2014 salute to survivors

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Salute To Survivors 2014

Dearborn & ohio County relay For liFe

City Of



Sur v i v o r s : We are Celebrating You!

R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register

Thursday, June 12th, 2014

■ Please join us June 14, 2014 ■ South Dearborn High School Cafeteria ■ Registration/Check-In: 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. ■ Dinner: 5:30 p.m. ■ Each Survivor is welcome to bring one caregiver/guest to attend the dinner with them ■ Debbie Smith will be the special guest speaker ■ Dinner will include Subway Sandwiches, Chips, Cole Slaw, Cookies, & Drinks ■ Each Survivor will get a “Goody Bag” & their Purple Survivor T-Shirt ■ Caregivers & Survivors will also be entered into a variety of Door Prizes ■ Please RSVP by contacting Mindy Bruce 1-812-655-1458 or cherrymindy@hotmail.com

2014 Survivor/Caregiver Laps:

■ Survivors/Caregivers and Sponsors will lead the Opening Lap - 9 a.m. ■ Survivors/Caregivers will lead lap prior to the Luminary Ceremony- 9:15 p.m. ■ Survivors will lead the Closing Lap - 8:30 a.m. Note: please congregate at the main stage 30minutes prior to each lap

Nap Time

THE RULES Relay For Life is a 24 - hour fundraising event for the American Cancer Society, symbolizing a our endless fight to end cancer. Teams are expected to be represented through the entire 24 hours and have at least one member on the track at all times. Entertainment and concessions will be available at the event. Personalization and decoration of your tent site is encouraged - Be creative! Teams are welcomed to fund raise before, during and after the event.

Please adhere to the following basic Relay For Life rules:

WHAT IS RELAY? It’s an organized, overnight community fundraising walk. Teams of people camp out around a track. Members of each team take turns walking around the track. Food, games and activities provide entertainment and build camaraderie and make it a family-friendly environment for the entire community. Because it’s a team event, individual participants are not required to be there the entire time. But it’s so much fun, you’ll find it hard to leave!

History of Relay for Life

In May 1985, Dr. Gordy Klatt walked and ran for 24 hours around a track in Tacoma, Washington, ultimately raising $27,000 to help the American Cancer Society fight the nation’s biggest health concern – cancer. A year later, 340 supporters joined the overnight event. Since those first steps, the Relay For Life movement has grown into a worldwide phenomenon, raising nearly $5 billion to fight cancer.

What makes Relay special? Survivors Lap During the Survivors Lap, all cancer survivors at the event take the first lap around the track, celebrating their victory over cancer while cheered on by the other participants who line the track. Relay For Life events also recognize and celebrate caregivers, who give time, love, and support to their friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers facing cancer. Luminaria Ceremony

The Luminaria Ceremony takes place after dark, so we can remember people we have lost to cancer, honor people who have fought cancer in the past, and support those whose fight continues. Candles are lit inside of personalized bags and are placed around the Relay track as glowing tributes to those who’ve been affected by cancer.

Fight Back Ceremony This emotionally powerful ceremony inspires Relay participants to take action. The Fight Back Ceremony symbolizes the emotional commitment each of us can make in the fight against cancer. The action taken represents what we are willing to do for ourselves, for our loved ones, and for our community to fight cancer year-round and to commit to saving lives.

Bobb Hammann, Wal-Mart Rays of Hope I Relay for a cure because I have five brothers and sisters with cancer, and friends, too. I do not want to lose any more of them.

Linda Weber, Apple Pie Gang I Relay because of my aunt, uncle, dad, and grandmother who all had cancer. I have had a cancer scare twice, myself. I don’t want anyone to have to go through what my family and I have gone through. I want to make cancer go away.

Les Bruce, Heroes For Hope I have always been involved with Relay For Life in the past with Relay from my work. But I had a life changing experience in 2010 when I was diagnosed with cancer. I stayed positive through my treatments and I beat the cancer. So I told myself that I wanted to do more for Relay For Life. I was very fortunate to beat this, so I want to help others to be able to beat cancers as well.

