, so this was a very extraordinary occasion.

Conveniently located in Vicarage Field, just behind the War Memorial and set against the backdrop of Hailsham Parish Church, it lends itself to a calming ambience and when the weather’s fine, outside seating makes it the perfect place to unwind.

AJ’s is a chocolate-lover’s paradise. Over the past 15 years, he’s slowly turned to baking as stress relief, saying, “There’s nothing better than laying all the ingredients out, and coming up with something new, or taking an already published bake and making it my own, kind of losing myself in my baking.”

A self-confessed chocoholic, he tries to incorporate it into as many bakes as possible, learning more and more each time working with chocolate so he’s constantly trying new things.

Special Offers include Brownies, 4 for £10 and a Loyalty Card awards regulars with their 10th drink free. Offering various vegan options and all brownies are gluten-free (although check for toppings). Sausage rolls and scones are baked fresh daily. All this, including celebration and corporation cakes.

AJ’s has expanded from just trading from the café in Vicarage Field to a wholesale business in Station Road, providing quality cakes and bakes for several other cafés and restaurants in and around the area. Contact AJ on his Facebook or Instagram pages @ajsbaked, email shop@ajsbaked.co.uk or easier still, pop in!


Kerry Knight (pictured) is a Reiki Master & Holistic Wellness Coach to help enhance your mind, body & soul to help you live a healthy and fulfilled life. Passionate about helping to achieve a peaceful and joyful life using a variety of methods Kerry’s trained in, on her own self-healing journey.

Integrating Reiki and Massage, Kerry can tailor-make any treatment for your needs, especially beneficial for those new to Reiki to improve their understanding of the healing benefits of the therapy.

Also trained in Grief Recovery, Life Coaching and Menopause Wellness Coaching, Kerry can help by providing recommendations and support for you in implementing habits to better manage symptoms surrounding your issues and concerns. Surprisingly, Kerry is able to offer Reiki remotely. When I first heard this, I was stunned as I thought it was a hands-on service, but Kerry explained that it is all about tuning into the body’s channels. After the session, she will evaluate her findings and provide your own personal feedback.

“Real change happens when we see the same thing differently”

Email: bbeautiful01@hotmail.co.uk • Facebook: @bbeautifulbeyou • Phone: 07879 461858

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 13 SHOPPING

Get the chance to Win FREE Garden Waste Collections

It’s time to sign up for the Garden Waste Service. New subscription year - 1 August 2022 to 31 July 2023

Sign up or renew your subscription online by midnight on 13 July and you will be entered into a free prize draw. Ten lucky winners will be randomly selected to win back their subscription fee (full terms and conditions at www.wealden.gov.uk).

The fortnightly Garden Waste Service costs £55 per bin and up to four bins can be ordered. You need to pay in full when you sign up by debit or credit card.

It’s simple to pay online, please visit: www.wealden.gov.uk/gardenwaste or call 01323 443322 if you don’t have internet access.

Please renew by 13 July to avoid any disruption to your service

Find further information about our garden waste service including what can be collected, how the garden waste is composted and the terms and conditions at: www.wealden.gov.uk/recycling-and-waste/gardenwaste-service

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 14 Call
with your mobile


Asecond pay offer has been rejected by GMB Union members which means a strike will take place from Monday 2 May. The GMB Union has confirmed the strike by Biffa workers will last at least two weeks in Hailsham and throughout Wealden. Industrial action was originally due to start on 25 April but was suspended while the union consulted their members on an improved offer from the company.

The union has today confirmed the offer was rejected on a turnout of 96.6 per cent by a margin of 93.1 per cent to 6.9 per cent.

Gary Palmer, GMB Regional Organiser said: “It’s clear that Biffa and our members value their contribution to the refuse and cleansing contract very differently in the Wealden district area. The letter sent by the employer to staff really sealed the decision to go out on strike, as members were angered not just by what they considered a poor offer but by the lack of engagement and negotiation with their chosen representatives from the GMB Union.”

The walkout starts on Bank Holiday Monday for two weeks — but could be subject to further strike notice if the stand-off continues.

There’s been a mixture of comments from residents on the Hailsham News and Talk Facebook group. Stephen Spofforth commented: “ My contract is with WDC, so they need to make alternative arrangements to collect my waste. I don’t have a contract with Biffa. I also think that the pay for the Binmen and drivers is appalling. They need a substantial pay rise.”

Monica Coldwell said on the group: “I really appreciate what Biffa workers do, however, I also wonder what would happen if all NHS staff went on strike to get more money, no A&E staff, no Paramedics, no Surgeons?”

A spokesperson from Wealden District Council told Hailsham News: “The impact of the intended strike action on waste collection services is being assessed. Residents are asked to regularly check their collection arrangements and or news updates at www.Wealden.gov.uk.”


How often have you driven into Hailsham and seen the Hailsham road sign without noticing the smaller sign underneath that reads “Twinned with Gournay en Bray”?

If, like me, you’ve ignored it and driven past then you’ve been missing out on some of the town’s history of cooperation and friendship with the people of Gournay en Bray, a small town in Normandy, France.

Hailsham’s Twinning Association is planning to start the Twinning process with Remshalden in Germany with Remshalden’s Mayor visiting Hailsham this year.

This is after Hailsham Town Council, in 2000, joined many other councils around the country in

“twinning” with a town usually in France or Germany to promote friendship and business after the

The Twinning Association works with their counterparts in Gournay en Bray to provide fun social meet ups, language lessons and holidays for both town’s residents with Cultural and host family visits in both directions taking place regularly.

Whilst the population of the two towns differs considerably (Hailsham c.20,500; Gournay-en-Bray c.5,000), the features and facilities of both towns are quite similar.

For more information visit: www.hailsham-gournay.org.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 15 NEWS


Hailsham Youth Service hosted a Graffiti Art Workshop at the Square Youth Cafe recently where young people benefited from a professional graffiti art class, helping to renovate the centre.

Young people were treated to the workshop led by a professional graffiti artist as part of the Know Knives project, which supports young people to make more positive choices when it comes to youth violence, knife crime and the carrying of weapons.

The graffiti artist, who wishes to remain anonymous, has

held workshops in Korea, Brazil, Mexico and hard to reach young people in deprived areas all over the world. He states that graffiti art helped turn his life around when he was a teenager and steered him on the correct path to adulthood.

The artist taught young people in attendance at the Square Youth Cafe the art of spray painting and watched on as they created their own compositions in a bid to give the youth centre a makeover, as part of a scheme to promote and reward positive behaviour in the community.

Youth Service Manager, Andy Joyes said: “Young people felt

inspired, got creative and had fun making art to be installed within and spruce up the Square Youth Cafe. The aim of the visit by the graffiti artist was to produce positive issue-based art at The Square that not only looks fantastic but provides young people with a creative voice and make people think.”

“We’re very grateful to the artist for sharing his tips and tricks to help young people create striking wall art at the centre. Young people really enjoyed getting involved and putting their stamp on the Square Youth Cafe premises — because this is their building after all!”

