TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 2012 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS OWNER: City Of Rising Sun, Indiana Municipal Utilities 200 North Walnut Street Rising Sun, Indiana 47040 Separate sealed bids for Waterworks Improve ments - Recoat One (1) 300,000 Gallon Multi-Col umn Elevated Water Storage Tank will be received by the City of Rising Sun, Indiana at City Hall Conference Room located at 200 North Walnut Street, Rising Sun, Indiana until 3:00 PM, local time, on April 23, 2012, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. Base bid will be for painting the interior and exterior of one (1) elevated multi-column water storage tank 300,000 gallons in capacity. The Contract Documents may be examined at the following locations: R.E. Curry & Associates, Inc., 110 Commerce Dr., Danville, IN 46122 City Of Rising Sun, Municipal Utilities, City Hall, 200 North Walnut Street, Rising Sun, IN 47040 Copies of the Contract Documents may be ob tained by Bidders at the office of the Engineer, Robert E. Curry & Associates, Inc., upon authorization by Superintendent of City of Rising Sun, Indiana Municipal Utilities. No Bidder may withdraw his bid within 60 days after the actual date of opening thereof. Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities, and to accept or reject all bids. All tank painting must commence on or before May 15, 2012 and all tank painting must be com pleted prior to September 15, 2012. March 29, 2012 Shawn Guidice, Superintendent of Rising Sun Municipal Utilities C-4-3-JP-2t C-4-5-RSR-2t IN THE DEARBORN CIRCUIT COURT GENERAL TERM 2012 CAUSE NO. 15C01-1204-ES-10 STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF DEARBORN SS: IN THE MATTER OF THE SUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION OF THE ESTATE OF ARTHUR L. DUDGEON, Deceased NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Notice is hereby given that on the 3 day of April, 2012, Illa Goodin, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Arthur L. Dudgeon, deceased, who died on the 18th day of March, 2012. All persons having claims against this estate, whether or not now due, must file the claim in the office of the Clerk of this Court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or within nine (9) months after the dece dent's death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Lawrenceburg, Indiana, this 3 day of April,2012. Phillip D. Weaver Clerk of the Dearborn Circuit Court P-4-10-JP-3t Linkmeyer Development, LLC (3484 Tower Road, Lawrenceburg, IN. 47025) is submitting a Notice of Intent to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of our intent to comply with the re quirements of 327 lAC 15-5 to discharge storm water from construction activities associated with a borrow area north of the Wal-Mart store at the end of Sycamore Estates Drive, Aurora, IN. 47001. Runoff from the project site will discharge to Wilson Creek. Questions or comments regarding this project should be directed to Steve Linkmeyer at (812) 537-4606. P-4-10-JP-1t NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Cause No. 15CO1-1203-ES-008 In the Circuit Court of Dearborn County, Indiana. Notice is hereby given that Michelle Gibbs and Frank G. Kramer were on the 2nd day of April, 2012, appointed: Co-executors of the Will of Matthew C. Tanner, deceased. All persons having claims against said Estate, whether or not now due, must file the same in said Court within three months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Dated at Lawrenceburg ,Indiana this 2nd day of April, 2012. Phillip D. Weaver Clerk of the Circuit Court for Dearborn County, Indiana FRANK G. KRAMER, #5330-15 EWBANK & KRAMER 114 West High Street Lawrenceburg, IN 47025-1908 (812) 537-2522 C-4-10-JP-3t ORDINANCE NO. 2012-008 DEARBORN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COUNTY OF DEARBORN, INDIANA PERSONNEL POLICIES HANDBOOK WHEREAS the County of Dearborn, Indiana is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and WHEREAS it is the intent of Dearborn County, Indiana to comply with applicable Federal and State of Indiana employment laws and regulations, WHEREAS the County of Dearborn, Indiana pro vides Dearborn County employees with information about established terms and conditions of employment and employee benefits, and WHEREAS it is necessary to amend the County Personnel Policy from time-to-time. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED AND ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNTY OF DEARBORN, INDIANA BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS THAT: The County of Dearborn, Indiana Personnel Policies Handbook adopted on Nov. 4, 2010 is amended this 3rd day of April ,2012 as specified below. The attached section and replacement page are hereby adopted and shall be in full force and effect on and after adoption; and shall supersede existing oral or written personnel policies and procedures. 1.9 E-VERIFY Human Resources shall administer the e-verify enrollment of all County new-hires; and shall ensure that appropriate forms are properly completed and retained as required by law. 1.10 ELIGIBILITY FOR LOCAL PUBLIC BENEFITS All County employees shall complete a Verification of Eligibility for Local Public Benefits Form to ensure entitlement to a Federal public benefit as defined by IC 12-32-1-2 and State or Local public benefits as defined by IC 12-32-1-3. This form shall be administered and retained by Human Resources as required by law. