dearborn cty. J-P legals 5-1-12

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TUESDAY, MAY 1, 2012 NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR LAWRENCEBURG EVENT CENTER & HOTEL BP #1 - SITE UTILITIES, MASS EXCAVATION, DEEP FOUNDATIONS NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Clerk Treasurer of the City of Lawrenceburg, Indiana, until 2:00 PM, local time, on May 15,2012. The Clerk Treasurer is located at 212 Walnut Street. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. Sealed Bids will be publicly opened at the City of Lawrenceburg Administration Bldg - Council Chambers and read aloud for: LAWRENCEBURG EVENT CENTER, BP# I - SITE UTILITIES, MASS EXCAVATION, DEEP FOUNDATIONS to provide all labor, materials, apparatus, expendable tools and equipment, and all other services required for the package. This Bid Package contains multiple bid categories. Those categories are as follows: BC-O1 Site Utilities BC-02 Mass Excavation BC-03 Deep Foundations All contractors are required to be pre-qualified by the City of Lawrenceburg. Failure to become pre-qualified will result in an unresponsive bid that will not be opened at bid time. Each contractor will be responsible for their scope of work as indicated in the specifications, as well as coordinating with the efforts of others. The contractors are responsible to make them selves familiar with all existing conditions and it is strongly suggested that they attend the Pre-Bid Meeting to be held at 2:00PM on May 7, 2012 at the Lawrenceburg Council Chambers. A mandatory Pre-Application meeting to become pre-qualified will be held immediately following the Pre-Bid meeting. The Contract Documents maybe reviewed at the following offices: 1. Lawrenceburg Administration Bldg. 230 Walnut Street Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 2. Messer Construction Co. 5158 Fishwick Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45216-2216 Messer Construction Co. 6964 Hillsdale Ct. Indianapolis, IN 46250 3. F.W. Dodge Corporation 7265 Kenwood Road Cincinnati, OR 45236 4. Allied Construction Industries 3 Kovach Drive Cincinnati, OH 45215 Phone: (513) 221-8020 Fax: (513) 221-8023 Documents may be purchased at the following office: ARC (formally Queen City Reprographics) 2863 East Sharon Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45241 513-326-2300 800-966-2260 Documents will also be available on ISqFt. Access to ISqFt will be made available upon request if you are not currently a subscriber. GENERAL BID REQUIREMENTS To be responsive, all bids must include all equipment, apparatus, materials and work necessary to be in strict conformance with the Contract Docu ments REJECTION OF BIDS The City of Lawrenceburg, Indiana expressly re serves the right to reject any or all bids, to judge the character and sufficiency of the work offered by the bidders, and to judge the ability of any bidder to perform the work in a proper manner. EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF BIDS No bidder may withdraw a bid for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of opening thereof. BONDING REQUIREMENTS A bid bond executed by the bidder and a surety company in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the aggregate amount of the bid shall be submitted with each bid. In lieu of such bond, a certified check in the amount equal to that required in such bond, payable to the Lawrenceburg Clerk Treasurer may be submitted. The successful bidder will be required to furnish an acceptable Performance Bond in the amount of one-hundred percent (100%) of the contract price. Jackie Stutz Clerk-Treasurer C-5-1-JP-2t C-5-3-R-2t NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS Notice is hereby given the taxpayers of the City of Lawrenceburg, Dearborn County, Indiana, that the proper legal officers will consider the following additional appropriations for the current year budget at their regular meeting place at 230 Walnut Street, Lawrenceburg, IN. at 5:00 PM on the 14th day of May, 2012. Fund Name Municipal Development Fund (MDF 280) Riverboat (284) Major Budget Classification: 10000 Personal Services 0,00 760,515.00 20000 Supplies 220,000.00 321,025.00 30000 Other Services & Charges 1,700,000.00 5,059,725.02 40000 Capital Outlays 246,401.72 20,034,011.25 50000 Other Capital Outlays 30,648,910.00 5,011,222.58 TOTAL FOR MDF FUND: 32,815,311.72 31,186,498.85 Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have a right to be heard. The additional appropriations as finally made will be referred to the Department of Local Government Finance (Department). The Department will make a written determination as to the sufficiency of funds to support the appropriations made within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a Certified Copy of the action taken. Dated: April 23, 2012 Jackie Stutz Clerk-Treasurer City of Lawrenceburg C-4-26-R-2t C-5-1-JP-1t

