Dearborn County Commissioner minutes November 20 2012

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DEARBORN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING November 20, 2012 9:00 a.m., Commissioners Room County Administration Building 215 West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana Present: Jeff Hughes, Shane McHenry, Tom Orschell, Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Andrew Baudendistel, County Attorney , Teresa Randall, County Administrator. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: County Sheriff: Mike Kreinhop opened the Food Bids for 2013. Ellen Bee, Gordon Food Services, and U.S Food Services. He recommends accepting all three bids. Tom Orschell made a motion to accept all three food bid w/ sheriff to shop for best price. Motion was seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unanimously. County Highway: Tim Greive – Tim spoke about the Highway worker, Aaron Watson that was injured at home in a hunting accident over the weekend. He fell 30 feet out of a tree stand. Commissioners would like to send a card. Todd Listerman – N. Dearborn Rd. will finish up and be open by Dec. 1. Todd also presented Change order #4 in the amount of $4,741.00 and Change Order #5 in the amount of $196,971.95 for signatures. Motion moved by Tom Orschell to approve and and sign Change Order #4 in the amount of $4741.00. Motion seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unanimously. Motion moved by Tom Orschell to approve and and sign Change Order #5 in the amount of $196,971.95. Motion seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unanimously. County Administrator – Todd Listerman presented for Terri Randall. Shumway/Votaw building project – permission to go to Council for additional funds in the amount of $135,000.00 to finish the project. A motion to approve the County Administrator to go to Council for an additional $135,000.00 to complete demolition and paving the parking lot moved by Shane McHenry. Motion was seconded by Tom Orschell. Motion passed unanimously. Auditor – Gayle presented the claims and minutes for signatures.

Commissioner’s Dockets were presented. Shane McHenry made a motion to approve and sign the Commissioner’s Dockets. Tom Orschell seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Accounts Payable Claims were presented. Tom Orschell made a motion to approve and sign the Accounts Payable Claims. Shane McHenry seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Payroll was presented. Tom Orschell made a motion to approve and sign the Payroll. Shane McHenry seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Gayle presented two items for the County Administrator: She asked the Commissioner’s to ratify Jeff Hughes signature for additional soil borings as a part of the jail expansion project. Alt and Witzig Engineering from Carmel, In. Shane McHenry made a motion to ratify Commissioner Hughes signature on the Alt and Witzig Engineering document. Tom Orschell seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Gayle asked the Commissioner’s to ratify Jeff Hughes signature for American Structure point for work done so far. Shane McHenry made a motion to ratify Commissioner Hughes signature on the American Structure point document. Tom Orschell seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Commissioner’s Comments: Jeff Hughes – None Shane McHenry – None Tom Orschell – None Late Arrival - None Public Comment - None

With no further business before the Board, Shane McHenry made a motion to adjourn at 9:34 a.m. The motion was seconded by Tom Orschell and passed unanimously. Attest:

__________________________ Gayle Pennington, Auditor

____________________________ Jeff Hughes, President

____________________________ Shane McHenry

____________________________ Tom Orschell

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