2014 fall fest

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l l a F t s e F

September 25• 26• 27 www.LawrenceburgFallFest.net

2 • Fall Fest 2014 • The Harrison Press, Wednesday, Sept. 17; The Dearborn Co. Register & Ohio County News, Thursday, Sept. 18; The Market Place, Monday, Sept. 22

27th AnnuAL

OctOber 10 - 11, 2014

Rising Sun, Indiana Live Music & Entertainment Rides • Parade • Games • & Much More!

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“1964” t h E t R I


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Fall Fest 2014 • The Harrison Press, Wednesday, Sept. 17; The Dearborn Co. Register & Ohio County News, Thursday, Sept. 18; The Market Place, Monday, Sept. 22 •


Music  Rides  Chili  Cars

hange has come to Fall Fest again this year. In an effort to cover some costs of the festival paid tickets are required for folks attending the Friday and Saturday concerts who are not residents of the City of Lawrenceburg. “We are looking forward to an enjoyable event this year for our residents as well as the visitors to our City,” said Mayor Dennis Carr. Thursday night’s music is free with local favorites Centerline and The Menus performing. Music for Friday, Sept. 26, features Darryl Worley and Collin Raye. Gates open at 6 p.m., and the music starts at 8 p.m. Bubba Bo is Friday night’s emcee. Prior to Darryl Worley taking the stage, Several veterans who received Purple Hearts will be honored by PG Gentrup. Gentrup is a Lawrenceburg High School alum who served in Vietnam and

who is now Ohio County Veterans Service Officer. Information about the Purple Heart Veterans will appear in the regular pages of The Dearborn County Register Thursday, Sept. 18. Off the Hook, Sugar Ray and Cheap Trick will take over the stage Saturday, Sept. 27. The gates open at 3 p.m. Saturday with Off the Hook performing at 5 p.m. Wildman Walker will be the emcee Saturday. People can exchange their tickets for wristbands at the Todd Lane and Walnut Street entrance to Todd-Creech Park. That entrance is by the baseball fields and playground close to U.S. 50. Tickets will be for sale the day of the show for $15, and the ticket booth will be across from the Todd Lane entrance. People have been coming from as far as Michigan to purchase VIP tickets, said Kelly Will, Lawrenceburg marketing director.

There are only 500 VIP tickets per night. VIP tickets are $35, and the VIP experience is sponsored by Hollywood Casino and includes private event seating in close proximity to the stage, VIP bar service, food and private party area. All tickets are cash only, and Lawrenceburg city residents are entitled to free tickets but must do so by Saturday, Sept. 20. See the box for more information. While folks may have to pay for concert tickets Friday and Saturday, rides will be free Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and there will be plenty of other fun events including the chili cook-off and the RiverCity Classics Car show. Registration for the car show is 10 a.m. to noon, on West High Street, and the entry fee is $10. Awards will be presented at 3:30 p.m. For more information about Fall Fest go to www.lawrenceburgfallfest.net

Lawrenceburg City resident ticket info If you reside within the City limits of Lawrenceburg, you are entitled to complimentary tickets to this year’s Fall Fest concerts. Each resident will receive 1 ticket per night (Friday and Saturday) of the event. City residents will receive a postcard in the mail with information on picking up their tickets. They may bring their postcard to City Hall along with appropriate identification 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 20. There will be no complimentary tickets after Saturday, Sept. 20. No complimentary tickets at the gate. If you live within Lawrenceburg City limits and would like more information on complimentary tickets, please call City Hall; 812532-3550.


4 • Fall Fest 2014 • The Harrison Press, Wednesday, Sept. 17; The Dearborn Co. Register & Ohio County News, Thursday, Sept. 18; The Market Place, Monday, Sept. 22

Fall Fest 2014 • The Harrison Press, Wednesday, Sept. 17; The Dearborn Co. Register & Ohio County News, Thursday, Sept. 18; The Market Place, Monday, Sept. 22 •

FREE Murray Bros. Rides ALL WEEKEND

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l l a F t s e F

September 25• 26• 27

Chili Cook Off • DCH HealthWalk • Car Show • Beer Gardens



Saturday 5-6:30pm Off the Hook

6-7:30pm Centerline w/ DJ Adkins

6-9:30pm Darryl Worley

7-8:30pm Sugar Ray

9-10:30pm Cheap Trick 8-10:30 The Menus

10-11:00pm Collin Raye

TICKETS: Friday and Saturday • Advance: $10 per day / Gate: $15 per day VIP Tickets Available: $35 per day (All tickets cash only) All tickets are limited • All tickets cash only • Thursday Free Admittance Tickets available @ United Community Bank branches, Dearborn County Visitors Center, Lawrenceburg Community Center and Hollywood Casino Gift Shop

For more information visit:



6 • Fall Fest 2014 • The Harrison Press, Wednesday, Sept. 17; The Dearborn Co. Register & Ohio County News, Thursday, Sept. 18; The Market Place, Monday, Sept. 22 Lawrenceburg Fraternal Order of Eagles

Open House

& Membership Drive

During Fall Fest

September 25, 26 & 27

Beer Gardens • Pork Sliders Noon - Close Saturday, Sept. 27 • Live Music with Jackwagon • 8pm - 12am

Stop by and see us! Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie # 2018 334 Lake St., Lawrenceburg


DCH Health Walk turns 5!