Lawrenceburg Chevrolet supports Relay For Life

■ The event will be held rain or shine. ■ One member from each team is encouraged to be on the track at all times. ■ Lanes #7 & #8 (outside two lanes) will be designated for runners. The direction of all walkers and runners will be changed every few hours. ■ All Team Captains should report to the Registration Tent upon arrival to check in and receive their TC packets. Team Captains are responsible for the actions of teams and family members in attendance. ■ For the purpose of safety, only Nerf balls or Soft Frisbees will be permitted. They need to keep them off the track/football field and out of the way of the participants. No cornhole games permitted on football field. ■ Tents and campers will be allowed only in designated areas. ■ Campsites should display team names to assist in team members locating campsites. ■ No tobacco products or alcoholic beverages are allowed. ■ Wheelchairs, wagons and strollers are welcome. Bicycles, roller blades, skates or skateboards will NOT be permitted. ■ Participants will not be permitted on the football infield. ■ All walkers must sign a waiver. ■ No animals allowed - Service animals are welcomed. ■ Only registered participants are allowed to stay overnight. ■ Participants under the age of 18 MUST have a youth participant waiver on file signed by a parent/ guardian to be allowed to participate from thehours of 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.. ■ Please refrain from lighting any fire pits until the Luminary Service has concluded. ■ Please help maintain the facility by placing recyclables in appropriate bins.

Thursday, June 12th, 2014

R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register


What’s Where...


Rest Rooms


Locker Rooms




Access Drive



Campers & Motor Homes

tra nc e

Parking Lot

Home Bleachers

Access Drive


Football Field Supervisor Registration Tent Tent

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Silent Auction Tent 1

Track Life


Access Drive Main Stage


Entertainment-Event Schedule

■ 9 a.m.- Opening Ceremony- National Anthem – Jane Becker; Prayer – Rev. Charlie Hill, Cedars of Lebanon Fellowship ■ Opening Lap – Led by Survivors , Caregivers, and Sponsors ■ 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. Kids Activities ■ 10:30 a.m. Roni’s Dance Studio ■ 11 a.m. K-9 Demonstration ■ 11:30 a.m. Lawrenceburg Community Center Dance Groups ■ 12:30 p.m. Scavenger Hunt – Relay Style ■ 1 – 4 p.m. Silent Auction ■ 2 p.m. K-9 Demonstration ■ 3 p.m. Fight Back Ceremony ■ 4 – 5:30 p.m. Survivor Registration/Check-in in SDHS Cafeteria ■ 4:30 p.m. Pantene Beautiful Lengths Ponytail Cutting ■ 5:30 p.m. Survivor Dinner/Celebration in SDHS Cafeteria ■ 5:30 p.m. Ohio County Park Board Dancers ■ 5:45 p.m. Harvey Branch String Band

Press Box

Kids Games

■ 7 p.m. Mass at Slam Dunk A Cure Campsite ■ 7 p.m. Janie Rae ■ 7 p.m. RE/MAX Hot Air Balloon Tethered Rides ■ 9:15 p.m. Survivors and Caregivers will lead a lap prior to the Luminaria Ceremony ■ 9:30 p.m. Luminaria Ceremony ■ 11 p.m. Teresa Steuver, Soloist ■ Midnight Men’s Eating Contest ■ 12:30 a.m. Women’s Eating Contest ■ 1 a.m. Bubblegum Contest – Relay Style ■ 1:30 a.m. Dance Party – Relay Style ■ 3 a.m. Frozen Chicken Bowling ■ 4:30 a.m. Scavenger Hunt – Relay Style ■ 5:30 a.m. Project Runway – Relay Style ■ 6:30 a.m. Morning Madness ■ 8:30 a.m. Closing Ceremony Begins ■ 9 a.m. Final Lap, led by Survivors

