March 6,2012 6:00 p.m", Commissioners Room
County Administration Building 215 B West High Street, Lawrenrceburg, lndiana CALL TO ORDER
Present: Jeff Hughes, Shane McHenry, Tom Orschell, Andrew Baudendistel, County Attorney, Gayle Pennington, County Auditor, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE
Appqintments - County Farm - The County Farm Committee has disbanded as of March 5,2012. No appointment is necessary.
Sponsorship/Lqttqp of Suppqdfor Grants for local business: Motion: Approve a letten of support Moved by Jeff l{ughes. Sue Hayden wiil prepare the letter and send it to Mr. Zeiden. Shane McHenry and Tom Orschell agree. DCRSD Appointment
Motion by Tom Orschell to table until March 20th meeting, Seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unaninnously. NEW BUSINESS:
Countv Administrator Appointment - Motion: Moved by Shane McHenry to appoint Terri Randall as the Dearborn Gounty Admiinistrator. Seconded by Jeff Hughes. Vote: Motfion passed. Tom Orschell lroted NAY.
Support and Advocacv Services / Glothesline Displgy - Cathy Dwyer asked for.permission and support to set up the display on the Courthouse lawn April 26th.
Motion: Moved by Tom Orschell and Seconded by l3hane McHenry to approve the project display. Motion passed unanimously. Hoosier Squane Update & Chanqe Orders - Motion: to approve and sign the Change Order to have Seyferth Building Company remove, dispose of existing carpet, an install new carpet Moved by Tom Orschell. Seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unanirnously. The approval is for $1 1,518.19. The carpet will be purchased out of County Maintenance Budget. The second Change Order reflects a refund for wiring in the amount of $625.15.
Motion to sign for the refund Moved by Shane McHenry and seconded by Tom Orschell. Motion passed unanimously.
Gqntraal - lMotion to sign the 2012 contract moved by Shane Mcl-lenry and seconded try Tom Orschell. Motion passed unanimously.
EMA DlREcroR -Bill Black Week
Proclamation for Severe weather Awareness
A motion to sign the Proclamation of support for Severe Weather . , Awareness Week, March 18-24,2012, moved by Shane McHenry. Seconded by Tom Orschell and motion passed unanimously.
Animal Gontrol- Marlene Undenruood would like to have the Animal control truck delivered from Texas by Smith's Trailer Transport.
Motion by Tom OrschelN and seconded by Shane McHenry to grant Manlene underwood the authority to sign a contract with smiths Trailer Transport for $1,200.00. llhe motion passed unanimously. HIGHWAY DEIARTMENI- Tim Greive Updates - Council was receptive to future fix of the slip on North Dearborn Rd. Jeff would like to have a report of the cost of paving one road and have it in time to approach Councilin May. AUDITOR - Gayle Pennington Payroll claims were presented for signature. Shane McHenry made a motion
to sign the Payroll claims. Tom Orschellseconded, all in favor, motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner's Dockets were presented for signature. Shane McHenry made a motion to sign the Gommissioner's Dockets. Torn Orschell seconded,
all in favor, motion passed unanimously. AP Claims were presented for signature. Tom Orschelll made a motion to sign the Commissioner's Dockets. Jeff Hug[res seconded, all in favor, motion passed. Shanre McHenry abstained. Minutes from February 21"twere presented for approval. Shane McHenry made a motion to approve. Tom Orschrell seconded, all in favor, motion
passed unanimously.
Gayle presented the update on the Assignment of Certificate for the condemned property in Moores Hill. ATTORNEY - Andy Baudendistel CoM
Jeff Huqhes
Shane McHenrv - follow up with Phil. He will mail to all affected voters and move the poll location for Miller One. Bill Ewbank, County Coordinator would like to keep his cell phone.
Motion by Shane McHenry to allow Bill Ewbank to keep his cellular phone as long as he signs the Assumption of Liability. Seconded by Tom Orschell. Action: Approve, motionr passed unanimously. Tom Orschell
Resignation of Kelso Township Trustee
Shane McHenry moved to Table untilthe March 20th meeting. Tom seconded, Motion passed unanirnously. LATE ARRIVAL INFORMATION: None
PUBLIC coM[tlENT: - Don Albert and Jeff smith, citizens concerned about the trash in Miller and Harrison Township. can the commissioners formuldte a p.lan to control this? shane will check into a Road crew assignment. Jeff said prior they have gone through the trash and determined who iibelongs to. They will see what they can do.
with no further business to conduct, a Motion to Ardjourn was moved by Tom orschell,, seconded by shane Mcl-lenry. Motion passed unanimoully.
, 1'.D2. Shane McHenry Attest: