commissioners Aug 21 2012 minutes

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August 21,2012

9:00 a.m., Commissioners Room Gounty Administration Building 215 ts West High Street, Lawrenceburg, lndiana CAL.L TO ORDEII

Freserat; Jeff Hu1;hes, shane McHenry, Tom orschell, Gayle pennington, Auditor, r\ndrew Baudendistel, county Attorney, Teresa Randall, cbunty Aclministiator. PLEDGE OF ALL.EGIANCE OL.E}


&lgcqlenance-u Dearborn coun'tllvehicles

- This was removecl from agenda at Terri Randall's request until November or when she feels it necessary to add it again. Shane McHerlry made a motion to remove until Nlovernber. Mortion seconded by Torn Orschell. ltll in favor, motion carried.

whitewater canal sce_nlc Eywat/ - Because they are without guidelines from lNlDor Terni Rarrdall reco,mmended the county withdraw as lead agency for the Canal scenic Byway project.

orschell miade a motion to withdraw as the lead agency of whitewater canal gnant. Motion seconded by Shane McHenry. All in favor, motion carried.


OKlEqnding tEntract / Asreement slFtcP does cornmunity Development Block Grants and ohlfl does water euality Projrlcts. There is no crossover of services. 'Terri Randall has done some research recommends that the Commissioners sign the new agreement. oKi would be ok with signing an amendment to continue thru end of year and renew in .lanuary to get on our budget cycle. Jeff Huglres would like to do a little more research. Torn Onschell miade a motion to table, and Shane McHenry seconded. All in

favor, rnotion carried.

Jarl_Mjlec!_CS4tac! - The language in the contract was reviewed by Andy

BaurJendistel. Cost: $425,000.00 over the life of project, broken clown by phase of


Tom Onschell made a nrotion to award and sign the jail architect contract with Rosser lnternational lnc- in arnount of $7,418,681.00 as rnrritten. Seconded by $hane McHenry. Ghair abstains. Motion passed. NEW BI.ISIhIE$S:

Litgjlime l-lousirtg


Carla Burkhart presented Property Lierr Releases for signatures.

Life Time Housing has been awarded lndiana Housing and Community Development Grant in the amount of $405,000.00. They plan to do 20 more homes in 4 counties for elderly and low income.

Motion to sign tlre Declaration of Property [-ien Release,s as presented fon Marcella Henny, 13265 Bank St, Dillsboro, flndiana, with l\{ary Holzbacker, 24683 Welisberg Rd., $unman, lndiana, with Ronald Mondary and Rose Cantreill, '[4579 West Wood St., flUoores Hill, lndiana, with Earl and Matilda Bisr:hoff, 29103 St. Joe Dr,,, West Harnlson, lndiana, and with Carol Geraldine Greco, 158 Plnhook Rd., Wesit l-{arrison moved by Shane McHenry. Seconded by Torn Cfrschell, alll in favor, motion carried.

Qpqcial crimeq lJnit Grqnt Appljcation - Terri asked the commis;sioners ratify Jeff's signature on a Grant for Special Crimes. shane explained that this Grant will be used to benefit drug endangered childnen. The Grant will afford some potential ove(ime and fact analysisl Tom onschell made a rnoiion


plify the signature of ".!eff Hughes on the special

crinles Grant. s;econded by Jetf Hughes. IMotion passerd. shilne not vote.

Mlcl-lenny did

.nUqgnlee_Ltolinlt L,ocation Chanqe - Phil Weaver presented a pr,cposal to move the locationr of absentee voting to the first floor of the Courthouse Buildlng. ruqHW.AY DEPA,R]TMENT Flighway Superintendent - Tim Greive presented updates crevv Leader position has been filled by chris Durham, a promotion from within. A cluote for replacement of a single axle truck - shirks lnternationail was low bicl at $84,197.91.

l\llotion to accept the bid from shirks in the annount of $84,192.g'[ rnoved by Tom Orschell, Seconried by Shane McHenry. A[l in favor, motion carnied. Replacernent of nrowing tractor $5?-,A72.32.


low bid from Smith lmplements in Greensburg

$/lotion to contract with smith lmplernents for replacement of flhe rnowing tractor in the arnount ol $92,072.32 moved by Jeff Htlghes, Seqonded by Shane McHlenry. Motion passed. Tom Orschefll abstained. Highway Engineer


Todd Listerman presented updates.

