Commish minutes Feb 7 2012

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February 7,2012 6:00 p.m., Commissionens Room

County Administration Building

215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, lndilana


Present: Jeff Hughes,


McHenry, Tom orschell, Andrew Baudendistel, in for Gayle pennington, county Auditor, Bill Ewbank, County Coordinator.

coynty Attorney, connie Fromhold sitting


OLD BUSINE$S: Executive Session held January 17,2Oj2 for a Med Ben appeal.

Motion: to Deny Moved by Slrane McHenry and Seconded by Tom Orschell. Vote: Motion passed unanimously. Ordinance Freedom for Options


Motion to accrept moved by Jeff Hughes, None seconded. Motion died for lack of second.

Appointments: Moved by Tom Orschell to appoint Phil Darling to the BZA Board, Seconded by Shane McHenry. Jeff Hughes voted Nay. Motion carried.

shane McHenry moved to table the Gounty Farm Board appointment at the request of Earl Dawson" seconded by Tom orschell. vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Planninq/Zoning


Mark McCormack presented for signature;

Proposed amendments to Article 2, Section 200 of Zonring Ordinance.

Moved by Jeff Hughes to open public comment. Seconded by Shane

McHenry. Motion passed unanimously. No public comnrent.

Moved by Tonn Orschell to approve Article 2, Section 200, Seconded by Shane lMcHenry. Motion passed unanimously to accept the Ordinance. Proposed amendments to Article 3, Sections 300, 325, 330, and 3SS of Zoning Ordinance.

Moved by Jeff Hughes to open public c,omtnâ‚Źnt. Seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unanimously. No public comment. Moved by Tonr Orschel! to approve Article 3n Sections 300, 325, 330, 35 of Zoning Ordinance. Seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unanirnously to accept the Ordinance. Proposed amendments to Article 25, Section 2570 ol Zoning Ordinance.

Moved by Jeff Hughes to open public comment. Seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unanimously.

No public comment. Moved by Tom orschel! to approve Article 25, sections 2570. seconded by shane McHenry. Motion passed unanimously to accept the ordinance. Sfneliff-- Food Bids presented for signature. US Foods and Ellen Bee Leggett were the two bids received.

shane McHenry made a motion to accept both bids to allow the sheriff's matron to purchase cost effectively. Tom Orschell seconded. Motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS:

Ratifv Siqnature for Prosecutor's Annual Certification Report

Motion by Tom orschell to approve ratification of Jeff Hughes signature. seconded by shane McHenry. vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call


Human Resoulrces -Suellen Cauble presented the revised Med Ben pan for County Employees for signature. Motion to approve by Shane McHenry, Seconded by Torn Orschell. Motion passed unanimously" Request to have County Administrator Job Description Adopted.

Motion was made to accept the description by Shane McHenry. Seconded by Tom Orschell. Motion passed unanimously. New Appointment for Gonvention. Visitor & Tourism Gommission

Motion to appoint Debbie Walter by Shane McHenry, Seconderd by Tom Orschell. Motion passed unanirnously.

Commissioner Appointment for PAWS Advisorv Board Shane McHenry made a motion for Tom Orschell to be appointed to the PAWS Advisory Board, Jeff Hughes seconded. Motion carried. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT- Todd Listerman



$5666.66 was reimbursed from Federal Highway Administration for the Mt. Pleasant slip.

Tom Orschell rnade a motion to accept reimbursement for Mt Fleasant Rd, slip. Seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed. INDOT agreement for North Hogan repairs was presented for signature in the amount of $17,750.46.

Motion by Tom Orschell to approve ancl sign the agreement. $econded by Shane McHenry. Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. A Change order for the George St. Bridge to fix sidewalk and railing for ADA compliance for $2974.79 was presented for signatures.

Motion by Tom Orschell to approve and sign the Change Order. Seconded by Shane McHenry. Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll callvote.

An agreement with REMC to move utilities for the Norlh Dearborn Rd. project was presented in the amount of $17,013.50.

Motion by shane McHenry to approve and sign the agreement. seconded by Tom orschell. Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Tom orschell made a motion to sign with Barth and Associates for North Dearborn Rd. for $366,464.59. Seconded by Shane [l/lcHenry. Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. AUDITOR - Connie Fromhold presented the Lobbyist contract between Dearborn County and Lewis Kappes for 2012.

Shane McHenry made a motion to sign with Lewis and Kappes Governmenta[ Relation Group. Tom Onschell secorrded. Motion passed

unanimously. A claim for $40,000 for two EMS units for Aurora was presented for signature.

Shane McHenry made a motion to allow and sign. Seconded by Tom Orschell. Vote: Motion canried by unanfimous roll call vote.

- Shane McHenry made a motion to accept and sign claims. Tom Orschell seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Claims

Minutes - Tom made a motion to approve and sign ithe January minutes. Shane McHenry seconded. Motion passed unanimously. GIS - Margaret Minzner presented updates on the Beacon stats and the AVL project for sheriff and first responders She also reported that the voter Precinct information has been finished and that Phil Weaver has that information available. ATTORNEY - Andy Baudendistel- A Federal suit has been filed and Andy Baudendistel will have to recuse himself because he already represents another client in the suit, Dearborn County's dog has been retired. There is no interest or money against Dearborn County for that reason. COUNTY COOIqNAfqR - Bill Ewbank discussed interviewing project managers for.lail Project. Council approved the project but would not appropriate funds until the Commissioners had a firm amount needed. Recommendation is for $72,000 to conduct the necessary soil testing and additional funds for financial analysis and retain a construction manager.

Shane McHenry made a motion to have Ewbank approach Gouncil for the funding for th,e construction manager and soil testing. Tom Orschell seconded. Jeff Hughes voted Nay. Motion carried. Hoosier Square Change Order - $4,875 for pumping in the back parking lot because water stands there after heavy rains.

Tom Orschell made a motion to accept and sign. Shane McHenrry seconded. Motion carried. Barnes & Thornburg Contract Renewal - $5,000 per month. This is a month to month contract.

Shane McHenry made a motion to accept and sign. Tom Orschell seconded. Motion carried.

Jqff Huqhes -.Nothing Shane McHenly



Tom Orschell- Nothing LATE ARRIVAL INFORMATION - Disaster ptan for the Heatth Department was read into the record for signatures. Mass rclinic space for inoculations for infectious diseases.

Sl'lane McHenry made a motion to accept and sign. Tom Orsclrell seconded. Motion carried. PUBLIG coMMENT - chris Mueller asked about the voting and procedures of the last morning meeting. Roberts Rules of order, what do the commissioners plan to follow?

with no further business before the Board; Tom orschell made a motion to adjourn at B:25. shane McHenry seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

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