Visitor Bleachers

Silent Auction Tent 2

une 11 -12 • 9am - 9am 4

R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register

g Relay survival supplies:


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Survival Supplies

SUN SCREEN!!!! Bottled water (and plenty of it) Tent(s) for your campsite Proper clothing (extra clothing) for weather Ponchos Jackets, sweats T-shirts, shorts, flip-flops  Extra socks  Pillows & sleeping bags  Campsite decorations  Team costumes  Supplies needed for your On-Site Fundraiser  Wagon or dollie (something to help you haul all of your supplies to and from your campsite.  Money!! (and don’t forget quarters and loose change)  Walking/running shoes (and maybe a spare pair)  Folding chairs/tables  Stick lighters (to help light luminaria bags)  Scissors/pocketknife/hammer/tools for random tasks  Campsite Map (provided by committee)  Activity Schedule  Your Team!    

Preston Conaway, Dillsboro Prayer Walkers

Dillsboro American Legion for over 68 years. I have been awarded the Sagamore of the Wabash Award from the be 90 years old on October 15, State of Indiana, and have also been and some people might wonder why I recognized by Kentucky as a Kentucky epartam still involved with the American Colonel. ds and d him I just recently had to quit my volunteer Cancer Society’s Relay For Life. his dih “you My life motto has been, “Help some- services at the two nursing homes in o keep The Horton-James Team Hope Highway made it around the South Dearborn High Dillsboro. For 25 years I went daily to tment body every day, and am proud torepeat saythis year School track for the”first timeI in 2010, they could with everyone’s help. i felt the nursing homes and pushed the that I have daily met that goal most of he fire wheelchair bound residents to their my life. was a dining hall. At church I was in charge of the Suns to a day School for many years, and I served I always enjoyed visiting with them; I whole as Council Chairperson for 25 years. I already knew many of the residents en tod will am a member of the Dillsboro Civic and quickly befriended the others. I ary in Center and managed their auctions for particularly enjoyed listening to the s surded by men talk about their lives on the farm eight years. cancer My memberships in the Dillsboro Ma- since I lived on a farm my whole life. y SatI am lucky, I guess, because I have ne 12.sonic Lodge, the Scottish Rite and the Life. The ultimate victory. e back, never lost a family member to cancer. Shriners eachCancer exceed 50Foryears. I am a that those The American Society Relay Life represents the hope lost in the to cancer will never be forgotten, that those who face cancer will be supported, But many of my friends and neighbors scans volunteer for UCB Dearborn and that Deputy one day cancerSheriff will be eliminated. is proud to sponsor this lifethose changing 24-hour relay. Join us as we race to help end cancer one step at a time. had to battle this horrible disCounty. I served in the Army in World have Bruce ease. War II, and have been a member of dy, so

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u Ca s e e h t r o f All

Be sure to come to Relay prepared! here's a list of things that all Teams should be sure to have handy for Relay For Life

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Thursday, June 12th, 2014

About 10 years ago I was asked if I would like to join this Relay For Life Team. The person asking knew that I walked five miles a day, and that I was interested in helping others. My team members know that they can count on me to show up on Sunday morning and walk my laps. Last year, I had to let them down; I was experiencing some medical issues at the time of Relay For Life. But not this year; I recently purchased a walker that can be used as a stool. This will allow me to sit down when I need to rest while I am on the track. You see, it is important to me to make the effort because I still want to help somebody every single day. And so, on Sunday morning, June 15, I will be helping to win the fight against cancer at the South Dearborn High School Track.

Trinity Dry Cleaners Now open at 1011 W. Eads Pkwy in Lawrenceburg Trinity Dry Cleaners proudly supports efforts to end cancer by using GreenEarth Cleaning solvent, a non-carcinogenic alternative to commonly used dry cleaning methods.

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Relay FoR liFe

Rising Sun Municipal Utilities We at the Rising sun municipal utilities pRoudly suppoRt the Fight against canceR!

