AURORA HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION (AHPC) Minutes April 17, 2012 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Cynthia Bean opened the meeting and noted the presence of a quorum. ROLL CALL Present: Cynthia Bean Brett Fehrman Chris Powell Cindy Rottinghaus Jo Ann Ruehl Kent Abraham – Staff Rick Grubbs - Code Enforcement Officer Absent: Kevin Bean Press was represented by Chandra Mattingly Upon motion by Ruehl, seconded by Fehrman, the March 20, 2012 minutes were approved as presented. COA REVIEW: There were no COAs for review HEARING OF VISITORS: There were no visitors. OLD BUSINESS: Abraham gave a follow-up report on the Retreat: He is working on getting the brochure under way Training started tonight with a walk along part of 2nd Street. As long as the weather cooperates, we will continue our walking tour at 6 p.m. the night of each meeting. He will look into setting up a tour of Madison, Indiana. NEW BUSINESS: A group from St. John’s Lutheran Church was present to discuss an addition with an atrium/courtyard. Drawings and proposed floor plans were presented and discussed. Abraham observed that the plan distinguishes the addition from the original church and complements the architecture. The idea of suspending the salvaged stained glass window behind a new oblong window is a well-thought-out concept. Upon motion by Rottinghaus, seconded by Fehrman, the COA was approved as presented. It was requested that if/as things change, AHPC be kept in the loop.
Representing Hillforest, Bob Powell presented a video related to the Harris Cabin Project, possibly the oldest log structure in the state of Indiana. Ratio Architect’s did a review and a report, Hillforest had done a lot of planning, and grants are being requested. It is currently estimated that $300,000 will be needed to stabilize the original building. Today they have $85,000. When they have secured the funds they will have to complete a COA before work is begun. Rick Grubbs distributed recent photos of 407 Fifth Street. There are vagrants in the building, and it is unsafe. He has notified the Aurora Police. He will contact the caretaker and demand that the structure be sealed securely. OTHER BUSINESS There was no Other Business. ANNOUNCEMENTS There were no Announcements. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the April 17, 2012, meeting of the Aurora Historic Preservation Commission was adjourned. The next meeting will be May 15, 2012. Minutes respectfully prepared and submitted by Cindy Rottinghaus, Secretary