TUESDAY, MAY 1, 2012 NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR LAWRENCEBURG EVENT CENTER & HOTEL BP #1 - SITE UTILITIES, MASS EXCAVATION, DEEP FOUNDATIONS NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Clerk Treasurer of the City of Lawrenceburg, Indiana, until 2:00 PM, local time, on May 15, 2012. The Clerk Treasurer is located at 212 Walnut Street. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. Sealed Bids will be publicly opened at the City of Lawrenceburg Administration Bldg - Council Chambers and read aloud for: LAWRENCEBURG EVENT CENTER, BP# I - SITE UTILITIES, MASS EXCAVATION, DEEP FOUNDATIONS to provide all labor, materials, apparatus, expendable tools and equipment, and all other services required for the package. This Bid Package contains multiple bid categories. Those categories are as follows: BC-O1 Site Utilities BC-02 Mass Excavation BC-03 Deep Foundations All contractors are required to be pre-qualified by the City of Lawrenceburg. Failure to become pre-qualified will result in an unresponsive bid that will not be opened at bid time. Each contractor will be responsible for their scope of work as indicated in the specifications, as well as coordinating with the efforts of others. The contractors are responsible to make them selves familiar with all existing conditions and it is strongly suggested that they attend the Pre-Bid Meeting to be held at 2:00PM on May 7, 2012 at the Lawrenceburg Council Chambers. A mandatory Pre-Application meeting to become pre-qualified will be held immediately following the Pre-Bid meeting. The Contract Documents maybe reviewed at the following offices: 1. Lawrenceburg Administration Bldg. 230 Walnut Street Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 2. Messer Construction Co. 5158 Fishwick Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45216-2216 Messer Construction Co. 6964 Hillsdale Ct. Indianapolis, IN 46250 3. F.W. Dodge Corporation 7265 Kenwood Road Cincinnati, OR 45236 4. Allied Construction Industries 3 Kovach Drive Cincinnati, OH 45215 Phone: (513) 221-8020 Fax: (513) 221-8023 Documents may be purchased at the following office: ARC (formally Queen City Reprographics) 2863 East Sharon Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45241 513-326-2300 800-966-2260 Documents will also be available on ISqFt. Access to ISqFt will be made available upon request if you are not currently a subscriber. GENERAL BID REQUIREMENTS To be responsive, all bids must include all equipment, apparatus, materials and work necessary to be in strict conformance with the Contract Docu ments REJECTION OF BIDS The City of Lawrenceburg, Indiana expressly re serves the right to reject any or all bids, to judge the character and sufficiency of the work offered by the bidders, and to judge the ability of any bidder to perform the work in a proper manner. EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF BIDS No bidder may withdraw a bid for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of opening thereof. BONDING REQUIREMENTS A bid bond executed by the bidder and a surety company in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the aggregate amount of the bid shall be submitted with each bid. In lieu of such bond, a certified check in the amount equal to that required in such bond, payable to the Lawrenceburg Clerk Treasurer may be submitted. The successful bidder will be required to furnish an acceptable Performance Bond in the amount of one-hundred percent (100%) of the contract price. Jackie Stutz Clerk-Treasurer C-5-1-JP-2t C-5-3-R-2t NOTICE Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Dearborn County, Indiana, that the County Council of Dearborn County will meet on May 22, 2012 at 6:30 pm in the Dearborn County Administration Bldg., 215-B West High Street, 3rd Floor - Commissioners Room, Lawrenceburg, IN to consider the following Additional Appropriations in excess of the budget for the current year: COUNTY GENERAL/RIVERBOAT SHERIFF AMOUNT REQUESTED Gasoline $175,000.00 JAIL Inmate Meals $100,000.00 SPECIAL OLYMPICS INDIANA 2012 Summer Games in June $1,500.00 RIVERBOAT HIGHWAY Equipment $420,000.00 Resurface - (Weisburg, Lake Tambo, Benning) $1,300,000.00 Slip Repair - (West Laughery, Hogan Hill, N. Dearborn Road) $775,000.00 Lower Dillsboro Bridge Replacement - $300,000.00 Line Striping $100,000.00 VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE Soldier Burial Fund $30,000.00 Veterans Local Services Fund $5,000.00 PROSECUTOR Professional Witness Fees $15,000.00 COMMISSIONERS Hoosier Square Building $65,000.00 Taxpayers