LEGAL NOTICE OF A PREHEARING CONFERENCE AND PRELIMINARY HEARING INDIANA UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION CAUSE NO. 44193 PETITION OF SYCAMORE GAS COMPANY, INC. FOR APPROVAL OF A GAS SERVICE CONTRACT WITH MGPI OF INDIANA, LLC AND TO ESTABLISH CONFIDENTIAL PROCEDURES Notice is hereby given that the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission will conduct a public Prehearing Conference and Preliminary Hearing in the above-captioned Cause in the IURC Conference Center, Suite 220, Judicial Courtroom 224 of the PNC Center, 101 W. Washington Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, commencing at 10:30 AM, local time, on Thursday, May 17, 2012. This hearing is open to the public. If the Prehearing Conference does not result in agreement among the parties acceptable to the Commission concerning all procedural and other preliminary issues which may appropriately be resolved prior to a hearing on the merits of the above-captioned proceeding, evidence may be heard on the above date on all such disputed is sues. These procedural and preliminary issues may include but shall not be limited to, the jurisdiction of the Commission over the parties and subject of the proceedings; a representative test year for consideration of the valuation of utility property, operating expenses, and revenues from existing rates; accounting methods, standards and principles to be applicable to these proceedings; need for and time of prefiling testimony; dates and places for hearings on the merits of this proceeding; and issues related to prehearing discovery. Any party who has an interest in or who may be affected by the procedural and other preliminary issues which may be determined in the Prehearing Conference and Preliminary Hearing should participate. All parties will be bound by the procedural and other preliminary findings and determinations made pursuant to agreements or evidence received at the Prehearing Conference and Preliminary Hearing held pursuant to this notice. If an accommodation is required to allow an individual with a disability to participate, please contact the Office of the Executive Secretary of the IURC at (317) 232-2701 or TDD (317) 232-8556 at least 48 hours in advance. INDIANA UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY (317) 232-2701 BY: IURC - (LORAINE SEYFRIED) DATE: 4/26/2012 C-5-1-JP-1t C-5-3-R-1t NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Cause No. 15CO1- 1204-ES-14 In the Dearborn Circuit Court of Dearborn County, Indiana. Notice is hereby given that David T. Crouch was on the 19 day of April, 2012, appointed Executor of the Estate of Mary Alice Jean Crouch, deceased. All persons having claims against said Estate, whether or not now due, must file the same in said court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Dated at Lawrenceburg, Indiana this 19 day of April, 2012 . Phillip D. Weaver, Clerk Dearborn Circuit Court Douglas A. Garner, #17335-15 Zerbe Garner Miller & Blondell LLC 15 W. Center Street, Suite 100 Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 P-5-1-JP-3t NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ESTATE NO. 15CO1-1204-EU--029 In the Circuit Court of Dearborn County, Indiana. Notice is hereby given that Joyce M. Giffin was on the 19 day of April,2012, appointed Personal Representative under the Last Will and Testament and for the Estate of Inez Ebel, deceased. All persons having claims against said Estate, whether or not now due, must file the same in said court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Dated at Lawrenceburg, Indiana, this 19th day of April,2012. Phillip D. Weaver, Clerk of the Dearborn Circuit Court, Dearborn County, IN Douglas R. Denmure, Attorney 402 Second St., P.O. Box 36 Aurora. IN 47001 812-926-1227 C-4-24-JP-3t

