DEARBORN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING Meeting Date: Janu ary 3, 2012 The Dearborn County Board of Commissioners met in the Dearborn County Administration Building, on January 3,2012 beginning at 6:00 p.m. Present: Jeff Hughes, President, Tom Orschell and Shane McHenry, County Commissioners. Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Andrew Baudendistel, co. Attomey and Bill Ewbank, co. Coordinator.
Note: These minutes were not transcribed verbatim.
The meeting began with the recitation of the piedge of Attegiance.
ELEcrloN oF BOARD PRESTDENT - Tom orschelt made a motion to nominate Jeff Hughes as President of the Board tor 2012. Jeff accepted. shane McHenry seconded motion carried. APPOINTMENTS Department Heads:
Tom Orschell made a motion to appoint:
Andrew Baudendistel as County Attorney Todd Listerman as County Engineer Tim Greive as County Highway Supervisor William Shelton as Building lnspector William Black Jr. as Emergency Management Director Shane McHenry seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Shane McHenry made a motion to appoint: Charles Ashley as gllDirector Michael Burgess as Veteran's Service Officer Eric Hartman as Maintenance Supervisor Marlene Underwood as Animal Control Director William Ewbank as acting interim County Administrator Tom Orschell seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Boards Commissioners Currently Serve on:
All Commissioners serve on Solid Waste Board. Tom Orschell nominated Jeff Hughes to serve on the OKI and SIRpC boards. Jeff agreed. Shane McHenry seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Shane McHenry made a motion to appoint Jeff Hughes to the plan Gommission and Personnel Advisory Board. Jeff agreed. Tom orschell seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Shane McHenry made a motion to appoint Tom Orschell to the EMA, Redevelopment, and county Farm Boards. Tom agreed. Jeff Hughes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Tom Orschell made a motion to appoint Shane McHenry to the Common Construction Wage and Juvenile Advisory Boards. Shane agreed. Jeff Hughes seconded. All in favor, motion carried. Citizen appointments: Planning Commission - Tom Orschell made a motion to appoint Mark Lehmann and
Russell Beiersdorfer. Shane McHenry seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Health Board - Shane McHenry made a motion to appoint Dr. Steven Eliason. Tom Orschell seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
Alcohol Beverage Board - Tom Orschell made a motion to appoint Jim Dole. Shane McHenry seconded, all in favor, motion carried. ConventionA/isitor's Bureau - Shane McHenry made a motion to appoint lan Abdon, Marilyn Bower, Dee Hacker, Steve Hedges, and Ellen Perfect. Tom Orschell
seconded, all in favor, motion carried. PTA Board - Tom Orschell made a motion to reappoint Bill Hartwell, Mark Neff, and Mark Hardenbeck. Shane McHenry seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Board of Zoning Appeals appointment will be considered at the January 17th meeting.
- Shane McHenry made a motion to reappoint Earl Dawson and Jerry Reamer. Tom Orschell seconded, all in favor, motion carried. County Farm Committee
Shane McHenry made a motion to appoint Bill Ewbank as the ADA Coordinator. Tom Orschell seconded, all in favor, motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: Private Real Propertv Rights Preservation Ordinance - Shane McHenry made a motion to table. Tom Orschell seconded, motion carried.
Overtime Policv and Actual Hours Worked - Tom Orschell made a motion to have the County attorney prepare an Ordinance to change the Personnel Policy paragraph 3.17.1 to read "Overtime monetary reimbursement is based on actual hours worked; except time off for paid holidays, scheduled vacation time, scheduled comp time, scheduled personal time, jury and witness duty, and if the Court requires a non-exempt employee to work on Saturday or Sunday which time shall count as hours worked for purposes of calculating overtime compensation. This is to be retroactive to January 1,2012. Jeff Hughes seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Shane McHenry abstained from discussion and vote.
Ruth Ann Batta
Permission to go to Council for Summer Arts Program.
Tom Orschell made a motion to allow Ruth Ann Batta to approach Council for funding for the Summer Art Program. Shane McHenry seconded, all in favor,
motion carried. Public Official Bonds - Shane McHenry made a motion to bond the following Officials: Gayle Pennington, Barbara Kaffenberger, Phillip Weaver, and Glen Wright. Tom Orschell seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
Hiqhwav Department - Todd Listerman
updates and a declaratlon
Tom Orschell made a motion to declare Farmers Retreat Rd. as the local route detour since St. Rd. 62 is closed due to a slip. Shane McHenry seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
* Gayle Pennington presented the December 6th and December 20th meeting minutes for approval.
Tom Orschell made a motion to accept the minutes for December 6th and December 20th. Shane McHenry seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Commissioner's Utility Claims were presented for signatures.
Shane McHenry made a motion to sign. Tom Orschell seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Jeff Hughes abstained. Payroll Claims were presented for signature.
Tom Orschell made a motion to sign the Payroll claims. Shane McHenry seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Gountv Attornev
Andrew Baudendistel presented updates for this week.
Countv Coordinator
- Bill Ewbank asked for approval to approach Council for an additional of $1,130.00 and transfer of $10,164.00 from the Liability lnsurance account to cover lhe 2O12 Workers Comp. lnsurance bill. Shane McHenry made a motion to approve. Tom Orschell seconded, all in favor,
Tom Orschell- Wished everyone a good year.
- He asked the County Attorney to contact the attorney for Moores Hill about the title search of the dilapidated building in town. Shane has some concerns about the units slow response to the CMS study. He asked Billto look into it. Shane McHenry
Jeff Hughes
Late Arrivals - Bill Black, EMA Director. Bill asked for the Commissioner's approval to approach Council for an additional of $7,400.00 for rapid notify.
Shane McHenry made a motion to approve. Tom Orschell seconded, all in favor,
motion carried. Public Comment
With no further business before the Board; Shane McHenry made a motion to adjourn at 7:15 p.m. Tom Orschell seconded. All in favor, Motion carried.
Shane McHenry
Tom Orschell