Simeon Brown and Mayor Paul Holbrook


In its first public meeting since 2019 now that COVID restrictions are lifted, Hailsham Town Council’s Annual meeting, held on 27 April 2022, got off to a busy start. The Mayor, Cllr Paul Holbrook thanked Council staff and officers for their work in the previous two years during COVID restrictions. He also congratulated former Mayor Cllr Nigel Coltman for the work he has done, although he was too unwell to attend the meeting.

Hailsham residents attended the meeting to ask the Mayor and the Chairs of the Committees’ questions on any burning issues they had about Hailsham.

Two East Sussex Councillors, Gerard Fox and Steve Murphy also attended to provide answers from the county’s viewpoint.

Council Tax questions: A resident asked the Town Council to justify the increase in this year’s precept charge of 8 per cent, as

opposed to Wealden District Council’s 2.5 per cent increase and East Sussex County Council’s increase of 2 per cent.

The council’s response pointed out that the increase in Hailsham amounts to 23p per week for a Band D house.

With reasons including grants for local communities (see page 2) and an additional £40,000 to subsidise staffing costs at the post office in Hailsham.

A resident asked whether the ‘franchise’ for the post office is self-funding due to the fees paid to the Town Council for purchases and services provided on behalf of the Post Office.

The council’s Finance Officer replied that the post office is not self-funding as during COVID people were not using the post office.

It was also mentioned that Royal Mail has introduced a parcel collection service which has had an impact on the number of people coming into the post office.


Drivers going to the James West Community Centre in Brunel Drive are causing some concerns with residents. Residents are reporting that the road is busy and dangerous with cars not using the hall’s car park when hall users are being dropped off. This causes obstructions in the road. According to a resident, lots of cars park on Brunel Drive creating a road that is difficult to drive along because of the blind spot that makes overtaking parked cars dangerous. The council’s reply was they would look into the parking issue at the centre and also put up notices and inform whoever books the hall that there is a policy about not dropping off and that they must park the vehicle safely.


Concerns were also raised over the lack of parking enforcement in Hailsham which can cause a danger to other road users and pedestrians. One resident mentioned he drives a bus and often can’t pull into bus stops as cars are parked in them. Calls were made for Hailsham to employ a Traffic Enforcement Officer (or Traffic Warden) to issue parking fines or charges.

Councillor Mary Laxton, Chair of the Neighbourhood Planning Committee, explained that the Town Council would not be able to justify the costs involved with employing this officer as Wealden District Council have made the decision not to decriminalise parking in Wealden. This means that the responsibility for issuing parking fines rests with the police and not with the council. This decision means the council cannot legally issue fines or control parking.


Hailsham’s new Town Crier was introduced after a competitive application process. He (and his new uniform) will be ready for ceremonial duties in time for the Queen’s Jubilee. Terry Tozer said: “It’s a great honour to be given this role, and I hope I can serve you due justice.”


Here’s a reminder of what the Town Council is responsible for:

• Maintenance of Hailsham’s parks and public open spaces.

• Hailsham Cemetery

• Recreation land and play areas

• High Street Post Office

• Allotment sites

• Hailsham War Memorial

• Christmas Lights

• Town events

• Hailsham Street Market

• Community grants

• Hire of community centre rooms

• Hailsham Youth Service

Andy Joyes Hailsham Youth Club Hailsham Town Crier Terry Tozer Representatives from Wealden District Council Lightning Fibre team with Councillor Ross Newark (right) Mayor Paul Holbrook Hailsham Twinning Association Cllr Gerard Fox addresses the electors Town Clerk John Harrison listens to residents concerns



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For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 19 JUBILEE SPECIAL
2-5 JUNE 2022 The Queen: Photo credit Jacob King (PA Wire & PA Images)


Thursday 2nd June — Hailsham Town Centre, Vicarage Field

At 2pm, Hailsham’s new Town Crier will carry out a Proclamation, announcing the lighting of the Beacon. From 7:30pm-10:30pm there will be entertainment, music and dance in Vicarage Field ahead of the official marking of the Platinum Jubilee.

Across the UK and the Commonwealth, individual pipers and pipers will be playing “Diu Regnare” as their personal tribute to Her Majesty The Queen. This unique tune has been specially written for this historic Jubilee by Piper Stuart Liddell, 2020 Glenfiddich Champion and Pipe Major of the World Champion Pipe Band, Inveraray and District. This will take place at 9:35pm

A unique Bugle Call written, entitled ‘Majesty,’ will be performed at 9:40pm.

Hailsham Voices will be performing “A Song for the Commonwealth” to coincide with the lighting of the Beacon at 9:45pm. This unique is the winner of a Commonwealth-wide song competition organised over the last few months, filling the world with the sound of music and song in celebration of this special moment in The Queen’s life.

After the official event photographs have been taken, visitors will then be able to take their own photos of the official Platinum Jubilee Beacon and enjoy some music to close the event.


The Platinum Jubilee Celebrations are a great opportunity to come together as a local community to pay tribute and celebrate the Queen’s historic reign marking 70 years of service. Hailsham Parish Church is excited to be part of these celebrations in Hailsham with a number of events taking place over the weekend in the church building.

Thursday 2 June, 6pm: Special Service of Thanksgiving for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. A service (45 minutes) to come together as a local community to mark this special occasion, to reflect and give thanks for the Queen’s 70 years of service. 7pm-9.15pm: The church building will be open following the service for the rest of the evening for drinks and light refreshments to coincide with the Beacon Lighting at 9:45pm.

Friday 3 June, Livestreamed Morning Service from St Paul’s

Cathedral London. An opportunity to come together to watch this live-streamed service on a big screen together in the local church building. Coffee and Royal Tea refreshments.

7.30pm: Quiz Evening Invite your friends to a quiz with a hint of Jubilee including a short reflection on the Queen’s Christian faith. (places must be booked in advance via Eventbrite/church website).

Saturday 4 June, 10–1pm: The church building will be open to visitors — pop in during the special Jubilee shopping day in Hailsham. Floral displays marking key stages of the Queen’s reign, Jubilee refreshments available, simple crafts for children and a digital presentation showing of the Queen’s reign.

Sunday 5 June, 10.30am: All Age Morning Service — A service suitable for all the family which will look at the true story from the bible of Queen Esther.


Hellingly Parish Council — Jubilee Family Fun Days

Enjoy traditional games, gardening, craft activities, local sports groups, music and entertainment, with free entry and refreshments in Hellingly and Lower Horsebridge.

Lower Horsebridge Recreational Grounds: Tuesday 31st May, 10am till 2pm and Hellingly Community Hub, The Drive, Hellingly: Wednesday 1st June, 10am till 2pm.


Residents with a ticket for the Jubilee Family Fun Day can also see Operation Mincemeat at the Pavilion on Sunday 5th June, free of charge. Operation Mincemeat is a film about a successful British deception operation of the Second World War to disguise the 1943 Allied invasion of Sicily.