IN THE DEARBORN CIRCUIT COURT GENERAL TERM. 2012 CAUSE NO. 12C01-1204-ES-011 STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF DEARBORN SS: IN RE THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Melvin L. Knigga, Deceased NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION (Supervised Administration) In the Dearborn Circuit Court of Dearborn County, Indiana: Notice is given that Timothy L. Knigga was on the 9th day of April, 2012, appointed personal representative of the estate of Melvin L. Knigga, deceased who died on June 6, 2011. Pursuant to I.C. 29-1-14-1, all persons having claims against the estate, whether due now or at some later time, must file their claims in the office IN THE DEARBORN SUPERIOR COURT II of the clerk of this court within three (3) months GENERAL TERM, 2012 from the date of the first publication of this notice, CAUSE NO. 15D02-1203-DR-056 or within nine (9) months after the decedentʼs STATE OF INDIANA death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forCOUNTY OF DEARBORN SS: ever barred. IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF Dated at Lawrenceburg, Indiana, this 5th day of KASEY B. ARTMAYER, April, 2012. PETITIONER /s/Phillip D. Weaver and Phillip Weaver, Clerk JENNIFER J. ARTMAYER, Dearborn Circuit Court RESPONDENT Dearborn County, Indiana SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION C-4-24-JP-3t To: Jennifer J. Artmayer, whose last known ad dress is 324 North Sycamore Street, Harrison, Ohio, The Dearborn County Board of Zoning Appeals and whose whereabouts are unknown, is hereby notified that a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage will hold a meeting on Monday, May 14, 2012 at 7:00 was filed on the 8th day of March, 2012, in the office P.M. in the Dearborn County Administration Buildof the Clerk of the Dearborn Circuit Court, Law - ing, 3rd Floor Commissioner's Room, Lawrence burg, Indiana 47025 on the following: renceburg, Indiana 47025. The name and address of the attorney represent- The Board of Zoning Appeals will review new Site ing the Petitioner is Frank G. Kramer, Attorney at Plan material relevant to a site owned by Tony BisLaw, 114 West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana choff, located at 27545 State Road 1. The Board will analyze the existing and proposed landscaping 47025-1908. Jennifer J. Artmayer is hereby notified she must plans for this property to determine whether Varirespond within thirty (30) days after the last notice ance is warranted or enforcement action is necesof the action is published, and if she fails to do so, sary. Interested persons are requested to appear and judgment by default may be entered against her for the relief demanded in the Petition for Dissolution voice their opinion with respect thereto. Cathy J. Heist of Marriage. 2nd Deputy Dated at Lawrenceburg, Indiana this 10th day of C-4-2-JP-1t April, 2012. Phillip D. Weaver, Clerk NOTICE OF SALE Dearborn Circuit Court Pursuant to Indiana State Law, a sale of personal C-4-17-JP-3t property stored in the renter's space to satisfy the IN THE DEARBORN COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT STATE OF INDIANA Cause No. 15C01-1203-EU-022 IN THE MATTER OF THE UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION OF THE ESTATE OF LESLIE D. MARTIN, Deceased NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Notice is hereby given that on the 29th day of

County Plan Commission. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the land described in the attached Exhibit "A" is hereby re zoned from Agricultural (A) and General Business PAGE 1 (B-2) to Manufacturing Class 2 (M-2) and the Zone District Maps of Dearborn County be amended accordingly. ALL OF WHICH IS ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn County, Indiana this the 17th day of April, 2012. