AURORA HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION (AHPC) Minutes September 18, 2012 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Cynthia Bean opened the meeting and noted the presence of all Commission members. ROLL CALL Present: Cynthia Bean Kevin Bean Brett Fehrman Chris Powell Cindy Rottinghaus Jo Ann Ruehl Seth Elder - Staff Rick Grubbs - Code Enforcement Officer Press was represented by Chandra Mattingly Upon motion by Ruehl, seconded by Fehrman, the August 21, 2012 minutes were approved as emailed. Grubs passed around a picture of the sign at 319 Third Street, which will be hung inside the window. HEARING OF VISITORS: Diane Shuck was present to advise that her daughter is interested in 131 Market Street (the late Hildegarde Rullman’s home). They would like to purchase it, demolish it and build a new house with a two car garage. Cynthia Bean asked if the house had damage, etc. and was told the basement leaks a bit and the house is just old. Bean observed that we are in the business of preserving buildings in the Historic District. The Commission will have to review our guidelines and talk with both Seth Elder and Greg Sekula from Landmarks. Butch Ramey, 207 Fifth St. was present to advise that the windows on the front and west side of the house are leaking badly. He would like to install three vinyl doublehung windows. Elder has had experience working with old windows, and volunteered to see if he could assist Mr. Ramey with salvaging the windows rather than replacing them. COA REVIEW: There were no new COAs for review. OLD BUSINESS: Fehrman advised that he would like to revise his COA (2010-3). We were not able to locate a copy of that COA, although we know it exists. Rather than remove the Insulbrick that in on the outside, he would like to cover it over with another siding, similar to that used at 403 Third Street. Siding will be done from the chimney forward and across 1
the front. Upon motion by Rottinghaus, seconded by Powell the earlier COA was approved subject to the above-outlined revisions. Grubbs had no report on the Trogg property 407 Fifth St. He also said that if a property is going to be vacant for 2-3 weeks and if there are no plans to re-hab the building, the City will have the electric service and meter removed for safety reasons. He had no update from Mr. Telinda on the Riverside Marble COA. NEW BUSINESS: Seth Elder, our new Staff person from Landmarks, introduced himself and gave a quick overview of his resume. Welcome to Aurora, Seth!!! Neiman Hotel C. Bean advised that there are parking issues at that end of town and there has been talk of tearing down this structure. It was the consensus of the Commission that we are NOT IN FAVOR of tearing down that building to make a parking lot. OTHER BUSINESS There was no Other Business. ANNOUNCEMENTS Elder advised that there will be a “Meet and Greet� on October 2 at Verestau from 5 to 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the September 18, 2012, meeting of the Aurora Historic Preservation Commission was adjourned. The next meeting will be October 16, 2012. Minutes respectfully prepared and submitted by Cindy Rottinghaus, Secretary