commissioners Sept 4 21012 minutes

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DHI\RBORN COI.]NTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING September 4,2012 6:00 p.m., Gommissioners Room Gounty Administration Building 215 B West Fligh Street, Lawrenceburg, lndiana CALL TO ORDER


6:00 p.rn.

Pres;ent: Jeff Hughes, Tom orschell, sharon probst sitting in for Gayle pennington, county Auditor, A,ndrew Baudendistel, county Attorney, and rerri Rindall, cou-nty


sharre McHenry arrived at 6:55 p.m. due to an emergency work cornmitment. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE

The Board called ilor a Moment of silence for Elwood Benning who passed away Saturday September 1tt. Elwood was involved with EMA for about 3g years.

OLD BUSINE$$: SKlF-undin-q Co4!Iqc1L/ Aqreerngot - Terri Randall asked thre Commissioners to table this item as she !s; tnying to work out an extension until the end of the year. Torn orschell rnade a motion to table. Jeff F{ughes seconded, motion passed. NEVI/ BU$IhIES$:

Ass!@-GaryHensileypresentedaRevisedContractfor $49,600 with Tyler Technologies. Revisions included previously onnitted federal verifications that the contractor is not engaged in investrnent acti,yities in lran and affirrms that it does not knowingly employ an unauthonized alien" 'l-orn Orschell rnade a motion to sign the contract for S4g,O00 with Tyler Teclrrno[ogies as wriltten. Jeff Hughes seconded, motion pass,ed.

H!$JlwaY !EroR'I'MENI Highway Superintendent - Tim Greive - Updates. County Council approved the requested additional appropriations for the 20'12 budget: Chip and Seal, Millings for Wessler Rd., and the purchase of a trac{:or. Hignway Engineer


Todd Listerman was absent.

AoU[t{ S'IBAEQ-&- Teresa

Ra nd al


Fire and EMS Updates - Terri asked that this be tabled in order to give her time to finerlize the presentation. Torn Orschell made a motion to table. Jeff l'ilughes seco'nded, motion passed.

.Jail Project -,A Preliminary Design Presentation was made by Mark VanAllen. The obje,ctive is to maximize bed-space by using dormitory style housing, and have the flexibility for future bed needs. The A and B donmitories wilil have about 32 beds each. Sixteen bed dormitories for each J-CAP program with housing on 2"d floor forJ-CAP graduates that are still serving time but attending meetings downstairs. Remodeling the law enforcernent area, lobby, and basement area, and video conference units will also be done. Sharnre asked what they would cut if price becomes an issue. Mark said remodeling cor"rld be cut. The committee will continue to meet and make adjustments to the plan as needed.

Terri passed along the information that County Council approved the additional appropriation of $350,000.00 for the 201 2 budget. This will pay the Construction Manager and the Design Consultant through the end of the year.

Terri informed the commissioners that there is property owned by thre county in , Hardintown and the water line will go under this Row. She will make sure ftre proper releases are prepared for approval.



Gaylc. Pennington presented Accounts payable claims for signatures.

Torn Orschell made a motion to approve. Jeff Hurghes s,pconded, motion passed. $leane McHenry did not have tirne to review them. Commissioners Dockets were presented for signatures. Torn orschel! merde a rnotion to approve. .leff l-{ughes sieconded, anotion passed. $hane McHenry rdid not have time to review thern. Payroll Claim was presented for signature.

$l'lane McHenry made a motion to approve. Tom Orschell seconded, all ir.l favor, rnotion passed.

GlSsoordinator- lvlargaret Minzner- 911 received a grant frr:m the Dearborn County For"rndation for Automatic Vehicle Location and tnacking software to be used loy the Sheriff and EMA. The WTH contract was presented to the commissioners for signatures along lvith the Grant Agreement. Since Margaret will be leaving employnnent as the County GIS Coordinator Ron Barnhart frr:m Planning and Zoning will oversee this p,roject.

Tom Orschell rnade a motion to approve tl'ne Agreement.

$hane McHenry then amended the motion to approve th,e Grant Agreement and sign the contrac,t with WTH as the vendor. Tom Orschell seconded, all in 'favor, nnotion passed. ATT,ORI{EY - Andy Baudendistel asked for a motion to ratify the signature of Jeff Huglres on the CH&M Excavating contract for the Hardintown water project.

Shane ft,tlcl'{enry made a motion to ratify the signatune of Comnrissioner l-lughes on tlhe CH&M Excavating contract for the l.lardintown water project. Tom Orschell seconded, all in favor, motion carried,







the$9._0&t!enly ersked Bill Black if they should lift the burn ban. Shane McHenry rnade a motion to lift the county wide ban and let the fire chiefs in each area to decide what to do. Tom Orschell seconded, all in farror. Motion canried"

Tom Onschell spoke about the Jack's Forever Three 5K on Saturday. The County will supply the road closed signs and a few County officers. ARR.IVAL-IINIFORMATIOIY - Bill Black reported that the Rapid l\otify system has been used twice and is working well. He also used it for last weekend to help find the lost child and had over 200 people volunteer to search. McHenry stated the the County volunteer Fire and EMS were also invaluable in the search.





With no further business before the Board, Shane McFl,enry rnade a rnotion to adjourn at 7:'!5 p.m. The motion was seconded by Tom Orschell and passed unanimously"


Tom Orschell

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