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DEARBORN COUNTY, INDIANA JEFF HUGHES, President TOM ORSCHELL, Member SHANE MCHENRY, Member ATTEST: GAYLE PENNINGTON County AUditor I affirm, under penalties for perjury, that I have taken reasonable care to redact each Social Security number in this document, unless required by law. Andrew D. Baudendistel This instrument prepared by: Andrew D. Baudendistel, Attorney at Law, VOTAW & SCHWARZ, 60 East High Street, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 (812) 537-4500. The Dearborn County Board of Zoning Appeals will C-5-1-JP-2t hold a meeting on Monday, May 14, 2012 at 7:00 C-5-3-R-2t P.M. in the Dearborn County Administration Building, 3rd Floor Commissioner's Room, Lawrence Notice to Bidders burg, Indiana 47025 on the following: Sealed proposals for the requirements set forth beBrian Moore is requesting a Dimensional Variance low will be received at: The Lawrenceburg Public Lito locate his pond closer to the road than the Ordi- brary, 150 Mary Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana nance allows. This property, which contains 5.32 47025, until acres, is located on Zimmer Road in Section 35, of 2:00 PM (local time) on Tuesday, May 15, 2012 Kelso Township. and will be publicly opened and read immediately Dennis Lynch is requesting a Conditional Use for thereafter; and a report thereof made to the library the operation 0:: a whole sale office and the storage board at their next meeting. of fireworks on the property of Venoy Lunsford. Said work consisting of: This property, which contains 34 acres, is located North Dearborn Library Renovation, on State Road 46 in Section 7, of Jackson Town 25969 Dole Road, West Harrison, IN 47060 ship. Included in the work are two (2) prime contracts: Brenda Runck is requesting Dimensional Variances One general construction contract which includes to locate a pond on less than 5 acres and closer to interior remodeling and renovation as well as the the property line than the Ordinance allows. This construction of additional site parking and improveproperty, which contains 3 acres, is located on Old ments. One contract for furnishings and equipment. State Road 1 in Section 13, of Kelso Township. in accordance with the drawings and specifications Interested persons are requested to appear and prepared by: voice their opinion with respect thereto. SHP Leading Design Ron Barnhart Enforcement Officer 4805 Montgomery Road, Suite 400 C-5-1-JP-1t Cincinnati, OH 45212 Phone: 513.381.2112 The City of Greendale will accept sealed bids for the Fax: 513.381.5121 2012 Curb\Road Project. This project includes the installation of new curb and the paving for the fol- A pre-bid meeting will be held at 9:00 AM (local lowing streets: Rand, Diana, Miller, Haag, Locust, time) on Tuesday, May 1, 2012 at The North DearBirch, Poplar and Feller. Bids forms can be picked born Library, 25969 Dole Road, West Harrison, IN up at the City of Greendale, 510 Ridge Ave, Green- 47060 dale IN 47025 starting Tuesday April 24, 2012. Copies of the contract bidding documents may be Sealed bids are due by 5pm, May 9, 2012 at 510 obtained from: Ridge Ave, Greendale IN 47025. Please contact Key Blueprint Steve Lampert, City Manager, with any questions 411 Elliott Ave you might have. Cincinnati, OH 45215 C-4-19-R-1t Phone: 513.821.2111 C-5-1-JP-1t Fax: 513.821.6333 A deposit of $50.00 per set will be required. DocuBOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ments will be forwarded at bidder's expense. GenDEARBORN COUNTY, INDIANA eral Contractors shall be limited to 3 complete sets ORDINANCE 2012--009 of Contract Documents. Subcontractors shall be ORDINANCE TO CHANGE ZONING limited to one complete set of Contract Documents. CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE All plans and specifications must be returned to An Ordinance to change the Zoning Classification Key Blueprints within one (1) month of the Bid Date of certain real estate located in Township 7, Range in order to receive a refund. If plans and specifica1, Section 13 in Harrison Township, Dearborn tions are not returned within one (1) month, the deCounty, Indiana, consisting of approximately 23.587 posit check will be credited to the Lawrenceburg acres as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto Public Library District's account. and incorporated herein by reference. The Contract Documents may be reviewed for bidWHEREAS, the Redevelopment Commission of ding purposes without charge during business Dearborn County, Indiana owns the real estate de- hours at the following location: scribed in the attached Exhibit "A" and the