TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2012
WHEREAS, Indiana Code §36-1-3-5(a) states that KIMBERLY S. SPANAGEL "Except as provided in subsection (b), a unit may Petitioner, exercise any power it has to the extent that the and THE JOURNAL-PRESS power: (1) is not expressly denied by the Indiana ROBERT D. SPANAGEL Constitution or by statute ... "; Respondent. WHEREAS, Indiana Code §36-1-3-6(b)(1) states that NOTICE BY PUBLICATION "If there is no constitutional or statutory provision TO: Kimberly S. Spanagel, whose last known ad requiring a specific manner for exercising a power, dress is 106 W. Center St., Lawrenceburg, Indiana a unit wanting to exercise the power must, if the 47025, and whose whereabouts are unknown, is unit is a county or municipality, adopt an ordinance hereby notified that a Motion to Emancipate and prescribing a specific manner for exercising the Terminate Child Support was filed on March power"; 30,2012, in the Office of the Dearborn Circuit Court, WHEREAS, Indiana Code §36-1-3-6(c)(3) states that Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. "An ordinance under subsection (b)(1) must be Notice if hereby given to Kimberly S. Spanagel, adopted as follows: In any other county, by the ex- that a hearing will be held on this petition on May ecutive of the county"; 11,2012 at 1 :15 p.m., in the Dearborn Circuit Court, WHEREAS, payment of the claim is not expressly 215 W. High St., Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. denied by the Indiana Constitution or by statute; The name and address of the attorney representWHEREAS, there is no constitutional or statutory ing the Respondent is Matthew P. Zerbe, Attorney at provision requiring a specific manner for payment Law, 30 E. High St., Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. of the claim; and Dated: April 24, 2012. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Indiana Code, payment Phillip Weaver of the claim was at the discretion of the Dearborn Clerk of Dearborn Circuit Court County Council, however, the Dearborn County 215 W. High St. Board of Commissioners must pass an ordinance Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 pursuant to the exercise of this discretionary deciC-5-1-JP-3t sion of Dearborn County Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AS FOL LOWS: Payment of 2010 Invoice #505680 is hereby authorized pursuant to the Indiana "Home Rule" statutes, specifically, Indiana Code §36-1-3-6(b)(1) and §36-1-3-6(c)(3). Payment of this claim is not ex pressly denied by the Indiana Constitution or by statute and the power to pay this claim, therefore, was duly exercised at the discretion of Dearborn County Council pursuant to Indiana Code §36-1-3-5(a). ALL OF WHICH IS ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn County, Indiana this the 1st day of May, 2012. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DEARBORN COUNTY, INDIANA JEFF HUGHES, President TOM ORSCHELL, Member SHANE MCHENRY, Member ATTEST: GAYLE PENNINGTON County Auditor C-5-8-JP-2t C-5-10-R-2t
NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Cause No. 15CO1- 1204-ES-14 In the Dearborn Circuit Court of Dearborn County, Indiana. Notice is hereby given that David T. Crouch was on the 19 day of April, 2012, appointed Executor of the Estate of Mary Alice Jean Crouch, deceased. All persons having claims against said Estate, whether or not now due, must file the same in said court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Dated at Lawrenceburg, Indiana this 19 day of April, 2012 . Phillip D. Weaver, Clerk Dearborn Circuit Court Douglas A. Garner, #17335-15 Zerbe Garner Miller & Blondell LLC 15 W. Center Street, Suite 100 Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 P-5-8-JP-3t Notice to Bidders The Board of School Trustees of the Sunman-Dearborn Community Schools Corporation will receive sealed bids at the Superintendentʼs Office at 1 Trojan Lane Suite B, St. Leon, Indiana 47012 until 10:00 a.m. EST Tuesday, May 22, 2012 regarding the sale of the property at 26022 Lawrenceville Road, Sunman, Indiana 47041. Information on property is available through contacting the Superintendentʼs Office at above mentioned address or by phone at 812-623-2291. The Board of School Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All bids received after 10:00 a.m. EST, May 22, 2012 will be returned unopened. C-5-8-JP-2t C-5-10-R-2t ORDINANCE 2012--010 