Proudly Supporting the Fight for a Cure

Rullman Hunger

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Thursday, June 12th, 2014

R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register


Quiet Time

Terry Kittle, Team DCH I am a 15-year cancer survivor (melanoma) so I have Relayed for four years for me. My friend died of breast cancer three years ago and that got me more involved. This year a young co-worker passed away from liver cancer so I am much more motivated to Relay for Alicia. We need to find a cure for this and I feel my Relaying helps.

John Moody, Wal-Mart Rays of Hope I Relay because I want to be a part of raising awareness and finding a cure for cancer. I also Relay to honor Survivors, not just in my family, but also friends. I Relay to remember those who have passed. And I Relay to always remember we are all united in a common bond to always fight for a cure and take a stand against cancer.


Pantene Beautiful Lengths

Beautiful Lengths is a partnership between Pantene and the American Cancer Society, to help women grow long, strong, beautiful hair and provide the funds to turn this donated hair into free, real-hair wigs for women with cancer. We will be hosting Pantene Beautiful Lengths at the 2014 Dearborn and Ohio County Relay for Life. The event will take place at Relay on Saturday, June 14 from 4:30 – 5:30 pm. Registration begins at 4:15 pm at the stage area. If you or someone you know would be interested in donating their hair please be sure you read the information below on requirements to donate. If those requirements are met, please contact Beth Teaney (jbah4t@comcast.net) prior to the Relay. We would like to know in advance of Relay the approximate number of people who plan to donate their hair. The day of Relay (Saturday, June 14 at 4:15 p.m.), please arrive at the stage to sign-in. Our professional hair stylists will prepare your hair for donation (check length, etc.). We thank everyone in advance for this wonderful gift. When you donate your hair, you are giving a precious gift to a woman in need. We want to make sure not a single gift is wasted, so please be sure your hair meet these requirements before you sign up or we won’t be

able to make the cut at Relay and turn your beautiful gift into a wig.

■Hair may not be more than 5 percent gray.

REQUIREMENTS ■Donated hair must be a minimum of 8 inches long (measure hair from the elastic band of the ponytail to the ends). ■Wavy/curly hair texture is fine—you may straighten hair to measure. ■Hair should be freshly washed and completely dry, without any styling products. ■Hair may be colored with vegetable dyes, rinses and semi-permanent dyes. It cannot be bleached, permanently colored or chemically treated.

It takes at least six ponytails to make a Pantene Beautiful Lengths wig; in general, each ponytail comes from a different person and is a different color. Even though some hair colors may look similar, including gray hair, each is completely unique. For a realistic-looking wig that has consistent color throughout, donated ponytails must be processed and then dyed to the same shade. It is critical for each ponytail to absorb dyes at the same rate in order to create wigs of consistent, natural-looking color.

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Gray hair, as well as some chemically-treated or permanently-colored hair, does not absorb dye at the same rate as other types of hair. It is much harder to color and, once colored, fades more quickly. Most permanently-colored hair, once it is processed and re-colored, is too fragile and breakable under the rigorous processing required during the production of a Pantene Beautiful Lengths wig.

For the Cure

100 Sycamore Estates Drive • Aurora

(812) 926-4322


R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register

Thursday, June 12th, 2014


From a Mom

It is of course a gut kick to hear the “C” word from the doctor. I was optimistic when I went in to see the doctor, hoping to hear that they caught it early! As he was explaining what I had was ductal carcinoma in situ, but curable as long it had not spread and I had a full mastectomy, you could feel the air leave the room. Darryl and I were stunned! You slowly come to realize that a breast is just a body part, just like your elbow! Knowing that I could develop “C” in my other breast I chose to have a double mastectomy. I know that I am one of the lucky ones to have caught it early! Sadly my experience did prepare me for a much bigger situation! When Jessica was pregnant she was having so much back pain. The doctors kept saying it was from the pregnancy. All she could do was put a hot pad on her back. I knew in my heart it was not pregnancy pain, but I didn’t expect it be “C”, let alone stage IV “C”. I thought perhaps a bulging disc. When the pain hit, it was debilitating, causing her to shake and often dropping her to the floor, regardless of location - once in the airport. It turned out to be a 2-inch melanoma tumor in her T-5 that developed in her bone marrow.