Redevel- North Dearborn Library, 25969 Dole Road, West opment Commission of Dearborn County, Indiana Harrison, IN 47060 has applied to have said real estate rezoned from Dodge - Cincinnati - 7265 Kenwood Rd., Suite 200, Agricultural (A) and General Business (B-2) to Cincinnati, OH 45236 Manufacturing Class 2 (M-2) in order to allow eco- Allied Construction Industries- 1010 Yale Ave., Cinnomic opportunities for the county; and cinnati, OH 45206 WHEREAS, the Dearborn County Plan Commission McGraw-Hill Construction/Dodge - 8900 Keystone has held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning Crossing #540, Indianapolis, IN 46240 pursuant to notice as required by law; and All questions regarding interpretation of the conWHEREAS, the Dearborn County Plan Commission tract bidding documents shall be referred in writing met at a public hearing on Monday, March 26, 2012, to SHP Leading Design, attn: Todd Thackery/ 4805 and voted unanimously with eight (8) members pre- Montgomery Road, Suite 400 / Cincinnati, OH 45212 sent to forward a favorable recommendation to re- / 513- 381-2112 (P) / 513-381-5121 (F). zone this property to the Dearborn County Board of Bidders shall enclose with each bid Indiana State Commissioners; and Board of Accounts Form No. 96 (Revised 2005). WHEREAS, in considering this zoning map amend- Pursuant to Indiana Common Construction Wage ment, the Dearborn County Board of Commission- Law, I.C. 5-16-7-1 wage rates on the Project shall ers paid reasonable regard to the following: not be less than the established common wage rate. 1. The Comprehensive Plan; But also pursuant to I.C. 5-16-7-1 (k), Common Con2. The current conditions and the character of struction Wage rates do not apply if Contractor's current structures and uses in each district; Bid is less than $250,000.00. 3. The most desirable use for which the land in A bid security in the form of AlA Document A310, a each district is adapted; certified check, Indiana General Revised Form No. 4. The conservation of property values through- 86, "Contractors Combination Bid Bond and Bond out the jurisdiction; and, for Construction", or a form from an acceptable 5. Responsible development and growth. surety shall accompany each bid. The bid security WHEREAS, the Dearborn County Board of Com - shall be in the penal amount of 10% of the total bid. missioners held a public hearing and voted to ap- Combined bids shall be computed on this basis. prove the proposed rezoning of the real estate de- Bid security shall be forfeited, if bid is withdrawn afscribed in the attached Exhibit "A" from Agricul - ter closing time on date for receiving bids. tural (A) and General Business (B-2) to Manufactur- Successful bidders are required to furnish a satising Class 2 (M-2) in order to allow economic oppor- factory Performance and Labor and Material Paytunities for the county. ment Bond from an acceptable surety in an amount Exhibit "A" equal to 100% of the full contract sum. DESCRIPTION: Redevelopment Commission of The said Board reserves the right to waive infor Dearborn County, Indiana malities and to accept or reject any and all, or parts 23.587 Acres to be Rezoned of any and all bids. LOCATION: Old US 52 The base bid estimate for this work is: $725,000.00. DATE: March 14.2012 If awarded, the Contract will be awarded to the lowSituated In the Northwest quarter of Section 13, est, most responsive, responsible bidder. Town 7. Range 1 West, Harrison Township. Dear- By: Lawrenceburg Public Library Board of Trustees born County. Indiana. and being part of a 14.251 C-4-24-JP-2t acre tract and part of a 26.314 acre tract conveyed C-4-26-R-2t to the Redevelopment Commission of Dearborn NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION County, Indiana In Instrument No. 2010009581, and Cause Number being further described as follows: Begin at the a railroad spike marking the North - In the Dearborn County Circuit/Superior Court west corner of Section 13; thence, along the North In the matter of the Estate of Rhodora Hahn Earl, section line of Section 13, North 89'54'44" East, deceased. 