DEARBORN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING March 20, 2012 9:00 a.m., Commissioners Room County Administration Building 215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana EXECUTIVE SESSION @ 8:30 a.m. – Med Ben Appeals
CALL TO ORDER Present: Jeff Hughes, Shane McHenry, Tom Orschell, Andrew Baudendistel, County Attorney, Gayle Pennington, County Auditor, Terri Randall, County Administrator PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE EXECUTIVE SESSION: Tom Orschell made a motion to give HR the authority to authorize payment of the 1st claim after the alternate insurance has reviewed and paid the claim but not to exceed the original benefits on the balance. Shane McHenry seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Tom Orschell made a motion to uphold the recommended denial of the claim on the 2nd and 3rd Med Ben appeals. Shane McHenry seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
OLD BUSINESS: DEARBORN COUNTY REGIONAL SEWER BOARD APPOINTMENT: Motion: Moved by Shane McHenry, to table until the April 3rd meeting, Seconded by Tom Orschell. Motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: DEARBORN COUNTY HOSPITAL: Peter Resnick, read into the record the notice to remain an independent County Hospital and addressed the future ownership of DCH Board and a statement to stabilize the intentions to serve the community. Motion: Moved by Shane McHenry to approve and sign the statement as read into record, Seconded by Tom Orschell. Motion passed unanimously. Roger Howard, newly appointed CEO of Dearborn County Hospital, was introduced. Dearborn County Hospital Board Appointment – Robert Schroeder Motion: Moved made by Shane McHenry to approve re appointment of Robert Schroeder to the Dearborn County Hospital Board, Seconded by Tom Orschell. Motion passed unanimously. MILLER 1 - Voting Location - Proposed Change to Tanner Valley Methodist Church, Shane McHenry would like to know what will happen with Logan 1 and Harrison 3. Phil Weaver will have the information available for the April 3rd meeting. Shane asked that a Press release go out explaining where the County stands on changes.
HARDINTOWN WATER GRANT - Margaret Minzner – Presented the Draft Application for the Hardintown Water Grant for signatures. Motion: Moved by Tom Orschell to support and sponsor the grant application, Seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unanimously. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT- Todd Listerman United Consulting presented and overview of the condition of the 103 Dearborn County Bridge Inspections. Chris Wheeler finished Phase I of the 4 year cycle paid for at 80/20 A priority schedule of; a replacement list, bridges under design, and bridges in need of future replacement was presented along with a timeline for each – what is eligible for federal funding- rehab (box beam) how to cost effectively repairrecommended maintenance- safety items and needed improvements – 35 posted load capacity bridges – list of changes since last report – historical bridge registration report – structure inventory and appraisals. They also gave Commissioners a DVD of all bridges and an interactive map. Phase II to begin spring 2015 STATE LINE RD – A supplemental agreement with Beam Longest and Neff for $37,600.00 for design of storm water drains. Motion: To approve moved by Tom Orschell not to exceed $37,600.00 for storm water project go to Council, Seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unanimously. STATE LINE PROJECT – ROW’ s have been obtained and there a four property owners that will not negotiate so Todd would like to have the Commissioners to direct Mr. Baudendistel to begin the process to set hearings with the Court . Motion: Moved by Shane McHenry, and Seconded by Tom Orschell to allow the attorney to begin efforts to finish project. Motion passed unanimously. Todd would like to have permission to ask to begin Court process with Mr. Irwin on Short Ridge Rd. Motion: Moved by Tom Orschell and Seconded by Shane McHenry to allow Todd Listerman to engage the attorney to begin process, motion passed unanimously. OTHER UPDATES - Lower Dillsboro Rd. Bridge - $300,000.00 to replace the small structure. Motion: Moved by Tom Orschell, Seconded by Shane McHenry to allow Tim Greive to approach Council for $300,000.00 to replace the Lower Dillsboro Rd. Bridge. Motion passed unanimously. TIM GREIVE - updates Weisburg Road Resurfacing Project – 5.38 miles long at a cost of 1.3 million dollars. Motion: Moved by Tom Orschell, Seconded by Shane McHenry to allow permission to go to Council for Weisburg Rd., Benning Rd., and Lake Tambo Rd. resurfacing. Motion passed unanimously. $150,000.00 is needed to fix North Dearborn Rd. Motion: Moved by Shane McHenry, Seconded by Tom Orschell to approve Tim Greive going to council and request funding for an emergency contract with the same company to obtain a better price. Motion passed unanimously.