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DEARBORN COUNTY, INDIANA Jeff Hughes Shane McHenry Tom Orschell ATTEST: Gayle Pennington, Auditor C-4-10-JP-2t C-4-12-R-2t NOTICE OF OFFER TO CONVEY REAL PROPERTY BY THE LAWRENCEBURG REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION The Lawrenceburg Redevelopment Commission (""Commission"") will open and consider written offers for the purchase of the real property described below at 5:00 p.m. (Local Time) on the 23rd day of April, 2012, in the City Council Chambers, 230 Walnut Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. At that time the Commission will open and consider any offers received. These offers may consist of consideration in the form of cash, other property, or a combination of cash and other property as long as the offer meets the conditions set forth below. With respect to property other than cash, the offer must be accompanied by evidence of the property's fair market value that is satisfactory to the Commission in its sole discretion. Said bids shall be submitted to the Clerk-Treasurer by 12:00 noon on April 20, 2012. The Commission is offering for purchase the Real Estate located at 20 and 42 E. High Street, Law renceburg, Indiana 47025. The Real Estate is more particularly described as follows: City of Lawrenceburg: Being part of Lot 158 of the original plat of the City of Lawrenceburg (Plat Book 3, Page 3), Dearborn County, Indiana, described as follows (bearings are based on the City of Law renceburg Mapping which is in the Indiana State
particularly described as follows: and economic welfare. City of Lawrenceburg: Being part of Lot 158 of the After the opening and consideration of the written original plat of the City of Lawrenceburg (Plat offers filed in response to the notice, the CommisTHE Book JOURNAL-PRESS 3, Page 3), Dearborn County, Indiana, described as sion may dispose of the remainder, if any, of the follows (bearings are based on the City of Law - available real property whether at public sale or by renceburg Mapping which is in the Indiana State private negotiation carried on by the Commission, Plan Coordinate System, East Zone, MAO 83): Be- its regular employees, or real estate experts em ginning on the Northerly corner of Lot 158 of the ployed for that purpose. For a period of 30 days aforiginal plat of the City of Lawrenceburg (Plat Book ter the opening of the written offers, no sale may be 3, Page 3); thence S 45°14'40 E, 115.50 feet along made at a price less than that shown on the offering the Easterly right-of-way of an alley; thence S 44 sheet. After that, the Commission may adjust the of°45'19" W along the North line of proposed relo - fering price in a manner the Commission considers cated New Street, 59.95 feet; thence N 45°14'40" W necessary to further the Plan. along the East line of United Community Bank (O.R. For further information regarding this offering 77, Page 2892),115.50 feet; thence N 44°45'18" E contact Joseph Votaw, City Attorney, 60 E. High along the Easterly right-of-way of High Street, 59.95 Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025 (telephone feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.159 acre. number (812) 537-4500). SUBJECT TO AN ACCESS EASEMENT FOR IN Date: March 28, 2012 GRESS AND EGRESS RETAINED BY THE CITY OF Lawrenceburg Redevelopment Commission LAWRENCEBURG DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPC-4-3-JP-2t MENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CITY OF LAW RENCEBURG AND UNITED COMMUNITY BANK, ITS SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS, WHICH EASEMENTS IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Being part of Lot 158 of the original plat of the City of Lawrenceburg, (Plat Book 3, Page 3), Dearborn County, Indiana and being an access easement for ingress described as follows (bearings in this description are based on said original plat of the City of Lawrenceburg): Commencing at the most Northerly corner of Lot 158 of the original plat of the City of Lawrenceburg (Plat Book 3, Page 3); thence S 45°14'40" E along the Northerly right-of-way of an alley, 73.50 feet to the point of beginning; thence S 44°45'19" E, 42.00 feet; thence N 44°45'17" W along the North line of the United Community Bank property (O.R. 77, Page 2890-2892), 59.95 feet; thence N 45°14'40" E along the East line of United Community Bank (O.R. 77, Page 2892),42.00 feet; thence S 44°45'19" W, 59.95 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.058 acre. ALSO CONVEYED HEREWITH: An easement for front stoop on High Street, which ease ment is described as follows: Being part of High Street right-of-way located in the City of Lawrenceburg, Dearborn County, Indiana, and being an easement described as follows: Commencing at the Northerly corner of Lot 158 as shown on original plat of the City of Lawrenceburg (Plat Book 3, Page 3); thence N 45°14'42" W 0.88 feet to the face of a building and the point of beginning of an easement; thence S 45°19'15" W along the face of said building 17.00 feet; thence N 45°14'42" W, 6.00 feet; thence N 45°19'15" E, 17.00 feet; thence S 45°14'42" E, 6.