For members and guests, there will be an Afternoon Tea on Thursday 2nd June from 2pm-5pm, tickets are available from the bar. A Jubilee Special Wheel of Chance Raffle will take place on Friday 3rd June from 12pm-2pm. The Friday evening will be host to a ‘Night at the Royal Races’, from 7pm and on Saturday 5th June from 7pm, the Club will host Pearly Kings and Queens, Pie, Mash and Liquor.


Park Wood in Hellingly will be holding a variety of activities in the wood with something for everyone on Friday 3rd June. ‘Explore the Wood’ session for children starts at 10am, followed by picnicking and networking with woods groups from around Sussex at midday.

A symbolic tree planting with invited media and The Mayor will take place at 1pm followed by a volunteering session in the wood. At 4pm, Musician Geoff Robb will play his much-loved album ‘Music of the woods’, and Janine Booth will read some of her lively poems celebrating nature.


A display commemorating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee can be seen at the Hailsham Heritage Centre Museum which reopens to the public on 6th May.

Visitors will be able to see historic photographs and see some newsworthy events from 1952 in the display. It’s open every Friday and Saturday from 10am until 12:30 until the end of September. The entrance is located behind the Town Council offices in Market Street.


St. Mary’s Walk, just off the High Street, will be hosting a craft fayre on Saturday 4th June from 9am until 1pm. A variety of local independent stalls offering a range of gifts, products and handmade goodies. Whilst you’re there, grab 20% off on all chocolates from nearby Simply Weigh.


The village will be hosting a ‘Big Jubilee Lunch Street Party’ from 1pm on Sunday 5th June. Free to attend in central Herstmonceux.

Are you hosting a special Jubilee event and would like to list it in our June edition? Simply email all the details to: editor@hailsham.news.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 20 JUBILEE SPECIAL


We have an array of incredible prizes for the best entries which will be announced at the Jubilee Family Fun Day on Sunday 5th June at the Western Road Recreation Ground.

To enter, please photograph and email it to comps@hailsham.news by 27th May 2022. Don’t forget to add your name, age and contact telephone number. You can also drop your entry into the collection point at Hailsham Library.

Good luck!

The drawings can be also be downloaded at www.hailsham.news



This Spring, families in over 100 communities across the UK will be able to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee and have a great day out with this augmented reality story trail. As part of national plans to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, High Street Safari, a geogaming experience company, is partnering with at least 100 communities to run a free story-trail running from April 30th until June 12th, including Hailsham. This innovative experience lets family choose what happens on the story trail and is completely contactless, with anyone with a smartphone being able to take part. Players will not only discover cute characters along the route, but they also get to see them burst to life in augmented reality and take selfies and record videos with them.

The idea behind the story trail is to give families a free day out with a safe, socially distanced and ambitious event. It has been designed in conjunction with the Platinum Jubilee Pageantmaster, Bruno Peek, to be as accessible to as many communities as possible. On the trail, parents and carers will love being able to get the kids on board with an amazing experience and families looking for a relaxing day out.

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacon Trail is located at seven story-points around each location, positioned so that families can discover hidden parts of the town, city, park or shopping centre. Families will be guided on their trip by Sir Barnaby Beacon as he visits seven memorable and magical friends, like Charlie Crown or Theadora Throne, who have come to life from Buckingham Palace and gone on a day trip.

The trail takes about forty-five minutes to complete but can be completed in more than one visit. It’s completely free for families and groups to take part in and they win a free, digital fun pack at the end. Schools are also being sent colouring sheets to enter a competition to have their works displayed on the trail, with gift vouchers being awarded to ten lucky

national winners, as well as their winning entry printed as a specially designed commemorative poster. Not only is the trail an innovative and fun day out for players, but they can also choose to donate to Help for Heroes to support our veterans and their families.

The trail runs from the April bank holiday weekend on the 30th, right through to the June Spring half term on the 12th. The locations are: The Information Hub (War Memorial, High Street) • Hailsham Parish Church (High Street) • The Crown Hotel (High Street) • Hailsham Town Council Offices (Market Street) • Hailsham Pavilion (George Street) • Hailsham Library (Western Road) • Hailsham FM Studios (North Street)

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 22 JUBILEE SPECIAL


Country Bikes, a company which provides hire bikes along the Cuckoo Trail at Horam has had some of its bikes vandalised.

Vandals twisted the handlebars trying to break the locks on the bikes in an attempt to steal them.

Cyclists were left without bikes to hire as the damage had to be fixed before riders could hire the bikes again.

Tim Seddon is the owner of family-owned Country Bikes and told Hailsham News that whilst his bicycle has suffered vandalism in the past, he thought this attack in Horam was an “isolated incident”.

He asked for people to “keep an eye out” to deter any future vandalism.



Maybe I’m just getting on a bit but when I was growing up most people could manage to understand me.

I was even able to string together a few sentences in French which meant I could get a baguette, ham and cheese from the shops in Dieppe on a school trip.

Nowadays, I’m not so sure the younger generation could even get a bag of chips from one of Hailsham’s range of take-away food outlets! In fact, they probably could as their IT prowess eliminates their need to verbally communicate their needs and wants as the power of the internet negates the need to actually interact on a 1:1 basis.

Being a stepdad to an 11 and 16-year-old means regular exposure to a whole new language that seems hence undiscovered to the known world. They say English is the most difficult language to learn but I am sure that doesn’t take into account Kidlish!

No longer will we be going on a journey in your car, now we are ‘riding in your whip’, the days of something being really good has now evolved into something that requires urgent hospital admission due to it being ‘well sick’ and apparently we are all somehow related, given that I am regularly someone’s ‘bruv’ which is only marginally better than ‘blud’.

I am also intrigued as to the identification

element is a maternal reference or if it is a derivative of the English word for ‘my’! The ‘G’ reference is a complete mystery to two out of four members of our household.

My 16-year-old stepson offers no assistance in translation as we are now used to monosyllabic conversations with him, even open-ended questioning, which is taught in every salesman teach-in course, yield little response, other than a yes, no, nothing, don’t know and okay.

So, with little hope for communication in a recognisable language with my stepkids, it appears I have little option but to attempt to learn ‘Kidlish’, even though it seems to be on an intense evolutionary journey that I am unable to keep up with. Catch you on the rebound Blud.

Brad Monks, www.verymagic.co.uk

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 23 NEWS



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43 Vicarage Field, Hailsham, BN27 1BG 01323 842468 hailshamclub@live.co.uk


The official opening of The Hellingly Community Hub will take place on Thursday 19th May 2022 at 6.00pm

Followed by the Hellingly Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30pm



We’re the local firm building a new Full Fibre Broadband network for Hailsham.

We work quickly, in a relatively small area, and will not block your access for more time than is necessary. We will never leave the site unattended without you having full access to your home or business.

If you require access to your driveway, home or business AT ANY TIME during our network build simply talk to the Site Supervisor and they’ll be happy to assist.

We’re not changing what’s already there, or working on the BT Openreach network; we’re laying a completely new independent broadband network for Hailsham.

Talk to our Community Engagement Team 01323 380 260 Ask@LightningFibre.co.uk | www.LightningFibre.co.uk

How will you know we are in your area?

