Aurora Park Board Minutes 8-20-12

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AURORA PARK BOARD A meeting of The Aurora Park Board took place Monday, August 20th in the meeting room of the City Building. Present: Michael Peters, President Mike Crider Cindy Rottinghaus, Secretary Benny Turner Randy Turner, Clerk Treasurer Steven Turner, Park Caretaker Also present: Jeff Stratman Press was represented by Chandra Mattingly President Mike Peters opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Upon motion by Crider, seconded by Rottinghaus, the minutes of the August 20th meeting were approved as revised. Visitors Luther Rice and Archie Abner, from the Korean War Veterans (KWV) were present to re-confirm that at the August meeting the Park Board had given them permission to install a Memorial to the Korean War Veterans in Lesko Park, location to be determined. The Park Board may investigate doing a memorial for other war veterans, and Rice said he would take it back to his membership. He suggested that some Park Board members look at what has been done in Blue Ash Ohio. Other Business Randy turner discussed appropriations for Parks and the proposed budget for 2013. Rottinghaus advised that the concrete pad for the entryway to the dog park has been poured. Stratman reported that once seed and straw has been put down he will contact Mills Fence Co. to put in the fencing. They have already been out and done an exact measurement.



Peters advised that • the shelters are up at the Soccer Fields. • the soccer people have asked for about 30 feet of gravel walkway up to the soccer fields so they won’t have to walk in the mud. • The area at the trailhead behind CVS is close to being done…still needs a bit of work and then McGraw will seed and straw it • Pop machines will be put in at Lesko Park soon. Rottinghaus observed that a nice fountain, plus a doggie fountain, has been installed at the new building near the trailhead. Upon motion by B. Turner, seconded by Rottinghaus, the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be October15th at 5 p.m. in the City Building conference room. Minutes submitted by Cindy Rottinghaus, Secretary.



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