HOME RULE ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO 2010 INVOICE #505680 A "Home Rule" Ordinance pertaining to 2010 In voice #505680; WHEREAS, Dearborn County Prosecuting Attorney, F. Aaron Negangard, presented a claim on December 14, 2010 to Dearborn County Council for payment of legal fees in the amount of $23,828.53 to Bose McKinney & Evans for legal representation in IN THE DEARBORN CIRCUIT COURT connection with "Matter 022105-0001 2009 Disciplinary Grievance"; GENERAL TERM, 2012 CAUSE NO. 15CO1-9504-DR-084 WHEREAS, Dearborn County Council approved the payment of the claim and said claim was, in turn, STATE OF INDIANA approved by the Dearborn County Board of Com- COUNTY OF DEARBORN IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF missioners; WHEREAS, Indiana Code §36-1-3-5(a) states that KIMBERLY S. SPANAGEL Petitioner, "Except as provided in subsection (b), a unit may and exercise any power it has to the extent that the power: (1) is not expressly denied by the Indiana ROBERT D. SPANAGEL Respondent. Constitution or by statute ... "; NOTICE BY PUBLICATION WHEREAS, Indiana Code §36-1-3-6(b)(1) states that TO: Kimberly S. Spanagel, whose last known ad "If there is no constitutional or statutory provision DEARBORN LAWRENCEBURG TOWNSHIP, COUNTY, INDIANA requiring specific manner for exercising Cash & aInvestments Combined Statementa -power, 2011 dress is 106 W. Center St., Lawrenceburg, Indiana a unit wanting to exercise the power must, if the 47025, and whose whereabouts are unknown, Beg Cash End Cashis hereby notified that a DisburseMotion to Emancipate and unit Localis a county or municipality, adopt an& ordinance Inv Bal & Inv Bal Child Support was filed on12/31/11 March prescribing specific Fund LocalaFund Namemanner for exercising 01/01/11 the Terminate Receipts ments power"; 30,2012, in the Office of44,920.00 the Dearborn Circuit 674.40 Court, 1 Fire Fighting 2,719.04 42,875.36 WHEREAS, states that Lawrenceburg, 2 RainyIndiana Day Code §36-1-3-6(c)(3)3,749.39 2,663.13Indiana 47025. 0.00 6,412.52 Notice if hereby given to Kimberly S. Spanagel, "An 3ordinance must be Townshipunder subsection (b)(1) 5,210.68 27,150.20 22,964.90 9,395.98 adopted as follows: In any other county, by the ex- that a 17,884.59 hearing will be held on this petition6,424.60 on May 4 Township Assistance 31,222.97 42,682.96 11,2012 at 1 :15 p.m., in the Dearborn Circuit Court, ecutive of the county"; Total All Funds 42,902.08 90,573.28 110,567.86 22,907.50 WHEREAS, payment of the claim is not Detailed expressly 215 W.2011 High St., Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. Receipts The name and address of the attorney $33,255.86 representdenied by the Indiana Constitution statute; Property Governmental Fire Fighting or by General Taxes ing the Respondent at WHEREAS, statutory Activities there is no constitutional or County Option Income Tax (COIT)is Matthew P. Zerbe, Attorney $7,096.50 provision requiring a specific manner for payment Law, 30 E.Tax High St., Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. Vehicle/Aircraft Excise Distribution $23.00 of the claim; and Transfers In Dated: April 24, 2012. $2,500.00 Phillip WHEREAS, pursuant to the Indiana Code, payment Total FireWeaver Fighting $42,875.36 of the claim was at the discretion of the Dearborn Clerk of Dearborn Circuit Court Rainy Day Transfers In $2,663.13 215 W. Rainy High St. County Council, however, the Dearborn County Total Day $2,663.13 Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 Board of Commissioners must pass anGeneral ordinance Township Property Taxes $21,946.07 pursuant to the exercise of this discretionary C-5-1-JP-3t CountydeciOption Income Tax (COIT) $4,731.00 sion of Dearborn County Council. Financial Institution Tax Distribution $215.39 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AS FOL Vehicle/Aircraft Excise Tax Distribution $254.98 LOWS: Refunds and Reimbursements $2.76 Payment of 2010 Invoice #505680 is hereby authorTotal Township $27,150.20 ized pursuantTownship to the Indiana "Home Rule" statutes, Assistance General Property Taxes $15,193.46 specifically, Indiana Code §36-1-3-6(b)(1) and County Option Income Tax (COIT) $2,365.50 §36-1-3-6(c)(3). Payment of this claimFinancial is not ex Institution Tax Distribution $149.11 pressly denied by the Indiana Constitution or by Vehicle/Aircraft Excise Tax Distribution $176.52 statute and the power to pay this