It grew so big it actually burst her vertebrae from the inside out, then grew around her spinal cord! Breaks my heart to know she went through labor with the tumor! She is so blessed she didn’t break her back on the table! Once they found the tumor we started the maze to diagnosis. My previous road to diagnosis was still fresh in my memory. I was able to recognize many of the steps they took her through. For instance, when they found her tumor late on a Friday afternoon, a wonderful surgeon, Dr. Schababian, made arrangements to see her on his day off. I knew that meant it was going to be very bad news! All the tests and the waiting was a million times worse when waiting to hear the news on your daughter, rather than the news on yourself. She is our child, mother of your first grand baby, who was three weeks old at the time! We would gladly take the diagnosis, and battle the “C” while letting her begin the journey of raising her wonderful son! Other things I prepared her for were humans being human! Many times people would say to me, “my mom’s best friend had breast cancer. They thought they got it all

but she died anyway. It was really fast too!” People do not realize what they are saying to some who has, or has someone close battling cancer. You want to hear positive news, about someone who has beat “C”! We know there is good and bad, but for someone in the middle of the fight, positive news is rewarding, and refreshing and goes a long ways in helping the cause! Also, people would say, “I’ll pray for you!” It was awkward to think I needed praying for. I am the one usually praying for others! On a lighter note…I warned her how thirsty she would be after her surgery and how her From left: Chris Mueller holding baby Max, Jessica Howe Muller, and Ashley & Darryl Howe throat would hurt. When we went to see her in the recovery room her husband asked her who he should text to let them know she was out. She said “text water and tell it to get in my mouth!” It was a breath of fresh air Having family members a level close to causing conWhat is their secret - a to see she still had her sense with back to back cancer di- vulsions. strong family and friend supof humor! agnosis, first with your wife Jessica continues treat- port base, an excellent team It is and was devastating! and then with your oldest ment for melanoma tumors of doctors, healthy lifestyles, We all had to mourn, but daughter, is life changing! on her skeletal system. the power of prayer, and the through much love, prayers, It makes you realize how Ashley’s recovery has will to live! support, faith healing, WestWhat an outstanding ern medicine, and foremost- short life could be and how been awesome! Jessica’s family dynamics can change surgery and on-going treatmother-daughter combinalove of little baby Max, she in heartbeat! ments has shown remarkable tion! is doing fantastic! I dare say Ashley confronted her di- improvements in her condiA husband and father much better than any of her agnosis head on with two tion! could not ask for a better doctors thought! She is going to be the one major surgeries, one for They both had and contin- pair than those two! Ashley to kick melanomas toosh! preventative measures - fol- ue to display great courage and Jessica you are the best! lowed by Jessica’s diagnosis and unbelievable positive at- Love you both! and major back surgery to titudes! remove a large melanoma What they have gone and tumor on her T-5 vertebra continue to go through is life causing debilitating pain at changing!

From a Husband & Dad

-Ashley Howe

-Darryl Howe


RECYCLE today for tomorrow DearbornCountyRecycles.com

In Memory of

Carol Ranck

We Love, Relay for Life! Half of the team at

Saturday’s Lingerie Thank You to Our Valued Partners!

Tour for the Cure® is a Dearborn County travel rewards program raising funds for breast cancer research. Take a Trip with Friends or Family and Make a Memory. The Dearborn County Convention, Visitor & Tourism Bureau and our valued Tour for the Cure® partners are proud to support the Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer . SM

Lawrenceburg • Greendale • Aurora


Dearborn Savings Bank Fifth Third Bank Grand Oak Golf Club Hillforest Victorian House Museum Holiday Inn Express Hollywood Casino LaRosa’s Pizzeria McCabe’s Greenhouse & Floral Modern Inn & Suites Perfect North Slopes The Framery United Community Bank U.S. Bank Whisky’s Family Restaurant

Thursday, June 12th, 2014

R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register


All Ages...