appearing at such meeting shall have a right to be heard thereon. The Additional Appropriation as finally made will be referred to the State Board of Tax Commissioners, which Board, will make written determination within 15 days of re ceipt of Certified Copy of action taken. Gayle L. Pennington Dearborn County Auditor C-5-8-JP-1t C-5-10-R-1t NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Cause No. 15CO1- 1204-ES-14 In the Dearborn Circuit Court of Dearborn County, Indiana. Notice is hereby given that David T. Crouch was on the 19 day of April, 2012, appointed Executor of the Estate of Mary Alice Jean Crouch, deceased. All persons having claims against said Estate, whether or not now due, must file the same in said court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Dated at Lawrenceburg, Indiana this 19 day of April, 2012 . Phillip D. Weaver, Clerk Dearborn Circuit Court Douglas A. Garner, #17335-15 Zerbe Garner Miller & Blondell LLC 15 W. Center Street, Suite 100 Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 P-5-8-JP-3t NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ESTATE NO. 15CO1-1204-EU--029 In the Circuit Court of Dearborn County, Indiana. Notice is hereby given that Joyce M. Giffin was on the 19 day of April,2012, appointed Personal Representative under the Last Will and Testament and for the Estate of Inez Ebel, deceased. All persons having claims against said Estate, whether or not now due, must file the same in said court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Dated at Lawrenceburg, Indiana, this 19th day of April,2012. Phillip D. Weaver, Clerk of the Dearborn
All persons having claims against said Estate, whether or not now due, must file the same in said court within three (3) months from the date the THEofJOURNAL-PRESS first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated at Lawrenceburg, Indiana, this 19th day of DEARBORN COUNTY, INDIANA April,2012. ORDINANCE 2012--009 Phillip D. Weaver, Clerk of the Dearborn ORDINANCE TO CHANGE ZONING Circuit Court, Dearborn County, IN CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE Douglas R. Denmure, Attorney An Ordinance to change the Zoning Classification 402 Second St., P.O. Box 36 of certain real estate located in Township 7, Range Aurora. IN 47001 1, Section 13 in Harrison Township, Dearborn 812-926-1227 County, Indiana, consisting of approximately 23.587 C-4-24-JP-3t acres as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. LEGAL NOTICE WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Commission of DUKE ENERGY INDIANA, INC. Public notice is hereby given that on April 30, 2012, Dearborn County, Indiana owns the real estate described in the attached Exhibit "A" and the RedevelDuke Energy Indiana, Inc. filed an Application with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission for ap- opment Commission of Dearborn County, Indiana proval of a change in its Midwest Independent Sys- has applied to have said real estate rezoned from Agricultural (A) and General Business (B-2) to tem Operator Management Cost and Revenue Adjustment Factor under its Standard Contract Rider Manufacturing Class 2 (M-2) in order to allow ecoNo. 68 for approval of an alternative regulatory plan, nomic opportunities for the county; and WHEREAS, the Dearborn County Plan Commission to the extent required, to permit the exclusion of certain revenues related to Duke Energy Indianaʼs has held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning transmission projects from the earnings test in fuel pursuant to notice as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Dearborn County Plan Commission adjustment proceedings. met at a public hearing on Monday, March 26, 2012, DUKE ENERGY INDIANA, INC. and voted unanimously with eight (8) members preBy: DOUGLAS F ESAMANN, President C-5-8-JP-1t sent to forward a favorable recommendation to reC-5-10-R-1t zone this property to the Dearborn County Board of Commissioners; and C-5-10-RSR-1t WHEREAS, in considering this zoning map amendment, the Dearborn County Board of Commissioners paid reasonable regard to the following: Notice to Bidders 1. The Comprehensive Plan; The Board of School Trustees of the Sunman-Dear2. The current conditions and the character of born Community Schools Corporation will receive current structures and uses in each district; sealed bids at the Superintendentʼs Office at 1 Tro3. The most desirable use for which the land in jan Lane Suite B, St. Leon, Indiana 47012 until 10:00 each district is adapted; a.m. EST Tuesday, May 22, 2012 regarding the sale 4. The conservation of property values throughof the property at 26022 Lawrenceville Road, Sunout the jurisdiction; and, man, Indiana 47041. 