claim, therefore, Total Township Assistance $17,884.59 was duly exercised at the discretion of Dearborn Disbursements by Vendor 2011 County Council Category pursuant to Indiana Code Fund Name Paid To Amount §36-1-3-5(a). Fire Fighting Services and Charges City of Lawrenceburg/Fire Department $20,000.00 ALL OF WHICH IS ORDAINED by the Board of ComServices and Charges City of Greendale/Fire Department $23,000.00 missioners of Dearborn County, this the 1st Services andIndiana Charges Lawrenceburg, Manchester, Sparta $1,920.00 day of May, 2012. Conservancy District BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Total Fire Fighting $44,920.00 DEARBORN Township Personal COUNTY, Services INDIANA James Hamill $5,061.00 JEFF HUGHES, President Personal Services Fred Hotel $2,530.44 TOMPersonal ORSCHELL, Member Services Jerome Gilb $750.00 SHANE MCHENRY, Member Personal Services Judith Jackson $750.00 ATTEST: Personal Services Dorothy Blackwell $750.00 GAYLE PENNINGTON Supplies General Graphics $39.00 County Auditor Supplies Boyce Forms $696.05 C-5-8-JP-2t Services and Charges Ewan Law Office $750.00 C-5-10-R-2t Services and Charges William Hastings $2,795.00 Services and Charges Register Publications $240.84 Other Disbursements Lifetimes Resources $1,000.00 Other Disbursements RSVP Lawrenceburg $500.00 Other Disbursements Dearborn County Indiana $4.55 Other Disbursements Indiana Township Association $10.00 Other Disbursements United States Treasury $1,572.75 Total Township $17,449.63 Township Personal Services Tom Berry $600.00 Assitance Township Assistance Lawrenceburg Municipal Utilities $9,371.28 Township Assistance Greendale Utilities $2,273.26 Township Assistance Sycamore Gas $3,677.40 Township Assistance Duke Energy $603.58 Township Assistance Kennett Oil $392.90 Township Assistance Century Link $97.04 Township Assistance AT&T $143.05 Township Assistance Rullman, Hunger Funeral Home $800.00 Township Assistance Laws, Carr, Moore Funeral Home $1,600.00 Township Assistance Walmart Pharmacy $496.52 Township Assistance QOL Meds #320 $42.00 Township Assistance Krogers Pharmacy $520.64 Township Assistance James Drummond MD $50.00 Township Assistance Walgreens Drug Store $407.57 Township Assistance Health Services Corp. $232.00 Township Assistance Avail Pest Management $200.00 Township Assistance Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance $78.00 Township Assistance Bob Fehrman $150.00 Township Assistance Bentley Rentals $200.00 Township Assistance Chad Jewett $450.00 Township Assistance Tony Connley $600.00 Township Assistance Charles T. White $200.00 Township Assistance Jonnie Kelley $400.00 Township Assistance Kim Knigga $300.00 Township Assistance Vic Fay $200.00 Township Assistance Rick Lowe $250.00 Township Assistance Brenda Bartley $320.00 Township Assistance Judy Dennison $850.00 Township Assistance Jason Evans $200.00 Township Assistance Ray Corneilus $380.00 Township Assistance Don Hambrick/Discovery Properties $350.00 Township Assistance Deb Papker $400.00 Township Assistance Highview Apartments $624.00 Township Assistance Patti Louks $2,100.00 Township Assistance Malia Hawkins $400.00 Township Assistance Landmark Group Investments $200.00 Township Assistance Becky Griffith $800.00 Township Assistance Highland Apartments $300.00 Township Assistance Johnny D. Scudder, Sr. $1,280.00 Township Assistance Deer Run Apartments $1,173.00 Township Assistance Sheryl L. Duechle $400.00 Township Assistance K&K Investments $350.00 Township Assistance Dexter Hurt $400.00 Township Assistance Tony Roma $350.00 Township Assistance Maria LaRosa $300.00 Township Assistance Debbie Schultz $300.00 Township Assistance Bonnie Teaney $350.00 Township Assistance Mike Noel $460.00 Township Assistance State Line Motel $650.00 Township Assistance Bartley Rentals $1,020.00 Township Assistance Kathy Lockard $200.00 Township Assistance Shelia Craig $200.00 Township Assistance Edgewood Place Apartments $40.00 Township Assistance Tuscany Apartments $850.00 Township Assistance Knoll Park Apartments $110.00 Township Assistance Country Hill Apartments $250.00 Township Assistance Mark Bauschbach $300.00 Township Assistance Geraldine Fay $147.00 Township Assistance K Mart $698.85 Township Assistance Tandy IGA Foodliner $991.72 Debt Service-Principal & Interest Highland Apartments $200.00 Other Disbursement Dearborn County Indiana $3.15 Total Township Assistance $42,282.96 C-5-10-R-1t C-5-15-JP-1t