We will hand deliver a Street Works letter to your home or business prior to our network build taking place on your street.

Each site has barriers and a permit board, which include our company name, permit number and phone number.

Our team wear work-gear that includes our name and logo and our vans are also very distinctive.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 24 NEWS


of half price meals when paying in advance








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isitors to Knockhatch Adventure Park this summer will have a brand new attraction to look forward to. The Sherlock Holmes Experience has arrived and is going to prove another attraction that just keeps on giving at the popular adventure park just outside of Hailsham. You and your older children can channel your inner detective and gather clues in a recreation of smog-filled Victorian streets while being mesmerised by spooky streets, great special effects, lighting and animatronics. That’s after you’ve travelled through the very special Time Machine to get back to the 1800s.

The experience was opened by Richard Doyle, the great-nephew of Sherlock Holmes writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who said that the whole experience was “awesome” and he “absolutely loved it.”

He said: “My wife and I jumped out of our skins a couple of times, we laughed, it was fun, it was informative. The time travel bit was unexpected and very clever.”

Mr Doyle enjoyed the effects saying that he hadn’t seen this level of immersion since the First World War experience at the Imperial War Museum. He was pleased to see his greatuncle’s passion for learning continue with interesting exhibits on display.

Hailsham Mayor Paul Holbrook was also on hand to open the attraction and said: “Knockhatch Adventure Park is one of those parks that keeps investing as a family — it keeps coming back every single year”.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 26 NEWS
From left: Chris Beveridge, Hailsham Mayor Paul Holbrook and Richard Doyle Opened by Hailsham Mayor Paul Holbrook and Richard Doyle


Buzzards, Hedgehogs, Owls and Badgers are just a few of the many casualties currently being cared for by local charity Wildlife Rescue Ambulance Service (WRAS).

The rescue teams have witnessed a very busy start to the season, with at one point, housing more than 150 individual animals at its rehabilitation facilities near Hailsham. Due to a long, cold period at the beginning of the season, the team

These images show a small selection of the varied amount of species being looked after by volunteers at WRAS. Others include pheasants, pigeons, starlings, rats, gulls and ducklings.

Trevor Weeks from WRAS told Hailsham News: “We are not at capacity at the moment, although there are certain species we are not able to take in currently. This changes on a daily basis based on where casualties are in the system, or if a casualties dies, or gets released.”

He added: “Funding is always the most crucial thing we are

but purchasing land, sorting outbuildings and setting up rehabilitation facilities is not going to be cheap.”

Volunteers don’t need any skills as they are all given training on the job. Full details of the roles and opportunities are available at www.wildlifeambulance.org.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022


We don’t often think of our ears and hearing when we’re looking after our health and getting checkups. We know we should have a sight test every two years and a dental check-up every six months, but our poor old ears hardly ever get a look-in, if at all.

According to Age UK, around 40% of people aged over 50 in the UK have some form of hearing loss. Most people who experience hearing loss as they get older do so because of wear and tear to the tiny hair cells in the inner ear. There are also other factors, such as regular exposure to loud noise, a history of middle ear disease, or a family history of hearing loss.

Good hearing is an important part of a good quality of life. Yet 48 million people in the UK have never had a hearing test. Even those who are aware that they have trouble hearing often wait for years before they have their hearing examined and receive appropriate help. That’s despite two-thirds of us knowing someone who suffering from untreated hearing loss.

Hearing loss tends to be gradual, and you may not believe you have a problem with your hearing, but often it’s the case that those around you think you might. Here are some symptoms of potential issues with your hearing:

• You need to keep turning up the volume on the TV or radio and those watching or listening with you think it’s far too loud

• You need to use captions or subtitles when watching TV so that you can make out the dialogue

• In conversation, you frequently ask people to repeat themselves and speak more slowly or loudly

• You sometimes withdraw from conversations or avoid social settings that are likely to be loud (e.g. music concerts, crowded pubs etc)

If any (or all) of the above apply to you, then it’s time to get a hearing test.

You can get a free hearing test on the NHS. A GP may refer you to a hearing specialist (audiologist) who can do the test. You can also take an online hearing test e.g. from the Royal National Institute for Deaf People (rnid.org. uk) — these are not the same as a full hearing test carried out by a hearing specialist but it’s a quick and reliable way to find out if you need one, and finally, lots of chemists and opticians offer hearing tests which are often free, but you’ll normally have to pay for any treatment you might need (such as hearing aids)

It’s generally recommended that healthy adults have a hearing test at least once a decade, but for those who are aged 60 or over, you really should have one every year. Hearing tests are easy, quick and painless, and will help to protect your hearing or lead to a diagnosis that will give you the help you need to restore it.


Energy bills have risen by a staggering 54% (£693 for the average UK household) after the regulator’s new price cap came in on 1 April — and that was certainly a joke! With the Russia invasion of Ukraine, the wholesale prices are expected to continue to go up and, it is likely that the energy price cap could be increased a further 30-50% in October (House of Commons library).

In the UK, nearly 30% of our household energy consumption (13.8% of electricity for cooking, 16.8% for freezing and cooling food) is used in the kitchen, according to the Energy Saving Trust. Being energy efficient in the kitchen will certainly help cut down your energy bills.

Here are some tips:

Use the microwave: Cooking by heating the water molecules inside food, from inside outwards, the heat generated by microwave is not wasted in heating the air surrounding the food. It is therefore far more energy efficient.

Apart from reheating and defrosting, microwaves can be used to cook whole meals!

Recipes such as macaroni and cheese, leek and salmon in a parcel, risotto primavera and banana muffins for example can be found easily with a Google search.

You can also try part-cooking potatoes or butternut squash in the microwave for 6-10 minutes before roasting. It will save time as well as energy! Another way to make use of the microwave is the steam-cook. It only takes 4-5 minutes to cook softer/moist vegetables such as broccoli and 6-8 minutes for firmer ones like potatoes. With this, you save time and energy, and you get a bonus of more nutrition (vitamin B and vitamin C leak into the boiling water).

Use the kettle: Instead of heating water on the stove to boil, use a kettle. When boiling water in a pot/sauce-pan, much of the heat generated by the hob is absorbed by the air surrounding the saucepan. A kettle is faster too!

Use a slow cooker: Slow cookers are well insulated, and as the lid stays on during cooking, not much energy is wasted. An average-sized slow cooker only uses just 1.3 kWh per meal cooked. There are additional benefits of using slow cookers— with everything cooked in one pot, there are fewer items to wash up, reducing costs further.

The slow and longer cooking process also makes it perfect to create tasty meals from cheaper cuts of meat.

Use less water: Only use as much water as you need (just enough to cover the potatoes or vegetable). Boiling extra water takes more time as well as energy. Using less water will also save on water bills.

Cover pots and pans: The water will boil faster and use less energy to heat your food.

Turn off the heat a couple of minutes before your food is fully cooked –particularly if you’ve got an electric hob, as they take some time to cool down and will continue to cook your food.

Defrost your fridge and freezer regularly: The energy efficiency of both is reduced if there is a build-up of ice or frost inside. Leave at least a 10 cm gap behind your fridge, so the heat can flow away more easily.