PROTECT YOURSELF FROM THE SUN & SKIN CANCER You don’t have to avoid the sun completely. And it would be unwise to stay inside if it would keep you from being active, because physical activity is important for good health. But too much sunlight can be harmful. There are some steps you can take to limit your exposure to UV rays. Some people think about sun protection only when they spend a day at the lake, beach, or pool. But sun exposure adds up day after day, and it happens every time you are in the sun. Simply staying in the shade is one of the best ways to limit your UV exposure. If you are going to be in the sun, “Slip! Slop! Slap!® and Wrap” is a catch phrase that can help you remember some of the key steps you can take to protect yourself from UV rays: ■ Slip on a shirt. ■ Slop on sunscreen. ■ Slap on a hat. ■ Wrap on sunglasses to protect the eyes and skin around them.

Seek shade

An obvious but very important way to limit your exposure to UV light is to avoid being outdoors in direct sunlight too long. This is particularly important between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm, when UV light is strongest. If you are unsure how strong the sun’s rays are, use the shadow test: if your shadow is shorter than you are, the sun’s rays are the strongest, and it’s important to protect yourself.

UV rays reach the ground all year, even on hazy days, but the strength of UV rays can change based on the time of year and other factors. UV rays become more intense in the spring, even before temperatures get warmer. People in some areas may get sunburned when the weather is still cool because they may not think about protecting themselves if it’s not hot out. Be especially careful on the beach or in areas with snow because sand, water, and snow reflect sunlight, increasing the amount of UV radiation you receive. UV rays can also reach below the water’s surface, so you can still get a burn even if you’re in the water and feeling cool. If you plan to be outdoors, you may want to check the UV Index for your area. The UV Index usually can be found in local newspaper, TV, radio, and online forecasts. It’s also on the EPA’s website at www.epa.gov/sunwise/ uvindex.html.

Dry fabric is generally more protective than wet fabric. Be aware that covering up doesn’t block out all UV rays. If you can see light through a fabric, UV rays can get through, too. Some companies now make clothing that’s lightweight, comfortable, and protects against UV exposure even when wet. It tends to be more tightly woven, and some have special coatings to help absorb UV rays. These sun-protective clothes may have a label listing the UV protection factor (UPF) value – the level of protection the garment provides from the sun’s UV rays (on a scale from 15 to 50+). The higher the UPF, the higher the protection from UV rays. Newer products, which are used in the washing machine like laundry detergents, can increase the UPF value of clothes you already own. They add a layer of UV protection to your clothes without changing the color or texture. This can be useful, Protect your skin but it’s not exactly clear how with clothing much it adds to protecting When you are out in the you from UV rays, so it’s still sun, wear clothing to pro- important to follow the other tect as much skin as possible. steps listed here. Clothes provide different levels of UV protection. Long- Use sunscreen Sunscreen is a product that sleeved shirts, long pants, or long skirts cover the most you put on your skin to proskin and are the most pro- tect it from the sun’s UV rays. tective. Dark colors gener- But it’s important to know ally provide more protection that sunscreen is just a filter – than light colors. A tightly it does not block all UV rays. woven fabric protects better Sunscreen should not be used than loosely woven clothing. as a way to prolong your time

in the sun. Even with proper sunscreen use, some rays get through, which is why using other forms of sun protection is also important. Sunscreens are available in many forms – lotions, creams, ointments, gels, sprays, wipes, and lip balms, to name a few. Some cosmetics, such as moisturizers, lipsticks, and foundations, are considered sunscreen products if they contain sunscreen. Some makeup contains sunscreen, but you have to check the label – makeup, including lipstick, without sunscreen does not provide sun protection.