5. Responsible development and growth. Information on property is available through contacting the Superintendentʼs Office at above men- WHEREAS, the Dearborn County Board of Com tioned address or by phone at 812-623-2291. The missioners held a public hearing and voted to apBoard of School Trustees reserves the right to re- prove the proposed rezoning of the real estate deject any and all bids. All bids received after 10:00 scribed in the attached Exhibit "A" from Agricul tural (A) and General Business (B-2) to Manufactura.m. EST, May 22, 2012 will be returned unopened. C-5-8-JP-2t ing Class 2 (M-2) in order to allow economic opporC-5-10-R-2t tunities for the county. Exhibit "A" DESCRIPTION: Redevelopment Commission of ORDINANCE 2012--010 Dearborn County, Indiana HOME RULE ORDINANCE PERTAINING 23.587 Acres to be Rezoned TO 2010 INVOICE #505680 LOCATION: Old US 52 A "Home Rule" Ordinance pertaining to 2010 In - DATE: March 14.2012 voice #505680; Situated In the Northwest quarter of Section 13, WHEREAS, Dearborn County Prosecuting Attorney, Town 7. Range 1 West, Harrison Township. DearF. Aaron Negangard, presented a claim on Decem- born County. Indiana. and being part of a 14.251 ber 14, 2010 to Dearborn County Council for pay- acre tract and part of a 26.314 acre tract conveyed ment of legal fees in the amount of $23,828.53 to to the Redevelopment Commission of Dearborn Bose McKinney & Evans for legal representation in County, Indiana In Instrument No. 2010009581, and connection with "Matter 022105-0001 2009 Discipli- being further described as follows: nary Grievance"; Begin at the a railroad spike marking the North WHEREAS, Dearborn County Council approved the west corner of Section 13; thence, along the North payment of the claim and said claim was, in turn, section line of Section 13, North 89'54'44" East, approved by the Dearborn County Board of Com- 1492.20 feet; thence, South 00°01'16" West, 30.00 missioners; feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; WHEREAS, Indiana Code §36-1-3-5(a) states that thence from the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, with "Except as provided in subsection (b), a unit may the existing South right-of-way line of Old US 52 exercise any power it has to the extent that the (60' R/W), the following two courses: North 89º 47' power: (1) is not expressly denied by the Indiana 43" East, 331.53 feet; Constitution or by statute ... "; thence, along a curve to the left, having a radius of WHEREAS, Indiana Code §36-1-3-6(b)(1) states that 1939.86 feet, an arc length of 327.49 feet, a chord "If there is no constitutional or statutory provision bearing North 84° 57' 32/1 East, and an arc length of requiring a specific manner for exercising a power, 327.10 feet; a unit wanting to exercise the power must, if the thence, leaving the existing South right-of-way line unit is a county or municipality, adopt an ordinance of Old US 52, South 89º 56' 39" East, 466.64 feat to prescribing a specific manner for exercising the the Northwest corner of a tract conveyed to William power"; Rudicil, trustee of the William Rudicil Revocable WHEREAS, Indiana Code §36-1-3-6(c)(3) states that Trust; "An ordinance under subsection (b)(1) must be thence, with the West line of the above mentioned adopted as follows: In any other county, by the ex- William Rudicil Revocable Trust tract, South 00° 36' ecutive of the county"; 34/1 West, 939.96 feet to the existing North WHEREAS, payment of the claim is not expressly right-of-way line of the Indiana-Ohio Railway (now denied by the Indiana Constitution or by statute; known as Rail America) short line; WHEREAS, there is no constitutional or statutory thence, leaving the above mentioned William Rudiprovision requiring a specific manner for payment cil Revocable Trust tract, and with the North line of of the claim; and the above mentioned Rail America tract, the followWHEREAS, pursuant to the Indiana Code, payment ing two courses; North 88° 40' 26" West, 917.92 of the claim was at the discretion of the Dearborn feet; County Council, however, the Dearborn County thence, North 89° 21' 40" West. 207.88 feet to a Board of Commissioners must pass an ordinance point on the East line of a tract conveyed to B & D pursuant to the exercise of this discretionary deci- Ltd.; thence, leaving the above mentioned Rail sion of Dearborn County Council. America tract and with the East line of the above NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AS