The climate crisis is an energy crisis that will impact us all, so you can do your bit by following these simply hints and save yourself cash along the way.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 28 LIFE & STYLE
Home | Health | Fashion | Food | Travel | Money
For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 29 ASHLONG DOMICILIARY CARE IS RECRUITING FOR ADULT SUPPORT WORKERS IN THE HAILSHAM/EASTBOURNE AREA EXCELLENT RATES OF PAY FROM £9.25 to £10.25 PER HOUR OVERTIME AVAILABLE Please contact 07939 570101 or email: paullehmann@alliedcare.co.uk for further information Bentley Grange Extra Care Scheme We look forward to hearing from you! Call or email now on: JOIN Carewatch ✓ Comprehensive induction and ongoing training ✓ Opportunity to gain nationally recognised qualifications ✓ Great rates of pay ✓ Flexible working hours ✓ Job satisfaction every day WE ARE LOOKING FOR CARE ASSISTANTS FOR OUR EXTRA CARE SCHEME IN HAILSHAM Join us now and receive up to a welcome bonus* £1000 *T’s & C’s available on application WWW.CAREWATCH.CO.UK 01323 406189 recruitmentbentley@carewatch.co.uk





Bar & Kitchen in Hailsham High Street, a popular venue. Chairman Clive Soper writes…

Hailsham & District Chamber of Commerce’s last meeting was on Thursday 7th April.

We restarted a tradition of breakfast networking meetings. Many familiar and friendly faces turned up for this successful monthly meeting held on the first Thursday every month. This being my first meeting as the new Chair of Hailsham Chamber, I was able to get my feet under the table and experience a warm reception without our usual speaker. Instead, Mark Hallett, our outgoing Chair delivered a presentation on the proposed BID, (Business Improvement District). Mark explained the proposal that a Business Improvement District (BID) is created to include Hailsham Town Centre, Hellingly, Herstmonceux, Westham, Polegate, Wilmington, Berwick, Laughton and Chiddingly. He stated the proposed BID will promote a Carbon Neutral economy in ALL areas with support for ALL businesses within the BID district, to attain environmental compliance and adapt commerce to meet these standards whilst benefiting from the commercial opportunities presented.

Businesses at ALL levels are able to be part of and benefit from the BID which also has substantial benefits for the community and youth of Hailsham and District.

I am pleased to support the BID and excited to be a part of a proposal that promises significant and long-lasting opportunities to all businesses, the community and anyone visiting our part of Wealden.

During the COVID epidemic, the Chamber could not meet but Mark instigated virtual meetings by Zoom which kept the Chamber together. The membership informed and spirits up, indeed, at the time of our first post-COVID non-virtual

meeting our membership exceeded 100, a tribute to Mark and the team.

Being in business during the past three years has been extremely challenging, it has been more turbulent than any other time other than during the World Wars. The challenges of BREXIT, COVID, the Environmental changes and now the Russian invasion of Ukraine have and still are presenting significant challenges. For businesses, there have never been more reasons to be a member, not only benefiting from everything that the Chamber offers but also being able to question and influence directly the Chamber’s policy and decisions.

Being a member, you can influence and develop the BID, enjoy the social benefits of being a member, and develop a broad range of friends and business acquaintances.

As Chair, I hope to engage with readers here and keep you abreast of the Chamber’s progress with the BID, our monthly exploits and the Chamber’s social events.

Incidentally, our Events Co-ordinator Sam Beale, who recently ran a bowling night followed by a meal at Ribs & Co, which a large group of members enjoyed, has some more exciting events up his sleeve including a sailboarding and kayaking event to be held at Exceat followed by a barbecue and social.

Sam, who is an integral part of Stevens & Carter Estate Agents took on the responsibility for social events and entertainment for the Chamber at the end of last year, has a number of other events in planning to tantalise and entertain members throughout the year. Thanks to Sam.

Another member of our team is leaving due to the pressure of work. Viktoria Cowley, who has been our secretary for several years is stepping down and I would like to thank her for the tireless and diligent effort she has put into her time as secretary and wish her well for the future, I am sure we will still see her regularly at meetings but a big thanks for your efforts, they are really appreciated.

In saying goodbye to Viktoria it is my pleasure to welcome

Nic Gray, who takes over as our new secretary. Nic is the Director of Nic Gray PA Ltd— A Virtual Assistant company based in Hailsham and brings a wealth of experience to her new role as secretary to the Chamber. Nic can be contacted on: secretary@hailshamchamberofcommerce.co.uk

Finally, during the recent Chamber AGM held at B12 Bar & Kitchen on the 24th March, the meeting was paused to allow members to attend an event in support of the Ukraine people held at the High Street Memorial. It is an appalling act of aggression by Russia on an independent nation with Russia perpetrating unspeakable acts of violence and abhorrence upon the population including women, children, the elderly and the sick. The Chamber members joined with Hailsham Town Council and residents to show our solidarity with the people of Ukraine who have lost everything following the Russian invasion.

.News 30
Viktoria Cowley and Nic Gray Stephen Marshall from LED-UK Lighting presents to Chamber members


four years working at another independent Agency. Having grown up and lived in Hailsham for 20+ years, his knowledge of the local area and property industry experience will be a welcomed addition to the team. Murray is very much looking forward to getting stuck



into the role and getting to grips with the thriving local market. Before property, Murray worked for East Sussex County Council in Adult Social Care. He also holds a degree in Criminology from Nottingham Trent University graduating in 2016. Murray is a massive sports fan; he played ice hockey until he left university and still plays roller hockey for ‘Bandits’ who train in Bexhill. He also enjoys playing golf in his free time, having played at Celtic Manor and in Spain in the last 12 months. Additionally watching football and Formula 1 at every opportunity. He also

enjoys travelling and spending quality time with friends and family. We hope he settles in well.

Michaela Pearson has joined the company as a Viewing Guide, specialising in showcasing its clients’ properties to prospective purchasers. Michaela is a mum of three young children and enjoys family time and walks in the park. Having spent several years as a trained nurse, Michaela is keen to learn new skills and all about the industry, with her infectious personality we know she is going to thrive.


‘OIEO’ £650,000

What an amazing opportunity to acquire a visually stunning picture-postcard flint faced four bedroom detached Cottage situated within a very good size plot. The property provides light & spacious accommodation over two floors arranged with an entrance hall, cloakroom, study/ office, a sitting room, dining room and a kitchen/breakfast room. Upstairs there are four bedrooms, an en-suite shower facility, and a family bathroom.

Outside there is an attached garage approached via a driveway and front & rear gardens. This is a rare opportunity to purchase a property such as this in Hailsham therefore, please do not delay in arranging your accompanied viewing.

There is a long driveway to the front and a walled garden to the rear.