Read the labels

When choosing a sunscreen product, be sure to read the label. Sunscreens with broad spectrum protection (against both UVA and UVB rays) and with sun protection factor (SPF) values of 30 or higher are recommended. Sun protection factor (SPF): The SPF number is the level of protection the sunscreen provides against UVB rays, which are the main cause of sunburn. A higher SPF number means more UVB protection (although it says nothing about UVA protection). For example, when applying an SPF 30 sunscreen correctly, you get the equivalent of 1 minute of UVB rays for each 30 minutes you spend in the sun. So, 1 hour in the sun wearing SPF 30 sunscreen is the same as spending 2 minutes totally unprotected. People often do not apply enough

sunscreen, so the actual protection they get is less. Sunscreens labeled with SPFs as high as 100+ are available. Higher numbers do mean more protection, but many people do not understand the SPF scale. SPF 15 sunscreens filter out about 93% of UVB rays, while SPF 30 sunscreens filter out about 97%, SPF 50 sunscreens about 98%, and SPF 100 about 99%. The higher you go, the smaller the difference becomes. No sunscreen protects you completely. Sunscreens with an SPF lower than 15 must now include a warning stating that the product has been shown only to help prevent sunburn, not skin cancer or early skin aging. Broad spectrum sunscreen: Sunscreen products can only be labeled “broad spectrum” if they have been tested and shown to protect against both UVA and UVB rays. Some of the chemicals in sunscreens that help protect against UVA rays include avobenzone (Parsol 1789), ecamsule, zinc oxide, and titanium dioxide. Only broad spectrum sunscreen products with an SPF of 15 or higher can state that

they help protect against skin cancer and early skin aging if used as directed with other sun protection measures. Water resistant sunscreen: Sunscreens are no longer allowed to be labeled as “ w a t e rproof” or “sweatproof” because these terms can be misleading. Sunscreens can claim to be “water resistant,” but they have to state whether they protect the skin for 40 or 80 minutes of swimming or sweating, based on testing. Expiration dates: Check the expiration date on the sunscreen to be sure it’s still effective. Most sunscreen products are good for at least 2 to 3 years, but you may need to shake the bottle to remix the sunscreen ingredients. Be sure to apply the sunscreen properly Always follow the label directions. Most recommend applying sunscreen generously. When putting it on, pay close attention to your face, ears, neck, arms, and any other areas not covered by clothing. If you’re going to wear insect repellent or makeup, put the sunscreen on first. Ideally, about 1 ounce of

See SUN, Page 8

Lawrenceburg Fire & EMS

Never Give Up, Never Surrender! We Support Relay For Life


SUN From Page 7

sunscreen (about a shot glass or palmful) should be used to cover the arms, legs, neck, and face of the average adult. Sunscreens need to be reapplied at least every 2 hours to maintain protection. Sunscreens can wash off when you sweat or swim and then wipe off with a towel, so they might need to be reapplied more often – be sure to read the label. And don’t forget your lips; lip balm with sunscreen is also available. Some sunscreen products can irritate your skin. Many products claim to be hypoallergenic or dermatologist tested, but the only way to know for sure if a product will irritate your skin is to try it. One common recommendation is to apply a small amount to the soft skin on the inside of your elbow every day for 3 days. If your skin does not turn red or become itchy, the product is probably OK for you. Sunless tanning products, such as bronzers and extenders (described in the section “What about tanning pills and other tanning products?”), give skin a tan or golden color. But unlike sunscreens, these products provide very little protection from UV damage.

R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register

Thursday, June 12th, 2014

Dearborn & Ohio County

Wear a hat

A hat with at least a 2- to 3-inch brim all around is ideal because it protects areas that are often exposed to intense sun, such as the ears, eyes, forehead, nose, and scalp. A dark, non-reflective underside to the brim can also help lower the amount of UV rays reaching the face from reflective surfaces such as water. A shade cap (which looks like a baseball cap with about 7 inches of fabric draping down the sides and back) also is good, and will provide more protection for the neck. These are often sold in sports and outdoor supply stores. If you don’t have a shade cap (or another good hat) available, you can make one by wearing a large handkerchief or bandana under a baseball cap. A baseball cap protects the front and top of the head but not the neck or the ears, where skin cancers commonly develop. Straw hats are not as protective as hats made of tightly woven fabric.