FOL - mentioned B & D Ltd. tract North 00" 40' 42" East, LOWS: 395.69 feet to the Southeast corner of a tract conPayment of 2010 Invoice #505680 is hereby author- veyed to Gerald L. and Tamara F. Jonas; ized pursuant to the Indiana "Home Rule" statutes, thence, leaving the above mentioned B & D, Ltd. specifically, Indiana Code §36-1-3-6(b)(1) and tract and with the East line of the above mentioned §36-1-3-6(c)(3). Payment of this claim is not ex - Jonas tract, North 00º 47' 58” East, 491.25 feel to pressly denied by the Indiana Constitution or by the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. statute and the power to pay this claim, therefore, Containing 23.587 acres of land, more or less, and was duly exercised at the discretion of Dearborn being subject to all easements and rights-of-way of County Council pursuant to Indiana Code record. §36-1-3-5(a). The reference meridian Is based on NAD83 ALL OF WHICH IS ORDAINED by the Board of Com- (NSRS2007) Indiana State Plane coordinates, East missioners of Dearborn County, Indiana this the 1st Zone (1301). day of May, 2012. The above description was prepared for rezoning BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS purposes only and does not represent a boundary DEARBORN COUNTY, INDIANA survey. Monuments will not be set. JEFF HUGHES, President Prior Instrument Reference: Instrument No. TOM ORSCHELL, Member 2010009581 SHANE MCHENRY, Member THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that the application ATTEST: of the Redevelopment Commission of Dearborn GAYLE PENNINGTON County, Indiana be approved, subject to any condiCounty Auditor tions and/or restrictions imposed by the Dearborn C-5-8-JP-2t County Plan Commission. C-5-10-R-2t AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the land described in the attached Exhibit "A" is hereby re zoned from Agricultural (A) and General Business (B-2) to Manufacturing Class 2 (M-2) and the Zone IN THE DEARBORN CIRCUIT COURT District Maps of Dearborn County be amended acGENERAL TERM, 2012 cordingly. CAUSE NO. 15CO1-9504-DR-084 ALL OF WHICH IS ORDAINED by the Board of STATE OF INDIANA Commissioners of Dearborn County, Indiana this COUNTY OF DEARBORN the 17th day of April, 2012. IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS KIMBERLY S. SPANAGEL DEARBORN COUNTY, INDIANA Petitioner, JEFF HUGHES, President and TOM ORSCHELL, Member ROBERT D. SPANAGEL SHANE MCHENRY, Member Respondent. ATTEST: NOTICE BY PUBLICATION GAYLE PENNINGTON TO: Kimberly S. Spanagel, whose last known ad - County AUditor dress is 106 W. Center St., Lawrenceburg, Indiana I affirm, under penalties for perjury, that I have 47025, and whose whereabouts are unknown, is taken reasonable care to redact each Social Secuhereby notified that a Motion to Emancipate and rity number in this document, unless required by Terminate Child Support was filed on March law. 30,2012, in the Office of the Dearborn Circuit Court, Andrew D. Baudendistel Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. This instrument prepared by: Andrew D. BaudendisNotice if hereby given to Kimberly S. Spanagel, tel, Attorney at Law, VOTAW & SCHWARZ, 60 East that a hearing will be held on this petition on May High Street, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 (812) 537-4500. 11,2012 at 1 :15 p.m., in the Dearborn Circuit Court, C-5-1-JP-2t 215 W. High St., Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. C-5-3-R-2t The name and address of the attorney representing the Respondent is Matthew P. Zerbe, Attorney at Law, 30 E. High St., Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. Dated: April 24, 2012. Phillip Weaver Clerk of Dearborn Circuit Court 215 W. High St. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 C-5-1-JP-3t IN THE DEARBORN CIRCUIT COURT GENERAL TERM, 2012 CAUSE NO. 15CO1-1204-MI-20 STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF DEARBORN ss: IN RE: THE NAME CHANGE FROM TERESA DIANE TAYLOR TO VITTORIA TAYLOR PETITION FOR NAME CHANGE COMES NOW Petitioner, TERESA DIANE TAYLOR, by counsel, GARY SORGE, and states the following: 1. That Petitioner's name is TERESA DIANE TAY LOR, DOB: 04-16-66. 2. That for religious purposes, petitioner wishes to change her name to VITTORIA TAYLOR. 3. I hereby verify that Sections 1.5, Sec. 2b, Sec. 2c, Sec. 3(1), Sec. 3b, c, d, e, f, g and h; Sec 4b, c, d in IC34-28-1-2 do not apply to me. Petitioner hereby prays for her name to be changed to VITTORIA TAYLOR, and for all other relief proper in the premises. Dated:4-6-12 ss/TERESA DIANE TAYLOR, PETITIONER C-4-24-JP-3t