To explore this wonderful opportunity please take a look through our 3D Virtual Tour online teamed up with our professional photography before calling for an accompanied viewing.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 31 ADVERTORIAL Stevens and Carter • www.stevensandcarter.co.uk • Hailsham: 01323 840444 • Lettings: 01323 840666
Murray Gouin Michaela Pearson

A helping hand for first-time buyers

When it comes to your property search, start by thinking about your lifestyle and what areas you would like to live in. Once you have seen some suitable properties, book in viewings as soon as possible. You may want to bring someone along who you trust as they could point out important things to you. You should always prepare for a viewing beforehand and have a list of questions you would like to ask the agent.

For example;

As a first-time buyer, you’re in a great position, therefore never be afraid to negotiate and inform the agent of why the vendor should choose you for their sale. Tell the agent the reasons why their property would be your dream home. This information may resonate with the vendor and take you more seriously as a buyer.

To make things easier for you, it’s always a great idea to get your finances and documentation in order. This means that when you find the right property, you’re ready for the next step. It’s also great practice to utilise your contacts. If you know anyone who has recently been through the process, like a family member or friend, it may be useful to speak with them as they may have the answers to some of your concerns. Additionally, never hesitate to ask agents questions. That is what we’re here for and we’re always happy to share our knowledge.

It is vital to always be proactive when searching for a property. You may have a good idea of what you’re looking for, however, you can often surprise yourself. I would advise that you view as many properties as you can. As you’ve never bought your own property, you may be looking for one with little work, however, never rule out a project! This could be a great opportunity to add value to a property and can set you up for the future. Similarly, you may see potential in a property that other people have not spotted and consequently it has less demand and competition. On a more personal level, buying a property that needs work allows you to make it your own. When you weigh up the costs, you can determine if it is manageable for you.

Why are the current owners selling?

• How long have they lived in the property?

Timescales for the move

• Who are the neighbours?

When was the heating system installed and last serviced?

Is the property freehold or leasehold?

• Does the property have any service or maintenance charges?

What council tax band the property is in?

Not only is it a benefit for you to know more about a property, it’s also helpful to get to know a bit more about the seller’s plans. This may help you sell yourself as a buyer if you would like to offer on their property.

When it comes to offering, start with an offer that you consider reasonable. If your offer is rejected, make gradual increases until the negotiator asks for your best and final. The negotiator will always keep you updated, however, try not to take too much time between offers as it may lead the agent or vendor to assume you are not fully committed.

We all know that buying a property comes with stresses, concerns and a little apprehension. It is important to have a thick skin and try to be level headed throughout the process. Do not be disheartened if you miss out on a property as sometimes this may happen. Be patient, the right property is out there!

Happy hunting!

Buying a house can be a daunting time, especially when it’s a new experience. When you haven’t been through the process before, it can seem like a minefield. Here are some pointers you might find helpful.

Sell first or buy first? Solving the home moving ‘CATCH 22’ conundrum

Many sellers express that they are keen to move but would prefer to withhold selling their home until a suitable property becomes available.

On the face of it, this may seem like the obvious route, but in practice this approach can severely limit your chances of being offered the best homes – if any at all.

Unfortunately, this approach is almost guaranteed to end in failure or cost you many thousands of pounds in lost selling price value and lost negotiating ability on your next purchase.

So, what is the solution to this problem?

how do you regain control of the whole situation?

how do you take the pressure off?

how do you get yourself to the top of the hot list?

how do you give yourself and your agent time to fully explore all the possible interest in your home over a couple of weeks or more to absolutely maximise your selling price?

how do you get yourself into the situation where you can walk into any property you want to buy and reserve it there and then?

To find out how to solve this homemoving conundrum scan the QR code and visit our Active Reservation guide. Here you can view our film explaining the Crane & Co solution to this age-old problem and download our guide and fact sheet.

Looking for more selling advice and guidance?

We know selling your home can initially seem daunting when you have so many things to think about.

Members of our team, with a collective experience of over 100 years, have written guides and advice articles to help you, as well as give some insights into what it’s like to work in estate agency.

Scan the QR code here or visit www.craneandco.co.uk to see our page packed full of advice and free step by step guides.

We have a hugely experienced team –independently rated as one of the best estate agents in the country.

All that ability and knowledge is at your disposal, so do get in touch and talk to us about your moving plans – it could be the best move you make! RIGHTMOVE’S

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If you are thinking of selling your home and would like an informal chat with one of the team, feel free to give us a call on 01323 440678.

Multi award winners – 2018–2022
2 The Quintins, High Street, Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 1D 01323 440678 | sales@craneandco.co.uk | craneandco.co.uk
One of the questions we are asked every day is whether a seller should place their property on the market before or after they have found a home to purchase.
the QR code here and visit our Active Reservation Guide.


Just short of a decade ago, Kia wasn’t a massively popular choice for motorists. The Korean manufacturer boasted in 2010 of just over 350,000 sales globally — whilst in 2021, it told the world it sold 2.7m units, so you could say it’s come a long way since then! Paul Gibson spends a week with the newly launched Kia Sportage…

The reason I referenced the year 2010 in my intro is that it was the year my mother was, for the first time ever, treating herself to a brand-new car after retirement. So, the hunt began by visiting all the local car dealerships to get a feel of the kind ‘ride’ that suited her needs. I still remember

The reason I’d suggested this is because I had recently returned from a Hyundai/Kia vehicle press launch in Europe (they’re the same company for those who don’t know), so I was well up-to-speed with how Kia had massively invested in the quality of its cars and built a dedicated European plant for

hasn’t missed a beat for 12 years.

I digress, our recent test Kia Sportage arrived on the drive in a stunning gun-metal grey with a contrasting black roof and black and grey alloy wheels. Instantly, you can see this is a complete re-design of its predecessor, not just a facelift. The dramatic wide grille and swooping LED running lights, simply make the Sportage stand out from most other SUVs on the road.

It seems as if the designer went wild with the pen in the initial drawings of the Sportage as at every angle you look, there are beautiful lines and incredible attention to detail really putting the word sport into the car’s name. That doesn’t change as you jump inside. You instantly notice the incredibly wide LED touchscreen that stretches right across to the driver’s dials, which of course are also digital. This makes the dashboard look completely fuss-free, eliminating many buttons, but still keeping items such as air conditioning controls as physical buttons.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 34 MOTORING HailshamMotoring
The all-new Sportage. Built for endless inspiration. Now available in Hybrid. £500 Finance Deposit Contribution† and 4.9% APR Representative. Order by 30th June 2022 Birchwood Kia Birch Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN23 6PD 01323 401079 | www.birchwoodkia.co.uk Fuel consumption in mpg (I/100km) for the model shown: Combined 48.7 (5.8), CO2 emissions 132g/km. MPG figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results. The figures shown here are for limited comparison purposes; fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are tested using WLTP. Only compare fuel consumption, CO2 and electric range figures with other cars tested to the same technical procedures. For more information about WLTP please refer to kia.com/uk. Model shown: all-new Sportage ‘GT-Line S’ 1.6 T-GDI 226bhp 6-speed auto HEV 2WD at £39,455 including premium Experience Green with black roof paint at £800. Kia Sportage range available from £26,775. Specification varies across the range and is subject to change without notice. †£500 towards your Personal Contract Purchase Deposit on all-new Sportage. Offer available on purchase of a new Kia Sportage in the United Kingdom between 01.04.2022 - 30.06.2022. Retail Sales only. Further charges may be made subject to the condition or mileage of the vehicle. Kia reserves the right to amend or withdraw offers at any time without prior notice. Finance T&Cs apply. Subject to status. 18s or over. Guarantee may be required. Kia Finance RH2 9AQ. 7 year / 100,000 mile manufacturer’s warranty. For full terms and exclusions visit kia.com/uk/owners. trading as Birchwood Kia are a credit broker (not a lender) for the purposes of this financial promotion and can introduce you to a limited number of carefully selected finance providers and may receive a commission from them for the introduction.

grille, side sills and wheel arch body mouldings, body-coloured door and radiator upper garnishes and much, much more.