FEMA funding came through for West Laughery and Hogan Hill projects. Motion: Moved by Shane McHenry allow Tim Greive to go to Council for the West Laughery and Hogan Hill projects for the amount of $322,861.21reimbursed at 80/20. Seconded by Tom Orschell. Motion passed unanimously. Sunman Dearborn would like to give the Administration property on Lawrenceville Rd. to the County Highway. It will be taken under advisement. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR – Terri Randall presented project updates by priority. Community Correction and Probation Departments will be moving to their new building on April 14th. High St. Building demolition projects – Dearborn County will need to present formal plans and geotechnical evaluation. Terri will research and present the costs at the next meeting. Jail expansion – RFP for construction manager presented for review. Motion: Moved by Tom Orschell, Seconded by Shane McHenry to give Terri the authority to send out RFP’s for a construction manager. Jeff Hughes voted NAY. Motion passed. She will continue to work on the Court statistic report. Sheriff will be seeking security for new building – a 25 hrs. per week part time position. Motion: Moved by Shane McHenry, Seconded by Tom Orschell to give Sheriff Kreinhop permission to go to the personnel committee to hire security for the new building, Motion passed unanimously. AUDITOR – Gayle Pennington presented claims and minutes. Moved by Tom Orschell, seconded by Shane McHenry to approve Payroll Claims. Motion passed unanimously. Moved by Tom Orschell, seconded by Shane McHenry to approve Commissioner’s Dockets. Motion passed unanimously. Moved by Shane McHenry, seconded by Tom Orschell to approve AP Claims. Motion passed unanimously. Moved by Shane McHenry, seconded by Tom Orschell to approve the Minutes for March 6th as presented. Motion passed unanimously. Moved by Shane McHenry, seconded by Tom Orschell to approve the Minutes for February 7th as presented. Motion passed unanimously. Gayle submitted the financial statement and request for funds for two squads at $20,000.00 each for St. Leon. Moved by Tom Orschell, seconded by Shane McHenry to approve funding for two squads in St. Leon. Motion passed unanimously. Gayle submitted the financial statement and request for funds for one squad at $20,000.00 for Moores Hill. Moved by Shane McHenry, seconded by Tom Orschell to approve funding for one squad in Moores Hill. Motion passed unanimously.
ATTORNEY - Andy Baudendistel – He will be working with the attorney for Moores Hill on a Resolution to proceed with the Certificate assignment of the condemned property in town. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Shane McHenry has looked into the citizen complaint about trash along the roads in the Bright area and the County Highway is unable to help due to safety issues. Tom Orschell would like to address the resignation of the Independent Trustee for Kelso Township. Michael Pulls has submitted his resignation to the Commissioners. Tom Orschell made a motion to appoint David Alig as the Kelso Township Trustee. Shane McHenry seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Jeff Hughes - Nothing LATE ARRIVAL - Bobby Shinkle has applied for the Economic Development Grant and is asking for a letter of support. (Tanya Brudette presented) Motion: Moved by Shane McHenry to have a Letter of support sent for Bobby Shinkle. Seconded by Tom Orschell. Motion passed unanimously. Bill Black update on Reverse 911 (working the bugs out) Soon to go public PUBLIC COMMENT – None
With no further business before the Board Shane McHenry made a motion to adjourn. Tom Orschell seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.
____________________________ Jeff Hughes, President
________________________ Gayle Pennington, Auditor
____________________________ Shane McHenry, Member
____________________________ Tom Orschell, Member