wessler Rd. discussion. The cost would be $31,000.00 just in matr:rials if they only lay a 6"deep base. The Highway originally used stimulus money, millings dried r_rp and we have nothing to use on the gravel roads. Goal is to approar:h council for funding for upgrades of grav,el roads at budget. Roads that get done will be prioritized based on the logistics of where the rnillings are haryested. Decisions are made based on need, logistics, prlce, and economy of costs in heruling. RoarJ lnventory presented. He would like to add Swales Drive and remove Chappin Rd. rstub, Depot Fld., Darling Rd., Ridge Rd., Twin Oaks Rd. Dearborn County does not maintenance these roads and they are not dedicated ROW so he does not know why is it on the inventory,. Motiiron to adcl $uvales Dr., .08 miles, to the Dearborn Gounty Road lnventory mov'red by Shane McHenry, Seconded by Tonn Orschel[. All in lfavor, rnoltion

carried. Motii,on to rernove the following from the Dearborn Counrty Road lnventony: Ghappin Rd. stub 0.03 mlles, Depot Rd. 0.06 miles,-Danlin"rg Rd. 0.06 rnites, Ridge Rd. 0.21 rniles, Twin Oaks 0.06 rniles moved by Shane fr/llcHenrry, $econded by Tonn Orschell. i\ll in favor, motion carried. Motiion to make a reduction in length of prflvate property that no one lives on. Brady Andenson Rd. 0.37 to 0.08 n'liles moved by Sl'laner McF{enry, Secornded by Tomr Onschell. l$l in favor, motion carried.

Signatures on final inspection for school flashers.

$hane McHenry made a motion to approve and sigl'l the Report of Contraat Final lnsprection and recommendation for acceptance of Contract1l-33757 with INDOT. Tom Onschell seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Gary Steinmetz and Mrs. Wessler spoke about his concerns; of road priority and Wessler Rd. again. TodrJ presents at budget what it takes to run the department. Tax rnoney does not correrr


that so County Council cuts. We have not increased highwav tax revenue for the years. That tax money goes to keeping the doors open.


Brid,ge RFP - designs for replacement of Bridge #5 Laughery Creek, #9 Sangamaw, #29 Old North Hcgan, #44Turkey Point. There were six proposals to the committee

After review of the proposals and fees the committee recommencrsl Hovrrard Barth for Bridges #5, #4, #29, and #44 FBFH for Bridge #9

Motion by shane McHenry to follow the re,commendation and move fonward as presented_by the bridge committee. Motinn seconded hy Torn orschell. All in favor, rnotion caLrried,

- Teresa Randall presentect the city of t{arrison Fire and EMS contract due to expire at the end of 2012. she recommends renewal for one year. Tenri read into thel record the interlocal agreement. she would sugr3est more involvement from the Township Trustees. @I0!NjSI'RATOR

A motion to sign the arnendrnent to the lntertocal Agreement for Fire protection senrices and Emergency Medical services betweenlhe city of Harrison, ohio anrd Dearborn county, lndiana as written thru 20i3, movedby Tom orscheil, was seconded by Shane McHenry. All in favor, motion carried.

slEoc - commissioners

have one appointment to this board


sonia Kaffenberg;er

to appoint sonya Kaffenbenger to the slEoc Board mo,ved by shane McFlenry, Seconded by Tom Orscl.lell. All in favor, rnotion carried. tMotilon

Vehicle Auction vrrill be October 13 at 10:00 a.m.



Gayle Pennington presented Claims for signature

shane McHenry made a motion to approve claims as prr-'sented. This motion was seconded by Torrn Orschell. Motion passed unanimously. Tomr onschell made a motion to approve cornmissioner's Dockets as presented. Thiis nnotion was seconded by $hane McHenry. Motion passed unanirnously.

$hane McHenry made a motion to approve Fayroll claims as presented. This motion was seconded by Tom Orschell. Mrotion passed unaninrously. 20'll) Employee l-loliday Calendar was presentecl for approval and adoption. Tom onschell made a motion to approve the calendar as presented. This nnotion was seconded 1by $hane McHenry. Motion passed unanimously. ATIQBN_EY - Andy Baudendistel presented Ordinance #2012-0A8, Sheriff Fire Arm Qualifications. Torm Orsclnell nrade a motion to approve Ordinance #20{2-018, Sheriff Fire Arm Qualifications fo,r the Dearborn Gounty Merit lBoard as presented. This rnotion was seconded lby Shane McHenry. Motion passed unanirnousl,y.

Orrjinance #2012-019, RestrictinE Smoking onr County.Property and in County vehicles.

$hane McHenry made a motion to approve Ordinance #2012-0'19, Restrirctfing $nroking on County Property and in County vehicles as presented" This rnotion was seconded by Tom Orschell. Motion passed unaninrously. Joint Resolutiontt20l2


003 regarding Transfer of Surplus Property to the City of

AuroraFireDepartmentforthecostof$1.00. Theseitemsareradiosandalightbar. Shane McHenry made a motion to approve Joint Reso[ution #201? - 003 regardlng Trans'fer of Surplus Property to the City of Aurora Fire Depantment for

the ,cost of $1.00. Sec,onded by Tom Orschell. Motion passed unanimously. COMMENTS: Jeff - Marty Hori is Work Force 1 Chairman. Shane .- Neighboring counties are rescinding their burn bans Torn - l,tothing







talk to Bill Black

Glenn Wright frorn the Recorders Office let the Commissioners know that Google mixed "'--

uptheCountyinclexandtheProbationphonenumberislistedastheRecordui"-t nurnber.

With no further business before the Board, Shane McHenry made a motion to adjourn at 11:14 a'rn' Tom orschell seconded, the motion passed uninimousry"

hane_McHenry, Member



Tom Orschell, Member



Gayle Pennington, Auditor Dearborn County

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