Kia boasts there are actually 18 different variants of the Sportage to choose from, so customers can really personalise their cars.

Powering our test car was a 1.6 four-cylinder petrol engine, housing a reasonable 148bhp and a 0-60mph time of 9.4 seconds. This equates to an impressive MPG return considering the size of the car. On a weekend sprint to the northeast Kent coast, a 160-mile round trip, I managed a healthy 45mpg average from the trip.

One of the reasons behind the excellent economy figures was the fact this model is fitted with 48v mild-hybrid technology. This is a system which primarily serves to improve efficiency — braking energy is recovered, stored in a small 48V battery and used for additional torque and to supply the onboard electrical system.

Boot space is pretty impressive too, with a total of 562 litres of space with the rear seats up and 1,751 with them down. This is larger than most of its closest competitors such as the BMW X3, Audi Q5 and Mercedes-Benz GLC.

Joining the line-up later this year will be the Sportage Plug-in Hybrid, the same 1.6-litre T-GDi engine paired with a powerful 66.9kW electric motor and a larger 13.8kWh lithium-ion polymer battery pack. The PHEV powertrain, therefore, delivers up to 261bhp, making it the most powerful model and the lowest-emitting in the line-up. A safety feature which is well worth a mention were the blind spot cameras that appear in the dial cluster as soon as you select an indicator. This gives you an excellent view down the side of the vehicle, in whatever direction you intend to go. Usually, in modern cars, these safety features can just get in the way, but this is a system which quickly reminds you to check those blind spots for cyclists and pedestrians.

All the other safety features are very effective. One I experienced first-hand was when a gentleman with a trolley decided to walk straight towards the car whilst I reversed out

Kia really seems to have the upper hand when giving peace of mind to buyers. All Kias are sold with a 7-year / 100,000 mile warranty which is even transferable between owners and includes cover for all the mild hybrid, hybrid and plug-in hybrid variants of the new Sportage.

In conclusion, the new Kia Sportage should be very high on your list of cars to check out if you want a reliable, practical, economical SUV that certainly sits pretty in most environments.

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confirmed it will continue through 2022. Such partnerships support Lightning Fibre’s ethos as a local company with a community-centric

Hailsham Active Chair Steve Wennington said: “We are very appreciative of the support from Rob and the team at Lightning Fibre, enabling us to support many of our amazing local sports and recreation clubs.

“The aims of Hailsham Active are: ‘To promote the physical and mental well-being for all residents within South Wealden, by helping make available the appropriate facilities for sports, physical activity and

The sponsorship money provided by Lightning Fibre is used to support ongoing projects, submissions, and preparations for funding bids to the national and local funding


The funding scheme is called Quick Win Funding Scheme and it enables a professional bid writer to work with local sports clubs to

and coaching to Fighting Fit women’s boxing and self-defence activity. The group recently purchased some new gloves following a




Goods Vehicle Operator’s Licence

Eamon Holmes trading as Element Scaffolding Ltd of 2 The Retreat, Avard Crescent, BN20 8TY is applying for a licence to use 1 Slyes Farm Cottage, Downwash, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2RP as an operating centre for 2 goods vehicle and 0 trailers and to use N/A as an operating centre for 2 goods vehicles and 0 trailers.

Owners or occupiers of land (including buildings) near the operating centre(s) who believe that their use or enjoyment of that land would be affected, should make written representations to the Traffic Commissioner at Hillcrest House, 386 Harehills Lane, Leeds, LS9 6NF, stating their reasons, within 21 days of this notice. Representors must at the same time send a copy of their representations to the applicant at the address given at the top of this notice. A Guide to Making Representations is available from the Traffic Commissioner’s Office.

Lightning Fibre’s Head of Sales & Marketing

Rob Reaks believes the relationship with Hailsham Active has been successful and

Other local clubs are awaiting news of their funding bids and these include Hailsham , who hope to open up tennis sessions to people on low income or simply will be submitting two bids for funding to relaunch their new facilities at their ground at Lower are currently looking at raising funding to introduce tag rugby in primary schools, and rugby coaching at other There are great opportunities for funding, so please do consider a bid for funding if your club needs it.

Just email our grants specialist annette.buswell@stepupsports.co.uk

for a variety of uses (stp) Please call for all enquiries
MG 07798 623065
Ground floor area 895 sq.ft (83sq.m) Excellent location opposite ASDA Suitable
Hailsham Active
receive cheque from sponsors Waitrose


Would you like

Brighton Marathon and 10K Weekend

A record number of spectators gathered along the course from Preston Park, through the city to the beautiful Brighton seafront to cheer on runners and riders in the Brighton Marathon ride, 10K and marathon.

With weather conditions perfect across the weekend, the city delivered an electric atmosphere for a fantastic weekend of running, racing and riding.

The Brighton marathon weekend kicked off on Saturday in Preston Park with the Mini Mile races, where more than 1400 children of all ages took part.




Hailsham Town went down 2-0 on the final day of the season on Saturday 23rd April to Dorking Wanderers Reserves in a game that was in the balance until close to the end. The Stringers began brightly on a windy afternoon

The Sunday morning sunrise saw 500 cyclists gather for the 50K ride before 4000 runners took part in the 10K at 9am. Running for Hailsham Harriers in the 10K and first across the line were Gary Smith and Helen O’Sullivan in 47:45, Doug Wood 50:52 and Sam Neame who raced to a fantastic new personal best of 52:48.

At 9:45am, 8200 runners lined up for the 26.2 mile marathon distance. Running for Hailsham Harriers, Ross Brocklehurst crossed the line, first Harrier home, in 3:02:19 followed by Carl Barton running to a new personal best of 3:31:19, Tom Bilton 3:54:28, Graham Woolley 3:57:23, Max Williams 4:58:45 and Marcos Jarvis 5:30:21.

Ross, Max and Marcos ran to raise money for three amazing charities close to their hearts. These were the British Stammering Association, Parkinson’s UK and The Wolo Foundation.

Hailsham Harriers would like to congratulate everyone that took part in the weekend. Across all three events it is estimated that over £1.8 million has been fundraised via JustGiving with a lot more still to pour in.

If you were inspired by the Brighton marathon weekend this year, next year’s event is due to begin on April 1st 2023.

