AURORA HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION (AHPC) Minutes June 19, 2012 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Cynthia Bean opened the meeting and noted the presence of a quorum. ROLL CALL Present: Cynthia Bean Brett Fehrman Chris Powell Cindy Rottinghaus Jo Ann Ruehl Rick Grubbs - Code Enforcement Officer Absent: Kevin Bean Press was represented by Chandra Mattingly Upon motion by Ruehl, seconded by Fehrman, the May 15, 2012 minutes were approved as emailed. COA REVIEW: There were no new COAs for review. Grubbs presented Mark Tellinda’s Scope of Work to add a warehouse to his existing building. (Mr.Tellinda has prepared a COA but it was not available.) It was noted that the AHPC is very interested in supporting this work in order to retain one of the businesses in downtown Aurora. Upon review of the Scope of Work and comparing it to what had been verbally presented at the May 17, 2011, meeting there were a number of questions. Mr. Grubbs was directed to discuss those differences with Mr. Tellinda. The topic was tabled until receipt of the COA. HEARING OF VISITORS: Greg Sekula, Southern Regional Director of Indiana Landmarks, based in Jeffersonville, IN, whose office oversees Aurora, was present to talk about continued association with Aurora Historic Preservation Commission. He advised that Kent Abraham is still working, on a contractual basis, with Indiana Landmarks throughout the summer. They have begun advertising for a replacement for Abraham, and have received at least a dozen resumes; interviewing will start in mid- to late-July, with the hope to have someone on board by early September. The Aurora/Verestau phones are being directed to his office. He will be available electronically to help with COAs as needed OLD BUSINESS: Grubbs observed that we are now able to SEE the building at 313 Fourth Street since the vegetation has been removed. It is a wonderful house. He advised that there is a 1
COA to put a shingle roof on the Scharf house this week. Wayne House is re-doing the building and Grubbs is confident that it will be done well. Grubbs will pursue getting the owner of the house at 407 Fifth St. in touch with Indiana Landmarks (possibly for an in-kind donation?) NEW BUSINESS: Sekula reported on the property on US 50, the George Randall House, which he considers one of the finest mid-19th Century houses in Dearborn County. The property has been acquired by the owner of Zimmer Tractor, who wants to build a showroom, etc., on the property. He continues to be in touch with the owner in order to try to save the house. He will keep us advised. OTHER BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS There were no Announcements. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the June 19, 2012, meeting of the Aurora Historic Preservation Commission was adjourned. The next meeting will be July 17, 2012. Minutes respectfully prepared and submitted by Cindy Rottinghaus, Secretary