Wear sunglasses

UV-blocking sunglasses are important for protecting the delicate skin around the eyes, as well as the eyes themselves. Research has shown that long hours in the sun without protecting your eyes increase your chances of developing certain eye diseases. The ideal sunglasses should block 99% to 100% of UVA and UVB rays. Before you buy, check the label to make sure they do. Labels that say “UV absorption up to 400 nm” or “Meets ANSI UV Requirements” mean the glasses block at least 99% of UV rays. Those labeled “cosmetic” block about 70% of UV rays. If there is no label, don’t assume the sunglasses provide any UV protection. Darker glasses are not necessarily better because UV protection comes from an invisible chemical in or applied to the lenses, not from the color or darkness of the lenses. Look for an ANSI label. Large-framed and wraparound sunglasses are more likely to protect your eyes from light coming in from different angles. Children need smaller versions of real, protective adult sunglasses – not toy sunglasses.

I am walking for... Joyce Theetge, Heroes For Hope My husband has been dealing with cancer since 2005 (skin, colon and prostate). My grandmother had breast cancer. My dad died from liver cancer My grandfather had prostate cancer. I have and had so many friends and family members go through this terrible thing. I hope that someday there will be a cure. I do this for all the people who have and will go through all the pain and sorrow cancer brings with it. My mother-in-law died from lung cancer.

Cassie McAlister, Heroes For Hope I have been involved with Relay For Life for many years now. Relay For Life has opened my eyes to how many different ways I can be involved in helping find a cure. I enjoy getting my children involved with Relay For Life because of the importance of how we can never stop fighting. I want to be able to say that I did everything I could to help support the cause. Knowing that my children are involved and hopefully stay involved when I am not around is very important to me. What made me passionate about Relay For Life was seeing everyone being so focused on results, and I wanted to be part of it.

Lora James, James/Horton Family & Friends

Evon Sue Bovard, Rising To Defeat Cancer

I Relay for my brother, Robert James. He lost his fight against cancer 13 years ago in December 2000. He was so strong with his fight. I want to give my family a way to reflect and help them with their loss. Since then we have had other family members and friends who we have lost or who have started a new fight against cancer. I Relay to help support them and all those who have been affected by cancer. Our Relay event is an awesome and positive way that our community comes together in the fight against cancer. Our Relay For Life event is a great way to “Celebrate, Remember, and Fight Back.” We need each other for support and strength and to stay strong. May God bless each one of you and give you peace.

I began to Relay at the request of my mother-in-law. Her company put together a team because several employees and their family members had cancer. Once I began, I started thinking of all the people I knew who were fighting cancer or had lost the battle. It seems like every day the number of people I know with cancer grows. I have lost classmates, coworkers, friends, and family members. So it seems more important to me each day to do whatever I can to help fight so that people can live. Each year I try to involve new people because I know once they Relay, they, too, will feel the need to continue the fight. Last year I involved my grandkids, and I was so pleased with the reaction I saw in each of them for Relay For Life. They asked me if they could help again this year. Relay For Life is contagious, so pass it on.

Ashley Reick Snelling, Stars For Life I Relay for my mom, Terry Reick, who died of pancreatic cancer in 2011. She was a fighter until the last 2-3 weeks. She was only 49 years old. I started Relaying after she died. It was my first Relay For Life event that I attended.


Community Center 423 Walnut Street • Lawrenceburg, IN 812-532-3535

I also Relay for my grandma, Shirley Reick. She died of breast cancer that quickly spread to the rest of her body. I want to help find a cure for all of this so I will keep Relaying along with my kids and friends.

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