Cricket Club resumes training

Wednesday 20th April was the opening night for junior cricket training back outside at the Recreation Ground. Hailsham Cricket Club had over 100 boys and girls attend the evening and enjoy the awesome sessions that were planned and delivered by its wonderful team of coaches.

The junior games start in early May with the club having an extra team this year. It now has age groups at the following stages, Under 5’s, Under 8’s, Under 10’s, Under 11’s, Under 12’s, Under 14’s and Under 15 girls. It is always looking for new boys and girls to join the club of all ages between 4-15, with no previous experience or equipment required.

The senior teams started in mid-April and have enjoyed a really positive pre-season programme with local fixtures that have given players and captains a chance to shake off the rust and prepare for the 2022 league season.

The club welcomed nine new players since last season all settling in superbly, whilst adding different strengths to the teams they play in and the club.

It has already held two socials at the Boundary Bar as part of our new push this season, the first one being a “Dodgy Shirt and Pizza” night and the second one being a quiz night led by Cliff Marsh. The quiz night also doubled up as its first fundraiser for our 2022 charity of the year, The Ronald McDonald Housing Charity.

squirming wide of the far post, whilst Jake Barker found the top of the net and the busy Rhys Taylor was denied by a block. Gradually the young Wanderers side began to up the pressure, and eventually, on 78, added their second — George Craig’s very well struck free kick finding the corner of the net from 25 yards out.

Stringers: Peach, Guest, Fox, S Townsend, Thomsett, S Pout (c), C Townsend, Ray, Barker, Playford, Taylor; Subs Used: J

Pout, Honey, Mafu; Unused Sub: Young • Attendance: 73. Following the match, the annual awards evening was held.

Under 18’s — Players’ Player of the Season: Linton Lusted

Managers Player of the Season: Freddie Lloyd

Under 23’s — Players Player of the Season: Linton Lusted

Managers Player of the Season: Dan Fox

First Team — Supporters Player of the Season: Dan Fox

Players Player of the Season: Wester Young

Managers Player of the Season: Ben Thomsett

Goal Of The Season: Rhys Taylor (Dorking Wanderers away)

Young Player of the Season: Linton Lusted

Club Awards — First Team Manager’s Volunteer Of The Season: Dominique Corbett

Club Person Of The Season: Andrew Hazelden

Smith 6-1, 6-3, before losing to second pair Jeff Gedge and Louis Adkins, 6-1, 6-1.

But first pair, Jonny Chea and Simon Underwood won a nervy first leg against Jeff and Louis, dropping the first set 6-2, before winning the second 7-5. In the championship tiebreaker (first to 10 points, 2 ahead) Jonny and Simon secured the win, defending a match point before winning 12-10. In their second leg, they won the first set 6-3 against Dermot and Nigel, but the Amherst first pair then conceded due to an injury, giving the Hailsham side their second 2-2 draw in as many weeks.

• Hailsham Tennis Club will be holding an Open Day for all who want to give tennis a try during the Queen’s Jubilee holiday weekend on Sunday 5th June, when they will be offering half price membership subscriptions as an incentive to join the club. The club caters for all ages and levels of competence with junior and adult coaching available, as well as all-weather floodlit courts for year-round tennis.


James Bellett, for his explosive 47* and 2 crucial wickets at the top of the Rottingdean innings.

2ND XI VS IFIELD • LOST (A) – HCC 197/8 – IFIELD 202/6: The first pre-season game for Hailsham’s second team was against Ifield seconds. However, with one over to go, Ifield managed to win the game ending on 202/6.The Roots Ground Maintenance Man of the Match goes to Ethan Dawber for a mature batting display which allowed Hailsham to reach a competitive total.


ANDERIDA 88: On a warm Saturday afternoon Hailsham 3XI arrived at the wonderful Roebuck Park to begin the 2022 season. Uckfield bowled out for 88 and the 3XI taking their first win of the season. The Daniel Grant Finance and Planning Group Man of the Match goes to Tom Mills for his excellent bowling to begin the season.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News MAY 2022 38 SPORT
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Supporters Player of the Season Dan Fox puts the pressure on Connor Townsend strikes at goal Helen & Gary Brighton 10k L-R: Seang Chea, Manny Galitzine, Jonny Chea and Simon Underwood


The East Sussex Football League season came to a conclusion over the month of April, with various divisions and cups all seeing exciting finishes. In the Premier Division Battle Town finished strongly to be confirmed as Champions of the Premier Division, losing only one of their 18 league games. Local rivals Crowhurst finished in second place, whilst at the bottom there was disappointment for Wadhurst United, who finished bottom of the pile with just one win to their credit all season.

The Division One title was taken by Rye Town, who went into the last day in second place, but won the title after a 2-0 win at South Coast Athletico whilst second placed Bexhill Amateur Athletic were held to a 2-2 draw by SC Pass & Move Arrows.

Division Two also went to the East of the County, with Westfield Reserves taking the title ahead of second placed Little Common Reserves. At the bottom of the table, player availability hit Herstmonceux hard, as ‘Ceux finished bottom having been unable to fulfill their final two fixtures of the season.

Division Three was completed in March when AFC Hollington claimed the title, pipping the reformed Ninfield to the title with Hailsham-based Welcroft Park Rangers

a close third. Similarly, Division Four was already decided going into the month, as Ticehurst claimed the title, whilst in Division Five, Crowhurst Reserves claimed the title, two points clear of second-placed Westfield Thirds.

It was also a busy month in the Cup competitions, with AFC Hollington adding the Hastings FA Junior Cup and the ESFL Division Two & Three Cup to their league title. Rye Town were convincing winners in the Robertsbridge Charity Intermediate Cup Final, beating Punnetts Town 5-0 Crowhurst Reserves won the Hastings FA Lower Divisions Cup, but despite a disappointing season for the first team, Herstmonceux Reserves did at least have some success, beating Sovereign Saints Reserves 4-2 to win the Eastbourne FA Junior Cup.

The final of the Eastbourne FA Vice Presidents Cup, to be played between Welcroft Park Rangers and Polegate Town Reserves, will take place on Friday 29th April at The Saffrons, Eastbourne, whilst Battle Town go for the double in the ESFL Premier & Division One Cup against SC Pass & Move Arrows (26th April), and Bexhill Town meet Crowhurst in the final of the Hastings FA Intermediate Cup, also on the 29th.


Hailsham Hockey Club Ladies 2s and 3s both had great seasons in their new leagues this year. The ladies 2s finished 4th in the South East Womens Division 2 Martlets. This was a great result as this is their first year in this league. They won 11 games, drew 2 and lost only 5. The newly formed ladies 3s had an even better first season. They finished 2nd in The South East Division 4 Martlets. This means in only their first season they have been promoted. They won 14 games, drew 1 and lost only 2 games. These were both to the top winning side so was even more of a fantastic achievement.

Hockey is traditionally a winter sport though there are some summer leagues. Hailsham Hockey club will be arranging social hockey sessions on Friday evenings at Hailsham Community College starting in June. All are welcome so please contact info@hailshamhockey.com for more details.

For the latest local news, visit: www.Hailsham.News 40 SPORT

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