Commish minutes Feb 21 2012

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DEAREORN COUNTY COMMISSIONER.S MEETITNG Meeting Date: February 2\,2012 The Dearborn County Board of Commissioners met in the Dearbom County Administration Building, on February 21,2012 beginning at g:00 a.m. Present: Jeff Hughes, President, Tom Orschell and Shane McHenry, County Commissioners. Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Andrew Baudendistel, Co. Attonney Note: These minutes were not transcribed verbatim.

The meeting began with the recitation of lhe Pledge of Allegiance. An executive session was held at 8:30 a.m. to discuss a personnel issue. A County Administrator will be appointed at the March 6 meeting.

OI,D BUSNNESS: Qguolty Fanm



Shane McHenry made a motion to table further Board discussion until after the County Fanm Committee met. Tom Orschell seconded, all in favor, motion carnied. NEW BUSINESS:



Dr. and Nurse yearly Agreements to be signed

Shane McHenry made a motion to sign the yearly agreements. Tom Orschell seconded, all in favor, motion carried.

Starliqht Reception Hall

- John Zeidan presented. He is seeking sponsorship for a Grant from Lawrenceburg. Jeff Hughes wants to do some research with the City of Lawrenceburg. The Commissioners would like to know exactly what that sponsorship entails. Tom Onschell made a motion to table. Shane McHenry seconded, all in favor,

rnotion carried.

- Prebentation by Bart Brown. Bart wanted to present information about the transition from a Workforce Board to a Workforce lnvestment Board. The Boad will need to be in compliance with the Federal statute by July1, 2013. Indiana Region 9 Workforce Board

- Dennis Kraus Jr. asked for approval and signatures on a Grant application for a project to bind and repair the old Survey Record Books and the old Auditor's Map Books. Countfsr.rnqgyel

Shane lMcHenry made a motion to sign the Grant application approval letter. Tom Orschell seconded, all in favor, motion carried.


- Demolition of two buildings on High Street was discussed. Shane mentioned that there may be some salvageable, historical pieces from the building.

Shane McHenry made a motion to permit the County Administrartor send out RFP's for the Shumway and Votaw Buildings. Tom Orschell seconded, all in

favor, rnotion carried. Attorney Baudendistel then presented a Writ of Entry and Hold Harrnless in reference to the demolition of these properties for the president of the Commissioner's to sign.

shane McHenry made a motion to have Jeff Hughes sign the seconded, all in favor, motion carried.

writ. Tom orschell

T'own qf Moores Hill - Clerk Treasurer presented updates on the Alvin Brown Building that is dilapidated and needs to be demolished. Moores Hill has had the tifle search

done and there are three owners, no unknown issues, and no unkno,wn heirs. At this time the town is asking the Commissioner's to hold a second Commissioner's certificate sale. [Vlore discussion will follow at the next meeting. S.hane McHenry made a motion to table further Board discussion until the March

6"'meeting. Tom Orschell seconded, all in favor, motion carried.

De:rbgrnGountv Resional Sewer District - Board opening appointment. shane lMcHenry made a motion to table. Tom orschellseconded, all in favor, motion carried.

9ountvffEntuey - Todd Listerman presented the final [nspection for the George st. Bridge and recommends that the Commissioners accept and sign.

shane McHenry made a motion to accept and sign the final inspection for the George St. Bridge. Tom Orschell seconded, all in favor, motion carried.



Claims presented for signature.

shane l\llc!-lenry made a motion to accept and sign the Ap claims as presented. Tom Orschell seconded, all in favor, motion carried. $hane McHenry made a motion to accept and sign the commis$ioner's dockets as presented. Torn Orschelll seconded, all in favor, motion carrierd. Shane McHenry made a motion to accept and sign the payroll claims as presented. Tom Orschell seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Gayle Pennington read into the record an acceptance letter from the District Boy Scout Commander for the two 10 man tents that were donated by the Sheriff's Department. The Dearborn County Sheriff received three 10 man tents, heaters, arnd cooling fans fnom FEMA. These items had to be donated to a non- profit groutrr. Two Boy scout troops were awarded one tent each. lf the other tent does not meet the needs of the Girl Scout troop, it will be donated to a Boy Scout troop and another letter of acceptance will be forthcoming. Gayle read into the record a Certificate of Recognition for excellent recycling on behalf of Dearborn County Administration and employees. This was awardled by the Dearborn County Solid Waste District.

CogO$fAtteney - Andrew Baudendistel presented an lnterlocal Agreement between Dearborn County and Harrison Township for reimbursement of fire protection and emergency medical services.

Shane McHenry made a motion to sign the lnterlocalagreement between Dearborn County and Harriison Township for reirnbursement of fire protection and ernergency medical services. Tom Orschell seconded, all in favor, rnotion canried.

Shane lUlqtlenl{ - Shane will contact Ed Opp, the contact for the Ball State Fire and EMS studv to see if they are close to completing that project. Shane would also like to go on the record as having the opinion that: every voter slrould be notified of their precinct change due redistricting. Her would hatre for thern to show up to vote that morning and then be told to go somewhere else. He

would lik'e to make it clear that if Phil Weaver doesn't notify each voter then the Cornrnissioners will.

Both Commissioner Hughes and Orschell agreed.

- The Commissioners received a letter from the Sunman American tegion Rost 337 asking for a letter of support for a Grant that they are applying for. This Legion his been designated by the Local Department of Homeland Security as anEmerg"ncy Sfielter. They would like to apply for a Grant to purchase an emergency generator. Tgm Qnschetl

Tom orschell made a motion to write a brief letter of support for this effort. Shane McHenry seconded, all in favor, motion carried.

Jeff l-luqheg - Nothing to present. l-ate A!'ivals







no further business before the Board; Tom orschell made a Motion to adjourn at 10:33 a.m. Shane McHenry seconded. All in favor, Motion carried.

'ZWn.'* Shane

N/fcFlenrl ----e---

Tom Orschell

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