1492.20 feet; thence, South 00°01'16" West, 30.00 Notice is hereby given that Kristine M. Lamanna feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; was on the 5th day of April, 2012 appointed per thence from the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, with sonal representative of the Estate of Rhodora Hahn the existing South right-of-way line of Old US 52 Earl, deceased. All persons who have claims against this estate, (60' R/W), the following two courses: North 89º 47' whether or not now due, must file the claim in the 43" East, 331.53 feet; thence, along a curve to the left, having a radius of office of the clerk of this court within three (3) 1939.86 feet, an arc length of 327.49 feet, a chord months from the date of the first publication of this bearing North 84° 57' 32/1 East, and an arc length of notice, or within nine (9) months after the dece 327.10 feet; dentʼs death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will thence, leaving the existing South right-of-way line be forever barred. of Old US 52, South 89º 56' 39" East, 466.64 feat to Dated at Lawrenceburg, Indiana this 5th day of the Northwest corner of a tract conveyed to William April, 2012. Phillip D. Weaver Rudicil, trustee of the William Rudicil Revocable Clerk of the Dearborn Circuit Court, Trust; thence, with the West line of the above mentioned ATTORNEY: William Rudicil Revocable Trust tract, South 00° 36' Robert M. Koeller 34/1 West, 939.96 feet to the existing North ITTENBACH JOHNSON right-of-way line of the Indiana-Ohio Railway (now KOELLER & ABRAMS, P.A. 6350 N. Shadeland Avenue, Suite 4 known as Rail America) short line; thence, leaving the above mentioned William Rudi- Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 C-4-17-JP-3t cil Revocable Trust tract, and with the North line of the above mentioned Rail America tract, the following two courses; North 88° 40' 26" West, 917.92 IN THE DEARBORN CIRCUIT COURT feet; GENERAL TERM, 2012 thence, North 89° 21' 40" West. 207.88 feet to a CAUSE NO. 15CO1-9504-DR-084 point on the East line of a tract conveyed to B & D STATE OF INDIANA Ltd.; thence, leaving the above mentioned Rail COUNTY OF DEARBORN America tract and with the East line of the above IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF mentioned B & D Ltd. tract North 00" 40' 42" East, KIMBERLY S. SPANAGEL 395.69 feet to the Southeast corner of a tract conPetitioner, veyed to Gerald L. and Tamara F. Jonas; and thence, leaving the above mentioned B & D, Ltd. ROBERT D. SPANAGEL tract and with the East line of the above mentioned Respondent. Jonas tract, North 00º 47' 58” East, 491.25 feel to NOTICE BY PUBLICATION the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. TO: Kimberly S. Spanagel, whose last known ad Containing 23.587 acres of land, more or less, and dress is 106 W. Center St., Lawrenceburg, Indiana being subject to all easements and rights-of-way of 47025, and whose whereabouts are unknown, is record. hereby notified that a Motion to Emancipate and The reference meridian Is based on NAD83 Terminate Child Support was filed on March (NSRS2007) Indiana State Plane coordinates, East 30,2012, in the Office of the Dearborn Circuit Court, Zone (1301). Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. The above description was prepared for rezoning Notice if hereby given to Kimberly S. Spanagel, purposes only and does not represent a boundary that a hearing will be held on this petition on May survey. Monuments will not be set. 11,2012 at 1 :15 p.m., in the Dearborn Circuit Court, Prior Instrument Reference: Instrument No. 215 W. High St., Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. 2010009581 The name and address of the attorney representTHEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that the application ing the Respondent is Matthew P. Zerbe, Attorney at of the Redevelopment Commission of Dearborn Law, 30 E. High St., Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. County, Indiana be approved, subject to any condi- Dated: April 24, 2012. tions and/or restrictions imposed by the Dearborn Phillip Weaver County Plan Commission. Clerk of Dearborn Circuit Court AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the land de215 W. High St. scribed in the attached Exhibit "A" is hereby re Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 zoned from Agricultural (A) and General Business C-5-1-JP-3t (B-2) to Manufacturing Class 2 (M-2) and the Zone District Maps of Dearborn County be amended accordingly.