Dearborn County Hospital’s Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Departments are hosting their fifth annual Heart & Lung Health Walk on Saturday, September 27. The 5 kilometer (3.1 mile) walk is on Dearborn Trails, a course on the Lawrenceburg Levee that is flat, paved and in places shaded by trees. The walk is co-sponsored by Dearborn County Hospital, Lawrenceburg Fall Fest, the City of Lawrenceburg and the Lawrenceburg Conservancy District. Ivy Tech Community College-Riverfront Campus, 50 Walnut St., is providing its facilities for pre- and post-walk activities. Registration and pre-event activities begin at 9 a.m. on the third floor of the Ivy Tech building. Light refreshments will be available at that time. The walk begins at 10 a.m. Walkers will receive a goody bag containing promotional items and educational materials. Also, Dearborn County Hospital and local and regional businesses are providing gift certificates or items to be given as door prizes. Each person walking will receive a ribbon. Walkers will be awarded a yellow rib-

bon for participation or a color coded ribbon for walking .5 miles, 1 mile, 1.5 miles, 2 miles or the entire course at 3.1 miles. Spotters are stationed along the course in the event a walker would need assistance. Walk information and registration forms are available at Dearborn County Hospital, local physicians’ offices, area public libraries and the Lawrenceburg Community Center. Forms can also be printed from the hospital’s website at www.dch.org. The registration fee after Sept. 9, is $15 and registrants will be provided T-shirts while supplies last although receiving a shirt cannot be guaranteed. In the event of inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances, the walk may be canceled. No refunds will be given, although shirts may be picked up at the hospital during normal business hours on a first come, first served basis. Walkers may utilize the Lawrenceburg Parking Garage free of charge. For more information, please call the DCH Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Departments at (812) 532-2614 or (800) 676-5572, ext. 2614, or email questions to healthwalk@ dch.org.

Family time together can be a positive learning experience. Have fun while building character. Fall Fest is a time for celebration with family and friends. Above all else, one of the most powerful things parents can do for their children is to set a good example when it comes to drug, alcohol & tobacco use. Respect them, be honest with them, be clear with them, and they’ll do the same.

"Working for a Drug Free Dearborn County”

Funded through the generosity of the City of Lawrenceburg

423 Walnut Street • Lawrenceburg, IN



Fall Fest 2014 • The Harrison Press, Wednesday, Sept. 17; The Dearborn Co. Register & Ohio County News, Thursday, Sept. 18; The Market Place, Monday, Sept. 22 •

Hot  Hot  Hot

For more than 10 years, Lawrenceburg firefighter Tim “Turtle” Harrell has been spicing things up at Lawrenceburg Fall Fest. And this year isn’t any different, since the Chili Cook-off will take over the Lawrenceburg Fire Department, 300 W. Tate St., Saturday, Sept. 27. All contestants must pre-register because space is limited, said contest coordinator Harrell. Pre-registration deadline is Wednesday, Sept. 24, or until all spaces are filled. No exceptions will be made. As of Thursday, Sept. 11, however 19 out of 24 contestant spots were filled, said Harrell. “They’re going fast. It’s always the same people, year after year,” he said. Doors open at 9 a.m. the day of the contest, followed by a meeting with committee members at 9:30 a.m. The official cook-off starts at 10 a.m., with judging starting at noon. A $400 prize awaits the maker of the chili deemed the best, along with $200 for second place and $100 for third place. Awards will be given out at 2:15 p.m. on the Main Stage. At the conclusion of the contest, samples of the chili will be given free of charge to the general public. So even if you’re not a chili cook taste the competitors’ entries, then see if you agree with the judges.` But hold your ladles. There are a few


Community Center Will be closed Wednesday, Sept. 24th to Monday, Sept. 29th for Fall FeSt

rules that must be followed. Tables and hot plates will be provided for each team. All chili entered must be prepared on site and out in the open. Each contestant must cook a minimum of two quarts of competition chili in one pot. All ingredients that require cooking must arrive at the contest in coolers and be kept cool until needed. Cooks are to prepare and cook their entries in as sanitary a manner as possible. There are some ingredient exceptions to these rules including canned or bottled tomatoes, tomato sauce, peppers, pepper sauce, beverages, broth and the grinding or mixing of spices. Meat may be treated, cut or ground, but may not be pre-cooked. All other ingredients must be prepared during the presentation period. And remember, all contestants must be willing to sample their own chili. This will be supervised by someone other than a judge to prevent favoritism. Judges and decisions are final and nonchallengable by the contestants. Remember this is a fun contest.What is voted the best chili today may not be best one next time! For more information call Harrell at 1-812-290-3309.


8 • Fall Fest 2014 • The Harrison Press, Wednesday, Sept. 17; The Dearborn Co. Register & Ohio County News, Thursday, Sept. 18; The Market Place, Monday, Sept. 22

Lawrenceburg Come enjoy


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Mayor Dennis Carr • Clerk Treasurer Jackie Stutz City Council • Municipal Utilities • Redevelopment Commission

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