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.002 acre (102.0 square feet) more or less. This easement is over and across part of High Street and was granted by the City of Lawrenceburg. PRIOR DEED REFERENCE: OR BOOK 123, Page 225-226. THIS CONVEYANCE AND ALL SUBSEQUENT CONVEYANCES, ARE SUBJECT TO THER TERMS AND CONDITIONS RELATING TO THE ABOVE REAL ESTATE ESTABLISHED IN PARAGRAPH 8 OF THE THIRD AMENDED CONSENT DECREE DATED AUGUST 20,2002, IN CAUSE NO. 15C01-9902-CP-020 IN THE DEARBORN CIRCUIT COURT ENTITLED HISTORIC LANDMARKS FOUNDATION OF INDIANA, INC. ET AL VS. MELVIN GABBARD, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF LAWRENCEBURG, WHICH REQUIRES THE RETENTION, IN PLACE, IN THEIR ENTIRETIES OF THE HIGH STREE FACADES OF THE BUILDINGS LOCATED ON THE ABOVE REAL ESTATE. Terms and Conditions: The Real Estate is being offered subject to the following terms and condi tions: Offering price: Not less than $289,000.00, in accordance with two (2) independent appraisals of the subject Real Estate. Use: The real estate is subject to existing leases and must be used only in accordance with the applicable zoning code and Indiana statutes. All offers received shall be opened at a public meeting of the Commission and shall be kept open for public inspection. Each offer must state that a bid submitted by a trust and settlor empowered to revoke or modify the trust. The Commission may reject any bids and may make awards to the highest and best bidder. In determining the best bid, the Commission shall take into consideration the following factors: 1. The size and character of improvements proposed to be made by the bidder on the offered property. 2. The bidder's plans and ability to improve the real property with reasonable promptness. 3. Whether the real property when improved will be sold or rented. 4. The bidder's proposed sale or rental price, if any. 5. Any factors that will assure the Commission that the sale, if made, will further the execution of the Plan for the area and best serve the interest of the community for the standpoint of both human and economic welfare. After the opening and consideration of the written offers filed in response to the notice, the Commission may dispose of the remainder, if any, of the available real property whether at public sale or by private negotiation carried on by the Commission, its regular employees, or real estate experts em ployed for that purpose. For a period of 30 days after the opening of the written offers, no sale may be made at a price less than that shown on the offering sheet. After that, the Commission may adjust the offering price in a manner the Commission considers necessary to further the Plan. For further information regarding this offering contact Joseph Votaw, City Attorney, 60 E. High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025 (telephone number (812) 537-4500). Date: March 29, 2012 Lawrenceburg Redevelopment Commission C-4-3-JP-2t NOTICE OF OFFER TO CONVEY REAL PROPERTY BY THE LAWRENCEBURG REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION The Lawrenceburg Redevelopment Commission ("Commission") will open and consider written offers for the purchase of the real property described below at 5:00 p.m. (Local Time) on the 23rd day of April, 2012, in the City Council Chambers, 230 Walnut Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. At that time the Commission will open and consider any offers received. These offers may consist of consideration in the form of cash, other property, or a combination of cash and other property as long as the offer meets the conditions set forth below. With respect to property other than cash, the offer must be accompanied by evidence of the property's fair market value that is satisfactory to the Commission in its sole discretion. Said bids shall be submitted to the Clerk-Treasurer by 12:00 noon on April 20, 2012. The Commission is offering for purchase the Real Estate located at the 521 Martin Luther King Drive, in Lawrenceburg, Indiana. The Real Estate is more particularly described as follows: CITY OF LAWRENCEBURG: Lots No. 409 and 410 in Eichelberger & Lewis' Addition to the Town, now City, of Lawrenceburg, Indiana. The Real Estate for purchase is being offered subject to the following terms and conditions: Offering price: Not less than $28,000.00, in accordance with two (2) independent appraisals of the subject Real Estate. Use: The real estate must be used for residential construction and only in accordance with the applicable zoning code and Indiana statutes. All offers received shall be opened at a public meeting of the Commission and shall be kept open for public inspection. Each offer must state that a bid submitted by a trust and settlor empowered to revoke or modify the trust. The Commission may reject any bids and may make awards to the highest and best bidder. In determining the best bid, the Commission shall take into consideration the following factors: 1. The size and character of improvements proposed to be made by the bidder on the offered property. 2. The bidder's plans and ability to improve the real property with reasonable promptness. 3. Whether the real property when improved will be sold or rented. 4. The bidder's proposed sale or rental price, if any. 5. Any factors that will assure the Commission that the sale, if made, will further the execution of the Plan for the area and best serve the interest of the community for the standpoint of both human and economic welfare. After the opening and consideration of the written offers filed in response to the notice, the Commission may dispose of the remainder, if any, of the available real property whether at public sale or by private negotiation carried on by the Commission,