STATE OF INDIANA a.m. Cause No. 15C01-1203-EU-022 Terms: Purchases must be made with cash and IN THE MATTER OF THE UNSUPERVISED paid for at the time of sale. There is a 10% buyer's THE JOURNAL-PRESS ADMINISTRATION OF THE ESTATE OF premium and purchases are subject to Indiana LESLIE D. MARTIN, Deceased sales tax. All goods are sold "as is" and must be reNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Notice is hereby given that on the 29th day of moved within 48 hours of the sale. Sale is subject to March, 2012, BARBARA ANN MARTIN was ap - cancellation or adjournment. A Better Highway 50 pointed Personal Representative and MARY BESS Self Storage location and the units to be sold by JaBURNETT was appointed Resident Agent of the es- son Strange Auctioneer #AUI0800081 are as fol tate of LESLIE D. MARTIN, deceased, who died on lows: A Better Highway 50 Self Storage, December 1, 2011. 11070 US Hwy 50, Dillsboro IN 47018 All persons having claims against this estate, 10:00 a.m. whether or not now due, must file the claim in the office of the Clerk of this Court within three (3) Unit# Name: months from the date of the first publication of this 346 Chris Campbell notice, or within nine (9) months after the dece - 344 Amy Heffelfinger dent's death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will 75 Crystal Hudson 122 Michael Karnuth be forever barred. Dated at Lawrenceburg, Indiana, this 29th dayof 325 Tina Mattox 223 Henry Rogers March,2012. 109 Bobby Shinkle Phillip D. Weaver C-5-1-JP-1t Clerk, Dearborn Circuit Court C-5-3-R-1t C-4-17-JP-3t

owner's lien will be held on May 12,2012 at 10:00 a.m. Terms: Purchases must be made with cash and paid for at the time of sale. There is a 10% buyer's premium and purchases are subject to Indiana sales tax. All goods are sold "as is" and must be removed within 48 hours of the sale. Sale is subject to cancellation or adjournment. A Better Highway 50 Self Storage location and the units to be sold by Ja-

TUESDAY, MAY 1, 2012 IN THE DEARBORN CIRCUIT COURT GENERAL TERM, 2012 CAUSE NO. 15CO1-1204-MI-20 STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF DEARBORN ss: IN RE: THE NAME CHANGE FROM TERESA DIANE TAYLOR TO VITTORIA TAYLOR PETITION FOR NAME CHANGE COMES NOW Petitioner, TERESA DIANE TAYLOR, by counsel, GARY SORGE, and states the following: 1. That Petitioner's name is TERESA DIANE TAY LOR, DOB: 04-16-66. 2. That for religious purposes, petitioner wishes to change her name to VITTORIA TAYLOR. 3. I hereby verify that Sections 1.5, Sec. 2b, Sec. 2c, Sec. 3(1), Sec. 3b, c, d, e, f, g and h; Sec 4b, c, d in IC34-28-1-2 do not apply to me. Petitioner hereby prays for her name to be changed to VITTORIA TAYLOR, and for all other relief proper in the premises. Dated:4-6-12 ss/TERESA DIANE TAYLOR, PETITIONER C-4-24-JP-3t NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ESTATE NO. 15C01-1203-EU-23 In the Circuit Court of Dearborn County, Indiana. Notice is hereby given that Tamatha Winkle was on the 29th day of March, 2012, appointed Personal Representative under the Last Will and Testament and for the Estate of Terry Thompson, deceased. All persons having claims against said Estate, whether or not now due, must file the same in said court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Dated at Lawrenceburg, Indiana, this 29th day of March ,2012. PHILLIP D. WEAVER Clerk of the Dearborn Circuit Court, Dearborn, County, IN Douglas R. Denmure, Attorney 402 Second St., P.O. Box 36 Aurora, IN 47001 812-926-1227 C-4-17-JP-3t NOTICE ON FINAL ACCOUNT, ETC., TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF RUSSELL O. THORNTON, DECEASED In the Circuit Court of Dearborn County, Indiana In the Matter of the Estate of Russell O. Thornton, Deceased. Estate Docket 15C01-1002-ES-005 Notice is hereby given pursuant to IC § 29-1-16-6 that Wilbur Gardner, as personal representative of the above-named estate, have filed a report of final accounting together with petition to make distribution of remaining assets to the parties believed entitled thereto. The same will come up for action by the Circuit Court of Dearborn County, Indiana, on the 4th day of May, 2012, at 9:00 a.m. Any objections to the Final Accounting must be filed in writing stating why such Final Accounting should not be approved and must be filed with the Court on or before the date of the hearing. Jeffrey E. Stratman Attorney for the Estate P.O. Box 178 Aurora, IN 47001 (812) 926-6190 C-4-24-JP-2t



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